Clinton News-Record, 1948-01-22, Page 5"!THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1948 1t CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE FIVE News -Record Ciassifle�..*diets Bring Quick Results ,CASH RATE—(If paid by Wednes- oday following date of insertion) --- One emit a ward first insertion '(mini- ±rntum 35 cents); subsequent insertions ene'eent a word (minimum 25 cents); 15 cents extra for box number or for ,.direction to NEWS -RECORD Office, IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE -9 p.m., Wednesday. FOR SALE '.1ZEDBONE FOX HOUND, MALE, 14 months old, started on fox, $20 for .quick sale. Harold Brandon, Bayfield, Ont. 5.6p .GIRL 'S PINK CORDUROY SKAT- ng dress. Phone 233M. 4p 'THOR:VACUU.M CLEANER, LI.IKE mow, with attachments. Mrs. Proctor Palmer, R.R. 2, Clinton, phone 901r51. -4p , "TABLE POTATOES, NEW BRUNS- wiek, 75 Ib. bag 85,65, Cash and "Carry, Thompson's Grocery. 4p FOUR BURNER ELECTRIC WEST- inghouse range, enamel finish, first -class condition. Apply Mrs. G. A. Miller, Orange St., phone 57. 3-4b MARGE SIZE WHITE ENAMEL Beach range, nearly new. Apply A. D. McCartney, phone 256, Clinton. 3.4p 'BEACH CIRCULATING HEATER. Apply S. Yearron, Post Office Box 477„Clinton. 3-4p "ONE DINETTE BUFFET, NATUR- a11, blue trim; one kitchen table, large; one New Princess Pat Stove with re- servoir, warming closet and water front, only used four years; one guitar, Hawaiian with case. Apply at reei- donce of E. J. Taylor, opposite Epps 'Sport Shop, .between 3.5 p.m. and T-9 p.m. 4p - LIVESTOCK FOR SALE NINE LITTLE PIGS, SIX WEEKS old• Frank MacDonald, R.R. 4, Clin- ton, phone 800r3. 4p ONE GUERNSEY AND THREE young Jersey cows due to freshen in • February and March. Roy Connell, phone 603r4, Clinton. 4'-5p TWO REGISTERED SHORTHORN heifer; with heifer calves; one reg- istered Shorthorn heifer due Febru- ary 28; one registered Shorthorn heifer; freshened. Papers supplied for all heifers. Stewart Sehoenhals, phone 903r12, Clinton. 4 -Sp MISCELLANEOUS SLDDIS..BLED HORSES WANT - for mink feed. Apply James East, R.R. 4, Clinton, phone Clinton 800r6. 1.5p PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS to all makes. Cleaning, de-mething, free estimates. Write or phone William N. Gould, 314w, Clinton. 2btf 1'•TYPTTG DONE AT HOME. MRS. Wilfred Dewomme, hoopla St., phone 233M. 4.6p SEWERS DUG, TILE LAID AND :inspected. Phone W. E. Storey, 911r24. ARE YOU PLANNING TO HAVE nrasonwork done in the Spring'? Now Is the time to make the necessary ar- rangements. For assistanee in your plans and other information contact William Bender, phone 911r24. 4.8-p ACCOMMODATION WANTED HOUSE, FURNISHED OR UNFUR- nished, in town or country, by Air Force Officer. Apply FIE C. C. Mo gee, RCAF Station, Clinton, 4p LOST AND FOUND 13IRTHS- LOST—SMALL GLASS TRAY BE- ANDERSON—Zn Clinton Public -Hos - longing to cream and sugar sot, pita, on Wednesday, January 21, "F'estoria” pattern. Lost at Hospital 1948, to Mr. and Mrs, Roy Ander- Aid Christmas Bali in Town Hall. son, Clinton, a son (Michael David). , °P tiVesley-Willis Church was held in Phone 177. 4b COOK•—In Clinton Public Hospital, the Curve' Parlor with a large at - on Tueeday, January` 20, 1948, to lbndanc4. Tho Fresident, Mrs. W, A. Mr. and Mrs. Borden. Cook,, Bfyth, a I (Makes, was in the chair, Mrs. H. daughter. 