HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-11-08, Page 7'THURSDAY, NOVEMBER '8, .1951 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE SEVEN NewsRec•ord Classified Adlets Bring Quick Results Classified Rates MISCELLANEOUS BIRTHS SILVER WEDDING CASH RATE - (If paid by FREE THER2a024ETER - Plus BONrmr wo ,-.Y-•In Clinton Pub- CELEBRATION AT LONDESBORO Mr. and Mrs, Percy Gibbings, Londesboro, celebrated their .sil- ver wedding anniversary Satur- day evening last, It' was a gala occasion, with more than thirty relatives and friends present. An enjoyable evening was spent playing cards end following this an address was read by Mrs. Neville Forbe,s and then many beautiful gifts from friends and eeletives were opened by the bride and groom of twenty-five years,. The bridesmaid a n d groomsman, Mr. and Mrs. B. Shobbrook were also present: Mr. and Mrs. Gibbings were married in : Londesboro United Church parsonage by the Rev. Byron Snell. They have lived all their married life in this district, Among those who celebrated this happy occasion with there were their children; Bill, of Clin- ton; Doris and Bob, at home; and relatives from Parkhill, Stratford. Exeter and Clinton, Couple Feted At a gala event held Monday covered by a cut work table cloth evening at the home of Mr. and with ■'silver candelabra at either Mrs. Ivan Hoggart, 35 friends end. The beautiful bride's cake, and neighbors gathered to cele- in.silver end pink, was made and brate the silver wedding eine-decoratMarie Gibbings. fa- versary of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Immediateed members of the m Gibbings Ily- were seated at'' this Itable, The early part of the evening while two tables, o was spent playing progressive either side ofother the main tableone ae- n euchre. High prizes were won commodated by Jayne Mary Snell and Wes Before lunchthe, Jayneguests. Mary Snell iFIoggart. Low prizes were won red an appropriate address, and by Marie Gibbings and Eph. Ivan Hoggart presented Vera and Snell. Mrs. Wes Hoggart and Percy with a silver tea service. Angus Brown won prizes for the Percy and Vera replied suitably. most Ione hands. Mrs. Gibbings, the bride of 25 years, won the Notice to Creditors and Others lucky chair prize; In the Estate of Cecil Rhodes The rooms were tastefully de- Crossman, Automotive repairer, corated with 'mums in silver Deceased. containers. The bride's table was All persons baiting claims against the estate of the above- AUCTION SALE named deceased, late of Township OF BEEF AND DAIRY of Stanley, County of Huron, who died on or about the 9th- day of Lot No. TYPE COWS 6, August, 1951, are hereby notified at Lot Township, Concession1 mile to send to the undersigned Ex - south h Porter's Hill, it ecutor on or before the 9th day of November, 1951, their names and Tuesday, Nov. 13 full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date, the estate will be distributed,hUpholstering of hg regard only toa the claims Moore's V. hlJ�sterin of which notice has been received. Dated, October 20, 1951. CROWN TRUST COMPANY, 302 Bay Street, Toronto 1, Can- Rebuilt Furniture ada, by J. K. Hunter, Goderich, PHONE 62 -- New Location, Three Doors From Roxy Ontario, Solicitor for the said Executor, 43-4-5-b Wednesday following date of in- cash at your farm foe dead or lie Hospital, on Saturday, No- sertion)-Two cents a word firstdisabled horses or cows. Phone vember 3, 1951, to Mr. and insertion (minimum 50 cents); collect, Seaforth 855r2. William Mrs. Arthur Bonikowsky, Clvn- subsequent insertions elk cents a Stone Sona, Limited. 43tbf ton, a son, word (minimum 35 Cents); 15 CARPENTER --In Clinton Public cents extra for box number or CHAIN SAWS, Two new 'mod- Hospital, on Thursday, Novem- for direction to NEWS -RECORD ele-+Super Pioneer with auto- ber 1, 1951, to. Mr. and Mrs. 