HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-12-06, Page 1211E1IRSDAY, DECEMBER 6; 1952' TOP PRICE $695 AT SHORTHORN SALE IN CLINTON Five district breeders combin- ed to stage a successful Oppor- tunity Sale of Scotch Shorthorns in Clinton Lions 'arena here Tuesday afternoon, with a good crowd of buyers in attendance. The breeders' were Robert M. Peck and Sons, Kipper; Mc- Kinley's Farm and Hatchery, Zurich; Clifford H. Keys and Sons, Varna; John Ostrom, Var- na; end Roy F. Pepper and Son, Seaforth, Thirty high class animals were sold at $14,245, an average of $475 each. Highprice for bull, $565, was received by Bruce Keys for his yearling "Elmandorph Memory," bought 'by George Beuerman, Dublin. Top price for female was $695 For twos -year-old heifer dons'ignr- ed' by. McKinley's rains andi Hatchery. It was purchased lay - Bert McBride,. Ztarich. Highest price for cow was $675, for seven-year-old consigned by Clifford -H. Keys and bought by Harold Q. Free, Dungannon, The sale attracted Shorthorn' buyers from all parts of West— ern Ontario, Fn addition to those mentioned above, the list inelud-- ed ,'Bert Faber, Kippen; J. .15. Gaunt, Londesboro; W. J. Petrie,, Dungannon; Richard Taylor, Kip - pen; Alvin Moir, Exeter; Cast Oestreicher, Dashwood; Norman Fuller, Goderioh; Thomas Kerr;. W. Oestreicher, Dashwood; G. Langstaff, Dresden; Stewart Whit- ney, Brunner; Thomas Scott,. Cromarty; 1V1. J. Connelly;,' Mitchell. William S. O'Neil, Denfield, acted as auctioneer, with Linco'ln, White, S.t Marys, and Edward W. Elliott, Clinton, as ringmen.. J. H. Robinson, St. Marys, was clerk. Aleiekeleialeieieseimeieiteelaraieteietessietatesaseialeisiseeiaiateiseereue. I Is e Ss S •> taaaraab'giver=aaaenaa'aataaameaatea raminerzr nasb:�aarx slat; 1,AGETWELVE GIFTS Fancy Boxed Stationery Playing Cards Bone China Cups and Saucers Dinnerware Waterman's Pen and Pencil Sets Devonware Figurines Vases Book Ends Cake Plates Teapots Trays Bibles - Hymnaries - Prayer Books CJNTON NEWS -RECORD Christmas Cards COUTTS and HALLMARK BOXED CARDS for $1.00, and Individual Cards for Relatives, Special Friends, General or `Comic at 50c. Assorted Greeting Cards — big value box -25 for $1.00. CHRISTMAS SELECTION —• 20 assorted cards, an exceptional value for $1.00. Also Norman Rockwell, Grandma Moses, Currier and Ives, Edgar Guest, Religious Cards by Nana Bickford Collins, Country Scenes, etc. Christmas Wrappings SEALS, RIBBONS, FANCY SCOTCH TAPE, COUTTS, HALLMARK MATCHING SETS of Paper, Ribbon, Seals and Tags. Decorations Table `Covers in 54x72, 54x96, 54x104, in Poinsettia and Santa Claus designs Serviettes to Match FANCY CHRISTMAS DOILIES CHRISTMAS CRACKERS — CHRISTMAS CANDLES WREATHS GARLAND DECORATIONS CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTS TREE DECORATIONS THIS CHRISTMAS Children's Books, Coloring Books, Cut -Out Books, Story Books Classics and Cowboy Stories Adventure Stories STORE HOURS: from 8.30 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Saturday, 8.30 a.m. McEr�� f. to 10.30 p.m. Santa's Wonderland of Toys and Games A Very Large Variety of Toys and Games is ✓ rp a 9rarahv arm3tnagm--rom-mmarmpaummimm i2Akaaron`*rsrmwlkab,-2,- t2 t*wkavh. amamiD faortzrar re,pawzro r;3ra4:,gl int;ar3taae r.A-Dwari o a asapozoimrratbs+ai7rarsrar ,-3�Srars^rmm, Doza i, Graduation Proves Successful Event A group of young Canadian aircrew moved on into the de- fence forces of Canada to -day when another class of Radio Of- ficers graduated at RCAF Clin- er includes service management, ton and received their wings from staff writing, drill, leadership one of Canada's outstanding air- training, athletics and field ex - men, Air Vice Marshal Ralph E. NfoBurneyt The graduates have completed the intensive nine month course at the Air Radio Officer School which qualifies them for the job of the airborne radio specialist in the RCAF. During their m,train- g at Clinton the students re- ceived ground training in radio of the course is devoted to of- ficer development training. This training designed to fit the stud- ent for his role as a junior ogle - classes. Air