HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-01-22, Page 3THTYKSDAY, JANUARY, 22, rsis 01.1,teni — NE ws 1" .rrreorP ' s HENSALL Red Cross Articles Articles for needy British children have been. 'forwarded to Red arms Headquarters from• Homan, contain - 'mg the following: 14 rompers, 14 pantie .dreeses, 11 boys SWeatePS, 15 searvee, 17 pre. mitte, 17 pre boys knee socks, 10 pr bed seeks, two infants sweaters, two pr -booties, one baby bonnet, one quilt, /Field Man Here Memberf the Exeeutive of Hen- sel! Chamber of ,Commerce had Innen eon at the New Commercial Hotel, Hensall, and had as 'their guest Char- les K. Bantoek, Toronto, Field repro. sentative of, the Canadian Chamber of Commerce. He told of the work ,being done in other towns and ,diseuseed means whereby the Chamber of Cora, meree could bettor serve Mensal and district. Reeve is Chairman The first meeting of the 1-948 1em- 4411 larat,7 toad was held here Reye A. W. Kerslake was appointed chairman for the year 1948. The see: teary:treasurer presented the financ- ial report or the year stating the chsh faience January 1, as keing $22L Mimes A. Fatersoh was appointeddre- Tiltary-treashrt3r, and Ibt. Cameron librarian for 1948 at the same salary. Prices Established Earl Mitchell, ,Esborne, and Cee4 (Mes, Were itt Hamilton last week When the growers met with the repro bentatives of 'Canadian Canners and other processors to eStrublish e,ontract prices to be paid the producers for 1948 diet Crops. There ie an inereaeei in Centred rates whiCh will help te loffifet the lietg costs of -.seed, fart ilizers, labor and orierations in gen- era .Agreements were reached for rale ing the prices of tomatoes, sweet cora Canning pane and green beans from 03 to $5 a ton. The new pribe for ,toraatoes is $25.10 a ton, as compared Editors Crash The' News! The Editor of The NEWS -RE- Press both Thursday and Saturday this paper, In between are three dee- CORD had the preedege last week of "Covering" two political nominating gonvenrtiions, both ,held in. the Town kan, Hensall----the Progressive Con- servative en Wednesday afternoon, and the Liberal onFriday afternbon. By areident his Mauna appeared in groups published in The London Free menings. At the Liberal Convention on Fri-' day, Stafford Johnston, staff photo- grapher , of The Stratford Beacon - Herald, took the above group, which includes, on the left 3. M. Southeott, publisher of The Exeter -Times -Ad- vocate, and on the right, Yo Editor of gates from Zurich, &eluding Will- iam O'Brien and Herbert Meuseeau. ,This pioture was published in The Beacon -Herald Saturday undel• the caption, ',Huron Editors Cover Con- vention at Homan." canning will be purclumed, by pro- .cesaing plants far 888 a ton a rise of 45 over last years figure. An in !ammo of $5 a ton has been agreed upon. for sweet corn, the 1948 figure being $82. It le estimated that the new price of green beans for conning with $.82 for the 1947 crop. Peas for I will be $80 a ton with a, picking bon - Open Sunday, January 25 AND EVERY NIGHT NEXT WEEK USED CAR SPECIALS 1946 Dodge Sedan • 193'7 Ford (loupe Chevrolet Coach 2.-1930 Ford Model "A" Coaches Let us Cheek TOM' 'ANTI4REFIZP.1 We Stock PRESTONE muconoL Wrecking Service Day and Night Manning s Garage 9 RED STAR PEVROLETM PRODUCTS Albert St. Phone 343 Clinton sr' •us of $10 for every orop bearing on and a.half tons or over. Basic ,pric !of $2.56 a bushel for pea seed ha been. set for the province. Benefit Well Attended Hensall Town Hall was the scene Friday evening of a, ;benefit dance for George "Bantu Deb; 18, who 'surf. (red the loss of his right arm during a rabbit hunt •recently, and sponsored by Treenail Gun Club. The largest crowd that ever was in the hall; at- tended, George was presented 'vvith 4373: an address being read by Ed. Corbett and