'Office. uratic cluteh-"51" Super Twin, Wilfred Carpenter, Clinton, a IF CHARGED --15 cents extra. the last word in power saws. daughter. DEADLINE -12 noon, Wednes- Sold by Robert W. Cole, Clinton, FIPCH-In Clinton Public Hos- slay. 42-51-p apatsl, on Friday, November 2, ACCOMMODATION ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD 1951, to Mr. and Mrs: Ray FOR RENT alaimals• If suitable for mink feed Pinch, R. R. 1, , Clinton, a will pay more than fertilizer daughter. SEVEN -ROOMED 11/2STOREY' prices. Benet, will pay 'fertilizer GI�ANVII I'E-In Clinton Public -hi-ink house situated on the square prices. If dead, phone at once; Hospital, on Thursday, Nevem- en the village of Bayfield, tm- Phone collect, Gilbert Bros. Mink ber. 1, 1951, to Ma, and Mrs, ',mediate possession. Apply to Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Gode- Prank Glanville, Crediton, a Mrs. .T. Webtser, R.R. 8, Seaforth, rich. 2btfb daughter. phone 668141. 42-tbf LO'CKHART --In Clinton Public WEAR -EVER BRUSH Company Hospital, on Friday, November -PART OF HOUSE in Bayfield, celebrating anniversary in No- 2, 1951, to Mr. end Mrs. Argyle •containing two bedrooms and liv-. venvber. Extra special premiums Lockhart, R. le. 1, Goderich, a :bag -roam. Available immediately, offered for parties. Contact Lil- daughter. .Hobert Penhele, Bayfield, phone lien Cartwright. . Rorke's Apt, MORGAN -. En Clinton Public Mrs. E. A. Westlake, phone Bay- across from Arena. . 45-p Hospital, on Tuesday, Nevem- 4440field 49r2. -p TRAPPERS - HUNTERS - GunrIietil16, 1951, tori, Mr.Gand ielM a and deer licences for sale, also ARTICLES FOR SALE deer lure. Best SOD. prices for your RC-HINSON - In Cleresholm, 'ELECTRIC SEAL COAT, size -16, furs and deer hides, also buying Alta., on Saturday, November in excellent condition. Priced for goose and duck feathers, etc. 3, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Glen quick sale. Phone 325. 45-p Mervyn Barkin, 45-6-7-8-p Robinson (nee Velma Resit), 'a NILE GREEN Brocaded Taffeta ARTIFICIAL SERVICE at reduc- son, Layne DDugles. formal dress and' matching gloves, ed rates from the licensed Grow- matching 12, Phone 5W, 45b Ing Co-operative Association MARRIAGES from Holstein, Jersey, Ayrshire, DUSTOW-ROBERTSON At the -AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Guernsey, Hereford, Beefand home of the bride's parents, Dual Purpose Shorthorns. Bulls Colborne Township, on Satu •- ' '37 DODGE Two -Door Sedan, of top quality. Life membership day, Nov. 3, 1951, by Rev. A, :good motor, tires, body. $825. $25. Members $5 per cow. Non- Forsyth, Port Rowan, Shirley "Three hundred and, twenty-five members $6 per cow, Waterloo C., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 'dollars or nearest offer. Apply Cattle Breeding Association, R.R. E. H. Robertson, to 3. Gerald -to Harry Tideswell, Goderich. 1, Waterloo. For service contact Dustow, son of Mrs. Dustow ';Phone 560W. 45p Charles Brandon, Clinton. Phone and the late Clarence Dustow, 633r5 before 10 a.m. Colborne Township. '1950 FORD COUPE, excellent, . 45-47-bbf HEARD -LINDSAY -In St. And- -condition. Less than 25,000 miles.row's United Church manse, Owner leaving country. $1,400. 'PIANO TUNING - Bayfield, on Thursday, Nevem- -Apply Bayfield Hardware. YOUR PIANO carefully tuned, ber 1, 1951, at 2 p.m., by Rev.42-3-4-5-bPeter Renner, Phyllis dune, Just call G. W. Cox at Clinton :BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE 550R. Lindsay youngest daughter of Mrs. Eliza Lindsay and the late George SAME YOU THINKING of build- 25 YEARS' EXPERIENCE with Lindsay, to George Hewitt deg a home. A number of fine Sherlock -Maiming Pianos Limit- Heard, younger son of Mr. and dots for sale, Leonard G. Winter, ed; tuning and repairing; all work Mrs. ,Emerson Heard, Hayfield. 'Real Estate, phones: business guaranteed. E. C. Nickle, phone RYANSOWFiRBY-In the par - a148, residence 5993. 7 btfb Clinton 3391. 