HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-12-20, Page 2PAGE TWO PERSONALS Ill J. H. Brunsdon spenit the week- I end with F/L and Mrs. J. H. Lynch, Trenton. Miss Emma Lavas spent the weekend with 'Mr. and Mrs. Wes- ley Holly, London. Friends regret the illness of Gordon Howes, genial Post 08fiee maestro, ,who suffered a heart attack 'Thursday last and is con- fined to his bed. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Butler and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd K. Butler were guests at a . Confederation Life dinner at Cobblestone Inn, Springbank Drive, London, Mon- day evening, and afterwards at the home of the district manager. .tem _ 11� Cap'n., W. K. Rorke, teacher at Prescott i'ublie School and prop- rietor of River Point Tourist Court, east of that town, and his sister, Miss Florence Rorke, ac- countant at Victory Mills Ltd,, Toronto, were weekend guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Ronde. superintendent ClintonEdward Craig, of CntCemetery, returned home Friday alter spending a three -months vacation with his father and sister in Ballymena, Northern Ireland. He came across the Atlantic on the "Franconia" iIt was his first visit to his old home in -22 years, and he notices very little change. Wanted Male IIelp Senior Clerk for Grocery Store. Ex- perience preferred but not necessary; must have chauffeur's license. Apply: C. M. Shearing- - SHEARING'S FOODINMAR MARKET CL CLINTON NEWS -RECORD try 18 11.44-1,-•-•-•-•-44-1,-* ST. THOMAS CHLO Youth for Christ SAT. NIGHTS 8 p.m. . BROADCASTS 50-51-52-b 4.-•+4- +11+4-+44-+�4i Ontario St. United Church "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" PASTOR -REV. A. GLEN EAGLE, B.A., B.D. ORGANIST -MRS. E. WENDORF Sunday, December 23 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship 12.15 p.m. -Sunday School 7.30 p.m. --CHRISTMAS PAGEANT "The Coming of the King" . e +or++$++*$+-a+++++•5,..++a►+o ++-4 WESLEY-WILLIS UNITED CHURCH Minister: REV, HUGH C. WILSON 4 Organist; MRS. M. R, RENNIE Choir Director; MR. LVL.R. RENNIE r You Will Spend Eternity!! -Where? If every living person knew what every departing SOUL DISCOVERS -EVERYONE would be SAVED TODAY. "It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment" Heb. 9;27. "For whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord, shall be saved." -Romans 10 :13 CHAS FULLER, Box 123. Los Angeles, 53 -TUNE IN -ABC Network Sundays 4.00 p.m. EST +ar++ar } Notice, Children! ♦* ■ Santa Claus, with his Reindeer and whole family, called at Clinton on No- vember 30. Old Santa will appear alone on FRIDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 21 at 3 o'clock, and is sure to have some little treat at least for all the good boys and girls. Colne and give hirr a welcome! • The Santa Claus Committee Clinton 50-51-b St. -Paul's Anglican Ch urch REV. 1R. M. P. BULTEEL; Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader Sunday, December 23 moo a.m.-MORNING WORSHIP "Room for Christ at Christmas" ' Anthems: Gloria in Excelsis Soloist Mrs. Robbins Come Unto Him Soloist: Mrs. Jenkins The Glory of the Lord from Hander's Messiah 6,45 p.m. --CONGREGATIONAL.- SINGING 7.00 p.m. -The Wesley -Willis Choir - A Christmas ;Cantata "The Nativity. Scene" A WELCOME TO EVERYONE 4-4. 4-4 4-4 aa+ -0-0.5 sit.!-••+♦ W -W WMS Holds Candlelight Service The WMS meeting of Wesley - Willis United Church herwas s held 8 on Thursday, p.m., at the home of Mrs. George Beattie with about 30 present. Mrs. F. B. Pennebaker played soft Christmas music .and then the president, Mrs. M. Addison, gave a call to worship, followed by prayer. Hymn 55 was sung, C. Dixon, London, presiding. and the minutes were read and approved by Mrs. C. Nelson. The Welcomes were extended on treasurer's monthly report was behalf of the Clinton Baptist AVT. Cen ooper gave a short temrs Church by Harry Cockrane• erance talk. Mrs. J. McLaxe m Auburn Baptist Church by Franlc stated there were 15 members at- Raithto the Local Ministerial tending Mission Band. Mrs. G. Assoctation by Rev. D. J. Lane of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Beattie reported for Associate hel ers. Community friendship, Church; Middlesse Baptist ton Ass - p ociation of