HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-11-01, Page 4111111111 1 11 1111 I I III I III 011111 II 111111 1111111 1111111111111 ill I IIIII III III III ilium lin ill 'inn 11111111111 min IIIII unlit In PAGE FOUR r PE RSO NAL.S Mrs. Fred Prest, Londesboro, Woodstock over the weekend and' spent the weekend with Mrs. J. attended meetings of London'. E. Johnston. - Conference YPU executive, Mr and Mrs. A. Shaddick have Mr.. and Mrs. Percy Douglas, returned from a motor trip to Meeford, and Mr. and Mrs: W. Toledo, Ohio. Bowes, Markdale, were weekend Mrs. Hugh Carr, Dresden; spent visitors with Mr., and Mrs. Frank the weekend at the home of Mr. Layton and Mr. end Mrs. Fred and Mrs. W. J. Plumsteel. Popper. Mr. and Mrs. George F. Jack- Mrs. Harry Fawcett, Edmon- sop, Flint, Mich.spent the week- ton, Alta., and her son, David Gertrude with Mrs, Glazier. Fawcett, B.Sc., McMaster Ur P. J. McCauley of the Royal versity, Hamilton, were guests of Bank staff, left last night for a their cousin, Mrs. Hugh Wilson, hunting trip in Northern Ontario. over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Len Evans, St. Mr. and Mrs. Carl D'Aulbin, Thomas, spent Sunday with their Toronto, spent the weekend at parents, Mr. and Mrs, Norman the home of Mr. and Mrs. Char - Carter. les Brandon and at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Brown, the lady's father and aunt, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Brown, p, and Miss Emma Plumsteel. motored to Toronto for the Mac- Miss Jean Tasker, Brantford, Donald -Pope Wedding on Satur- was a representative of Brant day. Deanery, AYPA Council, at the Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Mae- Nth annual provincial conference Donald, Mary Ellen, Lynda Jane held in the Church of the Asees- and Jimmy spent the weekend ion, Hamilton, Thursday -Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs, Adam Scott, October 25-28.. Tordnto. Clifford and William Cooper, Among the guests at the home Flint, . Mich„ spent the weekend of Mr. and Mrs. William Hog - at the home of their' brother and gart, Sunday, were Mr. and Mrs. sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.. Clar- Ed Yungblut, Londesboro, Mr. ence Cooper. and Mrs. Wes Hoggart and son Benson Sutter and Harvey Ross, Base Line, and Mr. and Sperling, Elimville, were + in. Mrs. Gordon Cutts, Arkona. — VISIT OUR RECORD BAR — RCA Victor, Columbia and Capital Records SPARTON RADIOS Moore's Upholstering Rebuilt Furniture PHONE 62 -- New Location, Three Doors From Roxy SPECIALS For NOVEMBER 1-2-3 FANCY RED COHOE SALMON -1/2's tin 35c ea. 41c MAPLE LEAF LARD—i's / 25c SUN-BRITE MARGARINE lb. 38c Metcalfe's PORK and BEANS -20 oz. tin 15c WALKER'S SALTINES -1 lb. box 29c WASHED CARROTS 3 lbs. 15c CALIF. HEAD LETTUCE -5's ea. 15c RED EMPEROR GRAPES 2 lbs 25c CRISCO -1's FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT, Seedless, size 96's—,4 for 23c FLORIDA JUICE ORANGES—size 255's doz. 35c M -L BREAKFAST BACON --t/ lb. pkg. 43c SMOKED PICNICS, Boneless lb. 65c WEINERS lb. 53c Thompson's Food Market Phone 40 We Deliver CLINTON TOWN HALL EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT DANCE to FRANK TRAHER'S ORCHESTRA from London, Ontario 10 p.m. to 1 a.m, ADMISSION 75c Starting WEDNESDAY, OCT. 24 ± MODERN AND OLD TIME DANCING to Jerry Rennie and His Rhythm Jesters + Dancing 9.30 to 12.30 ADMISSION 75c •.-.-.•Or..q 0-9-4-4-40• Atommeranutuwarmir Heating Accessories SEE OUR WINDOWS! Your Needs Satisfied Stove Blackl and PIPES and Furnace Galvanized ELBOWS Black and Galvanized, 90 -degree 7 and 8 -inch Adjustable Galvanized DAMPERS COAL HODS FLUE STOPPERS STOVE BOARDS FIRE SHOVELS PIPE COLLARS Wall and Ceiling THIMBLES COTTON GLOVES "Banner" ASH SIFTERS STOVE CEMENT BALL & MUTCH D. G. BALL W. J. MUTCH Phone 361-W ,Phone 361-J Hardware and Furniture = Funeral Directors , ` PHONE 195 CLINTON Engagements Announced Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Rowd'en wish to announce the engage- ment of their youngest daugh- ter, Ottelie Lois, 'to Edward Cantelon . Wise, eldest son of Mr. anti Mrs. 'Charles Wise, all of Goderich Town- ship, the marriage to take place in November. 