HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-01-01, Page 1Clinton l�Iews-Record
No. 4 — 70th Year, Whole No. 6286
The Home Paper With the News
Mayor,Council, Commissioner and Trustees By Acclamation
The !tit
'.. * 0
Canadian Navy, A /B .Bob'Steep, in a
recent ,examination hi. aircraft control,
tied. for first place hi the whole eouree
with Tom 'Scanlon, a Galt boy, accord-
ing to a letter received by his father,
Andy Steep, Clinton ... The pair each
averaged 91 per cent in the course which
was taken at Gosport Hants, England .
Bob,`who is now stationed with 19th
Carrier Air Group, Royal Naval Air
Station, Eglington, Northern Ireland,
has our heartiest congratalations-
Mrs. J. W. Shaw, Clinton, who celebrate
their 51st wedding anniversary this cont-
ing weekend ... They were married at
the home of the ride's mother in Clin-
ton, on January 6', 1.897, by Rev. William
Chuff, rector o fthe Church of England,
Brussels ,
* i *
er for Canada Packers Limited, Clinton,
who again_ has distinguished himself in
the butter quality competitions eonducted,
during the 1947 season by Ontario De
pertinent of Agriculture . . George
finished first i nthe group threw contest
with 90.65 por cent first grade butter
K. Hosgins, Canada Packers, Cen-
tralia, was Bodoni!, and R. .T. Campbell,.
Canada 'Packers, Walkerton, third. .
✓ * •
Office has been about the busiest spot
during the past few days of the pre-
Christmas rush, and the Postmasters and
their stuffs well deserve the holidays
they are getting on Christmas and New
Year's. Days , . . There will be no rural
mail delivery, either ... Postmaster G.
M. Counter, Clinton, repute a record
volume of outgoing and incoming mail,
with the peak reached at the weekend ,
* * r
Neilana, who is eelebrating his 86th
birthday on New 'Year's Day with a
family gathering at the home of Ids
daughter, Mrs. William Shaddoek, Albert
St. Clinton. . . The octogenarian is
enjoying good health . • • • •
•- •
asks this;iluestion, and we pass it
along without Continent: "Would it'
not be possible, particularly during,
the winter tnontbs;. for the Rural
Hydro Office to be 'open, all. Saturn'
day afternoon ,for the payment of,
bills due?'
ClintOn •Hosieryi ' s
Employees Entertains
. The ,management' of 'Clinton Pandora
Mills Limi.tfd played. host,. to. the ,ems
plo9eea' and their , farnilies at ,very en-.
joyable ....Christmas festivities, prior to
Christmas, £oatnrgd by the preeence.•of
tho• clown'"x'if1' from Toronto.
added -greatly ,to the hilarityof the
children at, the closdng party in the
Public Scheel, ,prior` to the Christman
tree celebration at the mill where gifte
were distributed .to ail, employees and;
their children. •
In the evening, a banquet was bold
in Hotel Clinton with ahout.100 in at-
tendenee, •, including the • Toronto office
and sales staffs, ;Don Moltenzie. sales-
man, Temple, was master of ceremonies,:
and Mayor A. J. Mc1Mrrray;oompliment-
ed the firm on its „successful .employer.
employee „relations.. Other: • guests who
spoke in: this vein wore Rev. S. J. Mee
Donald, Iter. R. V. P. Bulteel, Rev..
Andrew Lane and Frank•,I'iegland, 11.C.
The proprietor of the' company, H. H.
Harriss, stressed the importance of good
relations between management and em-
ployers. .
Later, the eniployeee were hosts at
their annual' dance in Clinton Collegiate
Institute, en enjoyable evening being
spent. Guests included the Toronto office
end sales staff.
