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Clinton News-Record, 1951-12-13, Page 6
WAGE SIX CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Tii"UllISDAY, DPe avr.sfLR 13, 1951: News of Bayfield Representative; `Mies Lucy It. Woods Phone Bayfield 45x3 J. E. Hovey spent the weekend with his brother in Sarnia. „ Miss Cecil McLeod left on Wednesday last to spend the win- ter in Toledo Ohio. .13iar=.ry Raker, London, spent the _;weekend with his father, F, W. Halter. Wilfred Castle, Goderich, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Castle. • Miss Joyce Bell spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and. Mrs, Jack d ufff, Goderich Town- ship. Mr. and .Mrs. Stuart Sturgeon, Preston, 'and Mr. anti Mrs. F. son and Frannie, Mitchelrl, with Mir. and •Mrs. F,d. Sturgeon over the weekend. • Mr, and Mrs. LeRoy Poth and Mrs. W. R, Jowett accompanied by Ronnie Poth from Kitchener, went to New Dundee for a pre - Christmas celebration • with the former's parents on Sunday. Mr. end Mrs..George M. Fisher, Waterloo and Miss Miriam Fisher, Calgary, motored to the village, -Wednesday. Mrs. F. A. Edwards accompanied them on their re- turn, to visit for a few days en route to spend the Winter with her daughter, Mrs. R. J. Watson, • Broadview, Sask. We John Lindsay was the lucky winner of a 24 -pound tur- key which was a free bingo at the local Lions Olub Feather Party in the Town Hall on Friday night, The president, J. E. Hovey, reports that there was a good attendance and that it was quite a suocess<ful party. • Plan School Concert " The annual Christmas School concert will be held in the Town Halton Friday evening, Decem- ber 14, at 8 p.m., under the direc- tion of the teachers and music master, S. Baxter. Home From Hospital Mrs. Wilfred Heard, who und- erwent a major operation in Clin- ton Public Hospital recently, was able to return home the begin- ning of the;week and is recuper- ating nicely, we are pleased to report. Welcome to Bayfiefdt We welcome' to the village, Mr. and Mrs. H. Grierson, and two children, Barbara and Lin- da, ' Wind'sor; Mr. and Mrs. H. Darnborough and two children, Douglas ' and . Shirley, - Windsor, who are now occupying Mrs. J. Webster's house on Clan Gregor Square. Mr. Grierson and. Mr. Darnborough are eivilden Work- ers at the RCAF Station, Clinton. LOL Officers LOL No. 24, Bayfield, held its annual meeting on December '4, 1951, At the close of the gen- eral ;meeting the following slate of officers Were elected: Worship- ful Master, William McI1wain; Deputy Master,- Grant Turner; Chaplain, Lloyd Scotchaner; Re- cording Secretary, Wilfred Castle; Financial Secretary, Charles Wal- lis; Treasurer; Harold Stinson; 1st Lecturer, 'Hinton Heard; 2nd Lecturer, Spencer 'Ervine; Mar- shal, Emerson Heard; committee- men, Malcom Toms, Robert Mc - Dwain, William E. Parker, Harold Penhele, John Watson;'_ Sentinel, William McDooI; Tiler, Thomas Penhale. 1950 officers were installed by Past Master Bro. John H. Parker. Meetings will be held on the first Monday of every month. United Church Ladies The United Church women held , their annual meetings on Thurs- day lest at the Parsonage, with a good attendance. Miss Stirling had the chapter from the Study Book, entitled "The Church on our far-flung Frontiers," and it reviewed the different Iines of work being carried on by the United Church in all parts of the Dominion. The election of officers result- ed in all being returned, both presidents being promised more help in condlrcting their meetings. An event at the December Meeting is the turning in of the talent money, each member re- porting on how her money was raised. The methods used, rang- ed all the way from selling. dill, green corn and eggs •to Christmas 19 6 0 tr ' ,.atm,' iesc .e, mnm `leis a sieieWeitteteitseW se +.