20-21-ptfb sonage of Victoria Street Unit- ed BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES the PROPERTY FOR SALE Rev,ChD. W G Williderichms,b June FIVE -ROOMED "Wartime House" Lenore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sowerby, Goderich full basement, possession Decem- Township, to John Ronald nld her 1. Phone Clinton 572W. 45-b Ryan, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan, Goderioh. THRIVING BAKERY, Building, business, 'trucks, will sell sepal. - ...ate or would be interested in :farm trade, Other business trade lasted with ine-restaurants; gas station, tourist camps, Leonard '0. Winter, 38 -b -tab SIX -ROOMED FRAME HOUSE and barn, Iots 211 and 212 in Hensall. Apply Albert • Waiff, Box 666, Goderich. 2-1>tfb DEATHS BEECHLEY--In Flint, Mich., on FURNITURE WANTED October 30, 1951, Mrs. Louise SIX - ROOMED BUNGALOW - Beechley, formerly Louise °COMJaIaETE •BEDROOM SUITE modern kitchen and bathroom, • Finch, Funeral from Central full basement,Methodist Lawn , lint, Mich., in good condition, Phone Mrs. garage. $4,200 cash. to Grace Bohn Martin at' 487W, 'Clinton. L. G. Winter, Real Estate, phoneCemetery, Sat - business 448, residence 5991. urday, November 3, 45-g ` 41-tbf BIGGART-At his residence, on �1Viondey, Oct. 29, 1951, Charles FURNITURE REFINISHING FRAME HOUSE in the Village ( Graham Biggart, Highland Park, PIANO, IURNITURE and radio of Londesboro, full lot, garage, Mich., formerly of Clinton, in 45-b cabinet re -finishing and repair- eagi deal only. L. G. Winter, his 73rd year. Funeral from Snag, W. G. Pickett. P.O. Box Real Estate and Business Brok- Hetherington and Dean Fun - 351, Clinton. 43 4-5-6-p cc, Clinton, Busit}ess phone 448. oral Chapel, Niagara Falls, 'Oct. 45 -'hof to Fairview Cemetery, Tuesday, FURNITURE FOR SALE Oct. 30. COMPLETELY RE -DECORATED DALLAS -In the Mason Villa ONE MAHOGANY finish buffet, war -time house, tile kitchen Nursing Home, London, on SA,. nearly new. Elliott Bbuffef, floor' immediate possession, easy urday, November 3, 1951, liaa Phone 951,terms. Apply 8 Albert St., God- John Dallas, the former Annie 45p erich, 45-hMonteith, in her 86th year. at 1.30 p.m., pianolsiandg bench FARMS FOR SALE SIX -ROOMED Bungalow, one Funeral from Bonthron Funeral (A-1 condition); 3 -piece Chester - three -piece bathroom, one two- Home, Hensall, to Baird's Cern- field suite; Axminster rug 9'x12'; SROM 50 TO 117 ACRE FARMS. piece bathroom, full !basement ataxy, Brucefieid, Monday af- quarter -tut oak buffet and dining two- FROM information. Lean- small attic, oil-burningsemen ternoon, November 5. •ard G. Winter, Real Estate, e, FULFORD--In Alexandra Hospi- room table; cane bottom rocking ,phones: business 448, residence fully automatic; •two lots, small tai Goderich on Wednesday,chair; floor lamp; magazine stand; 5991• 5-btfb barn. $5,000, with $3,000 down. piano stool; tea -wagon; small oak A bargain if there ever was one. Oct. 31, 1951, 72ndMClara nM. s table; small mahogany table and GRASS FARM, 100 ACRES, lot Possession December 1 or possib- Fulford; in her year. Fun- Other small Morris chair; 15, concession 5, Hulled. Thomas 1y before. Three -and -a -half biome oral from BropheY Funeral chest of drawers; hat rack; 3- 'Carbert, R,R. 1, Clinton, phone from centre of town. L. G. Win- Home, Goderich, to Colborne piece bedroom suite, inner spring Clinton 801r21, or James Phelan, ter, Real Estate and Business Cemetery, Friday afternoon, mattress (nearly new); single R.R. 2, Blyth, phone Blyth 31r9, Broker, Clinton, Business phone November 2. bed, springs and mattress; iron 13-15-ptbf 448; residence 599-3. 