HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-12-06, Page 911HURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1951 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE NINE News -Record Classified Adlets Bring Quick Results Classified' Rates CASH RATE — (If paid by t'Wednesday following date of in- :.•aertion)—Two cents a word first insertion (minimum 50 cents); -subsequent insertions 1 n/s . cents a word (minimum 35 cents); 15 .cents extra for box number or 'for direction to NEWS -RECORD 'Office, IF CHARGED --15 cents extra. DEADLINE -12 noon, Wednes- 'day. ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT 'ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO ,gentlemen, sharing. 1638. 48-49-p ,APARTMENT, MODERN ,CON- venienees, Phone 907r4. Francis Powell. 49-h la EROOM DOWNSTAIRS apartment. Hot and cold water. Private bath. Call 199W. 49p T RR EE -Room, . FURNISHED apartment, 'also room for sleep- ing accommodation only. Im- mediate possession, Box "F" Clinton News -Record. 49-p LIVING ACCOMMODATION and board for couple with employed husband in return for wife's duties as cook -general. Box "M" Clinton News -Record. 49-h SEVEN -ROOMED lr/y STOREY brick house situated on the square in the village of Bayfield, im- mediate possession. Apply to Mrs. J. Webtser, R.R,,3, Seaforth, phone 668r41. 42-tbf ACCOMMODATION WANTED ASW .A'AiRaIMENT OR SMALL house for two ladies. Phone 98. FURNISHED ACCOMMODATION wanted by airman and family. One child. Apply Box `C"„ News - Record, 49 -Ib AIRFORCE COUPLE WITH TWO children, aged three and seven, would like to rent apartment or souse, vicinity of Clinton. F/S 1. Kitchen, RCAF Station, Clin- on. 49-p ARTICLES FOR SALE ABY CARRIAGE, IN GOOD ondition. Apply Mrs. Harvey oe, Varna. Phone 626r31. 48-9-p S iIA FIVE -TUBE ELEC'llRLC bis radio, 5 -inch speaker, in enact. condition. Apply Hensall, :hone 687r12. 49-b BIRDS FOR SALE ANARIES. Come and hear our uaranteed singers. Yellow and. ariegated colors. Will hold for :hristmas. N e l s on Moulden, vburn. Phone Dungannon 5R7. R7. • 47-8-9-50-1-p UILDING LOTS FOR SALE E YOU THINKING of build - g a home. A number of fine for sale. Leonard G. Winter, cal Estate, phones: business 8, residence 599J. 7-btfb BUILDINGS FOR SALE D 27X41, TO BE REMOVED. enders received up to December by L. W.' S'cotebmer, for rinity Anglican Church, B'ay- e1d. Highest, or any tender, not oessarily accepted. 49-p USINESS OPPORTUNITIES VICE STATION TO LEASE Town of Clinton, at once. Ap- y Box "Z". 46-tbf ROSE SERVICE Station lease, Victoria St., Clinton, asonable terms. Sam McDonald, one 329. 49-50-h 1-11- ING BAKERY, Building,. ness, trucks, will sell separ- e or would be interested in nil trade. Other business trade rted with me—restaurants, gas tion, tourist camps. Leonard Winter. 38-b-tfb CLOTHING FOR SALE OUTON COAT, SIZE . 14-16, eap, worn only one season. gh chair, used one year. Phone 48-9-p ,ttM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE I17IBANKS-MORSE, Gehl and upec Hammer Mills. Let's tinder's, New Idea and M -M rm Equipment. Water systems, :kers, separators, new and used whines. New Idea Distribut- e Goderich, Phone Carlow 21. . 47-8-9-p ARM PRODUCE FOR SALE 'RAYED APPLES FOR SALE. y, Bing, Talman Sweet, Snow, me, etc. Phone Clinton 613r24, ed MaClymont, Varna. 48-9-50-1-2-b )B CONN, 5 or 1e -ton truck ids. Also Kiln dried shelled m R. J. Ballantyne, R.R. 2, Paul's, phone Sebringville 47-8-9-p FARMS FOR SALE OM 50 TO 117 ACRE FARMS. nfidential information. Leon- !, G. Winter, Real Estate, ones: business 448, residence 13. 