HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-12-20, Page 4THURSDAY, DIXEMB+ER 20, 1951 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE THREE News -Record Classified Adlets Bring QuicBringQuick Results Classified Rates. CASH RATE - (If paid by Wednesday following date of in- sertion) -Two cents a word first insertion (minimum 50 cents); subsequent insertions 1% cents a word (minimum 35 cents); 15 cents extra for box number or for direction to NEWS -RECORD, Office. IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE -12 noon, Widnes day. ACCOMMODATION' - FOR RENT A HEATED APARTMENT for rent in Seaforth. Elderly couple preferred. Dr. E. A. McMaster, Seaforth. 51-1-b SEVEN -ROOMED 1% STOREY brick house situated on the square in the village of BaySeld, im- mediate possession. Apply to Mrs. J. Webtser, R.R. 3, Seaforth, phone 668r41. 42-tbf ARTICLES FOR SALE WHITE FIGURE SKATES, size 4%. $6. Phone 382, local 7r2. 51-,b BIRDS 'FOR SALE . CANARIES, Come and hear our gaaranteed singers. "Yellow and variegated colors. Will hold for Christmas. Nelson Moulden, Auburn. Phone Dungannon 55R7. 5117. 47-8-9-50-1-p BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE ARE YOU THINKING of build- ing a home. A number of fine lots for sale. Leonard G. Winter, Real 'Estate, phones: business 448, residence 599J. 7-btfb BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES THRIVING BAKERY, Building, business, trucks, will sell separ- ate or would be interested in farm trade. Other business trade listed with lee -restaurants, gas station, tourist camps. Leonard Cr. Winter. 38-b-tfb BABY SITTING GIRL'S WARM WINTER COAT, dark green, size about 12 or 14. Phone 53W, Mrs. J. Silcock. p FARM PRODUCE FOR SALE SPRAYED APPLES FOR SALE. Sky, King, Talman Sweet, Snow, Russet, etc. Phone Clinton 613r24, Fred McClymont, Varna. 48-9-50-1-2-b FARMS FOR SALE . FROM 50 TO 117 ACRE FARMS. t Confidential information. Leon- ard G. Winter, Real Estate, phones: business 448, residence 5993. 5-btfb GRASS FARM, 100 ACRES, lot 15, concession 5, Hullett. Thomas Carbert, R.R. 1, Clinton, phone Clinton 801r21, or James Phelan, R.R. 2, Blyth, phone Blyth 31r9. 13-15-ptbf LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 15 PIGS, SEVEN WEEKS OLD; one calf suitable for raising. Lorne Tyndall. phone 904r4. 51-p FIVE DURHAM CATTLE, be- tween 500 and 600 pounds. James East. Phone 807r6. 51-p NUMBER OF YOUNG PIGS, six and seven weeks old. William Steep, Clinton, phone 554-J. 51-p HOLSTEIN HEIFER, due to freshen in February, artificially bred, vaccinated, rising three - years old. Joseph Storey, C1in ton, phone 906r3. 50-1-p THREE HEREFORD and Hol- stein bull. calves, suitable for veiling; Guernsey heifer, three weeks; Holstein heilier, egght months. Tuberculosis tested, vaccinated. Russell Oesch, Var- na. Phone Hens -all, 687r23. SAW FILING SAWS, ALL KINDS, FILED at C. Hoare's orchard, mile north of 'Lawn. Will work odd . days har- vesting etc. Call evenings at house, if possible. ' 47-52-p r Wre+.wercrg EaCIC ICadeete +a+MITr +et» taw -terse ergrl t s Idih LAST-MINUTE • for CHRISTMAS °ill ale asza , milerereeee pmaemaete ° °v° te$'it6 eserseAci SCARVES rr � DRESS SHIRTS es Plain Stripes bti to LOST AND FOUND LOST ---RED AND WHITE Wal- let containing $72 in downtown Clinton. Money urgently needed: Reward. F. Sullivan, Clinton, phone 158W. 51-b MISCELLANEOUS FREE THERMOMETER - Plus cash at your farm for dead or disabled horses' or cows. Phone collect, Seaforth 655r2, William Stone Sons, Limited. 