39-'tbf Gday. OI3R-fin Toronto, on Mon- bed, springs and mattress; in - day, October 29, 1951, Peter B. valid's chair; 6 dining room ROPY THEATRE PARK THEATRE CAPITAL THEATRE Nammmirstaas 4/034 C L I N T O N GODEILICII- GODGRICH -Phone Phone 1150 �47 • . Now Playing (Nov. 8-10) Now: 'BROKEN ARROW" "SOLDIERS THREE" with In Technicolor with James Now: reek C.grson and Janis Paige Stewart.! ranger, Walter Pidgeon Stewart and Jeff Chandler in"MR. UNIVERSE" MON., TUES., WED. `FALL ABOUT 'EVE'. The dramatic hit that won the Year's Academy Award. The story of two actresses,' one young, one old, and their rivalry on the stage and off, Bette Davis - Anise Baxter and Hugh Marlowe THUES„ FRI.,: SAT. s Danny Kaye - Gene Tierney and Corinne Calvert Music! Fun! Romance! And all in Technicolor, as a Moate Carlo entertainer turnsaviator to put ever an important deal, "ON THE RIVIERA" MON., TUE., WED., (Nov. 12-14) "MISTER 880" The most lovable old gent who ever evaded the law plays cupid for thesecret -service Burt Lancaster -Dorothy McG'uire and Edmund Gwenn THUR., FRI., SAT. (Nov. 15-17) Red Skelton, - Sally Forrest and MacDonald ' Carey Thesetting for this Skelton riot goes back to the good old days when the horseless carriage was considered a menace `EXCUSE MY DUST' In; Technicolor MON., TUBS., WED. Mark Stevens - Gale Storm and Edmund O'Brien An exciting crime drama • tells the story of two young cops and their struggle with a vicious problem. " "Between Midnight and Dawn" THURS., FRI., SAT. Gene Autry Nan Leslie and .Thurston Hall Gene smokes out some. killers in a ghost town as they battle to possess a long -lost treasure cache. "Rim of the Canyon" Coming (Nov. 19-21) Coming: Bill Lundigan and June Coining: "A YANK IN KOREA" "TWO WEEKS WITH LOVE" ' Haver in "I'LL GET BY" With Lou McCallister and Jane Powell -Ricardo Montalban In Technicolor William Phipps aziessamseasearessessemizeivemessiesesseissesi e+f AVEZERIMIUSSasjewellaidawitmcwmalaISSmene at 2 p.m., consisting of: 30 young cows and heifers- Durhams, Herefords and Hol- steins. Five cows freshened. Three cows due time of sale, and bal- ance due from Dec. to March. 5 young calves; 2 heifers, 10 months old. This is a good lot of cattle and in good condition, TERMS -CASH A. E, TOWNSIIEND AND SON, Proprietors EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K. W. Colquhoun, Clerk AUCTION SALE of HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS from the home of the late Emmanuel Ward, Huron St., West, Clinton, on Saturday, Nov. 17 'FARM LAND FOR RENT SMALL HOLDING for the fansGardiner, in his 82nd year. chairs; 2 kitchen cupboards` Viet - 30 that wants to retire; four bed- Interment in Brussels Cense- rola and records; drop-leaf; table; 30 ACRES in one field `(socia rooms, double e,livingyroom.,dining tery, Thursday, November 1. Norge electric 8 cu, ft, refrig- good land, could be ploughed now g, full BARNWELL-At her residence, lir spring. Also for sale -Turkeys basement, good furnace, pressure Keeys St., 'Goderich, after a roasand pictures. r; numerous cushions; mir- rors Christmas, dressed. Apply garage; one acre long illness, on Monday, Nov. ANTIQUES included in this to George :as, ugh, R. R. 1, of land, more optional; two miles , 5, 1951, Frances Elliott, below- sale are mahogany chair, Clinton. Phone 805r31. 45-1, from Clinton on good road. L. ed wife of John Harnweil, in 2 arm chalks, Edison cornergencu G. Winter, Real Estate and Busi- her 82nd year. Funeral front and disc records; lamps, dishes HELP WANTED -Female ness Broker, Clinton, business Cranston end Walter Funeral and numerous other articles. phone 448; residence 599-J. Hoiee to Maitland Cemetery, gs Apply Goderich, Wednesday afternoon, If weather is unfavorable GIRL TO WORK AFTERNOONS 40-tfb TERMS --CA end some evenings, vorable sola Store, cEwans Gift end Stationery5y POULTRY FOR SALE McLEOD At her home in Bay-' MRS be inside. Proprietress 1000 PULLETS FOR SALE. Well field, on Monday, November 5, EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, 1951, Emma Richards, beloved HELP WANTED Sussexevep d pullets New Iiampaht ks and wife of the late William John K• W. Auctioneer Colquoun, Clerk hEPLENDID OPPORTUNITY to Barred Rock X New Hampshire. McLeod. Resting at Ball and 45 -4S -b ambitious persons to make reel These pullets will be readyto . Mutch Funeral Home, Clinton, money in selling from door to lay in eight weeks, <$1.25 ach. SerWednesday afternoon. door 225 products well-known and This offer isServicedin Trinitym,Interment' iChurn, Bai good until Novem- field, at 2 p.m, n guaranteed: toilet, medicines, cul:- ber 21 only. Phone 33. F. W. B'ayfieid Cemetery, leery domestic, tea, coffee, etc. Andrews; Clinton, 45-6-7-P MUSTARD -In Miami, Florida,,of HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS and Complete assortment of GIFT "Ella PARI?