HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-11-08, Page 6PAGE SIX J/PERSQNALS Miss Wilma Dinniii, Brucefield, has joined the office staff of The NEW - S REL"ORD, Dr, and Mrs. K. D. Lane, To - /lento, Were visitors with Rev. and 1e and -Mrs. D. J. Lane this hr s week • Mrs. Harriet Shaw is celebrat- ing her birthday on Monday, No- ,eem'ber 12. Congratulations! Mr. and Mrs. Norton Quaife, 'California, were recent guests With Mr. and Mrs. Murray Quatfe• Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L= epping- ton- celebrated their 32nd • wed- ding anniversary on November -4. Congratulations! Mrs. Edith. Quaife is making her home,., with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Quaife. Rev. A. aid ,Mrs. Forsyth, Port Rowan, visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. William' Pickett, Orange Street, one day las!: week. Mrs. J. Murdock, Glasgow, Scotland, has returned to her home after spending several months with her daughter, Mrs, J. E. Dale, Clinton. U Mr. and, Mrs, A. C. Brandon 1 ft to -day for Detroit to join lVlir. and' Mrs. F. Deseok on an extended motor trip through the States to California and' Me xrco. Mr. ,and Mrs. Benson Sutter, Clinton, Miss Lucille Boyce, Cromarty, and Harvey Starling, Elimville, represented ,Huron Presbytery at the annual con- vention of Algoma Presbytery YPU held in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, over the weekend. Glen R. Elliott, who has been assistant. Brof accountant of Clinton Canada, has been transferred to the Danforth Ave. -Dawes Road branch, Toronto, and reported there yesterday, He is succeeded by A. G. Pacey, who arrived here Monday from the Wiarton Branch. D- - ST. ANDREW'S GIRLS' CLUB St. Andreui's Girls' Club will hold its November the Sunday School room meeting ofhe° church on Tuesday, November 13, at 8 p.m. 3 -Act Comedy -,NOV. SPECIALS For NOVEMBER 8-9-10 1 . Y i MAXWELL NOUSE COFFEE -1 lb. bag CARNATION MILK—large tin BEEHIVE CORN SYRUP -2 lb. tin TEA RISK—large pkg. GREEN GIANT NIBLETS CORN 2 tins 35C ROBIN ROOD OATS -5 lb. bag 25c FLORIDA ORANGES—size 288's doz. 25e FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT—size 96's CALIFORNIA GRAPES 5 for 25e 2 lbs. 25e COOKING ONIONS -10 lb. bag 390 1.03 16c 30c 51c Thompson's Food Market Phone 40 We Deliver I DOR elle they last.... The Popular New yx gYER (Vertical Style) Electric Food Mixer with juice extractor . SPEEDS KITCHEN WORK — SAVES ENERGY — IMPROVES BAKING No housewife can afford to be without one! Reg.: $52.95 Our Special $39.95 BALL MUTCH D. G. BALL W. J. 1VIUTCH Phone 361-W Phone 3614 Hardware and Furniture — Funeral Directors PHONE 195 •—. CLINTON Engagements Announced Mr. and Mrs. James A. Eadie; London, Ontario, wish to announce' the engagement of their daughter, -Patricia Ann, to Gordon- Grigg, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Grigg, Clinton,z the wedding ng'to take place on Saturday, November 17, 1951,. in Byron United Church, 45-b Mrs. Christina Balsor, Ham- ilton, wishes to announce the engagement of her oldest daughter, Mary Blanche, to William R. Matheson, only son of Rev. end Mrs. William Matheson, Mosley, the wed- ding to take place later in. November, - 45-p Q Huron Presbyterial Hears Council Report The executive of Huron Pres- nian Church, et ie St. Andrew's 'sChurc'h, Cl n ori, The president, Mrs, Gordon Bisset, Goderich, welcomed the nicfmbers. Mrs. Edith Russel, eaforth, gave the Scripture les- on and led in prayer. Mrs. Alan MacAuley, Ripley, .ought a fine report of the eneral Council of the WNIS ell in Regina. The work of e deaconesses in the vans in estern Canada was encouraging nd greatly appreciated. Supplies churches, Indian sohools and edy settlers and newcomers d been undertaken. Mrs. MacCauley made e plea greater consecration to the rk of carrying out our Say- r's commands. 'How our money is spent and Med for overseas and home scions," was the subject of s, Lane's remarks. he convener of the WAndrew's Church M5 of eshments enda social half hour s enjoyed b G h th W a to ne ha for wo lou div mi Mr T St. fre D TH1E VOICE OF 'TEMPERANCE There is one way in which the menace of the drink traffic can be overcome. Let all church members acknowledge that drink- ing is inconsistent with their posi- tions as members of the Christian churches. Let them act accord- ingly. It requires nothing more that this, that all the member- ship of the church take a firm stand against the use of alcoholic liquor traffic will be checked beverages end the inroads of the, The tem'per'ance cause has a right to expect the support of every church member. Drinking and drunkenness are not part of the Chri'tian way of life, Church membership does demand certaen standards of conduct—Advt. 45ab lPublished by Huron Temper - ance Federation. at Don't Suffer COLDS and WET FEET 1 Choose Your Rubber Footwear NEEDS—NOW! Goodrich ) Miner ) Gutta Percha) Brands British ) Aiken's Luggage and Shoes ;IIIIIIIi111111IIIIIIIIIIII1111011111111111111111!