Clinton News-Record, 1948-01-15, Page 6erestir Itettis From EWS OF- BAYFIELD Representative Miss Lucy R Woods Phone Clinton 631r31 ..nom .....! ss: Dempsey and babe are visiting M Lloyd. Scotchmcr, Mrs. George Kingand redo• Mrs. P.' W. Baker who have performed this duty so faithfully for so many years were made honorary members;. Social Committee, Mrs. R. Bassett, Mrs. May- nard Corrie and Mrs. T. H, Mack. At the close of the meeting, the hostess ser- ved tea, Joint Meetings The meetings of the W. M. S. and W. A.. of St Andrews Morel' e held w ro oars Thatsda January anusr y 8, at the home of Mrs. Russel Grainger with an attendance of over twenty. A feature of the W. M. S. meeting was the presentation of a Life Membership Certificato'to Mars. Colin Cannibell from !Miss A. M. Stirling, who spoke of the great importance of Missions and the honor of membership in a missionary or- ganization.' Mrs. Dewar road from the Study Boolc 'Great is the Company', a most interesting chapter which told the story of the translations of the ucriptares into the languages of the North Amer- ican Indians mit,the great difficulties ..attending the work, The W. A. reported a balaneo en hand of over $200 with all debts paid to date. Plans were discussed for the meetings during the coming year and also for a collection of :second band clothing to be has Gloria , Westlake, .London, spent 'weekend with her parents, Mr. and •a. Walter Westlake. herb Kirkham, Aylmer, was a guest the home" of Mr. and Mrs. Emerson earl over the weekend, Mrs: A. Gwaffieltl, Goderieh, anti Mnr- y Romig, Cochrane, visited the letter's ousins, Misses A. Al. said E. J. Stirling nT Thursday Iast. Mrs. Colin Campbell, Bronson Lino, tanley Township spent the weekend 'tri her mother and aunt, Mrs. D. Mae- '-enzie :end Miss MacKenzie.: Trinity Guild Annual Tho Annual Meeting of Trinity church Mid asof u h althe home om e of Aire., R. MacKay on Thursday afternoon of et week. The secretary's report show an active year and the Treasurer's element a good balance on hand. Rev. a Verne Morgan led in the opening 'mid ming exercises and presided for the ieotion of officers following the reports ltd a short business session. Those e1- steel to office for this year- aro: Presi- ent,'' Mrs. E1IW$011 Heard; Viee :Presi- ent, Mrs. Byrd Sturgeon; Secretary, re, Sant McEwen; Treasurer, Miss trey R. Woods; Visiting. and Flower ontnnittee, M•,e. R. Larson and Mrs. sent to Western Europe sunder a plan SEE THE NEW Holland Electric Pig Brooder It protects the little pigs from being crushed by the mother, and keeps ,them warm. Recommended by Aglicul- tural Representatives. Priced Reasonably alt $35. NOBLE ,HOLLAND INVENTOR and 'MAN R.R. 4, Clinton Phone Clinton 6171:321 4'trrsa ^r %t'kV al'xr Y oil g ofairroN ,irl'1WS-BEOOIw BRUCEFIELD United Church W. A. Tho W. A. of the United Church mot inthe school room of ,Einechurch on the afternoon of January 6 with an attend• Mrs. E. R. Stanway led the devotional exercises. The creed was repeated. Hymn 670 was sung and Mas. Stanway led in !prayer. The 1'' Sc trim I s 0 60 P Y n was from 'iP Jotn graPtor 8, Hymn 360 was the ;elos- irtg hymn. Mrs. Alton Johnson was at 'the piano. The new president, Miss Bowey, took the chair for the business period and read an appropriate message for the New Year and asked for the cooperation of the members ,for the coming year. The reports of various committees for tate past year were given and adopted. It was decided that the Society would work as a unit this year instead of in .groups as we have for the past four years. Mrs, Gordon Elliot and Mrs, E. Allan were appointed auditors for the year. The sum of $10 was given to the Plower fund. At the conclusion, of the meeting lunch was served by the:mem'b- ers of the organ fund and a *dal hone' enjoyed by all. The following aro the