TheeeW lc
s Weather
Fligla, Low
Doeotnber 24 , 95 4*
25 26 '8
26 25 1.3
27 31 16
28 31 20
20' 23 12•
' 80 21 11
Rnon ; 8 inches
' tmlow berg
Hot Fight in Stanley I> Week of Prayer Planned Falconer and Nott
1 ® i From January 5 to 9
For Reeve And Counfil ,�E �~ L Contest Reeveship
I 4
Reeve Retires
Goderich Township Council 'met
to finish up business for the year.
C. Hoare asked permission to cut
some trees on the Hydro side road.
Conn. R. G. Smith was delegated to
contact the adjacent owners and if
they did not want to cut then then
give them to Mr. Hoare.
District Engineer J. A. Coombs
sent approval of the snow plowing
contracts. Canadian Mothercreft So-
ciety asked a grant; no action was
taken. •
Two ratepayers objected to the
one-fifth mill tax for Federation of
Agriculture. This being a statutory
levy, no refund was made,
Western Ontario Motorways are
making application to Ontario Mun-
ieipal Board for permission to ex-
tend their services to Toronto, Ham-
ilton, etc., from Goderich and other
points. Council agreed that it would.
improve the present bus service.
Gordon Grant was re-appointed,a
memberof the Goderich High School
District Board for 1948. N. W. Tre-•
wartba was appointed to the Clinton
High School ` District Board for
1948., -
'` Accounts 'paid: Ray Cox, . sheep
claim, $50; Oliver Jervis, Ernie
Johnston and Sohn Craddock re-
funded $2 each on dog tax errors;
Municipal: •'World, supplies, , $1.60;
News -Record, printing, $0.20; W. V.
:Rey, Federation of Agriculture,
$290.95; D. E. 'Glidden, relief ac-
count, '$11.22; R. G. Thompson, pos.
tage, telephone, census to I.P.S., and
one pension $23.30; Miss Acheson,
aae.of house, $51 superintendent pay
roll No, 13, '$8,941.37.:
The Reeve and Clerk were ins-•
trudtbd, to sign the schedules of :ex-
penditure on township roads and'
submit same to the Dept. of High-
ways and ask tine .statutory grant
Council adjourned to meet as per
statute, Monday, January 12, at 11
.,, .
"Clinton on Children's, Day', • ,.could
easily be -the name an outsider might
have given -to the town on Tuesday
afternoon of haat week 'as., children.
from the town' and surrounding dis-
trict gathered'"fo welcome their great
favourite—Santa Claus. This- *;vent is
always heralded with a great deal of
enthusiasm .by the younger gen-
eration, • '
When'. Santa Claus arrived in town
from th.e North }'ole he was met at
the corner of Albert' and Princess
Streets by Clinton Citizens' )3and and
members of the committee in charge
of the arrangements for the visit.
With the Band leading, Santa Claus
was driven along g the Main Street
while "Young Clinton!: roared its ap-
proval and
pro al'and raced along behind and
beside' the golly cid gentleman w who
was continuously waving his greets
ings to the youngsters. On 'arrival at the Post office Santa
Claus was: welcomed by Mayor A. .7.
McMurray and then proceeded to give.
out 1110 gifts .of •sweets• for each young-
oungster. In this he was ably assisted by
John -k,iJatter, Joseph Murphy, G.
Ralph Foster and „Rev. R. M. P.
" • Latey all- the children were enter-
tained,at the Rox' Theatre when a
special movie was given .for their en-
jco'msnt. $o groat was the crowd that
•two s)i wingq were necessary. , ..
(By Staff Reporter)
With two candidates nominated for
the Reeveship and fiye for Councillors,
Stanley Township will have a battle
royal for municipal honours on Monday
next, January 5. It will be the first in
several years.
The five standing for the four Council
seats are Harvey Coleman, Carl Houston,
Alvin McBride, James McBride and
Harvey Taylor.
Township Hall, Varna, was crowded
to capacity Monday afternoon for the
Nomination meeting. Fred S. Watson,
Clerk, received the nominations and
later, at the general meeting, presided.
Thos nominated were: Reeve: Elmer
Webster by Clifford Stewart and T. J.
