HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-01-22, Page 7'Sl&iA1;,91?p', $TANi1ARY 22, 1248 CLINTONNEWS-RECORD 'Tars* Y;P YI Meets Vii Y P,.ii, ,held„its regular. meet bre .Ill e• /NTS et •Ik: Part, at Varna, 'Vows Miall. Menthols of Brumfield Tir.P.ti. Were t ic=gueste and liad charge of,the ,devotio l;pprio4, In the,reerention period whunh fol lowed, crokinele was the 11101140 Wianera were,: ladies high, '8lanalia Zairho; ]edie$ consolation, Marian' i.jowaon; mn's high, Melvin Graham': men's consolation ' Thornton-•Mmstlird Lunchwas nerved to about.4q' mem- (bens, The negt meeting will he`bela at The QuaRty Tea ORANGE PEKOE CLINTON CAB TRY US FOR SERVICE Any Place — Any Time Special Rates on Long Trips • • • OFFICE PHONE No. 44 REG. SHIPLEY HAROLD CRITTENDEN Res.: Phone 229 Res: Phone 173 OSCAR PRIG' AP the home of Doris Reid on I'ebruary, 2 14 iuidt Mrk� 400Aeys^,►�11?,lti@: in enarge;oP therecreation. Varna W 13 Meets The January meeting.. oft Varna W..M..S: was held „in the,ehamh,wiith; the•officere o8.190 in change. Offio= ors areae; follotve; Firs,--lyfrar. Lee, !McConnell; 1st rice Area.,-.Mra, W. Johnston; - 2nd v ce&pres Mra. A; McConnell; 3rd vice 2nros.-. Mss. p; Koys; Ree. Sec, -•- Mrs. Prod Bela;; Tress. - Mrs. George Heid; Corr. see. - Mss. Wat Webster; Associate ,Helpers - Mrs. W. Johnston, dire. B. Bothwell, Mrs, A, Coleman; Miss• ionary Monthly - Mrs. G. Johnston; Church Stewardship - Mrs. Anson Coleman.; Baby Baud - Mrs. Bruce McClinehey, Mrs, Bob Taylor; ;Temp. See. MTd. W. Stctpheuson.; Supply See. - Mrs. W. Stephenson; Press - Afrs. 1' -Boil; Com. Pr. . -Mrs, S. Keys, Mrs. Sopor, Mrs. McCiynont, Mrs. L. Coleman; Organist - Rachel Jolmston, Mrs, Wat. Webster; Lunch -Rachel Johnston. The meeting was opened by the President, Mrs. Lee McConnell, with use of hymn "Tho Heaven declare Thy Glory, Lord", after which the Lord's Prayer was repeated in unison 714 in the Bynniary Was road respon- sively. After prayer by the president we sang, God of Mercy, God of Grace. The study book on the work of Mr. Judson in Burma was token by Mrs, Fred Reid, Mrs. Leo McConnell and Mrs. Braie MoClinchey. Plans were made for talziag up a collection for "Care." Minutes of Iast meeting were read and adopted and 11 memb- ers answered roll call with a• New Year's thought. Treasurer reported that es raised mueh more than our allocation. We sang 0 Perfect Love and Miss Bern pronounced the boned- lotion. Church .folds Aainiarl Varna 'United Church congregation bold its annual meeting on Paean), afternoon, January 13: Good reports were given by all organizations. Officers eleetod are as. follows: Eldora-R$pb• ,Ai, lieneofi,r; sn, Sher' tuck Iteyis;, dolts M¢'ieh George Bei? and„Fred,MeClynionti-titawar a -•-leer or,,t Taylor, .Anpon Colemanr Iv,atim, 10,spater, ; Lorne Coleman; Fla. F4st Fa: iglmor Webster, i'Piti}am .1 e,Ash and WilIiar i-, Clarke; Trj steel, - Alifred, J'ohneton. • Wilburn Stephenson, qe lIgt Johnston, Baroid Soder. ,9anday .School OJfiecre The United; Church. Sunday School elected: the folloWiug ;teachers and officers for 1948; superintendents-- Slierloek Heys, George Reid; assist• asst auperhitendettlts -Anson Colonitin, , George John$tar fi ;etari°`e4-.Charted Reid, Gordon CBlemayi `Ivan McCly- mes t, 'George Keys;";Toho McConneeL treasurer. -William •Qtepbenrton; ' oit- gannets - Joyce St01zerson, y}vS ii Chuter. Barbard McConnell; Sr.`Bzlild Ole - Mzs. aher•1ock ;?iey8, Clytgont;,, Jr.',Bible ' asi)- 1wid; 1l`4r5. George Heid, Mrs W 'Web. star, Sr. boy;r' close -Mrs, Clinehyy, Jfrs Wili)nm Stpplipnspn,;. Sr. girl's' erase—Mrs. tee McOorinell Mrs. 44son .Colenran;,, Jr. heys' ' "op' --Mrs, Bruce Meolinehey, M'r's. Wi I- lam McAsh; Jr. girls' class -Miss Baehael Johnston, Mrs.. William Clarke. NOTICE Township of Hullett APPLICATIONS The Clerk of the Township of Hullett, George W: Cowan, Londeshoro, will receive applications for the position of ROAD SUPERINTENDENT for the Township of Hullett. The rate of pay has been set iby the Council at 60 cents per hour. All applications to be in the hands of the Clerk on or before 1.30 p.m., Monday, February 2, 1948. 