HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-12-13, Page 4PAGE FOUR CLINTON 'NEWS -RECORD Wesley=Willis' Ladies .Hold Christmas Party A happy Christmas, party was held in the Wesley -Willis lecture room on the afternoon of De- cember 6 when about 75 of the ladies of the congregation' were present. A lighted Christmas tree on the platform provided the Christmas. atmosphere, The chair was taken by the president of the WA, 1Vlrs. Geo- rge Beattie, who opened the meeting by reading a little poem by Henry Van Dyke; the Lord's Prayer was recited in unison. The devotional period was entitled "God's Gift to Man." Mrs. A. E. Shaddick read the Soriptuee lek- son from the 2nd chapter of St. Matthew's gospel, Mrs. John In- nes read "Lesson Thoughts" end 'prayer was offered by Mrs. Jim 1MIcLaren; A short business meeting fol - ,lowed. 136 calls were made in November by the four groups of the WA. Mrs, Hugh Wilson took the chair for the election of of- ficers and asked for' the report of the striking committee, which was given by the convener, Mrs. Norman Shepherd. The slate was accepted as read. A visitor present, Mrs. Nora Moffett, daughter of Mrs. W. H. Hellyar, a brilliant pianist, whb , is frequently heard on CKNX, and other stations, delighted everyone with two numbers on the piano.Carols were sung by everyone, with Mrs. H. Charles- worth at the piano. A duett, en- titled ' "Snowy Flakes" w as sweetly sung by Mrs. Viola Van- Egmond and Mrs.e,Dougles And- 23 ;t$ratgtG-me a R+'JK?ti;'&i '- aym,l',•awscam,°R! .' ma&4og o„ i 1 SPECIALS For DECEMBER 13-14-15.1 MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE -1 lb. bag $1.03 WESTON'S CHOC. MALLOW BISCUITS lb. 39c FANCY COHOE RED SALMON -1/2 lb. tin 35c SOLID WHITE TUNA FISH -7 oz. tin 37c ROBIN HOOD FLOUR -7's 49c; 24's ....,, $1.63 DOLES FANCY FRUIT COCKTAIL -20 oz. tin .. 35c N.B. POTATOES -50 lb. bag $2.55 FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT --size 96's 5 for 25c . CALIFORNIA GRAPES 2 lbs. 25c M.L. LARD 1 lb. 23c 0 F A B • 2 Igepkgs. 73c V MIXED NUTS lb. 45c Thompson's Food Market p' Phone 40 We Deliver 'ta"fv�Li$!n`Yi 7`>fiF t��f�;i�-9�tlr'1F°di��,.,`i:i:2tBt9hi}�} iL'Y,'lo}o-Y2��7�M�Y'e7a^`ainir9te91 h ii I- ST. ANDREW'S GIRLS' CLUB The regular meeting of the Girls' Club of St. Andrew's Pres- byterian Church..wes held in the Sunday School room on Wednes- day, December 5, when 25 mem- bers and one guest sat down to e delicious .pot -luck supper. Following supper Christmas gifts were exchanged and carols were sung with Mrs. J. Leiper at the piano. A short business session fol- lowed. , The minutes „were read by Mrs. Howard Cowan and the treasurer's report given by Mrs. Frank Mutch.r The striking committee brought in the new slate of officers for 1952, namely: Honorary president, Mrs. D. J. Lane; president, Mrs. Jock Leiper; vice-president, Mrs, Royce Macaulay; secretary, Mrs. Erie Sims; treasurer, Miss Mabel Harvey; flower convener, Mrs. Frank Muteh; program convener, Mrs. Bill Mulch; social convener, Mrs. Clarence Neilans. • reties, Miss Alena Stone told a lovely story, entitled "Dorcas," which was much enjoyed. Mrs. Nora Moffatt played a medley bf carols with variations, The Mizpah benediction brought this part of the meeting to a close, after which refreshments were served by a group of young ladies. Tea