HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-11-15, Page 10PAGE TEN :CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 195. Ii' magi ST. ANDREW'S MEN'S CLUB INAUGURAL Thirty-seven men of St. And- rew's Presbyterian Church met for the inaugural meeting of the Men's Club o$ Friday evening, November 9. Around a • table laden with cold sliced ham, hot scalloped potatoes, sauerkraut,pickles, buttered rolls and sliced Spanish onions to boat, the man dined together to the music of the skirlin' pipes of the Mutch brothers. The dessert course was each man's choice of deep apple pie with good Canadian cheese, pumpkin pie or lemon pie or what have' you. And how they did enjoy that meal. The elected ' officers for. the year are: President, Dick Jacob; vice-president, Alvin Sharp; sec- retary -treasurer, Ed MacLeod and programme conveners: Royce Macaulay,. Stewart Moliwen, Mor- gan Agnew, or-ganAgnew, Eric Sims, Bert Boyes and Frank Mutch. Ontario St Girls Hears Talk on Literature The November meeting of the Girls 'Club of Ontario St. Church was held Thursday evening, No- vember 8, at the home of Mrs. Brock Olde with Mrs. H. Courtice presiding. Mrs. Ross Merrill took charge of the Devotional period and Mrs, Roy Wheeler "was in charge of the program. Miss Margie Ellen Lawson played very capably, two piano splos: Slahubert's eWeltz in A Flat", and the "Irish Boy." The guest soloist, Miss Barbara Chur- chill, sang the beautiful lullaby, "Golden Slumbers." The speaker of the evening was Mrs. R. S. Atkey, whose subject was: "Is there a Caned - An Literature?" Mrs. Atkey took the year 1940 as her dividing line and showed w teal o b un y there d that while were a number of good Canadian writers behore this date, tlhey had not developed a definite pattern of Canadian literature. However, in the past decade Canada had grown up, not only economically and politically, but culturally as well. Mrs. Atkey concluded her very interesting discussion by quoting from Vincent Massey's book "On Being a Canadian," which show- ed what an amazing development had taken place in interpreting Canadian life and character through Canadian literature. A delicious lunch was served by . the hostess, assisted by members of her group: Mrs. A. one, by Lobb Mrs. C. Brown, Mrs. N. Wesley -Willis WMS Hears Good Rep'>rts The November meeting of the WMS of Wesley -Willis Church was held in the church, with the president, Mrs. M. Addison,, in the chair and Mrs. F B. Penne- baker at the piano. The meeting opened with pray- er and invocation by the presi- dent, and hymn 245. The secretary, Mrs. C. Nelson, read the minutes of two meet- ings and Mrs. F. Fingland. pre- sented a most encouraging finan- cial report. The various depart- mental secretaries reported, and a discussion on the Baby Band work was led by Mrs. McLaren, A Striking Committee, coin- ibsed of Mrs. A. Seeley, Mrs. H. Charlesworth• and Mrs. F. Potter, was elected," An invitation was received from the Girls' Club to attend their. Autumn Thankoffacing meeting on Tuesday night. Mrs. F. Fingland read a letter received from the Dominion Board office in Toronto, advising that letters being received from for a su , forsup .