HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-10-04, Page 6PAGE SIX CLINTON ' NEWS -RECORD , News of Bayfield Representative: bliss Lucy It. Woods Phone Bayfield 45r3 Miss Ethel Blair, Goderioh, was Miss L. Morley, accompanied by Ta- home over the weekend. Mrs. Willert, London, is visit- ingher daughter, Mrs. R. L. Mac- 1Vlillan. ' and occupyingMrs. Blackie and son E. A. Featherston s aree r. house. Mrs.,E. A. Featherston left on Saturday to spend the winter in London. P.C. Lloyd and Mrs. Westlake, Mount Forest. were home over the 'weekend. Miss Elaine Denby, St. Thom- as, is spending a few days with Mr .and Mrs. L. Makins. Mrs. J. Aitkinson, St. Clair Shores, Mich., is spending a week at her home in the village. William J. Hall returned to To- ledo.,; Ohio, on Saturday after having spent the week here. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stewart, Hamilton, were at their 'mine in the village over the weekend. Miss Jessie. L. Metcalf, Detroit, spent the weekend with her mo- the,r Mrs. William F. Metcalf. Miss Betty Lou Larson, Lon- don, spent the, weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. It. Larson. her sister, Mrs. K. Moore, • r verse City, dosed her cottage "Birchcliffe" for the season and returned to Detroit on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Milton were in the village last week while , having a,cottage which they had purchased in Goderich moved and , located on their lot in Bailey Park. Clayton Guest and daughter Morah, Guelph, spent week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Malcom Toms. Mrs. Guest, who spent last week with her sister, returned home with them. Miss Phyllis. Lindsay, MIs. Robert Blair and Mrs,. James Hutchings motored to Tobermory for the weekend.On their re- turn Mrs. Hutchings stopped off to spend this week in Orange- ville. Congratulations and best wish- es are extended to Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell who ,returned on Saturdaynight to take • up resi- dence on the Bronson. Line, Stan- ley Township, following a honey- moon trip to Virginia. Mrs. Charles McTague, Toron- to, spent a few days last week with her. sister, Mrs. V. C. Quarry, who accompanied her onher re- turn to 'Toronto on Saturday en route to Washington, D.C. Mr`s. Quarry has disposed of her home here, `Llandludno," to Mr. and Mrs. R. Roddick, Halifax, N.S. Mr. and• Mrs. Fred Ritchie, ac- companied by the former's broth- er and sis%r-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery : • Richie, Ehnvale, spent the weekend with Mrs. Ritchie's parents, Mr. and dleMrs. ug George King, Monday on. a motor trip to Flor- ida via Detroit. Recent arrivals amongst mem- birs of the Air Force stationed at R. and C. School, Clinton, whom we welcome to the village include: LAC and Mrs. J. Baskey and daughter Wanda at "May- field". and Flt. Sgt. K. White and family who are occupying Mrs. W. Balkwell's house. Service at 7 p.m. Commencing on Sunday, Octob- er 7, service will be held in Trin- ity Church at 7 p.m. for the win- ter months. Plans to Build Mrs. Edna Flagg, London, has urchased Mrs. M. C. Hart's lot Misses M. and R. •Kruke, Dear- born,.. Mich., spent the . weekend at.. their home here, "The Village Guild." Rev.- and Mrs. F. H. Paull. Listowel, were, the guests of MTs. N. W. Woods over Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Pruss. Lon- don,, visited the latter's parents, Mr. and. Mm's. J. H. Parker, over the, weekend. Mrs. William Moran, London, was at her home in the village last week while attending the Bayfield Fall Fair. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Hart, To- ronto, visited the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. George King, Pride'? until Sunday. Mrs. L. G. Bassett and Mrs. George Davison, London, spent_ a couple of days last week, at the former's home in the village. Flt. Sglt. William Coats and family who have been occupying Mrs. Balkwill's house, left on Thursday for Charlottetown, PEI. Miss Ann Tate left on Mon- day on a trip to Northern On- tario. She will be away for two weeks and the Gift Shop will be closed during her absence. Mrs. J. Mayman left last week on Main St., where she plans to build a summer home. Thanksgiving Service St. Andrews' United Church has