HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-12-06, Page 11I1P,;SDAY, DFiCEMB R 6, 1951 ElectiQrL, Coming Up In AdaslraT' Park The Mayor of Adastral park 02 H. E. Bennett, has. an- nounced that an e'leotiah will be elol in the+=near future for the ffices of mayor and councillors f this thriving, one hundred and orty-five family community. On November 30 the Mayor issued e.e first in a series of bulletins or the information of 'Adan rel ark residents.' This important ulletin reads as follows: "Throughout all RCAF married rejects it has been the policy or the residents to elect a coun- ii to administer the affairs of he community. "The, present council was ap- ointed as a temporary measure Dell elections could be held. "It has been decided ho hold lection for, the post . of Mayor,. brae councilmen and tivo noun - women with Adastral Park Bing divided into two Wards. Ward 1—All PMQ's west of the entre line of the north south ortion of Edmonton Rd. Ward 2—All leMQ's east of the hove -mentioned portion. The Mayor will be elected from he whole of Adastral Park. Ward I will elect one council- ran and one councilwoman and and 2 will elect two council. en and one councilwoman. The rules for the forthcoming lection are as follows: I (a) All service personnel and Ives living in PMQ's are en- itled to vote. (b) Nominations will be ac- epted by the present secretary, Skinny men, women gain 5,10,15 lbs. Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor 'What a thrill! Bony limbs ail out; ugly hollows .aa tip: nook no longer scrawny: body loses boll. starved, sickly "bean polo" look. Thousands of Ogle, women, men. who nova. could $gin before, a, the eoeolul vigOrbulidtas no.sitbwmiog tomo, Ostrow. Its tonics, stimulant, Invigorators. Iron, vitamin al, calcium, enrich blood, Improve appetite and digestion s0 f00dIves you more strength and nourishment: put flab en barn bones.. Don't fear getting too lat. Stop when you've 501000 the G, 10, 10 or 20 lbs. you need fornormal weight. Costs little. New "gat ncgllnlntoU" eine ante Uso, andfamous dded 00 nds this very day dt all'ruggist ` Sgt: Stooke, Room B13, Bldg. 22 until 1200 hrs. Dec. 7, 1951. (e) Nominations must be en- dorsed by five eligible voters. (d)' Final details as to election date and balloting will be pub- lished in the Clinton newspapers and' by PIVIQ bulletin as soon as all nominations are received, The importance of voting in this coning election cannot be too heavily stressed, as your council performs an important end necessary function in the community, This elected body will be re- sponsible for drafting and enforc- ing all by-laws approved by the Commanding Officer. They will also endeavour to promote com+- enmity spirit by assisting the various organizations now. oper- ating in Ad -astral Park. Your council provides a channel of communication for your come paints and suggestions, encour- ages community spirit and the construction of recreationa facil- ities. `VOTE as you like, but Vote'." Signed: H. E. Bennett, W02, Mayor, Mayor Bennett's bulletin leaves little to be said on the prelimin- aries of organizing the forth- coming election. Clarification of any pallet or additional "gem" may be obtained from the sece- tary, Sgt. Stoake, Only one day now remains' to submit those all important nom'- inations. Yoitnr mayor and coun- cillors are not filling formal positions to -card. out (routine duties or a dictated policy. They are your representatives who can and do initiate important legis- lation for the benefit of the com- munity as a whole. The quality of this legislation will only be at soundand just as the quality of the' candidates you select. Let us all give serious consideration to this matter. Nominate and vote for those who will provide Adast- eel Park with an energetic, con- scientious, and progressive gov- erning body for 1952. Above all VOTE, Rememlber, an eligible voter who negligently fails to cast a ballot has no right to criticize the government. CLINTON eNL''ArS; R1ECOtD and Anastral ar°h No RCAF Officers' Wives HoldaC'hristrnas Party Mrs. W. L. Baynton waselect- ed president of the Officers' Wives Auxiliary following the Christmas party held in the din - fug room of the Officers' Mess Tuesday evening. Other officers are Mrs. T. N. Duff, vice-president; Mrs. Thomas Bangs, secretary; Mrs. D. Hal- crow, treasurer; Mrs, David Os- borne, . chainnan.. of committees and Mrs. 