HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-01-22, Page 8PAGE: EIGHT. Coltslit Two 'Games Sp , -ght Airmen Stage Good F Clinton Colts got an even break hr the two OHA Intermediate "B"I matches they have played during the( past week. Although they loot at Soaforth to Bosharts by 18.6 Thursday evening last, they won at home from Clinton RCAF 16-10 on Monday evening. SEAPORTS: 13 -COLTS 6 Playing a very medioere brand of hockey, Colts dropped into Seaforth Thursday evening and dropped out again three hours latter with their first loss of the season. They were corn- pletoly out played by Bosharts and were down 6-4 at the end of the first and 10-5 at the end of the second. Harry McEwan counted half Colts' goals, while brother "Timmer" fired two, and Ken Caiquhoun one. lien Pickett racked up four assists ana Doug Bartliff one. Furlong, a Bell Telephone man, made his first appear- ance on the Clinton defence. Bab Dra- per was out of the line-up on account of injuries. COLTS 16 -RCAF 10 The two "home" teams -Colts and RCAF -hooked up in a' match which proved interesting to watch in Clin- ton Lions Arena Monday evening. It was a battle from start to finish, and showed the Airmen in the best light so far this year. Colts led 6-4 at the end of the first period and 10-7 at the end of the second. Clinton RCAF - goal, Oudot; 1. de`.f,, Sage; r. def., Filion; centre, Wright; r. wing, Messier; I, wing, Singleton; alternates-Naugler, 'Bea- ton, LaPraneo, Hodgson, Joel. Long, Anderson, Gorman (sub -goal). Clinton Colts - goal, Swan; l.d., Colfuhcun; r. d. Schoehonals; etre, ,Bartliff; right wing, Counter; left wing, Strong; alternates-- Nei1ans; H: McEwan, F, McEwan, Streets Cameron, Andrews, Furlong. Referee - 'Gordon Muir, Seaforth. First Period 1 Colts-Bartliff (Counter) 3.20 2 RCAF -No -ogler (Beaton) ' 3.30 3 Colles-Noilans (Streets, F. McEwan) 5.00 4 Colts ---Counter (Strong) . , 5.10 5 RCAF'--Messiek (Wright) ., 6.02 6 " -Wright 10.20 7 Colts -Counter (Strong) 11,00 8 ILCAP-Beaton (Joel) 11.10 9 Colts -Counter (Bartliff) 13.20 10 Colts --II. McEwan . 19.12 Penal ties-Bartliff, Filion, Colqu- hour, Second Period 11 RCAF Benton (Iiodgson).. 5,00 12 RCA.P Wright (Messick) .. 6.00 13 Colts --Strong (Bartliff) .. 6.10 14 Colts -Streets (F. McEwan) 9.05 15 Colts -Streets (Colquhoun) 13.20 16 Colts -Furlong (F. MeEwau) 16.05 17 RCAF--Mesiek (Singleton) 18.30 Penalties- Colquhoun (2) Third Period • 18 Colts -Strong (Counter) .. 5,30 Speedboggans The SPEEDBOGGAN is made from the same wood ,as the Husky Toboggan, but does not have a full hood. /This gives the front end a similar appearance to that of a ski. These SPEEDBOGGANS are less apt to break, and give more seating capacity than a toboggan. The prices of these SPEEDBOGGANS are suitably reduced for late selling. Length 3 feet $2.89 314 feet $3.29 4 feet ° $3.95 5 feet $4.95 8 feet $'7.95 McEwan's USED CARS 1935 Plymouth 4 -Door Sedan Excellent ,Condition: 1938 Plymouth Coach -- Exceptionally Good - 1937 Chevrolet 3 Ton Truck -- New Motor PRESTQNE - The perfect