43tbf CHAIN SAWS. Two new mod- els --Super Pioneer with auto- matic clutch -"51" Super Twin, the last word in power saws. Sold by Robert W. Cole, Clinton. 42-51-p ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices. If,.not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead, phone at once. Phone collect, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 036r32, Gode- rieh. 2btfb TUPPERWARE PLASTIC S, unbreakable, have presents for everyone from baby to grandma. We have 50 -oz. juice canisters, bread -servers, canister sets, baby dish sets, and lovely six -gauger plastic table cloths. Look for the Tupper -seal. It's a seal of qual- ity. Please call Mrs. F. L. Miller, 334W, Clinton, or come and see our display. 48-9-50-1-h ARTIFICIAL SERVICE at reduc- ed rates from the licensed Grow- ing Co-operative Association from Holstein, Jersey, Ayrshire, Guernsey, Hereford, Beef and Dual Purpose Shorthorns. Bulls of top quality. Life membership $25. Members $5 per cow. Non- members $6 per cow. Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association, R.R. 1, Waterloo. For service contact Charles Brandon, Clinton. Phone 633r5 before 10 a.m. 45-47-tbf PUPS FOR SALE FIVE SPANIEL PUPPIES. Give a special Christmas present. Ap- ply fourth apartment over The Brown Derby. Mrs. Swan. p REGISTERED SCOTCH COT T JF puppies. Ideal Christmas gift. Excellent' farm or show dog. Ralph Cornish, R.R. 3, Hayfield. Phone Bayfield 58r34. 50-1-p PROPERTY FOR SALE SIX -ROOMED FRAME HOUSE and barn, lots 211 and 212 in Hensall. Apply Albert Walff, Box 666, Goderich. 2-btfb SIX -ROOMED Bungalow, one three-piece bathroom, one two- piece bathroom, full /basement, small attic, oil -burning furnace, fully automatic; two lots, small barn. $5,000, with $3,000 down. A bargain if there ever was one. Possession December 1 or possib- ly before. Three -and -a -half nieces from centre of town. L. G. Whi- ter, Real Estate and Business Broker, Clinton, Business phone 448; residence 599-J. 39-tbf SMALL HOLDING for the fain- tly that wants to retire; four bed- rooms, double living room, dining room, kitchen, heavy wiring, full basement, good furnace, pressure system, double garage; one acre of land, more optional; two miles from Clinton on good road. L. G. Winter, Real Estate and Busi- ness Broker, Clinton, business phone 448; residence 599-J. 40-tfb PROPERTY WANTED WILL PAY CASH FOR country garden lot. Send particulars. F. Dukes, Eastdale, Hamilton, Ont. 50-1-2-b PIANO TUNING . YOUR PIANO carefully tuned. Just call G. W. Cox et Clinton 550R. 43tfb 25 YEARS' EXPERIENCE with Sherlock -Manning Pianos Limit- ed; tuning and repairing; all work guaranteed. E. C, Nickle, phone Clinton 339J. 20-21-ptfb Suggestions n- PLAINS and FANCIES INITIALED WHITES 2.50 to 6.95 2.95 to 6.95 Gift Boxed. sigagtnteisizisrarci amalsFsr? + saigata eR2 ' r -a SMART TIES $1.00, 1.50, 2.00 Gift 'Boxed GLOVES All Sizes Lined or Unlined 2.50,to 6.95 4iS-rwc..ar@roEC;LvK'.eeleter:;atera.K.eeratE•;mpAc-retaretereiataz , dl dg Belts - Socks =- Cuff Links Sportswear Handkerchiefs .0 Pyjamas - Hats - Sweaters maeleretateeirf+,rfE ek ezmatelateeeleamzr({twe.