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Clinton News-Record, 1951-11-01, Page 8
PAGE EIGHT CLINTON NEWS= RECORD TH,URBDAY, NOVEMBER, 1, 1951 WILLERT—SMITH • Henson United Church, lovely with a floral [background of n Weddin s beautiful fall flowers and light- Autumn as the settle • ed candles, wg for a charming wedding of wide inter- .. -..-.4-4. .-+.++ nter- ..-..-'r'~+'+ est Saturday, October 20, at 4 MCILWAIN—COX p.m., when Gladys Sadndercock A uiet 'but pretty autumn Smith, Westmount, Quebec, dau- the ghter' of Mrs. Annie Satindercock, wedding was solemnized atHensall, and Milton Harry 'Wil - home of Clayton Cox, Cutt Line, lert, Dashwood, son" of the Tate Goderich Township, on Saturday, Dash - October, 27, at two o'clock, when Reinhard and Mrs. Willert, M deice Blanche wood, exe+hanged marriage vows. his sister, a Rev. W. J. Rogers officiated. Youngest daughter of Mrs. Cox Miss Greta 'Laramie, church org- end-.the late Wilfred J. Cox, was artist, played traditional wedding. united in marriage with William music and accompanied the solo - George Meilwain, only son of ist, Harry. T. Hoffman, Dash - Mr. and Mrs. Robert MaIlwain, wood; who sang "The Lord',s Goderich Township, Prayer" and "All Joy Be Thine" To the strains of Lohengrin's during the signing of the register. "Wedding ;March", the bride The bride, who was given in entered the parlour on the arm marriage by her brother, George of her brother Earl, Who gave C. Saunderceck, Windsor, was her in marriage, and took her gowned in ice blue slipper satin, place in the. archway, decorated designed with soft pleats from with pinkand white streamers waist, in back ending in short and white 'bells and ' autumn train, with this she wore a bolero flowers, Rev, Peter Renner, jacket with soft fischue collar, pastor of Grace United Ohiirch, an all feather hat and slippers Porter's Hill, performed the Isere- of same color, she wore the many. groom's gift, a crystal necklace, The 'bride iwas attired in a and carried a bridal bouquet of floor -length gown of white Satin ,pink roses and gardenias. with long pointed sleeves end a The bride was attended by her finger-tip 'veil caught up with a sistee, Nile. Radfrocl Donaldson, halo of seed pearls. She ao pore _ pear, _.ckla,...,...., ..a,.,elsLondon, es matron of honor, and Nancy Willert, Dashwood, niece of the groom, as flower girl. Mrs. Donaldson chose a gown of del- phinium blue taffeta faille with matching headdress, and carried yellow baby mums. Nancy Wil- lert was frocked in a floor -length dress of delphinium blue, ban- deau of mixed flowers, and car- ried roses and mums. Alvin Willert, Exeter, was his brother's groomsman; Edward Hamather, Dashwood, and Alfred Pearson, Toronto, us4ieeed. A reception wes held in the church parlors to 125 'guests. For receivingthe bride's moth- er chose a black crepe dress, while the mother of the groom wore aquamarine, both wore pink rose corsages. For their wedding trip to Atlantic City the bride donned a taupe coloured suit with accessories in brown, mole- skin jacket and a gardenia cor- sage. They will reside in Henstlll for the present. Guests from a distance were Miss Nancy Fewer, Westlnount, Que„ Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bar- ton, Detroit, Mieh. • Mr. end' Mrs. G. C. Saundercock, Windsor; Dr. and Mrs, A. G. McKinnon, Galt; Mrs. Eldon Bender, Listowel;. Mr. and Mrs. 'Alfred Pearson,,' Toron- to; Mr. and Mrs. G. Newton, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Newton, The Woman's Missienere So- ciety catered for 'the wedding dinnee. ' 0 accessories. She wore the groom's They're Not All gift of a rhinestone necklace and r Shortly before the outbreak of bracelet. World War II, an Ameriean newspapercorrespondent' Rome MILLER—WILSON CUNINGHAME—JOHNSTON (Owen 'Sound Sun -Times) Chrysanthemums in autumn shades and. white candles in branched candelabra reflected in the mirrored window of the long living room of- the family home formed the . setting on Saturday, October 20, at five o'clock,for the marriage of Peggy .Persons Johnston, younger daughter of Mrs. G. L. Parsons, Hatton Hall, Owen Sound, and the late Mr. Parsons, of Goderich, to John East Cuningheme, son of Mr. and - Mrs. Gordon Cuninghame, .Clin- ton. The guests were the „im- mediate families. • Rev. G. Keith McMillen con- y ducted the ceremony and Miss Frances Kennedy' played the wedding music, Given in marriage by her bro- ther, James Parsons, the bride was. gowned in bronze brocaded satin fashioned with wide V neckline outlined with softly folded bertha extending over the shoulders to form smell sleeves.