HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-11-15, Page 3THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15; 1951 PG.ak'AeYca3Rca alae+ SAN tin biO4.4 021-242tiate>r 20eintar n`ri cat'etWaa 2i2a it Let's Chat A Woman's Viewpoint By on This and most distorted vera m Canada's i Ca± g THIS week is Young Sams CLINTON NEWS -RECORD ..7„,,m _ol,W'mirc? argtat ia'k'ka cigV;t20n ,lf k, ' ti50546 fd#•S€;��„ •$'k�{k"von'1612if„E6'fl+d0Ik1.2KIVZ-aIO2-02021-RM'PG't IORKFxP,17=-2Iecal,2�>1iIZIV-Marg�F�.atost At��NOV. 30 • • • PAGE THE= �T OF COMMMERCE SPONSORED BY CLINTON A ,swear°..`chaste'ii3t"hf�d`d'diii`✓�733dudz95! •ICmeserzieaddi ir`V"r2'd`.`'dd�'di-"�-'tddS' Reside in Goderich Township ND CHAMBER r5dr'!t`d+`�i�d"rlr'nay?'t�"dt�e'�dr9't�'ar3'trgr"9t�i+"3t9�d�tadxlJ n.ar as Jtan 4'„aid^d;C7t4'tr97�+'air`dT�fio`diad'd3?d'dt�a't`r3'da`3't'dt�:b"t2'da7r9t&✓i/tett'dr�t8'�i�"dd$'t'Ld-`wiir"J}"tb''i'`3ii7mi$'t'a�'o'id;�d�r'•,ts"iYtc dP,i+id�?fY;`>YiTdiSllu+e��y�a,.a4• DISTRICT Autumn Weddings and destruction, which will ef- face the whole world and not, just limited sections as in the past , • Until recently, al- ways thought that growing into maturity and responsibility dur- That. ing the depression years of the early thirties, with a unsettled ed world (created by ,e to get and wher Mussolini)—and view of life keep a job required the maxi- mum of endurance and energy; l- arc eku was the, ultimate in resourceful- , h ur ase ±s and its problems today although The P Ah, but • mess • (in to' stress , very ginat life fe int the daigne - that good' books. play in the lA sure -cure against of in- b a10a child are is go±ng of a growing child—and also to ers of this depraved to 'start encourage the reading df more fluence, is for pa books' by children at home, et encouraging proper reeding hab- school and at the library . its; just as soon as Waechhie veryc , ` 4' n read and write . CHILDREN'S books today are fortunate here in Clinton, with a library which has a well -stocked re as to content—where raswnot only children's section . In spite world flifendc a whole new of the . very limited budget, the n dand clean adventure Board works on they is opened up—but also, las to manage one of the make-up, colpr--and illustrations . They make the cheap "com- ics" look sick in comparison ., . A child, steeped in the beauty of good books, illustrations,.and stories, will never have mare than a casual interest in comics, which educators, youth counselors and women's organizations have blamed for many of the youth problems of today • . • . ,6 * BY "comics" we mean those cheap little books, which tell a story in picture form—not the which appear in the news - Book Week . P jo s to comparison), need mach tiffer training for life than the several generations preceding . . a: WE are now living gloriously' on the top of a powder keg , Leaving world conditions aside, for the individual youth of to - are Library oar. day, conditions et home' are Today, anyone- can are able to n job,whether finest selections of modern child- -.' 1 ger good paying • ren's books, that any he has skilled training or not .. , Library of the same size posses- Our government is going to look sea, . . • Public School teachers after our old age, and almost are doing their share in encour- everything else, if you listen to aging good reading habits . • . the promises of politicians a ni * * * ARE you, as parents doing as WHAT will happen to our good as job? : Do you buy the youth, brought up in such an, occasional good book for your boy atmosphere when the "Utopian or iohisdo t'ou allowance tit o—if Canadats—as is to s±t is urvive? . • . "junior"ck usep up on the One answer, the young: people l each week to .. Pare latest comic? , Parents today who ts'awill have the inspiraood tion ing have a terrific responsibilityha strips Children are grow papers dd re o the whole, atomic age where anything can clever andamusing reading cg : ed: happen and at best, %s Lt. Gen. Weare thinkingitof the sow ich Guy Simonds, chief;, of staff of which predicts, newsprint' picture books, the Canadian Army give young lads more ideas eof t'Ithere are two alternatives, 40 to how to commimt crime