(verzwerCameg tate C 6o enta y. WISHING our Customers one and all A AVery Merry Christmas t1 wb,,, r2mr2;'Stbl; ;2 ivezower9. ramsbl eoopsl`7;rovom; om-p arm, ii 6a Op PICKETT # CAMPBELL Arrow Shirts - Stetson Hots 1' (opposite the theatre) PHONE 25 CLINTON einiazaaaStaatia&tagasitan aslienatraDatiatatateastateseaNairslanaxatel,, BIRTHS TREIBNER-4n Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, Decen4- ber 13, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Treibner, R. R. 1, Exeter, a son.' ERB-In Clinton Public Hospi- tel, on Friday, December 14, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Erb, R.R. 1,. Zurich, a son. DEATHS CRICH--At his home in Tucker smith Township, on Tuesday, December 18, 1951, Gifford Crich, beloved husband of Maude Montgomery, in his 77th year. Funeral from Beattie Funeral Home, Clinton, to Clin- ton Cemetery, Thursday after- noon, December 20, at 2 p.m. GALE=At the home of her dau- ghter, Port Dover, on 'Satur- day, Dec. 15, 1951, Mrs. Mary Struthers Gale, widow of the late Rev. R. M. Gale, in her 88th year. Funeral from Thomp- son Funeral Home, Port Dover, to Elora Cemetery, Tuesday, December 18. Cards of Thanks I wish to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to neighbors and friends, also to the doctors and nurses who took care of me, for their kindness ' and. help during my stay in Victoria Hospital. - Samuel Riddick. 51-b We would like to express our sincere thanks to the relatives, friends and acquaintances for the beautiful floral tributes and letters,and cards of sympathy, in our sad bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. S. H. Brenton, also to Donald McNall, for the beauti- ful solo. -Mrs. Leonard Young- blut. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Youngblut. 51-p PORTER'S HILL Community Club Meets The December meeting of the Community Club was held at the home of Mrs. Allen Battles with 12 ladies present. The secretary and treasurer reports were given. Plans were made to send boxes every four months to the boys overseas. A card party and dance is to be held Jan. 18 in Porter's Hill school. The January meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. Alvin Betties, the roll call to be an- swered by a New Year's resolu- tion. And Mrs. Pete Harrison will be in charge of programme. The hard -time costumes were judged: first prize going to Mrs. Bob Mcllwain; second prize to Mrs. John McCowan, Tile re- mainder of afternoon was spent playing euchre; high prize go- ing to Mrs. Bill MCIlwain; low, Mrs. Don Harris; lucky chair draw to Mrs. Bert Harris. The hostess then served lunch. prayer, followed by the residing in unison of responsive psalm 751 in the hymnary. Mrs. Shearing's and Mrs. Wil- son's groups served a Christmas lunch. Beason s ro Vreetings! 980 CFPL's JACK ILLMAN Hear the bells ring out our wish of Christmas joy for you. Ashton's Taxi Phone. 1.10 Yuletide reetings ! 980 CFPL's JOHN TRETHEWEY TUCK ERS'MITH APPOINTMENTS Tuckersmith Township Council met in the Town Hall, Seaforth, on December 15 at 2 p.m. for the final meeting of 1951. Appointments made at this meeting for 1952 were es follows: Truant officer, John Earle; mean.-' her, Seaforth High School Board, James McIntosh; member„ Clin- ton District Collegiate Institute Board, George L. Falconer; mem- ber Scott Memorial- Hospital Board, . W illiean' Cameron. Grants were made to Erucefield Library, $10; Seaforth o-rr.4�. •-r-.