antifreeze. Will not evap- orate. Get yours today .while the supplf, is available. We also have Super Pyro Antifreeze. TUNE-UP. Don't fool around with a motor that is hard to start; We specialize in tune-up work and have the necessary parts to put your car in first class con- dition, electrically and mechanically. l y. BRAKE SERVICE. Would your brakes pass a test? Have our mechanics check and replage those worn linings. Fresh Chryco ad Hart Batteries --- Goodyear Tires Heaters -- Defrosters - Accessories Lorne Brown Motors Chrysler, Plymouth and Fargo Sales and Service Specialists in Auto Electric DAY 367W - PHONES --- NIGHT 367.1 SALE OF ROBBERY...IN MADE -TO -MEASURE TWEED SUITS Reg. up to $45 -- Reduced to $35 TWO PAIRS TROUSERS $45 LIMITED TIME ONLY Nice Selection to Choose from Davis & Herman MEN'S , TWEED SUIT LENGTHS $10.00 Each BROWN'S ONE DOOR NORTH OF' ROYAL BANK BOWLING MEN'S LEAGUE Won Lost HT Pts. Harriers.:, .„23 13 8 • .n4 AR Stara . 23 13 7- A8 Mac's Best . 10 17 • 8- 46' White Sox .... .'19 17 8- 46 Alley Rate.... 20 16 .` 6-- 44 Blue Bombers 17 19 3- 37 Buie Again ,., . 14 . 22 "u- :i3 Greenhorns 9 27 •• 3- 111 High triple -E001 Fulford (Har- riers). 790 High single -Bili' Fulford (White' Sox) 368. BUSINESS GIRLS Wott Lost FIT PAs. Ozark Ikes .... 18 9 6- 43. Dogpatehcrs..... 17 10 7- 41 Burnsteads , .. - 12 1.5 5-- 23 Yokums 7 20 2- 16 High triple - Joan Colquhoun 732 (Dogcatchers). High' single - Jean Colquhoun 274 (Dogpaaebere). WEARWELL GIRLS Won Lost Tied 17T its. Pelicans .. 27 32 11- 65 Hawks 21 18 5- 47 Eagles .. 17 2 1 1 7 92 Parrots .. 12' 26 1 3- 28 High single -Olive Carter 294 (Peli- cans). 39 Colts -- Cameron (1I. McEwan) 9.00 20 RCAF-Moseick (Wright) , . '9,10 21 Colts -F. McEwan (H. Mel.wan) 10,05 22 RCAF-Mossiek (Singleton) 10.30 23 Copts -Streets (F. McEwan, H. McEwan) .. - - . - .. .. 1120 24 ROAF-Messick (Singleton) 12.45 25 Colts- Counter (Bartliff) 14.23 26 Colts- Counter (Bartliff) 17.15 Penalties -Counter, Noilans (five minutes), Naugler. Final score - Clinton Colts 16 - Clinton RCAF 10 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD OaA INTERMEDIATE "13" Group 6 Standing • (Iincludiug January 21) Won Lost 1(or dg. Pts. $1 ' 59-14 Olinton 'Copts, 4 1 tj5 41- 8 4 3 2 42 11-- 6 Gorderich (A) 2 41 40 59- 4 Centralia 1 4 26 42-- 2 Clinton RCS 0 5 35 57- 0 17 11' 289 289-34 Results its Past Week' Seaforth 13 -Clinton Celts 6 Goderieh . (A) 6 -Centralia RCAF 4 Seaforth 12 -Mitchell 9 Seaforth 9 -Centralia, RCAF 8 Clinton Colts 16 --Clinton RCAF 10 Mitchell 8-Goderieh (A)`4 Seaforth 6-C1inton RCAF 5 WOAA INTERMEDIATE "13" Iiesatl'ts in Past Trowbridge 7-Londeeboro 6 Londesboro vs. Atwood. at Listowe]- Postponed. WOAA JUVENILE Brussels 8 -Clinton Lions 0 (at Clinton Jan. 20) WOAA MIDGET "A" (Including Tanuary 20) . Won Lost .For Ag. PTS. Clinton Lions 3 0 27 3 6 God'ieh Lions 2 0 33 0- 4 Wingham ., 2 3 25 25- 4 Seaforth .. , . 2 0 13 3- 4 Blyth (B) ,. 1 2 .. 8 17- 2 Lon'boro (13) 0 5 • 4 62- 0 _Results in Past Week Clinton Lions 1-Wingham 1 Senforth'7-Blythl Goderich Lions. 