HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-09-27, Page 6PAGE SIX CLINTON NEWS -RECO THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1591' . CheaCIng A'ction Sates1 : AUCTION SALE ALEClearing of AUCTION SALE Clearing RM STOCK AUCTION of FA Hallett ion 12 H Concession of N 0.37 0 I SALE at Lot1v miles north of Township,. Londesboro, and '2s/4 miles west, on, Friday, Sept. '28 at 1.30 p.m., the following: HORSES: Percheron gelding, 8 yrs, old; Clydesdale gelding, aged; Clydesdale mare, 7 yrs. old., CATTLE: Durham cow, 8 yrs. old, milking, bred again; Durham cow, 7 yrs old, milking, again; Durham . cow, 4 yrs. - old, milking, bred again; a i n;in Durham 4 heifer, milking; yrs. old, due Nov. 6; Holstein Cow, 4 yrs. old, milking, bred again; Holstein cow, 6 yrs, old, milking, bred again; Holstein cow, 8 2yyr. old milking,rasteer;p again; 3 yearling Durham steers; 4 year- ling Durham heifers; 3 Durham heifers, 11fa yrs. old.; 2 Holstein heifers from 11/ to 2 yrs. old; 2 yearling Durham x Holstein steers; Durham x Holstein earn year- ling heifer; 8 calves ranging -from g 2 to 6 months old. PIGS: 3 farrow Yorkshire sows; 5 chunks; 7 pigs, 9 weeks old; 36 weanling pigs. IMPLEMENTS—Farm wagon. TERMS—CASH No reserve,. as proprietor is leaving the farm. GLENN RAITHBY, Proprietor EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K. W. Colquhoun, Clerk 38-b COMMUNITY AUCTION SALE of HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS from Victoria e Street, Clinton, on Clinton Hotel I Saturday, Sept. 29 FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS and HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS at Lot 26, Concession 2, West Wawanosh Township, 17A miles west and 2 miles north of Auburn, ;on " 'Saturday, October 6 at 1 pan.. HORSES: Percheron gelding, 10 FARM STOCK, I3Il1'IPLEMENTS and HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS to be held at Lot 28, Concession i, Six, Hay Township, /t mile south of Hillsgreen store on .' yrs. old; 1 set backhand harness CATTLE: Polled .Angus bull, 2 yrs. old; 2 Durham cows, milk- ing, bred to freshen in spring; 4 black cows, milking,and bred again; 1 Holstein, milking and bred again; Holstein heifer, due to freshen in January; 5 steers, 2 yrs. old; 4 heifers, 2 yrs. old; 9 year-old heifers and steers; 6 spring calves. at 1.30 p.m. .. Sale will consist of: Newcombe piano (Al condit- ion); 8 -piece oak dining room suite; kitchen •abinet; bedroom suirocking chairs; hall seat; Quebec heater; 2 hot plates, and l shes; new oil drum: door glass top; saw; sleigh (boys); crow- bar; boys);w- bar; 3 sash; 2 dog kennels. 1 2 Wilton rugs, 21x3, 3x4; record player -and records; eight- day clock; single -bed, springs and mattress; three -quartered and springs and inner -spring tress; several small tables; small crock churn articles. Ladies' Black Astrican coat (size 38, new); kitchen table and chairs. TERMS—CASH For further particulars apply to: EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer Phone 466J, Clinton IL W. CO Q UTIOUN, Cl Phone 50, Clinton Clearing AUCTION SALE of HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS hi the Village of Brucefield on MACHINERY: Rock - Island tractor, on rubber; international 3 -furrow plow; e-sectiondiamondspring tooth drags; harrows; Cockshutt 5 ft. one-way disc; 7 ft. McCormick binder; 6 ft. mower; International drop -head hayloader; side rake; sulky rake; 13 -disc drill with fertilator; New Idea manure spreader (Eke new); one all -steel rubber -tired wagon; 16 ft. flat rack; set sloop sleighs; .fanning mill; pipe line milking machine, complete, 2 single units; DeLaval cream separator; 3 milk cans and pails; wheel barrow; 80 ft. drive belt; 8 -inch grain grinder; forks, shovels, chains. and other articles. HAY: 20 tons mixed hay; 4 acres silo- corn. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Mod- ern china cabinet; china cabinet; S dining room chairs; day bed; kitchen cabinet. live TERMS: Machinery, cash; stack, 4 months credit on fur- nishing approved joint notes. Friday, October .5 at 1 p.m. (DST) HORSES: Middle aged bay mere (1700); 2 sets werk har- ness and ecellars. CATTLE: All cattle have two TB tests clear. Two black cows and calves at foot; roan cow with calf at foot; Hereford cow due early November; 2 black white- faced heifers due time of sale; roan cow, fresh 2 months,; three 2 -yr. -old heifers (fat); Hereford steer, 2 yrs. old; Hereford steer, 1300 lbs.; 10 Durham and Here- fords, 1 yr. old; baby beef ready for market; spring calf, PIGS -8 York chunks, 75 lbs.; York sow, bred, POULTRY: 100 Hybred red rock pullets, ready to lay,. 3 rain shelters and feeders; -brooder stove. • MACHINERY; Massey 'Harris binder; Deering mower; sulky rake; M.H. drop -head hay loader; M.H. manure spreader; M.H, 13 - run drill with fertilator; 3 -drum steel roller; M.H. bean stuffier, and puller; spring-toath cultivat- or; 14 -plate M.H. out -throw disc; 14. plate Bissel inthrow disc; one hand stuffier (new); set farm sleighs and flat rack; New Idea rubber tired wagon with 16 ft. rolling flat rack; wagon box with stock rack; walking plow; 1,000 lb. scales; fanning mill; foot spray pump; Viking cream sep- arator with milk pails; grass seeder; 200 cedar rails; cedar posts; quantity of circular wood; forks, shovels. chains, grain bags and other articles. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS in- cluding Quebec heater; kitchen chairs; tables; bedroom furniture and other household effeots. TERM—CASH BRUCE WALKER, Proprietor 'HAROLDP. JACKSON, Auctioneer E. Clearing' AUCTION SALE of FARM, FARM STOCK ' and IMPLEMENTS will be held at Lot 24, Con. 3, West Wawanosh Township, lr/,r miles west and 2 miles north of Auburn, on Thursday, Oct. 11 at lP.m• HORSES: 1 Percheron. mare; 9 yrs. old; 1 Clyde gelding, 5 yrs. old; '2 sets team harness and collars. CATTLE: 2 Holstein heifers, due to freshen in Feb.; Holstein heifer, 2 yrs. old; Durham heifer, 2 yrs. old; 2 Durham steers, 2 yrs, old. LMPLEMENTS: 20-35 Allis TUCICERSMITI-I Ladies' Club to Meet The Tuckeramith Ladies' Club will held their regular meeting at 'the home of Mrs. Frank Walt- ers on October 10. Please note change of date, COME TO . . Tee water FALL FAVit OCT. 2 and 3 OUTSTANDING LIVESTOCK. and HALL EXHIBITS HARNESS RACES 2.24 Trot or Pace Free -for -All 2 Road Races—Running Race WALLA-CEBURG KILTIE BRASS BAND ' RCAF TRUMPET BAND Clowns — Vaudeville — Rides Wednesday Evening—DANCE in the Arena GEORGE WADE AND HIS CORN HUSKERS from Toronto Admission to Pair: Adults and oars 59c; school children, 12 and under, 15c Chalmers tractor; InternW 3-furrow tractor plow; 4 -section spring tooth harrows; 6 -section diamond harrows; spring tooth cultivator; 3 -drum steel roller; Massey Harris' fertilizer drift (like new); manure spreader; 6 ft. mower; hay loader; Massey Harris 7 ft, binder; sulky rake; Dunnville ensilage butter; 91/2" grain grinder; drive belt; cement. mixer; 2,000 lbs, scales; fanning mill with motor; DeLaval milk- ing machine (like new); rubber tired wagon; 2 farm wagons; 16 ft. flat hay ' rack; set sloop sleighs; wafting plow; riding plow; corn cultivator; buggy; cutter; steel frame for circular saw; 1/2 h.p. motor; 3 h.p. motor; electric pail; set blacksmith tools; power emery; 15 hives of bees; full line bee equipment; chains, forks, shovels, etc. HAY and GRAIN: Quantity of mongols; 30 ton mixed hay; 400 bus. mixed grain. Quantity of Household Effects. FARM: 100 acre farm, well drained; 10 acres hardwood bush; 2 storey brick house; large bank barn, drive shed; bee house; hydro; good water supply. $10 and under, cash; over that amount 5 months credit on fur- nishing approved joint note at 5 per. cent. Property: 10 per cent down, balance in 30 days; subject to reserve bid. DAVID HAMILTON, 'Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON, Audtioneer E. P. Chesney, Clerk 39-40'b New Gadget Wonderful Inventions Dept.: A sundial which tells the time in the dark with luminous hands. Saturday, Sept. 29 at 1 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Haugh Newcombe piano; chesterfield suite