Stinson; Clarence Parke by Roy La-
mont and Roy McBride; John E. Pepper
by John McEwen and Lyle Hill; and
Alvin McBride by William McKenzie
and Stanley A. Love;` Council: William
R. Stephenson by William Reid and Eor-
don Johnston; James McBride by GOT -
don HillandHarry Reid; Elgin MEM -
ley by Orval MoOlinchey and Bruce Me-
Cliuehoy; Harvey Taylor by L. Hill and
Frank McGregor; Harvey Coleman by
William. R. Stephenson and Russell Con-
sitt; Alvin :McBride by Ross T. Dick and
Charles Switzer; Clarence Parke by John
Armstrong and Campbell McKinley; and
Carl Houston by William It, Talbot and
Harold Penlrale.
For School Trustees three wore nom-
inated to fill the three vacancies, and
so were filled by acclamation. Those
nominated were Jim Ostrom by Albert
Horner and Watson Webster; Archie
Parsons by Percy Workman and Lorne
Coleman; and William Caldwell by Lyle
Hill and Harvey. Taylor.
John E. Popper, stated that he lad
served' the Township for 14 years and
felt that it was time he stepped down
and so would not bear the field, He
stated that there had been 20 applica-
tious.for the County Assessor but as yet
no , one had been appointed. Ile also
stated that the new proposed Court
House was not built as yet and he did
not know when it would be.
Others who spoke included Clarence
Parke, who had served fol eight years,
and Elmer 'Webster, woo had served for
ten Sears; Alvin McBride;; Harvey Cole-
man; ,Elgin
ole•mani;,Elgin MoKiuley; James McBride;
William R. - Stephenson, ,There. also. `vac.
a question period,
Tuekersmith Township Council met
in the • Town Hall, -Seaforth,' for the
final Ineeting of the year. ,•
Mr;' Drury of the Drury Construc-
tion Company was present andcom-
pleted purchase of cement originally
bought by ;the township for the con-
struction of the Broadfoot Bridge.
Owing to'weather cdnditlons and mat-
erialsin short •sui p'iy, Counel1 decided
riot to 'prodeed with this construction
work until spring. The matter of pay-
ment of $6,000 on account of the steel
bridge was laid over pending'approval
of Municipal Engineer.", Geo. F'lewitt
was ,paid $225 for !arid to be used for
the new •road west 68 thg bridge.-
E.'B: Goudie and J. -W. Crich were
appointed townthip members' to: the
Seaforth and Clinton High School
Area Boards, respectively, for as per-
iod of two. years..
Mr, and Mrs. A: L eboi'd and' daugh-
tor, Marion, ; Goderich 'Township; Mr.
and Mrs. L. J5linston aild, baby, Esther,
London; Mr. and Mrs. Rey'Leppington,,
Brucefield; Miss Edna Petzke, Henson,
were .Christmas visitors ^with Mr. and
Mre, Thomas Iieppington and. Jackie.
Re-elected Reeve
� mu�4al!pllll�muouu uu �nauan,�B�U�ly.
Mrs. W. H. Lobb, London; spent the
week -end with her sister, Mrs. Mervin
James Vincent returned on Monday
after visiting in England for the pant
several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. McCartney spent
Christmas Day in Brussels with Mr, and
Mrs. Nelson Howes.
Mre. S. B. Gorwill, London, spent
Christmas with her sister, Mrs. David
Laidlaw and family.
Miss Gladys Addison, R.N., Sarnia,
spent the holiday with her mother, Mrs.
J- Addison, Huron St, "
Mrs. W. T. Hawkins and Miss Made -
lien Hawkins returned Monday from a
business trip to Toronto.
Mrs. Dougal Campbell, Holyrood,
spent the holidays with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ball.
lir. and lira. David J. Johnston,
Kitchener, spent Tuesday Iast with his,
mother, Mrs. J. H. Johnston,
. Miss Catherine Jefferson,. Toronto, is
aponding the vaeation with her parents,
Mr. and Mre. G. H, Jefferson.
