HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-10-11, Page 10PAGE TEN CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY, OCTOBER li, 1851%. RCAF Stalion and Adastral Park News RO 26 and 27 Included. In Royal Honor Guard One hundred flight cadets and three officers have been going through their paces at RCAF Sta- tion, Trenton, for the most im- portant parade of their careers. On Friday, October 12, `come rain or come shine', these men will 'present arms' to Their Royal Highnesses Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh when the Royal couple visit the RCAF Sta- tion, Trenton, tomorrow. Two of the officers with the Royal Guard, F/L - J. M. 'Jim' Wicken, Victoria, B.C., and F/O C. V, `Frosty' Frosted, Saskatoon, Sask., have been out in front Of guards of honour on three pre- vious occasions -first, was the graduation o'f North Atlantic Treaty Organization pilots at Centralia in May and later dur- ing the Colours Presentation cere- monies at RCAF Station, Trenton, in June. The third guard officer, F/O D. T. `Doug' Rivoire, Ot- tawa, received his ceremonial parade baptism at his own wings parade some years ago. F/L Wicken is fast becoming as proficient with a sword as he is with the controls of one of the Air Radio Officer School aircraft at Centralia where he is deputy flight commander. F/O Frosted, too, feels he could give Tyrone Power a few lessons in the manly art of sword wielding. "Frosty" has been en instructor at Centralia for three years. First he was with the Flying Training School teaching fledglings to loop and roll the Harvard. Then he moved to the Instrument Flying School where he helped impart the homing pigeon instinct into veteran pilots. Jest recently he has been moved to Trenton where he will again fly Harvard aircraft, this time from the front seat, giving potential flying instructors the benefit of his experience, F/O Rivoire is an instructor with the Flying Training School at Centralia. The 100 Flight Cadets who make up the Royal Guard are representative of the type of young air minded Canadians that the RCAF is seeking to fill the aircrew ranks of the fast expand- ing Canadian Air Service. They include. Radio Officer courses 26 and 27, RCAF Station, Clinton. ON ROYAL PLANE Two former Clinton affikers are flying on the Royal plane bear- ing Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh are F/L Ro- bert G. Thorndycraft, Rockeliffe, navigator, and F/L Ken Wark, radio officer. MOVE TO TRENTON F/L and Mrs. J. H. Lynch and sons, Freddie anaul, left Tues- day for their new home at RCAF Station, Trenton, where F/L Lynch was posted recently. Sev- eral parties were held in their honour prior to their departure after five years at Clinton. SPECIAL SALE SUPPORTED "PLASTIC" WINDOW SHADES Washable and complete with wood roller and brackets, in Cream, Green or White. Size 36x70 only. Reg. 1.69. Special Sale—.98 HAND -MADE OIL OPAQUE WINDOW SHADES In Cream only. Size 3x7. 10 shades. Reg. 2.70. Special Sale -1.75 McEwan' ..4.+.4 The new automatic Coleman Oil Heater Worlds of heat—Beauty in the bargain! 1. Come in and tee it today - that's the best way to prove Nowhere else can you get so much heat for home com- fort at so little cost! This Coleman automatic oil heat- er produces 32,000 BTUs of heat per hour! Dollar value in comfort has made it the fastest selling oil heater of its kind. Setting an entirely new high in beauty and styling — this handsome Master Cir- culator model is in o class by itself! COMFORT COSTS SO LITTLE WITH A BUTTER --PERDUE New Suits for Fall EVERY STYLE! EVERY SIZE! EVERY FABRIC! Select your new suit now. from our large stock. Herman's Men's Wear PHONE. 224W CLINTON +•-*-44+40+04444444 Guard Of Honour Inspected AIR. COMMODORE H. B. GODWIN, OBE, CD. Assistant to the Vice -Chief of Air Staff, is 'shown (foregrouna- left) inspecting the guard of honour on 'arrival 'at RCAF Station, Clinton, for the graduation of Radio Officers course No, 24 Friday afternoon. The Air Commodore is accompanied by the guard commander Flt. Lt. Robert McKee, Clinton, and in the background (left) is Group Capt. E. A. D. Hutton, commanding officer of RCAF Station, Clinton, and Flt. Lt. Robert Thompson (right), personal aide to Air Comenodbre Godlw'in.--Clinton RCAF Photo. White Elephant Sale Proves Interesting The highlight of the regular monthly meeting of the RCAF Officers' Wives' Auxiliary last Tuesday, October 2, was an auc- tion sale of white elephants. BADMINTON LEAGUES PLAN ACTIVITIES Western Ontario Badminton Association "B" and "C" leagues were re -organized for the coming The meeting was held in the season at a meeting held in Clin- dining room of the Mess with the ton with R. S. Atkey, Clinton, as president, Mrs. George Bury, in president, end D. E. 