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Clinton News-Record, 1948-01-22, Page 1
WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED THI. CLINTON NEW ERA --ESTABLISHED 1865 ecor No, 4-- 70th Year, Whole No. 6289 CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY,JANUARY 22, 1948 The Home Paper With theNCWS Equalized Assessment Plan Adopted. by Huron Com. MULLET PLANS REVISION COURTS ON TWO DRAINS The inaugural meeting of. Hallett. Township Council took place in the ;Community Hall, Londeeboro, at 11 a.m., Monday, January 12. The reeve and all members were present. The Clerk read the Declaration of Office and all members subseribed to some and were legally sworn in for 1948. Rev. S. H. Brenton was called upon to address Oouneil. Mr.. Branton thanked the council for the invitation to be present with them at their in- augural meeting and spoke befitting the occasion. Reeve John Armstrong answered and Councillor William R. Jewett' moved a very hearty vote of. klianks to Mr. Brenton for hie very fine address, which motion was see - waded by Coun. George C. Brown. The minutes of 41'e regular meeting on December 16, 1947, and the spo- eial meeting on January 9, 1948, were read and adopted. Councillors W. J, Dale and G. C. Brown made a motion that a request by the Sick Children's Hospital for a grant be referred to County Council *questing that this body try to get other counties' support in having the Province of Ontario take care of the deficit of this hospital.' - their aaee,eates at nominating eon - Ry -lawn Numbers 1, 2, 8, 4 and 5, ventions held in the Town Hal, Hen - or 1948 were fused. sell, last week. On motion of Conn. C. C. Brown AJ3OVE-left to right- THOMAS and J. I. Rapson it was decided to hold a Court of Revision on Branch "B" of the Kinburn Swamp Drain and Branch '' A'' of the Byron Drain on February 20, at 2 end 8 p.m. re- spectively. The Engineer's report on the Dodds main drain was accepted and sent on to McKillop. Ater adjourning to meet zee a Court of Revision on the 1948 Assess- ment Roll . when no appeals were heard, Council adjourned. Tho following accounts were order- ed paid; George W. Cownu, registrations, $15; George W. Cowan, °mass stamps, $3.75; George Carter, Assessor 1048, $150; William Carter, postage, $1.63; Lexie Construction Co., snow plough, '$351; George Elliott, snow plough, $378; Gesego Radford, snow -plough, *ilii.; William Carter, Read Super- ' intendotrt` $22.20. He !lett Township officials for 1948: Assessor, George Carter; amditur, Frank Tamblyn; issuer of tax slips, Mies Bawdy 'roan ; clerk and trea- surer, George W. Cowan; fence view- ers, Fred Shobbrook, Howard Trewar- thee Thomas Dale, James Jackson, Clarence Ball, Leonard MeNall; Board of Health, George McVittio, John W. Armstrong; Medical Health Officer, Dr. B. C. Weir; Truant officer, Leopold 'Watt; sana- tary inspectors, geland IfoVittie,'Wil Bain Blacker; grader operator, Arthur Weymouth; tax collector, George W. Cowan; pound keepers, William Liv- itigeton, Robert Grimolby, Leonard Rooney, Edward J- Crawford, Welling- ton Good, Thomas Faireervice, Wibuam Hamilton; read superintendent, (ap- plieations to bo received). Candidates In Huron THOMAS:PRYDE Members of both Progressive Con- servative 'and Liberal Panties have girded their Thins for the battle of the ballets in Huron Provincial Riding Mi Mondeyl February 16, and selected FRANK 'MeCOWAN NAMED CHAIRMAN STANLEY BOARD The first' meeting of the new year of the Stanley Township School Arco Board was held in the Township Hall, Varna, an Monday, Jaanary 12, with ale members present. Tho trustees for 1948 are Frank Me, Cowan, Archie Parsons, William Me - Kenzie, William Caldwell and John Ostrom. William