HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-01-22, Page 4112A My;
Vtomen's• and h ch Affairs in Olin#C Disfricl
Happy Workers Have
Funeral re'v'ises* were held yester-
day affernoong annoy 21, at Ball
Bothers°uttered' Home, High St,
jClinton, for Jbhn Derry. Mr. Derry,
one of E'linton& oiliest residents, was
in his 9.6tyh year, Rev. R. M. P. But-
ted, officiat'ede and interment took
placein Cliittbnn Cemetery.
Pallbearers Were Joseph Silcock, G.
B Ha1T,- JbNr5' J 2apfe, Ephraim
Snell; A.li' Cudnrore and E. J. Jacob,
Mr; Derry was Born near Bodmin,
Cornwnlle England; December 16,
1852. Enrlj in life he was apprenticed
to the trade o2'sloemaking and after
corning to Clinton in 1888 he worked
for Wili"ram' Taylor and Sons and still
later for Pied' Jackson. He was cou-
Isidered one of the- Belt cobblers in
is -pert of the country: He retired
about' 14 /ears ago.
7.n.ypnst-manliood he was married
at Pleeneuthe, England, and after ha
and ll&ia-Dewey came to Canada they
a'aturned+tb'tlieiit, native land on two
or' thew reeesesiense to visit their peo-
in Novem'lier;,198S Mrs. Derry pre-
deceased herr leueleand, and following
her death at niece and her husband,
Bride -Elect Feted; PERSONALS
Miscellaneous Shower btr. and Mrs. Clifford Epps were
About 20 neighbours and friends Toronto viaitei's .tliis week. i
gathered at the haute of Mr. and W. J. Appleby, Toronto, was in
Mr. and ,blre, Saar Lobb, made their Mrs, Oaayl W. Draper Fulton St., town yesterday renewing acquaint-
eih,oine with •MY'. Derry until. Mrs,. Thursday evening, January 15, to ani'
Lobb's death in 1908. Following that present, their daughter, Lois, with a Mies Eva Goodhue, Port Stanley,
visited with Mr. and Mrs, Charles
Mr. Derry gave up his home and since miscellaneous shower.
then had boarded at different places The brido-cleat, who was completely
in and around town. Ile was a mem-, taken by surprise, was ushered Imo
bei of the Ancient Order of Foresters, the living room and seated iu a white
Mr. Derry was the last of his fam- i chair beneath a beautiful pink and
ily. A half-brother, Arthur Couch, ie white decorate,/ liLTI t Uh streamers
thiotrght to have passed away some
three ago. in Cleveland, Ohio. Several
nieces and nephews are the only eur-
viviug relatives.
* *. *
matching, draping tho chair. A white
gif basket, which was a.rtiatieojjy
arranged with a miniature bride and
.containing the gifts, was then brought
'in. After• opening her gifts, Lois
03189. JOHN A. BATH•made a very fitting reply,
Rev. W. J. VPoolfre iciaservocl offted at A iielightful luncheon was then
the funeral service held for eia JohnThe party broke up' after
Rathat Ball. Brothers Funeral meirrrrg the bride -elect every encases.
Home, High St,, Clinton, on Monday
afternoon, January 19, 1948. Inter- Clifford, Lloyd, Bernard and Gordon
moat followed in 'Dundalk Cemetery Double, and two grandsons -in -late, attend the Hathaway -Draper nuptials
on Saturday.
Those. from Clinton who attended
the funeral of the lato Mrs. Robert
Walker in Stratford on Tuesday were
Mr, and Mrs. E. G. Howes, Mr's. T.
Elliott, Mrs. E. Brown, Mrs. C. Wil.
Clinton Since 1325, having been a past four or five year's, but had been son, Misses Bessie and Sarah Sloanan;
resident of Dundalk for seven years seriously 111 for only two weeks. Bona Mrs. H. Castle, Mr. and Mrs. James
previous. in England 81 years ago, she was, a Livermore, Mrs, T. Deeves, Mrs, G.
