HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-10-25, Page 9PAGE ExGHT CLINTON NEWS -RECORD' SALE All adult' fiction on sale at Half Price and Less. A wonderful opportunity to pick up for Christmas. Many first edition selling of reprintprices, such some gifts books as: "High Towers" by Thos. Costain at $ 1.49 "The Moneyman" by Thos. Costain 1.49 "Bold Galilean" by Legette Blythe 1.89 "The Parasites" by Daphne Du Maurier 1.49 Triangle and Tower Books, Reg. price 69c for 29c LOOK OVER OUR SPECIAL DIiS'PLAY •4111 are,. • McEwan's' /plrwlate toe life with FIBERGLAS BUILDING INSULATION WON'T ROT • WON'T BURN • WON'T SETTLE WON'T SUSTAIN VERMIN FI BERG LAST 'FIBERGLAS CANAL, LIMITCI Fiberglas intulallon moles a per. marmot job of keeping out summer haat and winter cold. And it soon pays for itself with the cash you save on the lower fuel bills, MADE IN CANADA BALL- MACAULAY CLINTON 97pN Builders' Supplies SEAFORTH Phone Phone 787 LUMBER, LIME, TILE, BRICK EXTRA SPECIAL — October 25-2627 MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE .. lb. 1.03 AYLMER TOMA')CO SOUP tin .11 AYLMER CHOICE PEACHES 20in' .25 SQUARE DEAL PEAS 2 t5ns oz..lc AYLMER TOMATO CATSUP bottle •21 ��`/ i % 1 i z:.;,, MAPLE LEAF 3 FOR ...--r r•_.. AYLMER TOMATO JUICE y '/ 15 oz. tin •11 LIBBY'S ORANGE JUICE 2 20 oz. 29 tins '•�+•r , TOILET SOAP 23c KING'S CHOICE - Tomatoes 2t) oz. tins 31 McINTOSII or TALMAN Swt. APPLES bask t •49 ONTARIO CARROTS 3 lbs, .17 CALIFORNIA JUICY 288's ORANGES, doz. .39 CHOICiE HEARTS OF CELERY, bunch .23 SHEARING'S MODERN SELF SERVE FOOD MARKET Phone 48 — Free Delivery — Clinton Warm Jackets l! For. Fall and Winter Choose your new jacket now from our large selection of • BOMBER JACKETS • STADIUM COATS 40 STATION WAGON COATS WARM QUILTED LININGS AND FUR COLLARS Priced from 13.95 Herman's Men's Wear PHONE 224W CLINTON BADMINTON "INSTRUCTION Clinton Badminton' Club has arranged for special instructionin the fine points of the game every Tuesday evening, commencing Tuesday next, • with Ken "Mc- Naught, ace of the Stratford Bad- minton Club, as instructor. Pros- pective members are urged to note this fact, and attend at the Town Hell at 8 p.m. AMATEUR RADIO NEW OFFICERS (Continued from Page Seven) election of the Chief Operetor and Assistant whose job it is to keep the Club station busy on the air. Cpl. Ory Johnson and F /C Chuck ' Gobeil, VE3EXR, were voted in. With the combin- ed interest and activity of these two chaps, the Club's "on the air" activity should reach an all- time high. The departure of F/S Alex Velleman, VE3BTQ, on transfer to Trenton, deft a need for e Clinton outiet'on the AFARS and Ontario Phone Club traffic nets which operate each evening on the Radio Amateur bends. A ros- ter was organized such that var- ious licensed club members will each take one evening per week on these traffic nets. W/C B. G. Miller, VE3PC, brought, to the Club's attention the formation in the U.K. of a counterpart of ' our Air Force Amateur Radio Society. The aim of the RAFARS is to encourage and assist its members engaged in private experimental work on problems relating to radio tech- nology and radio communications. The Headquarters Station of the RAFARS is G8FC' which is on the air every Thursday on 14060 Kcs. After other business items had been attended to, the meeting was adojurned and the evening wes concluded by refreshments THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25,,195Y BIRD LEAGUE ORGANIZES FOR SEASON Plans for the oper• ation of the Western Ontario Badminton As- sociation "B" and "C" Leagues were adopted at a meeting of representatives of the various clubs held in Clinton over the weekend. Tentative sohedules until the end of 1951 • were drawn up in- dicating dicating Stratford, Clinton RCAF, Kincardine, Clinton, and possibly Seaforth, forming te "5" group, and Stratford, Clinton RCAF, Exeter, Zurich, Bayfield and, Clin ton, constituting the "C" league. When organized, Goderich is ex- pected to enter the "C" grouping after Christmas! Owen Sound may organize a northern "B" group. Canadian Badminton Associa- tion rules will govern play, in- cluding the new ruling permitting "wood" shots, but not "throws" or "pushes." Officers elected were! president, R. S. Atkey, Clinton; vice-presi- dent, ice president, WO2 William Refausse, RCAF; secretary -treasurer, D. E. Symons, Clinton. SUSPENDED FOR LIFE "Bud" Corbett, coach of var- ious Oakville teams operating •in the OBA this year, has been suspended for life by the OBA in connection with a rough -house that took place et the OBA. Jun- ior final match with Fort Erie, which, incidentally, Oakville won. "Bud" was the capable roach