HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-01-22, Page 2MAGI; TWO
,,,.Clinton News -Record
Eat*lished 1865 Established 1878
Anralgtuaated 1924
Int Mo Heart of Hari* rCamay
An Independent Newspaper devoted tee the Interests, of the Town of
Clinton and Shrronnding I)eutiiet •
Canadian Weelaly �� Ontal'to-Quebec
Newspapers Association �►„ Diviatiou, OWNA
SUBSCRIPTION RATES; Payable ht advent* •— Canada and Great
Britain: $2 a year; United States and Foreign: $2.50 a year.
Authorized a9 second: class mail, Post Office Depatetment, Ottawa
Advertising Rate and Detailed Circulation Cards on Request
Sworn Circulation as at. October 31, 1947 _ 1,846
(77% concentrated in immediate taading area)
Published EVERY THURSDAY az CLINTON, Ontario, Canada
It. S. ATX4 EY - Editor and Publisher
ITH official nominations for. the Huron. Provincial
by-election only a liable more than two weeks away
and polling a few days over three weeks distant, bitterest
in the campaign i,s Starting to warm up throughout the
"The Progressive Conservatives have nominated
Thomas Pryde, Exeter, the Liberals,, Benson W. Tuckey,
from the same village, and it appears as if itwill be • a
straight fight, unless the CCF or some other party steps
In at the last moment. As the days go by, that seems to
the more and more a remote possibility.
The Editor of The NEWS -RECORD "covered" both
party nominating conventions held in the Town Hall, Hen-
eall, on Wednesday and Friday afternoons of last week.
Their sponsors considered both gatherings highly success-
ful, the hall being filled to capacity both times, despite the
most unfavorable winter weather prevailin'g. That •would
seem to indicate considerable interest on the part of the
public, and certainly, on the part of ,the loyal party sup-
porters themselves.
There was one highly commendable and encouraging'
note running through both conventions — a note of praise
for and appreciation of the late Dr. R. Hobbs Taylor, Whose
sudden death on December 17 occasioned the calling of the
by-election. Some very fine tributes to they memory were
paid at both conventions, and one might wish that the
popular doctor had been there to hear them himself.
A significant feature of the meetings was the en-
tire absence of rancour on the part of any of the speakers.
and the tendency on the part of both sides to enter this
campaign with flags and banners flying, but to leave it
with escutcheons untarnished, no matter who is the victor
on Monday, February 16. That is a most commendable
Spirit, and no doubt it will continue until polling day.
It is a well-known fact that both candidates live in
the same community, work together for the good ofthat
community, are on the very best of business terms, and in
fact, are great personal friends. This is one good reason
why personalities should be and can be avoided. And our
personal observation, from some knowledge of the two
mezi is that Huron riding will the well l represented in the
Ontario Legislature, no matter who is fortunate enough
to win.
0 0
Thought for Today — Every anon is the centre, of
a circle, whose fatal circumference he cannot pass.
In taking over the horse shed of Wesley -Wale
nited Church, Clinton Town Council is making ng a move
'ell should benefit greatly our rural friends.
Please check yourpresent
listing. Make sure it
is correct. If any changes or
additional listings are required
please calf the business
effice today,
J M. Goodwin, Manger
• '(Intended for last weak)
Rev. C. P and 3OEra. mavener Holm-
esvillg: entertained the Ebenezer Y. 1?.
'U. tut the parsonage on Thursday
evening with a good attendance. Foll
awing the regular meeting,, offfieers
were appointed for 1948, viz: Pres.
Jack Merrill; Vico-Pres.-•Grace Lobb
See. Treas.---Marion Jones;. Christian
Fellowship Mrs, Jack Merrill; Chr-
ratian Missions- -- Josephine Muir;
Christian Citizenship — Jim Lobb;
Christian Culture --Jack Tebbutt; Le-'
aderahip-•-Rev. 0. P. Tanner; Lunch
dam:-l3i11 Lobb; Recreation—Levi$
Tebbutt, Helen • Crich, Margaret Lent
Organist --Lewis Tebbutt.
Laieh was served at the close of the.
meeting and, gapes played during re;
erection hour.
Congregational Meeting
The annual congregational meeting,
of the church wee held in the cliureh.
Reports were given, and business was
Bottled satisfaetorily for the year,
The Sunday School executive was
appointed for the conning year:—
Superintendent — Carman Tebbutt;
Assistant Super.— Jack Morrill; See.
Treas.—Stewart Farquhar; Organist
—Lewis Tebbutt; Assistant Organists
—Gerald Tebbutt, Irvine Tebbutt.
Teachers, •Bible CIass—Irvine Tebb-
utt: Assistant•—Mrs. Ira Merrill; In-
termediate—Ross Merrill; Assistant—
Mrs. Bert Lobb; Jr. Class Mrs.