'Robert McKee, social convener. Mrs. George Bury, president, presided at the. election of of Beers. The December meeting was bald in the form of a Christmas, party, with the dining room, ap- propriately decorated for the oc- casion, Mrs. E. A. Hutton assist- ed members Of the executive' in receiving the members and guests at 'a reception, which preceded a delicious supper.' Following supper, the presi- dent, Mrs. G. Bury, welcomed the guests and asked Mrs, Hut- ton to make a lucky draw, which was won by Mrs. W. Bracken and Mrs. C. Trott. "A short buss= ness meeting elected officers for the coming term. Santa Claus, in the person of Mrs. Hutton, then distributed the gaily packaged gifts to each mem- ber and guest. A sing -song of Christmas carols, led by Mrs. C. L. Harding, completed an enjoy- able evening. 0 Another Course Graduates at R & CS On Friday, November 30, Radar Performance Checkers (Air) Course No. 39 graduated from 1 Radar and Communications School, Among the graduates was AW2 Lillian Barraud, Salm- on Arm, B.C., who stood third in her class and has the honour of being the first airwoman in the RCAF to graduate from a technical course of this nature. AW2 Barraud who attended the Faculty of Arts at the 'University of British Columbia, enlisted in the RCAF in .Thly, 1951. Nine days later she arrived at the Per- sonnel. Selection 'Unit . at St. Johns, Que. Now awaiting post - ng from 1 R. and CS, AW2 Bar - crud has the proper attitude for a successful career in the RCAF. "I am willing to do my duty in my trade," she says, "and I hope to see as much of Canada as pos- sible while I am in the service," Other graduates from Rdr PC (A) 39 were airmen: W. M. Evelyn, Victoria, BC: 3, A. Stack Legal, Alia.; I. P. Hart, Green- field Park, Que,; D. P. McGaghey,. St. John, N.B.' J, W. Metcalf,., Port Arthur, and I. J. Smith, of Toronto and Victoria, B.C. The honour graduate was AC2 Ivor Hart who stood first in his class and obtained a "Pass With Cred- it" mark of 61.9 per cent. W/C 8, G. Miller, Officeu Commanding' 1 R and CS, pre- sented the diplomas to the mem- bers of Rdr PC (A) Course 39. W/C Miller Congratulated the graduates, wished them every success in their trade, and espec- ially commended the efforts of the honour student, AC2 Hart, and the airwoman graduate, AW2 Barraud. a>,ir 4VgUr-igti iCiN ° t0rinvg-Bacot ° Angel Hair, Tinsel? 10 - des and Tree Ornaments 1, can be bought at Mc - 0 EWAN'SS GIFT AND STA-- g TIONERY STORE, sr ;rs1 t -Ma ;2r ig-OL rsr STARTING BACK TO WORK MONDAY, DECEMBER 10 Audrey . Carpenter HAIRDRESSER at Mrs. Thompson's, Princess Street Don't forget to make_ your Christmas appointment now. Phone 585 to0W:BV. .Bili .,'^ M407.1310 2-,I$'A?L PFi!+{F,tC: igIC 18 a+atVAT��t3+,MIetatal,, 1s FOR HER Wrist WatchWrist Watch. Diamond Ring 4 Birthstone Ring Lovely Dresser Set Watch Bracelet Rhnestone Necklace s Electric Shaver Pearl' Necklace Lodge or Initial Ring Locket Lighter Silverware Utility Case Compact , a Collar and Tie Set Corn Flower Crystal Billfold Watch BraceletCarving' Set Earrings. g Onyx or Cameo Ring Wall Plaque 4 Pen and Pencil Set Musical Powder Box Brush Set Evening Case -' Table Lighter iFigurine. Cigarette Case Cup and Saucer�l Cuff Links Hand -carved Rose �'�, Rolls Razor Ronson or Presto Lighter t` Travel Clock Peri and Pencil Set P.) Identity Bracelet Travelarm. or Baby Ben e0 Lodge Lapel Pin Brooch or Pins Key Chain, or Case Silver Tray or Dish Barometer Kitchen Clock (any eolour).1. Pipe FOR HIM VV. N. C T �S Huron County's Oldest Established Jewellery Store ti 3tBINBI}lav'IB10''01.B °"ri 01-B0101BI 7rk7r t5'I-SINrVIDIBIBird0'r9'r29i 01011=051,71-BIO'M Be 12® Coo@a the gllEck; THIS LITTER 15 NEVER SATISFIED, DOC. THEY ALWAYS SEEM TO BE HUNGRY. IT'S NATURAL, JIM. THE SOW'S MILK FALLS OFF AFTER THREE WEEKS, YOU KNOW. rfed a s PAGE ELEVEN` Editor; N A P/O C. B. 