HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-11-29, Page 7I11URSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1951. CLINTON NLrWS-RECORD PACO tailon a tral Park 111ew Editor: P/O C: H. LOCHNEAD, Station PRO Phone 388 Local 39 AROS Gym OpenIng Proves Gai.a Affair The skirl of the pipes, the '`lusty cheers of station and Air 'Officer School personnel and the enthusiasm of the Flight Cadets una staff athletes ushered in the :inauguration of the ARDS gyro- ' nasium at RCAF Station, Clinton. Gaily decked out in flags, complete with bleachers, the itamiliar smell of hot dogs, the "competitive efforts of Flight Cad- •ets versus staff, and the varied attire of the respective teams, lent an atmosphere for a real 'sporting evening. The need for another gyannas- -luan was apparent end what had been a storage area, is now con- 'verted into a gymnasium embody- ing courts for volleyball, 'flour hockey and ping pang. Mats for tumbling, stall bars for 'condi toning, basketball and badminton courts are on the way. This was accomplished by voluntary 'help. S/L Baynton, Officer Com- manding Air Radio"Officer-School spoke. briefly on the -Purpose 'of ARCS Gym and opened what turned out to be a most success- ful evening of competitive sport. A group: of 18 flight cadets. were paraded into the gy'in with bagpipes played by F/L Halcrow and I,AC Ross. An interesting d:,stplay of calisthenics w,as per- formed under the leadership of Sgt. Frank Hasnon, the Air Radio Officer School physicsal and re- creation training instructor. Immediately following the calisthenic display, the Command- ing Officer, G/C E. A, D. Hutton spoke briefly and complimented the staff and flight cadet organ- ization for 'their forsight and in- itiative in developing their own gymnasium. He stressed, the necessity for maintaining good health, particularly through the medium of competitive sports. G/C Hutton expressed confidence that the gym would become an important factor in the health and welfare of the flight cadet or- ganziation and AROS as a whole. Weekend Specials: -at -RUMBALL'S 'Thurs.-Fri.-Sat., -Nov. 29 -30 -Dec. 1 ;to lbs SUGAR ,... 1.12 :King TOMATOES, 28 oz...,......... 25c •Westminster'Toilet Tissue ,.,.. 3 for 32c Stokely's Kidney Beans, 15 oz. ... 17c Glen Valley 'CORN, 15 oz.... 2 for 25c Rumbail's I.G.A. Grocery Phone 86 Mil mom We Deliver tevelvekvet ';Rg+6'e metze.-tc G'lgoato. "ut.:e+ 1C+.t levectw 4 r CHAPMANS' BEAUTY SPECIALTY SHOPPE SPECIAL PRE -XMAS SALE REDUCED DRESSES — SKIRTS -- 'BLOUSES SWEATERS — Phone 357R — DiRiAM-DM2` team( ir9't`d DM -2t` 220Miby9197DM-Z19t`2irateiaa7ani lanainat Babies Are A Favorite subject with us. Make an appointment now and have yours photographed every year. You'll be glad ,you did. MacLaren's Studio (CLINTON and GODERICH) PHONE 401 Clinton or Goderich (same number both places) CLLNTON STUDIO ' open TUESDAYS and THURSDAYS '1.30 to 7.30 p.m. and SATURDAY Evenings (other times by appointment) Personnel Changes G/C R. C. Stovel, AFC; 30, Winnipeg, has been transferred. to Landon, England, where he will assume duties as the RCAF mem- ber of the Military Standardiza- tion Agency Air Board, it was announced to -day by Air- Force Headquarters. 0/C Stovel serv- ed previously as the Senior Per- sonnel Staff Officer at RCAF Training Command headquarters, in Trenton. a r• a W/C Frank W. Bell, DFC, CD, 36, Brandon, Man., has been pro- moted to the rank of Group. Captain. Presently Director of Air Operations at Air Force Head- quarters in Ottawa, 0/C Ball has held many senior positions since he joined the RCAF in. 1938. A lively (Floor hockey game followed, in which Course 25 of the Flight Cadets played against AROS staff team, consisting of officers and airmen. This proved to be a most exciting game with the youth of Course 25 defeating the age of the staff to the tune of 7-1. Simultaneously a volley- ball game between Courses 28 and 30 was in progress. This was a spirited display with the winner being course 3Q, Between periods of floor hoc- key, Sgt. Jack Varleau put on an excellent exhibition of weight lifting, interspersed with a com- mentary of the