Frank Jones; Assist lit --- ,Tosephiue
Muir; Primary—Mrs. Gunmen Tobb-
utt; Assistant—Mrs. Jack Merrill,
W. A. Meets
The rannary meeting of the W. A.
was held art the home of Mrs. Charles
Williams. With the new President,
Mrs. Frank Jones, presiding, the meet-
ing'was opened by singing a hymn,
followed by the Lord's Prayer in
unison The minutes of the previous
meeting ~dere •'read and approved. The
roll call was answered by twelve mem-
bers paying their membership fee.
The secretary's annual report was
given. There was a business discuss-
ion and it was agreed that we hold a
Valentine social at the church, Feb.
runty 13.
The Scripture reading was given by
Mrs. Irvine Tebbutt, and Mrs. Bert
Lobb led in prayer. Readings were
given by Mrs. F. Jones and Mre. B.
Lobb. The meeting was closed by a
hymn and the beneliction. A contest
was conducted by Mrs. Irvine Tebbutt
'Refreshments were served by the
25 Years Ago
Thursday, January 25, 1923
The following have gi3yeav contrite',
Fiona tothe growing Hohpitai Build-
ing Fund: 3. W. Treleaven,. Miss
Greta Mustard, T, R. J-enkine, William
Henry, Weldon .Hovey, Robert Par-
eett, Robert Nelabn,. Theo. Dale,
George :Crooke and. Mrs, W. Marquis.
Clarence G. Kitty has passed his
Intermediate exams, in Accountancy:
S. S. 'Cooper tin's purchased from
Mr. Nairn, Saskatoon, Sask,, the
store now occupied by Mr. George
Mao. Charles Bozzo, , a resident of.
the town for abnost•-60 years, passed
away on Friday -in' her SAth year.
Surviving are six: ehildron, Isaac, 0.
Mortimer, William. $,,.Ralph H., Mrs.
Tonin Ellison -and •Mrs. Trod Brown.
Thera are also 28 ':grainlehildren and
33 greet grandeliilrlren.
Three carloads of- coalhave come
into town lately -ono for each of the
two dealers, E. Weed end Reeve li.
J. Miller, and one for 'Clhatoir ` ceit-
tint; Co.
J. G. Choweu has left on his North-
ern trip to Sault Ste. Marie and
Fort William.
• * •
Thursday, January 25, 1923
Clinton defeated Goderich on the
latter's home ice by a score of 6.5 in
an O.TB.A. game. Clinton ,line-up was:
goal, G. Elliott; defence, F. Elliott,
Nediger; forward, Rorke, Roberton,
Bawden; subs, O'Brien, Cole.
Clinton Collegiate hockey team cle•
coated Goderich 19.5. Playing for
Clinton were goal, McNeil, defence,
W. Hovey, Bowdon; forward, Parte
ham, Higgins, O'Brien; subs, 'Rorke,
111r. and Mrs. James Graham cele-
brated the 50th anniversary of their
marriage last Sunday. Their three
children, H. W., Harold and Mrs. Q.
IE. Elliott, were present with them
for the ecoaslon.
Mr. and Mrs. A. D, McCartney en-
tertained- the Chosen, Prieiids at their
home when the annual oyster Supper
was held.
The Bethany class of Wesley Sun-
day School had a pleasant little ga-
thering and at the, close Mies Ruby
Irvin read an address add Miss Ev-
elyn Oluff presented Mrs. 1i, W.
Charlepjrotth, a r eceut bride, with a.
lovely sandwich basket,
gas .1..Seuthcembe.ggve a splendid
ate• ionary address and Miss Dorothy
Rorke,an instrumental tet the meeting
of Wesley, League.
40 Years Ago
Friday,, .january 24, 1908;
The @ick include Prod. Mulch, Mrs.
llxeDennell, Exeter, mother of Mrs,
Bawden, who is with her, Miss Nellie
Holmes, Mrs. W. last, 'Miss Louise
Beaton, Mrs. E. Castle.
S. S. °caper, W. Paisley, R. Downs,
J. Flynn, L, Paisley and G. McLen-
nan were in Seaforth to hear Hon,
George Graham.
The :choir of Ontario St. Ohurch
presented Georbe Shipley with a writ-
ing desk in view of his splendid ser-
vices to the music of the ehlu-ch,
McConnell -Howe In Ontario St,
Church by Rev. W. E. Kerr on Sat-
urday, January 18, 1908, Anna,
daughter of Mr. James Howe, to W.
S. M;aComrell.
James Doherty has had ehargo of
the choir in Wesley Ohurch during
Miss Boles' absence.
Perry Plumsteel and Muss Mattie
Iaavis had charge of the regular
Lague meeting of Ontario St. Church.
Mil. and Mrs. Sydney Jackson have
been visiting their families in town.