-.-.�-..-s+-a+rar- ' +M1e.eneezegazzp,'cKez.taterat,ref ga rzetC.[v't/selmerg 4N+,U�EG�"n„4P,+ :.�,, Kit tw rat Beginning January 1952 my office will close Monday, Wed- nesday and Friday evenings. W. A." Oakes M.D. 50-tfb8 NOTICE WISHING ONE AND ALL THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON J.' W. COUNTER, Builders.' Supplies "Bill Counter "Lou" Dutot Lions Club, $25. Osairsaaan1a'r r a3a ataia,ssarataiaieleanaietessaismaratasairataistatataf Iglpastsot4ls er ;r@C<"eeea sicIel raia.,r rl$s tatasi l Flet. aMi6Matiitd ,"4 6 sicaelere casaliansis '. -a?4;aseteieti G'€;ieteratS'-mziMad-r.', zaam', e'.@'.Laaraigielaiete'n S an o- 5- St 4 if a a a Give Him Shaving Essentials by GILLETTE GILLETTE ROCKET RAZOR GIFT SET Any map on your a.t will welcome this practical gift. Includes a Rocket Razor, 10 Gillette BiueBlades,aturdy travel ease plus extra 10 -blade dispenser and tube of Gillette Moving Cream. Glance over these gift suggestions, typical of the broad range of delightful gifts now on El/Splay at your I.D.A. store. Prices cover a complete range. We suggest you shop now while the choice is at its best. $2.20 Gift Pack of 50 Blue Blades $2.50 Other Gillette Sets $L52 to, $6.00 $5.00 Value SHAVING BRUSH . for only $3.98 He'll get luxurious shaves , from this grand soft brush of mixed badger and bristle made by Rubberset WATERMAN'S "356" Pen & Pencil Sets Give a CAMERA New BROWNIE HAWKEYE FLASH OUTFIT Everything needed for good in- door or outdoor snapshots -flash model Hawk - eye camera, flash -holder, bulbs, batter- ies, etc. $15.75 DUAFLEX II Kodet Lens $18.00 F8 lens $27,75 Baby Brownie $3.50 Brownie Reflex $15,p0 Pen has 14k gold point, one- stroke filler, lustrous fin- ishes. Sets boxed, as il- lustrated 5.00 "356" Pen 3.50 Pencil 1.50 Waterman's Ball Pointer $1.50 Pen THERMOS • BOTTLES Pints .. 1.95 up Quarts . 3.00 up BOXED STATIONERY 50e to $2.50 Westclox ALARM Clocks 2.95 to 8.75 BATHROOM SCALES "Borg" .. $10.95 "Health -o -meter" $9,95 "SAFE -HEAT" HEAT PAD A. fine pad with 3 -heat switch, thermostatic control $5.49 ,3.rte__ _- EXCELLENT VALUES IN CHRISTMAS CARDS Family assortment of 50 beautiful greeting card folders in box- Special 98c Other assortments -25e, 49c, 98c, 1.00, 1.25 Gay Dressings To Mahe Your Christmas Parcels Look Their Best - ENCLOSURE CARDS, RIBBON & TWINE N PAPER SEALS & TAGS, WRAPPING P 1' R 5c - 10c • - 15c "Scotch Brand" Christmas Cellulose Tape 10c & 25c Gay Gifts by SHU LTO'N "OLD SPICE" for MEN Shaving Mug & After Shav- ing Lotion in gift box (right) $2.85 Lather Shaving Cream with travel sizes of Lotion & Talc, in box $2.00 Shaving Mug - individual .. $1.50 After Shaving Lotion $1.35, $2.00 - SIIIILTON "Early American" & "Old Spice" for Ladies Toilet Waters, 4 oz. $1.75 Attractively Packaged Toilet Soap, boxes of 3 $1.50 Sets - 1.25, 1.50, 2.00, l 3.50, 5.00 SHAVEMASTE,R Oj ost America's '1'LP.W mo - alar elects c SCNICK INJECTOR "haver. The RAZOR Kir new shape in smart practical gift case, $36.00 MEN'S BILLFOLD Regular $3.35 value .... $2.79 Has an all-around flat zipper, 4 "swings', dome money purse, etc. Styles for the seasoned smoker or the young man: 471.4.a oaf+ FILTER PIPE . - $1.79 Dry -cool -clean