than they l50 years under arms ora would learn from the movies in a 'ing war shoot - whole lifetime . We are think- • ' * ,a na ing of those horrible sloppy love THE coming generation is go stories—which are geared to ap-ingot grow and live in a world like an easy time to grow up, peal atgirlsabetween ten and if not of death those who will survive in the fourteen years of age and which of uncertainty, • At the left are MR. AND MRS.EDWARD . CANTEL•ON WISE, pictured Tatter he bride re- e - cent wedding• the former O'ttilie Lois Bowden, younger daughter of 1VIi and M om is s. the elderE. sonnof The Mrr and Mrs. Charles E. Wise• The young couple will reside on the groom's farm, on the 11th Concession of Goderich Town- ship. - Photo by Mc'Laren's Studio; Engraving courtesy The London Free Press. growing up in an of those early Canadians who built a .great nation out of a wilderness, the great men and women of the past, who let no obstacle prevent them from ob- taining their goal; whether it was in a fight for political freedom, prison reform or social justice • . . a, e. n ALTHOUGH today may seem Collegiate Enrolment At Record High' 292 Clinton District Collegiate In- stitute had a total enrolment of 292 during October with an - average attendance of 279.2 or 95.6 per cent, Principal E. A. Fines reported to the CDCI Board e.+e-.-o-o.« w o-o-a-oo.e-o•.-.-.+-•+o DUSTOW—ROBERTSON RYAN—SOWERBY (By our Auburn correspondent) The parsonage of Victoria St. Baskets of chrysanthemums in United Church, Goderich, was autumn tones formed the setting the . setting for a wedding when for the wedding of Shirley C. , the marriage was solemnized. of - Robertson, ARCT, daughter of I June Lenore, d'eughrt ero M'ffr Mr.and Mrs. E. H, Robertson, at;June Lenore, daughter of Mr. and their home in Colborne Township, ,Mrs, Carl Sowerby, Goderich to Mr. J. G. Gerald Dustow, son Township, to John Ronald Ryan, of Mrs, Dustow and the late' son of Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan, , Clarence Dustow. I Goderich. The ceremony was The ceremony was solemnized performed by Rev. D. W. Wil- by Rev, A. Forsyth, Port Rowan. llama, Miss Ella Donaldson, aunt of the The bride was lovely gowned bride, played the traditional wed- I . satin fashioned with ding music and Mrs. Ralph Foster, wed - in ivory cousin of the groom, sang a sweetheart neckline and: long " beautiful prayer during the ser - Her pointing over the hands. vice and while the register was Her fingertip. veil was caught to being signed sang"1'll Walk Be,- a peach headdress. She wore a necklace of pearls and carried a side Thee." cascade of pink carnations and The bride, given in marriageI ,white stephanotis. by her father, wore a white bro- caded • satin gown in grape de- Her sister, Miss Lois Sowerby, sign whish featured a fitted was bridesmaid in a blue taffeta bodice, stand -away collar, three -'dress. Her matching shoulder- quarter length sleeves and thelength Vail fell from a floral full' skirt extended into a slight l headdress and she carried a train. Her fingertip veil of il- i colonial bouquet of rose earns fusion was caught with a satin i tions. headdress and she carried a( Bruce Ryan, brother of the cascade bouquet of white chry'san-.groom, was best man. themums and grapes. Miss Evelyn Dustow, sister of 1 At a reception in. Hotel .Bed - the groom, was maid of honor ford, Goderich, the bride's moth - and Miss Ruth Hoy, London, was 'ter wore a navy blue dress with bridesmaid. They, were identic- , corsage of red roses and black ally gowned ingrape taffeta accessories. She was assisted by styled similar to that of the bride the groom's mother, gowned in and wore eye veils caught with navy with matching accessories. 