Miss Alys Holmes, London, formerly
of Delhi, India, was the week -end guest
of Mr. and Mrs. James, McGill.
Wallace MacDonald, Toronto, spent
the Christmas holiday with his parents,
TIr. and Mrs. Ronald MeeDonald. -
Miss Wilma- Radford,' Lendon, spent
the Christmas holiday period . with her
parents, Mr. and !Mrs. J. C. Radford.
Mr. rind Mrs. Gordon Kerr, London,
spent the holiday'week-end at the home
of the latter's father, J. H. Brunsdon,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hartley spent
Christmas with the formor's mother in
St. Catharines, returning home on Sun-
'Clinton friends will be pleased to
know that Mn and !di's. Jack Fraser
hays moved into their now home in Bay.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ellwood were
in Stratford Friday evening, where they
attended the Kroeldere-Berrie Flyers
hockey game.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald. MacDonald and
family visited on Christmas Day with
their sea, Frank, in" Queen Alexandra
Sanitarium, London. '
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Brown and daugh-
ter, Susan, Port Byerse, spent Chtistmae
with the former's mother,. Mrs. A. S.
Inkley, sad Mr. Inkley:
Mies Elizabeth Gibbing's, Toronto, and
Mies - Marion Gibbings . ;Dundas, are
spending the holiday season with Mr.
and :Mme. B. J. Gibbings:
Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Breakey and son,
Richard, and Mrs. Irene Brea'key, Zur-
ieh; were Christmas guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. M T. Corloss.
Miss Leola Nott, Torouto, 'and Mr.
and Mrs. Norman Gasrloch and Sandra,
Windsor, , spent the holiday with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Nott.
G. E., Hall. and Miss•2'velyh returned
on Monday ,after. ependling Christ -mile
with the former's son -and- daughter -in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest. E. Hall, To-
Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Plunrsteei and
Miss Eleanor - spent Christmas,- in, Exeter'
with the former's son-in-law anddangh=,
ter, Rev.. and' Mks. Harold:'Snell and:
family. '
Mr. and Mi's. Douglas Kennedy and
son, Douglas, Miss Hazel. Barrie •-and
Mr. Bud'.•Harris; Toronto, Were Christ -
nine ,and -week -and visitors -at their homes
in town ' -
Mise ;Carol Evans,- Q,A.C., ,Guelph,arid,
George Evans, Toronto, have returned to
their duties: after emending Christmas nt
the, home of, their -parents, .Dr. and Mr s
3.'`S. Evans.
Miss Barbara Thompson, attaohod to-
otine British Embassy at Washington, is
spending the Christmas and. New Year
vacation with her grandmother, Mrs.
Martha Peckitt,
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Plunisteel and
family, New Hamburg, ate spending the
Christmas holiday period with their par-
ents, IL. P. Plumsteel and Mr. and Mrs.
Wilfred Pickett.
Mrs. John A. Sutter and Mr, and
Mrs. Benson Sutter spent the week -end
in Torontovisiting the form r
vis n o s sister,
Mrs. W. E Floody, and Mr, and Mrs.
Martin Crutcher.
Mr. and Mrs. Mervin vett and ;Bar-
bara Ann, Toronto,•spent.tho Christmas
vacation with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A. Groves and Mr. "'and. Mrs. 33 Nott,
Mullett Township.
Among those who attended the funeral
ofthe late Mrs. .Tames Steep were
nieces from Cayuga and included Mrs.
Earl Dyte, Mrs. Murdock,. Mrs. Johnston
and Miss Doreen Williamson;
Thomas , Inkley, St; :!:.ode; 'Me:., -sport
The non -denominational "Week of
Prayer" will be marked in Clinton next
week from January '5 to 9. All services
begin at 8 p.m. Offerings will be for
the support of the Bible Society.
Schedule of meetings and speakers
is as. follows:
Monday, January 5 -- Ontario St.