Mennen's Men's Set Gift box contains Skin $1.62 Bracer, Shave Cream, Talc ° Perkins' Billfolds English 2.75 to 5.50 French Briar Pipe Assorted sha Genuine $3,50 value $2.49 A Name and Quality that Make Your Gifts Unforgettable: YARDLEY MEN'S GIFT SETS - 2.25, 2.75, 3.00 & up LADIES' GIFT SETS -1.95, 3.50, 3.95 & English Lavender, Sprinkles' bottles .. $1.50, $2.25, $3.50 Lavender or April Violets Dust- ing Powder $1.85 Lotus, Fragrance or April Violets Cologne $1.75, $3.00 The World's $m¢othest Cleanest, Fastest, Safest Shaves - Daautliuiiy GOLD PLATED RAIOR 12 SC$tPEIgqFF$SI P DIADES `fIY3lHE•AYklr 'I 0 SCHICIIC "Twi11- Jector" Set Razor & 40 Blades in plastic case $2.45 Palmolive & Colgate Shave Sets 1.35 up Schick Electric Shavers 29.50 & 32.75 Rubberset Shave Brushes 1.00, 2.00 & up Albion Genuine Briar - 69c Ronson Lighters "Medallist" jewel -tones g with monogram shield Carburetor Yello-Bole . $2.50 Dr. Plumb's Perfect Pipe $3.50 Rohit Briar-Humidome Goo -Trap $5.75 Kaywoodie Drinkless- London I)cVr;biys made $6.00 Perfume Atomizers rrev'; iiis Others - $1.00 & up $6.50 Courtley for Men Shaving Mug,nShave Lotion o,: Colo e-inttividually $1.50 There's a Manicure Gift Set for Everyone - by REVLON "SKY CRUISER" - Luxurious lined fold -up case with snap fastener, holding 4 Revlon pre- parations, pusher; cuticle stick, 2 emery boards, file & lip- stick . $6.00 Other Sets $1 to $2.25 by CHEN-YU "DREAMMILSOAT" - Chen -Yu Lip- stick and Nail Lacquer neatly set in a styrofoam sail boat 1.30 Other delightful Chen -Yu sets at $1.25 & up Mei 4`2 r4 4t4ri?,` t D 9. ROLLS tRA-Qf Nil 'BLAD S TO :B. Y"r 1.50 & 3.00 MANICURE SETS by C UTEX 89c - $1.25 - $2.50 $4.25 For the Kiddies! CLOWN BRUSH & COMB SET With "Clown" pull -toy, as r illustrated $1.00 Other Brush & Comb Sets 1.25 to 2.25 ��►�� Long -to -be -remembered Gifts by Richard Hudnut Perfumes of Distinction rtN _ "GEMEY" TREE BALL as illustrated One -dram vial nn colourful Christmas tree decoration. $1.50 Other Gemey Perfumes $1.75 and $3.75 ° Styrofoam wreaths with 1 oz. of Genxey, R,S.V.P. or Vogue "Essence" .. $1.75 "Essence Book"=R.&V.P. Gamey ift Album $2.00 NEW BABIES 172',..-A---;:\ • PLAYING CARDS Double decks 1.25, 1.50, 2.50 Duratone MILADY SET 2 matching decks in fabric carrying case; in gold em- bossed b o x with transpar- ent plastic cover .. $3.95 �tl Unique Photo Service F 114ANK$CRAFT Automatic -Electric BABY BOTTLE WARMER Mother will ap- preciate this practical gift. 3.25, 3.95, 5.95 Rempel Animal Rubber Toys 69c & tip Baby Scales, clock dial 8.10 Baby's Own Bath Sets 1.00, 2.00, 2.50 Johnson's Baby Gift Boxes 85c, 1.85 LADIES' HAIR BRUSHES "Crys elite" Purse Kit -brush & comb in. zip- per case - 980 Pro-phy-lie-tic Jewelite Roll Wave - $3.95 Elgin American COMPACTS' $3.95 & $5.50 Others 2.25-8.00 POND'S ANGEL FACE in Mirror case $1.65 Pond's Gift Set of An -gel Face & Lipstick $2.25 Taylor Fine Soaps ROSE SOAP 3 -rose -scented cakes, Cello- phane wrapped in colour- ful box $1.25 The Perfume of Romance - Evening in Paris - TASSEL VIAL In beautiful gift pkg. $1.00 Gold Flaconette $1.50 Evening Paris Eau de Cologne & Toilet Water • $100, $1.85 Other Sizes ... $1.25 and; $2 Other attractive boxes 55c, 69c, 75c B. P Pennebak-er 14hone Clinton 7St7t +OrSr5 tegoo-brS>odol mptve r9R totar:ar s 7azszooanzt meatz i l m N