officers for 1948 Praident, Miss Edyth Bowey; let Vice - Mrs. T. B. Baird; 2nd Vico Mrs. Edgar Allen Roc. See. Mrs. Lorne Wilson; Press Soc. Mrs. 1(15 Henry; Treasurer, Mos. W. McBeatit; Fin. See., Mars, ,Bohner; Manse committee, Airs. W. Moffatt, Mrs. Elgin Thompson, Mrs. Ham; Church Committee Miss 11?, Swan, Mrs. John Ailcenhead, Mrs Wm. lotheringham, Mrs. Selclon Ross. Flower Committee, Mrs. Gordon Elliot, Mrs. Lindsay Eyre; Pianists, Mrs. Alton Jolnlston, Mrs, W. M'oBeath; Devotional. Leaders, Mrs. Stanway, Mrs, McQueen; Visiting Committee, Mrs. Thigh Aiken - head, Airs. Henry Darnall' Mrs. 1) Fotheringharn; Programme, 1'ir•s. Ross Scott, Mrs. W. Scott, Mrs. O. Johnsen; Work Committee, Mrs. Jas. Thompson, Mrs, A. Foote, Mrs, F. Burdge. by the 'Canadian Council' of 'Churches, Donations may be left at the Church on or before January 22 when the bale win fro pecked. After a tasty lunch served by the committee, the Ladies were much pleased with the singing of little Helen Grainger, aged two years, who sang most sweetly 'Away in a manger'. 41112sin s Sale Begins FRIDAY,, JANUARY 16, and Ends SATURDAY,, JANUARY 31 N"p 6 t� ! ;eti CES s , �ti ', "e AN EXTRAORDINARY Stck 'led dug Sale YOU CAN SAVE from 10% to 50% on hardware and other merchandise (This great event is due to an unbalanced Inventory which was revealed during the transfer of ownership. All overstocked and certain other merchandise must be sold, REGARDLESS 01i, LOSS. Check your wants for Winter, Spring and Sumner; take advantage of these exceptional savings to supply your needs at prices, which, in the face of rising markets, will save you many dollars. Read these Money -Saving Specials - Come Early - Quantities Limited BUY THESE AT 15% OFF LIST PRICE 1. Electric Hotplates 2. Electro -Pails 3. Ash .Sifters , Srnall Stoves 4. 11/2, 3, 5 Inch Belling 5. Door Chimes, Bed Lamps Shelf Hardware and Paints Tires, Tubes, Auto Access. All Lighting Fixtures BUY THESE AT 20% OFF LIST PRICE 1. All Boots, Shoes, Sox 2. Sleek and Poultry (Remedies 3. Rockwool Insulation 1. All Men's and Boys' Gloves 5. All Cold Water Paints 1O% OFF LIST 10% OFF LIST 1O% OFF LIST Replace your Broken Window Panes now --All Glass at,25%n off List Replace your old Stove 'Pipes -- .- All Stove Pipes at 25% Off List BUY AT WHOLESALE COSTS OR LESS 1. MEN'S SKIRTS, PANTS, COATS, CAPS 2. ALL WAXES, POLISHES, CLEANERS 3. ALL HARNESSES, BANDS, STRAPS 4. ALL GLASS CUPS AND DISHES 5. REMAINING TIRE CHAINS; CROSS LINKS 1 Win;lnam Cook Range (Clipper) 1 Wiuogham Cook Range (Bruce) 2 Quebec Heaters 3 Quebec Headers 1 Oil Cook Stove (Two Burner) 3 Thermodn-a'fts 1 "Woods" Oat Roller 1 "Gens" Grinder 100 Spark Plugs 1 Heavy Duty Wheel Barrow (pram, lire) 1 Electric Steannll Radiator 2 Pedal Bikes 1 Coleman Iron 1 Carbon Sun Lamp Was Was Were Were Was Were Was Was Were Was Was Were Was Was $135.00 95.00 24.00 22.35 32.00 9.85 200.00 70.00 .75 32.50 34.50 6.00 7.50 9.85 NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW $105.00 15.00 19.50 16.00 27.00 8.00 170.00 55.00 .50 27.00 27.50 4.50 5.50 7.00 ALL PURCHASES MUST BECASH - ALL SALES FINAL BAYFIELD HARDWARE BAYFIELD, ONTARIO HEN$ALL Organist.11onored Airs. M. C. Denali, the very efficient organist and director of Carmel Presby- terian elusreh was surprised mhen she was presented with a lovely table lamp at the conclusion of the service in the church by ,tike choir. Congratulations! Miss Annie Hood, life long resident of the Village, celebrated her 951st birthday quietly at her home Wecbeslay, January 7, and received many cards, and birthday Congratulations. Miss Hood who lives alone, is very active for her yeare; site does her own iron sow ark an do0 1 k after herself. Died in Toronto :Residents of Hensen anal rommunity learned with regret of ,the passing of Mrs. Jean Caartherpe, who passed away in Toronto following tit operation. , For many years Mrs. Caa'thorpe resided in Tavistoek where her late husband was a physician, and for the 'past munbet' of ',eon; she had lived in Hensen where she was well known and higlily esteemed. Surviving :ue one son Dr. J, Cawthorpe of Mcntreal two sisters Mrs. Bertha,Bell of Honsall, two brothers Georgy Dick of Hensttll, .7. D. Dick, of Orillia. Burial took place in Tavistock. 