United Clmre'h, Rev. A. Forsyth.
Tueslay, January 6—Baptist Church,
Rev. R. M. P. Bulteel.
Wednesday, Tannery 7—Presbyterian
Clmrch, Rev. W. J. 'Wed -trey.
Thursday, January 8—Wesley-Willis
United Church, Rev. D. J. Lane.
Friday, January 9—St. Paul's Angli.
can Church, Rev. Andrew Lane.
School' Drinking Water
Free From Pollution
A meeting of the Board of Trustees of
Goderich Townhsip Selrool Area was held.
in No. 6 seliool ou December 18.
The drinking water at the school has
been tested and declared free from pol-
lntion by pectoris of intestinal origin
:tiiS:'Pitfor human consumption,
The next meeting will be held at Nn.
3 school ou Sanitary 29, 1948.
Hensel! Youth Shot
While Rabbit Hunting
Sliot through the right arm when rab-
bit hunting on Boxing Day, 18 -year-old
gouge "Bunt" Beer, Aensall, i4 TO.
ported making a successful .fight for Ids
injured limb in St. Joseph's Hospital,
He was rushed. to St. Joseph's by anr-
hulence late Boxing Day, when several
hundred pieces of hot lead from the shot-
gun he was carrying tore through the
upper part of his right arm.
Auburn Hall Granted
$250 by East Wawanosh
A grant of $250, payable to Auburn
Community Fund for the proposed Com-
munity Hall, was authorized at the
final meeting of Emit Wawanosh Town'
ship Council,
Lewis Ruddy, Frank Marshall - and
Frank Thompson were appointed to the
Goderich, Clinton and Wiugham High
School Boards, respectively,
the Christmas week -end with his brother,
A. S. Inkley, and Mrs. Inkley, Mr. Ink -
ley, who operates'a marble quarry,' had
iot seen his brother hi 28 year's.
Speeding the Christmas holiday with•
Mr. and, Mr9.E), W. Potter were Dr, and
i'as, E F. Potter, Brooklyn, N.Y., Mr.
end Mrs, Louis Dippell and family, Mies
Peggy, Miss :Marian and John Dippell,,
all, of Bowmtindille.
A. 'S,' Inkley was able to return to
hitt-. home pit Christmas Day, after spend=
ins the.past several weeks in Westmin-
ster lospit:al, London. :Ills health ;is
much improved his friends will be
plassod" to- note.' '
Mr. and litre. 'Basil Holloway, Frank -
cord,. Mrr. and Mrs. M, 'J. Cook and
danghter,.'laetty, Bernie, and Mr, and
Mgs. George; MuCagiue munch three sons,
1larriston, were; Chrietnrars holiday ginests
it: .the home.;of hers and , Mrs. E.
Nickle •
Fred T. T.herudik'e,,, who line just• ret-
cantly completed a; eourse at 'Clinton.
School of Commerce, leaves on .Thursday,
to aesunie" his new „position with the
Miran and Erre' Mortgage Corporation:
and the 'Canada 'Trust Company, London,
.Mr and Mrs.`liennoth .Roberton ani!
dairgliter, .Sendra,,L,andon, and Mr. auu
Mrs. 'Edgar Thompson, ,Detroit, were
Christmas, visitors with their parents,
lir: and Mrs. 0: D. Roberton. Mr. and
Mrs. Thompson are remaining.. for a
longer visit.
The many frionC: of Mr.. Charles
Fraser will be pleased to know, that lie
is making satisfactory progress after
having suffered a stroke abort two
weeks ago. On New "Year's Eve Mir. mid
Mrs. Fraser eeietly celebrated the 45th
armiversary-of their marriage.
Pallbearers Inc the funeral of the late
Z. C. Cooke, which took place in Goder-
ich .
Monday afternoon, wore Kenneth C.
Cooke, Stratford, and. Kenneth ",Tuck,
Goderich, loth"graridsons; Arnold Hugill
and Herbert McAdam, both of Goderich.