11 Wingham 0 ' Seaforth 6: Blyth 2 Clinton Lions 8-Loudesboro 2 (at Clinton Jan. 20) WOAA BANTAM Jan 21, -Clinton Lions at Wingham-- Postponed. MODERN HEALTH COOKING with Super -Health Cookware FOR BETTER HEALTH USE SUPER -HEALTH SUPER -HEALTH ALUMINUM 'Heavy Cast Utensils Fully Guaranteed SUPER -HEALTH OVAL ROASTERS Small -Fowl capacity, '7 lbs. . ... $10.45 SUPER -HEALTH SAUCEPANS 3 qts -Lids extra heavy $ 6.90 3 qts. -Spun Aluminum $ 5.80 SUPER -HEALTH FRY PANS - 11 -inch $ 4.20 SUTTER-PERDUE January Food Sale Stock Up and Save January 23rd to 28th California Seedless I RAISINS lb. 19e Quick Quaker ! OATS ig. pkg. 29c Van Camps Pork and BEANS 2 tins 35c Beehive Corn SYRUP 5 lb. tun 71e Aero Floor WAX lb tin 27c ,.>.. Barkers pkg. AS 12e Freemans Soap POWDER 1 ib pkg. 10c '' q I..SAUCE r •soma'f C and B Thick Bottle 21c Red Rose Heta ' . lb ti35c ":2_______." --------------Glenwood Dice lb. pkg. 33c 3 this 2MON 5e Aliens Apple ' Tip Top Sweet JUICE 2 tins 23e ICHERRIES tin 33c Ideal Tomato Van Camp's Cooked CATSUP 105 oz.. tin 89c SPAGHETTI 2 tins 25s Niagara Tomato 1-lg., 1 med. pkg. JUICE tin 10c VEL 32c M' w. Club House Club House pkg; COFFEE lb tin 49c PUDDINGS lc t l nn �n ezk ?"d cr'oancr� m mot Heinz Cauliflower PICCALILLI jar 10c g �1° tr�402Lp13&S a� ti ,' ;i% t ''. ' 1 u�,,,,.. "r. 1t \. " 1 \-\(-2,,..------ ! L0'O,-"ww._r,.0,04,^. ro'' -_ ^ _ 2 cakes 13c _ lld.F'±t�'rpu,x,,.; 1, Rf'•fl Alli'd �.�ibi3if!.7(214 Pure COCOA 1/ ib. tin 12c 1 24e ticbme to pkg. ~Te[xas 112's - CHEESE 23e Seedless Juicy 300'a doz. GRAPEFRUIT LEMONS 35c 6 for 25c Oxford Inn Kidney BEANS ;tin 16e Pride of Valley PEAS 2 tins 25s Select Brunswick ' DINNER tin 15e Select Spaghetti and MEAT BALLS1 tins 25c :• SHEARING'S RED AND WHITE NEW FOOD MARKET ,Phone 48 - FREE Delivery -- Clinton THURSDAY, • JANUARY 22, 194$1 AIRMEN EDGED BY SEAFORTH 6-5 • IN BEST EFFORT The vastly improved Clinton RCAF' played their best game of the season' and came, within an ace of tieing or dpfegting Seaforth Bosharts in a hard- fought OHA Intermediate "13" game in Clinton Lions Anna last evening before a crowd of about 800. The final score was 6-5, Seaforth leading 4.2 at the end of the .fust and 5-3 at the end of the second.' 'Messier, with threo,'was the leading scorer for the Airmen, while "Farm- er" McFaddin had the same number for Seaforth. The Radar School, although winless to date, are fighting hard to 'make the four -team "B" playoffs: Their schedule of ten .games, is now half completed. Seaforth Bosharts-Goal, McNabb; defence, Boussey, O'Shoa;. centre, Roberts;. wings,'.ISennedy, LaBute; alternates-McFadrlin, McLean, Ell- wood, Woods, Hildebrand, Goorlrow. •+ Clinton RCAF Goal, Claudette; defence, Pillion, Sago; centre, Wright; wings, Mossier, Singleton, Naugla.r, Beaton, Hodgson, Thayer, Joel. Referee -Gordon Muir, Seaforth, First Period 1 Seaforth-McFaddin .30 2 RCAF -Sage 1.05 3 RCAF --Messier (Wright) , - 2.10 4 Seaforth-Hildebrand (La - Bute) 5.20 5 Seaforth-Mcpaddin (Ell- wood) 13.00 6 Seaforth-LaBute (MePad- din) 19.25 Penalties -None. Second Period 7 RCAF -Wright (Singleton) 2.25 8 Seaforth-Rildebrand (Le. Bute) 5.02 Penalties -None. Third Period 9 RCAF -Messier (Beaton) 9.10 10 RCAF -Messier (Singleton) 14.20 11 Seaforth-Me,Faddin. (Ell- wood) 15.05 Penalties -Roberts, Filion, Nang - lar. J SLPH S .CHURCH Won Lost HT PA Maple Leafs -,.. 