was poured by Mrs. Hugh Wilson and Mrs. VanHorne, from a lace covered table, centred with a gaily -lighted miniature Christmas tree and glowing tall red candles. The menu includ- ed Christmas cake and home- made candy end was much en- joyed by all present. Officers for 1952, as follows: Honorary president, Mrs. Hugh Wilson; president, Mrs. George Beattie; 1st vice-president, Mrs. Merritt Nediger; 2nd vice-presi- dent, Mrs. Frank Andrews; treas- urer, Mrs. A, E. Shaddick; re- cording secretary, Mrs. Frank Fingland; corresponding secre- tary, Mrs. Benson Cox; press sec- retary', Mrs. A. T. Cooper. Group Leaders: 1—Mrs, Harold Adams; 2—Mrs. Reese Jenkins; 3—Mrs. Leslie Ball; 4—Mrs. Doug Bartliff. Conveners: Property— Mrs. Wilfred Jervis; programme —Mrs. N. Shepherd; sewing Mrs, D. Laidlew; flower—Mrs. Fred Potter and Mrs. Charles Nelson; name—Mrs. W, Pickard; pianist, Mrs. Harry Charlesworth. 11111111111111111I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I I I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 i For The Holiday.... SAFE DRIVING and the best way to accomplish it is by having your . . . e BRAKES CHECKED • IGNITION 'CHECKED • TIRES CHECKED • BATTERY CHECKED and secure a GENERAL TUNE-UP BLUE SUNOCO GASOLINE, OILS AND GREASE 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 at Wells Auto Electric 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 "THE ORIGINAL TUNE-UP SHOP" Note the new phone number -762-j 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!I I111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111(11111111111(11111111111II I III IIIIIIII I IIIII11111111111111IIIIII I II III III I II I II I III1111111111111111111 teireeleteree; VgSrerG kle t4tetteetet t relet6'WMWtP.O6K1Ct%re`t„t�teryr lagto'hdivev t.;ts tM4tL`WgtRr4+� "Give Mom a Lift, With a .lousehoiid Gift!" SPECIAL XMAS OFFER— No. FFERNo. 3300 Dormeyer Mixer Reg. Price $52.95. NOW (complete with Juicer) SUNBEAM MIXMASTER (with juicer) ,....... .. • , . $73.75 CARVING SETS (for genuine stag) -$7.75 to $19.50 Beautiful ELECTRIC CLOCKS (in colours) .. $5.95 to $9.95 "The Gift Supreme" ELECTRIC KETTLES $16.50 PRESTO STEAM IRONS $39.95 $25.25 General Electric STEAM IRONS $27.50 ROUND WAFFLE BAKER $19.50. Combination SANDWICH GRILLE , $21.95 TOASTERS from $4.49 up Many other items to choose from now on display in our windows "AVOID THE BRUSH OF THE XMAS RUSH!" DON'T FORGET! WE CUT KEYS'! BALL and MUTCH D. G. BALL—Phone 361-W W. J. IVIUTCH-Phone 38T -J Hardware ' and Furniture Funeral Directors PHONE 195-_ ._ — CLINTON iditlekbeileNteriberifteredriBleeleert o ds 65 A Personals Mrs. J. H. Johnston., Misses' Sue and ,Sharon, spent Monday last with Stretford, friends. ,E. G. Evens and sons, Robert and William, were with Dr. and Mrs. J'. S. Evans, Sunday, Miss Margaret Rutherford, Goderich, spent Thursday last, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Johnston, Mrs, Gordon Kerr has returned to her home in, Vancouver, B.C., after spending a vacation with her Lather, J. H. Brunsdon. Mr ,and Mrs. W. R. Hume, Milton, spent the weekend with' the latter's brother and sister-in- law, Mr, and torr,¢. Wilmer Wallis, Miss Lillian uartwright and mother are now living in the Reid apartments, in Ernest Ell - wood's old house on Princess St, Mrs. J. B. Cox left Wednesday to spend a few