1 Charlesworth Was pianist. The open- FRANCIS—In Clinton Public Hos- ing hymn was ``Standing at the Port - WANTED TO BUY • vital, on Friday,'January 16, 1948,•al;,—The President read "A New to Mr. and Mrs, Reginald Francis, , OLD HORSES and DEAD ANIMALS e Years Message , The Lord 's• pray - Bayfield, a son (Lloyd John), suitable for mink feed. Will pay de HOY--In Clinton Public ffoepital, on er was said in unison, The secretary, Mrs. a Pound for horses and call and rel W. Jervis read the minutes, Ars. P P + Wednesday, January 21, to Mr. and up same. Dead animals according to I Mrs. Lonis Hoy, Clinton, a daughter. Atkep, retiring Treasurer, gave the value. If dead phone at once. Phone !pEDERSON In Clinton Public Hos- fmaa ei0l report. The scripture lesson collect Jaek Gilbert, 936r21, or Fred pital, on Tuesday, January 20, 1945, was read by Mrs, Fred :Potter from Hilbert, 936r32, Godorieh. 45btf to Mr. and Mrs. Arvid Pederson tie 1456Naha. Mrs, Charles. Nel- Clinton, a son (Dennis Brian). '�sonoffered prayer, Wesley -Willis Ladies The January meeting of the W. A. LOST—RING OF KEYS, INCLUD- ing key for, Post Office box. Reward.. Apply NEWS -RECORD office. 3-4x HELP WANTED MALE BOOKKEEPER. APPLY Lorne Brown Motors. 411 SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY. Aver- age $45 weekly for Tuan or woman.to supply more than 250 Familex necessi- ties to the people in your neighbor- hood, Write tb-day for complete de- tails of our time -tested plan for fast, easy, direct -to -customer sales. CATB.- LOGUE FREE. FAMILEX, 1 00 De- lorimier, Montreal. 2-7b NOTICE WILL BE ABLE TO DO CUSTOM Wood Cutting with power chain saw. Glenn E. Price, phone 621r31; Clin- ton. 3.4p SAW FILING, ALL KINDS DONE at Hoare's Orchard, ono mile north of town; also Iadders for sale various lengths. Enquire. 3-10p TENDERS WANTED TENDERS WANTED FOR 65 CORD 1 of hard body wood, 12 in. long, hale Maple and half Beech. Tenders to be in hands of undersigned by January, 25. For farther particulars apply to George L. Reid, eecrotary-treasurer, Stanley Township School .Area. 3.4b PROPERT FOR SALE HOUSE FOR SALE 1% STOREY, six -roomed dwelling, modern conven- iences, full basement, double garage, good location, immediate posession. Apply to H. C. Lawson, Real Estate Broker, phone 251, Clinton. 3btf `—f FOR RENT 100 ACRES OF GOOD PASTURE land with fresh spring water ;the year round, facing on two roads, lot 20, Concession 3, Hullett, For information write Mrs. Lottie M. Beatty, Box 866, Sherman Cake, Calif. 2;3-4p ACCOMMODATION TWO FURNISHED ROOMS FOR rent, suitable for light housekeeping. Phone 91. 4b WORK WANTED E&S'ERIE'NOED HOUSE -KEEPER would like a position by first of Feb- ruary. Apply Box "F" rrmvs RE- CORD. Ah AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1937 INTERNATIONAL 1% -TON truck, nevi motor, three new tires, good high stock rack, Apply I•i. Lobb, Sumnnerhill. Phone Clinton 802r3, 4p LIFELONG RESIDENT GODERICH—Mrs. Andrew A, Fow- lie, well-known resident, died suddenly at her home on Tuesday morning, January 20. Formerly Jessie Craigie, she was born in Goderich, a daughter of the lato Alexander and Bets Craig- ia, and was a Iife-long resident • LADIES! Are you having a. QUILTING BEE at your home? If so, see us for QUILT BATTS, FLANNELETTE, NEEDLES, THREAD and other necessities. BOUQUET. WOOL An the newest and brightest shades in 3 or 4 ply Botany Yarns.; 1 oz. and 4 oz. balls. JUST ARRIVED TABLE OILCLOTH in various vridtlls and patterns. • -PRINTS In plenty of patterns and shades. Color -fast, Ideal for House Dresses. Pickett (3 Campbell Agents for Croft Cleaners and Dyers PHONE 25 CLINTON ..1 ¢znvsmatlliunMlaaaaiMEa LIZA raa5truear p��q]I [��y.