HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-09-20, Page 8'PAGE EIGHT 1111d CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Clearing duction Sales AUCTION SALE of COWS and HEIFERS at Lot No. 31, Gth Concession of Goderich Township, 1 mile south of Porter's Hill on Tuesday, Sept. 25 M 2 p.m. Consisting of: Durban's, Here- fords, Holsteins and Jerseys. Some are fresh, some springing and the balance in calf. This is a good lot of stock, of good quality and in good con- TERMS—CASH A, E. TOWNSIIEND AND SON, Proprietors EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K, W. Colquhoun, Clerk 38th COMMUNITY AUCTION SALE of HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS from the Clinton Hotel Lot, Victoria, Street, Clinton, on Saturday, Sept. 29 at 1.30 'p.m. Sale will consist of: Newcombe piano (Al condit- Ion); 8 -piece oak dining. room suite; 'kitchen eab'inet; bedroom suits; rocking chairs; hall seat; Quebec heater; 2 hot plates, and dishes. A full listing of the sale will appear innext week's Clinton News -Record.: _ TERMS --CASH For further particulars apply to: EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer Phone 4663, Clinton K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk Phone 50, Clinton Clearing AUCTION SALE of HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS In the Village of Brucefield on Saturday, Sept. 29 at 1 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Haugh Newcombe piano; chesterfield suite and 1 chair; setee and 3 antique chairs to match; 5 rock- ing chairs; 3 mall tables; Belg- ium rug 8x11; 1 rug 9x10%; eight-day clock; buffet dining room table, 0 chairs; drop leaf table 2 chai s, kitchen tchen cabinet; cupboard with glass top; kitchen table; Perfection oil stove and oven; fernery; New Williams sewing machine; 2 small tables; 2 fern stands; Mahogany veneer bedroom suite; iron bed and springs; 2 wooden beds; 3 mat- tresses; one dresser and commode; large' chest of drawers; quilt box; wardrobe; hall tree; 6 oak dining rooia upholstered chairs; flower stand; antique mahogany . table; bicycle; child's sleigh; kitchen stool; coal or wood Beach range; walnut dining room table (like new); cooking utensils; Maxwell electric washing machine (like new); tubs; wash board; electric iron; electric toaster; garden chairs; lawn mower; spinning wheel; storm door 7 ft. x 34"; storm door 6 ft. 10" x 33; 2 screen doors 7 ft. x 33; 15 gal, oil can; copper boiler; electric lamps; 2 - burner electric plate; 2 clothes driers; pails, china, etc. TERMS -;CASH MRS, C. HAUGH, Proprietress; HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer E. P. Chesney, Clerk ' 38-39-b Clearing AUCTION SALE of FARM LAND. FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, FEED and HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS at Lot No. 12, 16th Concession Goderich Township, 13 miles West of Clinton, No. 4 High- way, and 4 miles north, on Wednesday, Sept. 26 at 1.30 p.m., consisting of: HORSES: Clydesdale snare, -'8 yrs. old; Clydesdale mare, aged. CATTLE: Durham cow, 7 yrs. old, milking; 6 yearling Durham steers and heifers; Durham calf, 3 months old. Collie dog (a good cattle dog). IMPLEMENTS: Rubber - tired wagon (nearly new); 15' flat rack; farm wagon; Deering drop- head hay loader; Deering mower, 6 ft. cut; Deering 14 -plate in - throw disc; M -H 15 -disc drill; M -H 7 ft. cut :binder; 3 -drum steel roller; cultivator; 3 -section harrows; set of sleighs; walking plow;2-furrow gang plow; 1,000 - lb. scales; cutter; buggy; boring machine; root pulper; Cyclone grass seeder; fanning mill; iron pump; 20 feet of pipe; single muf- fler; set of double harness; horse collars; National (portable type) 2 -cow unit milking machine (nearly new), equipped with a ,Briggs Stratton air cooled engine; 10 bunches of cedar shingles; 8 gal. milk can; milk strainer; forks, shovels; logging chain and num- erous other articles. FEED: Approx. 