HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-12-20, Page 10I "'THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20,1951 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE NINE IMP RC AF Stalion and, Adastral Park Netvsr:' 58 Gala Xmas Party For RCAF. Children A medley of C'hristm'as carols ert}ng by the 'school children of ' the A/ V/1VI Hugh Campbell school at Adastral Park, heralded the opening of a Christmas party for more than 500 youngsters, ahedd in the Recreation Centre, RCAF- Station, Clinton, Wednes- day afternoon last, December 12. Between the pealing of the •carols, LAC Louis Villeneuve, MC for the afternoon, caught' the talesbright of tewith of eyes Senta Cl us'hfl flight from the North Pole. Santa Claus himself, in the "person (of Roy Fitzsimons, Clin- ton, arrived at 2,20 pm., piped in by bagpipes and accompanied. by four clowns, much to the de- light of the. youngsters. Santa, seated on„ a dais beside an imit- uteoa fireplace hung with stock- ings and striped Christmas candy wanes, was surrounded by gaily decorated Christmas trees and -brightly-wrapped gifts which he distributed to the youngsters ac- cording to their age limits. The kiddies received tops, toy soldiers, farm animals, books and paints among other things and each child also received a bag of `goodies' to widen already glistening eyes. Refreshments of chocolate milk, doughnuts, cook - Iles,, and ice cream were later served to the children and their parents. ,The feeling of gaiety and hap- piness that prevailed was echoed by a large banner at the back of the stage, saying "Merry Christmas to All." The party was a complete suc- cess if the happy smiles and twinkling eyes of 500 kiddies were any criterion. The task of organizing this gala affair was the responsibility of the Christmas Tree Committee composed of. S/L C. H. McVeigh, chairman; F/S Bob Pfaff, in charge of decorations; and Cpl. Jimmy Beare, in charge of the refreshments. They are to be commended for their efforts to make Santa's visit sat Station Clinton a memorable one for the little tykes. DANCE CLINTON TOWN HALL Friday, December 21 Modern Music by MRS. 'HENDERSON'S 'ORC'HESTRA Dancing 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. ADMISSION: 50 CENTS IVEW ee rsearea€tete €hreigiveteseteter ealei'3t .contra e THAT LAST Step hn and see all the new Gift Items we have just received for Christmas Metric Shavers for Him priced from only $19.95 up—. models lielude the new Remington 60 just released—also Sunbeam Packard and Schick sbavers in smart new cases. Nile Pearl Necklaces from 1.50 up. Rhinestones from 5,50 ,foil a necklace—also rhinestone earrings, bracelets, combs, irooches, barrettes and clips, all at prices you will like. Tutee -piece Dresser Sets from 8.95 up, and Musical owder Boxes from 8.50. Westminster Chime Mantel Clocks, Anniverary or 400 Day Clocks, Golden Hour Clock, Swing- ing Gir. Clock, Cuckoo Clock, Travel Clocks, Bedroom Clocks led a grand stock of both electric and spring kitchen clocks for $4,95 `up.. Nev Ronson Compressed Fuel Lighters at 13.50 are new this week. di Lovly inexpensive figurines, salt and peppers, cups and sauers, planters, dogs, horses, birds, etc., etc. B "utiful pieces of Silverware and crystal. Wtc'h Expansion Bracelets in lovely gift eases from 6.95, otlers from 4.95 to $15.95. We wish you all a ;Very Merry Christmas! eeeleateseetesetWeteaseteteitatateeta N. COUNTER Hurn County's Oldest Established Jewellery Store elsieserlieeteemeseeteiseeetemieteitateteaatherreseeteataemetearbeiereatareatemeetear BOB REINHART Adastral Park Patter DRAW FOR DOLL AND BED The Officers' Wives' Auxiliary draw for the Alice in Wonder- land doll and bed togk place December 15 at Roundel Terrace. The lucky winner was number 665 held by Madge Churchill, Barrie. CHRISTMAS PARTY The second December meeting of the NC'O's Wives' Club was in the form of a Christmas party held Dec. 17 in the dining hall of the Sergeaonts' Mess. After ce brief business discussion, the