history, purpose, science and skill of this manly sport. Floor hockey was resum- ed for another period, and at the conclusion of the game, F/0 Sturgess, Sturgess, the station sports offic- er, presented trophies to the win- ning teams. The organization of the AROS Gym under whose leadership the gym was developed is comprised of the following: Sports Officer, F/L W. J. Hynds; sports com- mander, F/C P. A. Dion; assist- ant sports commander, F/C W. Chitra; PR & TI, Sgt. F. Harron; assistant Flight Cadets, Graham, Carnal, Gray, Desjardins, and Doucet; Floor hockey, Flight Cadets Dion, McGuire, Nelson, MacKay, Penfold, King, Johnson, Macara, Williams, Wipond and Caithness; staff floor hockey, S/L Boynton, S/L Duff, F/L Hynds, F/L Mil- ler, F/G Bangs, Sgt. Butler, Cpl. Foster, LAC Lindsay and LAC Kallbfl.eisch; volleyball players, Flight Cadets McNeil, Cutsey, Iiaenni, Innes, Smyth, Doucette, Nadon, Diffley, Barclay and Red- dyhoff; pingpong, Flight Cadets Williams, Rowden, Belgrave and McKay. Referees: floor hockey, F/C Desjardins and F/C Chitra. Time keepers, F/C Kostenuck, McKenzie and Flemming. Volley- ball judges, F/C Tetlock and F/C Schultz. W. N. COUNTER Huron County's Oldest Established Jewellery Store. Its Cam fop Rio@ G c c c@ -.-arra-K�-1-�"► ADASTRAL PARD PATTER Welcome home to Sgt. Brown on his return from temporary duty in Montreal! F/S and Mrs. R. W. Pfaff and family spent an enjoyable week- end in Mount Forest, F/S and Mrs. C. G. Kelly end daughters visited relatives in Sarnia over the weekend. Mrs. L. G. Mitchell entertained at bridge at her home on Tues- day -evening, November 20. W. K. Bangs, Ottawa, was a weekend guest of F/O and Mrs. T. J. Bangs, 2 Toronto Blvd. WO2 and Mrs. E. Knablauoh Land children spent ounuay with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Knoblauch, Hessen. Capt. and Mrs. C. G: Grant and children spent the weekend in Durham, with Capt. Grant's parents. WO2 and Mrs. R. W. Holder - show and Mary Lynne visited Mr. and Mrs. C. Henry, Drayton, over the weekend. ' Sgt. Fred Lanouette and F/S Tommy Lamont left .Saturday afternoon for a three weeks' course at St. Hulbert, Que. Mrs. W. E. Westwell, Barbara and Dennis, left for their new home in North Bay on Monday afternoon, after spending the weekend with F/S and Mrs. W. A. Turnbull and family. Their many friends wish them much happiness. s a a BIRTHDAY PARTIES A birthday party was held held November 24 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Chambers, 57 Winnipeg Rd., in honour of their son, Eddies, eleventh birth- day. Gerry Norris had' 16 little friends to his home on Monday afternoon to help him celebrate his birthday. Janie Bangs celebrated her fifth birthday on November 16 when she invited twelve guests to her home at 2 Toronto Blvd. They all enjoyed the fish pond and treasure hunt before the treats. a: a a Surprise Party Happy birthday to Mrs. A. Brown who was surprised by a party held in her honour at the home of Mrs. C. Hazelwood, 56 Winnipeg Rd. on November 23. WOODY HERMAN THRILLS RCAF AND FRIENDS (By Sgt. Fred Barkley . Monday, November 26, brought the grand reopening of one of the finest Recreation Centres of the RCAF, .nemely Roundel Ter - `race at RCAF .Sta'tien, Clinton, Wood Herman's nationally fa- mous dance .band, direct from Hollywood, thrilled hundreds of enthusiastic fans from district RCAF stations. During t h e course of the evening, Woody captivated his audience with his sparkling wit and scintillating dance music. The highlight of the evening was when Woody and his boys gave renditions of some old fav- ourites which made him famous in the music world. They went all out on their original version of "Caledonia". The traps artist gave the longest and most excit- ing drum solo ever witnessed by fans attending. Airforce personnel and guests showed their appreciation of the evening's fine performance by swarming the Herman Band Stand for autographs of all members of the band. Dolly Houston, female vocalist, captured the hearts of all with her beauty, talent and her reedy compliance with all request num- bers. The dance committee consist- ing of F/L Don