'Symons, the chair. There was an excel- Clinton, as secretary. Clubs represented were Zurich, Bayfield, Clinton RCAF, Strat- ford and Clinton, while Kincard- ine and Exeter sent their regrets. Team entries must be in the hands of the secretary .not later than October 14, and a schedule meeting will be held October 21, with the league matches getting under way the first week in No- vember. In addition to the above, it was decided to invite Listowel, Goderich and Centralia RCAF in- to the league in addition to Sea - forth, which was represented in previous years and is expected to be again, although no delegates were present at the meeting, A suggestion was made that an (By Ken Ashton) attempt be made to organize the CDCI Redmen played and lost clubs centring in Owen Sound in - their first game of the season in to a northern group, with win- Wingh'am ball park on Thursday ners playing off with winners of last, October 4, The final score the south group, was Wingham 28—Clinton 5. It was decided to forward a The locals also ran into trouble letter of sympathy to Mr. and in their game with Seeforth on Mrs. Ernest Hovey of the Bay - the Clinton RCAF gridiron yest- field Badminton Club, in the erday afternoon when they lost death of the dormer's mother, to Seaforth 11-0. whose funeral took place at Lu - The visitors scored all 11 points can Monday. in the first quarter. McMillan Clinton, Stratford and Clinton and Dale each secured a touch- RCAF Badminton Clubs all an - down for five points each, and flounced that they would enter Rennie converted the second. teams in bath "B" and "C" series The game at Wingham opened this year; Bayfield and Zurich with Wingham kicking off end stated that they would each have Clinton receiving. After ten only a "C" team. Representation minutes of interesting play a of the other clubs still is doubt - touchdown was scored for Wing- ful. ham by John Hanna. ---o Clinton was haying a hard time to keep back the Wingham line, but the one and only touchdown of the game for Clinton was scor- ed by Ron Steep. This was Ron's first game of rugby and he is going to make a rugby star The next touchdown for Wing - ham was made by Ray Lott. It was followed by a convert by John Hanna which added another point. Three minutes later, Brophy made another touchdown, making the score Wingham 16, Clinton 5. Wingham's next touch- down occurred when the ball was fumbled by Clinton and recover- ed to make five more poinits for Wingham. It was followed by 'another convert by Hanna. Unfortunately Clinton's players were not too good at the tackling, and Lott was the major runner for the Wingham team. Wing - ham has a good team this year and we will too, at our next game, we hope. In the first half of the game, Clinton was just practising, but in .the last helif they buckled 9ei down and Elliott, Carter and M. for Clinton. La GUY IVES and SONS " Colquhioumr were the fast runners CLINTON: T. Jenkins, centre; K. Younglblut, R. Armstrong, 'in- side; B. Cowan, B. Elliott, middle; G. Coleman, R. Steep, ends; G. Teblbutt, quarterback;' R. Carter, J. Porter, M. Colqu'houn•, K. Gib- bing's, halfbacks. ' .101110111011111.101101110111:* Clinton subs. G, Beatty, Tom Colquhoun, M. Taylor, D. Ross, B. Managhan, L. Gilfillan, C. Falconer, H. Oakes, U. Fairser- vice, J. Cowan, B. Shearing, E. Refausse. WINGHAM: Gerrie, Ram, Crawford, Nimmo, Elliott, Hop- per, McIntyre, Lott, Stainton, Hobden, Brophy. Henna. Wingham subs: Porter, Foster, Cameron, Hopper, Kiibert;' Gre- wan, Lancaster, Anderson, Sex- ton. 0 NEW MAIL C.O.LIRIER James Makins, Clinton, has received the contract for carry- ing the Rgyal Mail to and fro !from Clinton Post Office to the Priced complete CNR Station at the require- d®®•0® hours. lent turnout. During the business meeting it was decided to dress a doll for a Christmas raffle. Under the able auctioneering• of Thelma Bangs, the white elephants were quickly disposed of. They ranged from children's clothes to costume jewellery and small furnishings, all in good condition. $52.75 was realized from the sale, which will go into the fund for charitable purposes. CDCI 'LOS'ES TO SEAFORTH AND WINGHAM HEAVY POTATOES Kenneth Stewart, Brucefield, grew some fine Katandin potatoes oh his farm, on concession 4, Stanley Towiahip, this year. He showed The NEWS -RECORD one weighing 21/4 pound's, another weighing two pounds, end several around 11/4 pounds. CEMENT BUILDING and CHIMNEY BLOCKS Built and Repaired Phone Carlow 1612 36-ptfb Clinton Plumbing NOW IN STOCK 3 -PIECE MODERN BATH OUTFIT Including 5' Recessed Cast