2 1 1 - Canadians . 2 1 - Sluggers ... 1 2 1- Aces 1 2 - High triple -Mel Hill 540 (Axes) High single -Mel Hill 212 (Aces) 4 3 n FRUIT `catovi r S' ANNUAL Huron County Fruit Growers' Ae-- seiiiation is to hold its annual meeting„ at Clinton Marek` 8, ;it ban been .l t- inounecd by LeRoy. G. Brown, secire- tory%of the assbeiatioR Sessions wi]B be held beginning 'at 10.30 a.m. and 2 p,m. At a noon limbo= the speaker - will be Stafford Johnston, Stratford.. -• Pyrex Bowis - THREE IN A SET - FOR BAKING AND MIXING --- Still available at Special Price until January 31 only EACH 99c HAVIKINS HARDWARE Albert St. Phone 244 Clinton '. Used Car Specials 1947 Chevrolet Fleetline Sedanette 19,46 Chevrolet 1 -ton Truck, in new condition 1940 Pontiac Coach 1930 Chevrolet Coach 1929 Ford Model "A" Coach Expert Repairs Done Promptly TOWING SERVICE White Rose- Garage HURON ST. Gordon Horner, Lessee CLINTON WAR .RAGES OH AGAINST HIGH PRICES! Our Customers have proven their appreciation, so the Battle must continue for one more week. These items in addition to those still available from last week. Skiing doesn't last all year! Keep your Skiis in shape for Next Season WAR Regular Price set $3.25 - $2.15 set 2.15 1.35 set 1.15 .75 set 2.15 1.35 set L40 .90 set .75 .50 Sid Spred and Clamps No. 300 Ski Spred No. 100 Ski Clamps No. 200 Ski Spred Jr. and Clamps No. 310 Ski Spred Jr. No. 110 Ski Clamps No. 210 WAR Regular Price Woods Ranger Sleeping Bags $25.30 $20.25 Woods Downlite Sleeping Bags 42.30 31.50 Woods Aretic Junior Robe 90" x 90" 73.50 59.10 Woods Arctic Sleeping Robe '78" x 84" 82.60 66.00 Peterborough Snow Boy Toboggans ONLY TWO OF EACH LENGTH WAR Regular Price 5 ft. $ 6.75 $5.40 6 ft. 8.55 6.80 7 ft. 9.90 7.90 8 ft. • 11.25 9.00 WAR Regular Price Woods Haversacks No, 4 ea. $1.10 $ .85 Woods Haversacks No. 5 ea. 1.4(1 1.10 Woods Pack Sack No. 3 ea. 6.50 5.20 War Asset Haversacks (New) . .. .75 .60 Carry -All Packs 7.50 6.00 RECORDS Used3,few times at our Record Bar WAR Regular Price $ .75 $ .60 .65 .50 1.35 1.05 We have been given to •understand the SKI TOW will be in operation this weekend: WAR Regular 'Price Hickory Skiis, 7 ft. $13.95 $11.20 Maple Skiis 6 ft. and 61/4 ft. 6.80 5.40 Suwe Cable Binding .. set 5.70 4.55 Chalet Micro Cable 7.30 5.45 Peterborough Micro Cable Binding set 9.30 7.00 Superdiagonals 2.55 2.00 Wonder Ski Boot Dubbin .35 .27 .Alleys Dubbin .15 .10 Rubber Ski Bands No. 154 pr. .45 Lacquers (Basewa'x) Speed, Aluminum, Clear Red Are you' ready? WAR Regular Price Lacquer Remover .80 .60 Wonder Red or Record Wax .40 .30 Wonder Schuss, Klister Wax .35 .27 Dunzinger Black, Green, Red Label Wax .35 .27 .35 Voerl Waxes, M1, 112, M4, 515 .50 .40 asarercu► ELLWOOD EPPS