HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-01-15, Page 1• WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED THE CLINjTON NEW ERA—.ESTABLISHED 1865 No. 3 ' 70th Rear, Whole No. 6288 CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY15, 1948 Parties Prepare For Oniarii Thomas Pryde, Exeter Is Unanimous Choice (By Staff Reporter) With eompletc unanimity, the gressive Conservatives of Huron Pr Mal Riding turned out in force at nomiva;tion eonvettion held in the T Hall, Rensall, Wednesday afternoon, selected Thomas Pryde, Exeter bus' man,- as their candidate in the forthc lug by-election on February 16. Attendance was close to 450 from parts of the riding, including a few Mies, despite .the stormy day. The Was filled to capacity. .Einer D. Bell, Exeter, president of Association, was chairman, with el Fisher, Exeter, as secretary. Whou the chairman celled for nomii tions, Mr. Pryde was nominated by Al Elliott, Exeter, and was seeonded by A. Sutter, Clinton. As there worn no other norninati the chairmen declared Mr, Pryde (unanimous ehotee as candidate of party in the by-eleetion. It will be recalled that Mr. Pryde the nnsueeessful Progressive Conser'va candidate in the relit* of Huron -Per M the Iast Federal decline held in.Ju '1945, so that he has had consider campaign experience. .E'. R. Darrow, IC,C., Galeria, announ ed that John Huckins, Goderiele C candidate 'inthe 1945 provincial eleeti had authorizer. trim to guygunee •that is actively supporting Tom •Ierydo' the Drew w Govern mon t in this cam ' ar P re If itirn an 't for their sttrbbor�e the Liberals .would do likewise,""eo mental chairman Boll, r. W. Hanna, MLA for Hurou•Bruc and Hon. W. G. Webster, MLA for L don, spoke briefly, paying tribute to t memory of Dr. Ti tor, and eongratu ing Mr. Pryde on his nomination. Thomas Prynne In his speech of acceptance, lastleg 1 minutes, Thomas Pryde said he was r ally onaouragod to see such a crowd ouu on such a stormy day. "Thank you froi the bottom of my heart," he said. It was rather regrettable that. tit meeting had to be held because of D Taylor's untimely death, but he congra lated the Premier and Goventment of O Selo that the vacancy is to be filled the earliest possible occasion. Tnithe history of this province, neve Mut the party in power implemented 4 eprogramme to the same extent as th Drew Govenameet. re I don't t think theta t i eo is a single ma g in Ontario- that could tato the place o George Drew. I art happy to carry th - banner of the party in this by-election,' he declared. Sinoe119455, the Goventment had don marvellous things, as compared with tar misdeeds of its predecessor, There wa no need to matke' promises now, becaus 'performance was there, and the peopl Act ea vete accordingly., "If yon honour me by electing me of February 16,'1 promise to represent you adequately, not to represent one party, to represent- all parties,„ ho stated. He 're. marked that De. Taylor liacl received a great tribute for •his.broudmitndednesa- In conclusion; Mit Pryde promised to do Ilia best, if eleeted,. but'beyotd.that he would promise nothing. Ito would do his best .to promote the best interests of good ;old Huron, County. and Ontario as a whole,, Ilon. George E. Doucstt t Hon. George H. i)oueett, llfvticter of Highways, spoke in the absence through illness of Hon: T. L. Kennelly, Minister of Agrieultilre, who wves'confinecl to his bed. .He paid a high tribute, to Dr. Taylor, whose passing, he said, web ,,a great loss .to Ontario and this county. "This by. -election is called because we believe hi the British practice ,that the •people should. have representation as soon as