[ PROPERTY BOXES. Large discount. Your Tippet, formerly of Verne RUG CLEANING and Ba from the home oP Mr, George profits depend on your work.. William A. Mustard, d wife of Castle,"' Park Street, Goderich, Good territories available. NO RUGS AND UPHOLSTERY thor- •formerly on RISK. JIM: 5130 St. ;Hubert, oughly cleaned in your own°f Brucefield, Montreal.45-6-7-Heb home by latest method. Make an "' - 0 Saturday, November 10 appointment now. Fred Din- CARD OF THANKS at 1.30 eem„ the following: CLERKS, GQiAillE 2A - $130HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Mod - monthly, Grade 1-$108 months forth 1, Seeforth. Phone Sea- I wish to thank every one who ern walnut waterfall dining $ y, forth 1603, 42.3-4-5 p sent cards, flowers end boxes of room suite of table and chairs; Federal Government Depart- treats, while I was a roents. Full particulars. on post patient in 2 -tone oak dining room suite of SAW FILING Clinton Public Hospital; and since :buffet; table and chairs; mohog- Clearing AUCTION 'SALE ars on display in Post Offices I mane home. - MRS, ELM.ER any music cabinet; studio couch and National Employmenit Clf- ALL KINDS OF SAWS Sharp- WEBSTER. frees. Application- forms, 'obtain- ened,' Leave at David Elliott's, 45-.b -(velour velvet); 2 couches; side - able thereat, should: be filed Not Fulton .Street or at Nelson's a board; 2 record cabinets; 3 rock - Later Than November 10, 1951, Machine Shop, Clinton. mg chairs; oak library table; with the Civil Service Commis- , 45-6-7-p small tables; cherry what -not; cion, Ottawa, • 45-b Frost Government cherry bedroom suite, springs and ' . SAWS, ALL KINDS, FILED at ' mattress; bed, springs and inner I BEST ONTARIO LOST AND FOUND C. Hoare's orchard, mile north of EVER HAD ems ( ems' ( antique); 2 desks; fernery; mattress; I chests of draw-. town. Will work odd days har- LOST-Wold of bills 'dropped by vesting, etc. Call evenings at Vote For Pryde 1>lailco mantel radio; clothes a working girl, either in -stores house, if possible, 41-48-p s hamper; bird houses; table lamps;. ar along main street of Clinton, s -se -e -e -o e 4 .clothes horses; hooked rugs; wai- Kindly leave at NEWS -RECORD SITUATIONS WANTED. nut picture frames (antique); Dffice. Reward. 45-p Cl'ere Jewel enamel range (coal YOUNG LADY, owns typewriter, or. wuod); Quebec heater; 3 +OUND.-..Stray cattle 'beast on would do work at home or place trunks; Williams sewing machine; my property, Lot 36, Con. 8, of business. Has eight years of- Clinton2 clocks; garden tools; pillows; aoderich Township. Owner prove free 'experience, Box `X,"' NEWS- ADD mirrors; mat frames; cooking Jroperty and pay expenses, Phone RECORD. , 45-p utensils; sealers; dishes and num limon 908r14. Ernest -McGee. plumbingerous other articles, '45_6 p AIRMAN'S WIFE is looking for PROPERTY: At the same time employment Will try anything, ,OSTand place there will be offered ; Hereford Durham Steer Phone 432. 45-1i for sale, subject to reserve bid (if ig 'bout 900 lbs. marked on top of Bathroom Accessories not sold iglu ear. Reword' will be given. F1NED, Exi') iENCESD Young Bathroom to sale date), 'any person seeing or knowing woman, desires part-time empfioy. Let us service your the desirable property on which he wheaeabouts please notify Merit Clerking, baby-sitting, or is situated a one -storey five- ack Medd, R.R. 1,'Clinton, Phone light housework. Excellent refs- Space Heater for . roomed brick cottage with "three- 41x11, Seafortht 45-.b erernces. Apply Box'"Y", NEWS -piece bath and full basement, On RECORD,' 45 p Winter' use. this property is also located a LIVESTOCK FOR SALE -" small barn, 'EN PIGS,six weeks old, Charles STOVES FOR SALE TERMS on Household Effects: _ E J. REYNOLDS Cash. Terms on the property: iley, R. R 1,Clinton. 