HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-10-25, Page 8'111ErtIRSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1951 CLINTON NEItt'S:IttECORD PAGE SEVEN AF 'and Adastra ADASTRAL PARK ... Ay, Fine Box Social I Spirited Bidding Park New Editor: P/0 C. H. LOCHHEAD, Station PRO Phone 382 Local 39 NO. 50 4 ' and The Officers' Mess resounded 1 SociaPersonalchatter and spirited bidding, Sat- urday evening, when the ipfor- to the sounds of the auctioneer's Mrs. Bawl Edwards has left ' to join her husband in Hamilton. F/S• and Mrs. H. Lownds, Clin- 'bon, are now residing at Adastral Park. S/L' Donald Forrest, who is on course et Camp Borden, spent the weekend at home. F/0 and Mrs. Thomas J. Bangs, Clinton, moved to Adast- ral Park, the end of last week. F/L and Mrs. T. Endersley have moved from Goderieh and are now residing at Adastral Park. F/S and Mrs. J. Hughes and F/S and Mrs. A:Haines enjoyed a week's visit in Detroit, Mich., recently. Fit' Brie Baxter has depafted for England, where he will spend two weeks visiting his mother and father. F/L Hugh Milder and F/0 James Hope have returned re- cently from Trenton, where they were on course. F/S and -Mrs. Sean Jenkins are back from. a holiday at Mien, where F/S Jenkins enjoyed a successful duck hunt. After a pleasant holiday. New Brunswick, Mrs. R. Dignock and Mrs. C. Maybe have returned to Clinton. They were accomp- anied by Mrs. Dimock's mother, who will visit with her daughter. Additional RCAF News • on Page Eight TUINITaNMENIFSIIINIMIIINEFINNIIMINGONINNERMINIIIIINOINIMAINSIMOV Newest Fall Styles CORDUROYS — JERSEYS TAFFETAS — FAILLES Etc. SKIRTS — SLACKS SWEATERS — HANDBAGS BLOUSES Ship 'n Shore — Co-ed — Etc. LINGERIE Orange Blossom -- Revlon and Gay -Lure SLIPS — GOWNS — PANTIES — PYJAMAS Gothic — Lovable — Exquisite Form NYLONS Lincoln — Cind'rella — Sheer -Tex 45 - 66 gauge BEAUTY SALON PERMS—OIL PERMS Machine — Machineless and Cold Wave • By appointment only CHAPMAN'S LADIES' WEAR Specialty Shop , Phone 357R Ontario Street Now you can own a complete I "STARTING SET" in 7 Ro • ers Bros. Canada's Finsf Silverplaie mal party was in the form of a "Box Social." The ladies had gone to considerable work to pro- duce artistically decorated boxes, enclosed in which, were delicious lunches and which created an hour's fun, The "professional" auctioneer was Fa, Hugh Miller, who was ably assisted by F/0 James Hope, with 170 Tommy Bangs as clerk, The money collected from the sale was donated to the Clinton Canadian Legion Building Fund. F/O and Mrs. D. Osborn enter- tained informally prior to the party, Anniversary Party • An anniversary party was held at the borne of S/L and Mrs. Thomas Duff, Friday, October 12, in honour of 'the hostess' par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Davies, Prince Rupert, B.C. AMATEUR RADIO CLUB ELECTS' NEW OFFICERS The monthly meeting of Clin- ton Amateur Radio Club was held on Thursday evening last week to carry out club business end to elect a new secretary, Chief Operator and Assistant for the Club's station, VE3BER. The meeting was preceded by an Auction sale, ably conducted by F/S Lloyd Adams, VE3AON. Two very attractive items, among several, were a wer surplus air- craft tuning unit brought in by G/C Hutton, VE3AX, and a short wave receiver by LAC Art Baler, VE3BWF. The president, F/O Bill Potts, VE3AYG, called the meeting to order innuedietely following the sale, and brought up the election of a new secretary as the first item of businest. Sgt. Jim Pat- erson, VE3AZL, was elected to replace LAC Art Beier who felt that he must resign because of other commitments. The presi- dent takes this opportunity to thank Art for his fine job in a busy club post. Next on the agenda was the (Continued on Page Eight) • See