HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-12-06, Page 6PAGE SIX • CLINTON NEWS -RECORD • THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1951' News of Auburn (Intended for last week) Donald Ross, Oakville, wasL a 'weekend visitor with his nahther, Mrs. F. Ross. William Smiley of the West, is visiting his sisters, Mm William Dodd and Mrs. J. C. Clark. Miss Laura Wilson, London, •spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. Malveen. ' 4 Mrs. 'William Straughan and Mrs. Charles Scott are visiting friends' at Kitchener. Miss Amelia 1V1ellwain is visit- • ing Mr. and Mrs. Willows Moun- • tain, Loridesboro. Mrs. R. D. Munro visited her daughter, M. R, G. Mug 'an4 Mr. Line, Toronto, Miss Mary Houston, Hamilton, Miss Francis HouSton, RN,, Lon- don, were weekend visitors with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. Houston. Reg. Ast1:41th, Islington, and Harold Asquith, Lakefield, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, C. E. Asquith. Mr. and Mrs, William Stewart have moved' to Auburn to the house they purchased from Percy Yungblut. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fowler over the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Howard 1V1a- Caulay and Mrs. William Henry, Flesherton. Peter Patterson, Champion, Alta., is visiting his sister, Mrs. William Anderson and other rela- tives, Mr. Patterson came east to attend the funeral of his bro- ther, Roy Patterson, Goderich.. John Yungbla and daughter, Madeline and Mrs. Charles Nev- ins attended the funeral' last Fri- day of Mrs. Noble of Crawans- town, who Was killed in a car accident. Mrs. Noble was a niece of Mr, Yungblut, Benefit Dance A benefit dance was held in the Forester's Hall for Bill Dobie. Durnig the evening he was pre- sented with $115. Bill, 11 -year- old son of 'Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dobie, suffered a badly fracttif- ed leg 'last August and is still going on crutches. Library Concert The annual library concert described by many as the best yet, was held Friday' night in the Forester's Hall. Dr. B. C. Weir presided for the first part el the program but was called away to attend the sick, and Harry Sturdy substituted for the remainder of the program. The program was presented by the pupil's of six local public schools, namely: Auburn school •-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•••-•-•-• *4 • •-4-1-0-0-0-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-• • • • 44-•-• • • • • • •-•-• Autumn 'Weddings MATHESON—BALSOR with matching accessories and a Formerly on the staff of Clin- Miss Shirley Balsor attended her. corsage of pink Delight roses ton Public Hospital, MainrymBalrainiachgeo sloreeert,_iewogtaeafinagresos, rose Balser, was united 'velvetroya with William Ross Matheson, in a double -ring ceremony, per- formed in The Free Church of Scotland, Chesley, by Rev. Wil- liam, Matheson, father of the groom, Saturday; November 24, 1951, The bride's mother is Mrs, Christina Balsor, Hamilton. The 'bride's brother, Harold Ballsor, gave her ko. !marriage. She wore a street -length dress of matching royal blue velvet, 10, it." 144 $11.4 4.4 40.4,14.44,1-11,4 0.4.9Z41, 444 -..1.144:13i1 1: ...IWO!: .4. 