Caldwell and John. Oatmeal are the two 1101 members and Archie Parsons is starting a second term, Frank :Meeowan eras appointed chairman of the Board. for 1948, and William McKenzie vice-chairman. G. L. Reid, is soeretary-treasurer. The following motions were passed: McKenzie and Ostrom -That -the minutes of last meeting bo afloptod Parsons and Caldwell Aeeottnts be paid up to date. Ostrom and Caldwell. --That we ad- vertise for 65'eords of wood. Caldwell and Parsons -That F,inau- eial Statomett.be put is paiper. • Pi:aeons and McKenzie -That the salary of esperioneed teaehers be railsod. ten dollars per month and in- ezporieneed teaehers'five dollars per month. . .• McKenzie and Ostrom -F, McCow- an and W. Caldwell be appointed to secure so'r'e: kiai.d of fire fighting equipment for each echoed. '. ' • Mz. Ken Troitz's' resignation es teittcher of Ito.• 6 was accepted with regret. •. • Mdeeezio and ' Parsons -That Mr, Harry Dinnin's application for.teaeh- er of S.S. No. 14, ata salary of $1,550 per annum be. aeecpted. V6I1.,`, 4o•4.1r11.a.vv The week's Weather January 15 lM 0 2 40••••27 • 16 28 ,17 32 21 17 •22; , 10 -35 18 • 18 ,12 •8" • 32 23 19 . .23 - 7" 39' • 22 20 28 0 36 31 21 31 18 ' 34 ' 4 Snow: 3 1uehee • below nr:ero. BENSON W. TUCKEY ?HYDE, 56, manufacturer, Exeter, who was the unanimous choice or the Progressive Conservatives, and BEN- SON W. TUOKRY, 43, transport owner, Reeve of Exeter for ,the past eight years, who won, the Liberal nomination in a two-way fight with Albert Kaibfieiseh, Zuricb. B. W. Tuckey, Exeter, Liberal Candidate (13y Staff Reporter) Mr. Raibfleiseh made it unanimous. As announced by the ebairmau, B. W. Tziakey Prank'1`inpland„ K.C., Olinton, ata Mr. Tuckey declared it wan very capacity convention in the Town Hall, gratifying to see this huge gathering Hensall, Friday afternoon last, Ben- In the interests of Liberalism in this son W. Tuckey, proprietor of Tuckey Province. "It makes me feel that Transport, ICxeter, was chosen "by a Liberalism in the riding of lturou is small majority on a close vole" as not dead. We are here today to form Liberal candidate in the Huron pro- a united front." vincial by-election Monday, February Mr. Tuckey paid a kindly tribute 16, Mr. Turkey, reeve of Exeter for the pasteight years. gust Warden of Hu- ron County in 1943, was the vietor over Albert Kalbfleisoh, retired mer- chant, Zurich, .who is president of Huron Liberal Association. Those occupying 'seats on the stage and who spoke wore Farquhar Oliver, Ontario Liberal Leader; Robert Me- Cubbin, MP for Middlesex West; W. R. Golding, MP for Huron Perth; W. C. Woods, Ontario Liberal organizer; Dr. J. W. Shaw, Clinton, Who was introduced as "one of the groat' old done more to split this Dominion wide etaalwarta of the Liberal Party an open, than anything since Clonfedern- Canada"; Mr. Kalbfleiseh, Mr. Titek- Son' oy, and the chairman, Mr: Fingland. The ehiarman remarked that it was NOT THE SAME PERSON By-law No. 8, appointing pound - very indicative of Liberal thought in Tu last week's issue an account of keepers and feueo, viewers, was also the riding, that so many delegates William Bezzo, Goderieh, being re- p sseTbod' newly ',leered trustees ofthe were present (estimated at more than nianded in a court case, was published.P.V. of Bayfield salt in with the Coun- cil and discussed different matters Pertaining to munieip'al affairs. The Township joined' the Ontario The exhibition, which will be pre - Good Roads sena alation, instructing sensed by cltampienehfp players of the Clerk to send amid fee of $5,00 to the Treasurer. Grants to Bayfield. Cemetery for $40.00 and to the Saivation Army for to the late Dr. R. Hobbs Taylor, whose sudden death in December