Our Champions Smiling! CLINTON RCAF SOFTBALL TEAM captured WOAA Inter- mediate "B" honors this year, BACK ROW, left to right: AC2 Welly Wallace, pitcher; F/S George Mills, utility first base; AC2 Bud Gairns, first base; Sgt. Bill Stooke, utility catcher; F/C George Laudenbach, right field. s,:• • • • CENTRE ROW, left to right: LAC Bill Lobb, right field and third base; Sgt. Bob Powell, third base; AC2 Jack Pyke, catcher; LAC Fitz Fitzsimmons, 'left field; LAC Fred Pitman, short stop; F/S Bill Turnbull, centre field. FRONT ROW, left to right: Sgt. George Pratt, coach and pitcher; WO Murray Madsen, manager and pitcher; F/S Herby Mills, assistant coach. —Clinton RCAF Photo Station H Q Frolic Is Howling Success (By LAC C. E. WHITE) Friday evening last was the occasion of the RCAF Station, Clinton, Headquarters Fall Frolic, The fete was held in the Air- men's Mess end the 90 members of the Staltion HQ who were present were not disappointed in their anticipation of a stellar evening, The Commanding Officer, G/C E. A. D. Hutton and the Chief Administration Officer, S/L T. R. N. Duff, accompanied by their wives, were on hand to aid in By The Way Christmas is coming . . . Pictures make wonderful gifts . .S get in touch with us during the next week or so for your ap- pointment. MacLaren's Studio (CLINTON and GODERICH) CLINTON STUDIO open TUESDAYS and THURSDAYS 1.30 to 7.30 p.m. and SATURDAY Evenings (other times by appointment) PHONE 401 Clinton or Goderieh (same number both pieces) Here's the lowest possible price for a top quality silverplate set You can set a table for 4 to- night . . . add to your 1847 "Starting Set" as you go along. Come in and hear the details about this new idea in silverplate A FEW CENTS A DAY KEEPS INSECURITY AWAY FIRST LOVE ETERNALLY TOURS DAFFODIL W. N. REMENBIANCE OUN F.R HURON COUNTY'S OLDEST ESTABLISHED JEWELLERY STORE Huron County's Oldest Established Jeivellery Store ...••••••••••ww, • s'SEE YGIUR MUTUAL • 'REPREsENIATESIa•AlloUT, A • • SAVINGS Apoitc7GTEGVioN H. C. LAWSON Bank of Montreal Building, PHONE: Office 251W; Res. 251.3 the festivities. Dress for the occasion was "Hard Times," and to judge by some of the apparel; "Hard Times' is a gross understate- ment. Sgt. J. Heffel, who was the guiding hand behind the or- ganization of' the party, appeared in a grass skirt composed of some arrangement of green crepe paper designed by his capable wife and held together by a prayer, which ensemble led those present to believe that the good Sergeant had long since parted with his lestdime. The highlight of the evening's entertainment was a series of square dances led by Padre C. L. Harding and "Lonny" Matthews, Clinton. It is more than possible that the art of square doming may enjoy increasing popularity at the Station in the future. A sumptuous buffet supper was prepared for the occasion, under the skilful guidance of F/0 L. R. Charbonneau. This lovely ar- ray of delicacies was set forth at midnight, and if one could judge by the comments to be overheard in the supper queue, such a beautiful display of vict- uals had never been seen by hu- man eye before. All things considered, the even- ing met with howling success, and the committee xnembers—Sgt. J. Heffel, LAC' A. R. Carter and LAC C. E. White—were highly satisfied with the results of the work that went into the organize - tion. R. AND C. S. STAFF DANCE SUCCESSFUL Beautiful Roundel Terrace was invaded by the staff members of No, 1 11. and C.S. on Friday evening On the occasion of their skiff dance. This highly success- ful affair was an informal party at which lecture notes and ad- ministrative responsibilities were laid aside for the more pleasant task of participating in novelty dances and graceful waltzes. Several cash prizes were a- warded