'LOCIIIIEAD, "t D• Statiotl PRO Phone 382 Local 69 5 6. Graduates 'Winged' At Clinton RCAF Station Air Vice Marshal R. E. McBurney, CBE, CD, "winged", 17 commander, F/I. R. McKee, In the packer end 4..: u graduates at (RCAF Station, Clinton, Friday last. He is een E. A. D. Hutton, CD, cdmmanding officer of the station, and .inspecting the guard of honor accompanied by the guard ,' F/L. J. elynd's, personal assistant to A V M / / MiaBurney, --Clinton RCAF Photo; engraving courtesy The London Free Press A.: ASTRAL •I K ATr1'E BROWNIES On Friday, evening, November 30, some of the little girls of the Station experienced a thrill they are not apt to forget for a long, long time. At this meeting of the Brownies, Seconder Nine Lee Colwell and Tweenies Louise Menerd, Mary Hutton, Margaret Norris and. Caron Gattinger were enrolled as full-fledged Brown- ies. To add to the excitement, Sixers Bonnie Burns, Julianne Giles, Merle Knoblauch a n d Seconder Karen Campbell receiv- ed their one-year service star, The Brownies invited their moth- ers to be their guests and after singing songs and playing games a delicious lunch was served by. the Brownies, ably assisted by Brown Owl — Mrs. Brown, Tawny Owl — Mrs, Burns and Snowy Owl - IMrs. Randall. GIRL GUIDES The' unique ceremony of fly- ing -up from- Brownies to Gir9. Guides was held at the A/V/M Hugh Campbell School on Fri- day evening, Nov. 30. While the Brownies formed -their Fairy Ring and sang a farewell song, Diane Miller flew out of the ring and through the arch to be enrolled into the 2nd Clinton Girl Guide Co. by -Capt. Betty Nell, After this ceremony Diane invited her mother, Mrs. B. G. Miller, to be a guest at the Girl Guide meet- ing. y, NCO'S WIVES' AUXILIARY The first December meeting of the NCO's Wives Auxiliary was held in the dining room of the Sergeant's Mess on Monday even- ing, Dec. 3. The large number of new members helped the former members make the meet- ing a huge success. An election of officers was held after an interesting business meeting and (Additional RCAF News on Page 12) She's A Baby For such a SHORT TIME Children should be photographed often. One minute they ,are learn- ing to sit up; the next they can walk; then they start to climb and get into all sorts of mischief, Have a Camera Portrait of your child today to bring- you happy memories tomorrow. MacLaren9s Studio (CLINTON and GODERICiii) PHONE 401 Clinton or Goderieh (same number both places) CLINTON STUDIO open TSIESDATS and THURSDAYS 1.30 to 7.30 p.m. • and SATURDAY Evenings (other times by appointment) Embily BUT I FED THE SOW A GOOD RATION ;MONTHS BEFORE FARROWING TIME THAT WAS GOOD, JIM•YOU FED THE PIGS INSIDE THE SOW. NOW YOU'VE GOT TO HELP FEED THEM OUTSIDE THE SOW. SHE HAS DONE MOST OF HER JOB, WHAT DO !� YOU MEAN - MOST OF EAN-MOSTOF HER JOB, DOC ? last but .notleast, delicious re- freshments were served by the old and new entertainment corn- mittee,, It is hoped to make• the meetings on the first and third Mondays of each month both int- eresting and beneficial to all the welcome members. THE PROTESTANT CHAPEL. It is truly gratifying to see the chapel nearly filled with church -goers these Sundays. With Mrs. Petah at the organ and the choir in their pieces, the service would be difficult to equal any- where. We are pleased to learn that our congregation choose to consider the Station Chapel as they Would their own church by requesting Padre Harding to un- ite couples in marriage and also baptize children, Lest Sunday the beautiful flowers were plac- ed on the altar in loving memory of John Ridley Brown, brother of Mrs. G. B. Kennedy and Miss Bettie E. Brown. s: a * CHRISTMAS SERVICES It has been planned to hold the Christmas Service in the Protestant Chapel on Sunday, December 16 ` at 11:15 a.m. At three o'clock in - the of ter noon of December 16, the child- ren "will take part in the annual White Gift Service to be held in the Chapel, * a CHAPLAIN'S OFFICES The