44-b Mr, and Mrs. William Bender wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Ethel Roleni Bender, to Jack Edward Boden, Drily son of Mr. and Mrs. George Boden, Woodstock, Ontario, the mar- riage to take place at Clin- ton, November 17, 1951. • Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McGill'spent the weekend in Sarnia visiting their brother, A. H. Nethery, of that city. Ald. Melvin Crieh attended the annual meeting of Ontario Barb- ers' Association in Toronto lest week and was re-elected a dir- ector. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chapman, Clinton, attended the funeral of the former's father, Absalom Chapman, in Listowel Monday afternoon. Mr. Chapman passed unexpectedly away Friday, 'Oc- `boer 26, in his 74th year;. he had suffered" from a heart con- dition for some time. 0 W -W Girls' Club Fetes Two Brides The Girls' Club of Wesley - Willis Church, held its regular meeting at the home of Miss Win O'Neil on Tuesday evening, Oct. 16. The president, Mrs. J. Innes, was in charge with Maud Tor- rance at the piano. The meeting opened with the singing of a hymn followed by prayer by the presi- dent. The secretary's and treas- urer's reports were read and adopted. Mrs. H, Jenkins and Mrs. R. Jenkins were appointed a strik- ing committee to line up officers for the coming year. Last minute details for the "Country Fair" to be held on Saturday were dis- cussed, Mrs. L. Jervis prepared the program and conducted it. A hymn was sung followed by a reading "Praise" by Mrs. Jervis. Psalm 743 was read in unison, Win O'Neil led in prayer. Mrs. W. VanEgmond sang "The Ros- ary", accompanied by Helen Cook. Mrs. G. Jefferson gave a most interesting sketch of the life of - Mrs. Nellie McClung, author of a number of 'weIl- known books of which some are: "Sowing Seeds in Danny" and "Purple Springs". This talk was much enjoyed. Mrs. W. VenEgmond and Viola Cook favoured with a duett. A hymn followed by the Mizpah benediction closed the meeting. After this a singsong was en- joyed. The climax of the even- ing came when Win O'Neil cal- led Mrs. W. VanEgmond and Mrs. H. Jenkins, two brides of recent date, to the front, She read to them a very appropriate address which was dramatized by Mrs. Shearing and Helen Cook, The brides were presented with gifts after which they made suit- able replies. Lunch was served and everyone enjoyed a pleasant evening. n ST. PAUL'S MEN'S CLUB St. Paul's Church Men's Club will hold regular meeting in the Parish Hall on Wednesday, Nov, 7, at 8 p.m. As it is time to get organized for the coming season, will all memebrs and prospective members please make an effort to be on hand for this meeting? ---o--- THE VOICE OF TEMPERANCE The latest is the story of the Bottle Club, We read in the Temperance Advocate of bottle clubs in the US. They are just the old speakeasies under a new name. They handle moonshine. At the Huron Temperance Con- vention held in Goderich on Oc- tober 24, we learned that the Bottle Club idea had been im- 0orted luron. Some one is 00 gfortrouble. Io able, A bottle club is a glorified bootleggers' joint. Selling liquor in Huron is against the law. There are no exceptions. There are no special permits from Ottawa. If seine careless person is trying to run a bold bluff end get away with law infraction— the police know their duty and will do it.—ADVT. 44-b Published by Huron Temper- ance Federation, 4.0-4 -0-0-0-4-00"•♦+-1 Choose a Piece of Luggage NOW! LAY AWAY 'Till Christmas See the Germane Aerowood Construction in the Demonstrator Case — at — Aiken's Leather Goods and Shoes the C. C. Meredith fJiun,. Streets- b'f+•6.-+-b•+b4 vine, where he is employed. CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Mothers' Study Club Holds Fine Meeting The October meeting of the Young Mothers' Study Group was held at Mrs. Glenn Lock - hart's home with' 16 mothers present, ' Mrs. Elmer Hugill was in Charge of the meeting. She open- ed the meeting with a peom "A Child", followed by the hymn "Breathe on me Breath of God." Mrs. Lockhart read the scrip- ture, Psalm 95 and Mrs. Alex McMichael led in prayer. The minutes were read and adopted. A motion by Mrs. Trewartha was carried that a letter be sent to the Department of Welfare acknowledging appreciation of the Department's recent attempt to 'get better movies in Canada, especially matinees for the child- ren::' This being one of the mothers' chief