during the evening. F/S and Mrs. Turnbull were the fort- unate winners of a spot dance while LAC and Mrs. Smith won the elimination contest. When Paul Jones time came, however, everyone lost (his original part- ner). At intermission G/C E. A. D. Hutton, the Commanding Officer; W/C B. G. Miller, Officer Com- manding No. 1 R. and C.S.; and S/L G. J. BurY, briefly addressed the party. They edded to the shenanigans by presenting and receiving several comedy awards. F/O "Hal" Halladay, recently transferred from R. and CS. to the foreign establishment across the roadway, No, 1 Aircrew Radio Officer School, was offer - ed 'condolences and presented with a mock scroll of the oc- casion. The large attendance end ob- vious enjoyment of all present Was indicative of the fine esprit de corps of the staff at R. and C S. HONOURED ON RETURN WO R. 0. J. Carey, who was officer in charge of the AROS party at Trenton for the cere- mony in honor of Princess Eliza- beth and the Duke of Edinburgh, was honored at a stag party on his return and presented with if cigarette lighter. Perfect tea is so easy to make with "SALA A" TEA BAG THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA YOUR TRLEPHONE is one item that takes a smaller part of your budget than it used to. Its cost hasn't gone up as =eh as most other things. In another way, too, the telephone is bigger value Mday than ever before. Now you can mach twice as many people as you could ten years ago and more telephones are being installed every day. If you haven't service, we want you to know we're working at it. Your place on the list is being pro- tected and your telephone will be installed just as soon as possible. COMPARE THESE PRICE INCREASES DURING TOE PAST TEN YEARS F 11194 hi MOE Lest' INSIE W.TTFT 11505105 MCAT I m.ou proregtatrocrwoo Telephone service is one of today's best buys anIzol.d...r411 The Ca@S Ohs Eldllo, PAIJ@O By Roe Farms Service Dept, , ..._..., 000, I'M HAVING TROUBLE WITH • PICKING OR. CANNIBALISM IN MY NEWLY HOUSED BIRDS. ( WELL, BILL, THE FAULT MAY BE IN YOUR FEEDING OF ALL PELLETS INSTEAD OF REGULAR VITA -LAY EGG MASH, SUPPLEMENTED BY PELLETS. r WHY, DOC, I FED YOUR PELLETS ON RANGE AND THEY DID A WONDERFUL JOB OF GROWING, THIS FLOCK. " YES, I KNOW THAT, BILL, BUT YOUR BIROS WERE ON 'OPEN RANGE THEN, AND HAD LOTS OF. GRASS AND BUGS TO KEEP THEM BUSY,• 1 , YOU SEE, BILL- VITA -LAY PELLETS ARE .* DANDY TO KEEP EGG PRODUCTION UP LATER IN THE SEASON: BUT FEEDING ALL PELLETS NOW WHEN PULLETS AREJUST COMING INTO PRODUCTION SUPPLIES THEIR. NEEDS TOO FAST EACH DAY. THEY HAVE 700 MUCH IDLE TINIt -THEY GET INTO MISCH IFF ANC/START • k...PICKI NG ONE ANOTH,ER. ' Roe 1/77:4 -LAY 40.51/ #45 JA,112/2019011\ /in": -.„,,04 er enor, fit NieligP .fote 57'W a OCT I % AND way „al 666 ofzez me _ \\%541-374( 404:71Z41 ,.., ,%, • ''' lin ilA EGG MASH i (10cFAAMS:12L.LIND C° { 4 •/. '') I NEVER THOUGHT OF THAT, DOC ! NOW THAT I KNOW THE SURE TRING, BILL . ROE PELLETS ARE JUST THE TRICK FORGETTING GREATER MASH CONSUMPTION WHEN IT IS NEEDED - . BUTLISE THEM ONLY REASON FOR FOR THAT PURPOSE. il'•', 01111, N7i 7, •,,,, .. ;,....„, qiliglia fiti.ill'A. ''''11.,..,r Co i i'/Ap .4,/, Isl . .,, • 1E, '''' • vt, •;:k° „0 Oa\ 0 . . t--;/ . ... ' _._.-----IA ,,, •TE`• - ,-,,,..,-,.,.... --",44%. fr/: t Vti• 4..•:, c gl' s,,• .0,1r,i.,,,,,* 4i' 4' ,,tp 1,....' "' / , • ,-,, 1 . .,, i r ez ,-. " '0, # -,, FEEDING PELLETS, VALUE TO ME, ( S. 102. V go. 4 0. 0 ' 4.114., * It fl 1.-n--'- tr4 f*...;". --1 4„,. 00 : if• 0-- ','• ; — . , ---= NT- , '7' ,e,,' tAllt.i. t.- -- P , 0. ,,,,4 16. N.„." •,,,--,,,,. . A: J. MUSTARD BRUCEFIELD • • - -47.11‘ ;,-..-.'4' Or' ''` '''" e- i E(.,6 .5. =all i_.,--:"") "-4•141-tir, '",-1. -s.-------- • ,.--..._.--6, -----...-i'x ' $1i4"1°. - ' ' s \ w - , As..01 h