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllll111111111111111111111111111III!IIIIIIIIIIflflllllllllllllllllllllll!VIII11111111IIIIII111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!II!II!!IIIIII11111 Illllfil!III!flfllllllU!!1111 l' 111111)1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111! It's Here,.. r No fooling! Drive into winter in a car that's been prepared to protect you and itself against the ravages of cold weather motoring. • WINTERIZE YOUR CAR TO -DAY! BLUE SUNOCO GASOLINE, OILS Wells Auto Electric • .'THE ORIGINAL .0 SHOP". AND GREASE TUNE-UP IIIIIIII!!II1111111;1111f11f11 Note the new phone number 762 ' 1 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDDINGS WISE—ROWDEN" St. James'. .Anglican Church, Middleton was the setting of an interesting wedding, Saturday, November '3, at 2 p,ann.,-• When Ott' ' ill eL' cis o n ,Yu aria' u t gdaughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. EBowden, . erich To it God- Township, was. united in marriage to Edward Cantelon Wise, elder son of Mr. and Mrs: Charles E, Wise,'Go'derich Town: - ship. The bride, Who was given in marriage -by her father,' looked lovely in an ankle length gown of- bronze French net over taf- feta. She wore a.' corsage of ophelia roses. She was attended` bwho we s smartr ' inNan' ankle lenuriel gth down of royal blue French lace and velvet, with a corsage ' of American Beauty roses. R a Wise, brother of the groom; acted as groomsman. Following the wedding, 'a re- ception was held at the home of the bride's parents. The house was beautifully decorated with. autumn flowers and the bride's table was attractive with lace cloth, centred with a three -tier- ed Wedding cake. • For travelling, with a honey- moon in Eastern Ontario, theibride donned a burgandy red rayon velvet dress, with grey top coat end navy accessories. The young couple will reside in Clinton. HEARD—LINDSAY A quiet wedding was solemn - zed in St.Andrew's United March manse, Bayfield, by Rev. eter Renner, on Thursday, No - ember 1, 1951, at two. o'clock, waren Phyllis June, youngest dau- ghter of Mrs. Eliza Lindsay and me late George Lindsay, became me bride of George Hewitt Heard, Younger son of Mr. and Mrs. merson Heard, Bayfield. The attractive bride wore a avy blue gabardine suit with Ontario St. United d rey accessories and a corsage American Beauty roses. She was attended -by the grpom's cis r, Miss Betty Heard, London, ho chose a burgandy gabardine nit with black accessories end corsage of pink briareliffe sec. Herbert Kirkham was oomsman. Mrs. Lindsay received at her ome, gay with 'mums in autumn tors, in a navy blue crepe dress th cream medallion and em- oidery. She was assisted by groom's' mother who wore a wo-piece navy blue crepe frock tIi navy and white printed top. air corsages ,were of golden n the dining room, the bride's le was centred with a three - ed wedding cake, flanked by le tapers in silver holders. Pink d white horse shoes graced the mars of the table and floral orations on all the tables were led out with chrysanthemums, of the bride's' nieces, erley Beaton and Miss Helen aserved dist distance included 25 Mr. and George Lindsay, Paris, and age Hewitt, London, e gr'oom's gift to the bride a double strand of pearls, to the groomsman, an init- billfold. The bridesmaid vel a cup and saucer and waitress, scab pins. 'ly in the evening the young e left on a motor trip to s east. For travelling, the donned a grey fur -trimmed oat. On their return they reside on the groom's farm. join with their many s in congratulations and good wish to- the popular couple. W RLS' CLUB C P v t tI E n g of to w s a r0 gr h c0 wi bro tw wit Th 'mu tab tier pin an con dee carr Two Bev Blai from Mrs. Geo Th was and ial led recei the Ear coupl point bride top c will We friend every Young Church --- Directory (All Services Eastern Standard Time) St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church REV. D. 3. NE B. Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organns-ltster and Choir Leader Sunday, November 11 10.00 a.m.-Church School. 11.00 am,—Divine Worship_ Remembrance Day Service, under auspices of the Can- adian Legion Branch No, 140, 'Please be seated before 11 .o'clock. All centre pews re- served. 12:15 pan,—The parade to Post Office Square; ceremony of Remembrance; Depositing of Wreaths. 2.30 pan, --Divine Worship . in Knox Church, Bayfield Everyone welcome to these services join in' Wesley-Willis United Church • Minister: Rev. HUGH C. WILSON Organist: MRS, M. R. RENNIE Choir Director: MR. Si. R. RENNIE ' Sunday, November 13 Armistance Day Observance 11.00 a.m —Morning Worship Sermon subject: "For the Duration" Junior Sunday School 12.15—.Cenotaph Service 7.00 p.m.