HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-10-11, Page 7THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1951 • CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Autumn Weddings WILSON—DEVEREAUX In a double -ring ceremony, performed by Rev. E. P. Weber in St. James' Roman Catholic Church, Seaforth, Saturday Morn- ing, September 29, Ethel Mae, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wilson, Brumfield. became the bride of James Harold Devereaux, son of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Dev- ereaux, Seaforth. Gladioli and chrysanthemums in autumn shades adorned the altar. Traditional wedding music was played by Mrs. Frank Devereaux, who also accompanied Frank Sills, jr., who sang an "Ave Maria" at the offertory of the nuptial mass, and "On This Day, 0 Beautiful Mother," during the, sighing of the register. The bride looked lovely in a floor -length gown of white slip- per satin fashioned with a sweet- heart necklige, long sleeves pointed over the hand, and a full skirt, extending into a short train. Her finger-tip veil was held in a coronet of orange blossoms end she carried a bouquet of Peerless roses. As matron of honor; Mrs. Roy McGonigle, sister of the bride, Wore a long gown of chiffon vel- vet in American Beauty shade. Her headdress and mittens were in matching shade. and her flow- ers were cream roses. Joseph Devereaux, cousin of the bridegroom, was best man, and the ushers were Roy McGonigle and Robert Devereaux. Following the wedding dinner at- the Hillcrest Inn, Mitchell, a reception was .held at the home • of the bride's parents. Mrs. Wil- son received in a dress of char - • - -s4*+o •- -+++- - coal gray crepe with black velvet accessories and a corsage of roses. The bridegroom's mother, who assisted, wore a dress of login- henry crepe with black' acces- sories end a corsage of roses. Mr. and Mrs. Devereaux left later for a trip through the East- ern United States, the bride trav- elling in a navy nylon dress with pink coat and navy accessories. Thb couple wilt live on the bride- groom's farm near Seaforth, Guests were present from Toron- to, London, Brantford, Clinton ushers were Harry Cook,., Gode- and Seaforth. rich, and Donald Campbell, Bay- eld. A reception was held at Hotel Bedforel, Goderich, after • the ceremony, when Mrs. Sheardown, the brides' mother, received, in a tan- picoline crepe dress, inserted with lace, with brown accessories and corsage of roses. She was assisted by the grooms' mothers, Mrs. Riley gowned in blue sheer, with plum accessories, and Mrs. Campbell in black crepe with grey accessories. Both wore cor- sages of red roses. Mr. and Mrs. Riley left later, far a trip to the United States, the bride travelling in a blue jersey wool suit with navy ac- cessories. They will reside in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell 108t for a honeymoon in the South- ern States, the bride wearing a pink wool dress with brown ac- cesgbries. On their return they will live near Bayfield on the Bronson Line, Stanley Township. Mrs. Riley is a graduate of the Nurses' Training School, Grace Hospital, Toronto, and Mrs. Campbell is a registered grad- uate of St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Prior to the weddings the brides -elect were guests of hon- or at two afternoon teas at the homes of Mrs. Frank Riley and Mrs. Billy Joe Johnston. Mrs performed for her sister, Mildred Yvonne, by her brother, Watson Sheardown. Both brides were lovely in their gowns of blush satin, similarly styled with lace yokes buttoned down the front with tiny satin buttons, which also trimmed the long pointed sleeves. Their bouffant skirts extended into short trains. Helen's fingertip veil was caught to a coronet of seed pearls and tulle flowers. Her sister's veil fell from a Juliet cap. Each carried a Bible upon which rested a spray of red rosebuds and a sprig of white heather, just recently brought from Scotland by a friend, with streamers of white carnation petals and fern. The couples were unattended and the RILEY—SHEARDOWN CAMPBELL—SHEARDOWN (By our Bayfield correspondent) North Street United Church, Goderich, was the setting for a pretty autumn double wedding on Saturday, September 22,1951, at 11 em„ when Helen Phyllis Marion and Mildred Yvonne, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sheardown, St. Andrew's -Street, Goderich, were united in mar- riage respectively to Leslie Ar- thur