300 bus. ofmixed grain. EFFECTS in- clude the following: Quebec heater; box stove; stove pipes; linoleums and extension table. FARM LAND: At the same time and place there will be of- ,fered for sale (subject to reserve bid), if not sold previous to sale date, 39' acres (more or less) of good clay, loam::; Lot 68 Maitland Concession. This is a good Pas- tels farm, seeded down and has a never failing water `supply. TERMS on Chattels: Cash. Terms on Pasture Pamir Ten per cent down and the balance: in 30 days or to the satisfaction of the proprietor. No reserve as the farm is sold. DAVID EASOM, Proprietor EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K. W. Colquhoun, Clerk 37-38-b Clearing AUCTION SALE of FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, FEED, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS at Lot No. 92, Goderich Town- ship, on No. 8 Highway, half way between Goderich and Clinton, on Friday, October 12 at 1 p.m. sharp. Consisting of 4`3' head cattle; pigs; 28 Leicester sheep; imple- inents; feed; household effects, Full listing in next week's paper. TERMS—CASH No reserve as the farm is sold, If weather unfavorable, . sale will be undercover. ALBERT E. BOND, Proprietor EDWARD W, ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K. W. Colpuhoun, Clerk 38-39-b Clearing AUCTION SALE of Farm' Stock and Implements will be held at Lot 40, • Conces- sion 2, East Wawanosh Township, 11 miles west of Berth, and 1 mile north, on Wednesday, Sept. 26 at 1 p,m. HORSES: One middle-aged Percheron team; 2 sets of breech- ing 'harness and number horse collars. CATTLE: 10 dual purpose cows, due to freshen from fall to spring; dates will be given time of sale. 1 Hereford bull, 3 yrs. old; 7 Durham and ` Hereford cattle, rising 2 yrs. old.; 10 spring calves. PIGS: 15 York chunks, 90 lbs. POULTRY: 100 Sussex pullets, 41/2 months old; 100 Sussex roost- ers. IMPLEMENTS: Massey -Harris 7 ft. binder; 6 ft. mower; hay loader; side rake; sulky rake; McCormick Deering fertilizer drill; No. 22 Massey -Harris trac- tor (like new); McCormick Deer- ing tractor plow; spring -tooth cultivator; stiff -tooth cultivator disc harrows; 2 set diamond har- rows, 4 sections; 1 set leaver tar rows; 1 corn cultivator; lime spreader (like new) ; muffler; walking plow; steel roller; potato rlter Oliver planter; manure spreader on rubber (like new) ; electric chick brooder; stoneboat; 2 chick- en rain shelters; Rubber tired wagon; 16 ft. flat hay rack; farm wagon and gravel box; wagon box; water tank; set of scales; fanning mill; rubber - tired buggy; National milking machine, used 2 months; cream separator; 4 milk cans; 2 -wheel trailer; pig crate; 1/i h.p, motor; set farm sleighs; flat rack and stock rack; blacksmith's drill and emery; rubber -tired wheel bar- row; forks, shovels, chains. Quantity of cedar and asphalt shingles (new). - 2% h.p. Fairbanks gasoline engine in good condition, with 10 speeds; 1 power pulper and knives. Quantity of household effects: kitchen chairs, tables, bedroom furniture. TERMS—CASH ERNEST LEGGETT, Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer E. P. Chesney, Clerk 37-38-b Clearing AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK, of IMMPLEMENTS and HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS to be field at Lot 28, Concession Six, Hay Township, 34 mile south of Hillsgreen store on Friday, October 5 at 1 p.m. (DST) HORSES: Middle aged bay mere (1700); 2 sets week har- ness and collars, CATTLE: All cattle have two TB tests clear. Two black cows and calves at foot; roan cow with' calf at foot; Hereford cow due early November; 2 .black white- faced heifers due time of sale; roan cow, fresh 2\months; three 2 -yr, -gold: heifers (fat); Hereford steer, 2 yrs, old; Hereford steer, 1300 lbse, 10 Durham and Here- fords, 1 yr. old; baby beef ready for market; spring tali PIGS --8 York chunk', 75 lbs.; York sow, bred. POULTRY; 100 Hybred red rock.pullets, ready to lay; 3 rain shelters and feeders; ""brooder Move, MACHINERY: Massey Harris binder; Deering mower; rake; mu. drop -head hey loader;; M H manure spreader; M.H. 13 - run drill with fertilator; 3 -drum steel roller; M.H. bean scuffler and, puller; spring -booth cultivat- or; le -plate M.H. out -throw disc; 14 -plate Diesel inthrow disc; one hand muffler (new); set farm sleighs and flat rack; New Idea rubber tired wagon with 16 ft, rolling flat rack; wagon box with stack •rack; walking plow; 1,000 lb. scales; fanning mill; foot spray pump; Viking cream sep- arator with milk pails; grass seeder; .200 cedar railsr ceder posts; quantity of circular wood;, forks, shovels, chains, grain bags and other articles, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS in - chiding Quebec heater;; kitchen chairs; tables; bedroom furniture and other household effects. TERMS—CASH BRUCE WALKER, Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer E. P. Chesney, Clerk 38-3P-ia '651.(41.651a TRADE Hoon PEG. adds zest to the hour Royal Couple To Dine At Chateau Frontenac A state dinner in honor of Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh, to be given by the Province of Quebec, will take place at the wor Id -famous .Chateau Frontenac at Quebec when the royal couple land at this city from Liverpool on the Empress of France, Oct. 2. George J. menu with Chef do Cuisine Ernest Schmidr of the a(left)Eand maitre d'hot is RogernBerrier over He handled the hotel's arrangements for the royal tour in 1939, and has wide experience with such functions. _ Through the past 55 years the hotel has played host to such royal potables as King George VI and Queen Elizabeth; the Duke of Windsor; the Duke of Gloucester, the Duke of Kent; the King and Queen of Siam; Queen Juliana of the Netherlands; and the governor -gen- erals of Canada from the Earl of Aberdeen to Field Marshall Viscount Alexander, and to two Roosevelt-Churchi'l conferences during the w an,—Canadian Pacific Railway Photo. AUCTION SALE of FARM STOCK at Lot No. 37, Concession 12, Hullett Township, 11/2 miles north of Londesboro, and 234 miles west, on Friday, Sept. 28 KEEP OWNERS FROM LOSSES IN TREATMENT Huron County Federation of Agriculture, at a directors' meet- ingat 1.30 here, passed a resolution p.m., the following: received from Morris Township HORSES: Peroheron gelding, Council requesting the federation 8 yrs. old; Clydesdale gelding, and Department of Agriculture aged; Clydesdale mare, '7 yrs, old, to seek some way to protect CATold, milking,LE: U edaagain;vDrrham treatmttle ent toers from of cattler fors in the warble cow, 7 yrs old, milking, bred fly. again; Durham cow, 4 yrs. old, The Council in its communica- milking, bred •again; Durham tion stated there does not appear heifer, milking; Holstein cow, 4 to be any company which will yrs. old, due Nov. 6; Holstein sell insurance for adequate pro - cow, 4 yrs. old, milking, bred lection for the cattle owners in again; Holstein cow, .6 yrs, old, milking, bred agai; Holstein caw, 8 yrs. old, milking, bred again; yearling Durham steers; 4 steer;d Durham e 3year- ling Durham heifers; 3 Durham heifers, 1% yrs. old; 2 Holstein heifers from 11/2 to 2 yrs. old; 2 yearling Durham x Holstein Steers; Durham x Holstein year- ling heifer; 8 calves ranging from 2 to 6 months old. PIGS: 3 farrow Yorkshire Sows; 5 chunks; 7 pigs, 9 weeks bid; 36 weanling pigs. IMPLEMENTS—Farm wagon. TERMS—CASH No reserve as proprietor is leaving the farm, GLENN BAITHBY, Proprietor EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, •• Auctioneer K. W. Colquhoun, Clerk 38-b A Nostalgic- Male "Rome observed the philosophi al 't built in a house- wife. "Very true," remarked t h e hungry man, "but my mother and her mother could do a day's washing, iron the shirts and still have apple dumplings for din- ner." the matter of spraying cattle. Treatment for warble flyhas been in force in Morris own - ship for the past few years. The resolution will be presented by President Charles Coultes, Bel - grave, at the next directors meet- ing of the Ontario Federation. The meeting agreed the Huron