HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-11-15, Page 2AGE TWO VEIGHTLIFT.ING HOLDS MANY ATTRACTIONS CLINTON NEWS -RECORD. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15; 1951 (By AC2 It. C. Butchard) On entering RCAF Station, linton, it isn't long before you ear of a very popular and noted [gore who is quite renowned for is weightlifting abilities. He is, f you haven't already guessed, gt. Jack Viaraleau of the Clinton ,hysical Training staff. Jack Varaleau is well _known o many Olympic and British Em - are Games followers. His weight- ifting record has been excellent lime 1948 when he placed sixth n competition with 26 different Kruntries: • His greatest achievement, how - aver, came in• the last two Brit- ish Empire Games where he fin- ished on top of the heap, in both England and Auckland, New Zealand. In Auckland last year he lifted 320 pounds. The goal that Jack is looking ,now we have a couple of go forward to now is the Olyiiipic boys ort the station that have a' Games •in Finland next year. There he hopes to better his al- ready good Olympic record. In 1954 at Vancouver where the Empire Games will be held, Jack says he'll be on hand as an official, if not as a compet- itor. With your first meeting of Sgt. Veraleau, you have a feeling of slight skepticism as did some of his Canadian stablemates, who ' flew to Auckland last year. spateh and clean 3erk which are the three standard lifts used in competition. "'When weightlifting was first recognized as a sport it catered to- men of vast proportions and tremendous natural strength," Jack tells us. "These men sometimes weigh- ed in excess of 300. pounds. In those days they were highly paid to perform acts of supernatural strength by lifting, carrying or pushing huge awkward objects which 'required little skill but an overwhelming amount of strength. For weightlifting instruction Jack follows one major rule: "Training, not .straining, is the purpose of working with weights." Now that weightlifting is being recognized as one of the better ways of body exercise, Jack is getting a lot of support through the RCAF. He has now some of the best equipment with which to work, "A great deal of interest will develop on the camp once We get going," says Jack. "And right Most people believe a weight- lifter is a big brute of a men Who goes about flexing 'his overly developed muscles and squeezing people's hands to show off his muscular tendencies. great chance to get ahead. "particularly Don Moisey from EdirLOTIft011. Now there's what we call a natural. He is lifting 230 pounds now. and he's only been seriously training for a month or so." Johnny Salike who hails from Quebec is _ also showing good progress. , Paul Renault, training foi.' his pilot's wings, often comes down from Centralia and works out with Jack and other lifters here. Paul is one of Canada's better lifters. Sgt. Varaleeu himself is French - Irish decent and comes from Can- ada's capital city, Ottawa. He started 'lifting weights at 18. "I started for no outstanding reason," he says. "Only that I was going around with some fel- lows who were interested and I just followed along." Sgt. Jack, who was transfer- red here late last year, is resid= ing in Clinton now with his wife and two children. Jack says, "I doubt if Pat, my seven-year-old daughter, will But J. P. Varaleau says' noth- ing is further from, the truth for he himself is far 4rom muscle- bound or the show-off ;type that often get mixed into the Mr. America class body builders. Jack Vareleau weightlifts be- cause he likes the sport. He de- veloped for himself a well built physique that goes through the skillful movements of the press, Vampire Holds World's Altitude Record .z' Additional RCAF NeWs on Page Eleven • LOW COST %Aim' PRINTING' ...... Depend on us for every printing need front a letterhead to a complex adver- tising piece. Esti- mates given on request. kiletlikatia, ii•Usimi40:zaiwi&isammugoAN................