-r},=7 '"{tl� ,y1t�,1. �t,ciJust h �.Y 1 P 4iPi lL a,J t e,.yrj .n 011. a Cold1Idi! I AMBURGERS 15e Golden Brown FRENCH (+'PIES l0c MOT DOGS 10e SANDWICHES TEA COFFEE MHZ ' SOFT DRINKS CIGARETTES TAKE -AWAY CONES to TAKE AWAY HOME! PARRY'S SNACK Huron St. BOXY THEATRE CLINTON Now Playing—(Jan. 22.241) "BELLS OF SAN ANGELO" In Trucolor, starring Roy Rogers and Bala Evans Mon., Tues,, Wed. (Jan. 26-28) Hobert 1'owag, Susan Haywwrd and Jane Greer Women could not resist his fatal,fas- ehaation. He reined their lives but they loved him. They Won't Believe Me • Tiurs., Fti,, Sat. (Jan. 29-37.) CHEYENNE The lusty dram of the nation's cross- roads where law said order wrote finis SELLEN—In Clinton Public, Hospital Monthly reports were received from to °n ontla'w era: on Wednesday, January 21, 1948; to the vsrious departments of Work, Denni Morgan, Jane Wyman ldr. and Mrs. Ronald Sellen, Olin- Mrs, Nelson road lettersof thanks . and Janis—Pang' ton, a daughter (Lynn Frances), from those who lied reen_ived cards, Coming—(Feb, 2.4) SWITZER—In Clinton Publie Hospi- flowers and fruit in December. Then Ginger Rogers int "HEARTBEAT" tal, on Thursday, January 15, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Switzer, Clinton, a son, (Charles Thomas). MARRIAGES `- HATHAWAY -DRAPER — On Sat- ;; urday, January 17, 1918, at one o'clock, in St. Paul 's Anglienn Church, Clinton, by Rev. Ronald 13ulteel, Lois Isobel, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Caryl W. Draper, Clinton, to Norman Blasdell Hathn- way, younger son of Cr. and Mrs. George B. Hathaway, Kitchener. STEEPE-MILLER.—Quietly on Sat- urday, January 17, 1948, in the par- lor of WesleyWillis United Church, by Rev. Andrew Laney Audrey Doris, daughter of Mr. George Miller and the late Mos. Miller, Trenton, to Kenneth Milton, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Steeps, Goderieh Township. , DEATHS DERRY—In Clinton, on Sunday, Jan- uary 18, 1948, John Derry, in his 95th year. Funeral from Ball Bro. thers Funeral Horne, High St., Clinton, on Wednesday, January 21, to ,Olinton Cemetery. MA•QSHAT,r In Port Colborne, on Thursday, January 22, 1948, follow= ing a lengthy illness, Mrs. Robert Marshall, Port Colborne, formerly of Clinton, beloved mother of Robert (Bert) Marshall. Funeral and inter- ment at Kingston, but arrangements not complete. RATH—In Clinton, on Friday, Jaml. dry 16, 1948, Anna C. C. Howell, wife of John A. hath, in her 71st year. Funeral from Ball Brothers Funeral Home, High St., Cluiton, on Monday, January 10, Interment in Dundalk Cemetery, Tuesday, Jan- uary 20. 0 Lois Wiltse Heads Ontario- St. Y.P.U. At a recent meeting the officers for the coming year were- elected by the Young People's Union of Ontario St. United church, The new opecut- ive is: president, Lois Wiltse; vice president, Bill Gould; secretary, Elwin Merrill; treasurer, Lois Connell; Con- veners: Fellowship, Jean Farquhar; Missions, Edith Pepper; Citizenship, Ross Merrill; Culture, Jack VonEg- mond; Recreation, Bill Gould; Social, Doris Tyndall, CARD OF THANKS We wish to take thie opportunity of expressing our grateful thanks to all those, and especially tlio ladies, who through the long period. of Mrs. Rath's disability and suffering came to cheer her by their presence, and their many acts of kindness. 