45-x QUEBEC' HEATER, medium size. E. 10 per cent down on date of sale, WO DUAL PURPOSE. -Red 'Poll. Phone Clinton 67. 45-b FLU14D ING - HEATING and the balance in 30 days. ells, six months old, from an ONE QUEBEC HEATER, one GENERAL REPAIR GEORGE CASTLE, ]Proprietor ocredi.ted herd. Raymond C. cook stove, and one small vacuaisn EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, d Phone 577R Auctioneer the treasurer's report, The BRUCEFIELD Odd - fellows have asked if the Wom- an's Association would serve their annual banquet. It was de- cided that we should do so. The Brucefield WA Meets date has not been decided on as The Woman's Association of yet. The nominating committee Brucefield United Church met on are to prepare the slate of offic- ers' Thursday, November 6. The open- meeting dosed by sings g hymn ins hymn was -No. 374; Mrs.'Ho- No. 364, followed by prayer. bort A41'an read the Scripture lesson from Matt. 25, verses 14 '-' 4-4-' "''s'•' ''0',1app to 30, Mrs. B. Keyes spoke on SUPPORT AND "The Talents." Hymn No. 356 WORK FOR was sung, followed by prayer by TOM PRYDE Mrs. Keyes. The Creed was re- peeted in unison. We then had • ON NOVEMBER 22 the roll call, Mrs. H. Berry gave e -see eee-s-sseee♦ aa -s. -,._..,.-_._-_ -- VISIT OUR RECORD BAR - RCA Victor, Columbia and Capital Records SPARTON RADIOS CEMENT BUILDING and CHIMNEY BLOCKS Built and Repaired GUY IVES and SONS Phone Carlow 1612 36-ptfb mesimmesaveausai K. C. COOKE FLORIST Phones: Greenhouse 66J Residence 66W DWELLING FOR SALE Two-storey Brick Dwelling, consisting of double living - room, dining -room, modern kitchen, two-piece bath down; four bedrooms and three-piece bath up. not water heating with oil burner. Ideal location. Apply to H. C. LAWSON REALTOR Bailie of Montreal Bldg. PHONE 251W 42 -tab 'MAXI s 5 4VICE Get There Safely! CALL 11-0- ASHTQNS - TAXI Tenders For Snowplowing Township of Goderich TENDERS will be received for Snow Plowing with truck and plow; trucker to supply one man as helper for approximately one-third of Goderich Township's roads when necessary. 'Tenders will be received until November 14. For information• apply to: ROY TYNDALL, Road Superintendent, R.R. 3, Clinton, Phone 9071'3 BELIEVE THE BIBLE IF YOU'RE NOT CONVINCED THAT A. PERSON WHO DIES WITHOUT ACCEPTING CHRIST IS ETERNALLY DAMNED, YOU DON'T BELIEVE THE BIBLE. For the Word of God has more to say about judgment for the unsaved than it does about heaven for the Child of God. "The wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness . , , The wages of sin is death Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God He that believeth not is condemned already He that believeth not shall be damned . . He that hath not the Son of God bath not life , , It is appointed unto man once to die, but after this the judgment , e . And whosoever was not fouhs written in the book of life was oast into the lake of Ere." But against this black picture of eternal death Is the promise of God to all who accept His Son. "For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved," CHAS. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles, 53 -ABC Network Sundays 4.00 p.m. EST Have You Seen T hem? The New Beatty Washer On Display on our Floor Now BE SURE TO SEE THESE BEFORE BUYING Also ONE ELECTRIC IRONER and ONE ELECTRIC FLOOR POLISHER These make a lovely Christmas gift fbr the housewife Hugh R. Hawkins ' Hardware, Plumbing and Heating Eavestroughing g g -- Sheet Metal Work -- "Hecla Furnaces PHONE 244 et nrrn►,, n.�T