the preientation by 'Bert Horton. A door prize of $5, 'donated by C. L. Jinics, and W. Parke, was won by George Hess, local jcv,veller, who iminediately handed it *er to /George Beer. Bert Horton drew the Winning ticket. lid. Corbett -a mer et: er of the Gun Club himself, said $115 worth of.tickets. MuSie was furnish. ea by Mardockss orehaStra. The Com- Mittee in charge wish to express their grateful 'thanks to the public wilo 80 gtenerotiely responded to' this meat worthy &tee. Sister ?oases o community. -She reeeived het senteat- e ion here and before leaving with her $ (husband for the West, spent some. time in Toronto., Surviving are her husband. One daughter, Mrs. Donald Ferguson. (Thelma), Montreal. One son Harold, Vancouver; four sieterst Misses Lilian and Edith AfeEwan, London; Mat Bert owler Wolaeley, Sask.;:frs. Poestie, Wintlipeg; and one brother, .Taok, Hensel]. Everting Auxiliary The January meeting Of the Even. ing Auxiliary was,hold in the school room of the 'United eldrch Monday January 12, with Miss Barbara Miele ie, presided in the chair, who was in charge of the devotional. Miss Marg- aret Glenn presented the treasuer's report disclosing the organization to. have had a very suecessful. year with a bank balance of $88. Miss Gladys Luker, alumnae of the nominating Committee, presented the 1948 slate of efficers: Hon President, Miss M. It Mlle; Net president, Miss Barbara Miebie; President, Mrs. E, Shortt; let vice ewes. Miss Aim Tate. 2nd vice- pres., MTS. J. 'Corbett ;, Secretary, Miss Gladys Luker; Treasurer, Mre. Hymn Kyle; Press reporter, Mrs, Maude; Redden; Pianist, Miss G. Lsker; Sod- ieil Mrs. Passmore; Friendship corn., Miss Gladys Luker, Mrs. E. Shoddier, Mrs, Paismoro, Min V. McClymont; Stewardship comm„ Miss 3. E, MeEwan, Hensel, has receiv- ed word of the death of he slater, M.rs, Horner Conley, Winnipeg, Man, who passed away suddenly following a paralytic stroke. She was the for- mer Katherine DinEwan, was born in lreneall, -and was web known in this TUCK- ERSMITH Ladies' Club Meets Tuckersmith 'Ladies' Club held its January Meeting at thebonnt.of Mrs. Ernest Crick with the new pretsident, Mrs. Wolter Pepper, presiding and 17 members present. The meeting 'opened with the Ode and the Lord Prayer folloWed by 0 Canada. The minutes of the lard meet. ing were read and 'the Roll Call was answered by a New Year 'e resolution. ;lbs. E. Crieli favoured with an in- strumental and Mrs. W. p. Roberts with a reading. Mrs. James Lands - beau& was the winner of a musical •contest. 0 my Darling' Olemenetine was surd and the meeting closed with the Homemaker's Prayer. The February meeting will be held at the home of lire. Les Lawson on Febraury 4 with group twa in charge, Violet MeClyment. Miss Ellis presented the study, and twa life memberships Were presented to the past Aubiliary presidents, Mias Barbera Michie and Mrs. Byron Kyle, the address 'being read by Miss Luker and the presentation by Mrs. Shett. Cannel Church Meeting The anneal congregatioual meeting of Carmel Presbyterian church Reas- ell, was held in the ellureh hall. Tho' minister, 'Rev. P. A. Ferguson, 13. A., constituted the meeting with a brief Worship Service and presided over the business deliberations. Mr. Mel. Moir' was appointed congregational secret,- ary. Excellent reports were given, showing steady progrms and faithful service in all departments. Reports were read as follows: Kirk Session, W. R. Davidson; Church sch- ool, '.A. W. Kerslake; W. M. S. Mrs. A, D. MeEwan; Mission Band, Mrs. 13. MaeLaren•'Arnold Circle, Mrs. P. G. Bonthren; Y. P, S. Bert Thomson; Ladies Aid, Mrs. Mel. Moir; Congre- galena Statement, Mr. Glenn Bell.. After eighteen years as. envelope sec- retary and treasurer Mr. Fred G. Bon. Gaon tendered his resignation. The Matter was left in the care of the Board of Management, Mr. A. W, Kerslake tendered his resignation as secretaryetreasur,er of the Church seh- ool, and Mr. Charles Forrest was app. ointed to the offiee. Appointments to die Board of Man - gement were as follows: Ed. Munn, A. D. hfclrwari, Archie floggarth, Rex Dielc, Harold G. Bell. Vote of thanks were enthusiastic- ally :tendered to Mr. FrOd Bonthron er hislong seririce and excellent care f the financial :natters of thechurch o A., W. Kerslake, for. his service as et:rotary-treas. of the Sabbath Sob- el; and to the Minister, Rev: P. 