occusioued the by-election, n The eandidate•declared that there was something to fight againet today, "the Drew Administration, with its domineering, overbearing attitude.'" "Let's have rule of the people by the people, not dietation," bo said. Mr. Tuckey said it was his firm belief that the shortage of hydro to- day is a direct respolsisbility of the Drew Government. He also charged that the Drew Administration "has Town Buys Stied !BOARD OF HEALTH From Wesley -Willis r GODERICH TWP. Clinton Town Caun01, at a special ( FULLY EFFICIENT meeting Monday evening,;aeeepted the Geduld:. Townsitip Council met for offer of Wesley Willis` United Church bbeir inaubniral meeting ; on January to sell its chureh shed 'across from 12 at 11 ant,' All members subaeriibod the ehureh on King Ste to the town to their dealaratioits of office and et a price of $1, the latter to mazer then proceeded with ropier business. tarn it and guarantee its',use for coin- A ratepayer complained flout Qin_ !inanity service only. tit may cost toe.. town isdumping raw sewage on $300 to $400 to put 11 ' shape- part.. of Itis property. This was handed &Iayor A- J. MeM ay presided to the Board of Health, and, the b1'edi- and all members wore esent exlept eat Boatel, Officer, Dr. Grisham, ha A. E. Shaddrek 1 •• . vestigated and gave a written report Council passed by- ` No, 2 for in the afternoon saying that he had 19418 to fix the asseoame pat on farm inspected the couditiitns and found lauds within the corporittion, The to- only minor cause for complaint, but tal is 35 per cent of aetita};assessment had the :te nni:nee of the Mayor and or $20,665. e •onglneer that there would be no fur- Bylaw No. 8 for 194$ to adopt the then cause for complaint. sm, amouutirig tg $1,04Ontario Good Betide Association so• 6821947, wasassespasentsed. Total,!last yeas was0, Bested membership, read and filed, $1,026,793, indicating MC -increase' of Council adjourned and attended the $13,890. ; a? funeral service of the late- Oliver J. • Jervis, a former councillor. Council passed bylaw No. 4 for The clink was, instructed. to Orden• 1948 to' provide for the 1348 appro- the usual, niiinbei; of subscriptions to priation of $7,000 on construction and the Munieipal World. Mrs. N. W. Tre- m aintenaance of. roads and streets. In wartha ~;note expressing her appreof- 1947, •the county levy was $7,186.70. atiesa of her appointleut as member to The town received in .subsidy from the Clinton High School District he Department, $13568,25, wliiish_ amomlt is expected to •be practically doubled this year. o • STANLEY COUNCIL NAMES OFFICERS • CURRENT YEAR 4 Stanley Township Cedecil held itsal i.aagur'meeting Monday e January Alex' Alexander Choses; MillsCounty Rate set 6 COUNTY ASSESSOR ALEX ALEXANDER Fernier Bolan of Grey Township and Board for 1047. Mr. Gordon Grant Warden of Huron County in 1945, was present and gave a report of thewho was' appointed County Assessor•. Goderich T%igh School, District Boa.ra. by County Council at Wednesday's Bylaw No. 1setting salaries for session. •officials at the sante as last year was given first reo.diug- Bylaw No. 2, appointing "`officials, they boiug the acme as lest year, was read and pass- ed. Bylaw No 3, to provide for pay- ment on to0u0hip roads during 191., was read andpassed; also Bylaw No. 4 • to borrow money from the Royalq 12, at 10 a.m., with all the members Bank for current expenditures, was Bay-fie� (7 Fair present. The 1948 coiutdil•aid: 'Elmer road and passed. The salary of the Webster Reeve; Alvin• MaBrzde, Har Road Supernt nd t d to 00 A. H. Warner Is President r r . , _ia en was raise a vey Taylor, Carl Houston Mud Harvey per hour and the Clerk was instrueted Tho annual meeting of