HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-11-15, Page 12'''.AGE TWELVE' CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1951 Midget Bali Team ' Honoured$y Lions A real interest in the prospects. of Bob Carrick,' star left-handed pitcher of the team, was expres- sed by Frank Colman, London, who was chief speaker at Clin- ton Lions Club banquet in St. Paul's Parish Hell Tuesday even- ing, honouring Lions Midgets, WOAA champions and OBA ,finel- ists. Mr. Colman is a coach and, player with Toronto Maple Leafs this year, and is 'a former. "big league" star with Pittsburg Pir- ates and New York Yankees. He had a long chat with Carrick, end promised that, if at all pos- sible, the local youngster would be looked over by the Leafs, whose new owner, Jack Kent Cooke, is set on getting a Canad- ian ball team together if he can. In the early part of the gath- ering, the Lions carried out their own part of the programme when John S. Parker, proprietor of Par -Knit Hosiery Limited, was initiated, with Frank Fingland, K.C. officiating, assisted by R. Y. Hattin, Membership chairman, and President Lorne Brown, who was in the chair. Presentations Made Manager Russ Holmes of the , Midget ball team was introduced, and he in turn introduced the two coaches—Stewart Taylor and Leslie Henderson—and the mem- bers of -the team. The Ellwood Epps- Trophy, emplematic of the WOAA Grand Championship—or rather a sub- stitute for it—was presented to the captain, Bob Carrick, by George Campbell of the Ellwood Epps organization, The real trophy,has been lost temporarily et Listowel. M. L. "Tory" Gregg, businses manager of the WOAA, made the presentation of crests to the boys in behalf of his Association. President Lorne Brown made a token presentation ;of lovely leather jaokets to the manager, coaches and members of the ball team. In behalf of the team, Man- ager Holmes and Coach Stewart Taylor replied suitably. Frank Colman When he arose to introduce the main speaker, Hugh R, Haw- kins was congratulated by Presi- dent'Brown, in behalf of the Lions Club, on his elevation to the` presidency of the WOAA lest week. - -Frank Colman told a number of incidents and stories connect- ed with his baseball" career. He stressed the value of team play in developing character, and in helping one another. "I like the boy whose ability is not on a par with moat, .but makes up for it with hustle," Mr. Colman said. He sited the case of Eddie Stanky,, New York Giant second baseman, who was not up , to par. Branch Rickey had said that he couldh't hit, he couldn't run, and he couldn't field, but he could always beat you. The speaker told two or three stories concerning Yogi Berra, New York Yankee catcher, with whom he roomed. "My sincerest congratulations on almost having won the On- tario championship," Mr. Colman declared. "I hope to work with some of you boys. Canadian boys are going to get the same chance as American boys in sec- uring professional coaching and e chance to make the major leag- ues," he said. He thought more and more Canadian boys should make a career of baseball'. • C. W. Draper made the pre- sentation of a Ronson lighter to the speaker in behalf of the Lions Once Again ... McEwait's is the SPOT with -a large range of A Larger Selection Than Ever Before For BOYS Dog Stories Horse Stories Zane Grey Stories The Classics Burgess Book Adventure Stories For TOTS For GIRLS Anne Books Montgomery Books — Curley Tops Bobbsey Twins Milne Books Just Mary Stories Bible Stories Bird Books Quizzle Books Picture Books Coloring Books Cut-out Books Come in and visit "SANTA'S WONDERLAND OF TOYS" McEwan's Come and see the De Luxe 111 `CABINET SERVIS , . , the last word in Electric Washers (Britain's Best Washer) Superb in appearance and colour scheme maroon on white, cream on green. Recessed Master Switch controlling both mot- or and agitator. Equipped with Con be fitted with strong FULLY AUTOMATIC PUMP plastic table top. for emptying the, tub Simply Marvellous Marvellously Simple REMEMBER THAT EVERY "SERVIS" . • Needs no special installation a • Has the handsome "Servis" power wringer, with large size even -pressure rollers • Is easily movable on rubber castors • Is guaranteed for one year and benefits from Alter Sales. Service' by ,skilled maintenance engineers • Is obtainable through Deferred Payments WASHES CLEANER.. . . WRINGS DRIER $215Complete SUTTER--PERDUE WOAA Moguls Honour 'Clinton Man SEEN DISMISSING the ver'ied activities of the Western Ontraio_Athletic Association during the WOAA meeting at Wingham Wednesday evening last, are (left to right): Herb Parker, presi- dent, Ontario Minor Hockey Association; Jack Roidbrough, Simcoe, president, OHA; Hugh IL Hawkins; Clinton, newly -elected president of the WOAA; and M. L. "Tory" Gregg, Wingham, appointed business manager of the WOAA