'A. erguson to whom to 'substantial bonne was -voted. Mr. Ferguson spoke of plans in pre - *aeration /or the awning year 'and thanked the ,congisigatibri 'for their loyalty, 'friendshin, -and fierviee 'dur- inf the pad years in which splendid rogressrhas.been 121040. ItafT0810:808t0 were served. p UR MAN He will look after your interests. He will follow through on: • Lower school 'costs, saving you money and providing better school systems. • Continuing extension and 'im- provement of highways and roads, and with more snowplows. • Immediate increase in rural power lines ,so :that more and 'more farms will enjoy Hydro 'power. • All lualters working for the wel- fare of Huron— because—Tom Pryd'e will work with a Government which has fully carried out its promises to make Ontario strong. PROGRESSIVIE4ONSERVATIVE "Keep HURON in the GO VERN ENT Ranks" 0 te • 30 PORTER'S HILL Community Club Meets Porter's Kill Community Club held to Januaremeeting at the home of Mr. anti Mrs. Allen Bottles on Friday evening, A good turn out of members and their families were present. The meeting opened with singing "OOd Save Tho King', with the president Mrs. John Torrance in charge. The minutes of the last meeting wore read and adopted. The treasurer gave a very good report. After n lengthy business discussion the mooting was brought to a close. P.A.GEs THREE Progreeelve euchre was enjoyed, high prizes going to Mfrs, Peter you- ng and George Joliston. During the everting tickets were mold on a quilt, th lueky ticket being held by Mrs, William •Harris. The hostess served a very delicious lunch which -wee et- joyed by everyone, The next meet. Mg is to belreld at the home of bre. Bet Harris. • PASSES 1N LONDON EXETER --- Funeral servicewore held for Mrs. Frank Wood with Re. H. 3. Snell officiatinb, Interment Was in Exeter cemetery. Mrs. WoOd died in her 74th year at Victoria, Hospital London. NOXZEMA Reg. 25e for 19c Reg. 93c 4,67.1.110 ... for any occasion demanding rota beauty's beet. Finisheen provides the hosting powder bust, PortraieFacc Powder achieves the el ety nature! look, and of courst,lor exciting inviting lips, indeilhhe Doro:hy Gray lipstick. "Three To'Get Ready" specially boxed'$1.75 for 65c Dorothy Gray Blustery Weather Lotion Reg. $2.50 for $1.25 ITALIAN BALM 25c 35c 49c JERGEN'S LOTION 29c 49c 98c I1RUSHAY 29c •49c HINDSHONEY and ALMOND CREAM 29c 49c VELVEITA. 25c WITCH HAZEL CREAM 25c 1.709;1/DE F. B. PENNEBAKER SERVICE DRUGGIST PHONE 14,11041115flV PROMPT 'SERVICE ASHTON'S TAXI PHONE 110 Reasonable Rates OFFICE OPPOSITE POST OFFICE ' Residence Phones Cliff Ashton 372j Harvey Ashton, 174c Mil slmommourimonoramoomerimaarr Wine ANNMINIMINIM1101.11.10,116,~11•0, Clearance Sale Wallpapers Big Reduction in Price as all Stock must go to make way for 1948Shipments Your Choice of Various'Patterns COME EARLY WHILE STOCK LASTS . Also Good Stock of Lowe Bros. Paints and Kem-Tone Ali Shades and Colours Venetian Blinds - Lin -x Waxes D. A. Kaytit— Son ..,:,. , 3r4 Door from Royal Bank Huron St. •Caton Over 30 years.experience in Wallpapers and Paints 1 , Phone 2341 for Evening Appointment 11 REAR P MIER GEORGE DREW in an important PROVINCE -WIDE BROADCAST to the PEOPLE OF ONTARIO CKNX WINGHAM — Dial 920 FRIDAY, JANUARY 23 • 8:00 p.m.