HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-02-12, Page 1into
No. 7 = 70th Year, Whole No. 6292
The Home Paper. With the News
Over $10,000 Required to Complete Hospital Building
Government Boundaries of Huron Riding G. R. FOSTER AGAIN
HEADS CHAMBER Small Surplus Shown
Record Good n�" n � � , 'F �; �5 " Vis" COMMERCE HERE
rNr l � K Fs Operation
°��������,������ �� �$ g , � �t On Year
Says Duce 4; ' � The recerytly-elected directors of
1, GrY '� hi � d�J� d.
The parting shot in the local by-
eleotion campaign was fired at a Prog-
ressive Conservative rally in the Town
Hall, Clinton, Thursday evening, when
Hon. George H. Doueett, Ontario
Minister of Highways and Public
Works, was the main speaker.
J. J. Zapfe, president of Clinton
Progressive Conservative' Association,
was chairman, and associated -with him
on the platform wero John W. Hanna,
MLA for Huron -Bruce, Mr. Doueett
and Thomas Pryde, the candidate.
Mr. Pryde declared that there never
was a government in Ontario that had
mane such a sincere effort to fulfill
its promises as the Drew Government,
and there were many evidences in this
riding to this effect, particularly with
regard to roads, education and hydro
"The Opposition has nothing con-
strictive to offer," Mr. Pryde de-
clared. "All they have done is to eriti-
eize, putting a plank in here and there
for a few days and taking it out
again as the occasion demands-" He
said it was easy for the Liberals to
make many extravagant promises, as
!hey would not have the opportunity
ato fulfill them for many years to
Hon. George H- Doueett, introduced
by J. W. Hanna, MLA., made a vigor-
ous defence of the Drew programme,
declared that the Government had con-
ecien'iiously fulfilled ,its pre-election
At a special meeting of Clinton
Branch, Canadian Legion on Tuesday'
evening, it was decided that the Le-
gion, in conjunction with the Ladies'
Auxiliary of the Legion, would fur-
eish a semi private ward in the new
wnig of the hospital. Toxaiae funds
for this purpose, voluntary subscrip-
tions were asked for and before the
evening ended half the otal amount
was suberibed.
This room is to bo a memorial to
the fallen comrades and a suitable
pplagne will be placed on the wall in
memory of those who fought and died.
On a recommendation of the pro-
perty committee, it was decided- that
the Legion Home should be sold' ow-
ing to the expense incurred during the
paet year and because the home was
inadequate to suit the needs in the
way of an assembly hall
All funds from the sale of the
Home and all nubile funds subscribed
through the past years will be ie.
vested in Dominion of Canada Bonds
until such time as suitable property
is available.
The Council of Stanley Township
held its regular meeting in the Teem-
gbip Hall, Varna, February 2, at 2 p.
m mita all members present.'
j The minutes of the laet meeting
were road and on motion by H. Cole -
Masi and 0. Houston, were adopted as
read. The correspondence was read
and dealt with.
E. Munn and R. Dick, Hensell, in-
terviewed Council regarding a grant
to Honsall Legion. A grant of $150.
ware made to this organization.
Moved by IL Coleman seconded by
A. McBride that Logan Drain vouch-
er for $220 be passed and paid. Carr-
Mewed by H. Taylor seconded by
C. Houston that all former motions
passed by previous councils in regard
'to Brneefield Street lights be resc-
inded. Carried.
We action was taken on the comm-
unication from the Hydro -Electric
',Power Commission of Ontario Re-
Iaetelling street lights in the village
of Braeefield at an estimated cost of
Moved by A. McBride, seconded by
H. Coleman that the general voucher
for $50L75 be paused and paid. Carr-
Moved by H. Coleman seconded by
C. Houston that Road voucher No. 2'
are $1,332.34 be passed and paid.
Connell adjourned to meet Mirth
1, el 1.30, p.m.