Bayfield Ag• Coleman, Councilors, to have a Bylaw ready for next meet. ricultural Society was held in the The Clerk administered tide oats of big eonfirming this- Town Hall, Bayfield on Friday even- ing January 16, with a fair attond- aneo. This meeting had been sahedeled to bo lied en Wednesday, January 14, but owing to the death of George Greenslade, one of the Society's form- er pioneer members, who had. noted as secretary for a number of years; this meeting seas postponed. Russell Grainger ono of the direct- ors of the society, was appointed chairman for the animal meeting, and very ably ,conducted the business of toed, Pay Roll No. 1, $1,750.83. this meeting. Coruteii adjoru.80 to meet Monday Le Roy G. Brown, Clinton, Huron February 2, at 1.30 pan. Agricultural Representative, was in- ° traduced to the members of the sec - PLAN EXHI$ITION ioty mmn thedthe ty on its Browno OF BADMINTON in tete pant years with the young HERE FEBRUARY 5 people ofthesurrounding district by veneering Junior Clubs, Mr. Brown aleo complimented the Thursday, February e, will bo a society for the interest shown and "big night" for badminton in Olin- the invitation to the Clinton Junior ton. Araurgements have been nude to Grain Club which exhibited at Bay - stage exhibition matches on Clinton field Fall Pair In 1947. In his Earth= Badminton. Club courts in the Town or remarks he spoke on Grain Club Hall that evening. competition explaining all phases and The public are invited, and a silver Stating the benefits of such a club collection will bo taken. The idea is to the society, the quality of seed to introduce the game to the people of produced this being one way to int. - Clinton aid district. prove crop increase. office to the newly elected council 7Iie earn of the Holmesviilo Ceme- and they then proeeetled with tate eery was discussed, no definite action business of the meeting. being taken, but the United Church The minutes of the last Meeting et Iioimeevile will be interviewed and were read and adopted, Bealaw No..1 if they will assume responsibility for appointbrg the different Township their part, it was ns.surod that Angli- officers was duty pnbsed._ • eau Synod will do likewise. Township Officers Accounts paid: Town of Clinton, Clerk and Treasurer, Fred S. Wet- use of Council Chamber for nominee son; Assessor P.V. 13ayiiiad, John tion, $3.00; • Sign:el-Star, p�thig, Cansoron; Assessor, Township of Stan- $37.15; Paint Shop, $8.061; Miss Ache - ley, H. 11L Healy; Cellee!,r,1' V, Bare son, -use of :house,'$8.00;- H. B. White- fiord, John Cameron'r Collector, Tolvrr- ly, treasurer, postage, $9.88; Superin- ebtip of Stanley, 11 M. lIanly; Road Superintendent, Roy Keys; Weed I1t- opeetors, Harold Penlialo and T. 11 Baird; M,O.H., Dr. 1ifeLeau, Ilene -aft; engineer, S. W. Archibald; Sheep Valuators Thomas Snowdon, Adair Stewart; Sanitary Inspectors, Robert Orr and Ed. Chatter; P.W.D. Truck Operator, Ivan. Stande; Caretaker of Cenotaph, George Beatty, Jr. • :By-law No. 2, providing for. Road Expenditures for 1948 to the amount of $22,000, was passed. 450), and tbat many delegates were absolutely unable to get out on ae- couut of the weather. Mr. Drew was responsible for this by-election in the dead of winter. Delegates were unable to be pre- sent from Hullett, McKillop and God- orie.h Townships. Nominations remained open for ten minutes. Benson W. Tuckoy's name was sub1ntttedl by 0. V. Piekasd and Andrew Campbell, bath of Exeter, and four other times. Mr. Hrtabfleiseh was nominated by John A. Me3lwen. Benefield, and J. 0. Cochrane, Sea - forth, The NEWS -RECORD has been ad- vised that this person is neither Wil- fred Bezzo, Clinton, nor William Boz- zo, Stratford, both of whom have been