pooeibh,".he declared,'declaring that the Govcrninnt was ready and willing to face the people. Mr. Deuoett in his, 40 -minute address, outlined the Govornmeat's forward-look- ing policy With respect to highways, rural hydro, and education He promised that any work ,'stented -would be finished, and that plans were completed for great de- veloptnent of the Hinge: highway system and county and toweship.roads. .. In the pest 'four years, .the Hydro Electric Power Commission Mud serviced over„60,000.. new rural customers, and plauwed to. build over 2,600 miles of rural hydro lines in 1948. r The promise of 5,0 .per coat grants for edneatronel,�rurposes• had been aeeomp•, fished, increasing .from,.$16,473 in ,.1943 to $122,728 in .1947 for ,tho' high schools at Clinton, Seaforth, Galeria, Henaali earl Exeter. Int/Linton, the increase was from $4,.190 to $28,966, or 23 mans. • In Goderieh,: it was $4,235 to $38,861, ,or 13.8 mills. Iat Seaforth, it Was 16.8' mills. In Exeter ie was n fru. m 'L 611 $ n,2 t 48 , 56 $ nr24.7 mil , i?. San kiensnll,, it was from $792 to; The Week's fks Weather High; Low high T.:ow Januar 8, • 35 12 ' 26 ,, 18- ., 9: ,36. ., 26 24 14 10 28 13 28 ' 18 11 • 26 '2 37'• 26 12 36.. 26 30 12 13 , 32 12 26 11 14 19 ' 6 42 , 24 t3no'ww-6 incises „ Thain -.05 ineh Pro- via - the own and bust one. all 1a - hall the ark 1a- ex J, Ona, the the was Give t11 no, able c- on, he and gn. es, m- 0, Lo he lat- 9 o• n is r. tu- 1 on to 0 n 2 0 e 0 a e 1, 'Teen Towners Donate to Food -for -Britain Food for Britain is still earnestly needed. Good food is perhaps more important now .than when the sum- mer menthe come. Have you seen the notices in the stores drawing at- tention to the Clinton Lions Club - Legion financial drive for food par cella If you have seen them, did they mean anything to gout Maybe your name is on this sub- scription list/ To date it is as fol- lows: B.M.P.B. Mrs. Bred Jolmeton Stewart Middleton Albert Bond Mrs. X. S. Evans Hugh R. Hawkins Clinton 'Teen Town Total to date $2 1 10 5 5 30 $58 Donations may ho left at The NEWS -RECORD or either bank. They will be acknowledged hi this 'Paper weekly. COURT OF APPEAL UPHOLDS DECISION IN BEER JUDGMENT' The PP hes P tofA al h. u g Appeal held Mag- istrate a - istrate Cook's contention at Goderieh that under the Canada Tedperance .Act a man cannot bring a ease of beet' into a dry area for himself, although it is permissible to bring it in for another darty, Mr. Justice Le Bal, at Osgoode Hall Toronto, Friday Iast, disallowed the app• cal of James T, Ashton against ifs con- viction at Godorice. .nekton was fined $50 end scats or one month for bringing a case of beer front Stratford into the County of Huron, which is subject to the Canada Tetnper- 5nee Aet. Iu his judgment, Mr. Justice LeBe1 said that evidonee showed that Ashton drove to Stratford, outside the d'ry county end) brought back to Goderieh a epee of beer. 17us Lordship said: "The learned Mag- istrate (Cook) was satisfied upon his jinterprotation of certain words in the Act that a person may not lawfully br- ing intoxicating hg lisuori nto a prohibitive' Area unless the liquor is brought to some- one other than himself. He expressed bring a thing to himself and registered; the conviction.” Mr. Justice Le Bel uphold Crown Conn- ael"W. B. Common's argument that wh- ether Magistrate Conk's interpretation of the section of the Canada Temperance +Aet quoted was correct or not, the mag- istrate had jurisdiction to cuter upon`the ,inquiry and such being the ease, "this court (appeal) i9 powerless to quash the conviction since the right to do so has been expressly taken away by Section 