projects for some tithe past, it is of notable interest to all. Mrs. Hugill chose several art- icles from "Parent's Magazine": ",Baby Sitters", "Travel • with Children can be Fun", and "Nurs- ery Schools." These were read by Mrs. Bill Murch, Mrs. H. Currie and Mrs. (Dr.) Newlands,, and were much enjoyed. Mrs, Bill Holland very kindly sang two numbers. A hymn, 503, and the Mizpah benediction closed the meeting. Mrs, Toin Steeps invited the November meeting to her home November 27; Mrs, Bill Holland and Mrs. Bill Murch will be hostesses. Contests and a social time were enjoyed by the mothers. Lunch was served by Mrs. S. Moody, Mrs. (Dr.) Newlands and Mrs. Lockhart. 0 ONTARIO ST. GIRLS' CLUB The November meeting of the Girls' Club of Ontario St. Church, will be held Thursday evening, November 8 at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Brock Olde. Mrs. R. S. Atkey will be the guest speaker. 0 WEDDINGS MacDONALD—POPE Attractively decorated with palms, ferns and 'mums in aut- umn shades, St. John's Anglican Church, West To-ronto, was the scene of a pretty wedding at 3 p.m. on Saturday, October 27, when Betty, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pope, Toronto, be- came the bride of Wallace Don- ald MacDonald, Streetsville, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Mac- Donald, Clinton, Rev. C. D. Cross performed the ceremony, and P. MacDonald, organist of the church, played the wedding music, Miss June Brown, Toronto, s a n g "The Lord's Prayer" and "0 Perfect Love," The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a period gown of ivory brocaded satin, with paneled bodice cov- ered with pearls end bugle beads, The full skirt fell gracefully into a cathedral train, She wore a coronet of pearls with full- length ivory tulle illusion veil, and carried a white prayer book covered with two orchids and streamers. The bride's attendants were gowned alike in brocaded satin, bodice appliqued on full net skirts, with matching cape and feathered scull caps, and carried cascades of yellow 'mums. The matron of honour, Mrs. Wilbur Passmore, Sarnia, sister of the bride, wore mauve, while the bridesmaid, Miss Mary Ellen MacDonald, Clinton, wore tur- quoise. The groomsman was Frank MacDonald, London, brother of the groom, and the ushers were Stewart MacDonald, London, brother of the groom, and Wil- bur Passmore, Sarnia, brother- i,n-law of the bride. A reception followed at 'the Old Mill, where the bride's mo- ther received, dressed in a gown of midnight blue french lace with matching hat and pink accessories, assisted by the groom's mother in a gown of combination crepe and lace in pastel blue with black accessories and silver fox furs. Their corsages were re" roses. Later, the happy you g couple left for a honeymoon trip by motor to Florida, the bride travelling in a red velvet dress, with gray topcoat and black velvet accessories. On their re- turn they will reside at 314 The Kingswey, Toronto. Out-of-town guests at the wed- ding included Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Brown, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Passmore and Mr, and Mrs. G. W. Passmore, Sarnia; Robert Hope, Champaign, Ill.; Mr. and Mrs. C. Weese, Smithville; Mr. and Mrs. A. Scott, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs, G. Fox, Orillia; William Freel, London. All told, 55 guests attended. Prior to her marriage, the bride was honoured with a trous- seau tea given by her mother, Mrs. F. Pope, 224 Fairview Ave., Toronto, on Saturday, October 20. Guests were met at the door by Mrs. Pope and Betty and were invited upstairs by the latter. In charge of the renins were Misses Mary Ellen MacDonald, Clinton; Mary Winship and Margaret Batey. Receiving in the living room was Mrs. Ronald Mac- Donald, Clinton, Tea assistants were Mrs. Adam Scott, Mrs. Roy Chapple, Mrs. J. Cooper, Mrs. J. Winship. Waitresses were Mrs. Reg. Winship, Miss Dorothy Chapple, and Mrs. Clark' Weese, The table was covered with crocheted, lace table cloth made by the bride's mother and centred with baby 'mumps end tall candles. The rooms were decorated ,with colorful baby 'mums, sweetheart roses and carnations. The bride -elect also was hon- oured at a shower by' the office staff of Prudential Life at Miro, E. Calvert's home, and