-- The De . Haviland. Vampires used by the RCAF were man's - make a weigh -differ but I've got factored in England, shipped to tWo-year-old Bobby and he'll Canada and assembled' at De take part in some sport, weight- •Haviland's plant in Toronto. lifting or otherwise.' Now that hospitals are using 1 The first aircraft' was officially lighter weights to build up mus -received by the RCAF at Then,- cies weakened through Polio and 'ton in early 194'7. Since that time other diseases we are finding the a total of 85 aircraft have been ugly duckling of sport, weight- 'delivered to the Air 'Force. Pilots lifting, becoming -a social aid. I of Reserve Fighter Squadrons at There is an increasing demand , Toronto, Montreal, WinRipeg and for this. rapidly growing field of 1Vancouver have been flying these exercise.(In gbiters they odern jet fi lInce were delivered to the squadrons o in 1948. a ,RCAF NEWS NOTES er Squadrons 421 and 410 Squad - •Two Regular Air Force Fight - cons, based at the jet fighter units • at Chatham, N.B. and. St. Hubert, Quebec, are also equip- ped with the Vampire. • The Vampire, like all jet fight- ers, is particularly well adapted for interceptor duties as it re- quires no warm-up period. As soon as the engines begin to turn, the aircraft is .ready to fly. The Goblin Jet engine, like others of its type, will burn high grade aviation gasoline, ordinary automobile gas or kerosene. The RCAF Jet fighters are fuelled with Turbo -jet kerosene. Armament for the Vampire con- sists of four 20nun cannon mount- ed in the nose of the aircraft. Ready for combat, the Vampire weighs a little more than six tons. It' has a wing span of 40 feet, stands 6 feet 3 inches high and is 30 feet 9 inches long. The Vampire holds the world's altitude record of 59,446 feet. The Canadian record of 49,300 feet was set last April in an RCAF Vampire by Flying Officer Cecil Day of 421 Fighter Squad- ron. t k;--5 FINE PRINTING Don't hesitate to ask us for advice on your next printing job. Just call Clinton 4. Clinton, News -Record i;•1: • ..• • ••••-•.Aittmriii•ftik,..ti$VMiiiiiiimitAiimilEit%VitiKMRONVIA,Rai,i''''•-• • • ' s . ) ' -4,i ,pfl riZ**VVWEigtfiteManteMiltetC444V0C,VMCZCLMEOCOCiat=410MC.lattnntWataValetMat$CateZelgAtIMIGAVVOMMOC-te•WatMt$MMe.in 61 gr, Friday and Saturday, November 16 and 17 v Take advantage of the Genuine Values to be had from our stock during these il V. v. 2 Big Days. Buy Now and Save. FREE A NEW HAT - VALUE $6.00 • with each overcoat purchased Friday or Saturday 1 Four senior RCAF officers have been transferred to new istaltf positions, it is announced by Air Force Headquatrers, Ottawa. G/C H. C. Ledoux, DFC, 35, Montreal, is moving from RCAF Staff College, Toronto, to Air- Defence Command Head- quarters, St. Hubert, P.Q., where he will be genie]: personnel staff officer. * 41 WPC C. R. Knowles, AFC, CD, 32, Montreal, is posted from Air Materiel Command Headquarters, Ottawa, to Air Force Headquart- ers, to be on the staff of the Air Member for Technical Services. a a W/C K. E. Ball, MBE, 38, Ot- tawa, is moving from Air Force Headquarters to Air Materiel Command Headquarters, to be on the staff of the Senior Staff Of- ficer of Personnel. 