The week's Weather
k'ebrpary 6
' below aero
1948 1947
High Low Sigh Low
19 12' 9. 2
21 13' 14 6
24 1 15 8
23 7 13 1'
12 4' 22 6'
15 12' 25 20
25 1° 25 9
Snow: 11 inches
The Maitland ' and Ausable Rivers .mark the northern and south
ern limits of the provinaial riding of Huron, in which Liberals and Prog-
ressive Conservatives have each nominated a candidate for the by-election
to be held on Monday, February 16.
Tho riding of Huron includes only the central and southern parts
of the County of Huron; Huron constituency, which was represented by
Dr. R. Hobbs Taylor, Dashwood, Progressive Conservative, until his recent
death, is 27 miles east to west at its greatest width, and 35 miles north
to south. Tho constituency comprises the townships of Meliillop, Bullett,
Goderieh, Tuckersmitb, Stanley, 17eborne, Hay and Stephen; the towns of
Seaforth, Clinton and Goderieh; the villages of Heneall and Exeter.
Good Vote Expected"
In By-election Monday
The Provincial riding of Huron
faces its' big test next Monday, Febru-
ary 16, when the by-election, takes
place to choose a successor to the
late Dr. R. Hobbs Taylor, who died
suddenly December 17.
Polling takes place from 8 a.m.
to 7 p.m. at 81 polling sub -divisions
throughout the riding, placed as fol.
lows; Town of Goderieh 12, Exeter
four, Clinton four, Seaforth six, Town-
ship of Goderieh six, Hassell one, Hay
eight,; Huilett seven, McKillop four,
Stephen • eight, Stanley eight, Tucker -
smith six, Inborn° seven.
In addition advance polls are being
held in the Towns of Goderieh and
Canton on Friday and Saturday, Feb-
ruary 13 and 14. W. Lloyd Moore is
Returning Officer for Clinton.
Official nominations took place in
the Town Hall, - Emma, between 1
and 2 p.m. Monday. Two were re-
eeived by the Returaiug Officer, Will-
iam E. Southgate, Jr., Seaforth;
Thomas Pryde, Progressive Conaerva.
tive, Exeter; and Benson W. Tuckey,
Liberal, Exeter, Both were accompa-
nied by long lies of backefe, and
brief addresses were made by the
Three candidates; participated in the
last Provincial election held in June
1945, and the official count was:
Samoa Bafantyne, Liberal, Osborne,
5,152; J. E, Hnckin.s, CCF, Goderieh,
1,211; and Dr. R. Hobbs Taylor, Prog-
ressive Conservative, Dashwood, 7,081.
This, Dr. Taylor secured a, plurality
of 1,929 over Ballantyne, and a clear
majority of 718' over both combined.
The unofficial vote in 1945 was as
B. H. T.
Goderieh Township 212 71 43.7
Stanley 373 418 492
Hay 587 94 470
Stephen 468 93 768
Osborne 222 51 568
Tuckersmith 384 44 344
Hullett a ., 418 56 380
McKillop 408 51 287
Goderieh Town . - , , , 716 340 1170
Clinton 374 73 658
Seaforth .,..,441 45 4145
Exeter ' 194 76 689
Remail 152 2 208
4959, 10446911
Soldier vote ...•.... 212 189 171
5151 1213 7082
School Children
Donate Over $40
The Clinton Lions Club and local
Branch of the Legion are pleased to
announco that the Food for Britain
fund has now nearly remelted the $200
The fund is very grateful this week
to the Clinton Pubiie School for their
donation of more than $40. This was
raised by every child giving one cont
for every year of their age.
We also received $10 from an anony-
mous person, to whom thanks is due.
A donation of $8,75 has been received
from the Young People's Federation
which is also appreciated.
If any donors wish receipts which
should be good for income tax exemp-
tion, please notify Tho NEWS -RE-
CORD and one will be Gent.
Trustees Endorse
Recreation Plan
Clinton High School District Board
held its February meeting in Clinton
Collegiate Institutelast week, with
the chairman, Frank Fingland, R.C.,
presiding, and all members present.
Trustee G. R. 'Feeder reported on a
recent meeting with the Town Couneil
regarding establishment of a Recre-
ation Couneil and appointment of a
Reereattionai Director.