• The skirt had folds extending over the hipline and falling in the back in a slight sweep. She slippers. wore on her breast a beautiful Miss Larene Cox was her sist- brooch, set with five amethysts, er's bridesmaid,. tressed in a which had been placed on his floor -length gown of rose satin bride by -the first John Cueing- with long mittens' and silver hame, 78 years ago. She wore slippers, each carrying a bouquet matching mittens and Juliet cap of roses. of the satin with nylon pleeting The groom was attended by and carried) a crescent style Wilfred Castle, Goderich. The bouquet of orchids in shades of bride and groom's mothers were green, bronze and gold backed each attired in navy blue dresses. with soft toned green ostrich and wore red corsages, plumes, long loops and streamers After' the signing: of the reg - of gold tricotine cascading from ister, the immediate relatives and a centre bow. a few friend's sat down to a tur- Bridesmaid, Miss Rosemary Tel key dinner served by the bride's, ford, niece of the bride was gown- sister Eleanor and two . girl ed in sage green taffeta made on friends, Misses Jean Proctor. long lines styled like the bride's London, and Audrey Harrison, gown on simple full lines, with Goderich. - p ' deep off the shoulder flange. She Prior to her marriage, the carried large bronze chrysanthe- bride had been employed for the mums in crescent styleaccented pest yearas a stenographer at with glossy green ivy foliage James Wright and Company, Lon - bowed with green and bronze tion, Before leaving London, she toned satin ribbon. The bride's was the recipient of a number of small daughter, Kip Johnston, useful gifts: was flower girl wearing spice The young couple left, for a brown taffeta with yelvet trim short honeymoon to northern and carrying a circlet of gerbera points amid showers of confetti in tones shading from apricot to and good wishes, and on their golden brown, centred with a return will reside on the Blue - cluster of pale yellow pinocchio water Highway. rosebuds with gold tricotine loops The groom's gift. to the brides - and streamers. They wore match- maid was a rhinestone necklace ing mittens and halo brims of the anti to the best roan, gold tie dress materiel. pin and cuff links. Jack Laughton, Toronto, was For going way the bride don - groomsman. ned a navy blue suit with navy Mrs. Parsons was wearing a hat, black shoes and matching floor length gown of ashes of roses wool crepe, small violet het and corsage of pink and purple African violets end the groom's mother chose a floor length gown of blade green crepe with black The home e2 Mr. and Mrs. accessories and' corsage of white Joseph. Wilson, Goderich Town - gardenias with gardenia ribbons. ship,was the setting on Satur- The buffet dinner: was served daafternoon, October 20, for a from a polished table, with the pretty wedding, when their clan- mut what can r cor the all the tables, The bridal couple )arae cirenlai ivory wedding cake .ghter, Vera Eleanor, was united manager retorted" sat in front of gates done in pink veth ich'a trim of talisman roses in marriage to Keith George You can fire. him„ for one and white carnations and fern. c^n )les inntre, sih erlenked candelal.y ivory Miss I Miller, son of Mr, and Mrs. Ar- tir9n the Arae! icon protested. the and under a white bell to which nc,ld Miller, nat. 3, Clinton. Rev. 