Mr. Jackson bas returned to his home
in Lethbridge while Mrs. Jackson is
remaining for a longer visit. Her
•many friends are glad to hear her
singing again.
4 >Y *
THE OLTNTON NEWS-RECORDThursday, January 23, 1908
Officers of the Horticultural So-
eiety are: president, M. D, MaT..-g-
gart; first vice-president, J. Caning -
tame; second vice-tprosident, S. Da-
vis; secretary -treasurer, James Fair;
directors, Thomas Cottle, E: M. Mc-
o-Lean, Alex McKenzie, Thomas Bea-
com, W. H. Watt, :Mrs. James. Fair,
Jr.; Mrs. C. C. Ranee, Mrs. W. Jack-
son, Miss Kanto McTaggart; auditors,
W. Brydone, W. D. Fair.
The markets: wheat 90e to 92e;
eta 44e to 45e; peas 80e to 85e; bar-
Iey 55e to 60e;" butter 20e to 22e;
eggs, 23e to 24e.
Albert Seeley is in Crediton install-
ing en engine.
Mrd Ihomer Andrews is opening
(Intended for last week)
Robert Turner has returned home
Prom Alexaauira Hospital Goderich
where he underwent an appendix op -
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wallace visited
11rr. anti Mrs, Ezekiel Phillipa Sunday.
Rev. Erie. L awaon, Markham. con-
ducted services in Knox Presbyterian
Church last Sunday.
Mr. one Mrs. T. S. Johnston an'l
Miss Laura Phillips were London
visitors Mnntlay.
W. M. S. Meets
Mrs. .Alfred Rollinson gave her
home for the W. M. S. of Knox
Presbyterian Church. The president
Mrs. Edgar Lawson presided and
opened the meeting with prayer. Mrs.
Prod Ross gave the secretary's and
treasurer's report showing that $121
had been raised for Missions. Mrs,
Lawson stated that the Ladies' Aid
had a balance en hand of $175. The
president gave a talk en "The New
Year and what it means to Us". The
scripture was read by Mrs. Welling-
ton Good. a reading was given by
hiss; Gooier. Mrs. John Houston gave
a mealy' of the "Glad Tunings" for
1947. The roll call was 'answered by
paying of fees. Mrs. Good offered the
closing prayer. The hostess served
W. I. to deet
The monahly mooting of Auburn
Women's Inetttate was hold in the
Foresters Hall on Tuesday, January
23, The subject was to be taken by
Mrs. Harry Ytmgbiut. Roll Call
"Nov Year's Resolution" Currant
'Events Mrs. George Hamilton. host-
esses, Mrs. Charles Straughan, Mrs.
W. Bradnock, Mrs. William Haggitt,
Hazel Dodd, hiss. A, Rollinson,
John Balfour has returned to Lon-
don. '
M. Hudie, who suffered a stroke.
some time ago, is recovering.
Miss Marie Storey, Brussels, visited
ileitis her perentsr Ma•, and Mrs, T.
Mrs W. Turnbull has returned
home from Scott Memorial Hospital,
The annual meeting of Duff's
United Church will be hold next.Fri-
Kite len
Wali , jocks
Smart new II -day models,
clear figures, round in
shape, seven inches in di,-
ancter, ivory with red or
black trbn,• made and
guaranteed by Ingraham
and priced at
Only $3.95 each
We, have complete, 34 -
piece tservices of Silver-
ware for eight, in Chests,.
•. from $17.50 up
Clocks and Silverware
subject to tax
Cowmen,, for Finer Jewellery
for over Half. a Century
, in ,Huron „County,
Fine Weather
For those who have been taking
Take them regularly and enjoy the Winter Weather!
They build up your resistance
Wi Se Ili HOI,,MES
her home for the meeting of the Wo:0xhrbrts .of game' fowl itt the
men's Institute,r!ii,gtnd 'Poultry Show.
William d Dodds end J. A. South �,
shrppad `280 Begs ,tQ Whyte Paehing "' 0ODERIOH Ate. Danny McLe7in
Cb,. Stratfor This was the largest iis in Alexandra, lie pital here suffor-
weelrly shipnoent .they have ever ship- ,lpg with a fractured spine, suffered
4 J:, (Grigg wits;:-seceeseful, nh his when she: Slipped on a mound of
'exhibit. of game •t'owI at the Owen anew and was thrown to the ground,
"Clinton's Original Funeral Home"
Phone 184W Geo. B. Beattie Day or Night
Sanitary Sewerage Services
Due to ground conditions, digging can still continue.
Get your work donna w, and prepare for spring clean-up
McKay Contracting Co.
Princess St. W.
Phone 373M
-Electric Vacuum Cleaners
A Price for Every Purse !
The best Vacuum Cleaner on the market -- the answer to
the housewife's need for complete cleaning units.