president, Mrs Pfaff, introduced the entertainment committee who sponsored the games and served the delicious refreshments. Dur- ing lunch, gifts were exchanged and the evening ended with carol singing, A word of thanks must also be given to F/O L. 1, t. Qharbonneau and F/S E. K. Giles, who assum- ed the responsibility of purchas- ing the gifts and ref'redhenents. Members of the Airmen's, NCO's and Officers' Wives' Auxiliaries The guest of honour was Dr. took on the large job of seeing Murtha McKinnon, professor of that all the refreshments were English at the University of West - distributed equally and with ern Ontario. Dr. McKinnon is a Squadron Leader in the resew RCAF and is Officer Commanding the RCAF University Flight at Western, other guests were G/C E. A. D. Hutton, Commancling Officer, W/C B. G. Miller, S/L W. L. Baynton, S/L T, R. Duff, S/L D. O. Forrest, S/L W. J. Mills, S/L W. J. Bracken, F/L H. M Miller, F/L R, M. McKee, F/L W. J. Hynds and F/L E. J. Endersbe,'all of the staff of Sta- tion Clinton. After the dinner and the "Toast to the King", Dr. McKinnon, who was introduced by F/C N. H. Maines, gave en address on pres- ent-day conditions in England and told many amusing stories of his wartime experiences as a telecommunications officer. At the conclusion of his address, Dr. McKinnon was thanked by F/C 3. M. McMillan. AIR COMMODORE WMY COMMENTS ON EXPANSION A prominent visitor. at Station Clinton last Week - was Air Com- modore L. E, Wray, OBE, AFC, Deputy Air Member for Personnel at Air Force Headquarters, Ot- tawe, who arrived at Clinton on Thursday afternoon. He was ac- companied by 010 C. H. Green- way, Is/I. Cameron and S/L. G. Broadley of the Air Member for Personnel Staff. In the Recreation Centre, A/C Wray spoke to all the airmen and airwomen at Station Clinton. FLIGHT. CADETS' MESS DINNER IS SUCCESSFUL The Flight Cadets' Decembee Mess Dinner was held on Fri- day, December 14, at RCAF Sta- tion, Clinton, In ()feelers' Mess ease. The efforts of members of the staff of the sports centre and volunteer airwomen who helped with the gifts and refreshments, were greatly appreciated. 0 RCAF Badminton Leads "C' League With four wins and one tie to date, the RCAF "C" team, last year's champions, have emerged to the top standing in the "C" League by defeating the up-and- coming Bayfield 'rC" team 11-i on the RCAF courts last Thurs- day, winning the ladies' doubles 2-1, the men's doubles 3-0 and the mixed doubles 6-0. Bayfield, Ladies—H. Blair, K. Worth, M, Mack, D. Hovey, J. McLeod, M. Fraser; men—H. Nes- bitt, E. Hovey, D. Warner, B. Parker, R. Turner, J. Sturgeon. RCAF: Ladies—H, Gammon, P. Kennedy, T. MacKay, G. Wood, K. Pfaff, E. McVeigh; men—D. Kerr, J. Hefei, F. Fitzsimmons, C. Ryan, P. Morris, L. Katz. Clinton W.I. Hears Yuletide Message The Clinton WI held its De- cember meeting in the Agricul- tural Office Board Room on Thursday, December 13, at 2.30 pan. with about 50 present. With Mrs. C. Sturdy presiding and Mrs. E. Radford at the piano, the meeting opened with singing the Ode, and repeating Mary Stewart Collect and Lord's pray- er. The minutes were read and approved by Mrs. E. Adams, sec- retary, and Mrs, F. Hanley gave the treasurer's monthly state- ments. Bills and communications were read by the secretary. Mrs. Habgood gave a detailed report of the WI Area Conven- tion, held recently in London. HOLMESVILLE Mrs. Gordon MacFarlane, and son Bobbie, returned to their home in St. Thomas last Friday, after spending a week at th home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lobb. Holmesville WMS Annual The anhuai meeting of the WMS of Holmesville United Church was held in the Sunday School room on Tuesday, Decem- ber 11, with Mrs. Bert Lobb in charge of the devotional period. An article on "The Build- ing Campaign" was read by Mrs. Frank McCullough. The Scripture and prayer were taken by Mrs, Fred Mulholland. Mos. Harry Cuddnore read an article on "A visit to Bethlehem," and MTs. W. Yeo read about "The Christmas run of the Thomas Crosby." A story "Salvation Army Cap- tain's Christmas Message," was read by Mrs. Reg. Miller. The Mrs. E, Radford and Mrs. J. president, Mrs. William Norman, Little favored with a piano duett. thanked everyone for their help Rev. A. G. Eagle gave an inspir- and co-operation during the year. address on "Seeing the Rev, Mr. Newtonffi presidedfor � Star".o the election of officerss..Mrs, E. Oast Wishes! 