HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-01-22, Page 6PB SIX QT:aNiozz. Items From • ' ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • - • . • . . • Interesting . • • . • . • • • . • , • . L,• NEWS OF HAYFIELD Representative: Miss Lucy R. Woods Phone Clinton 631r31 Miss Janet Manson left Friday to spend some time in Toronto, Mr. and Mis. M. Leibler, and Mr. and MTS. M. Hannon, Arcola, Sask. ice Harvest is in full swing and from all reports it is of good quality and a fine crop. Miss Milvena Sturgeon, London, {visited her parents from Tuesday to Thursday of bit week. Miss June Lyons, Clarence Larson and Glen Smith opent the weekend with the latter's grandmother, Mrs. Charles W. Parker. Trinity 07v:4;dt Aismal The annual meeting of Trinity Church was held in the Orange Hall on Monday night. The rector, Rev. LaVerne Morgan opened with prayer. Owing to t he inclemency of the west ther there was not a large attendance. 'The treasurer's report was read and adopted. Reports were :dad beard from the Sunday School Guild, Girls" Aux- iliary and Women's Auxiliary, all of which showed a healthbalance. Lloyd Scotehmer was named Rector's War- den. It was moved by Mrs. Lloyd 1Seotcluner that Leslie Elliott be treasurer; moved by Lloyd Scotahmer, seconded by Leslie Elliott, that Oharlea Genteinhardt be Vestry cleric; moved by Mrs. E. Heard, seconded by Mrs. R. Larson, that Miss Lucy R. Woods and Mrs. D. Prentice be audi- tors; incved by Leslie Elliott, second- ed by Lloyd `Scotchiner that Charles Gemeinhardt be Lay delegate to Sy- nod; moved ,by Leslie Illtiott, second- ed by Mrs, E. Heard that Lloyd Stotehmer be substitute lay delegate. 4144140A .fte. awe Tnitoticu m YEARs, neither time, effort nor ex- penae has been spared to give you clearer, better tele- phone aervice. Indeed, todaY's tielePhotteis are actually four times as clear and free from noise as thoge of not BO many years ago. You get more Service, too. We're cOnipleting unfilled Orderta —jtuit-as fast se Vie can get the necessary equip. ment. And as more telephones are added, it means more Imople Whom you can call—More service, clearer sem. ice,*arid always at the lowest possible cost. Altogether, telephone users today get greater value than ever before. TIME BELL TELEPHONE Stanley Township ' • (Intended for last week) • Mr; and Mrs. Melvin Bennett, God- erieli spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. IL Pothole, Mrs. lImverd McCullough and baby son Douglas are spending a couple of weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harrold Pothole, Harold Pothole visited Mr. and Mrs' William 1.)-uncalf 000 day lest week. at Breslau, near ISitchenor. Howard MeChillough spent the week' end with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pen - bale. Tho Board of Managers for the o suing year is: Mr. it. Lamson, Mr E. Heard, Charles Genieinhardt, Lloy Seetchniter, Thomas Seotchmer an Mrs. Jr. E. Howard. Sidesanoll appoin ed were Leslie Elliott, Ernest Hove William Parker Charles Gemeinhart'. and Lloyd Seetehmer, with Cherie Gemeinhudt as chairtiran of th committee. Charles Gemeinhard moved that ti, rectory bo soldif a suitable offe ives made, the, price to be determined by tho wardens of the 'three churches see:ended by Leslie Elliott. On a belle being taken of these present the re stilt was II -I in favour of 'the sale Moved .by 'Lean° IJ1liott, seconded b William MeDool that Mrs. Gunn' house be purataSed as a rectory Lo the mini of three 'thousand dollars and that a mortgage be issued a paYment until 'the present rectory field. This age was carried by &largo Major*. on a ballot of those present It 'Was moved ,by Charles Gelman hard and Emended by Mrs. Lloyd Siotehmer that someone examine the #nurah and tee what it needs in th... matter of repairs and report to the Board of Management. The rector eaid tribute to all the officers of the chureh. The rector closed with the benediction, Lunch was served by the 'adies. (Intended for last wesk) The .'Week of Prayer was observed in Ilayfield by two Minted serrices. The first was in St. Andrew's mathd dhizre4 .even1rig, with Rdv.. L. uhrgiin ,as, speaker sad the second was in Trinity A4glicass thureh when Eov, F. G. Stoteibuiy gave the address Howard Biirt returned to London' on Sunday after having spent his vacation -With Iris grandparents, Arr. 