of the Oakville Midgets which de- feated Clinton Lions for the OBA Midget "B" title last week, and had a great deal to do with the final result. and a general "rag chew", to put it in the vernacular of the Radio Amateur. ♦ F • Monster BINGO and DRAW In Aid of the Legion Memorial Hall Building Fund 'EXETER ARENA Tues., Oct: 30 — $1,600 IN CASH PRIZES — 15 REGULAR GAMES FOR $20 4 SPECIAL GAMES — $50, $100, $150 and $1,000 JACKPOT. must be won — ALSO — DRAW FOR A 1951 VICTORIA FORD HARDTOP CONVERTIBLE Tickets on. Draw 25c each; 5 for $1 Doors open at 7.30 p.m. Game Time 9 p.m. Admission $1; Extra Cards 25c each—Tire Arenawill be heated 43-b e n•••a•• 41 A 4-4-4-04.p 8.4+04 .4 Ask 1IoiirX4ihbors! They'll tell you why this GENERAL i ELECTRIC 5paro/4I- REFRIGERATOR will serve you hest! • ONE THIRD MORE REFRIGERATED STORAGE SPACE in the same floor area. • ECONOMICAL—Save money by buying food in larger quantities. • DEPENDABLE -21/2 million GE refrigerators in use ten years or longer. • FROZEN -FOOD COMPARTMENT—HaS 20 -package capacity. • SHELF FLEXIBILITY—Makes room for largeor awkward packages. • STOR-A-DoR—Keeps frequently -used items readily accessible. • Burrze CONDITIONER—Keeps a pound of butter at perfect spreading consistency, u Merrill Radio and Electric PHONE 313 CLINTON Sweet Revenge!. Clinton Wins 11-2 Hitherto winless, the CDCI rugby team turned on the heat in the rain yesterday afternoon and trimmed Code rich District CI 11-2 in -.a well -played match on the Clinton RCAF Sports Field gridiron. It was the first genre of the second half of the schedule. Previously, the Clinton kids had been defeated by Wingham, Seaforth and Gode- rieh, the score at Goderich having been 11-0. STOP! LOOK! and LISTEN! to "The Red Skelton Show„ Starring in Show RED SKELTON comedy star of the screen, radio and television, is now starring on "The Red Skelton Show" over Station CKNX, every Monday, at 8 p.m., sponsored, by John A. A.nstett, jeweller, Clinton. Born Richard Skelton in Vin- cennes, Md., July 18, 1913, Red spent his early days on circus trains and under the big top. His father, Joseph Skelton, wes a great clown with the Hagenbeck and Wallace Circus. Red's . first job, with a medi- cine show, paid him a dollar a week. At 14 he was working on showboats on the Ohio and Mis- sissippi Rivers. A year later he donned his father's cep and bells and went to work for the Hag- enbeck and Wallace Circus. At 16 he went into burlesque. Later came night club engagements and a session as a non-stop talking emcee at the then -popular craze, welltathons. A bit part in Hollywood in 1938, in. `Having Wonderful Time" proved to be his big break. Shortly efter he signed a long.• term contract with Metro -Gold- wyn -Mayer and soon was starred in numerous films including "Flight Command," "DuBarry was a Lady," "I Dood It," "Whist- ling in Brooklyn," "Thousands Cheer," "Bathing Beauty," "The Fuller Brush Man" and Pardon My Dust." Skelton served a two-year stint in the Army during World War II. After his discharge be return- ed to making movies, doing radio shows and perpetuating his per- sonal trade 'work—"I dood it" Of his Army services, Skelton. proudly says he was "Hollywood's only star who went in a private and came out a private." TRAOE MARE 5E0 belongs in your ice box KEEP Wednesday, October 31 OPEN for the Sea orth'Lions Club HALLOWEEN FROLIC SEAFORTH COMMUNITY CENTRE. Prize Draw - Games of Chance Entertainment — Dance Special Bargain! SLIGHTLY USED Model 81 FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC R'EFRIGERATO'R 8 CU. FT. CAPACITY Frozen , Food Capacity -42 pounds Double Hydrators Regular $461 OUR PRICE 5399.00 -•n. •------- SUTTER—PERDUE ` SUTTER--PERDUE 4I f WAR! WAR! WAR! This week we are waging our own little private PRICE WAR on 12 Ga. MAXUM SHOTGUN SHELLS B B only Regular $3.60 per box Our Price ....$3.00 per box For the hunter's convenience, we remain opera Friday until 9 p.m. and Saturday until 10.30 p.m, SIS¢ 9ov ?aa/4 CLINTON - ONTARIO`-�,_ PHONE 42 CLINTON fammilwammummilmaioniminimmaff If You Like Us On One Side Try Us On The Other! To serve you better we have taken over the Supertest Service Station across from the Bank of Montreal. We'll specialize in WASHING, LUBRICATION, and general SUPERTEST SERVICE at the new stand. We'll handle your Repairs and Tune -Up at the old stand. Let us check your car from end to end and install ANTIFREEZE now for safety's sake. Come in. See our late model Used Cars and Trucks. We've .a grand selection. Fully winterized and ready to ego. Lorne Brown Motors Limited CHEVROLET— OLDSMOBILE—Sales & Service Your Friendly General Motors Dealer PHONE 367W -- - CLINTON