Mr. Cooke was the father of C. V.
Choke, Clinton.
Christmas vietiors at the arome of Mr.
and Mrs.. ` Ray Fear' and Mrs,., "14iaay
Sperling, Raglan St., welt Mn and Mrs..
C. W. Collett ands son Niagara Falls,
Mr. and :Mrs, A. H. Arnold and son,
Toronto, Mr, and Mrs, 11 L. Hammather
and' throe sons, Daashw^ood, and lir and
w$. J. Landoborotighax`ueicei'epbrtb
Phone 4, News -Record,
For Election Returns
As soon as available, The NEWS -
RECORD again will ,provide its
usual service to the public on elec-
tion results Monday evening next,
Janoary 5, with first results likely-
ikelybeing available about six o'clock.
Just phone 4!
In both the Town of Clinton and
Township of Stanley, where voting
takes place; polls will open cit 9 a.m.
and close at 5 p.m. In Clinton, there
will be two ballots—the Reeveship
and the./Bylaw, while in Stanley,
voting will he hold for the Reeveship
and Councillors. ;Tuckersmith Totirm-
ship Reeve and Connell were elected
by acclamation:
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Reid
Mark Golden Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Reid eolebrated
their golden wedding anniversary Mon-
day, December 32, at their home on
Kent Street, London, with 0 luncheon
at noon for their near relatives, while
in the afternoon and everting they were
at home to their friends and neighbors.
They were the recipients of many beau-
tiful gifts of flowers, is well ns other
lovely gifts.
Mr. Reid and Mrs held, the former
Mauch Elliott, were married in Goderich
Township in 1897. They have one dangle.
tor, Mrs. A. L. Case, Ilensall, and ono
sou, J. Erie', London.
Mr. and Mrs. Reid aro former residents
of Clinton, moving from here to London
lin 1926.
Parents of ehiidren attending the
Kindergarten Classes of Clinton Publie
School are reminded that starting on
Monday, January 5, 1948, classes will be
held in the basement of Ontario St,
Umted Church rather than in Owen lIe-
morial Hall of St. Paul's Anglican
Elects Reeve,
(By Staff ;Reporter)
Watsoa•'s Hali, Ripper, was filled to
ea1acity on 'Monday aft
ernoon for this
1.948 nominations for the Toi'cnehip of
Tucicersniith. ,Harry ;Chesney was voted
to the chair. . ,
Reeve Arthur Nicholson was again
elected by aa;clamatios to the .Reeveship
of the Township, whop='the other three
nominees, . for the. poste -G. Richardson,
Thorold Jaackdon • and :C. McKay -failed•
to stand: •
The 1948 'council will bo composed of
lteeve Nicholson and Conntillors Harold.
Jackson, Willem Rogerson, Roy Bell and
J. W. Crich
Other nominees who failed' to stand"
.were ,Charles Delay, Roy," pepper: mad'
G. Ricluardson,, ..
J. M. McIntosh was given au. acelaaan i
tion' to the 'School 'Ares. Board, •W7liam
.Rogorso>i; . also. was : nominated Jo :this
board,, but,astood for.council, the other.
position for which he was nominated.
" • Another ',Nomination --
This, still leaves •a vaacaney' in the
Sohool;Board and another noniination to
fill this, post will be held on Thursday,
January 8, :at S.S.:No. 1, Fgrnondvillo,.