and 1 chair; setae and 3 antique chairs to match; 5 rock- ing chairs; 3 small tables; Belg- ium rug 8x11; 1 rug 9x101/2; eight-day clock; buffet dining room table, 0 chairs; drop-leaf table, 2 chairs; kitchen cabinet; cupboard withglass top; kitchen table; Perfection oil stove and oven; fernery; New Williams sewing machine; 2 small tables; 2 fern stands; Mahogany veneer bedroom suite; iron bed and springs; 2 wooden beds; 3 mat- tresses; one dresser and commode; large chest of drawers; quilt box; wardrobe; hall tree; 6 oak dining room upholstered chairs; flower stand; antique mahogany table; bicycle; child's sleigh; kitchen stool; coal or wood Beach range; walnut dining room table (like new); cooking utensils; Maxwell electric washing machine (like new); tubs; wash board; electric iron; electric toaster; garden whirs; lawn m eel storm door 7' ft. xnning 34"; storm door 6 ft. 10" x 33; 2 screen doors 7 ft. x 33; 15 gal, oil can; WILLIAM MOSS, Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON,Auctioneer George Powell, Clerk39_40ub Clearing AUCTION SALE of FARM, FARM STOCK and TRACTOR MACHINERY Harold Jackson has received instructions to sell by Public Auction at Lot 15, Concession 1, Hay Township. PA miles south of Hensall, en No. I .Highway, on Wednesday, Oct. 10 at 12 p.m. DST CATTLE: 8 Holstein cows, 3 yrs. old, bred to Hereford bull, due Jan. 1, 1952; 1 Jersey cow. POULTRY: 300 Red Sussex pullets; 250 'White Leghorn and Red Sussex pullets. All laying good. MACHINERY: 1949 W D.9 Mc- Cormick Deering tractor, fully equipped; 1950-1—Ii McCormick Deering tractor, 2 e2; row McCor- mick Deering ng and fully equipped; plow; 4948 McCormick Deering hay bal- er with motor; 1950 3 -ton Dodge truck,' booster brakes, D.P. axle, hoist, No. 10. 3 -ft. solid rack with 2 -ft, stock extension, 2200 miles; 1950 Allis Chalmers No. 60-5 combine, flax rolls, auxiliary mot- or,ilarge scourclean, 1950 Innis p C se 1, fully equiipped Gose 12 -ft. svvather; 1950 NeW Idea corn picker, 1 row, fully equipped; 1949 John Deere 15 - disc power drill, fully equipped; 7 ft. McCormick Deering tractor mower; 1950 Allis Chalmers pow- er side rake; 1950 48 -ft. John Deere E hay and grain elevator 1VIcCo nDee e si le loader; 1950 Sohmanure spread- er; rad-er; McCormick Deering tractor double disc, 16 -plate; John Deere 6 -ft. 1 way disc; McCormick Deering stiff tooth cultivator; 5 - section. diamond harrows; 10 -ft. Bissell Cults packer; 1951 Bob -a - Long power lawn mower; 1949 De Laval milking machine; 2 single units, milk cans; rubber tire wag- on; 16, ft hay rack, Sr gratin box; 50 ft. corn crib; Litz groin grind- er; grain, roller; 3 h.p. motor (new); 2 small motors (new); ing mill' 1,000 5 -inch tile; AUCTION SALE of HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS at Lot No. 18, Stanley Township, (Goshen Line), 3 miles west and 2 miles south of Varna, on Wednesday, Oct. 10 at 1.30 p.m., the following: Modern walnut bed, tubular bed; wooden bed; chest of draw- ers; chesterfield and two chester- field chairs; Lazyboy chair; two occasional chairs; studio couch; 3 rocking chairs; wicker arm chair; Northern Electric cabinet battery radio; dining room table, buffet and chairs; modern maple breakfast suite consisting of buf- fet, table and chairs; 2 carpet rugs; linoleum rug; scatter rugs; weight clock; Coleman camp style gas stove; Coleman lamp; Coleman lantern; several small tables; kitchen chairs; bridge lamp; hand washing machine; step ladder; 2 cook stoves; cur- tains; drapes; garden tools; dish- es; pictures; cooking utensils and numerous other articles. TERMS—CASH MRS. JEAN BENNETT, Proprietress EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K. W. Colquhoun, Clerk 39-40-b EBENEZER Successful Anniversary The anniversary services sof Ebenezer United Church were Well attended last Sunday. Rev. S. H. Brenton, Londesboro, ways day, the guest speaker er for the and delivered two very excellent sermons. • Special music was rendered by the, choir at the morning service,: and a solo was contrihute0 by Miss Edith