HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-12-06, Page 7watat..statetatatatetmattaatetatarsq..erataP -18444 Hehner Harmonicas can be bought at McEWAN'S GIFT and STATIONERY t' tHURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1951 CLINTON NEWS-RECORI3 PAGE SEVEN News of Brucefield • Ser. and Mrs. T. B. Baird visit- ed in London on Sunday, • Mr. and Mrs R. Scott were Sunday visitors in London, Carl Houston moved a very hearty vote of thanks to the speaker. Mrs. George Griffith, Stratford, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Gordon Elliott, , Mr. and Mrs A. Raterey, their son Paul and baby girl, have left Brucefield to take up • residence • in Clinton. s For the past week, Mr.• and Mrs. J. W. Stackhouse have been visiting ;their son and daughter- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Stackhouse, London. Wednesday evening of last week, the. Woman's Aseociation of Brucefield. United Church,' catered to the IOOF banquet in the basement of, the church, Mr. and Mrs. Orland Johnston, Brucefield, wish to thank their customers for their business dur- ing the past five and one-half years, and hope that they will continue to make their purchases • in the store now owned by Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gray. The gasoline pumps which have for years been in front of Johnson's store at the intersec- tion of -King's Highway 4, and the road. from. Seaforth M Bay- field, have been removed, com- plying with regulations to the effect 'that all pumps on the road- side, must be removed by the end of 1951. Welcome Mr. and Mrs. Gray Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gray and family moved during the week- end to etheir -new home in the village, and have begun business in their store recently purchased from Orland Johnston. We wel- come them to the village. Bride -elect Feted. Two miscellaneous showers *ere given last week ,in honour of Mary Ruth Pullen, Brucefeeld, whp was married to Wilfred David Bezzo, Clinton, on Saturday last. One thower was planned by neighbors, and held at the home of. Mrs. Lucy Bezzo, the groom's mothee, and the other in the Pentecostal Church, was organ- ized by members of the church; Firemen's Euchre The firemen held. a very suc- cessful euchre in the 100F lodge rooms on Tuesday evening of this week. All tables were filled. Prize winners were: ladies, Mrs. Stewart Baird and Mrs. Donald Gray. Gents, J. R. Murdock and Donald Gray. (Lunch was served by the com- mittee Id charge. Tickets were also sold on a quilt and a draw OBITUARY • MRS. JOHN STEEP Feneral service for Mrs. John Steep, 83, Colborne , Township, were held Friday'afternoon, No- vember 30, at the Brophey fun- eral home, Goderich, ,conducted by Rev. Joseph Harrower, of Benrniller United,Church. Inter- ment was in Colborne Cemetery. Mrs. Steep died at the home of hei' daughter, Mrs. Jonathan Fisher, Maitland Concession, Col- borne Township, November 28. A native of England, she came at the age of three, with her parents, the late Richard and Anna Prouse -Jennings, who set- tled in Colborne Township.' • Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Fisher, and a sister, Miss Priscilla Packwood, of Arlington, Virginia. MRS. SAMUEL POTTER Services, for Mrs. Samuel Pot- ter, 91, who died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Elliott liar - will be made at a future date. rison, Stratford, were conducted at Goderich Saturday afternoon, Brucefield WA December 1, by Rev. Joseph liar - The Woman's Association of rower, Beni -Miler United. Church, Brucefield United Church, met on lin the Ceanston-Walters funeral Tuesday, December. 