—Evening Praise, Come totheHouse mer. Baptist Church Sunday, November 11 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship. Minister: Rev. A. C. Dixon 12.00 a.m.—Sunday School. II Wesley -Willis Girls' Club will thmoldnkaffering meeting in e cchurch13, at $our, Tuesday, No- vember p.m. Miss Luella speaker, will be the guest SUPPORT TOM PRYDE ON HIS RECORD NOVEMBER 22 '�'1-�•O-�bd•�d J f o-+••o-e-�-e Chl_p=ch REV. A. GLEN EAGLE, B.A.,B•D. Minister Mrs. E. We dorf, and Choir Leader Sunday, November 11 11.00 a.m._Morning Service, 7.00 p.m. --Union Service in Wesley -Willis Church. Pentecostal C ch Matilda St., South of CNR K. L. SWEIGARD. Pastor Sunday, November 11 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m. Morning Worship 7,30 p,m.—Gospel Service Friday, 8.00 p.m.—Young People's Service. Tuesday, 8 p.m.—Bible Study and Prayer. ALL WELCOME St. Paul's Anglican Church REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon. Choir Leader Sunday, November 11 Remembrance Sunday 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 10.55 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Primary Department Please note early time. '7.00 p.m.• --Evening Service. You Are Cordially invited to attend GOSPEL MEETINGS in the COUNCIL CHAMBER, Clinton Town Hall EVERY SUNDAY 8 p.m. Richard Farmsworth Business Man from Guelph, Speaker God and His Word are the only hope for our time, 28tfib Ontario St. WA Appoints Callers Ontario St. Church WA met on Tuesday, October 30, at 3 pan. in the church urch 'hell 1 w' rth the a male Mr s, Jean' Radford, chair. The rd, inthe meeting opened by singing a hymn and reading psalm 698 responsively, Rev. A. G. Eagle led in prayer. Mrs, E. Radford took devotional,'period, opening with hymn 356.and tak- ing as her subject "parable of Talents." The various reports were read and business discussed. Callers were then named for the' various wards: St. Andrew's, th Mrs. Norman Carter; St. James', Mrs, William Ross; St. John's, J Mrs, F, Pepper; St. George's, Mrs. jo Si. • Wheatley. Two ladies were named to meet 1 ou the :board about renovation of the chard THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 195$ CONSTANCE Mrs. Mary' Nicholson wwho has spent the past two months with Miss Jennie Mann, will be sorry to learn she' is in Stratford Hospital. LEGION GI011T AUXiLdARY Clinton Legion Auxiliary Will meet Monday, November 12, at 8.15 p.ni. in the Legion Hall. Remembrance Day Service Sun- day at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, All members will meet at Legion Holl, It was decided to donate $5 top a Deaconess Home in Toronto, A piano solo,was rendered by ane Batkin, which was much en- yed. Miss E. Wiltse also fay - red the ladies with a solo, a humorous ui o spiriJ,followed by a Townsend, reading by Mrs. F, The meeting closed with an- other hymn and a lovely lunch was: then served by the ladies of Huron Road East and London is Mrs. McMurray and Mrs. Jean Radford: The nominating committee was named to elect the officers for 1952, as follows: Mrs. E. Radford, Mrs. C. Martin, Mrs, N. Tyndall, • ♦4 e-a+-e-o•e•+w+-s-a•ao-o-�.�r-ao.o-+w•w asr•o.eo.a. Winter Clothing • Coats Station Wagon Coats Dresses We are busy! That alone is proof enough that we are offering the public value for their money. You too, can profit by visiting our store and taking advantage of the prices at which we offer our merchandise. UNDERWEAR BABIES' — CHILDREN'S and WOMEN'S brand- ed merchandise. See be f the evalues r dthat Turnbulll's — Horvey Woods and Watsons (Penmans) have to offer. SNUGGLEDOWN -- PYJAMAS and NIGHTGOWNS are in for Procure yours ®fromur eourrglarge comfort assortment of styles and colors. All sizes in stock—Small, Medium, Large and O.S. SPECIAL IBEX FLANNELETTE BLANKETS Size 70x90 --- ONLY 5.95 IR WIN'S The Staff of Life! BARTLIFF'S MILK LOAF PLAIN or SLICED The Kiddies Love Itf PHONE 1 AND HAVE OUR DRIVER CALL **2", age wet ' U mse r t:irr,s ti} eery,.^ a,� BARTLIFF BROS. Bakers and Confectioners Saturday, November '1-0 It's the'TREAT OF THE YEAR for little girls and boys (and, we suspect, for Morn and Dad, too ?) This year's Toy Town is crammed to the corners with toys for "make believe" ... toys that teach, toys that build sound minds and healthy bodies. Bring the whole family down now—and again and again 'tween now and Christmas Eve! Use our Christmas lay -away plan — small deposit, no extra 'charge. _MARTINS DEPT. S IIIffl0111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIg1111011111111111011101111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 !IIM!ImlMIfl111111111111111111111111111RI(11111