planned a Thanksgiving ser- vice, Sunday evening, October 7, at 7.30 p.m. The Zurich Octette will supply the music. Bible Society An executive meeting of Hay- field branch of Upper Canada Bible Society was held at the home of Mrs. J. McKenzie. Mon- day night, to arrange for the an- nual meeting. Sympathy Extended Sympathy is extended to J. E. Hovey in the death of his mother, Mrs. L. Harrison, Lucan, who passed away in St, Joseph's Hos- pital, London, on September 28, following a lingering illness. Appreciated The rollicking farce comedy, "Kid Brother' staged in the Town Hall on Fall Fair night by the Young People's Union of the 'United Church, Elimville, was much appreciated by the large audience. Irwin's Orchestra play- ed for the dance which followed. Clearing Auction Sales. Clearing AUCTION SALE of FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS and HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Wawanoah Township, 11/4., miles . west' and 2 miles north of Auburn, on' Saturday; October 6 at l p.m. HORSES: Percheron gelding, 10 yrs. old; 1 set backbend harness. Concession Lot 26, 2, West CATTLE; Polled Angus bull, 2 yrs. old; 2 Durham cows, milk- ing, bred to freshen in spring 4 black cows, milking, and bred again; 1 Holstein, milking and tired, again; Holstein heifer, due to freshen in January; 5 steers, 2 yrs. old; 4 heifers, 2 yrs. old; 9 year-old heifers and steers; 6 spring calves. MACHINERY: Rock Island tractor, on rubber; International 3 -furrow plow; 3 -section spring tooth , dregs; 5 -section diamond harrows; Cockshutt 5 ft. one-way disc; 7 ft. McCormick binder; 6 ft. mower; International drop -head hay loader; side rake; sulky rake; 13 -disc drill with fertilator; New Idea manure spreader (like new); one all -steel rubber -tired wagon; 16 ft. flat rack; set sloop sleighs; fanning mill; pipe line milking machine, complete, 2 single units; DeLaval cream separator; 3 milk cansand pails;, wheel barrow; 80ft.. drive belt; 8 -inch grain grinder; forks, , shovels, chains, and other articles. HAY: 20 tons mixed hay; 4 acres silo corn. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Mod- ern china cabinet; china cabinet; 6 dining room chairs; day bed; kitchen cabinet. TERMS: Machinery, cash; live stock, 4 months credit non fur- nishing approved WILLIAM MOSS, Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer George Powell, Clerk39-40-b AUCTION. SALE of HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, LUMBER, WOOD and FARM EQUIPry MENT at Lot No. 18, Goderich Township, Ng?. 8 Highway (Huron Road), 1 mile west' of Clinton on Saturday, Oct. 6 at 1.30 p.m., the following: ANTIQUES: Walnut dining. room extension '"table; 2 walnut chests of drawers; walnut desk. (large); walnut spooled bed and springs; oil table lamp; walnut cabinet phonograph and records. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS:• Din- ing room extension table; wood- en bed; mattress; New Domestic sewing machine; drop leaf table; small table; mantel dock; rock- ing chair; veranda chair; radio cabinet; Coleman gas lamp; 2 large light fixtures; 8 modern light fixtures; dishes; flat irons; flower pots; crockery; oil can; pictures; lawn seat and numer- ous other articles. FARM EQUIPMENT, Lumber, Wood, Feed, Ete.: 2 Targe steel gates; 2 steel pig troughs; 130 feet hay rope; pulleys; car; 4 sling ropes; democrat; buggy; cut- ter; binder tongue; cutter poles; colony house (pine) 6'x12'; quan- tity of steel piping; angle iron; milk strainer and filter; approx 18 cord of wood; approx.. 50 cedar posts; 4 cedar poles (suitable for hydro or telephone poIes); quan- tity of hemlock lumber; approx. 200 bus. of oats; approx. 120 bus. of wheat. TERMS --CASH No reserve as the farm is sold. T. R. JENKINS, Proprietor EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K. W. Colquhoun, Clerk 39-40-b for her home in Calgary, Alta., after having visite at the home of her parents, Capt. and Mrs. R. L. MacMillan, for several weeks. Illf111111i11111111111IlIIl1111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111thIII Annual Meeting Huron County Cream Producers' Association AGRICULTURAL BOARD ROOM CLINTON TUESDAY, OCT. 9 at 8.30 p.m. GORDON M. GREIG, Secretary -Treasurer 40-b IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIl111111IIIIIIIIIIIIOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1111 1111111111111111111111111111111111 44'44.4 -0-04-4-+-0-0-P-4-0-4'°" Clearing. AUCTION' SALE 'of FARM, FARM STOCK and IMPLEMENTS will be held at Lot 24, Con. 3, West Wawanosh Township,. 