Mrs. Rath had suffered for 15 years daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. R. Taylor, Mrs, 0. F. Lockwood, Mr.
with arthritis and for the past our Charles Calton. When rhino years of and Mrs. J. Silcock and Miss Mary
years had been an invalid. Her death age she carne to Canada and Iived in and Mrs. Clarence Green, Brodlragen,
occurred at her Ontario St. home on Clinton until moving to Stratford.' o
Friday, January 16. e. Twice married her first husband +
She was a member of Ontania St. James Appleby, died 14 years ago. Wesl@Y-WllliB WMS
Stewart last week..
Mr. and Mrs. George B. Beattie
were in Toronto a few days last week
attending a furniture show.
Mise. Madelon Hawkins left Mon-
day for Toronto to assume the posi-
tion of superintendent of Humowood
Brenton Hellyar, of the staff of
Queen Alexandra Sanitarium, London,
spent the weekend at the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hellyar.
Mr. and Mrs. Ashton Morrison and
Miss Winnie Draper, St. Catharines,
spent the week -end with the ladies'
brother and sister-indaw, Mr. and
Mrs, Caryl W, Draper coming tap t
011 Tuesday. Elmer Gaul and Kenneth Scott.
Mrs. Rath, ht her 71st year, was A resident of Stratford for the past
boar in Brantford. Her maiden name eight years, Mrs. Robert H. Walker
was Anna C. C. Hewell, she being the of 40 Perth St., died Saturday in tire,
daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. C. Stratford General Hospital. She had
M: Howell. Mrs. Rath had resided hi not enjoyed the best of health f
United Church and when able was m- She was married to Mr. Walker eight Hears Year's Reports
of the church. She was also a valued of St. Paul's Church of Eland d T 1 f
Surviving besides her husband are one the W.M.S. of Wesley -Willis United
tereated in the women's organizations years ago.Mrs Walker was a member
g , u regular • monthly incetmg o
member o.,. the W.C.T.U. when it was
functioning in to
In 1921 she was united in marriage
to John A. Rater, who survives; also
a sister, Mrs. H. Tasker, Toronto.
* 0i *
Be,.. M. B. H. Farr officiated at
the funeral service on Tuesday, Janu-
ary 20, 1048, at the Greenwood -Gilbert
Funeral Home, Stratford, for Mrs.
Robert 11. Walker, Stratford, form-
erly Mrs, James Appleby, Clinton,
The body was taken to Avondale Cha-
pel to remain there until burial takes
place in Clinton Cemetery at a later
Pallbearers were four grandsons,
�rl:Farq�uha ver
discuss the issues facing
the Electors of Huron
too on your dial
Tuesday, Jaililary 27
1-1.15 p.m.
PitiMished by .the Huron Liberal Association,
Q4 60 Candle power modern, white.
light ... Operates 50 hours on a single
gallon of kerosene. Simple and easy to
operate—lights quickly wit _ti march,. No
noise, no odor, no smoke. A truly beauti-
ful lamp with lovely Whip -o -lite shades.
And, if you electrify you can convert
your kerosene lamp to electricity with an
Aladdin electric convertor.
son, William J. Appleby, Toronto; Church was held at the hone of Mrs.
three stepspns, Frank Walker; $trot- E, Adams on Thursday, January 15.
ford, John Walker, Arizona, and Ray- Therm was a good attendance despite
the stormy day.
With the president, Mrs. Hearn, in
the chair and Mrs, Adams at the
piano, the meeting opened by singing
mond Walker, Milton and two step-
daughters, Mrs. S. Double and Miss.
Hattie Walker, both of Stratford,
Miss Alice Sloman, Stratford, was a
niece. Clinton. nieces and nephew in. I a New Year's Hymn and prayer by
elude Mrs, Joseph Silcock, Miss Lottie, the president. Splendid reports for the
Montan, Mrs, Herbert Castle, awli•year 1947 were given showing that
James Liverrhore, the eonveners of the various depart.
• • * )rents had not been idle. The Baby
JOHN CARTER Band leader reported 21 calls made
Word has been received in town of on mothers and new babies. Tho
the death in Winnipeg, Manitoba, of Friendship Secretary reported- 147
(John Canter, in his 5711t year, Mr calls had beoa.made on sick 'and 'shut -
Carter, a son of Mrs. Carter and the
(late David Carter, was born in this
focality and attended both Clinton
Public SchooLand Clinton Collegiate
*Some years ago the family moved
to tho Weet which had sine been their
throats, He had been ill only a short
time when his death oeourred in Win-
nipeg General Hospital.