12 Stitehes Required Freddie Saunders, three, suffered sev- ere cuts requiring 12 stitches to his Taco When caught in a• barbed Wire fence while itch oggaating on snowcovored sand hills southeast of Hensall. In ernnpany with his mother, Mrs. Morley Saunders, aid twin brother Todd- io, he was returning fru the stills to Hon- sali. While Mrs. Saunders was helping Toddle through the fence, Fr•eudie jump - ad on the toboggan against his mother's orders. ' The toboggan went downhill, Freddie fell off and his face caught in the barbed wire. He was falcon here for medical treatment, Cole neil Inaugural At the iirangu a.l meeting of Hensel' village e611110l all members were present and the declaration of office was taken before James A. Patterson, J. P. On in- vitation of Reeve A. W. Kerslake, Rev. P. Ferguson opened the session with prayer. Standing committees were named as ollows, road emnmi.t'tee, W. Parke and N It Jones; property, R. H. Middleton tad W. Brown, the first being named heirloomheirloomMrs. E, Nominton , was ap- lointed to the Library Board for 1948- 9-50. On motion the following worn ap- oiutocl members of'tho Community Park wird, In H, Xiddleton and W. Parke, epreseuting council for one year; W. R. avicisen, 1''. Sntallaconthe, G, Arno, trong, S. MoganMoganand Roy 13011 for two cars, Tu the evening the first regular met- ing for 1948 was held in the council oms. The main item on the agenda as the consideration of 'tenders int rant normo C. P. Deitrieh's tender at 4,500 fon the construction of the Ilensall sin drain improvement was an:entai! 1,1 the clerk was iastrneteil to have a ltract drawn up. Clerk Paterson reported outstanding res forfor1947 of $279,14; cash balance San. 1 was $3,020; and that he had earedeared$200 iu plymont to date 011 the 48 taxes. J. A. Paterson was appointed elm* id treasurer at $600 .for 1949 and as x collector• at $100 per year. f 6 4 1; S ,i ro 1 m 01 cot 1511 011 re 19 01 to 0 T)1 12 Wo Eu 11111 N of I-f-ULLETT TOWNSHIP Farm Porunr Meets' The Perm Forum of S.S. No. 1, Halls tt snot at the home of Mr. and Mrs, gin Nott on Monday ovening Sanitary with 16 members present. Subject for discussion was "The rrd is our Market,' The recreation period as spent !playing clue and Five -Hundred, after which eh was served. ext meeting is to be held at the house Mr. and Mss. Bert Irvin. AUBtTR+N Knox WMS Meets The W.M.S. of Knox United Church met in the Sunday School room with the president, Mrs, Earl Wightmeri, in Mar- ge and Mrs. Wm. Craig` at the piano. The scripture was read by Mrs. A.1}.ert Campbell and Mrs. Jas. Roberton offered ra er. p y Mrs.. Earl Wightman road a paper which had .been prepared by Mise Margaret Small of Toronto. Mrs. Don- ald Fowler sang a solo. Reports were given'. by Mrs. C. M. Straughan, treasurer; Mrs. Herbert Mow ridge, visiting se rotary; 14rtss Flma Mutat, > correaponding secretary, and Miss AL King, recording seeraary. Mrs. Fred Toll read an article on the aim of the W. M.S., Mrs. A. G. Hewitt offered the closing prayer. Sunday School Annual A meeting of the Sunday School of Knox United Church was hold when the following officers were elected: super- intondent, Chas. Scott; secretary, Miss Viola Thompson; assistant, Donald Yungblut; treasurer, William Gow; tem- peraneo Supt., Mrs, 0. M. Straughan; missionary committee, Jun,, Fob, and March, Mrs, Albert Campbell; April, Mny, June, Mrs, Gordon McOlinchey; July, Aug., Sept,, Mrs.'