HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-12-20, Page 7P4GE SIX CLINTON NEWS -RECORD News of Bayfield Representative; i41es Lucy It. Woods Phone Bayfield 45x3 Mrs. Glonka, Detroit, is visit- her sisters in River Forest, and Evanston, RI. Mrs. Bruce Menerey came home lest week, She was accompanied by her niece, Miss Marie Elliott, Brucefield, who spent a few days with her. Mrs. Bruce Menerey returned home on Tuesday after having been in Brucefield a couple of days with Miss Marie Ell�iot't prior, to her departure to Cleve- land to undergo treatment at a thyroid clinic. Miss Kathleen mg her cousin, Miss Lottie Greer. Rev. and Mrs. F. I4 Paull, Listowel, were in the village on Friday. We are pleased to report that LAC C. White, who was in West- minster Hospital, London, for ten days, war able to return home last week. Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner left on Tuesday to spend a couple of days in London en route to spend Christmas and New Year's with 1 Sleighs For Sale Six Good Used Farm Sleighs including Two Extra Good Sets of SLOOP SLEIGHS No reasonable offer refused May be seen at our warehouse L. W. LAVIS Albert St. Phone 257 nth' lIII :t1 MERRY A wish of good cheer from Santa and us. Thanks for your loyal patronage and CHRISTMAS No Milk Delivery on Christmas Day Dec. 25 AND New Year's Day Jan. 1 Elliott,' registered nurse, accomp- anied her sister, trevelling by air from London. A reception and dance, attend- ed by many from: this district and Ctnitoni, was, held, in the Town .Hall, Bayfield, •December Holland was the home of free- dom of the press in the early LONDESBORO 16th century. Fred Youngblut and E a r l 12, fora recent Stanley Town- Mossley, Henry Youngblut, Niag•- ship' bride, the 'former Vera Wild, are,attended the, funeral' of their couin, Leonard Vounlgiblut, Lon - and her husband Oscar Pri'estap, desboro; and returned home on Clinton. To the strains of The Friday. Wedding March. from Lohengrin, and Mrs. Gordon'. Gums; the : couple entered the hell and ,tei M son and daughter-in-law, took •.their places at the front. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Curie; their Grant Turner read an address in son-in-law and daughter, Mr. presenting the .popular young and Mrs: Frank Campbell, all of couple with a miscellaneous show-Arkona, attended the funeral of er. On behalf of his wife and Gordon Curls' nephew , Leonard himself the' groom expressed Youn brut, thanks and' appreciation for the g many beautiful gulls displayed on the platform Murdock's Orch- estraplayed for the enjoyable dance which followed, the bride and groom leading off in a square dance with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wild, Mr. end Mrs. Flynn, Clin- ton, and Mr. and Mrs. John Wild, Bayfield. Successful Concert Bayfield Public School Concert under' the direction of the teach- ers, Miss H. Colbeck and Mrs. William E. Parker, and the music master, 'S. Baxter, Goderich, was well-received in the Town Hall on Friday evening lest. Glenn Stnum ers on the eon announced program and Bob Parker played the role of Santa Claus to distribute the gifts off the tree. The program was es follaws: Opening chorus, "Pump- kinhead"; junior singing games, "Clap Clap", "Rig a Jig"; senior choir, "Snowflakes", "The Ash Grove"; "When Hiawatha was a Boy" by junior room; senior sing- ing game "Come Let Us Be Joy- ful"; piano solos, Frances Webb; Operetta, "The Magic