Surviving besides his mother are his
wife and two small children and one
sister an done brother. One brother,
David, died just shortly before Christ.
mas and two other brothers, William
and Thomas were killed in World War
Deceased was a nephew of Mrs,
Fred Mutoh, Mrs- William Cochrane,
Isaac„ W. J. and Thomas Curter, ell
of Clinton,
* * *
(By our Auburn correspondent)
A highly esteemed resilent of the
village in the person of Mss. Henry
Wagner passed away suddenly at her
hone Saturday afternoon, January 10.
Deceased had been in poor health for
two years but was able to be up and
was going around when she suffered
a heart attack and passed away before
medical aid could be summoned,
Mrs. Wagner was the former Ber-
tha Sprung, the daughter of the late
Melbourne Sprung and Jessie Watson
and was born on We Basclhee sixty -
dight years ago. In Juno 1891 she
was married to Henry Wagner. Fall-
owing their marriage they lived iii
Hallett Township until twelve years
ago when they retired and moved to
Auburn. She was a member of Knox
United Church and the W. M. S.
Besides her husband, she is survived
by one son Fred on the homestead
three daughters (Katherine) Mre.
James Jackson 13Th eon Hallett,
(Marion) Mrs. William Lemp, Ham-
ilton, (Marguuerite) Mrs. Garfield
Stabile, Detroit, and four grandchild-
ren, also one brother Harold Sprung
of Auburn, one sister Mrs. William
Ball of Clinton. A private funeral
was held from her late residence on
Tuesday afternoon; conducted by Rev.
A. G. Hewitt of Knox United Church.
'Interment was in Ball's Cemetery.
The Tuller, o modern hotel far
those who xenl the best! Cwt•
venianl le OI'acs, Theaters,
and Shops. hnendly, coune-
ous service and real Hoiel
Contort. l;he Tuller Coffee
Shap or Crfelario for yeas
Dining Pleasure at modes)
prices. It pays to slay 01
Hotel Tuttc:.
800 ROOM 5rya
1,1 MAE
RICHARD C, 11000ES. Mgr.
ins, 40 of thesein hospital. The allo-
cation of 9;500 was reached. The mis-
sionary for special prayer this year
is Miss E, Masters, of Trinidad. The
ladies aro asked to note this. •
After the regular business was Ole
caned. Miss Davies took charge of
the Study Period, being assisted by
Miss Gtuting1iame and Mese Potter,
who told very interesting stories of
the lives of Judson, Corey and Martin,
taken from the Study Book "Great is
the Company", which is being greatly
enjoyed from month to month, A
hymn and prayer by Miss Davies
brought the meeting lo a close.
Tea was nerved by the hostess and
her assist -meta end a, social half hour
was enjoyed,
Presbyterian Girls'
Club Plans Bazaar
The Gir'le' Club of the Presbyterian
'church held its January meeting at
the home of Mrs. Jack Leipor. The
presdient, Mrs. Sam Castle Jr., was
in the chair- Mrs, ?Leiper read the
Scripture lesson and :terra William
Cook hod in. prayer.
The secretary's report was road by
Mrs. W. J. Muteh, and Mrs. Frank
Muteh gave the treasurer's report, also
tiro yearly statement for the Club for
the past year showing that •the Club
bad realized a very successful finan-
cial year;.
The main purpose of the meeting
was the discussion of articles which
are to be made for the annual bazaar,
a quota to be presented by each mem-
Tho meeting closed ,with the Miz-
pah Benediction, and a dainty lunch
Was served by the hostess, assisted by'
Mss. Clarence Neilaats.
This bus been a very busy week
for IOOF activities in town. On Mon -
,clay evening, January 19, Hurons Re.
bekah Lodge mot and in the course of
their mooting, the new degree team,
milder .the captaincy of Mrs. M. Nedi-
ger, initiated two new members. Dur-
ing the business period, plans were
made to hold a card party on Monday,
January 26, in aid of the C.P.T.