the Baptist Canvent- Miss L. Walkinshaw reported ion by Rev. A. C. Dixon. three cards had been sent and 68 Special music was rendered by calls made by members. Mrs. W. Mrs. John Dyk, accompanied by Jervis reported for Baby Bend. Mrs. E. Adams at the organ. Mrs. Epps reported for birthday box. A committee was appointed I The Induction Prayer was to arrange to serve the Presby- given by Rev. Mr. Dixon, The terial executive in January, The -sermon was, preached by Rev. offering was received. A. E, Silver, Aisle Craig, former Mrs. B, Sutter acted as chair- pastor of Clinton, Auburn Bapt- lady, and called upon Mrs. Pot- ist Churches, using for his topic ter for the slate of officers. for "what the ettitude or relationship 1952, which are es follows of the local churches should be Past president, Mrs. B. Hearn; to its pastor. Rev. Silver closed president, Mrs. M. Addison; let in prayer. vice-president, Mrs. H. C. Wilson; Rev, Mr. Ostrom and Mrs. 2nd vice-president, Mrs. N. Shep- herd; 3rd vice-president, Mrs. C. Ostrom were than introduced to Nelson; recording secretary, Mrs.. the congregation by Mrs. Reg. J. Nediger; press secretary, Mrs, Clifford, Clerk ool„_Clinton Bapt- J.• McGill; treasurer, Mrs. F, ist Church after:`,EShich a dainty Pineand; corresponding secre- lunch wit`s served by the ladies tary, Mrs. R. Shipley; Christian of the church. stewardship, Miss M. Stone; Rev. Mr. Ostrom closed the temperance, Mrs. A. T. Cooper; Induction service with the Ben - supply, Mrs. B. Hearn; literature, ediction. Mrs. H. Charlesworth; Associate Helpers, Mrs. G. Beattie; Mission c area an Sunday, December 23 10.00• a.m.--Carol Service 11.00 a.m.-Morning-Prayer and Primary Class. No evening service. Christmas Eve 11.00 p.m. Holy Communion Christmas Day, 10.00 a.m.-Holy Communion. NEW MINISTER IS INDUCTED BY BAPTISTS Rev. John E. Ostrom, B.A., BTh; formerly of Blihd River, was inducted into the pestorate of the Baptist Churches of Clin- ton and Auburn, on Monday, December 17. The service was held in Clin- ton Baptist Church with. Rev. A. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church REV. D. J. LANE, B.A., Minister Mrs. Bert 'Boyes, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, December 23 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School Hour 11.00 a.m,-Christmas Service - Brief sermon - "Christ is Born" Special Anthem: "Where is He?" • The old carols, but ever new: (1) 174 p Come, All Ye Faithful 165 Joy to the World (2) 171 Hark, the Herald Angels .Sing 168 While Shepherds Watched (3) 177 As With Gladness 172 Holy Night (4) 729 Away in 'a Manger 730 The First Nowell 2.30 p.m. -Knox Church, Bay- field. A11 Welcome ♦.+.,,P.r.H..�+ra r+rM.q-r ..,-.»r-++++++ka+4•+a.+.-4 •. , * $-$ • • $ s TOWN OF CLINTON Proclamation Pursuant to a resolution adopted by Council at its regular December meeting, 1 hereby proclaim: BOXING DAY WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 26 A CIVIC HOLIDAY and call upon all citizens of the Town of Clinton to observe it as such. Clinton, December 10, 1951 (Signed). G. W. NOTT, Mayor 50-1-b Band Mrs J M L d Mrs. A. Addison; c ommunity friend- ship, Miss I. Walkinshaw; Baby Band, Mrs. W. Jervis; birthday I box, Mrs. E. Epps; pianist, Mrs. F. Pennebaker. It was moved and seconded that these officers for 1952 be accepted. The president thank- ed those retiring officers, and pledged her support as president for another year. Mrs. N. Shepherd then took charge of the meeting and hymn 64 was sung' followed by prayer. Miss Margaret Davies told a Christmas story entitled "The first Christmas Bell." The Magnificent No. 747lin the hymnery was repeated in unison and then a Candle -light; service was held. Those taking part. were Mrs. P. Livermore, Grace Ad- dison, Miss M. Stone, Mrs. J. Nediger, Mrs. J. Sutter and Mit. A. T. Cooper -each lighting a candle of goodwill and friend- ship for Jews, Indian, French, German, Polish and new -comers To All Young or Old '^t Obtain inspiration for joy and well being every day of the year. Attend church at Christmas. tz BALL. & MUTCH D. G. BALL W. J. MUTCB Phone 361-W Phone 3614 Hardware and Furniture -= Funeral Directors PHONE 195 CLINTON Smokers' Gifts • FLAT FIFTIES CIGARS HALF POUNDS LIGHTERS POUCHES V MASTER ROLLERS ROLL -FIVE ROLLMASTER CRIBBAGE BOARDS PIPES' to Canada. Carols sung inter - p s ersing this dialogue and candie- ight service were "'Twits in the moon of 'wintertime" sung by Mary Sutter, the rest of carols were sung in unison, "0 Come Ali Ye Faithful", "Away in a Manger", "Infant Holy Infant Lowly", "Gentle Mary Ladd Her Child." Mrs. Shepherd closed with prayer, followed by the reading in unison of Resonnsive Psalm 751 in the Hymnary. Mrs. Shearing's and Mrs. Wil- son's group served a Christmas lunch, Bapfist Church REV. J. E. OSTROM, Pastor Sunday, December 23 11.00 a.m.