149 of the Act." Clinton Badminton Club Elects Officers for 1948 •: Although play: has been under way slate the first week 'in December, or- ganization of Clinton .Badminton. Club did not take place , until Thursday evening last, when a meeting of mem- 'bees , was . bold in the Town Council chamber, Earl H: Leybitrne, Who has acted as secretary -treasurer ,pro tem, called the meeting to order and presided at the election of officers,'which resulted as i follows; President,' R. S. Atkey; secretary -treasurer, Earl I3, Ley - hurtle; men's captain, Robert M. Hale, assistant ca.ptaain, Leonard Johnson;; ladles' captain, Miss Agnes Combe; assistant captain, Mrs. R. S. Atkey; executive made up, of oommlttee chairmen—Willard :4. .Aiken, Proper - 47; Mrs, Orval M. Lobb, Social; G. G. Agnew, Dance.. An invitation Was read from Strat- ford Badminton Club requesting ens tries tries for the annual Western Ontario or Badminton Championship Tournament lee at that Club, Friday -Saturday -Sunday, $2 January 16-17-18; "Hereafter, the' Club will purchase' and own the birds, each member pay- ing ten emits. each evening he or she plays. A round robin is planned for Thursday next, January 22, to start at Tho 7.30 p.reesharp: Refreshment"will be pro tli vided by the social committee. far 'The x 18. executive a e was a arc �te oa- pP n d t n vestigate•' the possibilities of etaging a dance during the winter season with power to act. New members are cordially invited. The annual foo is $3. These°rotary- treasurer may be reached at Epps Sport Shop (phone 42). 'MesesiteseNeee. .rstNeeste... tette .."A" The Home Paper With the News -election In Huron, Feb. 19 SHIP OF HOPE: Beginning early in 1948, new Canadians to the number of 800 displaced persons and other innmig• .rants will arrive in this country with each voyage of ,the Canadian Pacific Steamships' 16 -knot diesel-electric liner "Beaverbrae," seen above alongside her refitting berth at Sorel, Que. formerly the Gentili vessel IIuesvuran of the Hari- btu•g-Ameri]w. Line, she was eiuptured, vir'tual'ly nndameged, by Athol forces in a Norwegian fjord, wberc ehe.had..aeted as repair and "mother" -ship to IT -beats seeking their toll of shippingeu the North Atlantic, and handed over to Canada as part reparations payment. Master of the I • Beaverbrae is Captain G. 0. Baugh, 0. Q. E., R. D., a Royal Canadian Navy veteran of the Battle of the Atlantic, who quite possibly tangled with some submarines whieh bad been based along- side his new command. TOWN? 'COUNCIL PAYS ACCOUNTS FOR DECEMBER B M ER Clinton Town Council ,at 'Rs final meeting for 1947, passed the follow- ing December accounts: STREET—Hugh Ladd, 3 drivetway tile at 1.25, $3.76; Art. Pulford, plow. Ing walks, 20 In's. at .80, $16; Harold Adams, supervising street gravelling, 41 hrs, at .65, $26.65; Rob. Freeman, levelling &e, 18 bre. at ,65, $11.41; Wnz. J, Elliott, motor car repairs by W. Seely (claim), $2.50; Haughton Welding Shop, general repairs, $1.80; Dominion Road Machinery Co., for snow -plow parts, $10.26; Chas. Nel- son, repairing grates for catch basins, $14.25. - STREEIT LIGHTING — Pub. Util. Com., lightiiig streets $230.68. PROPERTY ---Pub, U'ti1. Com., light- ing rest room, .80; Pub. CHI. Cone, lighting town hall; $17.92; Pub. Util. Com., lighting stock yard, .75; Pub, Util. Com., 14 year rest room rental, 16.00; Pub. U411, Com., 14 year rest room water, 2.51; Pub, lltil. Com., r/,y yr. town hall water, Pub. Mit $2.76;7th , Com, 14 n yr, fo a i , arias(1.50 &. .90), $2.70; London Scales \rorks, adjust- meat and repairs, $10; Receiver Gen- eral, scales inspection, $4; Grant Rath, decorating