County Federation would contri- bute, once monthly, for a four months trial to the "Rural Co - Operator," which is printed in Toronto. Tentative date for the annual meeting was set as Wednesday, November 21, with the annual banquet to be held somtime in October. Formerly the banquet end annual meeting were held on the same date. i s BINGO Sponsored by the Hensall Branch Canadian Legion and Legion Auxiliary No. 468 will be held in the HENSALL COMMUNITY ARENA Monday, Sept. 24 Bingo 9.00 P.M. — $1,000 IN PRIZES -- $500.00 Jack Pot Must Be Won 3 Specials -- $150, $75, $50 15 Regular Games $15 ADMISSION: $1.00; Extra Cards and Specials 25c Everybody Welcome Booth in Ball THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER ' 20, ..1951 ' ACHIEVEMENT DAY SUCCESS ' FOR 13 'CLUBS Thirteen junior quits of Huron County were represented at their final meeting and examinations at Seaforth District Collegiate Institute Saturday last. G. W. Montgomery, agricultur- al representative for Huron, told the club members that junior farmer work was considered very important and "ihat Achieve- ment Day was the mark by which they were judged. Dr. N. H, Huntley, of the Field Husbandry Department, Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, spoke on production of cereal grains and their improvement and preparation, for show. Junior club work tends to im- prove production, he said, He urged the juniors to investigate and find out the best varieties The greater an enim al's mental capacities, the more sleep it re- quires. for their particular localities. Since disease is a big problem, he advised cleaning' and treating before planting. He alto predicted that some day better breeding of livestock would become too expensive for the ordinary farmer.. Showmanship, proper feeding and care apply to both grain and livestock, Dr. Huntley said. Clubs present were: Blyth- Beigrave Calf Club, Brussels Baby Beef Calf Club, Exeter Calf Club, Huron Holstein Calf Club;. Dungannon Beef Calf Club, How ick Calf Chub, Seaforth Baby Seel Calf Chub, Brussels Swine Club, Seaforth Swine Club, North Huron Swine Club; McKillop Grain Club, Howick• Junior Far- mers' Grain Club and Exeter Grain Club. ^^'''-o'°'^,vwr+w.v+w•m.n... r+�•swvvw+varawr+r+ Seaforth Fall Fair THURSDAY -FRIDAY September 20 ® 21 PERTH -HURON REGIONAL SHORTHORN SHOW School Children's Parade Pony Races Ponies to ride Harness Races Foot Races Baby Show Field Crop Competition Swine Club Girls' Garden Club Grandstand Performance sands in Attendance School Children in Parade, Free; Adult Admission, 50e; Children 250; Autos 25e; Grandstand 25c RUSSELL BOLTON, E. C. BOSWELL, President Secretary -Treasures ...v.,w..,...,,, 37-38-'b _... _.. .www«:.o.w eeeee eel, Mitchell Fall. Fair September 25 - 26 "THE BIGGEST LITTLE FAIR IN ONTARIO:" -- $3.200 IN PRIZES -- , : Programme : . FRIDAY, NIGHT, SEPT. 21: 8.30 p.m.— ANNUAL FALL FAIR CONCERT at the Crystal Palace. Always the highlight of the Mitchell Fair. TUESDAY NIGHT, SEPT. 25: 6,30 p.m.— BIlILDINGS WILL BE OPEN to the Public. All indoor exhibits an display. MIDWAY, GRANDSTAND PERFORMANCE, 8 p.m. CLOWN BAND, TRACTOR RODEO, "Happy Cousins" Entertainers; Cameron Geddes, MC. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 26: "BIG FAIR DAY" MONSTER SCHOOL PARADE, .— MIDWAY GRANDSTAND PES.FOMANCE. HORSE RACES -2.18 and 2.26 Trot or Pace, $200 purse each race. MITCHELL BAND IN ATTENDANCE. OSCAR ROGERS, A. J. HICKEY, President Secretary -Treasurer 87-38-b saving now for next year's vacation Now is the time to start planning for next year's holiday. Decide what you would really like to do next summer, how much it will cost— then open a special savings account at the Royal Bank earmarked "For Holidays Only". Lay aside whatever you can afford every pay day and watch your vacation fund grow. It's a grand feeling to have cash all ready when holidays roll around. THE_ROYAL BANK OF CANADA YOU CAN OPEN;' A , SP'ECIAL "VACATION" SAVINGS ' ACCOUNT AT ANY BRANCH OF THE ROYAL BANK :' :