4, with, a home, and interment made in good attendance. The Scripture,Colborne Cemetery. Her Illisband lesson was read by Mrs. •W. died hi 1917. Breadeoot from Matt, 2, verses ' Before going to Stratford four 1-11. Mrs. B. Keyes spoke on Years ago, she had always lived "God's Gift to Man." Hymn 53 in Colborne Township. was sung, Mrs. W. Broadfoot led Surviving are /lye sons, Lee, in prayer. The members repeat- Lyman and Clarence, Detroit; ed the creed in unison. Mrs. L. Roy, Neenah, Wisconsin; Ruseell, Wilson read the minutes of the New Baltimore, and three daugh- ters, Mrs. James McIntyre, Nile; Mrs. Stanley Hayden, Goderich; Mrs. Elliott Harrison, Stratford; 12 grandchildren and nine great- grandchildren, previous meeting. Roll call was answered by a verse on "Christmas." Mrs. H. Berry gave the treasurer's re- port. A letter of appreciation was read from Mrs. G. Elliott. Mrs. Dalrymple and Miss Bowey were appointed auditors. The group leaders handed in their funds, the total of which was $1,338.40, with a few mite boxes still to come in. The meet- ing closed with the singing of hymn 364.Miss Martha McDon- alK is to be president .for 1952; A socialist is willing to share what he has with you—provided you help him squeeze some more out of the other guy. A com- munist is willing to share every- thing you've got. DANCING CLINTON TOWN HALL Friday, December 7 Modern Music by Mrs. Henderson's Orchestra, of Wingham Dancing 10 to 1 Admission 50c 49-p You are Cordially Invited to Attend A DAIRY MEETING TOWN HALL, CLINTON Monday, Dec. 10-8.00 p.m. A very Interesting Film will, be Shown, covering all the phases of the growing and managing of a DAIRY HERD in order to obtain maximum Milk Profits, and minimium cow and calf losses, , A Representative from The RALSTON PURINA COMPANY will be on hand to bring out such important points as: "Why Too Much Fat In Your Growing Stock Produces Sterility In Heifers" "The Cause Of Scours In Young Calves" "How Acetonemia, Milk Fever and Mastitis Can Be Controlled" Why It's Always The Best Cow That Goes Wrong" "The Importance Of Grass Silage, Loafing Barns, Etc." This is a meeting of a Select Group of Local Dairymen, so we are particularly anxious that you be our guest on this occasion. Contact your neighbor, bring ' him along with you. Lunch Served after the Meeting J. 0. TYNDALL CLINTON ONTARIO Wg-telOg49-b • . MZ4MI. aleleig-KAMKOZW.gtaVeg-tatatatigSetC41$ • fazdar FOR MOR -LEY C. HART Funeral services were held in Toronto Thursday afternoon, No- vember 29, for the late. Morley J. Hart, beloved husband of Muriel C. King. Bayfield, from the Chapel of Morley St. Bedford, 159 Eglinton Ave. W. at Leseelles Blvd., to Mount Pleasant Ceme- tery. Deceased passed away Tuesday, November 27, at the age of 55, after a brief illness, in his home at 42 Barnaby Blvd., Toronto. Mr. Hart was born in Picton, received his teaching certificate at the Faculty of Education in Toronto, and taught in Toronto schools all his life. He taught in Quentin Street School, Allenby Public School, became principal of Davisville Public School in 1942 and in 1949 became Prin- cipal of Davenport School. He served with the Canadian Army in the First World War. He was active in community centre work. He is survived by his wife; and two sons. Charles and Ron- ald, and one daughter, Mrs. Bruce Winter (Helen). 0 SUMMERHILL The November meeting of Sum- merhill Ladies' Club was held at the home of Mrs. Earl Blake with. 29 members and eight visitors present. The meeting opened by singing the Maple Leaf. For the December meeting, it was decid- ed that each member bring a gift for a child, costing 50 cents. During the afternoon presenta- tions on behalf of the club were made to Mrs. Lezet by Mrs. Sid Lansing and Mrs. W. Penfound; to Mrs. J. Gerrits, by Mrs. Percy Glbbings and Mrs. Ivan Hoggart; to Mrs. Westerhout, by Mrs. Billy Jenkins and Mrs. Keith Tyndall, Mrs. Allan Neal read the address of presentation in Dutch and in English. Mrs Lazet expressed the thanks for herself, Mrs. Gerrits and Mrs. Westerhout for the use- ful gifts. The raffle was won by Mrs. W. Penfound, The December meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. Cheater Farquhar. The Mich committee will be Mrs. H. Lobb, Mrs. Grace Rapson, Mrs. Sid Lansing and Mrs. A. Hay- ward. Those on the programme committee are Mrs. W. Lovett, Mrs. Charles Merrill, Mrs. Qray- don Neal and Mrs!, Allan Neal. COSTS-C)NLY 7, t • Christmas Suggestions from our Store.... Electric Blankets Electric -Warming' Pads • AUTOMATIC TOASTERS — IRO NS TRAVELLING IRONS IN CASE SLEIGHS FOR ALL AGES For FATHER or SON ee 'our collection of TOOLS at Hawkins Hardware PHONE 244 CLINTON, ONT. 