% asking help posedly worthy family — are a racket, and should be ignored. Mrs. George Beattie spoke of the sale of Christmas cards. Mrs. F. Potter and Mrs. C. Nelson gave very fine reports from the See .ttonal meeting held in Goshen, Church in October. Mrs. C. M. Shearing took charge of the meeting for the study period..This was opened by sing- ing hymn 172 and prayer by Mrs. J. Vodden. Mrs. James McLaren read a portion from the Mission Digest on the Parables. A solo by Miss Audrey Jervis with Mrs. Ray Vincent at the ieno "You'll Never Walk Al- >' Hammerstein -Rogers, was greatly enjoyed. Newcomers introduced were James MacDonald, Albert Cowan, George Cawley, and Ronald Mc- Cann. Winter enterprises were discus- sed, including a St. Andrew's party and a Robbie Burns night. Thirty-seven men signed the membership roll at the close of the meeting, and all present de- clared that another' splendid start had been made by the club. Residing in Bayfield MR. AND MRS, KEN- NETH WILFRED BRAN- DON are depicted: here- with following their mar- riage in St. Andrew's United Church, Bayfield. The bride was Doreen Mane Denby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Denby, St_ Thomas, The groom is• the son of liar - old Noble Brandon, Bay- field, and the late Mrs. Brandon, ' The young couple are residing. in Bayfield. —Photo by Ann's Stu. dio, Bayfield; engraving courtesy The London. Free Press. Tyndall and Miss Isabel Pickett. Mrs C. M. Shearing made the Clinton Monument Shop Open Every, Friday and by appointment For further information contact J• J. Zapfe, corner Gibbings St. and Rattenbury St. E., PHONE 103 Memorials and Cemetery Work of Every. Description T. PRYDE and SON Clinton — . Exeter — Seaforth ..�.4 ._.. 4-04.. _ 4.444+'4w 44-4-D 4.44 a 4444.4 d0 �+a-4 0-..-4�w-4-o aso-o-44-9 o -r-4 0 +-o-4c s4-4-ro-'� 4-o-o-o-a4e•4•e-�Ow w+4r 44s d-0+4•< •^s. 4-4.4+4-44. -1. �..o-4-+-4o-u-o-o-o-o-t-+-4a+-ac-4444ao-!�-49.4444'�"' study book "Flom Lakes to Northern Lights" most interest ing, telling of the Coastal Mis- sions. Hymn 152 and the Benediction by Mrs. C. M. Shearing brought the meeting to a close. ST. ANDREW'S W11•IS The Women's Missionary So-; ciey of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church will meet at the home of Mrs. Shaddick, November 20, at m three o'clock. ++sem r+ao i+-saa i++i-•-a++• 44 P.S. " Attendance Exceeds 95 Per Cent During October, Clinton Public School, with exception of the Kindergarten, had an enrolment of 307 with n average attendance of 243.3, or 95,16 per cent, ac- cording to a report of Principal G. H. Jefferson, presented to the Public School Board at its reg- ular November meeting in the school Thursday - evening last. Business was routine. It was stated th4t'eight pupils had been transferred to other schools during October, and three had been admitted from other schools, leaving a net loss of five. A kindergarten report -was lacking as the teacher, Mrs. Bes- sie Falconer, had been absent through illness. Mrs. Reg Ball supplied. Unnecessary Precaution A tourist'in Panama wes asked if he would like. to join a party visiting the Panama Canal locks, "The what?" he asked incredu- lously, "The Panama Canal locks." "Why locks?" asked the .tour- ist. Do the think someone will try to steal the canal?" SUCCESSFUL BINGO More than 1,500 attended the monster bingo in Mitchell Arena Friday, 'Oct. 19, sponsored by the Lions Club, $1,000 jackpot was a er won by Mrs. Florence Lmbe , Palmerston: $150, Mrs. Gerald Agar, Staffa; $75, was shared by Mrs. Ted Cree, Stratford, Emmer- son Dittmer, and Mrs. Roy Nick- les, Mitchell; and $50 was won by Mrs. Dorothy Pfaff, Exeter. Easily Placed "We heard the community chorus last night,"'said a proud matron, "and I heard Charley's vtice several times." "But how could you hear your husband's basso when there are two hundred voices in the choir?" asked a cousin. "Oh, you know Charley," beamed his wife. "He always gets in a mite ahead of the rest of them" " ON ELECTION DAY For Cars and Information phone' the Progressive -Conservative Committee -- ,Rooms - CLINTON 772 - Hear Tom Pryde over CKNX MONDAY AT 12.10 NOON 46-b ..,n._.r.,..m - ..n....fl .rte - - ..ate -w.