taken for this other person, and yet are absolutely no relation. The NEWS - RECORD regret's that through this article any inconvenience has been caused these gentlemen. PLAN TOBOGGAN PARTY Friday, January 23, is the night of the big toboggan party at 'Teen Town. Meeting place is at the school at 7.15 p.m. The list for those wish- ing to enter in the: coming ping pong When the result was made known, tournament ie still posted on' the bulletin board for singles and doubles, Well Known Baseball Umpire Takes Office as Huron Warden Well known throughout Huron County as a baseball Umpireandjudge of heavy horses 'during the past 25 years, Thigh .Berry, reeve of'Osborne Township, ie the Warden of the Coun- ty for 1948. He was nominated in a eaneus of Progressive Conservative mennbors of the County Council and subsequently elected by. Council as a whole without a vote at Tuesday after- noon 's fter-noon's session in Goderich. George C. Ginn, popular reeve of Godorich Township, was the tanner -up in. caucus. Warden Berry was .born in Blan- ahasd Townehip, Perth County, Marek 19, 1881, son of the late Robert' Berry and Fanny Creary, both of Northern Ireland stoek. His father servel as Warden of Perth County many years ago. His Worship attended school in Blom:hard., and moved to. Huron Conn ;le, in -1904, settling on a farm near Kirkton,•on eoneossion .10, teiboine, where he stili resides. He was married to Miss Staab Allen Usborne and they have two children: Mabel, Mrs. James Anderson, Toronto, and Allen, at home; and ono grandchild, Harold iptrp, nine. The presertt'is Warden Borry's1911 yea* in municipal polities,• ho having served 14'years .as councillor and Oils being his •fifth ae' reeve. He has been secretary of Kirkton Pair Board for WARDEN HUGH BERRY is a'past County Master of both the Orange and Royal Black Knights ]edges, his mother lodgee being LCI, 492, Woodham, and IIBP 9114, Voce - ham. life also is a member- of Wood - lam Fife and Drum land, Always melee in (ports, he ,played baseball in, his younger days, and started um- piring 26 m-piring.26 years ago.. • sex yearn and prior to ;that .wasa di- Mit Berry farms 300 fine arrowof 3 inches rentor for 30 years. Ile is a meriibkr of land., 'areeialIsinr frotihortborn• cattle Career, Polio end Tuberculosis Fend, when he MS highnsw-) in the eeet:neil .and :ling son; Grant, 14, at home, the Church of liluglaad, Eirkton, and and Clydeedsle horses. Rveryo se woleome. .:,.. .. 4 race. Bis Teoent' majority' for ;BBeev0 .Peter' Wot4'eso Lueknow,. is an undo, Stratford Badminton Club, will fea- ture Ted. Barber, newlyerowned West- ern Ontario men's singles champion, $25.00, were made. ' and Don McLean, former ehampion, as The Treasurer was, instructed tc well as Shirley Cladding and Ted apply tc th°-Department of Highways Barber, Western Ontario mixed doubles for the balance of subsidy on 1947 eh°m'pions, against another team: Pur- ther particulars will be published next week. CJlinten Badminton Club ivas repre- sented at the Western Ontario sham- pionsbips in Stratford over the week- end by Preeidont.R. S. Atkoy and See- retary-Treasurer Earl H. Loybnrne. road expenditures. 1 land Voucher No. 1 for. $987,62 was passed and ordered paid. General Voucher No. 1 for $282.88 Was passed and ordered paid. - Counoit adjourned to meet in the Township Rall • Febreary 2, at 2 pan. E. C. Munro Retires; Bruce. Cve 45 Years as Barber ount NyatiRepresents Another Clinton business man has Stanley in Huron County Coun ^ '' joined: the reeks of .the retired in the person of Edgar C. Munro. With his A native:, of ' Bruce County aril retirement Glisten business men lose proud of it, Elmer James Webster is one of their oldest associates in point the Reeve of Stanley Township for of 001.1'100. 