44)013.11 1.1 frith Miss McIver as teacher; S.S.. No, 9 Hullett, Miss McFarlane, teacher; s.s. No. 2 West Wawan- osh, Miss Murdock, teacher;. U.S.S. No. 11, Robert Ferris, teacher; No, 16 East,Wawanosh, Carl Mills, teacher; and Westfield school with Miss Ada Dow as teacher, The program opened by two choruses by No. 9 school follow- ed by a Pontomine, "The Old Car" and a chorus, also from No. 9 school. A- piano solo by Allen Webster of No. 2 school, also a recitation by Joan Mills, a, dance by the girls and a trio by Betty and George Durnin and Jim Mills all of No. 2 school. The Auburn school presented a skit by the boys, "The Human Ford." The Highland Fling by the girls and a chorus by the senior pupils. Misses Lila, Ellen and Edna Deer of U.S.S. No. 11 rendered a trio. Miss Greta Arbor of Goderich, favored with a dance. S.S. No, 16 presented a monologue by William Ander- son, a chorus by the school and acrobatic stunts. Ronald Snell of Westfield school gave a recitation, a piano solo by Gwen McDowell, recitation by Sylvia Wharton, a girls' double trio, e monologue by Doreen Howatt and a number by the trio, all from Westfield school. The program concluded with a dance by Greta Arbor. The pian- ists for the evening were Miss Margaret Jackson, MM. NW. J. Craig, Miss McIvor and Mrs. N. McDowell. • A vote of thanks was extended to all the teachers, music super- visors and the pupils for the ex- cellent program they had pre- sented. All public school child- ren receive free reading from the brought the evening to a close, library. SavetheKing Pre:: erSia: Mrs. F. 0. Mcllveen gave her home for the November meeting of the WMS of Knox Presbyter- ian Church. The meeting was in Pontiac Coachy charge -of the president, Mrs. W. " Good, with Mrs. Don Haines pre - Chevrolet Coach, completely re- '4'siding at the piano. The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer repeated in unison. The devotion- al period was in charge of Mrs. Wes Bradnock who read the ;Scripture, gave meditation on • .e, i•I:=,. T44 Z. I '4 $ * 1 1 1, 1.951 Chevrolet deluxe •Coach 3:X 1951 Chevrolet Styleline Sedan, brand new ..t. 1951 Chevrolet deluxe Styleline Sedan, X 1 • brand new + 1 1950 Chevrolet deluxe Styleline Sedan if P:3 1950 Pontiac Sedan X 4 1 .1949 Chevrolet Styleline Sedan ii, Two 1949 — Chevrolet deluxe Styleline i '43 Sedans, both with custom radio arid i., • J. to air conditioning 1949 Chevrolet Styleline Coach N , I 948 Chevrolet Fleetline Coach, fully- vW,AgitoOtt. Tzti,;; • k ALEXANDER—CASTLE (By.our Hensall corresPondent) 'The wedding of Mary Lillian Castle and Witham John Alex.: •-•-•-•-••-•-o-4,-..-•-•-4-*-4-4-44-4,-4,4-6-o-•-•-•-•-wo-4-e-s-4,-4-**-•-•-•-•-•-p-o-4,44a ander, Hensall, was solemnized by Rev. Stanley A. Alloote at • Ikldy Crawford, IVilanitdba, has held at the usual hour, 10.30 am. Grace United Church, London, been visiting friends, 'in and a- Miss Mary Caldwell, London, Saturday, November 17, 1951, in round Londesboro. , is spending her holidays with her a setting of white' and yellow ,Mrs. Ed Yungblutt entertained mother, Mrs, R. Caldwell, uhrYeanthemurns, ferns and glow- the Grandmothers' Club on Tues - B -L YPU Meets ing. tapers. Organist was Edwin day of this week. blue accessories and, a corsage ott Lipskey, and Mel Capener sang. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tara:ay/1 The B -L YPILI held their reg - white carnations. Charles Thom- The bride is the daughter of Mr, end jack visited Mr. and Mrs. War meeting in the basement of son was groomsman and ,ushers and Mrs, Norman Castle, London, Nermen Carter, Clinton, Sunday. Londesboro United Church Sun - were Donald Halsor and Rod and the groom is the son of Mr. Miss A. McIlwain, Auburn, hais day night and was in charge of Matheson. Iend Mrs. William Alexander, returned after visiting with Mrs, thecitizenshipgroup. The bTyheGrancallt Snell after which hymn 242 was • sung. Evelyn Young read the Scripture, 'followed with prayer by Ola Fangrad. Mrs. Fangrad sang a solo. A 'film entitled "The Church Moves In," was shown • after which the offering was tak- en up. This part of the meeting • Was brought to a 'close by sing- ing hymn 237., Following the business periodlunch was served . and the evening Was brotight to a close with "taps." News of Londesboro At