4p Mrs, Ii. Tasker and J, A. Rath CARD OF 'THANKS I wish to express my sincere appre- ciation to my many friends and neighbours for their many acts of kindness, also for cards, letters, treats and flowers sent me: while a patient in Clinton Public. Hospital. (Signed) W. G. Ross, Londosboro. 4b b'Old at401,50,69?" -" Man; You're. Crazy 5'orgat your anal Tnounande aro nenpy at T0, Try ngnplog un" wtth octroi CoatnlmS tonlo lar Wont. rundown lcalin1 dna nobly tp body'" loot Ol 'ran watch many mea and women "all Old; nitres Too u Tnbiett lar IMF 1011naal reeling; tam very dry. New 'got r eaeversi d" also only ba0... For mile at nil drug stems evenavOcro. Yi CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion CO Y .COO KE FLOIRZST Phones: 66w and 66j BEAUTY SIIOPPE . Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents ' Phone 696J - •ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St. East Phone 585 59-55 followed the annual reports, Mrs. Oakes gave a splendid resume of the year's accomplishments, in the abson- co of Mrs, George Jefferson, retiring ,secretary, Mrs. Atkey showed that there was a surplus of $300. at the beginning of 1.947. $300, had been will- ed to the W. A. and. 5500 raised—e total of over 51.300. Mrs, Wilfred Jervis reported a good deal of work had been done by the sowing Com- mittee,,quilts and eurtains made. Mrs. Laidlaw reported the work of the communion Committee during the past 'year. Mrs. John Nediger Jr. gave a fine repot of work done by the Flow- er committee —25 slut -in -members of the congregation received flowers at Local or anization. is to be the hostess Christmas. Ntrs. W. Pickard reported g for the manse Committee—Mrs. A. T. the ladies of the surrounding corn - Cooper for. the Press. Mrs. Will Pinn- mmiities. ing. for Property, ° MOTHERS'STUDY CLUB "Liss L. Brigham and Mrs. Fred The opening meeting of the new Hanley were appointed to work with year of the Young Mothers' Study the W. NI, .S on "Canadian Church Group of Wesley -Willis United Church relief abroad." will be bold at the home of Mrs. Gor. don Roes, Battenbnry St. Si{., on Tues- Ahymn and the Mizpah benediction day, January 27, at 8.15 p.m. Mrs. closed the meeting, after which after- George Braithwaite wif be in charge noon to. was sereed by Mrs. Fred of the evening's programme. Time will C'otter's group. be given for the discission of sugges- tions covering the coming year's work. CAPITAL THEATRE. GtODERICH. Now--- "THE ow—"THE FABULOUS DORSEYS' i with Tommy Dorsey, Jimmy Dorsey Mon,, Tues., Wed.— Robert Young, Susan 77040:ard • and Jame Greer A happy and entertaining story built entirely on bright, breezy .fun. They Won't Believe Me ' Thurs., Fri., Sat.— Teresa Wright, Robert Mi4tilrnm Judith Anderson' Hollywood's top dramatic east pre - 'seated in a play that will hold your interest: PURSUED Coming— Ian Toelmieolo:- "TILL THE CLOUD ROLL BY' ' REGENT TO R HET SATRE S E A P Now—Dennis Morgan, Jane Wyman in 4' CHEYENNE Mon., Tues., Wed.— , Edward G. Robinson, Loretta Yrungp and Orson Wei/o9 Tense, stark drama., packed with ell, mastic action and thrilling romance THE STRANGER Thurs., Fri., Sat.