also at showers given by Mrs, G. P. Win- ship and Mrs. Batey. The groom - elect was feted by the staff of THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1,4951. - COOK—FINLEY A quiet but pretty wedding took place at 3.30 pan. on Satur- day, October 27, in Wesley -Willis Church Manse, Clinton, with Rev. H. C. Wilson officiating, when Mrs. Ethel Finley, Wingham, was united in marriage to, Leonard Cook, Blyth, Their attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Cenelair Phlppen, Wingham. After the ceremony, the happy couple and their attendants par- took of a lovely chicken dinner at. Hotel Clinton. Mr, and Mrs. Cook will reside in Blyth. NOTICE Revised Bus Time T ables Effective November '1, 195'1 Obtain your copy from your local Agent BARTLIFF'S — Phone 1. The Western Ontario Motorways Limited KITCHENER ONTARIO 44-h .. Church Directory (All Services Eastern Standard Time) St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church REV. D. J. LANE, B,A,, Minister Mrs. Bert Boyer, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, November 4 ' 10.00 a.m.—Church School, 11.00 a.m.—Divine Worship— Subject: • "The Slavery of Sin" 2.30 pan.—Divine Worship in Knox Church, Bayfield Everyone welcome at these services; Armistiice Day Service in this Church next Sunday at 10,55 e,m, under auspices of Can- adian Legion. Wesley -Willis United Church Minister: Rev. HUGH C. WILSON Organist: MRS. M. R. RENNIE Choir Director: MR. M. R. RENNIE Sunday, November 4 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship. Sermon subject: "The Day of Good Tidings" 12.15—'Ohurch School, 7.00 p.m—Evening Praise, Upholding in Prayer Come to the House of Prayer. Pentecostal Church Matilda St., South of CNR K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor Sunday, November 4 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a,m.—Morning Worship 7.30 p.m,—Gospel Service Friday, 8.00 p.m,—Young People's Service. Tuei'day, 8 p.m. Bible Study and Prayer. ALL WELCOME Baptist Church Sunday, November 4 ' 11,00 a.m.—Morning Worship. Minister: Rev. A. C. Dixon 12.00 a.m.—Sunday School, 7.00 p.m, --Evening Service, Communion Ontario St. United Church REV. A. GLEN EAGLE, B.A„B.D. ' Minister Mrs. E. Wendorf, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, November 4 11.00 a.m.—Morning Service. 7.00 p.m.—Union Service in Wesley -Willis Church. St. Paul's Anglican Church REV. R. M. P, BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader Sunday, November 4 10.00 a,m,—Sunday School 11.0 a.m.—Holy Communion and Primary Class. 7.00 p,m.—Evening Service. Tuesday—Board. of Management at 8 p.m. You Are Cordially Invited to attend GOSPEL MEETINGS in the COUNCIL CHAMBER, Clinton Town Hall EVERY SUNDAY 8 p.m. Lloyd Bone MISSIONARY TO. INDIA SPEAKER Come and !rear God's message of strength and comfort for you 26tfb 0'0'40'0.0-0-0>, 4.001--„-001001000-0''09 A Sat., ovember 3 at 3 pan, COUNCIL CHAMBER, CLINTON Under auspices: WA and WMS, HolmesviIle Farm Produce — Baking — Sewing Touch -and -Take — Candy Booths AFTERNOON TEA MENU SALAD PLATE HAM PIE Bread and Butter TEA 45 cents 44'b ROOM! G Steel and Aluminum In Stock Immediate Delivery f BALL ACAULY CLINTON Phone 97 Builders' Supplies SEAFORTH Phone 787 LUMBER, LIME, TILE, BRICK Your Baker Makes Them Best Place Your Order for Saturday • , TROPICAL Layer CAKE MUFFINS FRENCH CHERRY PIE BARTLIFF BROS. Bakers and Confectioners PHONE 1 CLINTON Winterize our Car NOW! 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 "Winterizing” is MORE than just a dash of anti -freeze in the radiator. You need a peppy battery for cold starts; the right grade of oil in your crankcase; careful check on brakes, lights and windshield wipers, springs and shock absorbers, DRIVE IN NOW FOR COMPLETE SERVICE° SUNOCO "TT EUP AL GASOLINE, Wes Auto EcticORIGINAL AND GREASE SHOP Note the new phone number -762-j IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIhillIIIIIIIIIIIIBIIIIIII 1 !III IIIIII 1101llllll 111111llllllllllllllllllllll INAIIlIIIIIIlIIIClllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIlfllll111111111llfllllllllNIIIIIIIIIIpINIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIl1IIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIfllllllllllillltllllllllllllllliillillll(!((IIIIII