'and. tire. F. W. Baker. Mies' Beverly York' hail resumed her studios LOndon Normal Sehool, lib. and MM.. tNeleon •MCCoakeYIiUd son, John, North Bay, were visiting in the village on Tuesday. Trinity' Trinity Chuteli congregation soeitil and annual meeting was held in the Orange Hall on Monday, January 19. Dance Enjoyed Tho dance, which was sponsored by the newly -elected Reeve and Couneil of Stanley Township and Whi.C.h eae • held in the Town Hall, Bayfield, on. ' much enjoyed. by the large number n- 13, d t - y, 112 0 e ; • COMPANY OF CANADA (present. Bayfield Valley tee'FstiPPI; Monday evening January 12 was very ied the music and refreskiitents were. served. Voters of Huron 7 he Future Belongs to Fon Liberal Governments Gave Ontario Farmers Subsidies on Hogs Cheese Feed Grain Sugar Beets What has the Drew Government done by way of comparative BENEFITS? Farmers Can Ensure their Interests by VOTI G LigER1 VOTING TIMKEN' I 'la LONDESBORO riookey Gantt Postponed ,The ,g(041.4 :intermediate ."13" genie between Atwood and Londes• bore, which Was to have been held in Listowel arena Monday evening had to be Postponed on account of road conditions. The Loridesboro players were not able to travel farther than Wingbant, as the snowplow that was lalead of them went into the ditch (between Wingham and Listowel. As ydt no new date has been set for this game. Moss Doreen Armstrong loft on Tuesday January 20, for London where she cone -Lames on Wednesday; 'ijanuary 21, to train as a nurse at (Victoria Hospital, London. All her Mends wish her all tho luck in the world in her now work: Miss Elva Govier, London, spent the week end at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs, William Govier. • Mission Band. Meets The Mission Band held its meeting in the basement of the church on San - day morning ;Tannery 18 with Kenn eth Wood isr the chair. Hymn 405 Was sang followed by God Save the ging and the Lord's Prayer in un- ison. The Scripture reading was given by Juno Manning, Treasurer's report by Muriel ShobbroOk. The minutes of the last meeting was read by Bill Cowan and the roll call was answered by paying fees. Muriel Shobbrook gave birthday pennies. Tho offering was taken up by Bob Saundereock. 'The Study boog,was given by Mrs. Bent Shobbrook, Mrs, Ivan Carter gave a reading. The Missionary story was read by Gail Mmuting,. Hymn 406 was sung followed by the closing prayer. 15 present. Mission Circles' Meets The Aimwell Mission Circle hold its January meeting On. Tuesday evening, January 13 et the hoine of Mrs. Prank Goderich Township • • Mrs. John Middleten retuined home on Saturday after spending a Week in Toronto as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. llosnpson, The W. A. of St. Jades, Middleton, held •its.finit meeting df the Jur 'on t;ranuary 7 at the home of the Pres - MCA,. Mrs. John Mididaton, with fif- teen present, The roll call was ansWer- ed by paying the annual fees. Rev.Sa Vbrno Morgan closed the meeting. Tho lioateim 'served lunch. Farm Forum Meets The' S. 8. No. 4 Farm. Forum meet- ing was held at the home of Mr. and Aire. Walter Forbes on Monday even- ing of last ',reek. The toPics for diseussion was "The World is our Market" 'Walter Porbee was discussion leader, and games were phiyed during re•emation hour. Mrs. Jack 'Acerill anal Bert Lobb aro On the recreation eminnittee or next week, and the meeting will bo held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Robart Thompson. Pederation Treeting The regular meeting of the Fed- eration of Agriculture will bo held. on Wednesday January 28 at 8 p.m. in No. 11 Settee]. Any farmer in Goderieh Township interested in forming a grain crop improvement pleb shoidd, have his application f Or Beaver seed oats in at or before this meeting. T.he Report of tie mania' Meeting. at Tor - et°, 'lase the repert of •tbe short course at, Western, will. be given, Those interested in forming a boys calf club Open 'te boys under 20 With achievement day at DaYfieM Fall Fair should COMO to this meeting or contact, the Agricultural Representative Le- Roy G. 13rown, ,Cliiiton. BLYTH United Chaioh W. A. The executive of the