Fund; also for entertaining the As-
sembly President on Wednesday, Feb-
ruary 41, Refreshments wore served at
the close of the meeting.
• • •
Visitors were presort on Tuesday
evening, Jaenary 20, at the regular
meeting of Clinton Lodge 100E No.
83, from Exeter, Bruecfield and See -
forth. There were over 109 in attend-
ance, The Exeter degree team aon£er-
red the First Degree on 18 candidates,
eight from. Exeter, three from Bene-
field, three from Soaforth and four
from (Tinton. DDGM Clark Fisher,
Exeter, spoke briefly, as did Thomas
Pryde and several other members of
the visiting lodges. A social hour when
refreshments were served, brought a
very pleasant evening to a close.
Ontario St. WMS Hear
About Work in Japan,
The January meeting of the W. M.
S. of Ontario St. Church was holed Tue-
sday evening January 1.3 with the
President, hies. Woolfrey, in charge,
mutual reports were r'oceived.
bliss Courtice read a letter from
her sister in Japan wtricir described
sorno o her work there. iifrs. Lawson'
had charge of no Study book, Rev.
Mr. Woolfrey coulee d! the install•
ation service of the officers, after
which he ,presented n New Year's man -
sage en : rite-Acljustmonts''.
January Meeting
The January meeting of the Happy
+Werke'* Club, which was to have
been held at the home of Mrs. George
Glazier was held et the home of Mrs.
Hugh Ball.
The meeting opened by singing
"Lead, Kindly Light", followed by
the Lord's Prayer. The sceretary's
reporb was theta given. Roll eall eves
answered by "Did, you got what you
asked for for Christmas?" There
were 13 members present. 'Leos were
paid for the year. The neat meeting
is to be held at the home of Mrs.
Fred Pepper. The meeting closed by
singing God Save the King.
The afternoon was spent in a soeial
form after which a delicious •ltrneh
was served by grotap 1,
Ontario St. Girds'
Club Sends Gift
The Girls' Club of Ontario St.
United Church held its January meet-
ing at the home of Mrs. Maltby. The
meeting opened by the president read-
ing some New Year's thoughts. Mies
Coru'tice eonducted the devotional
period after which the business of the
meeting was disenssed.
A gift is being Bent to Mrs. J. Read,
Elmira, a former member of the Club,
who suffered the loss of her home
and contents by fire recently. A dean.
tion of 9125 is to be sent to Miss Cour+
Ilan in Japan to be used in her work
as she wishes.
The programme consisted of two
solos by Miss Jean Elliott, "In the
Garden of To -morrow", and "Smiling
Through", which were muck enjoyed;
Miss E. Wiltse gave a reading, ''Birch
Bark Bibles", and another reading,
"The Influence of the Bible", was
given by Mrs. W. J. Woolfrey. Two
contests were conducted by Miss Plum,
Mrs. Maltby and Miss Plusnsteel
served lunch, and a social hour was
Honor President
Ere Leaving Town
The Friendship Club of St. Paul's
Anglican.Church held a special gath-
ering Wednesday night to bid fare-
well to their president. Miss Madelon
lIawkins, who is leaving for Toronto
where she has accepted a position as
superintendent of Humewooi House,
Anglioan Church home for unmarried
About 40• members gathered at the
rectory. First they had a pot -luck
supper and meeting there they plann-
ed sowing and quilting bees for the
year. Court whist was played, Mrs.
Hattie Burton and Mrs, Edna Little
were the winders. At the close of
the evening Miss Hawkins was pre-
sented, with a cosmetic bag as a fare.
rvell gift.
Church Directory
Baptist Church
REV. A. FORSYTH, Minister
Mrs. .Ernest Adams, Organist
Mrs. W. Aiketthead, Choir Leader
11,30 a,m.—Sunday School
7.00 p.m.—Evening Worship
— Everyone Welcome —
Presbyterian Church
REV. D. J. LANE, Minister
Mrs. Bent Boyes, Organist
and Choir Loader
10.09 a.m.—Sunday School
.1.00 a.m.—Divine Worship
"The Value of Man to Christ'"
2.pO S,ia,—Service at Bayfield
All Welcome
Wesley -Willis United
Mrs. Morgan J. Agnew, Organist
and Choir Leader
1100 a,m.=Morning Service
"The Christian Church"
12,15—Sunday School•
7.00 p.m.—United evening worship in
St. Paul's Anglican Church.