Kyle, LAC Bob Christensen and LAC Bill Lobb, felt that their efforts were re- warded by the knowledge that everyone enjoyed themselves to the utmost. Stories for Boys: Roy Rogers, Red Ryder, Gene Autry, Hopalong Cassidy, at McEWAN'S Stationery Store Air Cadet Squadron. The Aid Cadets of Goderioh wish to extend an invitation to boys to join their Squadron. Re. - cent recruits are AC2 Donald Craig, AC2 Gordon Chambers and AC2 Bobby Cameron. Speedy Recovery We all wish a speedy recovery to Ronnie Carter who has been admitted to War Memorial Sick Children's Hospital in London. sr.. :r. Too Late for Parade When Mrs. Burns, Bonnie, John and Judy went to Toronto to see the big Santa Claus parade they missed it in a huge traffic aan., but they sew Santa after all and also had, a visit with Mrs. Burns' sister, Mrs. Armstrong. uv tk a: Sunday School Teachers Meeting A 'meeting for Sunday School teachers was held at the home of Mrs. K. McLean. During the evenjing plans were made ;for the children's Christmas program. Following the meeting, delicious refreshments were served. RECIPE Glazed Chocolate Cookies 11/4 cups flour 14 tsp. soda I/4 tsp. salt 1/2 cup butter or substitute 1 cup sugar 1 egg, unbeaten 2 squares unsweetened choc. 1/2 cup milk 1 tsp. vanilla 1 cup chopped nuts Cream butter and sugar until fluffy. Add egg and beat well. Stir in melted chocolate. Add mills and then vanilla. Lastly, add flour sifted with" salt and soda end then the nuts. Drop by teaspoon on ungreased baking sheet and bake in 350° oven. When cool spread on Glaze. TR make Glaze: Melt 1 tbsp. butler and 1 sq. unsweetened chocolate. Combine 11/2 tbsps. hot milk, dash of salt and 1 cup icing sugar. Add chocolate mixture and blend well. LONDESBORO . WMS Thankoffering The postponed autumn Thank - offering meeting of the W M S was held on Tuesday, November 20, with the president, Mrs. F. Tamblyn, presiding. The call to worship wes read, followed by singing hymn 17, and prayer. Roll call was given by Mrs. W. Gov- ier and card of appreciation from the Bell family was read. Clothing for the needy in Korea was spoken of, such es gowns and other needful articles for babies were greatly needed es well as bedding, etc. Mrs. R. Townsend, Mrs. Nellie Watson and Mrs. N. Alexander were named to bring in the slate of officers for 1952. .And those who have mite boxes please bring them to the December meeting which will be held on Dec. 13. The Study Book was taken by several members. Mrs. Bert Al- len and Mrs. Margaret Manning sang a duet, "Ivory Palaces" and Miss P. McCool sang a pleasing solo. The chosen speaker was Mrs. S H. Brenton, who took as her topic "What Time Is It." Her talk was very well given, was quite interesting and was listen- ed to with a great attention. The members had been asked to each bring a visitor with them to this meeting. This idea prov- ed to be good one, there being quite a splendid turnout. The meeting throughout was most en- couraging from every standpoint. Group No. 2 served a light lunch at the close with 30 or more present. Londesboro WA Londesboro WA held its reg- ular meeting in the Sunday School room of the church on Thursday, November 15, with the president, Mrs. B. Shobbrook, in charge. A hymn was sung and Mrs. L. Hunking reed the Scrip- ture which was followed by pray- er. The minutes 'of last meeting were'read end adopted and the treasurer's report was given. A card of appreciation was read from William Bell and family. It was decided to give gifts to several new Canadian families in the community. Mrs. L. Webster and Mrs. W. Govier were named to bring in a slate of officers for 1952. Programme committee for December: Mrs. Brenton and Mrs. R. Fairservice. Readings were given by Mrs. T. Fairservice and Mrs. R. Townsend. The meeting was closed with a hymn and benediction. Lunch was served by hostesses. There were 18 present. THREE COURSES ARE GRADUATED FROM R AND C S W/.0 B. G. Miller, AFC, Of- ficer Commanding 1 R & CS, presented diplomas to the grad- uates of Fighter Control Oper- ators Course No. 40, Radar Per- formance ' Checker (Ground) Course No. 37 and Communica- tions Performance