HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-09-13, Page 4TRADE MARK FITTED PLASTIC COVERS CLUB CHAIR'�A 955 COVERS -EACH CHESTERFIELD 595 COVERS -EACH PRACTICAL PROTECTION FOR CHAIRS & CHESTERFIELDS AGAINST . . • LIQUIDS ... STAINS ... DUST Made of the finest quality plastic film. "Extra heavy", stranger heat- sealed seams, waterproof. Wipes clean with a damp cloth. Available in "colours to match your suite. HANDY. WHERE THERE ARE CHILDREN OR PETS PAGE FOUR CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PERSONALS Miss Ann Shaddoek left to at- later spending the Weekend w tend Stratford Normal Srhrool Tuesday. Isaac Rattenbury, Peterboro, Was a weekend guest of Mrs. A. J. Holloway. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Murphy, Hamilton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lawson last week. Mrs. Jane Cousins, Flint, Mich., is visiting her sister, Miss Sadie Watkins, for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Benson Sutter were in Embro on Saturday at- tending the Harley -Blair nuptials, Elwin Merrill spent a few days at Ryerson Beach YPU Camp and also attended the CNE in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Mor- rell, Toronto, have been visiting the former's .parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Morrell. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin R. Oke; Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pennebaker over last Weekend. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Teciuse, Woodstock, visited Mrs. Fred Livermore and ether relatives Iast Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. George Colclough and Mrs. Ira Merrill attended the CNE and visited relatives in To- rcinto last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Jackson, Flint, Mich., spent the weekend with Mrs. Thomas Glazier and ' other relatives. ' Robert H. (Toby) Taylor has gone to London to Westervelt School to take a course in Busi- ness Administration. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Barr, East Toronto, are visiting friends and relatives in this neighbour- hood this past week. Frank Fingland, kr C. Lawson and W. H. Robinson attended a Tuberculosis Association organi- zation 'Meeting in London yest- erday. Andrew Oke returned to To- ronto this week, after having spent ten days with his sister, Mrs. Grace Higgins and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Bennett and daughter Carol left last Thursday to take up residence at 37 Old Oak Rd., Islington, Toronto 18. Mr. and Mrs. William Mutch and son Douglas, Paisley, were weekend visitors at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William W. Mutvh•. Visitors at the home of Miss Sarah Sloman are Commander and Mrs. Fletcher, Cleveland, Ohio, and Miss Bessie Seeman, New Rochelle, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Epps • at- tended the CI'ark-Hunt wedding at Grand Valley, Saturday last, friends in Brantford. Mrs. H. Castle has returned home from Mount Forest, where she has been visiting her son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Castle for the past two weeks. John D. Wilson returhed to his duties with the RCMP at Cam- rose, Alta., on Saturday, after spending his vacation with his parents, Rev, and Mrs. Hugh C. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Taylor and Pauline spent a few days in Toronto last week visiting Mrs. Taylor's neice, Mrs, James Mac- Namara, and also the Canadian National Exhibition. Mrs, L. W. Dippell, Bowman vable, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. W, Pot- ter. Mr. and Mrs. Potter return- ed with. Mrs. Dippell, to spend 'a few 'weeks in Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs, J. Frank Mac- Donald have moved to 156 Birm- inglhamn, St., Stratford, where Mr. MaoDonald is assistant manager for Stratford district, of the Metropolitan Insurance Company. Mrs. E. E Brown, Petrolia, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Wil- liam Shaddock and attended the Eastern Star Institution here Saturday. Mrs. Shaddock's niece, Mrs. Albert Willert, Sarnia,also attended. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Morgan and sons, John Jr., Ralph and Phillip, C,iueleth, were renewing acquaintances in town during the weekend, and while here were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schellenberger. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh R. Hawkins and daughter Joyce spent Friday- Saturday -Sunday in Toronto where Mr. Hawkins, as Deputy District Governor of .Zone 3, at- tended a meeting of the District Board of Governors of Lions International. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Haddy have taken up residence in Lon- don. Mr. Hadtly, having spent one year in Clinton with the Bell Telephone Co., was trans- ferred back to London. Before their departure, they were hon- ord by the Bell Telephone Co. staffs of Clinton and Seaforth and presented with a lovely gift. o-- CLINTON WI Clinton WI members are in- vited to the home of Mrs. R, Faarservice, Londesboro, for an afternoon tea and bazaar, Wed- nesday, September 19, sponsored by Londesboro WI. Those wish- ing to go please call Mrs. Charles Nelson, phone 239 end transpor- tation will be arranged. SPECIAL SERVICE Cars Greased from 6 to 10 p.m. Sole's Service Station and Snack Bar Open Daily -8 a.m, to Midnight; Sunday -9 a.m., to Midnight F. E. SOLE, Proprietor PHONE 438-W Ontario St., opposite Bank of Montreal Residing in Toronto MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM STARKER CRAIG are mak- ing their home in Toronto. The couple were married in St Andrew's United. Church, Hayfield. The bride is the former "Aileen Winnifred Castle, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Castle, Goderich, and her husband's parents are Mr. and Mrs. William Craig, Auburn. Photo by MacLaren's Studio Engagements Announced The engagement is announc- ed of Joan Louise, only daugh- ter of Mrs. 'Mary Jordan and the late Morley Jordanf, 'to Donald J. O'Donnell, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. O'Donnell, Ottawa, and the late Mrs. O'Donnell, the wedding to take place in September. 37-b Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sos- noski, Waterloo, anncunce the engagement of their daughter, Loretto Jean, to Mr. John Wil- Iiam Elliott, Kitchener, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Elliott, Bayfield. The wedding will take place September 22. at 3.00 p.m. at Trinity Memorial Cbap- el. IT -b St. Paul's Guild Plans Activities The Ladies' Guild of St. Paul's Anglican Church, Clinton, met Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. V. Roy with Mrs. Fred Trott in the chair. Reports were given by Mrs. J. M. Elliott, treasurer, Mrs. Roy, secretary; flower -mission report by Mrs. Roy; visiting committee, Mrs. W. T. Herman; • property committee by Mrs. Herman, in the absence of the convener, Mrs. W. H. Rob- inson. • The members plan to continue catering for the next year to Clinton Lions Club twice month - le, in the Parish Hall. An additional sum was voted by the Guild, to be donated to the wardens of the church to be used for expenses in connection with the church hall. The October meeting will be held in Parish Hall. At the close of the meeting tea was served by the hostess, and a social half hour was enjoyed. BE SAFE AND SAVE WITH HAPPY DAY COVERS 1 BALL and MUTCH D. G. BALL -Phone 361-W W. J. MUTCH-Phone 3614 Hardware and Furniture Funeral Directors PHONE 193 -- .. -- CLINTON Huron Rebekahs Hear Excellent Repdrts Huronic Rebekah Lodge met with Noble Grand Edith John- ston in the chair. Members planned a turkey banquet for their next meeting. Second nominations were held, with elections scheduled for Mon- day evening, September 17. In- stallation of officers will take place in October. Reports were heard from the various committees. Gifts will be sent to three members recently moved from the vicinity: Mr. and Mrs. E. Mittell, St. Marys; and Mrs, Edith Ramsay, Portage la Prairie. Lunch was served by a group under the convenership of Mrs. Alex Patterson, with Mrs. John Broadfoot as co -convener, --o W -W YPU Holds Opening Meeting Wesley -Willis YPU held its. first fall meeting September 9 in the forurr of an outdoor meet- ing on the Manse lawn. Special music for the meeting was pro- vided by Mrs. Viola Van Egmond and her eccordian, The program consisted of the reading of a number of poems relating to nature be several members of the Union and Miss Doris Grierson described her ex- periences on the Christian Youth Caravan during' the past summer. The program concluded with the Mizpa'h benediction. CWL Holds Fine Opening Meeting The first meeting of the fall term of the Catholic Women's League of St, Joseph's Church, Clinton, and St. Michael's, Blyth, was held in the Clinton Parish Hall, with the president, Miss Patricia Morrison, presiding. 