After some discussion, a motion was
adopted that the Board, providing the
Town Couneil ie favorable to the pro-
'jeet, pay one-half the salary of the
proposed Recreational Director, he to
act as half-time teaeber of physical
training at the Collegiate Institute.
LeRoy G. Brown, Clinton, agricul-
tural representative for Huron Coun-
ty, addressed the Board requesting
use of the Collegiate on March 13 for
the holding of a Seed Fair by Huaon
Crop Improvement Aseoeiation. Per-
mission was granted. The Auditorium
will be -used for the exhibits and the
gymnasinm for judging conteets.
Principal E. A. Fines reported that
January enrolment at CCI was 216,'
with an average of 200.5, or 95.6 per
A public meeting is being held in tbo
Town Hall, Clinton, on Tuesday, Feb-
ruary 17, at 8 a.m. sponsored by Clin-
ton and District Chamber of Com-
The speaker will be T. i. Leishman,
,London, regional director of Com-
munity Programmes, Ontario Govern-
ment. Mn Leishman'e talk will be
concerning the matter of engaging a
Recreational Director for the town of
The idea Of Recreational Directors
for communities such as this seems
to be growing rapidly. Clinton Colleg-
iate Board has already adopted a re-
solution whereby it will absorb half
the expense connected with a direet-
or'e salary.
Invitations to attend this meeting
are going out to members of the Lions
Club,l,the Women's Institute, the Leg-
ion, file Oddfellows, the Masonic
Lodge, and other interested groups.
Ladies are especially invited.
(By our Bayfield correspondent)
A fire which might easily have
ended in tragedy was averted at the
home of Mr, and Mrs. George Ring,
(when Mrs, Ring awoke about three
o'eioe1 in the morning and smelled
Upon investigation she found the
collar light was out and the smoke so
thick in the cellar that the light from
a 17aehiight failed to penetrate it. Mr.
King was almost overcome with the
smoke but he managed to get a pail
of water to Mre. Ring who put out
burning clothing •
An old fur coat and some quilts,
twhieh had bean used to prdtect the
water pressure system from freezing,
had caught fire from the electric light
bulb which bad been left burning.
The only damage done 'was from the
heavy smoke but Mr. and Mrs. ging
were several days recovering from its
suffocating effects.
Dance in Town . Hall, (Minton, Fri-
day, February 27, auspices L.O.B.A.
Admission 50e. 7-8-9b
Ice Follies of 1948, Clinton None
Arena, Friday, February 27, featur-
ing Kitchener -Waterloo Skating Club.
Auspices Clinton Lions «ab.
6.6.7 b
Minstrel Show, Febrnary 19, in the
Town Hall. Admieaien 50e1 children
accompanied by 'adalta, 35c. 8b
O.O.I. Basketball Dance, friday,
February 20. Ross Pearoe's Orobestra.
9A0' p.m,42.30 a.m. Admission 50e.
Informal.. d 7.8b
Clinton and District Chamber of
.Coinmerce met last week and re-
elected G. Ralph Foster as president,
J. George Many as vice-president,
and B. B. Pocklington as treasurer.
The secretary is,yet to be appointed,
Officers Will be installed at the
next meeting of the Chamber in the
Town Hall at 8 p.m. Tuesday next,
February 17.
. Clinton and District Chamber of
Commerce Committees for 1948 are
as follows, the first -named being
1!nduptrial -- C. H. Epps, le F.
Holmes, L. Haughton, W. E. Perdue,
W. H. Robinson, L. S. Brown, D. Pegg
Agriculture -- J. H, Brunadon, 11,
S. Atkey, H. Kingswell, 3, A. Sutter,
C. 5. Livermore, S. F. Castle, Reg
Bala -
Housing -- N. W. Trewartha, H. R.
Hawkins, C. L. Cornish, D, A. Kay,
T. Churchill, V. D. Falconer.
Membership — B, B. Pocklington'
G. B. Beattie, R. Y. Hattin, R. B.
Sutter, F. J. McKay, '
• Puhlie Relations and Civic — H,
E. Hartley, F. Finland, D. M. Malt-
by, W. A. Aiken, J. G. MeLay, W. N.