€:isiO tiis sue Delicious! And perfect for Christmas dinner! A fresh, tender TURKEY, and all the trimmings! cards and wrappings, floor mats, crochet work and .fancy +ivork ae different kinds; nom many other ingenious ways of turning a penny were reported. Trinity Guild Meets Trinity Church Guild met at the home of Mrs, N. W. Woods on Thursday afternoon last. The meeting was opened with prayer by the "Rector, Rev. H. J. E. Webb. Mrs. R. J. Larson pre- sided over the business session. The minutes of the last regular meeting and also a . special meet- ing were read by the secretary, Mrs. Sam McEwen, and approved, The treasurer's statement show- ed that the bazaar had been a success. The sum of $100 was voted to the Parish Hall Building Fund. Plans were -made to hold the Christmas Sunday School Social in the Orange Hall on the evening of December 27. Mrs. George Lindsay a n d Drown Lindsay attended the funeral of the former's cousin, the late Robert McGee, which was held in Wingbam on Decem- ber 5. Mrs. Lindsay accompanied by Mrs. John Lindsay, Mrs. Gee- rge Heard, M. Jaes Hutch- ings and Mrs. Robert :Blair were also in Wingham oh the previous day. Following the benediction pro' - theBIGnew Westinghouse Pefrigertor •-• • •-•• Goderich Township ▪ Mr. and Mrs, Gordon MacFar- lane and son Bobby, St. Thomas, visited eit Mrs. MacFarlane's home an Thursday and Friday of last week. Mrs. MacFarlane and Bobby are staying for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bailey, of Amherstburg, came up on Friday and spent the day with the 'lat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Stirling, who 'returned with them on Saturday to spend the week- end with them. School Christmas Concert The community is invited to, attend the Christmas concert of No. 9 ((Tipperary) School on Wednesday evening, Dec. 19. Miss Margaret Holland is the teacher. Farm Forum Meets SS. No. 4 Farm Forum met on 'Monday night at the home of AND A LOVELY HAM! See our Large PLUMP DUCKS, too! Fitzsimons' Meat Market PHONE 162 CLINTON, sisea 3Fin r;arsasnainnna+; is sil9r„"r3 smainvrsanalsaa&r'"iarnnat nada e ae A It's bigl It's beautiful! And t lt'n practical... with extra large space for the family's supply of frozen foods .. , more ice cube capacity • big new Meat Keeper ... two large Humidrawers for keeping fruits and vegetables garden fresh ▪ the smartest, Most usable and adaptable 9 cubic -foot refrigerator you've ever seen. Powered by famouaDual.Automatic Economi$er mechanism. Precision.engineered and guaranteed by Westinghouse. Come in and see it! You can be sure— if it's WESTINGHOUSE! pounced by the rector, the hostess served tea. Pre -School. Party The party, sponsored by the Trinity Club On the Town Hall, Bayfield, on Tuesday afternoon for children of pre-school age was a great success. The hall Was gay with Christmas decora- tion. The curtains partly drawn-, revealed a lighted Christmas tree on the platform, while a- cross the front were 12 bunches of three red balloons. T w o streamers of crepe paper to which were attached crepe paper dolls made with clothespins decorated the gallery. These were fash- ioned to represent angels, brides and flowers and displayed con- siderable artistic talent amongst the members of the club who had made them. In one corner a long table, set with a white cloth, was decor- ated with a snowman, popcorn balls made to represent trees with red cherries on the branches, and candy sticks fanned, out on the corners. It held the plates of tempting Christmas cookies. Mrs. J. B. Higgins was at the piano for the singing and Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner assisted with the games. From two until four o'clock be- tween 30 and 40 little ones had a glorious time, and enjoyed chocolate milk and cookies. Their mothers were refreshed with a cup of tea.. Each child received a red balloon, candy cane, pop- corn ball and doll used in decor- ating. The little ones in their various coloured costumes, all bouncing red balloons about the hall presented a delightful and interesting scene. Mrs. Ted Mack and Mrs. Pat Worth were con- veners for the party. The members of the Trinity Club are to be congratulated on this fine elonununity effort, every detail of which showed careful planning. t _ tick sietG{tF,+P,'.reisseesiR'wei tei oo ieeigip,=g eget osisieetP.2oeieiextE£+Et 1eieleieissleiesross a�C.` toieteis?ero ileor6ieeiY.lP.;Et.+eottoeivlistattess> aleOl stip ettemeseisetroveie Mr. and Mrs. A. Hebden. There wasa small attendance on ac- count of other meetings in the distriet. The radio topic for disoustfsn was "Folk Schools for Fasnn People." 