HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-09-13, Page 7of L UIJ11Slf?AY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1951 GLINTON NBWS-RECORD PAGE SEVFJN News of Londesboro Mrs. Robert Townsend has re- turned after holidaying at To- ronto and other points. Wallace Allen, St. Thomas, visited a day or two with Mr. And Mrs. Bert Allen.' Mr, and Mrs. Edward Young- blut visited at the home of How- ard Snell, London Road, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Lyon, Thorndale, Miss Bertha Brogdon, London, visited with Mrs. Nellie Watson Sunday. Mrs. Nellie 'Watson is spend- ing a week with her daughter, Mrs. John Sinclair and family, Kippers, and also other friends,. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Israel and Linda, Mrs. Sylvester and Miss Maude Israel, Kitchener, and Mrs. Margaret Crawford, Blyth, were visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Fred Prest last week. Correction In last week's issue re Marg- aret Tamblyn going to teach in Belleville Vocational School there, are 1,200 students, not 200 as printed; and 40 teachers. Bazaar Planned Londesboro Women's Institute is holding a bazaar on the lawn of Mrs. Robert Fairservice, ' In case of bad weather, the bazaar will be held in Londesboro Hall. Services Withdrawn There will be no services in the 'united Chufch next Sunday, Sept. 18, as the Constance Church is holding its anniversary at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Happy Reunion The family of Mns. Harry Lyon )veld a get-together reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gaunt on the 10th concession, Hullett, Sunday, when a happy time was spent together. Sympathy Extended Sympathy is extended to the Sisters, Mrs. Throope and Mrs. H. Wells, of Miss Elizabeth Mains who passed away Thursday, September 6, after an illness of six 'months, These two sisters. nursed her with the help of Miss Tillie Mains, a cousin. Miss Eliza- beth will be greatly missed by a large circle of friends. Londesboro WA The regular meeting of Lon- desboro WA will be held in the Sunday School room of the church on Thursday, Sept. 2(a The programme committee con- sists of Mrs. Crrierson and Mrs. Howatt. The hostesses are Mrs, E. Josling, Mrs. D. Snell Mrs. J. Snell, Jr., and Mrs. J. Vod- den. A cordial invitation is giv- en to all ladies of the congrega- tion to be present. B -L YPU Meets The B -L YPU of Londesboro United Church resumed its meet- ings for the fall and winter sea- son when they met in Londesboro United Church last Sunday night. The meeting was in charge of Claire Vincent and opened with a short sing -song of favourite hymns. Following this the busi- ness, period took place during which June Lear gave a report on both the Goderich and Ryerson summer schools. Hymn 237 was sung following which Claire Vin- cent Ied in prayer. The Scrip- ture was read, following which the topic was given. Claire then led in prayer and this part of the meeting was brought to a close with the singing of hymn 181. Following a short recreation period lunch was served and the meeting was brought to a close with "taps," No Need "Derling," began the man who hoped to be married shortly, "would you like a dish -washing machine for a wedding gift?" "Of course not," replied the bride-to-be, "do you think we're going to sit home and eat all the time?" For extra milk product tion from your dairy herd, feed them a dairy ration that is palatable. Use either NATIONAL 24% MILKBILDER ( I Bag of Milkbilder to 2 bags of grain) or NATIONAL 32% DAIRY CONCENTRATE (1 bag of Dairy 32% to 5 bags of grain). Choose 1 * the percentage best suited to your own needs, or your grain supply. , ; NATIONAL MILKBILDER 24% or NATIONAL DAIRY CONCENTRATE 32% properly mixed with your farm -grown grains, will give you bigger profits. EXTRA TASTY Both National 24% Milkbilder and National 32% Dairy Con- centrate are high in molasses for that extra palatability. Cows will eat more dairy ration made the NATIONAL WAY —and so produce more milk —and more dollars. FEED YOUR COWS RIGHT ..,�' FOR BIGGER MILK PRODUCTION Humans don't like stale food. Neither do cows. And if a cow doesn't enjoy her feed, she won't eat enough to increase her milk production. So, for top milk production, feed