980 CFPL's seelatetriesigies e to taemethseate?feeatatate+eietet ' '2teiS „a, le talee ge Diet ssereesiessit tet%tearwereiai 'ale §ERVING ON THE 23rd and 24th of December at 12)0 and 1 p.m. 6 pm. and 7 -p.m. Soup or Juice . ROAST TURKEY WITH CHESTNUTS Vegable Mashed Potato — Cranberry Sauce — Salad DESSERT S'trawberrY Jello . Hot Mince Pie Xmas, Plum Pudding or Ice Cream Fruits and Nuts Beverage included Book ahead, avoid rush, and •disappointment! 'WE REMAIN CLOSED ON CHRISTMAS DAY Dinner $1.50 4 MERRY CHRIST MAS TO ALL! -.1967,1111. ,r Commercial. Inn Hotel Ceriel Van Demme, Proprietor PHONE 97 J. Trewartha brought in the slate of officers for 1952, WA Annual Meeting Following the WMS meeting, the WA held its annual meeting with the singing of a Christmas hymn, followed by a reading "God's Giet to Man" by Mrs. Edward Grigg. It was approved to make a donation to the M. & M. Fund, along with the proceeds from the sale of church calend- ars. The president, Mrs. E. Grigg, expressed her thanks for the co- operation during the year, after which Mrs. S. Walter moved a vote of thanks to the presidents of both societies, for their splendid work. After the slate Ontario St. Girls' Club Names Officers The annual Christmas meeting of the Girls' Club of Ontario St. Church was enjoyed by about 35 members of the club and 15 guests on Thursday evening, Dec. 13 in thechurch hell. churA decorated tree and Christmas candles pro- vided a seasonal background for a Christmas program, The president, Miss H. Courtice opened the., meeting with an ap- propriate call to worship and a Christmas poem. A short de- %'otional period wee conducted by the president during which Christmas carols were sung. A brief business meeting followed, after which Rev. A. G. Eagle took the chairfor the- election of of ficers. Mrs. Roy Wheeler present- ed the slate of officers for the Doming year. This was complete except for a 'president, es Miss Courtice asked to be relieved of this officewhich she had most capably held Tor two years. Mrs. Mervyn Batkin was nominated from the floor as the new presi- dent and the report of the strik- ing committee was accepted as read. The retiring president, took charge of the program. A Christ- mas duett "Hear the Bells" was sung by Mrs. Roy Plumsteel and Miss Emma Plumsteel, An ap- propriate reading was given by Mrs. Alvin Lobb, which gas in the form' of a Christmas letter written by a young chap in a fox -hole to his family at home. A piano solo by Mrs. Treleaven and a humorous Christmas read- ing by Mrs. Batkin were both enjoyed. Miss Elva Wiltse sang a very pleasing rendition of "Away in a Manger." t Mrs. Eagle gave a charming little Christmas story "Is there a Manger here?" The carol "Silent Night" and the Mizpah benediction closed the meeting. Miss Courtice and Mrs. Wheeler conducted several inter- esting contests. The group lead- ers were assisted by several members of their groups in serv- ing a delicious lunch. On be- half of the visitors, Mrs. F. Town- send thanked the members of the club for a pleasant evening. 