4-5b GEORGE W. COWAN, Clerk MALTING BARLEY This year we are again contracting Barley for The Canada Malting Co. CONTACT! US FOR PARTICULARS George T. Mickle & Sons Nights 133 HENSALL, ONTARIO Phone 103 4-11b Leading auto makers switch to new kind of tire Call Super -Cushion by Goodyear greatest tire advance in 15 years Bigger, softer tire runs on only 24 pounds of air... gives incred- ibly smoother ride, amazing new comfort, safety and mileage. "r% VERY day more and more new 1948 cars .moi are rolling off the production lines equip- iped with a new kind of tire. Auto engineers who tested this new tire . . the Super -Cushion by Goodyear ... said: "We .want this tire for our new cars ... now!" 33ere's why: First tire to lick lateral shock After the tests. these engineers were openly Fescited. "It really absorbs lateral shock,” they maid. "No. tire ever did. it satisfactorily before!" Springs and conventional tires absorb, up-and- 4clown shock. But until Goodyear produced the aver -Cushion, lateral. (crosswise), shock was one 'of the few things yet to be licked in. the modern motor car. Pillowy Super -Cushions soak up ,,crosswise jolts. To you, the motorist, this means a sensation- ally new luxury ride ... far less fatigue less 'wear and tear on your car from engine to body bolts. Super -Cushions blot out shocks, help prevent wattles, lengthen the life of your car. • until Goodyear produced the Super -Cushion, lateral '(crosswise) shock was one of the few things yet to be ;licked in the modern motor car. Super -Cushions soak up, ;both kinds of shock, give: ' sen unbelievably smoother ride, better car handling, cut wear and tear on your earl . The new • The -Super -Cushion is an altogether new KIND of tire. Leading car makers found it made an astonishing improvement in motor car.operation. Then they said: An incredibly softer ride— easier, safer car handling The Super -Cushion is a bigger, softer tire. It holds more air, but runs on only 24 pounds of air pressure ... instead of the usual 28 to 32. It gives a softer ride, an unbelievably smoother ride ... not only on bad roads but even on good roads. " Super -Cushions bring you indescribable new ease and security. Your car hugs the road better . seems to float through traffic. On a small car Super -Cushions give you the ride and feeling of security you get in a big car ... they :make big cars ride even better. . Super -Cushions are safer-- ' give more milelL5,e Super -cushions literally flow along the road. You get safer steering, easier handling ... especially on curves. Since they're softer, they "roll with the punch," are harder to cut or bruise, have extra blowout resistance. Slider -Cushion, Tires are INNER! Conventionci Sizo Super-Cushlun Size 5.50 replaced by 6%40 6.00 replaced by 6.P.) 6.25 replaced by 7.10 6.50 replaced by 7.40 7.00 replaced by 8.20 . 7.50 replaced by 8.90 "We. want this tire for oiir new cars -now"! In 1943 Super-Cuslitona will be standard equipment on a large share of Canada's best-known automobiles. Super -Cushions run cooler, build up less pres- sure, gave greater mileage than the finest standard tires. Super -Cushions on new cars Your new car may have Super -Cushions. If so you are already enjoying an incredibly finer ride. If you have yet to order your new car take a tip .. , insist op Super -Cushions .. a new kind of tire for a new hind of ride. ca e Soper -Cushions run on only 24 pounds of air a:: against 28` to 32 pounds in most tires. ' %•eA A9riei MORE .',PEOPLE' RIDE ON GOODYEAR TIRES THAN ON NAS ANY OTHER KIND • PAGE GEVEN CLINTON' . MONUMENT SHOP OPEN FRIDAYS 0R BY APPOI41TMVLENT WITH Mr. J. J. ZAPPE PHONE 100 MEMORIALS AND CEMETERY WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION T. PRYDE & SON CLINTON -- EXETER SEAFORTII Hog Concentrate Dairy Supplement Quality Feeds They Pay Phone 114 Poultry Concentrate: Laying Mash Wise Poultrymen are Increasing Egg Production. Knowing the importance of Careful Breeding and Consistant Culling, wise poultry men are now turning more and more to scientific feeding to get greater production for greater profits. We know that theproper use of Quality Feeds yuilll give increased production with corresponding increase pros. For Larger Litters and Stronger Pigs at birth, feed aBalanced :Ration to your sows. The extra pigs. will pay the feed: bilL Grain, Whole or Ground .-,- laved Feeds ' Fertilizer and Seeds SAMUEL RIDDICK & SONS For Body and Fender Repairing SATISFACTION GUARANTEED C.R. Crossman Body Shop Rattenbury St. W., ,lust West of Ikatliff's Bakeshop PRONE 594 MEANS - High Hatchability Lowest Cost SHUR-GAIN 170 •Hatching Mash, is now used by more :latching flocks than any'' o her brand. Here is why: MORE CHICKS from FEWER EGGS This high quality Hatching Mash can be produced at the lowest cost because of: LOCAL ,1$11/ONG at YOUR SHU1 -GAN FEED SERVICE MILL Local .1hdng Reduces the cost because there is: • Only one Handling Charge • Only one Hauling Charge • No middleman's profit. Local nixing produces high quality feed because of • FRESHNESS No other Feed Company has these Natural Advantages VISIT OUR MILI, SEE OUR NATURAL ADVANTAGES SHUR-GAIN, 17% Hatching Mash is made at CLINTON FEED MILL Your Sllur-Gain Feed Service Mill PHONE 580 CLINTON'