after retiring from the presidency following a seven year reign. —Engraving courtesy The London Free Press Club. Others who spoke briefly were Dr. John W. Shaw, who sponsor- ed the same boys as Peewees three years ago; "Chick" Appel, sports writer, The Stratford Bea- con -Herald.; Harry Eisen, assist- ant sprots editor, The London Free Press. The draw was won by Bob Carrick. CLINTON COLTS OPERATE AGAIN THIS SEASON Clinton Colts plan to operate again in the 1951-52 season as an Intermediate "B" team in the Ontario Hockey Association ser- ies, as in former years, and still with strictly amateur "home- brew" status. A meeting of those interested was held • in the Town Council Chamber Thursday evening last when the decision was made, al- though it was felt that it might be very hard lines to ice a con- tending team such as the group champions of last year, eliminat- ed last spring by Bridgeport Vets, eventual OHA champions. Manager Bert Gliddon sees a few players available, including the following: goal, Bill Tides - well; defen'ce, Ken Colquhoun, "Bud" Schoenhals, Doug Bart - lift, Dick Steep; forwards, Bill Counter, Harry Me1wan, Bob Draper, Bill Hanly, John Wilson, Don Strong, Al May, Ron Car- ter, Marshall (RCAF construc- tion worker). Jack Scruton again heads the Hockey Club es president, with M. J. Schoenhals as secretary - treasurer, and Bert Gliddon as manager. Coach is not yet ap- pointed•. Executive committee consists of Frank McEwan, Kelso Streets, Caryl Draper, Lorne J. Brown. PERCY M. BROWN IS BADMINTON CLUB PREXY Percy M. Brown was elected president of Clinton Badminton Club at the annual meeting held last evening in the Council Chamber, Town Hall. Other officers are: past presi- dent, Donald E. Symons; vice- president, Graham Jenkins; sec- retary -treasurer, P. J. McCauley; assistant secretary -treasurer, J. E. Henry; captain of "B" team, Robert 1V!. Hale; captain of "C" team, Murray Draper. Standing committees were named as follows; Tournament, assistant captains and two ladies to be appointed; Property, Percy Brown and Charles Johnson; Birds, P. J. McCauley and J. E. Henry; Students, John R. Gil -t bank, chairmen; Ronald Scott, Miss Constance Simpson, Mrs. Muriel Elliott. The Students' Committee is a new one this year, since so many students are playing this year et a reduced fee of $2.50, if paid by November 22. Students' hours were set at 7 p;m. to 8.30 p.m. every regular night, An instruc- tor is coming from Stratford each Tuesday evening for the benefit of beginners. It was decided that both "B" and "C" teams should continue to operate in the league. If paid by today, adult fees are $4.50 per year each; otherwise $5. An fees must be paid by November 30. Fee for non-members is 50 cents per evening including use of birds. n HUGH HAWKINS NEW 'PRESIDENT OF WOAA LOOP A well-known Clinton sports- man, Hugh H. Hawkins, was elected president of the Western Ontario Athletic Association for the 1952 season at the annual meeting in the Town Hall, Wing - ham, Wednesday evening last. Mr. Hawkins succeeds M. L. "Tory„ Gregg, president and founder of the WOAA since in- augurated seven years ago. Mr. Gregg now becomes business minager of this widely -known expanding organization. Born in Clinton, Mr. Hawkins has been connected with sports for several years being a former player and manager of Clinton Colts and connected with minor sports through Clinton Lions Club. He has served in the cap- acity of vice-president of the WOAA for three years. Other officers elected included: First vice-president, Harry Doughty, Walkerton; second vice- president, George Grant, Paisley; secretary, Miss Jean Tervit, Wing- ham; treasurer, A. .1. Lockridge, Wingham; executive members, Nelson Hill, Goderich; Glen Johnston, Fordwich; Johnny Bell, Listowel; Harvey Langford': Luc - an; Lloyd Loney, Wlarton; John W. Nediger, Jr., Clinton. Encouraging reports were given at the meeting. The treasurer's report showed receipts amounting to $11,122.85 with a balance on hand of $4,584.60, December 1 Deadline The WOAA will' again this year sponsor an intermediate A, B. C hockey series; junior, juvenile, bantam, midget and pee wee. Deadline for entries was set at December 1 and the group meet- ing called for December 5 in Wingham. The WOAA set a 12 - mile limit for drawing players and a grand championship series will be inaugurated as in 1951. Dave Pinkney, Stratford, was chairman for the election of of- ficers with speakers, Jack Rox borough, Shrrcoe; Herb Parker, Stratford; J. W. Hanna, MLA, Wingham, addressing the gather- ing. Seventy-five sportsmen Were in attendance at the meeting. WOAA will seek affiliation this Year with 041A and OMHA. LOSE AT SEAFORTH Clinton "B" team lost et Sea -- forth 7-5 Tuesday evening in the opening match of the "B" season. The •'Clinton ladies swept