St. Paul's Anglican
' Church
inv. R. M. P. BTTLTEEL, Rector
b.Lrs. Theodore Premien, Organist
Mr's, J. G. llLaoliinnon, Choir Leader
11 a.m.—Snnlay School and Monaing
7.00 p.m.—Unitech evening worship in
this Church.
8.15 asn.--Holy Communion
8.1.5 p.m.Holy Communion.
Ontario St. United
REV, W. J.' WOOLFI8EY, Minister
B. J. Gibhings, Choir Leader
Mrs. E. Wendorf, Organist
11,00 a.m.—Morning Wokship
12.15 p.m. -Sunday School
7.00 pan.—United evening worship in
St. Paul's, Anglican Church.
STEEPE-MILKER is ,the younger son, of Mr. and Mrs,
The parlor of Wesley -Willis United George B. Hathaway, Kitchener.
Church was the scene of a very pretty l Music for the ceremony was pro -
but guiet wedding on Saturday after- elided by Mr's. Theo 'Preulin,, Clinturi,
noon, January 17, when, in the pre. aunt of the bride, at the organ.
501100 of the members of the immedi- I Given in marriage by her father,
ate families, Rev. A. Lane united in the bride was lovely, in a heaven blue.
marriage Audrey Doris, daughter cf boucle suit, flowered hat and match -
Mr, George Miller and the late Mrs. jag accessories. Tier. only attendant
Miller, Trenton, and Kemreth Milton, wee her eousin, Miss Phyllis Herman,
eldest son Mr. and Mrs. Milton Toronto, as maid of honor, who chose
a wine wool suit with matehdng hat anis
accessories. Both carried a colonial
Leonard Ruppel, Elmira was best
man and the ushers were Robert G.
and D. Murray .Draper, brother of the
Following the ceremony a reception
was held at the home of the bride's
parents which was prettily decorated
with chrysanthemilms and snapdragon.
Receiving were the bride's mother,
dressed in a flowered blue crepe frock
and the groom's mother who *ore a
dress of navy blue flowered silk. They
wore similar corsages of Talisman
roses. They were assisted by Mrs.
Robert Draper and Miss Doris Mc -
Later the young eouple left on a
honeymoon trip through eastern On-
tario and on their return will take
up residence in Toronto,
Steeps, Goderieh Township,.
Tho young couple were attended by
the bride's sister and brother-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Hector Kingswell.
After the ceremony the wedding
luneheon was served at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Ifingswell. Later the
happy couple left on a short honey-
moon trip,
St. Paul's Anglirau Church, effec-
tively decorated with tall standards
of chrysanthemums and spring flow-
ers, was the setting for a quiet bat
pretty wedding on Saturday after-
noon, January 17, at 1 o'clock, when
Rev. R. M. P. Bulteel united in mar-
riage Lois Isobel Draper and Norman
Blasdell Hathaway. The bride is the
only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Caryl
W. Draper, Clinton, and the groom
Clearing of Fur Coats
Note The Prices
5 Coats Only Remaining in Stock
-2 Coney (Dyed Rabbit) sizes 14 and 18
Reg. Value $139 . Now,$105.00
Electric Seal, size 20
Former Value $179 Now $125.00
Electric Seal, Black Lamb Trim, size 20
Former Value $239 Now $150.00
Black Persian Paw in size 18
Former Value $275 Now. $175.00
Rayon Plaids
The Real Scotch Tartans you have been waiting for!
McBeth, Baby Stewart, Royal Stewart, Fraser
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Also a number of PURE WOOL TARTANS in
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January Sale Continues -
With many broken lines of sea'son'able merchandise
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From Now until January 30 we make this
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One 8x10 Coloured Portrait
Three 4•x6 Black and White Portaits
ALL FOR $17(050
These are NOT coupon Studio type photos, but the
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Fowler Biros. the password for fine photography.
Remember, January 30 is the LAST DAY, so call 84
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Phone 84
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