a reception at, Parkview ensall. Manor, the bride's mother was Mr. Castle gave his daughter in dressed in a wine, gabardine suit, Marriage. She was gowned in with black aecesisories and a cor- ,white lace and net over satin, sage of white carnations. The 'styled on. Martha Washington groom's mother chose a light blue lines, with lace jacket, extending suit with matching accessories at the,,back to a train, A pearl - and a corsage of pink carnations, studded coronet held her finger For a trip to Eastern Ontario, tip veil of French allusion, and the bride donned a navy coat she carried a shower bouquet of with matching accessories. The red roses, _ couple will live in Chealey, Miss Iris Louise Castle was her sister's only attendant, wearing a gown of powder blue crepe and lace and carrying yellow chry-' santhemurns, Cecil Dilling was groomsman, and ushers , were David Castle and Robert Simp- son. Receiving guests .in the church hall after the serviee, the bride's mother wore a dress of wine figured rayon' with a cor sake of white and wine chrysen- thernums, and the groom's moth- er wore a green crepe dress with corsage of white and red baby chrysanthemums. The bride's travelling outfit consisted of navy gabardine suit. wine wool topcoat, navy acces- sories and a corsage of white chrysanthemums. After a wed- ding trip to the Southern States, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander will live at Hensall. '----- — hi 4). equipped 1947 Pontiac Sedan 1941 1941 PRIESTAP—WILD St. Peter's Church, Drysdale,' was the scene at 9 a.m. Saturday, November 24, 1951, of the mar- riage of Veronica Agnes Wild, Clinton, daughter of Mrs. Wild, Bayfield ; and the late V. Wild, to Oscar George Priestap, Clin- ton, son of 'Fred Priestap, Seb- ringville, and the late Mrs. Priestap. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. Father Bourdeau, Given in marriage bt- her bro- ther, Joseph Wild, Clinton, the bride chose a street -length dress of royal blue French crepe with velvet trim, matching hat and a corsage of pink 13riarcliffe roses. Mrs. Theo Flynn, Clinton, the bride's only attendant, wore a street -length dress of wine taf- feta, matching accessories and a corsage of yellow roses. Theo Flynn, Clinton, was grobmsman. At the reception end dinner which f allowed at "The Little Inn", Bayfield, the bride's mother received in an afternoon dress of navy crepe, navy accessories, and a corsage of white, carnations. Following a motor trip. to the United States, Mr. and Mm Priestap will reside in Clinton. W Mountain and Mrs. E. Josling. Mrs. Howard Partlow and Miss D Little, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Ro- bert Townsend. Mrs. William Lyon went to Hamilton last week end will spend the winter at the home of her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jaok 1VIoroso. Callers on Mrs. Joseph Manning recently were Mr. and Mrs. Will Marsh, Goderich, Mrs. H. Meg - ridge, Auburn, and Arthur Marsh, of 1VIalitia,,Man. White Gift Service The White Gift Service of the Sunday School will be held next Sunday, December 9. This will be a joint service with the reg- ular‘church service and will be conditioned 1940 Hudson Coach 1940 Plymouth Coach, re -conditioned 1939 Plymouth Coach sracg.ecalainwda61:reUrcr.a verseTe ' 41 of Scripture containing the word I"Faith." A reading was given TRUCKS"Down through the years" corn - 195'! Miss Minnie Wagner. A paper r, !piled by Mrs, J. S. Dobie, press 1 95 Chevrolet Pick-up, brand new ,secretary of the Hamilton Lon- don Conference, was read by Mrs. 1950 Chevrolet three -quarter -ton Stake Fred Ross. The offering was re- ceived by Sharon Stewart. Mrs. Good read a letter from Miss Inez SPECIALS 9° • P en ny, who had been a leader of ' was decided 'to hold the Decem- the Vocational Bible School. It 1950 METEOR COACH, $1,650 ft iber meeting a week earlier which V. will be held at the home of Mrs. 0 4- 4++ g F 'ire" 1st vice-president, Mrs. 