-Christmas Service 12.00 a.m.-Sunday School. Pentecostal Church Matilda St., South of CNR K. L. SWEIGARD. Pastor Sunday, December 23 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship 7.30 p.m. --Gospel Service Friday, 8.00 p.m. -Young People's Service. Tuesday, 8 p.m. -Bible Study and Prayer. ALL WELCOME Clinton Bowling Alley "Tial" Hartley, Prop. tarnaarnmankeentanninehRiatirarDi Wannest reetintls f K You Are Cordially Invited to attend GOSPEL MEETINGS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20; 1951 moot IRWIN'S STORE ISA PARADISE FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS!'• There is everything for the Ladies and the Younger Misses. Last-minute shoppers can still choose many and varied gifts from our large stock of Ladies' Wear and Household Furnishings SPECIAL -3 only-- , QUILTED SATIN BEDSPREADS Double Bed Size - in Rose, Green and Cherry Regular value $26.50 SPECIAL -$15.00 We take this opportunity to extend to all our Customers our sincere appreciation for all your many favors during the past year and . to wish you all - The Best Christmas Ever IR V tiomizisismisisomansismintsammimmtermammor in the COUNCIL CHAMBER, Clinton Town Hall EVERY SUNDAY 8 p.m. Wilfred A. Munnings SPEAKER "It pleased God, by the foolish- ness of preaching, to save them that believe." 2611113 -i Our greeting to you and yours glitters with best wishes for the merriest of Yule festivities. u Clinton Lions Club, at an executive meeting Tuesday even- ing, voted $50 toward the Huron County Tuberculosis Association, Christmas Seals Campaign. W. C, Newcombe is chairman for Clinton and district, and James A. Cameron for Bayfield. 0 S.S. 1 Concert Annual Christmas Concert of S.S. No. 1, Stanley, will be held Friday, December 21, at 8.15 pm in the school. Everyone is wel- come. Thompson's Food Market Phone 40 We ,y Deliver o pt- •. • ie o,s'a.. tri. '•, •ate-ems•d tematcmc-matoct.--matootvegvametavvg a NOTICE All accounts against the Town of Clinton if not received at the office of the Town , Clerk on or before January 2nd, 1952, will not be paid until February 12th, 1952. By order of the Mayor and Finance Committee. M. T. CORLESS, Clerk and Treasurer 5l -b 1 4-4.-4-4-4-4-6-4-4-4-•,;-$-1-9-4-04-4-4.4.1. 4 ora We wish you all a joyous Christmas Season and may the corning •year be filled with Health, Happiness and Success. AI EN'S for your Gifts in Leather, Luggage, Handbags, Billfolds, Slippers oa Gift Suggestions Merrill Radio and Electric BEDLAMPS 3.45-7.65 a TURNOVER TOASTERS 4.95 to 17.50 AUTOMATIC POP-UP TOASTERS 22.95-46.75 2 HEATING TADS and BLANKETS 6.50 to 49.50 ELECTRIC CLOCKS 6.95 to 14.95 ELECTRIC IRONS 5.95 to 27.50 ELECTRIC PERCOLATORS 7.95 to 17.95 ELECTRIC KETTLES 13.95 to 16.50 ELECTRIC SHAVERS' 23.50-36.00 FLASILIGHTS 1.55-6.75 RECORD PLAYERS 17.95-64.95 TABLE MODEL RADIOS 23.95 to 109.00 COMBINATION RADIOS 159.50-349.00 ELECTRIC MIXERS 28.95-73.75 VACUUM CLEANERS 44.95-147.00 LIONEL ELECTRIC TRAIN SETS 72.95-113.50 Also Electric Floor Polishers, Boudoir Lamps, Bed- room Lamp Sets, Desk Lamps, Pin-up Limps, Corn Poppers, Electric Heaters, Hot Plates, Sandwich Toasters, Refrigerat- ors, Washers, Electrib Ranges and, many others. CHOOSE FROM OUR Complete Assortment of Christmas Tree Lights and Coloured Bulbs 880 CFPL's MARY ASHWELL' ism ai arJii313m°w: ai8i, ;lamas tatog Make your Christmas Complete! CHOCOLATES by MOIRS SMILES'N CHUCK' .FS NEILSON'S BABY BUNTING NUTS SILVERWOOD'S ICE CREAM Bricks - Pies - Ice Cream Rolls A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL! BARTLIFF BROS. Bakers and Confectioners q pmtomairommbioreammaDer,agovagazammai 3,5 its