0 Christmas Baskets Planned by CWL Members of the Catholic Wom- en's League of St. Joseph's Par- ish, Clinton, and St. Michael's Parish, Blyth, met in Clinton Parish Hall with a large attend- ance, Miss Patricia Morrison, president, was in the chair. Subscriptions to The Canadian Register, will be taken care of by the league executive. Christ- mas baskets will be sent to sick, shut-ins and needy. Members planned ,a Christmas party for the children of the parish, with the following members in charge: Mrs. Margaret Dale land Mrs. John Wilson. for St. Joseph's; and Miss Mary Phelan and Miss Norah Kelly for -St. Miohael's. Mrs. Phelan offered her home for the party for the Blyth child- ren, During the meeting two mem- bers presented with gifts were: Mrs. O. Priestap (nee Miss Vera Wild) on the occasion of her re- cent marriage; and Miss Rhea Desjardins, who leaves the end of the month for her home in Sudbury. Miss Desjerdins' du- ties as sceretary of the League will be carried on by Miss Norah Kelly. Rev. S. J. McDonald, spiritual advisor, spoke briefly to mem- bees. A mystery prize was won by Mrs. A. Matthews. of officers was brought in, and approved, the meeting closed with the singing of "Silent Night," and prayer by Mrs. Ed' Grigg. The hostesses for the day, Mrs, L. Bond, Mrs. J. Yeo, and Mrs. R. Miller, served a delicious lunch. C' fa; rano Iteieseareaset/SIFne. weetamesenstaseaeseneteteterm ,m ,a iteest. teetaG er+a� i7e k CLINTON eow. No Milk Delivery Christmas Day December 25 AND New Year's Day January 1 We wish MI our customers A MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY NEW YEAR! Fairholme Dairy 2,1 Phone 157-W — R. E. Holmes, Proprietor — Clinton 'J-W0.lwaimsar Nasseah'dr2ar-W0-2,h5sgss.1aia}$iasasssismnssas ill" WaTIATOWISis 41 Clinton „Monument Shop St. Andrew's WMS Christmas Meeting. Mrs. Edwai d Farquhar was hostess for th� anntfal Christmas meeting of St. Andrew's' WMS. After singing a carol, Mrs. George Roberton led in the devotional period and Mrs. M. McTaggart offered prayer. Mrs. James Makins reported financial returns satisfactory with the allocation reached. A letter from Rev. Allan Ktrsoh from New Amsterdam, was read stating "That the greatest possible opportunity for evangelistic work in that country was presented now." Several members volunteiered to assist ' with the Christmas party for the Mission Band. The election of officers result- ed as follows: President, Mrs. R. W. McKenzie; vice-president, Mrs. George Roberton; secretary, Mrs. Robert Scott; treasurer, Mrs. James Makins. Carols were sung and prayer for sick and shut-ins and thanks for mercies throughout the year was offered by Mrs. Lane. Mrs. Farquhar served refresh- ments assisted by Mrs. Roberton. very good Wisjt I 980 CFPL's ALEX KELMAN I S iii37arnails12r2israta`7WIA-21RMRt2t=i2tat2t2t`,a' striata as isliZA td,:?; s,s, R3t2t21,01g'^g gra avvG'14W entre' 7aiP.2.,et(aMte+a_�1 er+guev m,va,m mal .zgla•al ,. 70 MAKEf 0 IDEAL GIFTS Women's and Men's Sheep Wool lined Booths with plat- form Rubber Soles, to wear without shoes, have re - moveable insoles, are warm end comfortable, Women's, Missies' and Children's Rubber Boots with platform soles, warm pile lining to wear without shoes, full range of sizes from child's 6 to women's 9.• Women's, Missies and Children's Overshoes of Rubber, styled with fur collar, neat slide fostner that closes front, flat sole and to suit almost any shoe, Men's Cashmerette Overshoes, 2 buckle, 4 buckle and zippers. Bedroom Slippers for every member of the family. Clifford Lobb Store seenmeigiete asteateteis :mese v tet terse -aetetaimai eunetemeraietetagt io We wish to take this. opportunity to thank our many patrons and to extend to one and all our sincere good wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year. , MARY and EARL MacLAREN MacLaren's Studio (CLINTON and GODERICH) PHONE 401 CLINTON STUDIO open Clinton or Goderieh TUESDAYS and THURSDAYS 1.30 to 7.30 p.m. (same number both and SATURDAY Evenings places) (other times by appointment) hthi Arut2t212t th2r2t2rur3trar2r2r8rSiSa`a."thU"r2tar2rar Host for the Holidays • • TALC`' INX c ke Coke colo siay� 6 Bottle Carton .36 Christmas means extra company ... extra entertaining. Lee -Coca-Cola help make holiday hospitality easy. Be sure to get enough , .. and serve ice' cold. . Including Wore! Saks and Excise tax - "colo"is a rogistared traria-mark;. Phu dehpsir 2¢ her bottle Authorized biller of 6eia-Cola under oinked wits: Coca-Cola Odd. STRATFORD BOTTLING CO. 658 Erie St., Stratford, Ont., Phone: 78