'IF. 0, MdIveen, took charge for the election of officers which Ce - 4. as follows: President, Mrs. X W. Good; 1st vice-president, Mrs. F 0 Mellveen; 2nd vice-presi- * 'X. h.41 14` ;:e• .e, NEW CARS Shirtmakers say the preference of Canadian n-ien for shirts with generous shoulder room reflects the fact that this is 'a vigorous young country of hard-working people. 0 Toronto has more workers on a five-day week than any other Canadian city. WirZtetanteVeTnletlIsZ743.0,47-MMOZEZEMAMKRat•MakitMatetMteterstr4; • SO' CHEVROLET, PONTIAC, BUICK, , OLDSMOBILE, FORD, METEOR Approximately 24-hour service with choice of colours REGULAR LIST PRICE -9-•-4.4.•4•4-4-4 • 4-0-•-•-• • CASH — TRADE — TERMS . • OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 10 O'CLOCK Brussels Motors Huron County's Foremost Used Car Dealer Phone 73-X BRUSSELS 7 W'RtV44:4FFPFP144R4-0-04.44;r44.41,744414r443411.1MINEI ^ .... '10.64.4-erAvaetegiVeiglargieietersigieretaergrerereiaimeogkaetreeteer-re,, II go dent, Mrs. Ed Davies; secretary - treasurer, Mrs. Jack Hallam, as- sistant, Mrs. Fred Ross; Home Helpers' secretaries, Miss Minnie Wagner and Mrs. Roy Deer; welcome and welfare secretary, Mrs. Edgar Lawson; supply secre- taries, Mrs. Herb Govier, Mrs. J. W. Graham; literature secre- tary, Mrs. J. Houston; Glad Tid- ings secretary, Mrs. Gordon Dob- ie; pianist, Mrs. J. Houston; as- sistant, Mrs. Don Haines; flower committee, Mrs. E. 0. IVIcIlveen, Mrs. P. Ross; Ladies' Aid offic- ers: President, Mrs. Wes Brad - nock; secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Edgar Lawson. A vote of thanks was extend- ed to all the 1951 officers. The meeting closed with a hymn. The hostess, assisted by Mrs. W. T. Robison, served dainty refresh- ments. 4 te/44:e-M-!Mgtair'i, TtagieteMeiereigiersretelei•e 41; As a precautionary measure, the war -conscious Swiss govern- ment urges housewives to carry • at least a four-month 'backlog•of sugar at all times. 8 6 is 0•1 STOCKED in Colors: White Brown and Black STYLED: in Blucher, Oxford and Straps SIZED: for Infants, Starting -to -walk, and from size 5 d,4. to the largest size in Misses. e Skipalong Footwear is well constructed, twat in appearance, comfortable to wear, 0 6 e sold at reasonable prices and stocked in t N Clinton at Cliff rd Lobb St.re11 STORE OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY IN DECEMBER 661-Dr.DMMIZOMIDOINDy.MaatWatrOtOrPtIMY=13faZD'atVi-:--iar=5-4r,axw.. (az-alai John A. Jeweller and Watchmaker PHONE 562 nstett CLINTON . , ..twomeortatztetmatmletzwerozavz-rztpoz,zwrommaki,,,:trvammetatoweer emewetewmatezzatevetwoomevozmlatcem-tatawvomatavetz-tglam-kga Mixed Nuts Brazil Nuts Fruits Pineapple `Rings Seeded Raisins Bowes' Shelled Walnuts Budded Walnuts Candy Peel Dates White Raisins Almond Icing Shelled Almonds • Shelled Pecans • DON'T FORGET! OUR STOCK IS FRESH! Rumball's Grocery PHONE 86 WE DELIVER moograkAzwo,,hozoiommat. 11 3$2 Imagine favourite entertainers, major sports meets, picture news coverage and a hoist of other events—RIGHT IN YOUR OWN LIVING ROOM! Television makes it possible. Make it a TV CHRISTMAS this year—a gift FROM the family TO the family! Every set in our store is en - ADMIRAL gineered to provide for all new 'developments in the years valises as low as $275 ahead, SEE THEM DEMON- STRATED TODAY! Wi / 04 $e•tio y V4-Dz "=ft antairatleMP 'u - ,(GIFT ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES, TOO!) Groves Electric 4 51 6 'A 0 41 soS Si "'HURON ST. PHONE 6884 „4 teMailetteelekali0000troatimovatdowattatoOlitamoimom2bnommootao*oiloOkikomaito‘g.