offices of the Station Chaplains, Protestant and Roman Catholic, which were formerly in the Library Bldg., are now situat- ed in the Chapel Bldg. RECIPE Maple Cream Candy 4 cups browns sugar 1 tbs. flour 1/Z tsp, baking powder 1 cup top milk 2 tbsp. butter pinch salt Mix ingredients (in order) to- gether. Cook (stirring constant- ly) onstantly) until mixture forms soft ball when dropped in cold water. Then add one teaspoon of vanilla and tone cup of chopped nuts (if de- sired). Beat until creamy and Pour into greased dish, Cut in squares when nearly cold. Hints for Good Coffee Making: 1. Buy coffee in small amounts and have it freshly ground: 2. Store in a tightly covered container; preferably a clean, screw top jar, and -place in reg• frigerator. 3. Use fresh cold water or fresh boiling water to make coffee. 4, Preheat coffee pot by rins- ing with boiling water just be- fore making coffee. .5 To improve flavor add % teaspoon of salt to every eight cups of coffee. r _ a CATHOLIC WOMEN'S LEAGUE The Catholic Women's League held their monthly meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 28 at the borne of Mrs. Eric Baxter, Father Pokier and 'Father Wight were present, the latter being the guest of honour end was presented with a beautiful brief case as a part- ing gift from the members of the CWL, I WONDER DO YOU REALIZE JUST WHAT A STRAIN A LITTER OF THIS SIZE PUTS Oe'cri4 ;of/ :,"4".;1/7,07, r/174// awatIk N HAPPY 8IRTH AY to Nancy Brown on her sev- enth birthday on November 29. Fourteen little girls helped Nancy celebrate the occasion before lunch was served. —to Donnie Strachan who cele- brated his eighth birthday lest week at his home, 52 Winnipeg Road, * * CONGRATULATIONS —to Sgt. and Mrs. George Pratt and their new little son, Bobby. WELCOME —to F/L and Mrs. G. C. Whit- tington, 12 Quebec Rd, '-to F/O and Mrs. G. J. Irwin, 2 Quebec Rd. —to F/L and Mrs. R. E, Flet- cher, 6 Toronto Blvd. s.'0 * PERSONALS Welcome back to Adastral Park, a tournd of dutyEatBRCeAF Statfter ion, MacDonald, Man, Miss Marion Woehl, London, and Mrs. Norman Pring were guests on Sunday of F/O -and Mrs. L. 0, Mitchell, 20 Quebec Road. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Henry and Mr. and Mrs. L. Rowatt, Dray - on, were weekend guests of WO2 and Mrs. R. W. Holdershaw nd Mary Lynne. Cpl. and Mrs. J. Averill and t 4 Donnie, Aylmer, were guests of Cpl, and Mrs. T. V. Cook and family over the weekend. F/S George Mills, 41 Edznonton Rd., left on Sunday for three weeks of temporary duty at St. Johns, Quebec. Miss Beryl Bracken (R.N.), of Hamilton, spent last weekend visiting her brother and sister-, in-law, S/L and Mrs. Bracken. There's three cute little kit- tens to be given away, perhaps as a Christmas gift. The kittens are waiting at 16 Regina Rd. for an owner. Sincere Sympathy Our sincere sympathy is ex- tended to LAC and Mrs. Clarence Nagle, whose daughter, Irma Neve, passed away at Clinton, Ont., on Friday, Nov. 30. The funeral was held on Saturday afternoon at 2 p.m, at the Ball and Mutch funeral home with F/L C. L. Harding, Station Chaplain (Prot.) officiating, In- terment was heId in the Veter- ans' Plot in Clinton Cemetery. aitteeteieleielieleteteeeteeiereliellieJeleletlieeieleleieeMeterreetie bD 0f 3$ sr uc a Ate fele a vies" -r telelie 's Mom, dad, sister and brother, too, will surely be thrilled with the gift slipper they discover 'neat the Tree. A glamour 0 pair for mom ... a comfort pair for dad a pretty pair for sis, and a -rugged pair for brother ... We have them all. Come see! • FLIGHT BOOTS And don't forget to see our selection of FLIGHT BOOTS. make a fine gift, too! 0 wide They ;Y Footwear for the Whole Family $4-Bt2tl0:e'i€ lerhBIB7Hdletei`.3eieeet eeireteie7°eii3`ir7'ieielye iia'eizee taeeeeae-eF"ceeeiei By Roe Farm -4 -Service Dept A SOW'S MILK FLOW'FALLS OFF JUST' WHEN HER LITTER NEEDS INCREASED FOOD, 'SoYOU'VE GOT TO SUPPLY THE EXTRA F00D1 e yERAtRuffER 05DAiLY liarrleft ®i=mo • WW6 For fast rugged- qrawth and easy selfweani orf Yoeir wrill://:°141/4/6R9HeAle31°./.415::hcroirefE:4; FORM A MUSTARD