Iron Rath, complete with waste and overflow tub fillers and. shower. The new east iron Basin with shelf and pop-up waste. A mod- ern compact Toilet. WHERE THERE'S 1DADF M.pR rtZ pEc. THERE'S HOSPITALITY E. J. REYNOLDS PLUMBING — HEATING GENERAL REPAIR Phone 577R NOW GROUP CAPTAIN Group Captain Sherman R. Burbank, formerly Chief Instruc- tor, R and C School, RCAF Sta- tion, Clinton, was promoted to that rank recently. He is now at AFHQ, Ottawa. NEW for happier housework HOOVER Model 1 118 You'll especially like this newest Hoover because it's big enough for regular housecleaning, more man- ageable for last minute pickup jobs. And Hoover Model 118 is priced so low it's as easy to own as it is to operate. To see this great, new Hoover at work right in your own home, simply call Merrill Radio -Electric Phone 313 - Clinton Editor: F/O T. J. BANGS Acting Station PRO Phnoe 382 Local 80 NO. 48 Electronics Warning System Defence Key - "Without electronics, the air defence of Canada would be use- less; electronics is the key to- day," declared Aid Commodore H. )3. Godwin. OBE, CD, assistant to the Vice Chief of the Air Staff at Ottawa, in his address at the graduation ceremony of Radio Of- ficer Course 24. conducted under excellent weather conditions on the parade square at RCAF Sta- tion Friday afternoon, lest. The 18 Flight Cadets who com- pleted the course, indluded as Honour Student, F/C J. R. Bright, Stettler, Alta, RAF OFFICER VISITS HERE Air Vice Marshal E. B. Addison, assistant chief of the Royal Air Force for signals, visited RCAF Station, Clinton, Thursday last, to view training facilities a n d methods. Members of the RAF may com- mence taking courses at Clinton as radio officers. At present the UK airmen are being trained in Canada only as pilots and navi- gators. He was shown through the Air Radio Officer School which grad- uates airborne -electronics per- sonnel and the Radar and Com- munications School which trains ground operators and technicians, by Group Captain E. A. D. Hut- ton, commanding officer. A pass with credit was achiev- ed by F/C Harold W, Madsen,. who was born in St. Stephen,. N.B., and graduated from Clinton District Collegiate Institute with, Honour Matriculation in June 1950 while residing with his bro- ther, WO2 Murray Madsen, Clin- ton, now living on the Station. The graduates completed 38' weeks of training at No. 1 Air Radio Officer. School at Clinton, receiving airborne experience in - the electronic -trainer aircraft at* Centralia. The graduation mark- ed the fifth anniversary of,.this type of training at Clinton. A full ceremonial parade mark- ed the graduation with the cam-. mending officer, G/C E. A. D:. Hutton, in command. "The RCAF together with the Canadian Navy is committed to, the defence of the approaches to Canada," A/C Godwin declared.. "We are dependent almost entir- ely for early warning of attack on our electronic detection equip- ment" Many of you graduates will become part of that organ- ization, so you have a very irn-- portant position to fulfill." He recalled that 18 years ago the air force spent only a few hundred dollars annually on electronic worn at Camp Borden,. but today the cost is figured in• tens of millions of dollars, Babies Are A Favorite subject with us. Make an appointment now and have yours photographed every year. You'll be glad you did. MacLaren's Studio Telephone 401 CLINTON or GODEIEtICH CLINTON STUDIO open Tuesday and Thursdays 1.00 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. (other times by appointment) +4-44-•-4-•-+4 DROP IN anytime and visit our SPORTING GOODS HEADQUARTERS THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL: 1 Used CCM Standard Bicycle For the hunter's convenience, we remain open Friday until 9 p.m. and Saturday until 10.30 p.m. 42.1"- ut f goal og Alai* 4. 4 CLINTON PHONE 42 - - O N TARIO CLINTON Why Get (aught With Your Thermometer Down? Mister, when the cool air begins to thicken your blood for coming winter — remember your car needs winter -con- ditioning too! WINTER PROTECTION service here is thorough — it's cheap too, compared to just one freeze-up. It includes a winter preparedness• lubrication, stem to stern — scientific tune-up to give you a crackling hot -spark for frosty mornings—drain-and- flush treatment for the cooling system and a long list of safety items, totalling up to peace of mind for you! GET PROTEC- TION NOW! USED CARS Yes Sir, we've a nice line of late model spotless USED CARS. Drop in today.. Browse around. Drive a "better" Used Car this fall. 4+4-044 Lorne Brown Motors Limited CHEVROLET—OLDSMOBILE--Sales & Service Your Friendly General" Motors Dealer PHONE 367W -- -- CLINTON