HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-10-04, Page 3DRUG STORE' THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1951 CLINTON NLWS-RECORD' PAGE TI Let's Chat Let's Chat A Woman's Viewpoint on This and That, By MBA THE oldest women's fraternal erful thing it must have been for organization on the continent is those pioneer women, whose only the proud record of the Rebekahs interests centred in,.t+he home and . It was founded in September family to have new interests 1851 and the local Huron'ie. ne- coupled with the warmth of beka'h lodge commemorated this friendship and social activity .. . event` -the 100th anniversary—by That the Lodge was built. on firm a:'sacred serviceat their meet- foundations, is shown 'by its ing, Monday night . . • growth and the fact that the need for it is as great today as it ever was . . 'a a ,g , THERE is an interepting story about how the 'lodge was found- ed . The Oddfelliows on this continent in those early days were strongest in small rural towns ... The farmers and small town people often found it was. not safe to leave their families in lonely homes while they at- tended meetings (Indiians and all that sort of thing), so they took them along . . In no time at all the Worsen' had bandedtogether to form the first women's frater- ti :t: x A mysterious side -line to the Hospital Auxiliary Sale in the Lions Arena next week is the fortune-telling section . . . Here for a small fee, buyers at the sale, will be able to enjoy a cup of tea, etc.. and hear all about what thefuture holds in store for them . And from Miss O'Neil. the energetic convener, we learned that the services of several famous fortune -tellers from the far corners of the— nal organization on the contin- county have offered their assist- ent—or anywhere else, as far as ance . . . So you are certain of `tine can 'learn What a, wand- getting your money's worth with Youth . For Christ WELCOMES YOU To CLINTON TOWN HALL Sat., October 6, 8 p.m. For the Opening Fall Rally Featuring— Speaker: REV. NORMAN FORGE, London, Ont. MR. ALF NELSON, Instrumentalist, London LADIES' TRIO Sponsored by CLINTON AREA YOUTH FOR CHRIST I Clinton Town Hall DANCE to FRANK TRAHER ORCHESTRA FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5 and Every Friday 10.00-1.00 Admission 75c Every Tuesday—JERRY RENNIE and His Rhythm Jesters Caller Bill Melpage and Vocalist Sally May (You've probably heard them at the Godericli. Pavilion) 9.30-12.30 Admission 75c 40-b r•4�1-4-a+ BRUCEFIELD • Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Walters, Detroit, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rathwell, (Too late for last week) Miss Violet Petrie is visiting her sister, Mr. and Mrs. R. Allan, Miss Janet Watson, Aylmer, spent the weekend at her home, Mr .and Mrs. Don McDonald, Clinton, vsaited Sunday with his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Johnston spent Sunday, wth Mr. and Mrs. C. Halstead in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brock, Cent- ralia, were weekend visitors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Cornish. Rally Day Heid Rally. Day services were held in United Church on Sunday with Rev. W. J. Maines in charge. There was a Junior Girls' Choir under the leadership of Mrs. Murdock. Ronny Johnston read the story. Many Attend Shower Many attended the shower for Miss Ethel Wilson, bride -elect of this week at Mrs. W. Haugh's on Tuesday evening, September 25. A very interesting program was. given end some contests held. Miss Eva Stackhouse read an ad- dress and Ethel was presented with many beautiful gifts. A dainty lunch was served. an entertaining forecast of your future . . * * 4 . A number of games of