Vice Marshal McBurney addressed the graduates and in his address, said, in part: "One of crosses you have to bear as a result of having grad- uated successfully from an Air Force course is that you are ex- pected to listen to some words of wisdom from venerable old vet - and radar theory, airmanship, erans like myself who come down morse, practical radio and radar, from the hallowed corridors of signals organization and prated- i Command or Air Force Head- ures, After passing the ground quarters to present you with your phase the graduates were given wings. a coniprehensive flying course; Now don't forget that yours is during which they carried out not the only cross that is borne air exercises in the Air Radio !on such occasions. Making an Offieer Schools Dakota "flying 'address is not an easy thing for classrooms." most people except the favoured Part of the training of these few like Mr. Churchill to whom embryo radio officers was carried it comes easily and naturally. out at the parachute school at Secondly, the speaker has an un - Rivers, Manitoba, where they easy feeling That what he has to were taught the fundamentals of say to 'the young squirts is of parachute jumping. As all grad- little interest to them or makes Was of 'the school receive coin- little sense to them. And finally missions in the RCAF, one third you have a natural fear that EXTRA.•WEEKEND VALUES—Dec. 6-8 Square Deal 111'cLareu's Jelly Peas 2 for :25 Powders 3 pkgs..25 Wagstaff e's OraangeOulverhouse 'Choice • Marmaladejar '39Pumpkin . 2 tins .35 Woodbury's FACIAL SOAP 4 for 30c The Better SHORTENING CRISCO lb. pkg, 39c MAPLE LEAF TOILET SOAP 2 for 15c Wagtstaffe's Raspberry JAM jar .... 43c TANGERINES -Florida 210's Navy Toilet Tissue 2 for 23c doz. 29c Birdseye GREEN lfirdseye French Fried Beans . . pkg. .33 Potatoes pkg. .31 V • 4 SHEARING'S` aMODERN SELF SERVE FOOD MARKET I Phone 48 — Free. Delivery — Clinton WatMgliectesseags;3teiekeefteterg%-teimiefe,T4l.a„t tekeet;iefE +asc+n,+aretet releie,top of the service, andmaybe atoon, Sask. Le N a ds a they may have good reason for NEW OFFICERS their attitude. .However, may I say that I am particularly pleased and honour- ; FETED AT PARTY ed by having been asked by your I ON GRADUATION Commanding Officer G/C Hutton to attend your graduation exer- 1 At the climax of their training eises today to present the grad- at Air Radio Officers School, and uating class with their radio of- after a ceremonial wings par finer wings. The reason for that at which A/V/M McBurney prey is that I have always been int- I sented the wings, the newly com- erested in radio ever since I was missioned graduates of Course a small boy. I was the second ROA 25 were feted at a formal officer in the RCAF to specialize dance at the Officers Mess "B" as a Signals Officer. Air Com- on Friday evening, Nov, Z. modore Godwin, who is replacing. Among those present for the me as Air Officer Commanding, occasion, a social highlight for Air Materiel Command, was the the in -training Officers Cadets, first.- For years before the war were: The Commanding Officer and for the first two or three of Station' Clinton, G/C Hutton years in the war as Head of the and Mrs. Hutton; W/C and Mrs. Signals Branch, I had an oppor- Miller; S/L and Mrs. Duff. Rep- tunity to 'take part in the rapid resentation of the Junior Officer development of radio and radar, Staff of AROS included: F/L end and have always considered it one Mrs. Miller; F/L and Mrs. Mc - of the most interestingperiods of p dis Kee; F/L and Mrs. Halcruw; my own career, Now,,thet I have and F/L and Mrs. Cook. reached the age for retirement, The officers and badecs were I api going back to the field of attired in mess dress uniforms. that it is particularly appropria Telecommunications, so I feelte This tlent an air of military for- thaty to the scene wEZich was my last opportunity to par- softened by the presence of the ticipate in a ceremony of this ladies in graceful evening gowns. nature as an Active Air Force Music for the affair was pro - Officer should be at the Air 'vided by Radio Officer School. Now for the