5-btfb !ASS FARM, 100 ACRES, lot concession 5, Hullett. Tboinas rbert, R.R. 1, „Clinton, :phone nton 801r21, of James Phelan, 1. 2, Blyth, phone Blyth 31r9. 13'-15-ptbf Amos, LEVEL CLAY Loam, to barn with conveniences, large driveshed, -poultry saes. Medium size brick house, veniences. Near school, church, rket, William Pearce, 'Realtor, iter. 149-30-p CNNY MEN, WOMEN! 'Gain 5 15 Lbs, New pep, too. Try nous Ostrex Tonic'Tablets for able results; new healthy "flesh; r vigor, ew "get acquaint- size only 60 cents.-All'drug- s, PERSONAL FURNITURE FOR SALE SOLID OAK WRITING DESK, good condition, Phone 3161VI. • 49-b HELP WANTED—Male BOOKKEEPER, EXPERII,ENCE. preferred, mule preferably. Ap- ply News -Record. 49-p DEALERS WANTED for leading line of Dairy Farm Equipment, to sell direct to farmers, must be financially able to ,operat!e small business, Apply to: Dairy - Equipment Company, 2789 St, Clair Ave., E. Toronto. 49-50-b EXPERIENCED MAN TO TAKE full charge of office, including accounting, costing, and purchas- ing. Good opportunity for 'right span. Robert Bell Industries Limited, Seaforth, Ontario. 49°ob HELP WANTED—Female ONE FULL TIME CLERK; one part time clerk. Apply to Bart lift Bros,, Phone 1, Clinton. 49-b JUNIOR CLERK FOR COST accounting department. Good op- portunity for energetic reliable person. Robert Bell Industries Limited, Seaforth. 49-b WOMAN WITH SECRETARIAL experience, Must be able to take shorthand and have a knowledge of general office work. Must be of neat appearance. Best wages paid. Robert Bell I ndustries Limited, Seaforth. 49-b LOST AND FOUND IRISH *Ellen DOG, Answers to "Danny". Reward. Phone F/S Jackson, 382 Local 13. 49-p, LOST -BLUETICK HOUND with brown markings on head. Lost just south of Hayfield. Finder please phone 908r22, Clinton, Gordon Gilbert, R.R. 2, Bayfield. 49-b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOURTEEN PIGS, SIX WEEKS old. Apply to Keith Tyndall. 49-p TWO REGISTERED HEREFORD bulls; also Massey -Harris Rite Way milking machine. Apply Earl Cox, R. R. 1, Goderich, phone Clinton 903r22, 49-p WEANLING PIGS FOR SALE. H. Managhen. Phone 376W, 48-9-50-p TWELVE CHOICE YORKSHIRE chunks. Apply to Charles Stew- art, Clinton. Phone 807r3. 49-p FOUR HEAD OF Young Cattle, Hereford and Durham. Apply James East, phone 807r6. • 49-p MISCELLANEOUS FREE THERMOMETER — Plus cash at your farm for dead or disabled horses or cows. Phone collect, Seaforth 655r2, William Stone Sons, Limited. 43tbf CHAIN SAWS. Two new mod- els--Super Pioneer with auto- matic clutch—"51" Super Twin, the last word in power saws. Sold by Robert W. Cole, Clinton. 42-51-p ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices. If,.net, will pay fertilizer prices, If dead, phone at once. Phone collect, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 938r32, Gode- rich. 2btfb TUPPERWARE PLASTICS, unbreakable, have presents far everyone from baby to grandma. We have 50 -oz. juice canisters, bread -servers, canister sets, baby dish sets, and lovely six -gauge plastic table cloths. Look for the Tupper -seal. It's a seal of qual- ity. Please call Mrs. F. L. Miller, 334W, Clinton, or come and see our display. 48-9-50-1-b ARTIFICIAL SERVICE at reduc- ed rates from the licensed Grow- ing Co-operative Association from Holstein, Jersey, Ayrshire, Guernsey, Hereford, Beef and Dual Purpose Shorthorns. Bulls of top quality. Life membership $25. Members $5 per cow. Non- members $6 per cow. Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association, R.R. 1, Waterloo. For service contact Charles Brandon, Clinton. Phone 633r5 before 10 a,m. 45-47-tbf PROPERTY FOR SALE SIX -ROOMED FRAME HOUSE and barn, lots 211 and 212 in Hensall. Apply Albert Walff, Box 666, Goderich. 2-btfb SIX -ROOMED Bungalow, one three-piece bathroom, one two- piece bathroom, full basement, small attic, oil -burning furnace, fully automatic; two lots, small barn. $5,000, with $3,000 down. A. bargain if there ever was one Possession December 1 or possie Ly before. Three -and -a -half bioci s from centre of town. L. G. Win- ter, Real Estate and, Business Broker, Clinton, `Business phone 448; residence 599-3. 39•tbf SMALL HOLDING for the fam- ily that wants to retire; four bed- rooms, double living room, dining room. kitchen, heavy wiring, full basement, good furnace, pressure system, double garage; one . aere of land, more optional; two miles from Clinton on good road. L. G. Winter, Real Estate and Busi- ness Broker, Clinton, business phone 448; residence 599-J. 40 -tib POULTRY FOR SALE 140 SUSSEX PULLETS, just started laying. .1. Greydanus,. R. R. 1, Hayfield, phone Clinton' 903r33. 49-p 1200 NEW HAMPSHIRE it Bar - tea Rock pullets for sale. 10-12 weeks old. $1.00 :each, Money makers for • next summer: K. Vandenburgh, Clinton Ph on e 226W, 49-50-p BIRTHS' COLE—In Clinton Public Iloepi tel, on Tuesday, December 4, ° 1951, to W. and. Mrs. Albert Cole, RCAF Station, Clinton, a daughter.. MUNNINGS—In Clinton Public Hospital; on Sunday, December 2, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Munnings, Clinton, a son (Ste- phen Graham). • OESCH—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Wednesday, December 5, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Oesch, R.R. 1, Varna, a dau- ghter (Mary Louise). RATTRAY In Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, December 2, 1951, to Mr. end Mrs. Alwyn Rabtray, RCAF Station, Clin- ton, a daughter (Michelle). TORRANCE—In Clinton. Public Hospital, on Friday,- November 30, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Torrance, R,R. 2, Bayfield, a son. MARRIAGES BEZZO-PULLDN--In the home of Mrs. Lucy Bezzo, Clinton, by Rev. H. T. Kendrick, assist- ed by K. L. Sweigard, "Clinton, Saturday, December 1, 1951, Mary Ruth, daughter of John John Albert Pullen, Bruce - field, to Wilfred David, son of Mrs. Lucy Bezzo, and the late William Bezzo. DEMPSEY-WESTLAKE — In St. Andrew's Presbyterian Manse, Clinton, by Rev. D. `J. Lane, on Saturday, December 1, 1951, Mildred May, daughter of 117/r. and Mrs. Samuel Westlake, Goderich Township, to Lewis J., son of John A. and Mrs, Dempsey, Goderich Township. DEATHS CRI•CH—In Vancouver, B.C„ on Tuesday. December 4, 1951, Evelyn Nott, beloved wife of N. P. Crich, formerly of Clin- ton. PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO carefully tuned. Just call G. W. Cox at Clinton 550R. 43tfb 25 YEARS' EXPERIENCE with Sherlock -Manning Pianos Limit- ed; tuning and repairing; all work guaranteed. E. C. Nickle, phone Clinton 3393. 20-21-ptfb SAW FILING SAWS, ALL KINDS, FILED at C. Hoare's orchard, mile north of town. Will work odd days har- vesting, etc. Call evenings at house, if possible, 47-52-p STOVES FOR SALE SMALL SIZED QUEBEC Heater. Apply 474W, Clinton. 