1 W/C H. C. Vinnicombe, CD, 36„ Charlottetown, PEI, is shift- ed from the staff of Royal Mili- tary College, Kingston to Air Defence Command Headquarters, St. Hubert, P.Q. All RCAF Vampires are Mark [II models and are fitted with the Goblin Mark II jet engine which delivers a thrust of 3,000 pounds at a maximum engine speed of 10,20Q, revolutions per minute. The aircraft has an operating altitude of 44,000 feet and a rate of climb of 4,100 feet per min- ute. The cockpit is artificially pressurized so as to maintain a 'cockpit altitude' of about 25,000 feet, even when the aircraft is actually at its extreme altitude of 44,000 feet. The maximum sea level speed of the Vampire is 524 miles per hour, which is approximately three-quarters _the speed' of sound at that level. Normal fuel loacrOf 330 gallons gives the aircraft a range of some 800 miles. When long range tanks are fitted, the range can be in- creased to over 1,200 miles. OPPORTUNITY AYS • FREE Men's Suits GABARDINES WORSTEDS so PIC -N -PICS so All. Wool Newest Styles TOPCOATS Special selection, taken from our regular stock - '15 ONLY - Some with zipin Linings All Wool Gabardine and Covert 'Cloths 31.50 to 69.50 $35 00 each .,:..0„. .0..,.. . , . ....,...„............................... I RIMCg•VareVcitatOVVVier•AMMIVOlgt4VOIMT, 04-1,00C-14-GC-rg-K matlamt,,•,. 4 I ...,'.--.N..,\,:...,..'.' 13, wi41 HATS BLUES GREYS , 1 - . SANDS Reg. up to 7.50 Special . . . .$3.95 POLO PYJAMAS P , . DRESS'SHIRTS . 0.95 em towr. ometemetetalawko4-74.-K, . . --- RCAF OFFICERS TRENCHCOATS, I MEN'S BELTS $1.00 and $1.50 BOUQUET • YARN 11, BOYS' LONG PANTS -$1.00 off each pr. raglan sleeve $30.00 , N6 BOYS PLAID SHIRTS -Reg. 2.25, WORK SWEATERS $3.95 35c ball WORK SOCKS Special •• $1.75 ea. • 89c k,a.WI,BNI10/*0314)1W.4VYZOIZZOIN no ... -- PICKETT and ,CAMPBELL PHONE 25 ' opposite the theatre • . . CLINTON . mom-woommrolttrolot ' . maatulot000tsoodost Huron Liberals CHRISTMAS CARDS Jumbo Box 50 cards for 98c OTHER CHRISTMAS CARDS, boxed, from 35c to $1.59 INDIVIDUAL GREETING and PERSONAL CHRISTMAS %CARDS - 5o to 50c Christmas Cards from your own Negative 1.25 doz. TAGS and SEALS, 200 pieces 25c; CHRISTMAS RIBBON 100 CHRISTMAS WRAPPING -10c and 25e We carry a complete assortment of BILLFOLDS $2.00 to $8.50 For the Small Tots give them a Box of ANIMAL SOAPS Circus Soap 59c -Snowy the Snow Man 60c Barnyard Soap 89c --Bubble Sets 50c DUSTING POWDER 1VEETTS-seveia1 fragrances -SLIM BATH SALTS in Vinylite Bags - Special 98c KODAKS - Printing and Developing - FILMS MAGAZINES GREETING CARDS SMILES'N CHUCKLES CHOCOLATES W. C. Newcombe, Phm.B. CHEMIST and DRUGGIST PHONE 51 NMEENIIIIMIDIAMEDSSERNMSEE present MAYOR B. W. TUCKEY, Exeter speaking on behalf of JOHN W. ARMSTRONG over CKNX MONDAY, NOV. 19 at 11:55 noon • 46-b ••••4,0,4 TEADE MASK REG • with your groteries or DAIRYMEN, SAVE THAT MILK! •• iaise your calves on MASTER CALF STARTER -GROWER. Only four bags of Master Calf Starter -Grower will raise your calf to five months of age. No milk after five 'weeks, ,no gruel feeding. MMMM MMMMM MASTER BALANCED FEEDS for ALL CLASSE.S.OF POULTRY FARM LIVE STOCK FUR BEARING ANIMALS & DOGS FOR YOUR COWS: Master 24% Dairy Concentrate plus Yaur Own Grain See us for your Concent- rate, Salt,, Oyster Shell and Grit requirements. • Your friendly MASTER FEEDS Dealer is: S.RIDDICK and SONS Phone 114 - M. 'FEEdER,5 WOO REcOptiS .IVENHJALLY 61.11 MASTER Clinton 44-46-48-50-52b • A few Bargains for the early Christmas Shopper.... Deluxe "La-z-I3oy" Chairs and Ottomans priced complete at: $89.00 -Good quality Velour covering $95.00 -Floral design crushed Mohair. $115.00 -Heavy Frieze covered in floral woven design Child's Hardwood Natural Finished 'Musical Rocker' Plays while it rocks $9.50 Others at $3.75 - $4.25 PLATE GLASS MIRRORS - Large assortment $4.50 'to $29.50 Our Stock.i now complete in: END TABLES , $5.75 to $25.00 STEP TABLES . . . . . $17.95 to $22.50 COFFEE TABLES . . $11.50 to $24.00 MAGAZINE RACKS $6.50 to $8.00 HALL TREES ...... . . . $8.25 to $9.25 TELEPHONE SETS $24.00 • SMOKERS $4.50 to $23.00 RECORD CABINET,$24.00 BOOK CASE $16.50 25.0 - 42.00 - 44.00 Many other items now on display. We will be pleased to show you these items. Beattie Furniture Funeral Horne s „PHONE 184W' Ambulance