office, $137.40; Mrs. L. Tideswell, care of rest room 9.00, cleaning office 1.25, $10.25; Sutter & Perdue, repairs and general hard- ware $11.12;. ' Balt Brothers, small hardware,. $3.67; Hugh Hawkins, stok- er tole er & plumbing repairs, $7.50; G. 13. McEwan window ow sliatle and flash -light bulbs, $2.05; Jas. Johnston, 11,010 lbs. coal at 15.50, $85.30; Levis Contract- ing Co., bulldozer at town dumping ground, 6 hrs at •7:00, $42; '• HYDRANT RENTAL — Pub). CUL 'Teen Towners Plan ' Sleighride Party Friday Jeanne a Garen and Fred Gibson: were the winners of the $8 cash prize last Fri- day night at 'Teen Town, After winning the spot !lance they then had to answer a musical question corr'eetty before re- ceiving the prize. This Friday the prize le back to one dollar. The climina%ion dance was captured by Doreen Elliptt and 'Bill Ashton, 'Recorrlorl. attendance for the night ware 75. This Friday night, the special fomes is the sleigh ride commeuciug sharp at .Dight o'clock; cid rnambore are requested to be there on time fora eltange. .4. week this Friday is the night of the 'big toboggan party to the galley. Tltoi party will begin nt 710 pan., weather permitting. CONGRATULATi014S1 \th. anti Mrs. E. r, Crawford, Londes- bore, will eelebrate their fifty-fifth an- niversary on Sunday, January 17,. Mrs. Crawford is a sister of G. D. Robe:eon, Clinton, and nd Mr. Crawford Y , d s a brother Mrs. of r. • D. Johnston, ttlinton. , RCAF Recruiting Here On Friday, January O F'd 16 Pit. t. Lt- r •,. G. , , Magee and � O P J Ibi ca t3 / , ton from RCAF Station, Clinton, 'will visit Clinton on E'rlday, January 16, ifrom 4 to 6 p.m, to intcrriow patented reorutts for the Reyal Canadian Air '['once. Their headquarters will be The NEWS -RECORD Office, The RCA.P is vitally interested hu en- listing young mets of character end high qualifications. The invaluable training and manly ponefits offered, combine to man possible a career of unusual scope. OLD AGE PENSIONS Eleven applications for Old .Lige Peu- si0nsjl'ere considered and r000mmentled 3 at the December meeth%g of ;the Huron e Oount O d AgeL 1 s'Pension Board. Onc other was reeoiiurondod for investigation regarding transfer of property. One ap- ;ilication for blind pension and three g Mothers' Allowances, wore rocommendecl. e NEWS-RECORD ADL ET S DOA BIG JOB AT LITTLE €OST. h To Fill Vacant Seat Before Next Session Town Council Names Electors of 'Hrtron Pre:Me/al Riding �ivill go to the polls Monday, February Committees for 1948 (16, to fill the seat in the Ontario Legis-' _ iature loft. vacant by the death of Da: 8.. Standing Committees of. Clinton Town Council for 1948 nee as follows, the first"namo1 being chairman, Street — Paisley, Nott,' Shadtliek, Hattin, Finance—Agnew, Paisley, Crich, Cemetery—Crieil, Nediger, Hattin. Fire and Water—Shitikliek, Crieh, Nediger, Property—Nett, Paisley, Agnew. Relief—Nevliger, Sheddaek, Criclt, Special—llaattin, Oriah, Nodiger. 13y -L tu•s--Agnew, Hattin, Nott. Court ef Revision—Nott, McMur- ray, Paisley, Nodige', Hattie. Officers, Salaries and Dalies— Mayor and Connell as a whole. BAYFIELD LIONS HOLD SUCCESSFUL LADIES' EVENING Hobbs Taylor, who died eultder,ly De- cember 17. Official nominations n911' take place N�cedity, February 9. Both Progessive Conservative and Lib- eral pasties since the announcement was made Monday by .Premier Drew, have been active le the constituency. The former bold their nominating convention in B.oasall Wednesday afteuoon, ahooe- ing Thomas Pryde, Eyeter, as their can: dirlato, While the Libtunls soleet a can- didate at Hensail Friday afternoon. The eampaigu will be short and hard- fought, and will be conducted despite difficulties brought about by mid -winter weather conditions. "'Since this Government took office, the people of :Huron 'have been well rep- resented by .Dr. Taylor, who was 00.0 of the most effective and consefentioue members of the Legielalture," Premise Drew said. "It is therefore desirable that a by-election be' held at the earliest possiblo date so that 3'uron may be rep- �. 