49p WOOD FOR SALE FIVE ACRES OF HARD MAPLE and beech tops, et twenty-five dollars an acre. Apply Arnold Keys, Varna. 49-p Ontario St. WMS Elects Mrs. 'Radford Ontario St. Woman's Associa- tion met on Tuesday, December 4, with the president, "Mrs. 3. Radford, in the chair. The meet- ing opened by 'singing a hymn, reading a psalm responsively, and repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison. Mrs. C. Elliott took the devo- tional period, opening with . a hymn, and taking as her topic, "God's Gift to Man," closing with e prayer and another hymn. . Different reports were read and adopted, and' business was dis- cussed, Mrs, D. Carter and Mrs. M. Tyndall were appointed to look after Christmas boxes for shut- ins. Mrs. Wiltse and Mrs. Venner were appointed to look after lunch and Mrs. E. Radford and Miss E. Wiltse were appointed to look after the programme for operation hospitality, on the third Sunday in December. It was also decided to get new choir gowns. The slate of officers for 1952 was read by Mrs. E. Radford, and Rev. Glen Eagle then took charge of the election ' of officers. Those elected were: Honorary president, Mrs. C. Venter; president, Mrs. 3. Radford; 1st vice president, Mrs. W. S. A. Holmes; 2nd vice president, Mrs. F. Townsend; 3rd vice president, Mrs. R. Holmes; secretary, Mrs. Lorne Brown; treasurer, Mrs. A. McMurray press secretary, Mrs. R. Ball; cor- respondence secretary, Mrs. M. Tyndall; pianist, Miss L. Grant; assistant pianists, Miss E. Wiltse,' and Ms. E. Radford; auditors, Miss H. Courtice, and Miss H. Turner. Mrs. N. .Carter favored the ladies with a lovely solo . T h e meeting closed with, the Mizpah benediction, and a lovely lunch was served by the ladies of St. George's ward. The,., regular meeting of the Wesley -Willis Girls' Club will take' place at the home of Mrs. C. M. Shearing, Tuesday, Dec. il, at 8 p.m. It will be a Christ mas party. ow( coo/mous , SERVICE Get There Safely! CALL 1 1 ti) ASHTON'S TAXI • -. • • ► s s -o GIRL WANTED for Jewellery Store Single, nice pers'6nality, JOHN A. ANSTETT Jeweller and Watchmaker •-•H44 +404+0 For who so ever' shall call o Name of the Lord . Shall be Saved n the C Network reetreteret u^s' da READ YOUR BIBLE Romans 10-13 CHAS. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles, 53—AB Sundays 4.00 p.m. EST 9A w FLOWERS TELEGRAPHED ANYWHERE Telegraph orders placed early can be forwarded by mail, thereby saving the cost of a telegram or telephone call. We will have a nice selection of: AZALEAS -- BEGONIAS — CHERRIES POINSETTIAS CYCLAMEN VIOLETS PANS FERNS Roses — Carnations — Mums — Etc. K. C. COOKE FLORIST PHONE 66W l 5 ROXY THEATRE CLINTON Now Playing (Dec. 6-8) "I'D. CLIMB THE HIGHEST MOUN- TAIN" starring Susan. Hayward and William. Lundigan MON., TUES., WED. (Dec.,10-12) "THE MINIVEI STORY" This delightful, drama is a sequel to :Mrs. Miniver" and tells the story of a family who survive a war, only to find that peace has its problems. — Greer Carson, Walter -Pidgeon and John Hodiak NOTE: The above featurewill commence at 7 p.m. \ THUR„ 'FRT., SAT. (Dec. 13-15) John Derek, Diana Lynn and George Macready, — The son of 'Robin Hood, aided by the Merry Men, breaks the tyrannical grip of King John over 13th century a England, and wins the King's lovely ward as his bride. "Rogues of Sherwood Forest" In Technicolor WEINDEITIVP PARK THEATRE GODERH7II—Phone 1150 Now: "BIRD OF PARADISE?' In Technicolor, with Jeff Chandler and Louis' Jourdan MON., TUES., WED. William