• a ,..c. ..- Home and Building REPAIRS There's Still lime to Have Your Chimney Repaired or. Built! BRICK — STONE — STUCCO ---, REPAIRS Chimneys Tuckpointed,, Repaired and Built Faulty Drafts Corrected Brick Walls Tuckpointed, Repaired, Refaced Fire Walls Built and Repaired $tone Walls Tuekpointed and Repaired ® RURAL WORK A SPECIALTY 0 Have that stable wall repaired and eliminate those drafts that affect . the health of .your stock. PROMPT ATTENTION TO ALL CALLS! Moi irah Mason Service Phone 386 - SEAFORTR — P.O. Box 69 45-46-p,-47bt8b r4-04.44-0Ab44-+144-*4-4-44 44-6-06.-0-44-0-4-4-4'+'4'644+•40-4.440.4. 44-44-4+ 4.0.4-40.0.4 Hominatons Goderich Township Nominations Meeting will be held hi CLINTON TOWN HALL. 011 Friday, 23 between the hours of one and two p.m. Nominations will, be for a Reeve and four Coun- cillors for the Township of Goderich; and for three Trustees for the Township School Area Board. The Election, if one be necessary, will be held on MONDAY, DEC. 3, t ' at the following places, with the following Deputy Re- turning Officers and Poll Clerk's; Wards Place Dep. R. Officer Poll Clerk 1—Orange Hall Victor Falconer Harvey Fuller 2—Cliff Sturdy's house Howard Stury - Cliff Sturdy 3—Oliver Hopson's 'Chas. Wallis Reid Torrance 4—Arnold Rathwell's A Rathwell E. Trick 5-H. MoCartney's H. McCartney Les Pearson 6—R. E. Rowden's R Rowden E. J. Trewartha 46-47-b 4 -4-4-4-4-4-4-04444444"4"+""-0-04,4.44444444-44-444-i44 04.4440- 444 -i4 -44+-0.0.04-0-r4 '+4-444. 4-4444-444-0-4444-444-444-94444-044-04-0-1. r s 1 Com See t n,,,WW r S as o Ion Sh e Prices! ii fla a' 44.44-0-94-4-0-444-0.444-4-444-4. OUR BUDGET PLAN MAKES IT'. EASY TO 'PAY FOR YOUR FURS w1 COATS, CA T he Coat You Have Saved for! T he Coat You've Dreamed of !' T he Coat You Have Longed for! is Amongst This Fine Full Collection Smart •Women Will Buy Their Fur Coats Now as Fur Pelts and Labor Are Constantly Increasing in Price! Hundreds of 1952 Styled Coats, Just Completed in Our Factory, are on Sale NOW! PERSIAN LAMB COATS $350 to $850 MINK .LENED MUSKRATS $2,50 to $650 OTHERS IN THIS G OUP RANGING $75 to $250 COME IN AND LOOK, OVER THIS $50,000 COLLECTION OF FINE FURS. - NO OBLIGATION TO BUY. 0 ES, JA Nowhere.W ill You Find Anything to Equal T hese! - .See T hem Now! 9 GREY KID COATS exquisitely styled PERSIAN LAMB PAW COATS lustrous black dyed PERSIAN LAMB MIDDLES ebony black dyed MUSKRAT JACKETS ' blended mink shades MUSKRAT FLANKS dyed mink and sable shades MUSKRAT BACKS dyed mink and sable shades CANADIAN SQUIRREL JACKETS dyed autumn brown BLACK PERSIAN LAMB COATS dyed HUDSON SEAL lustrous black -- dyed muskrat CANADIAN SQUIRREL COATS dyed autumn coats PERSIAN LAMB FASHION COATS lustrous black dyed 'GREY PERSIAN LAMB COATS expertly fashioned SILVER RACCOON COATS classic stylings BON MOUTON ' proc. Iamb SCOTCH MOLE CAPES JACKETS RUSSIAN SQUIRREL' JACKET BUY WITH CONFIDENCE FROM A REPUTABLE FURRIER, Mr. Adam Brown, Experienced Serving Clinton District — and Always Trying to Please, , T. Furrier Since $22E $29- $35( $25( $29: $49! $35( $49: $49: $354 $551 $651 .$59! $29' $19. $451 1899 •- +-tru-4 4•4.44.444444, 444+44444-44-444444-44-440.4-0+44 -04+-4-4.+-4-4+4'+44-4-4-4 44+4444-44-4+4.0-4,-t^* 44