chance, such as a chicken wheel, will offer amusement for those who are waiting to see who wins the television set (Incidentally, have you bought tickets on it yet?) .. . APART from the Lions Club, there is no other organization in town, that works entirely for the good of the whole commun- ity, as does the Hospital Auxil- iary—so do give it your complete support in its major money - raising activity for this season... CALL IN AND SEE US ABOUT YOUR PROBLEMS on: EAVESTROUGHING ELECTRICAL WIRING AIR-CONDITIONING GRAVITY WARM -AIR HEATING PLUMBING A FURNACE FOR EVERY JOB WISE and BATEMI N Phone 147—Clinton tr / ORDER TRADE MARE MEG, with your groceries 1111 IIIu1111HIIIHIHuIllIIIIlNlllllllllllu llulllllllllmllllluullllllllluu IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111u1H11HHIIl11HIIl11HI111111111I1111HI1111HH111111111111111111HIIHIH I MIMI Ilulll IIIIIIIIIIHI 11111u1u8ll111111111111111111 Progressive -Conservative NQMINATION HURON RIDING will be held in Town Hall, HensalI Wed., October 10 at 8 p.m. Rev. John W. Foote,V.C. Minister of Reform Institutions, will be the main speaker on the platform. THOMAS PRYDE, MLA THOMAS PATRICK, will also be Rev. John W. Foote, VC JOHN W. H A N N A, MLA MLA, and Others, present, pen Meedng, Everybody Welcome! God Save The King! Huron Progressive -Conservative Association GEORGE S. ELLIOTT, President I. H, MURPHY, Secretary 111111 H11111 HIIIihHllhill ulhhhHIIIIIIIIIIIHII 4 HOLMESVILLE s-4 Mr. and AVlrs, Harry Cudmore spent a recent weekend a end with relatives in Cleveland. Mr. and Mrs. Proctor Palmer and Gloria spent the early' part of September in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pearce, Brantford, called on friends while motoring through the village last week. Dr. and Mre. DI. R. Palmer and little son Douglas, Clinton, Visited on Sunday with Dr. Palm- er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Palmer. Mr. and Mrs. N. Heard on Sun- day had as guests Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Heard; Mrs. Larrison, Mr. and Mr's. Lloyd Heard and little son Edward, Bayfield. Ministers Exchange Rev, Mr. Harrower, Benrni'ller, was in charge of the morning service on Sunday es Rev. Mr. Newton was guest preacher for anniversary (services morning and evening at Benmiller United Church. Thanksgiving Sunday is next week, and the Col(lowing. Sunday Holmesville will hold its anniversary, October 14, Successful Fair A week ago Friday a miniature school fair was held at the vil- lage school, with the pupils bring- ing 'poultry, pets, fruit. vege- tables 'and flowers • for the com- petition. Parents and friends were welcome, three of them act- ing as judges. When points were counted it was announced that Grade 7 had won, with Grade 2 second and Grade 6 third. Mission Band Re -opens The Mission Band reopened on Friday, September 28, for the fall term, meeting in the school as usual. The programme was prepared by Mary Helen Yeo, BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL . DIRECTORY ACCOUNTANCY ROY N. BENTLEY Licensed Public Accountant 36 Regent St., — Tel. 909-J Goderich, Ontario ERNEST W. HUNTER Chartered Accountant 2143 Danforth Ave., Toronto Phone OXford 4080 RONALD G. McCANN Public Accountant Office: Royal, Bank Bldg. Phones: Office 561; Res. 455 CHIROPRACTIC D. H. McINNES Chiropractic - Foot Correction OFFICE HOURS: Hotel Clinton, Friday, 1 to 8 p.m. Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, Monday, 1 to 8 p.m. Its St1[tANCE Be Sure : : Be Insured K. W. COLQ'UHOUN GENERAL INSURANCE Representative: Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Office: Royal Bank Building Office 50 - PHONES - Res. 9W J. E. HOWARD. Bayfield Phone Bayfield 53r2 Car - Fire _ Life - Accident Wind Insurance If you need Insurance, I have a Policy. Buy LIFE Insurance To -days To -morrow may be too late! JOHN R. & LLOYD K. BUTLER Representative CONFEDERATION LIFE INSURANCE Phone 274 — Clinton — Box 315 JAMES S. CULP 52 Elgin t've. Phone 512 Goderich Representative of State -Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co, for Clinton, Bayfield and Goderich areas. LOBE INSURANCE AGENCY Cor. William and Rattenbury Sts. Phone 691W — GENERAL INSURANCE — Representative: Dom. of Canada General (Life) Howick Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co. H. C. L'AWSON Bank of Montreal Building Clinton PHONES: Office 251W; Res, 251J Insurance-' Real Estate Agfent: Mutual Life Assurance Co. THE McE]LLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Ofifee. Seaforth Officers 1950 -President, E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; • vice-presi- dent, J. E. Malone, Seafortheman- ager and secretary -treasurer, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Other direct- ors: S. H. Whitmore, Seaforth; Chris Leonherdt, Bornholm; Ro- bert Archibald, Seaforth; John H. McEwing, Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; W. S. Alexander, Wal- ton; Harvey Fuller, Goderich. Agents: J. E. Pepper, 'Brucefield; R. F. McKercher, Dublin; George A. Watt, Blyth; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; Selwyn Baker, Brus- sels. OPTOMETRY A, L. COLE, R.O. Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted Goderich - Phone 33 GORDON R. IIEARN Optometrist . Phone 69 Huron Street, Clinton JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Phone 791. Main St., Seaforth Hours: 9 am - 6 pm. Wed, 9 - _12.30; Sat, 9 em - 9 pm 1'A.INTERS MelASTER PAINTERS Matilda St., Clinton Spray and Brush, Steeplejacking, Commercial Buildings Roofs end Houses REAL ESTATE LEONARD G. WINTER Real Estate and Business Broker SLOAN BLOCK, CLINTON Phone: Office 448; Res. 599j VETERINARIAN DR. G. S. ELLIOTT Veterinarian' 11111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllll lhhhIIIHIillllllill IIII(IIIIUAu1111111111i11 IIIIIIHIIIHIIIIIOHII IIIIIHIII Illllhilll'IIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIHHH IIIHIHHIIIHIHll11111111HIIHIUIIIIIIIHIIIIIHIUHHH Phone: 203 Clinton ' with Kenneth Potter presiding. Miss K. Holmes' and Ilu Grigg acted' as pianists, and the study book chapter on Japanese child life was taken by Mrs. Ross. Ted McCullough led in prayer, and Sandra Williams read the Scrip- ture, During business period it was decided that Kenneth Potter and Barry Wilson . assist Mrs. Ross and Mrs. Heard with the candy booth at the bazaar. A temperance paper was given by Barry Wilson and one on peace by Victor Corran, Dopald Yeo took up the offering, and a piano number was contributed by Mary Helen Yeo. Games were conduct- ed by Mary' Helen Yeo and Mrs. Ross, and the meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction. WA an'a WMS Meet Mrs. E. J. Trewarthe and Mrs. Bert Lobb were hostesses for the WA and WMS September meet- ings which were held at the for- mer's home. Mrs. Harry Cud - more prepared and led the Wor- ship period which opened the WMS meeting: The president re- ported that a bale of clothing had been shipped, and that the thankoffering would be taken at the October meeting. Mrs. Walter led in prayer, and the Scripture passages were read by Mrs. E. Grigg and Mrs. H. Cudtnore. Oth- ers taking part in the program, with, readings, included Mrs. E. J. Trewartha, Mrs. B. Lobb, Mrs. W. Yeo, Mrs. J. Yeo, Mrs. E. Potter, Mrs. Mulholland and Mrs. Newton. Mrs. Cudmore took the study book chapter. Mrs. W. Norman read an ad- dress in which Mrs. Albert Bond wee highly commended for the continual help she has given the societies for many years, and a life membership in the WMS was presented by Mrs. Cudmore. The good wishes of the members fol- low her to her new home in Clin- ton. In her reply, Mrs. 