Counter, G. W. Nott.
Tourist and Publicity — E. Epps,
Dr, D. C. Geddes, H. Bartliff, H. C.
Lawson, L. E. Martin, R. McEwan.
Retail Merchants — Les Ball, 1L.
L. Jervis, J, Murphy, D. G. ;Hall, C.
M. Shearing, G. Rumball, 11: B. Cam-
pbell, G. W. Martin, B. Stanley, J.
Plumtree, D. Bartliff, F. B. Penne-
baker, A, Rusty.
Goderieh Township Couneil met on
Monday, February 2.
• Correspondence from the Ontario
Municipal Adsoclation, also 'Ontario
association of Rural ''Municipalities
and Association, of Asseaaors, war read
(and filed,
'l ' '1(,•. tioy"'selte •notice- - of film
board showing at Hohnesville es Mop -
,day, March 1, at 2.30 p.m. and at
No. 2 school at 8.30 pan.
Salvation Army asked the usual
grant from the Township. A grant of
$15 was made,
A. R. Scott, secretary, of Goderieh
High School District Board wrote ex-
pressing the appreciation of the board
of the fine way the Townakip Council
had kept roads open for the sehool
Boll Telephone Company sent notice
of improvements they intend making
on their pole lines.
Department of travel and publicity
%formed Couneil that all tourist
camps giving over night aecommodat-
ion in cabins must have a licence, ap-
¢eplieations forms for which may be
had from the clerk. Cottages rented
by the week or month are not subject
to licence.
George Little waited on the council
asking a grant to Bayfield 'Volunteer
Fire Brigade. If a grant would be
made they would do all in their
power to help fight fire in Goderieh
Township. The Council thought well
of the idea but deferred action until
next month,
Porter's Hill Community Club asked
that signs bb placed on eoncessiou,
roads where those erose provincial or
county highways to help direct toai.-
Colin Gordon Orr will arrange to
;have those signs prepared and they
will be erected later.
Department of Highways sent ap-
provaI of supplementary By-law No.
13 of 1947 to provide for additional
expenditure made.
Spraying of cattle for warble fly
control will be eontinned this spring,
the work to be done by Jack Little,
Clinton, at fifteen cents per head per
spray for three sprays, the work to
Phone News -Record
For Election Results
The NEWS -RECORD plans to
provide a fast -aa -possible election
results service Monday evening " -
next, February 16. The remits, of
course, will be unofficial and sub-
ject to any errors that might oc-
cur in the ordinary course of tele-
phone conversation. However, they.
should be fairly accurate.
As the polls close al 7 p.m., go
results will be available much be-
fore 8 p.m. Just contact The
NEWS -RECORD, phone 4.
Oliver Hits
Hydro Policy
The record of the Drew Government
was severely censured by Hon. Farqu-
bar Oliver, Ontario Liberal Leader, at
a Liberal xally in the Town Hall,
Clinton, Thursday evening last.
Mr. Oliver charged that the people
of Ontario faeed a double income tax
if the Province remained outside the
pale of the Dominion-Provineial agree-
meats. He stated that the Liberal
Party, if returned to power, would
sign these agreements immediately.
The speaker also attacked Royal
Commissions, the three -cont gasoline
tax, the shortage of hydro power, the
extravagance of the administration.
Frank Finglend, K.C., was ,chair-
man of the gathering, and with him on
the platform were Dr. J. W. Slaw
and W. 0, Woods, Liberal org'enizer,
and the pad/date, Benson W, Tuekey,
W. C. Woods spoke at some length
on the shortage of power,, blaming
the Drew Government for its failure
to provide in adyanee for•, the situs-
Benson"'W: 'Theta, said- be- wee
proud to every the Liberal banner in
the by-election. "We had this by-elec-
tion seining on us on very short no-
tice," he said. "Mr. Drew know
he was going to have an election; our
Tory friends had their convention
called when the announcement was
made. Wo immediately mustered our
forces and had a real nominating con-
vention. in Hensall. I was selected in
true democratic fashion by a feir and
square vote."