with polling, if neeessary, a week later,
Reeve. A. Nicholson spoke of the, ex-
cessively •high taxes and attributed this
to the great amount of snow ploughing
that there was last winter and the dam-
age -to the bridge that was put out by
floods this spring. He stated that the
price of replacing this bridge would rune
close to $45,000 but that the Government
was to pay 80% of this amount. Flo
said that if theengineer had got the
concent and steel at thetime that lie had
promised that
he would,thee bridge
would now he completed As it, now stood
the bridge , would be finished in the
spring, ,
Others who spoke wore Harold Jack-
son, C.MeNay, G. Richardson,, Roy Pep-
per; J. W. Crich, representative ;oiy
Clinton High Sehool Area Board; Will-
iam Rogerson; S. B. Goudie, represents;
tive on Seaforth High 'School Area
Bard; 7. McIntosh; H. Finnigan,- rep-
seatative on Seaforth Hospital Board;
ex -Reeves. Archibald and Whitmore;
School Trustees McGregor, Lichee, Park-
er's -1M Cowan; 'G.. W. 'Nott, (Minton. •
.Clinton electors go to the polls Mon-
day next, January 5, to elect a Reeve
for 1948 and vote on a bylaw to place
the management of the now sewerage
system in the hands of the Public Utili-
ties Commission.
Mayor Al J. McMurray was elected for
his third straight year by acclamation,
Ex-Ald. Clifford. H. Epps also was nom•
Mated but did not qualify. -
Reeve V. D. Falconer and ex -Reeve G.
W. Nott were nominated for Reeve and
both are standing for the office.
The six Councillors, chosen by accla-
mation, aro four 1947 members—M.:f.
Agnew, Albert Shaddiok, Mel Crich and
R. Y. Hattua, together nip. 0. L. Paisley
and John W. Nedigor, Jr., both former
Ald. Ernest Brown and Ald. C. J.
Livermore, although nominated, did not
allow their names to stand for office
for 1948. Others nominated who did not
qualify -were N. W. Trowartha, J. It
Butler, J. D. Thorndike and 0. G. 101-
Members of the Public Sehool Board,
chosen by acclamation for 1948.49, are
A. P. Cudmore, W. J. Cook, Fred 0.
Forel and Wilbur Welsh.
Large Attendmioe
The nomination meeting in the Town
Hall Monday evening was one of the
largest in years and was. productive of
.some very fine addresses. Dr. J. W.
Shaw was .voted to the chair.
' Mayor -A J. McMurray addressed the
gathering at seine length, dealing chief-
hiefly with the sewerage project, While others
who spoke were Reeve V. D. Falconer;
AM. M. J. Agnew, chairman of the Fl -
His Second Year
mince. Committee; Aid. a J. Livermore''.
ehainnian of. Bylaws; - Ald:' A. 'R. Shad. ' -
'diek, chairman Fire and Water; A.M.' M.
Crich, chairman Cemetery; : Ald.' xi. Y.. '
Rattan, chairman' Relief j ,Frank Pin.
land, K.C., chairman High School .Diet -
rid Board; N. W. Trewartha; G. W. '
Nott,. candidate for'. Reave • J. R. Butler
John',W,%Ned' et- • Jri•,•
J. D. Thorndike
W. E. Perdue, re-elected e ted Puirlia Utilities'
Commissioner; A. F. Oudmore, chairmen
Public •Sehool Board. -
Nue to early issue of the 'paper the
'report of the meeting necessarily had '
to be. curtailed.meeting
details' of in.
tercet to the -citizens,, will, .bo' published '
in next week 'e "
Have you ,thought spout sending
• hi that donation to The NEWS-RE-
'IiORD or the Bank, Inc sending food
parcels. to Great Britain$ Clinton.
Branch of the Legion and the Lions
Club are sponsoring this., effort.
Rev. R. M. P. Bulteel, ehairma.n of
the Joint Committee, stated today:
We are' all feeling particularly.'.
well-fed' this week; lot us think of
those who
would. like
to -1 have
rated as well as we did, but were un-
able to do so Two or .three yearn
ago wo were asked for donations for
Relief to China. I remember that in.
ono ovonrng'we raised *1,500 Surely
our own flesh and blood hi Grea$
Britain are worth as much effort on
our part.4' es we put forth them
c'petris all pull up our socks and;,_
get to ,work to make as Happy
I'i9w• yolie ,,on the ether. side or the;
.Aticapitic as we intend to ,-have on
this , Bid ,'r i'