Riley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley, Goderich and John MacKenzie Campbell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cohn Campbell. R.R. 3, Hayfield. Pink gladioli and palms form- ed an effective setting of charm- ing simplicity for the double - ring ceremonies, performed Rev. H. A. Dickinson. Alex Clark presided at the organ, and before the ceremony Mrs. James Bisset, Jr., sang "TFie Lord's Prayer," and while the register was being signed, "Because." Elmer Sheardown gave his daughter Helen Phyllis in mar- riage, and the same office was MITCHELL CIDER and APPLE BUTTER MILL will operate Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday of each week during October and November FRED HENNICK AND SON Proprietors, Mitchell 40 -tib Brucefield Girl Wed The former Ethel Mae Wilson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wilson, Brucetield, and her husband, James Harold Devereaux, are shown above. They were married in St. James' Roman Catholic Church. Seaforth. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Devereaux, Seaforth. They will reside on the bridegroom's farm near Seaforth. Sosnoski, Sr., 242. Moore Ave., Kitchener and the bridegroom is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. William R. Elliott, Bayfield, Rev. Orville P. Hossie perform- ed. the ceremony. The chapel was decorated with white and pink gladioli and wedding selec- tions were played by Mrs. Muriel Kenny. The bride was gowned in an imported silk crepe ankle -length dress, with a Chantilly lace bol- ero cape and matching lily -point gloves. She wore a white feath- ered hat and carried a send - James Bisset, Jr„ entertained also cascade of red rosette roses, white at a miscellaneous shower. feathered mums and stephanotis. IMiss Helen Sosnoski, Kitchen- er, attended her sister as maid ELLIOTT—SOSNOSKI I of honor and wore a pink ankle - `(By our Bayfield correspondent) length gown of net and brocaded I Trinity United Memorial Chap- el, Kitchener, was the setting Saturday, September 22, 1951, for the wedding of Loretta Jean Sosnoski and John William El- liott. The bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas streamers. satin. She wore a pink feath- ered hat similar to the bride's and white lily -point gloves and carried a bouquet of pink rosette roses, blue feathered mums, and white stephanotis, centred in a blue net halo with blue satin � • Illustrated — Styleline 9 -Door De Luxe Sedan ,„ of rolv CIMIROLE I' heath the thew we waid... LOWEST COST, FINEST QUALITY, UTMOST DEPENDABILITY AND ECONOMY PLUS THE HIGHEST TRADE-IN VALUE!" This year's Chevrolet is a marvel of value, every way — and it's all yours at lowest cost! If you want a car with Body -by -Fisher strength, protection and up-to-the-minute styling — Chevrolet has it. If you want power you can live with through many moons to come — Chevrolet's valve -in - head performance gives you that, too. If you want roominess and comfort and handling ease that make every trip a breeze, there's no simpler way to find them than to take the wheel' of a Chev- rolet. Above all, if you're looking for ad- , vanced features that perfectly combine , pleasure with performance, just look at these: NEW — improved Centre -Point Steer - Take your Discovery Drive LORNE ing (and Centre -Point Design), making steering even easier at low speeds and while parking. NEW — more powerful Jumbo -Drum Brakes (with Dubl-Life rivetless brake linings) for extra -safe, extra -smooth, extra -long-lasting performance. They're the biggest brakes in Chevrolet history! NEW — Safety Sight Instrument Panel, — safer, more convenient, more efficient and more beautiful than ever before, Yes, Chevrolet for '51 is a car that defies comparison from every viewpoint — in- cluding. price. So, if you've been toying with the notion of settling for a lesser car — come in and see how easily you can buy this thrifty marvel. Wm. TIMF-igpyEW POWER4 AUTOMATIC TAAMSMISSIOM With ultra -smooth Power - Chevrolet is first in the lowest -price field to bring you the proudest feature of luxury cats — a fully -proved, fully -automatic transmission. There's no clutch pedal! You can drive all day without ever shifting a gear! And with all this driving ease, you get the extra -abundant power of Chevrolet's new 105 h.p. en- gine, exclusive to PowerGlide Chevrolets. It's so simple to drive, it's a thrill to drive! tPo,eerGlide Pin 105 N.P. Engine op - finned a exira