Mr. Tuekey charged that a by-
election in the middle of winter was
premeditated by Mr. Drew who knew
the Liberate depended on the rural
vote. In this way, Mr. Drew had tried
to disfranchise a great many voters
in this riding. He urged that every-
one get out and vote,
Mies Toyee Hawkins favored with
a selection on the electric guitar.
be done at the dictation and ,super,
vision of the Agrieultural Represent,
ative or an entomologist from CACI,
By Law No 5 to increase the pay of
the Road Superintendent to 60 cents
pe hour was read and passed.
The clerk was instructed to advert-
ise for applications for the position
of assessor.
Accounts paid: Salvation .Army
grant, $15; Town of Goderieh, share
of division court costs, $16; it, G
Thompson, registering births, marc•
rages and doathe, $6; Reg. Sturdy,
valuing sheep, $5.40; Ray Cox, sheep
labiam, $57.70; A. J. Grigg coal for
relief, $59.25; G. Harwood and R.
Moto refund of dog tax $2 oath; Gold -
le Newton, sheep claim, $15; Mise
Acheson, use of house, $8; Snpentene
dent pay roll No. 2, $3,010.82.
Couneil adjourned to meet on Mon-
day, March 1, at 1 p.m.
Colorful Ice Pageant Unfolded
At Successful Fancy Dress Carnival
Clinton Lions Club's second annual
fancy dress skating carnival in Lions
Arena was a colorful ice event Friday
evening last. During the evening, a
bevy of beautifully dressed paean
ants, as well as comic entries, per-
formed for the benefit of a large gar
thering. After paying heavy prizes, the
Lions Club more than split even, al-
though an enjoyable evening was pro-
vided for young and old alike.
The first event on the; programme
waa a broom ball match between the
Lions Tamers (members of the Lions
Club) and the Officers at Clinton 1i0
Ali' Station. It was a nip -and -tuck
affair -which' -pleased the crowd and
proved great fun for participants.
The Lion Tamers are alleged to have
defeated the Officers 3.2.
Marilyn Shaddick was crowned
Queen of the •Carnival, the honour be-
ing well deserve& Shirley Praetor and
30 Arlie Castle here the best fauey
dressed temple. The largest family an
skates saw the Sam Castle 3r., family
and the Warnock sisters tied. Beet na-
tional dress was won by S. and K.
Warnock, M. Beeker and Dorothy
Managhan (tied),
Other results were: youngest skater,
Irene Grant, 21t ; eldest skater, Ern-
est (apps, 72; fancy dress, lady, Rets
Bradley; fancy dress, man, Sam
Castle, Jr.; beat clown, male, "J. E.
"Cap" Cook; best clown, female,
Peda McGowan; fancy dress, girls
under 16, Ruth Glew; fancy dress,
boys under 16, Ronnie Carter; comic
dress, girls under 10,, Jean Ashton,
Marilyn Ashton (tied); comie dress,
!bays under 10, Peter Pocklington;
comic dress, ladies, Mrs. B. B. Pock-
lington;' comic dress, men, Billy Ger-
Results of the races were: girls an -
der 10, Bao Sharpe; boys under 10,
Robert Garon; girls 18 and under,
Lorraine Garen; boys 16 and under,
David Tighe; couple race, Tom Lloyd
and Jo Anne Castle,
The amount of funds required to
eomplete the new wing of Clinton
Public Hospital is slightly over, 810,-
000, with equipment extra, it was re-
ported at the annual meeting of Clin-
ton Hospital Association in the Town
Council Chamber Tuesday evening.
.Work is now proeeodiug in. the in-
terior of the building.