'Bond thanked the group for their thoughtfulness. Plans for the bazaar took up most of the business period of the WA. The roll call was an- swered by each member handing in an article for the sewing booth. A donation to the touch - and -take booth is to be the roll call answer in October. The bazaar will be held in the Coun- cil Chamber, Clinton. After the president closed with prayer, the hostesses served a dainty lunch. 0 SPECIAL SPEAKER SEAFORTH — Rev. Reginald Appleyard, Preston, son of a for- mer reotor, was the special speak- er when St. Thomas Anglican Church celebrated its annual Harvest Home Sunday, Sept. 30. Goderich Bowling Academy All those who wish to form or get into a Mixed Bowling Team or a straight Men's or Women's Team, Please leave name at Brown Derby with Mrs. Fleet or call Goderich '1246 and ask for Ron Hooper. 40-p $1,525 In Cash Prizes including a $1,100 JACKPOT which must go! GODERICH LIONS CLUB' BINGO Goderich Arena Thurs., Oct. 11 at 9 p.m. This will be the last Goderich Lions Club Bingo for this sea- son. -•s-•-•-•'1-.-•-•-• d-.-r+-•-s"*+4'4a+-6+ 4-4+4}•- - LONDON ROAD The September meeting of Lon- don Road Club was held at the home of Mrs. 1VIanaghan with nine members present. ' The meeting opened' with the singing of The Maple Leaf Forever, follow the Creed, One thank -you was read from Jean And The mystery box won by Clegg brought 90 cents. were played; winner was LeBeau and low, Jean " A son, Supper was served lb; hostess and the October me is to be held at Jean Ander long-lasting lip spice.., CLOVE CARNATION Ayerfast Indelible by HARRIET HUBBARD AYER le No fleeting compliment this! Clove Carnation lipstick tastes like dove, smells like Hove and ... because it's creamy Ayerfast In delible . stays and stays. 1.75 UNIQUE PHOTO SERVIGE F. B. PENNEBAKER DRUGGIST PHON 14 $1,500 Cash Given Away Thursday, Oct. Legion Bing CLINTON LIONS ARENA $1,000 JACKPOT Must Go That Night! ALSO: $500 CASH PRIZES 15 Regular Games of $15 Each FOUR SPECIAL GAMES: $50 $75 $150 $1,00 (jackpot ADMISSION: $1 for 15 regular games; 25e for extra c 25c each for each of four special games. .Doors open at 7.30 p.m. Games start 9 pm. (E REFRESHMENT BOOTH SEE �oo-o-.-o coca'•' Progress on far-flung Sottlefronts. • on accident in Western On'. tario . a change in government policy . All are hot news items ye• eistery in the making. Stay on top of world and local develop- ments. Hear the SHELL NEWS with PAT MURRAY daily at 12.30 noon on 980—CFPL. It's made available for you by your SHELL Dealer. CONVENIENT TERMS ARRANGED • GUARANTEED FOR LIFE! • INTERNATIONALLY KNOWN OVER 40 • PARTS INTERCHANGEABLE WITH STA MAKE MACHINES! Enthusiasm of women the country over hos NEC(HI a most wanted sewing machine. We a to present the NECCHI to you. Wo cannot dei marvels of the NECCHI in Words. You MUST lee and tryit yourself. You will agree that It, sewing moshlne you've been wailing lot. E a`VMAGIC MINUTE 'DEMONSTRAI I' Sew lot just 60 seconds ono NECCHI — and you'll never be with an ordinary sewing machine again. We have male wren — for this week only — to hove an expert demondralot on show you this wonderful machine,,. • Extremely simple to operate. • Preelsiombutlf eliminates expensive repair so • Sews backwards and forwards easily. • Drop feed ed(ustmenf for darning. .f • Stitth sire adjusted Instantly. • Ball-bearing oilers keeps machine steno. Clinton Electric Sho D. Vi'. Cornish — WESTINGHOUSE DEALERS — PHONE 479 -- Residence 3 "Every House Needs Westinghouse!"