— Two Features Penny Stnglcton, Arthur 'Lake wad Larry Simms The Bumeteads return in their latest riot of marital complications Blondie's Big 'Moment Charles Starrett and 5m•iingl Burnette It's a 'singing, stinging Western with plenty of two-fisted ructions LAND RUSH HOSPITAL AID M17ETING The regular meeting of the Hospital Aid will bo held in Wesley -Willis United Church parlor Monday, Febru- ary 2, at 3 p.m. All lading of Clinton and surrounding community are espe- cially invited to attend. The president. has kindly consented to repeat her ex- eollont address on the Hospital Aid convention in Toronto. This together with a musicale and a secial cup of tea should help theladies to become better acquainted with each other and the Hospital Aid activities, Each lady is asked to bring her own cup and Prancer and sandwiches for two as the Open Sunday, January 25 AND EVERY NIGHT NEXT WEEK Used Car Specials 1942 Ford Coach, New Motor 1941 Ford Coach, New Motor 1934 Chevrolet Coupe GOODYEAR. Tires -- Batteries SHELLUBRICATION at Reg. Ball's Shell Service Station Ontario St. PHONE 5 Clinton Rumball's Grocery PHONE 86 Specials for Friday -Saturday, Jan. 23.24 Maxwell House COFFEE .... , . lb54e Libby's Mixed VEGETABLES 19c RICE lb. 20e ._ Large Ivory SOAP .. • bar 14.e 1 Large VEL 1 Small VEL , . , . 321.1 • We Deliver Sanitary Seweragt Services Completed From Town Line to Cellar �• and Drain STEWART SC/WENT/ALS WILLIAM HARRIS Phone' Clinton 903r12 Phone Clinton 908r3 4-5!1 .ee-,n .erePOM.PoA.MWaaWdN.O.M-V•iM..mN.MMPJ,1-e McBRINE and LANGMUIR Brands , TRUNKS Small, indium and largo size, box type construction of metal and fibre coverings $1.5.25 $17.75 $24.00 $26.50 TOURING CASES — Heavy vulcanized fibre type $13.25 $16.50 , FIBRE CASES - Solid box construction $3.95 $5.50 $7.95 PHONE 2 AIKEN'S CLINTON MOW 41111111111111111.111.01114W BELIEVE IT OR NOT— The Bible is the word of God—"Holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost" FI Pet. 1:21 AND IT SAYS— "Ye must be born again" John 3:7 • "All have sinned" and aro in need of a Saviour. Rom, 3:23 "Christ came into the world to save sinners" I Tim, 1:15 COME UNTO HIM AND RECEIVE ETERNAL LIb}E A UNE IN — Hear Chas. Fuller, Box 123, Los Angeles 53, Cal., on STATION CKLW Windsor, 12-12.30 E.S.T., Sunday noon Amtemnserslemmommaramaneramerst Coming— A musical treat "TAE FABULOUS DORSEYS" Waite BINGO Town Council Chamber SATURDAY, JANUARY 24 at 8 p.m. GOOD PRIZES Auspices Clinton Branch No.' 140 Canadian Legion Hearing Aid Batteries As a service to the people of Clinton and district, who use Hearing Aids, we now carry a complete stock of Hearing Aid Batteries to fit EVERY type of Hearing Aid. You are invited to call in and take advantage of This service RELIABLE RADIO SERVICE MERRILL RADIO AND ELECTRIC SALES and SERVICE Phone 313 Clinton Opening of PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE Committee Rooms Monday, January 26 in . LEGION HALL, CLINTON (Over Bank of Montreal) at 8 p.m. All Chairmen, Committee Men and Supporters of the Progressive Conservative Party are requested to be present. ••4—{m Published by Progressive Conservative Association of Clinton a AMINSLIVIMMIECOMMIMPAVIZIEMIM Y4.POgs•••••• �vrvew-...f-v CO a TRACT 113A ,.LEY Contract Forms have arrived for Barley - WE EXPECT VERY HIGH PRICES NEXT FALL FOR MALTING BARLEY These contracts give you good seed and a special price for your production from this seed. Contact me as soon as possible so I can order seed required. GRAIN and SEED 4-1.1b • Phone 123W P.A6O W dM..'..dM,9.9......"6.44,0,04,6.*J.. WT.`IJY.dhP..,.: b..nOVY:...1W.AO..•Ow.MTM..M.d'N•PPM.PO:.M,b.W M W J.P..P,eNb.....,.t�d� for -rtai Let's help the British people by subscribing to -day to the fund being raised by Clinton Legion and Lions Club. Leave substcriptions at The NEWS -RECORD or either bank branch. HUGH R. HAW INS PLUMBING and HEATING Business 244 Phone Residence 470 . - •~4 ., •