`11arry Yungblut; Oct., Nov., Des,, Mrs. Bert Craig; 1111101e sunt., Mrs, R. D. Munro, sociai,committ- oe, Mrs. Sidney McOlinchey, Miss Mar- garet King, Ml's. Wm. Dodd, jr,, mfrs, Arthur Grange, Mrs. Bert Craig; teachers begirmors, Mrs, A. J, Ferguson, Airs, 13, D. Munro, Mrs, Oliver Anderson; primary boys, Miss Elma Hata; assistant, Miss 1156. King; junier girls, Alm. Bert Craig; assistant, Mrs, Chas. B. Straughan) jun- ior boys, Mrs, Feed Toll; assistant, Mrs, Earl Wightmon; senior girls, Mrs. Al- bert CampbeiI; assistant, sirs, Harry Yutgblut; harmony class, Rev. A. G. Dewitt; assistant, Arthur Grange; cradle roll Supt., Mis. Kenneth McDougal; 6Y ELECTRICITY 9S PRECIOUS BREAKS RIP IN PALL TIITJitSUAYz ` JAN't71ii2( 16, 941t1 D'U,>1GANNON - William McConnell, 89, was taken to Alexandra Hospital, Godericcjt with a broken hip, suffered When he slipped aid fell as he was leav- ing his house to go. to town. Mr.: McCom nell is well /mown throughout the district; for his .mail carrier services 50 years ago when he drove the mail coach between Goderieh and Kincardine, making , the, round trip daily: HURON LIBERAL ASSOCIATION Will Hold a CONVENTION in the TOWN HALL,FTE NSALL Friday,Jauuary 16 at 2.30 p.m, 15w ,the purpose of nominating 'a_candidate to: contest the riding of Huron for the Ontario Legislature in the by- election called for February 16. yr---•----•_- Farqu ar Olivern Ontario Liberal Leader, will address the Convention; also Robert McCubbin, M.P., assis'tan't to the Federal Miriister of Agriculture. Albert Ralbfleisch, President W. L. Whyte;, Secretary EVERYBODY WELCOME 1 11 :ids � Earn While You Learn A New Trude JOIN THE PARADE TO WORK AT Clint a to Hosiery ills Limited Apply for Particulars To the Superintendent Ontario's, fast-growing industry and agricultur9, demands more and mom electricity. New powav developments cannot in built fast enough to sut5r the immediate need. SAVE HAMM 6�'1►B ONTAN OAP& 'MEW 247 ANNUAL MEETING, Huron Central Agricultural Society Agricultural ,Board Room, Clinton Saturday, January 24 :at 2.00 'p.m. Reports of Departments and Election of Officers M. L. (Tory) Gregg: Guest Speaker Ervin (Dick) Jacob A. J. McMurray G. E, Nelson President Manager Secretary 13. C. MnEV17N UE E, G. BA ER The Board of Directors' of The Canada Life Assurance` Company an nlonmces that it; has accepted with regret Mr. S., C. McEvenue'e resignation as President owing to hie centimiued poor health. Announcement is further made of the election of E. G. Baker as President, Mr, Baker has been a policyhold- ers' director' since 1934, and a ,Vice-Preeident for the past seven years. TRY US FOR SERVICE Any Place - Any Time Special Rates on Long Trips • • • OFFICE PHONE No. 44 REG. SHIPLEY Res.: Phone 229. rr HAROLD CRITTENDEN Res: Phone 173 OSCAR P°RIESTAP The next meeting of the Huron County Council will be held in the Council Chambers, 'Court House, Goderich, commencing TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, at 2.00 P.M. All accounts, notices of deputations and other busi- ness requiring ithe attention of Council should be in the hands of the 'County Clerk not lamer than Saturday, Januaay 17, 1948. N. W. MILLER, County •Clerk Goderich, Ontario MIRO-CELL twill give uniform and constant INSULATING VALUE the year round. • Reflects 95% of rad'ian't meat • Protects against heat, cold, noise and wind • Provides positive vapor barrier • Weatherstrips walls and ceilings • Fire-resristant, vermin and termite -proof AT LAST ... you can fix with NEW AQU A scientific mineral surface seepage and dampness , . . or below grod your leaking walls or cellar • .. Scientific ELLA coating used to control water used inside or outside, above Try Our CEDAR SHINGLES (Obtained from War Assets Corporation) Mitcheaj McAdam GENERAL CONTRACTOR Princess Street, East Phone 694J