Jones. At the even- ing service, the music was ' con- tributed by a double mixed quar- tette uartette of the, Lobb family, with one number from the male quar- tette. The Ebenezer congregation wish to express their thanks to toward the, •contributed 1 who s1 services and helped to make their ninety-first anniversary a real success. Perfect tea is so- easy to make with SALAD A" TEA BAGS SAVE SYSTEMATICALLY AND WITH CONFIDENCE THROUGH LIFE INSURANCE ra•u„ copper boiler; electric lamps; 2 -water tank; rubber tire wheel burner electric plate; 2 clothes : barrow; 3 -ton hydrometic jack; driers; pails, china, etc. other jacks; power oil pump; set TERMS—CASH farm scales; root pulper; walk - MRS. C. HAUGH, Proprietress; ing plow; stone boat; ropes, pul- HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer leya, chains; set carpenter tools; E. P. Chesney, Clerk I'full set farm tools. Eledtric 38-39-b brooder and poultry equipmnt; 6 rain shelters. HAY and GRAIN: 2,000 bus. mixed grain; 250 bales second cut alfalfa; 2500 bales mixed hay. AUCTION SALE of HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS,. LUMBER, WOOD and FARM EQUIPMMENT at Lot No. 18, Goderich Township, No. 8 Highway (Huron Road), 1 mile west of Clinton on Saturday, Oct. 6 at 1.30 p.m., the following: ANTIQUES: Walnut dining room extension table; 2 walnut chests of drawers; walnut desk (large); walnut spooled bed and springs; oil table lamp; walnut cabinet phonograph and records. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Din- ing room extension table; wood- en bed; mattress; New Domestic sewing machine; drop leaf table; small table; mantel mock; rock- ing chair; veranda. chair; radio cabinet; Coleman gas lamp; 2 le light .:fixtures; 8 modern bank barn,,: driving shed, pressure light fixtures; dishes; flat irons; system throughout;- garage, hen flower pots; crockery; oil ooaaf� d pictures; lawn seat and' numer- ous other articles. • FARM EQUIPMENT, Lumber, Wood, Feed, Etc.: 2 large steel gates; 2 steel pig troughs; 130 feet hay rope; pulleys; car; 4 sling ropes; democrat; buggy; cut- ter; binder tongue; cutter, poles; colony house (pine) 6'x12';quan- tity of steel piping; angle iron; milk strainer and filter;' approx 18 cord, of wood; aporox. 50 cedar posts;.. 4. ceder poles (suitable for hydro or telephone poles); quan- tity of hemlock lumber; approx. 200 bus. of oats; approx. 120 bus. of wheat. TERMS—(CASH No reserve as the farm is sold, T. R. JENKINS, Proprietor EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K. W. Colquhoun, Clerk 39-40-b Clearing AUCTION SALE of FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, FEED, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS at Lot No. 92, Goderich Town- ship, on No. 5 Highway, way between Goderich and Clinton, on Friday, October 12 at 1 p.m. sharp, the following: CATTLE: 43 head, including: Durham cow, 6 yrs. old, fresh- ened 3 weeks; Holstein cow, 7 cow,1 4yrs. old, due Oct. 22d, due Oct. 20; : reg- istered eg istered Hereford heifer, dpe Oot. 23; Durham X Poll Angus cow, 6 yrs. old, due Oct. 25; brindle cow, 7 yrs. old, due Oct. 28; Durham x Holstein heifer, due Nov. 3; Holstein cow, 7 yrs. old, due Nov. 13; Durham cow, 7 yrs. old, milking, due Feb. 18; Durham cow, 5 yrs. (old, milking, due Feb. 20; Durham cow, 6 yrs. old, milking, due March 12; Holstein cow, 7 yrs. old, milking, due April 12; Hereford heifer, 3 yrs. old, milking, due April 16; Dur- ham x Holstein heifer, due April 17; Hereford heifer, 3 yrs. old, milking, due April 18; Hereford heifer, 3 yrs. old, milking, bred again; 4 Hereford baby beefs; 6 Durham steers, rising 2 yrs. old; 4 Durham x Hereford steers, 1 - 2 Durham hh heifers, yrs. old; 2nHolsteiheifers rising 2yrs. old; 5 Hereford year- ling steers and heifers; 4 spring' calves; Hereford calf, 3 weeks old. Most of these cows and heifers have been vaccinated. PIGS 3 young Yorkshire sows, due time of sale; Yorkshire sow, 2 yrs. old, due Nov. 4; S pigs, 41/2 months old. SHEEP: • 14 Leicester ewes, 2 yrs. old; 14 Leicesterr ewe lambs. IMPLEMENTS: Oliver 60 Row Crop tractor, on rubber, with lights and starter; Case 3 -furrow tractor plow with 12" bottom; M.H. hay loader; M.H, mower, 5' ft, cut; M.H. 11 -hoe drill with grass seeder: rubber tire wagon and flat rack; Floury -Bissell grain grinder; single row snuf- fler; Chatham fanning mill with bagger; 3,000 lb. scales; DeLaval cream separator (650 lbs. capac- ity); apacity); 5 milk cans; filter; milk pails; milk cart; electric brood- er (nearly new. 500 chick cap- acity); whiffle -trees; numerous other articles FEEDS, Eta: A quantity of red glover hay pprox. 