1 resented a t the coming session of the Hayfield Lions entertained. their wiw00 ',toe:Atua') and Lady friends on Wednesday everting, 1t has been predicted that the Neaten January 7, ata banquet followed by a will start early in February, but no of- 910{,rriln, in The Little Inn. fide' state has been set. Dr. Taylor's The program was arranged and con- sudden death was the first break in Pro- clnetocl by Lion Grant Teener' and the gresstve Conservative ranks since the program committee. elation in ,Tune, 1945.. , theIn hie r m sie,al part of progratn the n ram p ., Party standing in the 90 -member there were the usual Lions Club songs Horse is as follows: Progressive Con8er- hy members of the Ohib and-tl,e lathes; vative,. 65; Liberal 11; CCF eight; songs by the ladies alone, nus songs by Labor -Progressive, two; Independent La- the members of the Club atone. bon, two; Liberal -Labor, one; vacant Two selections were sung by Mrs, tli, ono, Corrie mut Mrs. E. Hovey, wives of two members of the Lions Club, These two ALEX F. CUDMORE songs received great applause. A110 1011 outstanding musical number was 00211- RE-ELECTED HEAD tributed by the only two grandfathers OF P S BOARD present, Lion Rev. F. G. Stotesbury nerd . "Lion Ili. Wstou. 1<'eeffloss to say this song wee enjoyed by a11; this was shown by Alex F. Cudmore was reelected requests for ntr encore, which were chairman of Clinton Public School toned down. Board et the inaugural greeting in the. school Thursday evening last. A it contest was held and four lady Mr: Cudmore possesses a lengthy ar acipauts were chosen by a number record as chairman, Tae was chairman of the new Public School Board in 1947; chairman. of the former Board of Education in 1943-4.5.6; and prior to the inception of the Board of Edu- cation, was chairman of the former Public School Board for four years. Therefore, this is his tenth year as chairman of either ze Board. d, The inaugural au ural meeting t a the 1948 Board took place following the final meeting of the 1947 .bird, all of whom were present. Secretary-treas- ever I1. C. Lawson tools the ehair.awl called for nominations for the peels Hon of chairman. A. F. Cudmore Was elected on motion of Trustees' Ford and Cook. H. C. Lawson 'was ap- pointed secretary -treasurer on motion of Trustees Ross and Livermore. Same Committees Chairman Cudmore named Trustees Shearing, 'Welsh and Seribbins as .e Striking Committee, with the first named as chairman. 'The following ree port was read and adopted, the per- sonnel being the same as in 1947: Property— T. G. Seribbins, chair- man; W. J, Coolt, Percy Livermore; Finance —Feed 0. Ford, chairman; C. M, Shearing, Wilbur Welsh; -pur- chasing—Gordon R. Ross, chairman; T. 0. Seribbins, Wilbur Welsh; Study and 'Welfare—C. 