'mums. Thye carried gold -toned ! Later, the couple left for a trip chrysanthemums. Gerald Fisher was groomsman and George Robertson, brother of the bride, was usher. For the reception which follow- ed, the bride's mother wore blue faille with navy accessories with corsage of yellow chrysanthe- mums and the groom's mother wore violet parma with black ac- cessories and a corsage of pink carnations. For motoring to the States the bride donned a poweder-blue wool jersey dress, cherry blush wool topcoat and navy blue ac- automotive, machine shop here cessories with a corsage of yel- I.when the head of sledge hammer fl w off. It gla n a 15-pound low mums. On their return they will make ed off his shoulder, hit him on their home on the groom's farm the head and flattened him to the in Colborne Township ifloor . unconscious, at its November meeting in the . The total schoolis thenday h ghesteninof the year to date. future,'will need a fortitude not being stressed today . reading habits will do more for your child than any other ehIle factor ... It is one of the simp^ lest acquisitions in your power to give a child ... make certain he has it! .. • The report stated that all the members of the teaching staff had been present at the Teach- ers' Convention in Kitchener October 25,except Mrs. Jean 'Steinburg and Miss Anna Pond. The" Youth for 'Christ" group wasgiven permission to use the school auditorium the first Sun- day night ii± December and Jan- uary. Local basketball playersacti eQre were one night's. a week in the gymnasium. Vice-chairman J. E. McKinley presided at the meeting. 1A8, • • i E PERFORMANCE NOT PROMISES IS THE K- OT-° PROGRESS IS THE GOAL -OF ALS, PROGRESSIVE CO !SERVATI `E POLICY 2,000,000 Horsepower added to Hydro output. 16/ Trans -Canada Highway under construction. St. Lawrence power develop- ment to commence. $150,000,000 extra for vast highway extensions. 1,150' new schools. to ac- commodate 150,000 pupils. ty 109 new hospitals or exten- ir provided. New farm markets vti developed. 11 Forest wealth preserved as part of vast conservation program. qtrol $100,000,000 in municipal grants to relieve local tax- payer. 85% of Ontario's farms electrified. Premier Leslie Frost is the only Provincial Treasurer in Ontario's history to introduce 8 consecutive balanced bugets. YET _QNTAR O HAS THE LOWEST PROVINCIAL TAXATION C NADA No Sales Tax—No Personal Income Tax Ontario's Credit has been kept Bright and Clean under PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE MANAGEMENT • E ;SUE CONTINUED GOOD• GOVERNMENT 1 18-51 to Toronto and other points, the bride travelling in a navy blue dress, grey coat and navy acces- sories, They will reside in Goderich. KNOCKS SELF OUT GODERICH—Lloyd Bradley, 26, Goderich, literally knocked him- self out here and has bruises on his head to prove it. He was pounding cylinder sleeves into shape in the Bradley and Son Competitive, Prices — Personal Service • Special Values and Reminders for. Thurs., Fri. and Sof. I.O.A. BRAND SPECIALS 4-4-4-4.++44-4+ 4.4 ++ BEEF, IRON rae� COUGH and COLD NEEDS v and WINE 16 oz, Reg. 79c ...... 63c ... SODA Bicarbonate 4, 8 & 16 ounces Reg. 15c, 25e, 350 11e, 19c, 29c 1,-+-1-0-0-0 4 4-01-0-0 4-•-•-4-•-•-0-4-1 >.A.4. 34.4 4.44444.44-0-4'4'4'6'4', BA Y CREAM 3 oz. jar 39c Reg. 50c OLIVE OIL ji 4 oz. Reg. 35c 29c CASTOR OIL - 2, 4 C 3 ounce; Reg: 25c,c, 40 60c 19c, 33c, 49e Bronchitis LD.A. Cough Syrup 60c w Lantigen "B" $6,00 4' Pines Concentrate . 750 Pines Prepared .. SOc, 85c 4 Smithops Bros. Cough Dr Yields VapoRub or Va-Tro-Nei Grove's Brom- -Quinine roQuinine tm - 39c, 69e. o- • Dr. Chase's P Antihistamine 59e t 10c 53e i•0+•4+•+-4-0-4 JEANETTE Talcum Powder `.19c, 2 for 37c CLORETS Makes breath "Kissing Sweet" 20cchlorophyll Gum e-0�{yyb}{A'004-4'4-4 04.40 IDA TOOTH PASTE for Gleaming White Teeth, Sweeter Breath, Fresher, Cleaner Feeling .... 32c, 57c IIIA Shaving Cream Yields a rich, fine -bubble, beard softening lather49c Large tube 00e44.4e•o-e40o0.<-40+ t COREGAPowrDenta1Plate 33c, 53c, 89c COD LIVER 4 OIL B.P. Standard 77c 16 oz„ Reg. '89c , —MAGt'IA TablNESets 300's„ Reg. 39c, 29c, 59c Vitamin Needs. Idamalt I.D.A. Malt S% Cod • Live 1 .... 73c, $L19, $2.09 Ayerst Aipharriettes $1.00, 185 $3.50, $15.00 89c Frosst's Neo Chemical Food ... , . $1.55, $3.35, $5.90 Meads Oleum Percosnor95 ca$3.99 Waterbury's Compound • . • $1.20 One -A -Day Multiple Vitamin ableta • . $125, $2.50, $4 ,5 Squibb Cod Liver' Oil : 75c, $1.59 Kepler's Malt & Cod Liver $1.00, $1.75 ABSORBENT COTTON "Val -U" 1 lb. roll 989 •abs-o•a-0-v-4s+'° 0•o -4 -4•o -e-9-0 •s R UNIQUE F.. Bin P9JNaapjn°R" Ie PHOTOPHONE e SERVICE DRUGGIST