co,, on deluxe model,. A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE C-9518 BROWN MOTORS LIMITED The bridegroom was attended by Keith Fryer, Stratford, a cousin. Ushers were Thomas Sosnoski. Jr., brother of the bride and George Giesbrecht. The wedding dinner was served at the Old Mill Coffee Shop for about forty guests with a recep- tion following at the home of the bride's parents. The bride's mother received in a navy and white sheer dress with matching navy and white accessories and wore a corsage of red rosette roses and white stephanotis. The bridegroom's mother assist- ed, wearing a navy velvet dress with navy accessories end a cor- sage similar to the bride's mother. For a wedding trip to the United States the bride donned a baby blue wool bolero suit with navy velvet accessories. A full- length pink whipcord coat com- pleted her ensemble. On their return, Mr. and Mrs. Elliott will reside at Apt. 1, 191 Highland Road East, Kitchener. CALL IN AND SEE US ABOUT YOUR PROBLEMS on: EAVESTROUGHING ELECTRICAL WIRING MR -CONDITIONING GRAVITY WARM -AIR HEATING PLUMBING A FURNACE FOR EVERY JOB WISE and BATEMAN Phone 147—Clinton HEUTON—SNELL A quiet wedding was solemniz- ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Snell, Londesboro, at 2 pm, on Wednesday, October, 3, when their eldest daughter, Helen June, became the bride of Rob- ert James Heuton, only son of Mrs. Gertrude Heuton. Windsor. Rev. Harold J. Snell, of James St. United Church, Exeter, of- ficiated. m The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a brown pic- pic suit with beige and burnt orange accessories and lavender orchid corsage. Mrs. Ray Fisher, as her sister's matron of honour, wore a forest green suit with brown accessories and corsage of yellow tea roses, Ray Fisher was groomsman. For a reception which follow- ed, Mrs. Snell wore an ice -blue petite dress with grey accessor- ies and a corsage of white baby PAGE SEVEN mums, The groom's mother wore a grey gabardine suit with black accessories and corsage of white baby 'mums. The bride's table was centred by the cake and,.. flanked by pink candles and the rooms were prettily decorated with autumn flowers. For going away, the bride wore a grey gabardine dress with navy accessories and pink Am- erican Beauty rose corsage. The young couple left on a trip through Northern Ontario, On their return they will reside in Windsor: Treat the family to TRADE MARE NEG. f3turettelb tirriteb Cburcfj 75th'ANNIVERSARY SERVICES and FOWL SUPPER Sunday, October 14 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Services conducted by REV. E. It. STANWAY, M.A., London Special Music by Choir, assisted by Harry Hoffman, Dashwood, soloist. Tuesday, October 16 TURKEY SUPPER Served 5.30 to 8 p.m. Admission: $1.50; Children 75c Sunday, October 21 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Service conducted by REV. J. H. ARNUP, B,A., B.D., Toronto, ex -Moderator, United Church of Canada Special Music by Choir, assisted by Mrs. William Murdock, Hamilton 40-41-b NOTICE COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH NOTICE is hereby given that a Court of Revision on the 1952 Assessment Roll of the Township of Tucker - smith will hold its first sitting in the Town Hail, Seaforth, on Saturday, October 27, at 8 p.m., for the purpose of hearing appeals. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk } 40-41-42-i, Township of Tuckersniith TENDERS WANTED TENDERS are invited for the construction of the Clarke Municipal Drain in the Township of Tuckersmith, 1,875 lineal feet of open drain;tenderers to state a lump sum for the completion of the whole drain. Tenders will be re- ceived up to 1 p.m. October 11, 1951. Plans and specifications may be seen at the Clerk's Office. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk and Treasurer 40-41-b r� rbu ��e� be�'e y ikan So/d1iiw,s8O1VDr rhY iondlalmeals al a//branches Here is another opportunity for you to adopt this tried and tested system of saving money. Canada Savings Bonds never drop in value. If cash is needed you can get back the full face value of your bond, plus accrued interest, any- time—at any bank in Canada. l( You can buy Bonds for cash, of course. Or if you prefer, the Royal Bank will arrange for you to buy them by regular monthly instalments out of income. The procedure is simpli- city itself. All forms and full information available at every branch. THE ROYAL BANK 'OF CANADA.