'M. Shearing, chair; man; W: •Cook, G. R. Ross. • Miss Edna Jamieson was re-alapofl is ed 'to the Library Board as the Public School Board's representative for 1948.49. The Board will hold its regu- lar meetings the first Thursday,li11,tea month. It, was reported that Miss Edith McClenaghan, Belgrave, had assumed her• duties as teacher of Grade II,, yotem. The lucky winner being Mrs. loyd Matins, wife of 'Lion Lloyd M'ek- ins. The surprise of the evening was a ift presented to each lady present, front the Lions Club. There were dontests for Ot1101 i4zes tg Lion Rev. L.Morgan m b P e a, lucky c whiner. Incidentally this w Y y a as tbo first mooting Lion Rev. 1 Mogen as been able to attend since returning to his duties as rector of the Ang1icata Church ie. Hayfield after an absence of three months on sick leave, Lion Prost - dont George Castle spoke 'on behalf of the Lions Club, welcoming Lion Rev. L. Morgan, his wife and Earle back to 'Bayfield. Mrs. Grsnt Turner was the {kicky winner of the door prize. The regular tail twister, Lion: "Spin" Irvine, who has been employed out of ' t(otvn for 'some time, was present. 314 worked hard all evening acid did his. job real well. He even caught up. ' on those who were late! • . 'Lich' Stetesbtiry spoke a few words eommoutfng on. the •spirit of, friendship in the club. 'He also introduced two game. ' whf0lt were ,enjoyed by all, and added to the evening's enttertaimnent. Some of the prominent bnsincasmen who, are Lions were called. upon to speak, and 'did so, these men 'all seemed to agree that a Lions Club wee needed' in llsy. Yield and this was verified with applause by all Lions and ladies present. . Mayor or Speaks At Inaugural, Y p Requests Co-operation q p Olintou Town Council for 1948 'field COMMISSION HEAD its inaugural meeting for the year in the Town Council Chamber. Monday, A - • brief session took place at 11 a,n.%When Com., ?i4 yr., rental of hydrants, $531.1a Striking Conunitting, consisting of 41(1. CEMETERY— Murray McEw�n, aatl•.M' J' Agnew, Ala. A. E. Shaddiek and AM. Melvin Crieh, was elected bjr i)allot. When Council assembled Monday ev- ening with all members present, Ald, Ag- new presented the report of. the Striking Committee, which • 'ryas.'. adapted.. Person- nel of standing committees is. published m another column.• " The Mayor called upon: Rev. 1R. yi'. P. Metoel, teeter of St., Paul 's •Angliearn Church, who led in prayer and' then ad. dressed the Council. He: advised. the tmembers "first of all to be sure that you aro right and then go.ahoa.d.regard- ,' less' of criticism. . Remember.: that criticism can only lent when -it is tr'ue.,' He hoped tent all Council's undeetakings might be crowned with sueocss"and .that this Council would be one that, would long be remembered in this town as a model for all Councils. , Meyer 'McMurray extended a • welcome to the new members—Reeve Nott return- ing after one year, Ald. Nedigor after four years,.and A1d. P isle? after seven rears -•=and also to •the•e1d •couneigors This year would not bo an easy one for. Domicil, nor had it been. in 1947, but something worthwhile had been worn plished. ;His • Worship appealed to the ' Guinan for closer co-operation and had invited ,them to attend Council meetings every year during hies seven . terms. as 14Ieyor, :but without much emcees; there • was still a good' deal of 'talk on the ,street. "If. Wo co-operate with ow another in things `that 'are right, there is no 001son that Clinton 40 not one of the beat•towns. any- where. rmy where Bylaw No. 1 for 1948 was passed, to make loans from • the Bank of Montreal up to $35,00,0 for current ogpendlteres, until the taxes are collected. A request front Clarke Stanley for a rayl lieear.. as filed There ce w Mer ars o ro noty six xi lienees ' to to a a to win it utas stated. to ori. Tax arrears amounting. to $996.08 have eon collected sof r b oohed a in 1948, leav- ing 1294 7 un 11 $ , ets eeted, it was strafed by Tax Colleetor .1 W Maiming. Reereationat Laredo, Frank Fingland, and G. Stohlph Foster format. a deputation from. Clinton Col- legiate 7matititte'Hoare which addressed Connell on the -mat -tot .of: engaging a. re- creational director for the town, the lat- any; $100; Ed. Steep, labour, 40 hrs. .60—$24,. less Ins. .30, 828.70. . . POLICE PROTECTION --: James Thompson, 'salary Dec. 1 to 15, '$60 paid, bal., $550 less 1.50, $48 50 .David Elliott,:salary Dec. 1 to 15, $4375: paid, bal. 43:75 fess 1.00, $42.751 'Edward Craig, salary Dec. 1 to 15, $43,75 paid, balanc4, 943.75. SALARIES—M. T. Coi'tess ' salary' 120.85 lees'H.0. 