11/4 miles west and 2 miles north of Auburn, on Thursday, Oct. 11 at 1 p.m. HORSES: 1 Percheron mare, 9 old;s. old; Clyde '2gelding, sets team harness and collars. CATTLE: 2 Holstein heifers, due to freshen in Feb.; Holstein heifer, 2 yrs. old; Durham heifer, 2 yrs, old; 2 Durham steers, 2 yrs. olds IMPLEMENTS: 20-35', Allis- Chalmers tractor; International 3 -furrow tractor plow; 4 -section spring tooth harrows; 6 -section diamond harrows; spring tooth cultivator; 3 -drum steel roller; Massey Harris fertiliser drill (like new); manure spreader; 6 ft. mower; hay loader; Massey Harris 7 ft.- binder; sulky rake; Dunnville ensilage cutter; 9%" grain grinder; drive belt; cement mixer; 2,000 lbs. scales; fanning mill with motor; DeLaval milk- ing machine (like new)'; rubber tired wagon; 2 farm wagons; 16 ft. flat hay rack; set sloop sleighs; walking plow; riding plow; corn cultivator; buggy; cutter; steel frame for circular saw; % h.p. motor; 3 h.p. motor; electric pail; set blacksmith tools; power emery; 15 hives of bees; full line, bee equipment; chains, forks, shovels, etc. HAY and GRAIN: Quantity of mangols; 30 ton mixed hay; 400 bus. mixed grain. Quantity" of Household Effects. FARM; 100 acre farm, well drained; 10 acres hardwood bush; 2 storey brick house; large bank barn, drive shed; bee house; hydro; good water supply. $10 and under, cash; over that amount 5 months credit on fur- nishing approved joint note at 5 per cent. Property: 10 per cent down, balance in 30 days; subject to reserve bid. DAVID HAMILTON, Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON, Audtioneer E. P. Chesney, Clerk 39-40-b Clearing AUCTION . SALE of FARM, FARM STOCK and TRACTOR MACHINERY Harold Jackson has received instructions to sell by Public Auction at Lot 15, Concession 1, Hay Township, lI/4 miles south of Hensall, on No. 4 Highway, on Wednesday, Oct. 10 at 12 p.m. DST MONSTER CASH , BINGO Sponsored by Hensall Legion 468 and Ladies' Auxiliary HENSALL COMMUNITY ARENA Thanksgiving Night Monday, Oct. 8 8 p.m. $1,000 IN PRIZES Specials: $500, $150, $75, $50 15 Regular Games at $15 Booth in Arena ADMISSION $1; Extra Cards and Specials, 25 tents. SPEND THE HOLIDAY EVENING IN HENSALL Seating accommodation for 2,000 4 O•e_ _ . _*.G.+a4444' '4* CATTLE: 8 Holstein cows, 3 yrs. old, bred to Hereford bull, due Jan. 1, 1952; 1 Jersey cow. POULTRY: 300 Red Sussex pullets; 250 White Leghorn and Red Sussex pullets. All laying good. MACHINERY: 1949 W D.9 Mc- Cormick Deering tractor, fully equipped; 1950-1—H MC•Cormick Deering tractor, 2 row scuffler and fully equipped; 1950 McCor- mick Deering 4 -furrow plow; 1948 McCormick Deering hay bal- er with motor; 1950 3 -ton Dodge truck, booster brakes, D.P. axle, hoist, No. 10. 3 -ft. solid rack with 2 -ft. stock extension, 2200 miles; 1950 Allis Chalmers No. 60-5 combine, flax rolls, auxiliary mot- or, large size scour clean, Innis pick-up, fully equipped; 1950 Case 12 -ft. swather; 1950 New Idea corn picker, I row, fully equipped; 1949 John Deere 15 - disc power drill, fully equipped; 7 ft. McCormick Deering tractor pow- er side 1950 rake; 1950lis Chalmers 48-ft. John Deere E hay and grain elevator; McCormick Deering bale loader; 1950 John Deere manure spread- er; McCormick Deering tractor double disc, 16 -plate; John Deere 6 -ft. 1 way disc; McCormick Deering stiff tooth cultivator; 5 - section diamond harrows; 10 -ft. Bissell" ulte packer; 1951 Bob -a - Long power lawn mower; 1949 De Laval milking machine; 2 single units, milk cans; rubber tire wag- on; 16. ft hay rack & grain box; 50 ft. corn. crib; Litz grain grind- er; grain roller; 3 hp. motor (new); 2 small motors (new); fanning mill; 1,000 5 -'inch tile; water tank; rubber tire wheel barrow; 3 -ton hydromatic jack; other jacks; power oil pump; set farm scales; root pulper; walk- ing plow; stone boat; ropes, pul- leys, chains; set carpenter tools; :full set . farm tools. Elecltric brooder and poultry equipmnt; 6 rain shelters. HAY and GRAIN: 2,000 bus. mixed grain; 250 bales second cut alfalfa; 2500 bales mixed hay. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Hot Point 4 -burner electric stove; Wiivgham Clipper white enamel cook stove; 17 cu. f . 'Universal (new); esterfield suite; dining room suite, table, china cabinet, 12 dhaids; 3 bed- room -suites; chesterfield bed; rugs; walnut finish flat top of- fice desk, with swivel chair (like new); occasional chains,; small tables, lamps; washing machine; mirrors, and other articles too numerous to mention. REAL , ESTATE:. Parcel No. 1- 100 acre farm (more or less) 11/4 miles south of Hensall, on No. 4 Highway. Good brick house, het water heating system with oil burner, modern bath room; large bank barn, driving shed, pressure hensystem for50he . throughout; hens;„ pgarage, ooder house for 1,000 chicks,; clay loam,, well drained, good water supply; 12 acres of bush; 18 acres of permanent pasture. Parcel No. 2-25 acres part Lot 17, Con. 1, Hay, Twp.; 1 mile south of Hensall on No. 4 High- way, all workable land with good well. TERiMS--Chattels Cash; Real Estate will be offered day of sale if not previously sold. Terms: 10 per cent dawn and balance 30 days; subject to reserve bid. ESTATE OF LATE OLIVER ROWCLIFFE Executors -Lloyd McLean, H. C. Rivers, Hensall HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer E. P. Chesney, Clerk • 39-40-b oi« 4 fi AUCTION SALE of HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS at Lot No. 18, Stanley Township, (Goshen Line), 3 miles west and 2 miles south of Varna, on Wednesday, Oct. 10 at 1.30 p.m., the following:. Modern walnut bed, tubular bed; wooden bed; chest of draw- ers; chesterfield and two chester- field chairs; Lazyboy chair; two occasional chairs; studio couch; 3 rocking chairs; wicker arm chair; Northern Electric cabinet battery radio; dining room table, buffet and chairs; modern maple. breakfast suite consisting of buf- fet, table and chairs; 2 carpet rugs; linoleum rug; scatter rugs; weight dock; Coleman camp style gas stove; Coleman lamp; Coleman lantern; several small tables; kitchen chairs; bridge lamp; hand washing machine; step ladder; 2 cook stoves; cur- tains; drapes; garden tools; dish- es; pictures; cooking utensils and numerous other articles. TERMS -CASH MRS. JEAN BENNETT, Proprietress EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K. W. Colquhoun, Clerk 39-40-b Wm. Marsh, R.R. 5, Goderich VARNA (Intended for last week), . Mr. and Mrs. J. Perce Johnston and Robert spent last weekend with Mrs. J. W. Johnston and family; also with relatives at Seaforth. 'Now"Skinny"Girls Get Lovely Curves Gain 5 to 10 lbs. New Pep Thonennds who ,,over could gain weight before. now Lave ohapelY, atiraetive figures, r0 more 10001' limbs, ugly hollows. They thank Osyrex. It nuts flesh on bodice skinny because biwd 100101 iron. Pope you up. too. Improves appetite, ,11000t100 so food 000,101000 You better. Don's fear getting too fat, oto wb010 you gain nguroYOU Slab. LNrodug500l Tablolo-0af runnowe 00,040,, lovely entices,enew pep, today. At ah druCglsta. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 195 4 1951.Ford deluxe Coach, fully -equipped, $300 below list 1951 Pontiac Styleline deluxe Sedan, brand new 1951 Chevrolet Styleline Sedan, brand new 1951 Pontiac deluxe Fleetline Sedan, $200 under list 1951.Chevrolet Styleline Sedan, $200 under list 195OChevrolet deluxe Styleline Sedan '1949 Mercury Sedan, fully -equipped 1949 Chevrolet Styleline Sedan 1949 Chevrolet, Fleetline Coach 19.49 Chevrolet Styleline deluxe Sedan, custom radio, air conditioning and two -toned in color 1948 Chevrolet S'tylemaster Coach 1948 Chevrolet Fleetline Cbach 1947 Chevrolet Sedan 1947 Pontiac Sedan 1946 Nash Sedan 1946 Mercury Coach; radio 1940 Mercury Coach 1938 "Pontiac Sedan TRUCKS 1948 Chevrolet :Y4. -ton Stake, deluxe cab �.t i. -itt*F,$li5tirt7.5Y. HiiaVQRWAil+' ":.I76~t..: .!w tta iiC NEW CARS CHEVROLET, PONTIAC, BUICK, OLDSMOBILE, FORD, METEOR Approximately 24-hour service with choice of colours REGULAR LIST PRICE ++-41.4'4•r+++4 9+5.4.4 CASH — TRADE — TERMS OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 10 O'CLOCK Brussels Motors Huron County's Foremost Used Car Dealer Phone 73-X BRUSSELS • Available •tit banks andnrnvesflnent dealers —{for cath Orin instalments