'I know, I know," cal streamers were caught, Betsy- McTavish was assisting, hotel magi, "but 'how do I know v2. G. Newton olficrated, while The bride's mother wore a Motoring to New York Crty, the wedding music was played by whether the next spy will be such black cut velvet 'and short the bride wore an English grey ac - Mrs. Frank'Speaigltt. Miss Diana a good waiter?' taffeta ensemble with gray ac- Bpeaight was soloist. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, was at - rove in a floor -length gown of white slipper satin, fashioned - ,,,-,; f e 5th . lace end net with seed } via is and long lace sleevc-x and veil.She carried a bouquet at? 1 d'rep * rrt 1, •:ores and white steph- aeotis and white mums. Miss Wilda Wilson cousin of the bride- acted as bridesmaid. ,She was gowned in a floor-length Idress of marine taffeta,fashioned !with a aueen bone collar and iceetheart neckline and floral l+raddress with fingertip veil. ,y !She carried a bouquet of pink ? ELECTRICAL WIRINu carnations and white beby'nvims. !Murray Miller attended his twin brother, while William Wilson, AIR-CONDITIONING the bride's brother, acted as g� usher, fd,f At the reception which -fol- GRAVITY WARM -AIR lowed, Misses Lorraine Hicks, Lois Sowerby, Pearl Finnigan, Lena Wilson and Mrs. )leg. Sturdy assisted. For travelling to a honeymoon in Northern Ontario, the bride chose a gray pit., and pie suit, with navy accessories and cor- sage Of roses, A FURNACE FOR EVERY The bride • and groom were. JOB feted by friends, prior to 'their marriage, Taylor's Corner held a presentation in honor of. the , youn couple and c rs thein I ' and BAT `f 'r .t ts) many 1"vo;e gifts. A misan- E 1 s AVJ sous shower was held by -Miss Marie Wilson and Mrs Phone Joseph ri �� rte 31.--C�iirk 4,ik'� Wison entree:ble'd at a trousscaa )tea in honor of her daughter. BRANDON—DENBY (Be our Bayfield correspondent) Standards of white lighted tap- ers in Rt. Andrew's Un i}t e Church, Bayfield, made the set- ting/or a beautiful autumn we - ding on Saturday afternoon, Oc- tober , 20, at two o'clock, when Bane ene Denby, second dau- ghter `of Mr. and Mrs. J, W Denby, St, Thomas, became the bride of Kenneth Wilfred Brand- on, eldest son of Harold Noble Brandon and the late' Mrs. Brand- on, Bayfield. The ceremony was performed by the pastor, Rev. Peter Renner. The bride, who was gvien lin: marriage by her father was lov- ely in en exquisite gown of white slipper satin featuring a square lace y,oke edged with love lace, fitted bodice with long sleeves ending in lily points on' her hands, and full gathered hoop skirt, Two panels of lace from the .waistline ended in a cathed- ral train trimmed with love lace. Her fingertip veil of French il- lvsion was held in place by a tiara of rhinestones and seed pearls. And she carried a cas- cade of American Beauty roses and stephanotis. Miss Evonne Denby, Toronto, was her sister's meld of honor in a, gown of gold brocaded silk with full hoop skirt, fitted bodice and bolero, , with puff sleeves, buttoned down the front from , a high neckline: She wore match- ing mittens and a gold feather colotte and carried, a cascade. of bronze mums and yellow roses. Miss Audrey Brandon, sister of the groom and Miss Ruth Wright, London. as .bridesmaids, wore loganberry -wine satin and carried cascades of yellow mums and Theroses. gowns were similarly styled with fitted bodice, puff sleeves, bertha collar and long full hoop skirts, with which were worn nvatching mittens and halo headdresses, Patricia and Jeennine Denby, the bride's two younger sisters, were, junior bridesmaids. They ware similar gowns of forest green satin made with a long bouffant skirt, close -fitting bod- ice, round neckline and puff sleeves. They carried baskets of baby mums in autumn shades. Glen Brandon was his brother's groomsmen, and the ushers were James Sage, St. Thomas, and Melvin Greer, Bayfield. Mrs. Don Kingsbury presided. at the organ and played tradi- tional wedding music. The solo- ist was Mrs. Willis Van Egmond, Clinton, who sang "Today, 0 Lord" before the ceremony and "Through the Years" during the signing of the register. The Women's Association, of St. Andrew's United Church served a turkey dinner in