'wrsraorortruarsor000eznmnfifiiat...................._._._.m......srrarrutord*rmerrsor*PmsrsrArwa-ZaaRW)4'2"M'2"'""oo44'o,v"''"h"O'oi 1 if.alnilY trees. AsnOng others als' STANLEY r ending his birthday party at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hard, on the Baby- -7 Ion Line, Stanley Township, were Mrs. George Baird and lyfise his mother and father, his grand - Audrey Baird are visiting this mother, Ale's. Nelson Heard, Baye week in Toronto. lieirelpda,raknerd, ghlr:nedrfeaatthegrr,anClinstoothpethe, Four Generations Mm.Laivreeon, who is 85 Young Edward Heard celebrat- Years old. His greet: grandmother ed his first birthday, in the comp- on his mother's side of the house, any of his family on Monday Mrs. Catharine Parker, Beyfield, night, December 3. Edward' is is 93, and was unable to attend the fourth generation, of two the party. Goderich Township A large group of Goderich and Stanley Township friends and neighbors, met at the new home of Mr. end Mrs. John Woon, Friday evening, November 30. An address was read by Gren Wise, signed on behalf of the neighbors and" friends, Mrs. El- mer Trick, on behalf of the cora- Imunity, presented' them with an ' automatic iron and toaster. Mr. and Mrs. Woon, made fitting progressive euchre was played, Mrs: Ed Glenn and, John Smith were high winners, end Mr% ' Johnston and John' Perdue re- ceived consolation prizes, Clar- ence Perdue favoured the group 'with , violin selections, Allan ,Lightfoot very ably sang several 'Scotch songs. Auld Lang', Syne :brought the enjoyable evening to a close. reter• eVemozeteeteemeeeteieteireeeetmetreeieleseeeeeeeeeeeeereraiereeve „ eierereiegeweseeeciereweememeeiesialerereteie eivereiremerepePerekee Your Gift Headquarters Smoking Gifts 4 Pipes Pouches • Lighters • Cigarette Cases. Cigarettes, flat 50's movz-mrep.rmwercrerocerverzwroagtE Toiletry Sets For Her "!,/to frISI qj tiv Evening in Paris FABERGE REVLON CUTEX COTY LENTHER1C DOROTHY GRAY YARDLEY HARRIET HUBBARD AY.ER MAX FACTOR 7-X-MC,(1-V-CC:=VC4C-tlitWZMIWatrAitVegnattrVg-tVOF Unique tp Photo F Apis g., ??, Service 515 aill=ti-DarablfierDr-Z*MarEIS.N.DrOi2a4Dr.NomParzarar-,,armr*karDarmarmrkmarn'?ray.41,s1.4V.,NPISS.M4-24Pilieeberaleeeetesettieesereeeeteretreeteseteteteleetatkeiereireeiere'ieteletereeri eeirgeffilerere eek140e,„. _ 0 It pa ci Toiletry Bar COLOGNES by' Dorothy Gray Bourjois Yardley Shulton Hudnut Clifton Wrisley Lucien LeLong Coty : .ckzietmervate-tomtetekctErmogimmtzev WOODBURY'S Men's Set $1.25 PALMOLIVE Gift Box for Men $2.25 COLGATE Gift Boxes for Men $1.35 Ii I Razors ELECTRIC RAZORS Schick Remington Sunbeam Phillip Other Razors Rolls Gillette Schick Injector Gillette Gem '4 Wilkinson 1 e4Ciete4Oeteterteelitieleeleeireeeeedetetret-teSteeie Useful Gifts FOR HIM FITTED CASES, UTILITY CASES A MILITARY BRUSH SETS Is PERKIN'S BILLFOLDS CASHMERE BOUQUET SHAVING SETS Cosmetic Gift Boxes ii,,, Seaforth • Wrisley , 1,7 Lentheric Woodbury p. $1.79 - $2.00 - $3.00 p., Colgate Palmolive- i ag Old Spice Williams • ,s 4,5 s.4gta.PatVaVata-tateM4e-ts3W-MstkVaVaiMaatata.ta.:SW,-at-.14-tatcstVatalatZtatV.Tz!,F.Watakt-tztafamtawzratararatawre"g 0 Phone 14 Clinton a • ..,:eghte, 'eler ' 11i le SLIPPERS FOR HIM INO*114, 1.1 401 iTO: Gifts of LEATHER Several styles in Moccasins, Opera, Romeo from 2.95 HANDBAGS FOR HER Many styles in Calf, Cowhide, Morocco and Kid Leathers from 4.95 FOR HER—Train Cases Overnights Wardrobe Cases Aeropacks Leather or Plastic Billfolds FOR HIM—Gladstones Aeropacks Suitcases Briefcases' Billfolds and Wallets AIKEN'S LEATHER GOODS STORE ere4Fieer4T, . MAW attat, takt,iW, '41,e Mrintrar4N,V6 87/010114 :5, 0 ,