1.50, $119.35; correct- ion of voters lists, & °curt of revision 63,10—$332.45;, J. W. Manning, selary $41.67,' ;plus court of `revision 5.00 $46.67; Constable Elliott, .attefidanc court 'of' revision, $5; I3. T. Rance, divisiote. court attendance -7 at 4.00, $28; N., Kennedy, division court at- tendance, 4 at 4.00, $16; Ontario Hos- pital Association for hospital care, $5. POSTAGE & :STATIONRRY-�'-G.. 31. 03We/1, postage- &. general supplies, 70.:: , GENERAL MUNICIPAL. EIXPh3NS10 —Bel] Telephone Co., general, $9.10; Can. National Railways, sewerage easing rights, ,$1; Ontario Prov, ,Pol- Dept.,; traffic dfflcers expenses, .01; M. T. Corless,' stenographers •*'vices paid, $6.35. " HOUSING— Harold' Adams, super. wising `.111' and levelling 44,bes;.at• 66 $28.60.'... $6 BOAR() OF HEALTH—Dr, F. G. mpson, MOH 1947 allowance $150, ree days at , reed association with 0 37.55; inoculations, 'school pupils, 00—$205,55. ' ' HOSPITALIZATION — County.of Huron, indigent patient,. $21.55..1 direct relief, paid,.$21.85, , REVENUE — Rentals, ,$6; stock scales, $39.45; cemetery, ,$199, Total INJURES ARM ZURICH --Jack liaherer,, high sehool student,' f a air rat ed hie ani two lit 1 e res above he r' t wrist av til 1 o the � i 1uw ur hockey, +team was playing at Grand Bend. Dr. P. T. O.D r 7 ' e .un . ah attended ddh' wy , aur. , $5,583, or 13 mills. In eonelusion,, the Minister urged his hearers to vote; for. p. candidate !'thea is going to .keep Ontario strong under ono of'• the strongest; and ablest men Onttio ever had,. in the person of George s A. Drrww!' The National Anthem was sung et 3.45 pent, after' which .most of those pree02t signed the:,,etead tlrite!s .nomxnat4ora 3,a: Pere . Christmas. , e 'Seals. -Sale Over $7,168 in County Sal 01 SaleChristmas se a1S in Huron County up to the end of 1947, totalled 716 846 $ Frank ' c E'inglaad, Ii.0 chairman of Clinton Division, o , Huron County Tuberculosis Association, stat- ed today. All returns are not yet in. Results by. Division were; Clinton, $870.05; 3lxetor $799.45; Seaforth, $805,80; Goderieh, $1,087.16; Wing - ham, ,$1,606; 00unty grant, $2,000; total,, $7,168,46. W. E. ` PERDUE Who was re-elected chairman of Clinton Peelle TJkilities Oormieteen for 3.948 at the inaugural' meeting. H. R. Hawgigins is secretary. and .tbe, ' other member is 1s, *elver A.-r;'McMurray. , hail meeting of .citizens to discuss the amattor ` Ms. Frn l a d alse'liuteforward a pro, pose.to turn over Wesley-Willia Church' shed. to the Teem Council, providing the. town maintain lid'' it. The matter will be 'investigated and reported on at a.see- tial meeting meeting of Council Monday evening next, January 19. Following a suggestlon, by Aid. Palalo•, it 'was decided that, due to decrease in 'amount of .weak .to- be done, that Abe Onpon be relieved of his 'duties as sew- erage inspector as .of Saturday, January 17. ' Attar some discnsuion; the Clerk was instructed to Levis Contra ctingCo that a report of e, d po 'ash day,s snaavplotazla Ier hrclldoziug must be left either with one of the constables en duty or at the Cler'k's office each day ,the machines are. operaatntg. Aid. Agnew referred to the county levy Mt relative tothe etnietenanco of tho'con- necting