weeks with her brother, Rev, Dr. John C. Mil - Ran, and Mrs. Millian, Washing- ton, D.C. Ii rs. Norman Fitzsimons has arrived home after spending more than three months in, Eire and England with relatives and frierids. .She visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Joyce, Gal- way, Eire, who she had not seen for 20 years. R. P. Robbins returned yester- day to his duties with the On- tario Provincial Police at Rich- mond Hill, after vacationing in town, Mrs. Robbins and son, Ronnie, will remain with hem parents, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Sutter, until Christmas', John Stanley, Clinton, has completed the advanced training course (mechanical division) at the Provincial Institute of Trades in Toronto, where he has been for the last nine weeks. Friends are pleased to congratulate him on his success in passing. ret arortareter:, c <rozme aretetelet For FANCY 0 "POIN5 TT ASH PLASTIC eya' TREES, come to— pMcEwan's Gift and Stationery Store A A � uicrt cauR r�o�ts ERY�'C a rte Get There Safely! CALL 110 ASHTON'S TAXI Arrived this week! BRIGHT ;NEW HANDBAGS ' different styles & shades—one of these w o u lid really please her. From 2.50 - 14.50 BILLFOLDS & WALLETS for everyone on your gift '• list. From 1.25 to 12.50, Yes, our Christ- mas LUGGAGE selection is com- plete, New Lad- ies' Sets, and Pl1 a n's GLAD - STONES. A wide range in styles and prices. C Why not choose SKATES, a wel- comed gift for the exercise lov- er. Tube Skates from 5.75. Fig- ure sets from 11.95. Aik'en's LUGGAGE and LEATHER GOODS 2t21zor2r2t2ror4.h2rah-aa• r^wr3rir tzzr rmr mrctiKrarzrzezrerazwzgAverzrzreAvvwrzsvavomewevwcatm000aleTe ii Si CDCI Annual Christmas ' Dance Thursday, Dec. 20 in the CDCI Auditorium - FRANKIE BANKS ORCHESTRA Dancing 9:30 lo 1 Dress Optional a' ADMISSION: Students, Couple —$1.50 'One Student, One Visitor --$1.75 Visitors, Couple—•$2.00 air tr er ihtgteeRe t erreiDierreeierelertt; rear eeerer2rxab" reremeir er reeee:2rM 1 Mreellereiereteielereeeteiteeleiteereieretereereterereteretereeerreerer r A EVISCERATED -- Ready for the Oven! ORDER YOURS TO -DAY! Clinton Locker Service PHONE 335 Gordon Cudptore, proprietor CLINTON • 001.1 aA THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1951 ;r lite t Irwin's Store! YOU CAN BUY PRACTICAL GIFTS for your Wife Mother Sister Best Girl Aunt Gra nie or Daughter SEE OUR LARGE SELECTION OF GIFTS TODAY ▪ air. EVERY 'LOVELY LADY LOVES SOMETHING NICE TO WEAR! Found on the Counter -2 Pairs of Gasses e - atZa,Wa`hMararrVa rkE a r-21011Marffitpraratat2Mat eorDr2tiaD124ratxt t: JP a I zC#'ti g l`ieteie!:; NeriearaC.at&tZKIK-IG M.tele a,. reetet2 teeleiCtatetetet @ We will have a FLOWERS TELEGRAPHED ANYWHERE 0 1 1 P Telegraph orders placed early can be forwarded by mail, IP thereby saving the cost of a telegram or telephone call. 1 nice AZALEAS — BEGONIAS -- CHERRIES POINSETTIAS CYCLAMEN — VIOLETS PANS — FERNS Roses — Carnations — Mums — Etc. selection of: K. C. C OKE FLORIST PHONE 66W h tzo m-Drormorarmoiga'rar2r-DeDeaaisor 9t2r8r;3mo-DrAzibt2r2row ae or - firer are-tmarerramerarewe+m ak.ire 'arcs t6rarorelzratdre tS .mar sz c"t CHOCOLATES The Sweetest Gift of All! Your Choice of These Leading Brands: bth&ii @kack4zi MOIRS' NEILSON'S LIGHT AND DARK FRUIT CAKE BARTLIFF BROS. Bakers and Confectioners h21IJts+'':sttx7lPlS s