your cows a "freshly -mixed" feed that isnot only rich in essential proteins, vitamins, minerals, and energy food, but one that is also made more palatable by the presence of plenty of molasses. Remember, the "National Fresh Mix W y" is the sure feeding way to top milk production. See your NATIONAL Deafer today -- Look for the bright Orange and Black Sign. FOR POULTRY, TURKEYS, HOGS andCATTLE WILLIAM STONE SONS, LIMITED • iNGERSOLL, ONTARIO Fertilize Your Crop]; with NATIONAL Well -Cured, Property -Blended FERTILIZER Weekly Newspapers Executive Elected Pictured above is the new exelutive of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association, elect- ed at the recent annual meeting in the Royal Alexandra Hotel, Winnipeg. Front row: (left to right) Past President Lang Sands, Mission City, B.C.; Cecil Day, Liverpool, N.S.; 2nd Vice - President W. K. Walls, Barrie; President, A. W. Hanks, St. James, Man.; 1st Vice -President Robert Moore, Swift Current, Satk.; Hugh McCormick, Montreal; Walter Ashfieldl, Grenfell, Sask.; Managing ,Director W. E. McCartney, Brampton; (Sedond row) F. J. Burns, Keintville, N.S.; John Pinckney, Rosetown, 'Sask.; N. S. McLean, Elmwood, Man.; Werden Leavens, Bolton; (Third row) K. G. Patridge, Camrose, Alta.; J. R. McLachlan Virden, Man.; F. P. Galbraith, Red Deer, Alta.; W. W. Draayer, Wetaskiwin, Sask.; S. IL. Charters, Brampton; G. Lancaster, Meifort, Sask.; R. 111, Bean, Waterloo; (Fourth row) G. A. Dills, Acton; L. E Barber, Chilliwack,. B.C.; W. H. Cranston, Midland; J. A. Vopni, Davidson, Sask.; A. S. King Estevan, Sask.; R. S. Evans, Morden, Man. —Canadian Pacific Railway Photo STANLEY Community Club Meets The September meeting of the Community Club was held at the home of Mrs. Frank McGregor, and the roll call was answered by "Something Interesting Done During Holidays." . Mrs. George Cantelen presided, and it was de- cided to send a $10 food parcel to Britain. An impromptu debate on two subjects presented by one of the members, was held. A social half hour and lunch followed. The next meeting is at Mrs. Glenn Broadioot's; and the toll call will be in the form of a question box on housekeeping affairs. VARNA Varna WMS Meets Varna Womens' Missionary Society met in Varna United Church on September 6, 1951. The meeting opened with the call to worship by Mrs. Lee McCon- nell. Hymn 511, (Lord of the Lands), was sung and Mrs. Mc- Connell led in prayer. Psalm 72 was read responsively. Mrs. Lee MMOonnell and Mrs. E. McClin- chey gave the introduction to the Home Mission books, Lakes to Northern Lights and Home Mis- sion Digest. The minutes of the July meet- ing were read and adopted. The a roll call was answered by a verse containing "harvest." The text word chosen for next month is "Thanksgiving." The programme was continued by Mrs. George Reid, the presi- dent, reading from the Mission - ray Monthly and Mrs. L. McCon- nell and Mrs. E. McClinchey tak- ing the part of "C'anada' and "Home Missions," Mrs. E. Mb- Clinchey gave a very interesting reading about a little girl in the Argentine. Two minutes silence was observed in memory of Mrs. James McClymont, who was for many years a most faithful and valued member. This was fol- lowed by prayer by Mrs. Pitt. Hymn 5-10, "From Ocean Unto Ocean" was sung. The president closed the meeting with prayer HENSALL New Four -Car Gargae The four -ear garage being built by Ed Fink is nearing comple- tion. It has an eight foot wall containing 850 cement blocks which were laid by Frank For- rest, Hensad.l, and Dick Evans, Bayfield. Two apartments will be built over the garage in the near future. Garage Nearly Finished T, Lavender is erecting a fine. large cement garage which is nearing completion. The build- ing, 40 by 40, has 2,200 cement blocks which were laid by Frank Forrest, Hensel', and Dick Evans, Hayfield( It has a 14 -foot pit and will have a hoist. ' . Earl Dick, Cromarty, will lay the cement floor, anLloyd Mousseau, F. Forrest, and Diek Evans will put the roof on this week. 0 Paper is thought to have been invented in China about 105 A.D. Goderich Township Mr. and Mrs. I. O'Heir, Hamil- ton, were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harry A, Thompson, Mrt and Mrs., Fred lltildd'leton and Mr. nod