'During the discussion it was decided that in our community there would riot be epough people who could attend a folk school, but we need courses which could be attended in the afternoon, or evenings, as practically everyone has farm work which must be attended to, during part of the day. Courses for both men and women would be appreciated, if they were conducted for afters noon or evenings. There was a recreation period end lunch was served et the close of the meeting. St. James WA Meets The WA of St. James. Church, Middleton, held its annual meet- ing at the home of Mrs. Fred Middleton on Wednesday after- noon, November 28. The presi debt, Mrs. W. Cole -lough, was in charge of the meeting. Finalore- ports given by the various of- ficers showed all obligations met and •a balance on hand. The preside -Kt then declared all offices open and Mrs, Stewart Middle- ton, past president, took charge. A motion made by Mrs. Fred Middleton, seconded by Mrs.. W. Wise that all officers bereturn- ed for a second term resulted in the following date of offic- ers for 1952: President, Mrs. W. C'olulough; vice-president, Mrs. J. Middleton; secretary, Mrs. M. Steepe; treasurer, Mrs. B. Row - den; Dorcas committee, Mrs. J. Grigg, Mrs. C. Cooper; visiting committee, Mrs. W. Wise, Mrs. Deeves. Newly -Weds Honoured. A very pleasant social evening was held on Friday, December 7 in the basement of Sit. James Church, Middleton. About 60 people gathered to honor Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wise and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Miller, two newly - married couples. Mr: and Mrs. Edward Wise (nee Lois Bowden) and Keith Miller "grew up" in St. James Church. The first part of the evening was spent in euchre. Ladies prizes went to one of . the brides, Mrs. Keith Miller and to Mas. Jo. Storey; gent's prizes were won by Ron Steepe and Melvin Steep. The rector of the parish, Rev. Mr. Webb, then made an approp- riate speech and Invited the bridal couples to sit on the plat- form. John Deeves read the ad- dress and the presentations were made by George Wise, Donald Middleton and Joe Storey. Each couple was given a walnut living room table and a lovely folding card table. The grooms thanked their friends for the gifts and good wishes, A splendid lunch was then served by the ladies, rounding out a very successful evening. Clinton Electric Shop D. W. Cornish Westinghouse Dealers PHONE 479 Residence 358 "Every House Needs Westinghousel" feratiematiesonietnetzMikiterieMsoirseimei Ra3nsemeL osieiarem iemiememeie to t tel teteteeleieleite VeletereteveMe Re Metanserri esseeeni SPRUCE BALSAM SCOTCH PINE CHRISTMAS TREES — We Deliver — CLINTON BAi L --M CAULAY SEAFORTH Ph. 97 L+ Ph. 787 Lumber, Lime, Tile, 1 Plywoods, Coal and Coke; 5neireliaten nosy a mnsierieaaieoars w+o-r•-e--+••-• k•+••r+1+-••Ni-fir+ • •H-••• • 4 • • ++ai. Annual Meeting BAYFIELD AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY TOWN HALL,. BAYFIELD Wednesday, -Dec. 19 at'2 p.m.. Election of officers and other important business All members. welcome PLEASE ` 10TE CHANGE OF DATE! A. Ti BA$1SETT, Secretary 50-b i • os Prepare for the Holiday Season by having your CLOTHES atCLEANED GLIDDON'S Cleaning and Pressing. WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER • Phone 466-W Clinton • 2t1somorh`tinoiooeiatoioeir-ireooiate+yrs+a+ruroosseO r.`eetnet2r2roorr+tBr i a /o& From SUPERIOR STMAS Your STORE dog ... REG BALL, Prop, Specials Effective December 13 t©-24 Inclusive CHRISTMAS NUTS • Lb. GOLDEN MIXED394 CRISCO FOIL ALL YOUR CHRISTMAS BAKING Lb, 39C A FULL VARIETY OF FRESH 'CHRISTMAS CANDIES at SPECIAL , PRICES .ISS 44-s... +e•++a-sow-a EXCLUSIVE Agents for the Famous Line of GRAY-DUNN SCOTCH BISCUITS See Our Assortment To -day! NEW CROP YTALISMAN CAMPBELL'S - CREAM OF MUSHROOM SOUP 2 tins 33c CHRI;S!PMA'S ORANGES Good Size -288's 35( Doz. RASPBERRY' JAM 24 oz. jar 39c BOWES FANCY, MINCEMEAT-- 2 lb. tin SHIRRIFF'S DELICIOUS FRUIT. PUDDINGS -- MOTHER JACKSON'S JIFFY POPPING CORN --- BLUE BLUE RIBBON MAPLE BUDS 1 lb. box FREE DELIVERY 43c 15 oz. tin ... 4k tin 27c 98c PHONE 111 nerteiBistt`mosoclsosr''asozoissessonvoiriosootwlti>7"�y. moisism aitrionostianornessoonshoinsolootersio.rommaronstoro