Woman's Association of Blyth United Mulch met at the home of the preisitleolti Min. Franklin Ballston, to arrange pet luek supper for tho annual con- gregational Meeting to bo held in the school room of the elmreh on Jan. 22. Tho women of the congregation will provide the supper. Those whose names eommence with letters front A to .1,* will bring the desert and the rest of the alphabet, the first course, ex- eept Meat, which Will be Providea by the effielal board Whese inehbois oleo 'M chargeof tk pkgrana. No. 1 wilrset the tables, group 2 will serVe, group 23 and 4 will wash up. Polish Brothers Reunited Two Poliiih blithers, who have been separated since their family VMS Mat- terecl when the Germans invaded their homeland, were reunited here last week end the rennion biolfght to one of thein the.good news thaftheir parents are now safe in Poland again. Joseph Kuchink was reunited 'trail hie brother Pronk, who is working bbs f arm of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Whitfield on the outskirts of the BP. Joseph broUght to Fran litho ninny that their parents, who have been in concentration camp in India, are now boa' in Poland. Frank Knehihk has been working at tto Whitfield farvii'fsover a year; Iso has mastered the English langnage to sueli an extent that he is now acting he language teacher to his brother. As a epoeial selfpormitted liberty they spoke Polish on the first day of their reunion but einee then Frank has insisted that Joeoph speak only Eng - no now student, who hopes to "got 4 job eventually in ,the Canadian woocla, is making excellent proems in his language classes. Jesoph has been hi a Polish camp in England for sorno time and Man- aged to ,get a faarly eoutid basic un. Huron Liberal ,S;ssociation 4of the. language before similliiirmsminakairamonnsammasumassmamm. he eons to Caneae. e Woods with the president, Miss Lois Wood, presiding., The 'meeting open ed by singing. hymn 502 followed by. plimutesof the last meeting mid the roll cult' The roll rail Was answered by paying fees., Tho business was then discussed and the offering 'was taken, Hynn: 444 was then sung. Thelma Shobbrook read the Scripture. The Study book was given by Lois Wood, Frances Lyon, Beth Lansing and Thel- ma Sliobbrook, A New Year's Story was road by MTS. L. Wood. The, meeting closed by singing,hymn. 501 and all repeat- ing the Benediction. The hostess then served Munch which was enjoyed by 'all.: ' MM.& Meets The W.M.S. met 10 the 'Sunday School rooni of the churell on Wed- needa, January 14. Meeting opened by use of Hymn 519, followed by a rend- ing by the president, Mrs. Townsend reading a New Year message cow posed by Miss SnOsll, fOrraedy o :Auburn. Reports were given by th secretaries of the different depar ments and all had satisfactory work financially, all going over theif allot- ments, Roll call was a-newereij by paying fees. Rev. Mr. Brenton was present and installed 'the officers for tf corning year. Following are the officers: Presi- dent, Mrs. le Townsend; 1st vice- president, Mrs, F. Titmblyn • 2nd. vice- president, Mrs. E. Wood; recording secretary, Mrs. W. Govier; assistant secretary, ids. .A. Pangrad; Mission- ary Monthly secretary, Miss F. Jam- ieson; supply secretary, Mrs. W. Brunsdon; treasurer, Mrs. N. Wat; son; flower conunittee, Mrs. R. Town- send, has. OE' McVittie; literature seeretary, Mrs. G. MeVittie; Friend- ship secretary, Mrs. F. Shobbrook;. Associate Helpers seeretaiy, Mrs. M.. Manning; Baby Band superintendent, Mrs. J. Shaddiek; Mission Band sup- orintendent, Mrs. B. Shobbrook; as- sistant miperintendent, Mr. Ivan Car. ter; Maslen Circle superintendent, kis. E. Weed; correspondence seere- tory, Mrs. W. Vanning, temperance Sberetary, Mrs. L.l'ffebster,, Christian SteWardship and finhnce, Miss L. YoUng; pLanistse Mrs. E. Wood /Md. Afri. 1. After the bneinees was conducted 166. Manning took charge of the program for Group 1. gra, it. g'Itranilineng reag d tabe.P°Selirra pture jlesAj.sontu: prayer by Mrs. L. Webster, and ering Was taken by, Mrs. Nellie Bair. 11 solo by lirs. Doreen Armstrong and hIrs. Brenton' gave the subject from iso stilay nook. heMbebteneldnigetionosbeya mwnit.h Id. Manning. Herb Oakes, Goderio Township, ent few days