Checker (Ground) Course No. 38 on Fri- day, November 23. EGO Course Both airmen and airwomen of the Fighter Control Operator course have completed training in Basic Radio Theory, Radar Organization, Radio Telephone Procedure, Meteorology, Naviga- tion, and the operation of Ground Radar Equipment and Operations Rooms. They will now "man" positions in Canada's Radar.. Chain. The graduates were Airmen R. W. Spence, Vancouver• J. E. Teal, Milton, N.S.; Leading Air Woman L. K. Dutney, Murray River, PEI; and Airwomen M. E. Cottee, Toronto; S. J. Craig, Du - parquet, Quer N. A. Drysdale, Edmonton; M. A. Graham, Toron- to; M. S. Muir, Cobble Hill, B.C.; D. N. Shea, Wetaskiwin, Alta.;. D. A. Swan, Ottawa; N. Watson, New Toronto; D. M. Whynott, Verdun, Que. The honour student was AW2 Norma Ann Drysdale, Edmonton, who stood first in her class and obtained a "Distinguish- ed Pass" mark of 86.4 per cent. RPC Course The Radar Performance Check- ers (Ground) graduated after e twelve week course in wi progressed from ab ink ees to qualified pen checkers in all RCAF Radar.' The following were members of course R. D. Bailey, Kingston; man, Haney, B.C.; J. 1 Temiscouata, Que.; G. S. Ashcroft, B.C.; 3, . A. T Montreal; J. A. Marquis, J. S. Noreside, Charlotte L. Randall, Sedgewiok, M. Rondeau, Quebec; Barman led his course "Pass With Credit" marl per cent. CPC Course Graduates of Comanu Performance Checker course No. 38 have c( training in basic Radio and the operation Of A Radio Transmitters and ers. They will go to Flyit Repair Depots and overs; of the RCAF for one yea; practical experience be turning to this school fo) vaned course in Radio. ful on the course were D, E. Holmgren, Norma W. A. Taylor, Trail, B.( Carl, Chilliwack, B.C.; Lohnes, Halifax; A. Dye Farm, Man'.; R. L. Whee toric, B.C.; .and J. M. Marieville, Que. The hono nate was AC1 Dyck who a "Pass With Credit" 78.1 per cent. W/C Miller express; pleasure in presenting ; to the graduates. He ulated the airmen and a on their fine achieveme highly commended the graduate of each sours; are extended the wish tinned success in their t careers. 1E491•A %GWAt »:.t».te;n1t4at= :t ket..1! 119.0,:eattia1». :!3«_'k«Inlalt«' 231t. �F. X 1951 Chevrolet deluxe Coach '1951 Chevrolet Styleline Sedan, brand new '1951 Chevrolet deluxe Styleline Sec brand new '1950 Chevrolet deluxe Styleline S 1950 Pontiac Sedan 1949 Chevrolet Styleline Sedan Two 1949 — Chevrolet deluxe Sty Sedans, both with custom radi air conditioning '1949 Chevrolet Styleline Coach Two -1948 Chevrolet Fleetline C fully -equipped 1947 Chevrolet Sedan '1947 Pontiac Sedan 1941 Pontiac Coach '194'1 Chevrolet Coach 1940 Hudson Coach 1940 Plymouth Coach, re -con 1939 Plymouth Coach TRUCKS 1951 Chevrolet Pick-up, brar SPECIALS!' 1950 METEOR COACH, $ 1949 CHEVROLET STYLE COACH, new motor NEW CA CHEVROLET, PONTIA OLDSMOBILE, FORD, Approximately 24-hou with choice of col REGULAR LIST CASH — TRADE — OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 10 brussels M Huron County's Foremost Use Phone 73-X .49143.3K1919/917.— By Roe Farms Sery POULTRY, HOGS AND DAIRY CATTLE ALL WILL THRIVE ON ROE; WITH THIS WHOLESOME FEED (FARM -PROVEN) WATCH YOUR PROFITS -GROW ! / -,.../ Y IF YOU WANT YOUR HOGS TO GROW AND GROW -AND GROW -AND GROW ! FEED THEM WITH A PROVEN FEED — THE FEED THAT'S KNOWN AS ROE IF YOU WANT YOUR MILK PRODUCERS V TO MAINTAIN A STEADY FLOW GIVE THEM WHAT ALL CATTLE THRIVE ON THAT'S THE FEED YOU KNOW AS ROE YOU CAN'T 6ET E6GS UNLESS YOU BUILD THEM IN THE BIRDS MOST FIT TO LAY ROE WILL KEEP YOUR BIRDS PRODUCING IN A MONEY -MAKING WAY. V . . it‘ •,� '� , `y , Illq: t �1.»a % th, y�,� _ 4 . /� rte_ ROE POULTRY FEED$ ROE HOG FEEDS = ROE ?k"ra'e COW FEEDS ROE M, s �� �/ / %//% rte!////' / //„..„.;;;;,,,,,,,,,, � � � r� fir\ I % _R r r, r - 50,A �� �� �... ROI—. �-ot..^• �i/ ®►a�� rDs ,®. ,Afi11l It- �.i "'`� , -0 ; to '''PE I ��;K. , / e Al a / : r,nY �� ..- ,; ! /-.. eft,-.._.-- ♦ `� ,'" A. - --, , .- al* ,-- ,fir �I i J 0\ $ M , �- — .moi. / - �r / (l z� ��' - ' .. ` i���I ��� "" Ili / ` FEE ®� 'I' ri J/[11_ il I A • ^I --•_ s. --��- 1-�l LOOK TO MAKE YOUR PROFITS GROW H. C A.J