Holden, Nancy Olson and Frank Lovejoy Dramatic romance at its exciting best by Richard Tregaskis, an author who searches the world for adventure. "FORCE OF ARMS" THURS., FRI., SAT. "THE STRIP" A story of. Hollywood's famed Sunset Strip, with a host of wall known entertainers and the na- tion's top -mine bands. Sally Forrest, Phyllis Kirk , and Mickey Rooney CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH - Phone 47 Now: "HURRICANE ISLAND" In Colour,, John Hall and Mario Windsor MON., TUES., WED John Huston, Aut{ie Murphy and Andy Devine I From the novel by Stephen Crane, stirring and factual story of bravery and high purpose during the American Civil ,War. "Red Badge of Courage" THURS FRI., SAT. Gene Autry, Mary Castle and Pat Buttram The popular singing cowboy re- turns in a new outdoor adventure under those same old spacious western skies "Texans Never Cry" Coning: "TERESA" with John Ericson. Fi1,,ned in Italy and New York Coming: Twin Bill—"RUSTY'S. BIRTHDAY" and "HOLIDAY IN HAVANA" Mothers' Study Group Plans Christmas Party The Mother's Study Group, Wesley -Willis Church, met at the home of Mrs. Thomas Steep, Tuesday, November 27, with 16 mothers present. Mrs. H. Currie was In charge, and opened the meeting by read- ing two poems, "Our Job" and "Boyhood to Manhood". The hymn "Our Faith looks up to Thee" was sung, end the Beati- tudes repeated. The minutes and 'correspond- ence were read. The financial report was given by the treas- urer, Mrs. William Grigg. Mrs. R. Shipley read a letter from a soldier to his mother. • It was decided to hold the De- cember meeting, December 12, at Dr. ddsion's home. Mrs. P. Liver hostesses swill be Mrs. Elmer an gil and Mrs. A. McMichael. Two humorous readings, chos- en by the leader were read by Mrs, (Dr.) Addison, and Mrs. W. Grigg, entitled "My Child Scotch Granny" and "How to wash the Living Room Floor." Mrs. Cur- rie chose two articles from Par -- eats' Magazine — "My Children and I tried Politics" and "Do you Talk too Much," The hymn "Sun of my Soul'.' Was sung and the Mizpah benediction closed the meeting. The hostesses, Mrs. W. Murch, and Mrs. W. Holland, with Mrs. Steep, served refreshments end a social time was enjoyed. LEGION AUXILIARY The Ladies' Auxiliary to the. Canadian Legion will meet Mon- day, December 10 at 8 p.m. in the Legion Hall for their Christ- mas party. All members please bring their gifts. ONTARIO ST. W11I5 Ontario St. Woman's- Mission- ary Society will meet at the home of Mrs. John Radford, Tuesday, December 11, at 2.30 p.m. Miss Sybil Courtice will have charge of the devotional period and roll call will be "Love." GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE Order Early to make sure of delivery RCA Victor, Columbia and Capital Records SPARTON RADIOS Moore's Upholstering iRebuilt Furniture PHONE 62 -- New Location, Three Doors From Roxy ♦♦• • H•'4 +4,-. FOk# 4.+ .s-$-M4-h. egCea<ores sees arena{erererabakeserreaiemaireera e me6r, wrereme eraR4- ten p rel emeesm rerealretant. x ti a� Si t FOR THE MAN ON YOUR LIST ''ill Give Him a GIFT CERTIFICATE far a NEW STETSON or CREAN HAT • SPORT SHIRTS • TIE RACKS • GLOVES • PYJAMAS • JEWELERY 4 HANDKERCHIEFS GIFT BOXES! • DRESSING GQWNS • SHIRTS • TIES • SOCKS • SWEATERS • BELTS ,41 SMART SCARVES PLAINS CHECKS PAISLEYS All Shades $1.00 to $6.95 PICKETT CAMPBELL Arrow Shirts --• Stetson Hats PHONE 25 (opposite the theatre) CLINTON •t einem }ereenneirienSrt llaniSi. 'mli