Piper"; carol singing: "Christmas Tree" junior room, "Deck the Halls", 'Kind Christmas comes once a year", "Tell it on the mountains", "Angels we have Heard on High", "Adeste Fideles—O Come All Ye Faithful"; Santa Claus; God Save the King. The 'annual meeting of the Women's Auxiliary of Trinity Church was held at the home of Mrs. N. W. Woods on Thursday afternoon. Rev. H. J. E. Webb conducted the opening exercises and Mrs. Emerson Heard presid- ed. The Scripture was read by Mrs. George King. Mrs. R, J. Larson, secretary, reviewed the year's activities in her comprehensive report, and mentioned the great loss to Trin- ity branch of a beloved member, Mrs. F. W. Baker, who had been called to a Higher Service dur- ing the year. The treasurer's re- port as read by Miss Lucy R. Woods was accepted. I n which retir- ing from the presidency, she has been most efficient for six years, Mrs. Emerson Heard thanked the officers and all the members for their sup- port and co-operation. Rev. H. J. E. Webb took the chair for the election of officers which resulted as follows: Hon- orary presidents, Mrs. H. J. E. Webb, Mrs. George King and Mrs. N, W. Woods; president, Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner; vice-president, Mrs. Emerson Heard; secretary, Mrs. R. J. Larson; treasurer, Miss Lucy R. Woods; Dorcas secretary, Mrs. Byrd Sturgeon; assistant Dorcas secretary, Mrs. Percy Weston; educational secretary, Mrs. J. B. Higgins; Living Mes- sage secretary, Mrs. C. Knuckey; Little Helpers secretary, Mrs: R. H. F. Gairdner. Following the benediction pronounced by the rector, Mrs. Emerson Heard and Mrs. Woods served tea. '{%iogra'K',Y. wg-tieegit:F'. ele,JfiwG''4R .7,9 ocreq m A a ae A a � Clinton Dairy r R. L. CUDMORE S. J. SCHOENHALS mazirA`2'iyeamvirdar`m1A9wi`-list`zRr9ommaAr9atr9asota" mi- a4`d'eain-;}orzy:mAs `d'li+at • Storm Interferes Owing to the recent storm Sun- day services were very slim, and the Sunday School service was cancelled. Christmas Entertainment The yearly Christmas tree en- tertainment of the United Church Sunday School has been chang- ed from Tuesday -right of this week until Friday night, Dee. 21, in Comm'munity Hall. Please note change of date. Congratulations! Congratulations to Efr. and Mrs. Thomas Knox, Londesboro, who will mark their golden wedding on Christmas day. The event will be spent quietly at their home with their immediate family who are all expected to' be at home for Christmas. 32 Years Married Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tamblyn who will mark their 32nd anniversary of their marriage on Christmas day. They will (celebrate ithe . day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hunk- ing, .. 13th concession, Hnallett, where a family dinner. will be served to a large number of relatives. 4?, �_, 441 4951 Chevrolet deluxe Coach 195 i Chevrolet Stylelirie Sedan, brand new 1954 Chevrolet deluxe Styleline brand new 1950 Chevrolet deluxe Styleline 1950 Pontiac Sedan 1949 Chevrolet Styleline Sedan Two . 4 949 -- Chevrolet deluxe Styleline Sedans, both with custom radio and air conditioning 1949 Chevrolet Styleline Coach 1948 Chevrolet Fleetline Coach, fully - equipped 4 947 Pontiac Sedan 1941 Chevrolet Coach, conditioned 1940 Hudson Coach 1939 Plymouth Coach 1937 Chevrolet Coach TRUCKS` 1951 Chevrolet Pick-up, brand new 1950 Chevrolet three -quarter -ton Stake SPECIAL, !! 