the three ladies' sets, but the team fell clown badly in mixed doubles. CLINTON RCAF BEATS CLINTON IN BADMINTON Clinton RCAF team defeated Clinton Badminton Club team 10-2 in a Western Ontario Bad- minton Association "C" match on the Clinton courts Thursday evening last. The Air Force swept the lad- ies' and men's doubles, and lost only two sets in the mixed. The teams were: Clinton RCAF: Ladies—Gam- mon, Peggy Kennedy, Terry Mc- Kay, Gwen Wood, Mrs, McVeigh, Pfaff; Men—Kerr, Heffel, Jack- son, Alexander, Morris, Kuntz. Clinton: Ladies — Muriel El- liott, Mary Brown, Connie Simp- son, Jean Colquhoun, Helen Beale, Shirley Jenkins; Men — Graham Jenkins, Murray Draper, John Gilbank, Bob Allan, John Henry, Ron Scott. Concern Expressed • Over Closed Season A letter from Ontario Depart- ment of Lands and Forests ex- pressing concern over Huron's oppsoition to a closed season for deer, was read to Huron County Council Tuesday. The letter advised that a mark- ed and definite increase in the number of 'herds of deer bas been noted in Southern Ontario, and is creating a hazard to traffic on highways, and to crop over much of the area. It also point- ed to an increase in poaching. 4 Clinton Plumbing Clinton Man Gets Post at Hensall REFORMATORY TERM GIVEN FOR 'BREAK-IN A sentence of five ,months determinate and five months in- deterMinate in a reformatory Was imposed on Vernon Brunsdon, Londesiboro, by Magistrate D. E. Holmes, K.C„ in court at Gode- rich Thursday last. Brunsdon was convicted of breaking, entering, and theft at the Leslie Cole service station on No. 8 Highway on the out- skirts of Clinton on October 9. He has spent one month in jail. He .pleaded not guilty in court last week, and sentence was re- served. Crown Attorney H. Glen Hays, K.C.; produced e record showing that the accused Was granted suspended sentence on a breaking and entering charge at Brant- ford; also on a conviction of ut- tering forgery at Windsor. Coos Cupido, R. R. 3, Clinton, was fined $5 and coats for care- less driving, at Clinton, where he failed to stop' at a stop sign, and struck another vehicle. E.`R, Davis, 42, Clinton recent- ly appointed public utility man end chief of police for Hensall, has commenced his duties there at a salary of $175 a month. Mr. Davis came to Canada with his wife and son, Robert, 15, from England, in April of this year. They came to Clinton where their second son, Michael, was born five months ego. FLOORS GLEAM Bathroom Fixtures and. Accessories STAINLESS STEEL ENAMELLED KITCHEN SINKS Complete with faucets and spray for the ,modern kitchen. See them at our shop. Fess Oil Burner Sales and Service E. J. REYNOLDS"' PHONNE '577R — HURON ST. CIG-INTON who qu use the NEW GENERAL ELECTRIC Floor Polisher uu simply 69.50 guide it! Two counter -rotat- ing brushes do all the work. EASY TERMS Merrill Radio -Electric Phone 313 - Clinton ON COMMITTEE Andrew Y. McLean, MP for Huron -Perth, and Senator W. H. Golding, both of Seaforth, have been appointed to serve on the• joint Senate -Commons committee on combines legislation at Ottawa, It will consist of 25 MP's ant. 12 Senators. ° Bowl for Fun Open Bowling Friday and Saturday's Clinton Bowling Alley EXTRA SPECIALS for Nov. 15-16.17 Glen Valley Bantam CORN 2 t nsz. •27 Rosedale TOMATO JUICE 48 oz. tin .33 Square Deal PEAS 2 t5 oz..25 Quick Quaker OATS . lg pkg .36 LIBBY'S "Section" GRAPEFRUIT and ORANGE For Salads 20=oz. tin .25 Canada's Finest SHORTENING CRISCO lb. pkg. .39 Ground Fresh QUALITY' COFFEE lb. bag .99 Clark's Tomato Juice 2 .29 20 oz. tins Choice Hearts of Choice Imported Celery bunch .21 Tomatoes .. lb. .19 SHEARING'S MODERN SELF SERVE FOOD MARKET Phone 48 — Free Delivery — Clinton +4-m-a4+H .1 A Change is As Good as • a Rest! This? eek's Suggestion: GENT'S CCM STANDARD BICYCLE $57.50 For the hunter's convenience, we remain open Friday until 9 p.rn. and Saturday until 10.30 p.m. Spotting sovdso94 14.1NEON - ONTARIO PHONE 42 - - - - - CLINTON s• KNOCKING When you hear your car knocking—it's not opportunity. We don't knock the other fellow's "Car Bargains." It's not good business. We do invite you to see our Used Car Stock. The knocks have been taken out—they're fully equipped for winter driving. The price has been knocked down on these Selected Specials, '50 CHEVROLET STYLELINE SEDAN' '46 PONTIAC SEDAN • '47 CHEVROLET FLEETLINE COACH '47 CHEVROLET STYLELINE COACH '46 DODGE SEDAN '41 CHEVROLET SEDAN '41 FORD SEDAN SURE — We've got a few older models, complete with knocks.t Buy these by knocking our price .to your level. TIRES Knock the heck out of winter driving hazards by installing Snow Tires NOW. We carry GOODYEAR, DUNLOP and DOMINION in the popular winter treads. Liberal Trades! Lor PHONE ne Brown Motors Limited CHEVROLET—OLDSMOBILE—Soles ,& Service Your. Friendly General Motors 'Dealer 367W CLINTON