wos t a of wisdom, I spoke about. They are few but they are based on my own ex- perience and my observations of A buffet dinner was served at the careers of other officers in 11 o'clock after which the dance the Service. They apply equally continued through the evening. well to life in Civvy Street. o If you are going to get on in Red Indian Squadron Air the orchestra of F/6 Haines while the gay decor of the mess created a pleasant back- ground for the dancing and en- tertainment, th Force, orte , you must have an aim or objective in mind. This is vitally important. It doesn't have to be a goal that produces the highest pay or the highest Members of the RCAF's 421 rank, or give you a sense of per- Red Indian Fighter Squadron, local importance or other actual stationed at RAF Station Odiham, mark of success, but it must be Hampshire, England, RAF base, one in which you have a great,since last January, are busy pre - and important personal interest. Paring for their return home. At That is vitally important, always. the same time the Red Indians You must be interested in your are taking advantage of every job chance to profit by training "Remember you are an officer, facilities in the UK before leav- e leader. This is going to make ang for Canada, and Christmas you a little different from the Iat home. boy you went to school with, 'return here in the next 20 years This does not necessarily make to' 'do the seine thing that I am 'you any better. He may be as i doinow. Good Iwek to you much a success in his type of all."ng job as you are. If money is a Members of the graduating measure of success, he may be class who received their wings, even more so, but some day, end I hope that day will never come, and commissoins as pilot officers if their is a war, that boy is ,in the RCAF are: F. H. Schultz, K. A. McKay, going to be an unimportant mad, J. M. Breton, all of Ottawa; J. and' you may find that you will E. Macao's and D. E. Williams of be leading him. So remember Toronto; 13. •D. Forbes and J. B. that, and develop it. I Johnson of North Bay; W. 3. Now I want to wish you all. Penfold, Hamilton; P. H. Dion, the very best of luck in your Quebec City; O. W. Tetlock careers in the Radio Officer Sahnon Arm, B,C,; T. W. Dar Branch and finally in the Ser- went, Gravenhurst; J. T. C'afth- vice. It is hardly possible that nese, Carberry Man.; F. C. King, you will all return here in time Evanston, N.S.; H. A. L, McGuire as Air Vice Marshals, but Y hope and N. Wipond, Montreal; C. K. that some of you have the op- Crutch, • Kent, England and Cal- portunity to go right on to the gary, Alta.;; J. C. Nelson, Sash - Home For Christmas North Luffenham Turned Over to RCAF Some 1,200 acres of picturesque Rutlandshire, the smallest county in England, became "Little Can- ada" in Britain last week, when the Royal Air Force Station, at North Luffenham was formally turned over to the RCAF. Official date for the handing over ceremony was Thursday,, November 15, The ceremony marked the birth of the first RCAF air station to be established outside Canada since the Second World War. It's a practical Christmas when you give an always practical electrical gift. Here's a list to help you make this an easy shopping Christmas ... each a popular gift item. SUNBEAM MIXMASTER The Housewife's Friend Electric COFFEE MAKER Beautifully designed Electric AUTOMATIC TOASTER Heavy Chrome ELECTRIC IRON Handy Heat Control for all fabrics ELECTRIC BLANKET SUTTER--PERDUE out BODY WORK: We thought you'd like to know we are now equipped to do BODY AND FENDER REPAIR. An estimate costs you nothing. We will give you a first class job and reasonable rates. Our REPAIR SHOP has the technical equipment and men , to give you "on the button" car perform- ance. No job too large or too small. USED CARS Some extra good late models, 4950 'to 1941 — various makes and prices. We also have 1952 Chevrolet Trucks in stock. See us. If we haven't what you want to- day, it may be here tolnorrow. Lorne Brown Motors Limited CHEVROLET--OLDSMOBII:E—Sales & Service Your Friendly General Motors Dealer PHONE 367W -. CLINTON