at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Fred Shobbrook. Miss Vary Ellen. Proet, pent the previous week end at the one of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. red Prest, Mr. and Mrs. John Pipe anent e eek ago Sunday at the horn° of Mr. ncl Mrs. Lloyd Aleoek and. family, ruasels. The friends and neig,hbors of Mrs. kris. Kennedy wish her 11. speedy re - Very after having undergone an Op. Mien in Clinton Public Hospital. Mission Band Meets The Afisaion Band held its Januni7 eating on Sunday Sanitary 18, at 0.30 a.m, the basethent of the ssrlh. The roll call was answered by ying fees. 4.. Meets The W. A. held its regular mooting Wedneiddy nfternoon;N.Tenuary 21, tho home of Mrs. (Rev.) S. 11. renton. the hostesses were to pe rs. H, Lyon, Itirs. Jinx Fairservien, eoeit' S. Lloyd Pipe, Mrs. it. Saindor- THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1248t • NOTICE Township of flullett All CAR OWN", ERS in the Township ot Hullett are requested not to park their cars on the Roads of the Township during the IVinter. Cars that are left on the Roads are at the Owner's risk, and a detriknent to the Operators of Snow Ploughs. 4b GEORGE W. COWAN, Clerk ANNUAL MEETING Huron Central Agricultural Society Agricultural Board Room, Clinton Saturday, January 24 at 2.00 p.m. Reports of Departments and Election of Officers • 'N. L. (Tory) Gregg: Guest Speaker t- 12 BP 35 10 w 13, 33 0 to er 30 eh 011. at8Xif itE,(1.9,1CIT Hei.gri'`riaintoin the • bign- level of ern- ployment and pro- auction that means greater prosperity for all ... • Iceirp unnecessary light* witched oil. • Do not use electric air beaters or grates. • Cook complete meals be oven as often as pos- sible. • Switch top:stove elements to "off" as soon as pos- sible, and use stored beet. • SAVE ELECTRICITY IN EVERY WAY YOU CAN. Is 1 • 31 THE HYDRO -ELECTRIC. 001riti? COMMISSION OF ONflRlO Ervin (Dick) Jacob A. J. McMurray G. E. Nelson President Manager Secretary SEE THE NEW Holland Electric Pig Brooder It protects the little pigs from being crushed by the mother, and keeps them warn. Reemmuended by Ag,nield- tin.al Repreeentatives. griced Reasonably at $35. Breeders will be rented or loaned NOBLE HOLLAND INVENTOR and 111ANUrACtURER Ef:R. 4, 'Clinton Qjntoj 61742' ...vow* Calling Ail Girls Earn While You Lea= A New Trade JOIN THE PARADE TO WORK Al Clinton Hosiery Mills Limited Apply for Particulars To tlie. Superintendent IThis Looks Like .the Year To Raise the Usual Number of Chicks .1.16••• Don't be an In -and -Miter It Pays, to "Stay In" when Others Drop Out While it may not be the year increase, it will pt* to raise the usual nutnuber of chicks. EgtP-eiCeg-EikPotiCiiiitradtPricesRaisei1 Egg Prices auring lite Spring period a year, ago were on the basis of 31-32c for '•Lette.-thin tht.?, price for ,export will be to the Farmer 39-40c, an crease of 7 to 8c per doien aver a yber b. EGG PRICES STARTING SYYTEKKER 1 — The floor expIrt price for A -Large to the farther aiPpyo31mimate4y 46c a dozen. However, there is ne cella& 'on egg Prides, this Year the price went abo-ve the export price for quite a period, with a de- crease in the number of early hatched ROOS' and yearling hens. We will have next Fall, we prediet, egg iirices 'Will he itway abelie,eipport *Ube of 46c, for twb three or perhaps fotit START YOUR CHICKS EARLY — This will be more important than ever AS egis will definitely bolicarce and met in price next rail, Cep-6day A -L, Out start in the poultry'besiness back in 1930 when egg'b twere 12e a dozen in the going. We iih wewouki neebein business today had we not staited-oiltielincks in February, and received the higheepritesi the reit, — tie Poultry Meat 461. anion and prospeets for high 'prices, this &Miner and Pall has Changed trentendonsuly. Three to four pond broilers are worth 38-40c lb. live weight St tie Farm With the big decrease in production of i3 roileat and Poultry for Meat, there is a big demand for Csntalien poultry for United States Market. Poultry 'Will be searce and high in price. For Biggest Profits order and start your chicks early, both for eggs and meat production. Get our New Poultry Management Guide and Catalogue Lakeview Poultry Farm and Hatchery WFS' ROS. PRONE 7S OR 02 EfititTER