•In `reporting the results of the I947
campaign, W. 11. Robinson stated that
the total raised to date was 352,362,
made up as follows;
County of Huron, $25,000; Province
of Ontario, Department- of Health,
$12,833; Township of Stanley, 31,983:-
65; Township of Hallett, $1,500;
Village of Blyth, $250; Village of
Bayfield 3218.14; local donations, $9,-
077; out•of•kown individual subscrip-
tion$ $1,500; total, $52,362.
bfr. Robinson stated the amount re-
quired -to complete the buiidiug was
slightly over 810,000, taking irate
consideration other extra sources of
reverute. He said that the total cost of
the building only was estimated at
$107,000, with equipment extra.
Slight Surplus
Dr. W. A,. Oakes, chairman of the
Board, presided at the meeting, and
Ernest Walton, secretary -treasurer,
react tine minutes of previous meetings,
Miss Annette Sinclair, superintend-
ent, submitted report of aamiaaeon9
and, discharges of patients. A total of
642 patients, a new record, was ad-
mitted during the year, as compared
with 607 in 1946. There were 209
births, as against 169 the previous
year, Of the total patients, 267 were
from Clinton, 368 from the County` of
Huron, and seven from outside the
Secretary -treasurer Walton present.
ed the report of the auditors, Mon-
teith and Monteith, Stratford, whioh
indicated that operating revenue, in-
ekading, the county grant of $700, to-
talled,$31,613.03, aa against notal ex.
penditures of $81,260.40, leaving a
net gain for the year. of $352.57; The
balance in 1946 was 3373.29.
It,:.was,pointea out that, operating
costs were about $6,000 snore, but 18-
Ivenue bad increased by only about
$3,000, the balance being duo to in-
Dr. Oakes, eommenting on the re•
ports, stated that there had been an
excellent showing for the year despite
great difficulties.
He was of the -opinion that excellent
maeagemont was indicated on the
part of the superintendent and mere.
tart' -treasurer that the finances were
M. such good shape.
Mrs. N. W. Trewartha asked, if
$10,000 more were raised, would the
building be free of debt. The answer
was in the affirmative, as far aa the
actual building was concerned, but
more money would be required for
Mre. L. McKinnon, •president of the
Hospital Aid, reported for that body,
indicating receipts of 31,244.01 and a
balance on hand at the end of 1917 of
Dr. Oakes eongratulated the Hose
pltal Aidon its fine work in assiet-
ng the Hospital, and enumerated va-
rious equipment that would be need-
ed in furnishing the hospital. He noted
that the Ontario Government grant
had been paid to the extent of more
than $12,000, and that the annual
grant from the County of Huron had
been increased from $700 to $1,000,
He thanked the citizens of Huron and
canvassers for their support of the
Superaitentleet Commneded
Dr, J. W. Shaw praised the great
work done by Mian Sinclair and staff,
a sentiment which was echoed by Dr.
Oakes. A vote of thanks to Mise Sin.
chair was moved by, Mayor A. J. Me. •
Murray, and was seconded by Mrs. N.
W. Trewartha,
G. H. Jefferson and W. H. Robinson
were re-elected to the Board of Direct-
ors for three-year terns. Monteith. and
Monteith, Stratford, were re-appeiet-
ed auditors.
Dr. Shaw said that furnishing •a
Bingle room would cost about $250 to
$400. -
N. W. Trewartha suggested adding
the reeves of the four surrounding
townships to the Board. Dr. Oakes
and A. M. Knight explained that the
constitution would have to be changed
to allow such action.
Officers Re-elected
At a meeting of the Board of Dirme-
tore, following the general meeting,
Dr. W. A. Oakes was re-elected' presi-
dent, W. H. Robinson vice-president,.
and Ernest Walton secretary -treasurer.
Standing committees were named ss
follows, the first -named being chair-
Finance -W. H. Robinson, G. B.
Jefferson, A. At Knight, ,V. D. Fal. ,
Boner; Property --O. L. Paisley, Dr.
J. W. Shaw, A. J. McMurray, V. i3,
Falconer. house -G. M. Counter, 'De,
P. G. Thompson, Reeve G. W, Nett;
'Staff—Dr. J. W. Shaw, Dr. P. G.
Thompson, W. H. ,Robinson.
Ail pelta in Monday's by-eleatioa,
will be open from 8 a.m. to 7 ipae.