Mrs. Stewart Mid - dieters attended. Western Fair, London, on Tuesday. - Mr. and Mrs. Robert Archibald, Seaforth, and Stuart McEwen, Stanley, were guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Mid- dleton. Mr, and Mrs. Norman Snyder, Woodstock, formerly of Radisson, Sask., and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Stevens and family, Brumfield, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Tebbutt. Recent visitors 'at the home of Mrs. Harry J. Thompson, conces- sion 16, were Mrs. John Burch, Elfros, Sask., and Mrs. Roy Sher mitt, Granton, sisters, and Mrs. Robert Sommerville Kirkton, and Mr. and Mrs. E. Middleton, Gran- ton, nieces of Mrs. Thompson. READ THESE IMPORTANT RULES FOR THE KIST BOTTLE TOP CONTEST You Can Win a Bicycle, Radio or Any One of 120 Other Valuable Prizes WHAT TO DO — Under the cork lining of all Kist Bottle Tops in Orange, Lemon -Lime, Cream Soda, Ginger Ale or Root Beer flavours, there is the letter K -I -S- or T printed on the inside metal surface of the top. Lift the cork lining and look for the letter underneath. HERE ARE THE RULES — READ THEM CAREFULLY' 1—Bicycles to be awarded to the first five largest numbers of complete units. Radios to be awarded to the next five , largest numbers of complete units and so on. 2—A COMPLETE UNIT consists of the word K -I -S -T spelled out in each of the five contest flavours listed above. When completed, your unit will consist of: K -I -S -T made up from 4 Kist Orange Tops K-I•S-T made up from 4 Kist Lemon -Lime Tops K -I -S -T made up from 4 Kist Cream Soda Tops K -I -S -T made up from 4 Kist Ginger Ale Tops K -I -S -T made up from 4 Kist Root Beer Tops NOTE: a complete unit consists of 20 Kist Bottle Tops! Submit as many complete units as you can. Prizes are awarded on the basis of the most complete units submitted. 3—Contest closes midnight, Saturday, September 29th, 1951. Prizes awarded within two weeks of closing date. GET YOUR ENTRY FORM FROM YOUR KIST DEALER `IME -PROVED POWER AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION • A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE in the low -price field PowerGlide was the first automatic transmission . , . and PowerGlide is the finest .~, giving you smooth, dependable no -shift driving at lowest cost! Take the wheel of a new Chevrolet with time -proved PowerGlide and you'll say, this is it! For PowerGlide is all you've wanted in as automatic transmission , . , bringing you finest no.shift driving at lowest cost! Here's complete freedom from clutch pedal and gearshifting! Here's velvet velocity, a smooth, unbroken flow of power, at all engine speeds! Here's extra -easy "rock out" of mud or sand! And, best of all, here's truly dependable no.shift driving, with the only automaticatransmission in the low -price field that has been fullyproved in more than a billion owner -driven. miles! Come in and let us turn over the key to you for a demonstration. Put a PowerGlide Chevrolet through its paces and discover low-cost motoring at its smooth and easy best ... y in Canada's largest and finest low-priced car! POWER alai& Automatic Transmission* First ... finest ... and only fully proved automatic transmission in lite low -price field, No clutch pedal—no gearshifting-,-not even a hint of gear changes ha forward driving! 'Combination of PowarGlida Miami's Transmission and 105•h.p. Valve•I,45,,d Encina optional an On Lose nmdala at estra cost Extra -Powerful 105-h. p. Valve -in -Head Engine 1'OwerGlide is coupled with the MOBS powerful engine inthe loan -price field —Chevrolet's 195 b.p. Valve -in -tient Engine. Is marks the highest develop- ment in Chevrolet's 39 years of con- centration on Valve -in -Dead design. EconoMiser Rear Axle Still another feaatre of this+mtomatie power team is Chevrolet's Econo- Miser Rear Axle. Rear wheels travel farther at each engine revolution ... fewer engine revolutions and Less gas are required us highway speeds. Oil Does If All! Oilreplacesgcarsin theiowerGlideAutomade Transmission. There's no direct mechanical connection between engine and rear axle. React: A smooth, unbroken flow of power .. velvet eelocity at: all engine speeds ... sad Since no -shift driving at lowest east! C -1251a LORNE BROWN MOTORS LIMITED