400 bus. of. Beaver oats. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: 2 ex- tension oak tables: 3 -burner Cole- man gas stove; cupboards, chairs, electric heater, TERMS—CASH No reserve as the farm is. sold. Tf weather unfavorable. sale will be undercover. ALBERT E. BOND. Proprietor EDWARD W. ELLIOTT,, Auctioneer K. W. Colquhoun, Clerk HOUSDHaLD EFFECTS: Hot Point 4 -burner electric stove; Wingharn cook stove; Clipper7 cu. ft.. Universal refrigerator (new); chesterfield suite; dining roam suite, table, china cabinet, 12 chairs; 3 bed- room suites; chesterfield bed; rugs; walnut finish flat top of- fice desk, with swivel chair (like new); occasional chairs, small tables, lamps; washing machine; mirrors, and other articles too numerous to mention. REAL ESTATE: Parcel No. 1- 100 acre farm (more or less) 11/a miles south of Hensall, on No. 4 Highway. Good brick house, hot water 'heating system with oil burner, modern bath room; large house for 500 hens; brooder house for 1,000 chicks, clay loam, well drained, good water supply, 12 acres of bush; 18 acres of permanent pasture. P•ar el No. 2-25 acres part Lot 17, Cork. 1, Hay Twp:, 1/2 mile south of Hensel). on No. 4 High- way, all workable 'land with good well. TER,1MIS-Chattels Cash; Real Estate will be offered day Of sale if not previously sold. Terms: 10 per cent 'down and balance 30 days; subject to reserve bid. ESTATE F LA EE OLIVER ROWCLIEN:ceuter-s-Lloyd McLean, H. C. Rivers, Heusall HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer E: P. Chesney,, Clerk,. 39-40-i' s, ' 0TNP00of 5 -year guaranteed BBRLOU Mothproof protection for woman's suit, 44 cents . . • only 9 cents per yearl W. C. NEWCOMBE, Phm.B. Clinton,, Ontario BERLOU 5 -Year Guaranteed MOTHPROOF SEE. YOUR MUTUAL REPRESENTATIVE ABOUT A " SAVINGS AND PROTECTION, f. •POLICY 35IA H. C. LAW SON Bank of Montreal Building, PHONE: Office 251W; Res. 25U 1- - • 1 t I ii.ii� TO EASE CAREFREE L V 6°" t i.A (42, c -t cue ode? Ycu have 22 key services at Canada's First Bank. Some are personal, some are strictly business services ... all are designed to smooth your way in money matters. Some you'll be glad to use often . others will be needed only now and then. Every one of them is lam' doing a key job for thousands of Canadians .. . To get the most our of your banking busi- ness, it will • pay you to get acquainted with them all. HERE'S Ti{E 80SKIET DIM TELtS YOU IIMOST PLL... For a quid: line-up, get a free copy of "21 Ways a Million Canadians Use the 1i cf AI" to save money, to borrow mone)+, to send money away ... to pay bills by cheque , . , to hank by to operate a •joint account . • . to safeguard valuables...to take care of travel financing ... to buy and sell securities , to handle every banking requirement of farming, commerce and industry, Ask for your copy of"211lyayr..." at your neighborhood branch of "MY BANK". ftt. ,slato- W o a K 1 N' G 11/1Y BAN l'ir' TO A MILLION CANADIANS WITH. CANADIAN T c 5W-1 Rami THE FAD KEY Newest B of M key service is the modern method of money -management — Personal Planning. Already many Personal Planners are saving more money, despite 'today's high prices. Get your dollars out of the doldrums with Personal Planning. Ask for your copy of "Personal Planning" at your neighbor- hood branch of the B of M, Drop in today. BANK OF MONTREAL ed 'c.a 76 4e 'a4 Clinton Branch: WILLIAM ROBINSON, Manager Londesborough (Sub -Agency).: Open Mon. & Thurs. I N `. EVERY WALK OF LIFE SITICE 1 6 01 07