"All that the name implies" -- made by General Electric
First in the low-priced field -- Only $49.50
Clinton Electric Shop
PHONE 4'79
RES. 358
Ontario Election Act, 1937, R.S.O., Chapter 8
and Ontario Voters' Lists Act, 1937, Chapter 7
The Ontario By -Election, Fcbruary 16th, 7948
Notice of Sittingsof Revising Officer
TAKE NOTICE that the sittings of the Revising Officer for the purpose of hearing eomplaiuts or appeals with regard to the Voters' Lists •to be
used at the pending Dy -Election of a member of the Legislative Assembly for the Eleetorai-Diatriet of Ituron, will be held for the respective muni,
eipalities in said.Distelet, at the following times and places, mentioned in the schedule below, with the, names of the Clerk of the Revising Officer
for Each Municipality, mod the last date for making :couuplairrts or appeals to the said Clerk.
II 0
By Mis Honour Judge Costello
MTJNWNTI' 7)ete of Sitting PLA CM'S, OF SITTING Time of fitting Clerk of Revising Officer/Last Day for Complaints
HIPP Jan. 26th Township Hall, Zurich 10 a.m. H. W. Brokenshire, Zurich Tan. 23rd
II•ULLETT TOWNSHIP " 2615 Community Hall, Londesboro ' 3.30 p.m. George Cowan, Londesboro . " 23rd
McICILLOP TOWNSHIP " 2715 Carnegie Library Hall, Seaforth .... 10.00 a.m. J. M Eckert, Seaforth, R.R. No. 1 ,. " 247th
STANLEY 'TOWNSHIP " 27th Township Bali, Varna 2,30 pin. Fred Watson, Bayfield " 24th
STEPHEN TOWNSHIP " 28th, Township Hull, Crediton 10.00 a.m. L. B. Hodgson, Centralia '" 2415
TUCKC-PB1IMITB TOWNSHIP • " 2815 Cecil. Simpson's FSouse, Brueefielcl , . , . 2.30 pan. Edwin P. Chesney, Seaforth, R.R. No. 4 " 2415
TJ,5BORNE 'TOWNSHIP " 29th .Township Hall, Elimville 2.30 pin. ll. H, G Strang, Hsnstrll .. , . . , .... , " 26th
S17APOBTH TOWN , " 29th 'Tonin. Hall, Seaforth 2,80 p.m. D. H. Wilson, Sonforth " 2615
IMETEII 'TILLAGE " SOtir Village Hall, Exeter 10.00 a,m. C. V. Piekard, ;Geoter " 27t5
GODERTC}I TOWN t " 24th Court House, Goderich 3,30 pan. S. H. Blake, Godorich " 21st
GODERICTL TOWN ' " 30th Court: House, Goderich 8.00 p.m. S. H. Blake, Goderich " 27th
GODE11.CIIL TOWN PES. 2nd Court House, Goderich 10:00 am, S. H. 'Blake, Goderielt Jan. 3015
GO.DERICH TOWN " 3rd Court Nouse, Goderich 8.00 p.m. S. Ti. Blake, Goderich " 3.110
II'ENSA.LL VILLAGE 7AN. 81st Town Hall, Hensall 10.00 a.m. ,.Tanios A. Paterson, Hensnll " 28th
CLINTON TOWN " 24th Town Hall, Clinton 10.00 a.m, M. T. Corless, Clinton " ?1st
OLINTON'TOWN •PII13, 2nd Town Hall,. Cli.aton 3.00 p.m. M. T. Corless, Clinton " 330th
GOD];RICH TOWNSHIP . .TAN. Slst Miss S. Acheson's Resid'ce, Hohnesvfile 2,30 p.m. R. G. Thompson, Clinton, R.R. No. 2 -' " 2815
All persons are called upon to estumble the Voters', Lists to ascertain that their names are correctly entered therein.
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the Mist to rbc so revised is Pitt .1 anci'III of the Voters' List prepared for the above mentioned
mun±nipalities, i
AND PURTHER TARE NOTICE that any voter in any of the ;said municipalities who desires to eomplain that his nate or the name
of any person enti.tlett to be entered on the said list for that munioipali.ty has been omitted from the same, or that the Ames of any persons who
are note waged to be voters have been entered thereon, may as above -set out appiy, complaint or appeal to have Iris name or the name of any other
person entered or removed from the list.
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that such appeals must be by notice in writing in the prescribed form, (in duplicate) signed by the
complainant, and given to the Clerk of the Revising Officer or left, for him at lois address as stated' above.
Tho lists of voters .may be seen at the office of the Clerks of the Revising Officer in each mueicipality as above.
,7'or ,farther information write to Miss Evelyn A. Cooper, :Box 98, ,Goderich, Olerk for the Election Board of the County of Huron
T.. M. Costello,
,, , • Clrairrrian for alae Election. Board of the County of Huron,