1950 METEOR COACH, $1,650 Sedan, Sedan completely NEW CARS CHEVROLET, PONTIAC, BUICKK, OLDSMOBILE, FORD, METEOR Approximately 24-hour service with choice of colours REGULAR LIST PRICE 1.4 i .444-44.0-4-444-4 44-4-4-4-4 '"« CASH TRADE — TERMS .t� OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 10 O'CLOCK t CHRISTMAS GREETINGiS! Brussels Motors Most Cordial Wishes ) • MURRAY BROWN Manager, 980 CFPL F I CAiEB1,10 May we wish you and your loved ones the grandest holiday you've ever had. E. I. REYNOLDS PHONE 57711 — HURON ST. CLINTON 4 a' Vg CLINTON HOSPITAL AUXILIARY Cliristntae ante CDC' Auditorium Wednesday, Dec. 26 9.30 p.m. to 1 `a.m. ROSS PEARCE AND HIS ORCHESTRA $1 per person yes �dpp da Dress Optional r ii THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 195t .. t014454c stitiraete,tettiieatd+ iYt t6t6+d F{i' + K 'Tis an Fold holiday custom we follow with great joy and that's to wish every one of you YULETIDE. 'HAPPINESS! Clinton Electric Shop . D. W. Cornish --WESTINGHOUSE DEALERS - PHONE 479 -- .. Residence 358 "Every House Needs Westinghouse!"- AM-A-`2frar g d �F} rar,m'?.97'- a `iNr'1 aIrZi$'fm'1aM--Y"o rAtrdrdtrarme ee - ' iZarL' 7Mfr7taMDt-rfii!01 FinaierDiaaieSt"'iViit`2k3 rbtn ri3L:Ami$R`iSintetai`y'iegrii're';neserb7a'eleretal'teerpa.illnInalpi—`i • r�tQ 4 We join St. Nick in sending you' showers of good wishes for Christmas and the New Year. At Christmas time we cele- brate His coming . His wisdom . His Faith. Let us remember in the months ahead, the cheer that His teachings brought us now . and live by them EVERY day. Wells Auto Electric Phone 762-i szwe, acatwtetztoother.mato"'?.eta'!6'ware e!62P,= etekwa the'€' teraater Hawkins Hardware Merry C/uvstrnas 4 12. A 4+1.E WOOD TENDERS Tenders to be in hands of Secretary -Treasurer by School Area for supplying green body wood, one-half or more Maple, rest Beech, to be split and piled as follows: • No. 1-3 cord 12" wood, piled in basement No; 3-8 cord 12" wood, piled in yard No. 4-12 cord 16" wood, piled in yard 'No. 6-15' cord 16" wood, piled in shed No. 11-6 cord 12" wood, piled in yard Tenders to be .in hand of Secretary -Treasurer by January 10, 1952. FRANK YEO, Secretary -Treasurer, R.R. No. 3, Clinton. 511 -b.1 -b MERRY CHRISTMAS to all our Patrons and Friends! Yes, it is true that this Christmas, in order to give our employees a real Christmas, there wilt be NO BUS SERVICE CHRISTMAS DAY SHUTTLE BUS commencing January 2 O FOR SHOPPERS—from and to Adostral Pork. morning -and afternoon. • FOR RCAF PERSONNEL—several trips each evening, • FOR CIVILIAN WORKERS—early morning and evening trips. between Clinton and RCAF Station FARE: 15c one way; 25c return Timetables available after Christmas The Western Ontario Motorways Ltd. London, Ontario 51 -Ib eVete!GEC°iSt Eeiertre,.°,�',,lG'.tPt,/'b.VrifeteiSMerCia`tiVgiClerrAtetetP,'6grdtM5tdid.'eteiZeiGG„te; �Rgtg EY B ` OS. take pride in selecting for you the finest this Christmas "SPECIAL MILK -FED CAPONIZED CHICKEN" To get the best from your Christmas Poultry— have them cleaned by Stanley Bros. Experienced hands on the jab. NOTE: ALL POULTRY MUST BE CASH We are featuring Special Delicate Cured Stuffed Over -night Boneless Lean HAMS "Cooked" — or you can cook them yourself — we don't mind. Priced ....... lb.. 7 9 c If it's Poultry or anything in Fresh, Cured, Cooked Meats, Fish —or what have you' in'that line— STANLEY BROS. sell it. Your 1952 Calendar is waiting for you a Merry) Christma. s and a Happy New Year a,