1948, andorepresented that township. Mr. Munro learned ids trade as a for the first time at the Harron Conn.- barber onicbarber in 'Goderich and laboured in the Council session in Goderieh this the County Town for four years. In week' • 1902, 070r 4155 years ago, Mr- •Munro • " Reeve Webster was born in Rimless. opened business in Cliruton and .from Township, one mile west of Lueknow, that day to his day of retirement he on April: 21 1900, a son of the late has carried' ori 'his •business in one Robert Webster and Mrs. Webster, the stand at the V of King and Iasuc hatter residing on Victoria St,, Olin - Starts.' ton. ,Ho attended school in Ashfield Last summer hlr.'Mauro was hurt Township, Huron County, and moved when a bleacher gave way at a hall to 2l nity Township in ]920, of Var- game and since that time has not been, na where''he now fame 2410 scree on able to carry on his work, Bayfield Road North. itis agricultural M . Munro s retirement followed closely on the heels of dist of W. H. �e ia3tios are Iiozaford oath, York. 'in -lteeomber. Tiros Clinton shire swine, and Clydesdale horses, Webster is a member f V A. calf club was also explained for '1948. Regulations of a Junior calf elub have berm relaxed for 1948 every boy can choose a calf from his own herd the beef type for calf club com- petition. After some discussion, it was deaid• ed to sponsor a field crop competit- ion in. Beaver oats, Anyone interested in this competition may contact A. 11. Warner, R.B. No. 1 Bayfield or Elm. er Webster Varna, for particulars. The following are the new board Of officers and directors for ;1948; President -A. H. Warner, Ba pfiold, MR. No. 1; tet vice -pros.- C. Diehl, Clinton, R.R. No, 5; 2nd viee•pre.-- Mr loss tun highly respndtnl.business o axial United personnel who each served this com- ma= Church, haiTng been chairiran mtuaity faithfully for over font de• of the' Board of Stewards for 15 Yenta. codes. He is a member of TOL 1.025, Varna, Mr; *ivaro's shop w1I] b0 oeeupicd end is a Past Master and Past. Cotmty Master for Southr Unroll- Ho visa is a b future bys Alvin V'et a watch member of RBP 1025, Varna born, wit. is to atmduot n watch. re- . y of pair business, which he is now CVorehipful Preeep- ELMER J. WEl3STER tor. In politics, ho is a Progreseive Photo by Fowior Bros. studio. Conaervattva COMING EVENTS The new Reeve ,first entered muni- was 800. eipal life 7 t 1938 as a member of the Be. wse married to Miss 110 sale Card •Party, Monday, January 28, Township Council, remaining as• such xnkinfi. Btanloy, on ,August 29, 1923, 8 . p,m., auspices Hurenss Rebekah ' nntii' the end of 1947, with only one at-Soafirth, and they have two -child- •Lodge in tools Rall.. Proeeotle for election in the, :meantime, in 1943, rmo Mni. George" Clifton,;' K(ppOn; Acting on the recommendation .off the -Equalization Committee, 'Huron County Council, at its 'Wednesday session, eonfirmerl the appeintsnent of Alex Alexander as -County Assessor. Originoley, there had 'beet -22 applies, tions for the position. Mr- Alexander was a -member of the County Council for -a number •of years as Reeve of Grey Pownship, and served as Warden in 1945. Me • hail been chairman of the 'Equalization Committee, Huron County will adopt the -assess- ment system in vogue in•Grey'Coumy, and the equalization, now tine, •wihl be completed in two •years. In the discussion, a five -man com- mittee was suggested, `but this pro- posal did not, find -much favour. Speaking in - behalf of the urban centres in the County, of nthieh'lthere are only eight -J. E. iiuekiam, •reeve bf Goderieh, declared 'that 'Goderich had its oien special method of assess- ing industries and "we 'have to -see that they are not taxed out of exist- ence." He was told that the 'Town of Hanover, Grey County, 'had tat only three appeals from its'industriee, County Rate ;:Sot County Council 'Thursday afternoon ,struck the county rate '.for 4948 ate six male on the dollar, Inane -np:as follows: current account, -8:5; .county highways, 2.5. This •rate -was recom- mended by the Finance ]Committee. Previously, County Treasurer r3.