the church parlours to 66 guests, Decora- tions were beautifully carried an out in pink, white and green, complained to the manager of his The :bride's table was centred hotel that the waiter who hover- by the wedding Cake flanked by pint: tapers in silver holders. Pink ed over his table when he aver- and led Italian personages was, in- in loops e withcarnations, end streamers were caught dubitably, a spy, cessories.. The groom's grand- mother, Mrs. Robert Blairs Sr., also chose a b'tack frock with matching accessories and both, wore contrasting . rose corsages. Out-of-town guests were pres- ent from St; Thomas,' Landon, Burford, Toronto end Clinton. Later, the' young' couple left on a motor trip. For travelling the bride donned a 'spruce . blue suit with black velvet trim wit which she wore pink' and black accessories and a corsage of Am- erican Beauty roses. On their re- turn they will reside in Bayfield. We join with their many friends in congratulations and best wishes to the popular young. couple. Bride Honoured Honouring bh e birde-to-be, Mrs. Robert Turner, Mrs. Reg. Francis and Miss Rosemarie Ar kelt entertained at a pantry shower at the former's home 011 Wednesday evening, 'October 17,. About 30 guests were present when Elene arrived. As she was ushered into the livingroom, a rubber balloon filled with con- fetti exploded overhead and the guest of honour found herself sitting in a chair gaily decorated with. ribbons and confetti. Games. were enjoyed before. Rosemarie Arkell read a witty address and Mrs. Turner and Mrs. Francis carried in a baby's basket con- taining. the gifts made to re semble a baby which amused all' present. Ellane opened the gifts, tying the ribbons and passing =long nong those present as she did so. In expressing her thanks and appreciation, she extended an invitation to all to visit her *hen she was settled he her home. Dainty refreshments were served before a most enjoyable evening came to a close.. • trailing ivy' artistically decorated funnel suit meth cavalier red accessories and corsage of two Belmont gardenias. Mr. and Mrs, Ceningharne will live in Owen Sound., itra CALL N AND SEE US ABOUT YOUR PROBLEMS on: EAVESTROUGNING When you start out in your Car you don't expect to come home in an ambulance. But, last year, 791 persons were killed - 20,000 were ` injured in street and highway accidents. o One moment of inattention can lead to disaster. • Alwayi drive safely. • Stay out of the Ambulance. Ac cit lmir ±/11374 tWotfe9 #NT/d YOU NAVE ON HEATING PLUMBING ',i, 41,15 qhs rt ', • I It b It • eiVet ©Ei 11, (> ,`Fuld# and APPLE BUTTER Tn ER #V:MRLL 11 will operate IP TL'iCS? Y ay -Wednesday - fl x es lay - Fi' d!aer of each week during October and November ,'FREDa1L,l, I ti.C1t1 a"'if,Aaa, f„JI c-:")ttJ'N 'j! 1",1 l' 7 5, ,•ti 1. it 40-tfb el t X31 7...P... r :wi .;a. s res ]131 i,:-�j Clinto l_ Monument Shop Open Every Friday and by appointment For further information contact J. J. Zapfe, corner Gibbings St. and Rattenbury, St. E., PHONE 103 Memorials and Cemetery Work ,of Every Descriptio)) T. PRI/DE and SON Clinton w- Exeter -- Scutorth a t1 Euerytting is NEW for kIsmobilevt Revolitonary NEW "oc i e"f 74ht• forts---tiu' F'E.1 a ('REti--sp.rttlefor thentsr,'tes! In this new Super `118", you ear' the i''1:a71?;)ilei)➢l tli➢.➢3S of km years' planning en,! wort,.! ChreL oft' these major siva=u•eurcnt- .. , Body; low, !,1: c and hanrd,lome— all ne.a! (.isn;.is: trema-,. shocks, i..: >e—all newt ;:sit! .r➢:rl.le pit r ;�l!t t "49.aotay. s,:: ,rep s,tiabiiity! Aud it tr( t�Gt! Prirc7.5,1' net 717.18551 5l!a r''..'r t' gear 155 1., 4nitloi1n➢ess ii➢1a 1•t)hila-- • dot L1t1g 1115 71V15 le illi nen. all.'eu1's In 1 i1 ',,elle bih1'e :`.1 .t : ;,,i ! GAM` 515151 5151!'r ,, lel 111 1 t i s <'li e a t t ns t coil Lll:arit,4 N ,nis.'s..,,,t! &rr`t,S'a L ? 7-77 A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Aiooe; Oldsmobile "88" De Luxe 4 -Door Sedan. "!Lly lra ilfotk Drive optional at ova cost. Eee tipnrent, accessories, and lr ma subject tc uhmtge without notice, 0415113