link between the town and Bay- 71eid Road, •and urged, the. Reeve .te. go ter teeing of the system int, operation. iii' �OCOMINGEVI~ T +S Exeter' and Wingham. A'ftor-members of Connell had expressed themselves in fa- February ifiesarel'Show'is oomingc40 tows oak. Sour of the project, it w redocideid,:to wen °ebruary 19. Watob for paartietalars. • 8b'every orteouragememt�:',battke.:.propoeal,to, into the matter with the County En, giuecir. ' e A,djetenmextt wue made;. to illondoy er '-• 'i ,. Satluary 19 aw"8,,1?: : . MY Lion Grant Turner asked all to hunt up their vacates, bring a cushion along and enjoy a few .hours on the outdoor. riuk,'which 'the . Lions have built in thtlie park: At the close of the eve uing'e' enter - fila anent, Mrs. E. Hovey spoke on be- half of the ladies present, ,thanking tee. Lions for the enjoyable avenin!,*. It will, be one year en February 4, that Bayfield Lions Club was organized,and it is hoped, to have a birthday party to :'celebrate this event: • -.., MAILING LIST CORRECTED The NEWS-REC0RD's mailing list' was corrected up untie lolonda h ars' 12. If : your Iabel• reads an t,• JaaMeath prior to Jaatua 1948,s rabic rY. your subacl'iptiva• is in arrears and renewal should be made. at once. Any 'errors or omissions shoals, be reported to this office at once. MINISTER VALLEI) • GE}E Tu o1e a i. (%noirODPresbyI1ICteria—n Chhurcg g t on of chn 'voted to ex• tend a pnailirnoue• call to Rev. Robert G. Me-1lfillan, Athelst8n, P.Q. The; meeting Chamber of Colrrrrnerce A aonatituted• by Rev. P.. Fergusete )L'•A•, Hensel); moderator of the Presby. Elects 1948 Directors tarp ef Huron -Maitland SU amnia- 1 tors were heard. The stipend' is $2,800 Ohniten and District Chamber of Com- with -manse and grebe el e r ' g y. The d and folie' nierce• hall. its 'annual meeting .40 the weeks holidays annually, The pulpit wale Town Council Chnarber last evenieg with jnado caaat Rev. Bdayd ew` a good attondauce, , acceptedva: a 4513when to . Few St:ehJameSts 'proartm President G. Ralph roster was mar- by'torian Church, London,' noun and presented his anmral report Seereterytt'easurty B. B.. ,Poeklingtori Ir'. If) i1SHAVP C33AIliMAN r r of a sd n a at bel r rtef 1 or 947 u t r . GODE eP f a RI .• . . cu .ria nk Kershaw was ap� toll expenditures, of over $120. pointed'ahairman at rho inaugaural'meat•• Charles Bcuatoak, Toronto field repro. ing of the Publio :School Board with J: sentative Canadian- Chamber of Coni• B• 'Milne ae vfce•ehairfazi, merco, addressed the meetieg' and air .� wend ue t' n e q e ions: G. W. Nt ot, D. G. Bali and 1!. $.. 1► ., ti S iter were' a oink ed mutineers for the PP Ri Smile. e for To ele•otio of 1 it Today n 1 cl oetore from as rulaf 1 2,5 hi 1 cfr _ w chrasuteda efollows, a1 a--•—_---�, ,h brt- C p fealty) ; Tables Turned it. S. altltay, II. Bruck Bartliff, R. B.. It was. lunch hour at the linter ., Cent boll Ellwood E works, and rat's two buddies, decide p Pps; ,G. Rolph ;Cos- lag $o,play a little joke on rim during tra Dr: n. C, Gadilee, Lester Mrortin, his tibsen0a,' Brow J. Gtx•ro hfo7,ay, W. E, Per<kio, $; B. donkey u the features' of a Pocklington, W.. P.' Roberts, Naas• them= due 'ti pea the back of iia coat. ]n me. Pat returned and presentiT bore are Mesita. 'Campbell, Enter, Galilee, hove„ in : • eight bearingthe limesrfa c'0050d .ro at, ilinrtiu ani$ Raborts."The last. uenrWl is . ' a farmer in Tuelteremith, formorty With .on Whets rho trouble, jeaPate".,sliced tjlu RCAE'. atea ]ty-. Nothittts. nuc The directors plan to meet Wodne3- 1 "oe tI'd 1oike t ksi oi- • yin 4," -ut, Dryly I'd tette to }cion evoriiirg frau"to ele+st officers. 1 me tion, .,