- IL. Pliskine •had submitted ,estimate of receipts and expenditures 'for' 1.948, as follows: estimated expentliturea,4208,• 850; revenue, $212,530; .surplus, 43,- 682. 3;682. These figures were ibneed on en anticipated six -mill Tete. G. FALCONER NAMED TO lH.a,' DISTRICT :BOARD Tuokersmith" Township 'Coaneii, comprised of Reeve Arthur Niebolsoq, Councillors Harold ttae.kson, T. W. Crich, William leagersen-and 'Roy 'Bell held its irmugural meeting in the Town Hall, Sonforth, an 'Monday, Tan- nery 12. All mornbertosubseflhedto ;the Oath of Offieo 'before 'tho 'Clerk and Rev. A. W. Gardiner eves present and invoked Divine 'Gu'idance 'upon the deliberations of the :Coumeil thrangh- out the coming year.. The Clerk was 'instructed to order subscriptions to the Merrieipal World for Council end officials. Premium on the Grader Insurance of $126.05 was paid -to M. A. Reid, Agent Robert Dalrymple was appointed Bead Superintendent .atratwege-of 70e per hour and an allowance.ef '7e per mile for the use of 7iis-car when Used outside the •Township.:Other officials appointed were as 'follows: Fent*= viewers, Alex. 3road£oot, `Wm, Work- man, Robert'M&Lean; ?Poundkeepors, John Broadfoot,'11. ScottrCluff,lLeelie Lateson, Molvillo'Traquaire Mead" In - seeder, W. S. 'Broadfoot; :Member Board of Health, Tiareld Sitaireon; Sheep and Poultry V4luators, Howard Crieb, Andrew Bell; 'Robert Tynd-all,; Member to Clinton -Selma Diatrict Board, George Falconer. Membership Fee of *5 each was p:{id to the Ontario 'Good Roads Ass- ociation and the .±Association of Rural Municipalities. Any +members desir- ing desiring to attend the 'Conventions in 'Feb- ruary will be aliewetl.expensee. Accounts passed were as ,follows: Fob Bounty, $15;001 Municipal World subseriptions, $'14.15 ; 'Stationary and Printing, $45.11: 'Torii, Accts., $290.- 94; 290:94; Nomination 'Expense, "95.00; Sal- vation Army Grants, $25r,; 'Envier, 85 Rate of pay for labeer was 'set at 50e per !tour for •men, ,80e per 'hour for man and team for ordinary lab- our and 411 ger ares'' or team •nail mower. The nest meeting, of 'Connell will late held February 7th at 2 p.,1n. R. Corals'', Bayfield, 'R4. No. 81 Secretary -treasurer axlesreentein- hard, Bayfield; +Bisectors-'43..'Mid• Olden, R. Oa'aingel, oC. 'Diehl, E. Webster, A. H. Warner, *R.:Ck+rnish, 11. Penhale, C. 'Houston, 13`. •Sterling; H. ,Gilmour, A. Bunn 'Sr.,''R. 'Welsh. Committee -Mrs. M. 'Prentice, ;Mrv. George Little, '1Glts..zseieiT" Mitek, Mrs. B. Meltwen, it)on'Middioton, iLd Wise, Jack Taylor, Mrs •0. Houston, Afro. 13,' Penlrulo, itt::s. A. H. 'Warner. -----•o-.--gin Wesley -Willis °C:srl.s Plan T/I'Instrei 'ow The Girls' Club of 'Wealey=Willis Uuite,1 Church 'held its lent meeting for 1948 en the •church trail en Teea- dny evening, Sarniary 73. This •was •a pat ]ueksupper anti was. rnu . lm � o ed • Several annual •reports -were -given, the treasurer"a •report showing •a suls- stantiel balance. A•tolegram of thanks for boxes sent to England was read. A slate of ;recornmoa8ations for as- tivitiea for the contiugTear was aAopt- ed. Among fifes© •were ,a .1.dinatrol Show to be strogod sat :February 10, and a Twilight Mii5ical,'1spansoited. jointly by the hospital sA1d 444 the Girls' Club, to 'In Twespntr' 4r, the ohureh on Good ilifi6ny, M nahle.