'Re- ports were given by the secre- tary, Miss Rhea Desjardins, and the treasurer, Miss Mary Phelan, Members decided to send read- ing material and individual gifts to a patient in the, Sanatorium at Fort William. Mrs. Wilson was appointed to read the by-laws of the League at the October meeting, and members were re- quested to read articles concern- ing the League. Father S. J. McDonald, Spirit- ual Director, spoke on the Dial- ogue Mass, said recently at St, Peter's Cathedral, London. Mrs. Alvin Sharpe and Mrs.' John Scruton were appointed as a visiting committee, and to col- lect membership fees. The social committee named for October was Miss Eileen Tye and Mrs. Arenold Dale, and the lunch com- mittee will be Mrs. Clem Rey- nolds, Mrs. Scruton and Miss Phelan. Winner of a mystery box, containing a beautiful china tea pot, cream and sugar was Miss Tye. Lunch was served by Miss Tye, Mrs. Geroge Garbett, Mrs. Arnold Dale and Mrs. J. Spencer. Summer Weddings McNALL-WATT The home of Mr. and Mrs. George Watt, R.R. 1, Blyth, was decorated with ferns and late summer flowers on Saturday, September 8, for the marriage of their younger daughter, Marj- orie Jean, to Mr. Donald Murray McNall,younger son of Mr. and Mn,sLeonard McNall, Blyth. Rev. S. H. Brenton, Londes- born United Church, officiated, and Mrs. J. Turnbull, aunt of the bride, played traditional wedding music. Given in marriage by her fath- er, the bride wore a floor -length gown of white nylon marquisette with French lace. A pearl tiara held her fingertip veil of Eng - fell lace with appliqued flowers; and she carried a bouquet of Am, erican Beauty roses. Miss Irma Watt, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid, wearing. a floor -length gown of white honey chiffon trimmed with green velvaray; and she carried a bouquet of yellow roses. Russell McBeth,' London, was best man. A reception was held at the Brunswick Hotel, Winglram. The bride's mother wore a black crepe dress and a "corsage of white roses. The mother of the bride- groom wore a suit vof claret - colored English wool gabardine, with matching accessories, and a corsage of white roses. For a wedding trip to Northern Ontario the bride ware a green crepe dress, with gray accessor- ies, and a corsage of bronze roses. Mr. and Mrs. McNall will reside on the bridegroom's term in Hut= lett Township. Wesley -Willis WA Hears. Good Reports The September meeting of the Woman's Association of 'Wesley- Willis United Churcli was held in the Chun% Parlour on the afternoon of September 6. The president, Mrs. George Beattie, was in the chair, and opened the meeting by reading a .poem and offering prayer. Mrs. Harry Charlesworth was pianist. The opening hymn was `The` Lord's My Shepherd." The subject of the devotional period was "The Good Samaritan:" The Scripture reading was from the tenth chap- ter of Luke, and was read by Mrs. D. Laidlaw. Lesson Thoughts were given by Mrs. Frank And- rews, and Mrs. Milton Steep of- fered prayer. The business meeting followed. The secretary, Mrs. Frank Ping - land, and the treasurer, Mrs. A. E. Shaddick, gave their reports. Mrs. Charles Nelson, one of the flower conveners, gave the re- port for that department. Mrs, Cliff Cooper followed with many notes of thanks for flowers and cards received by those who had been ill, or in the hospital dux- ing July and August. Twenty- three calls had been madeby the members. The balance of the meeting was given up to some plans for the annual "Country Fair',' . which takes place on Saturday, October 27 in the church. A hymn and the Mizpah benediction closed the meeting, after which after- noon tea was', served by Mrs. William Mureh's group. ST PAUL'S FRIENDSHIP CLUB St. Paul's Friendship Club will meet Wednesday, September 19 irs .the Palish Hall. Church Directory (All services Eastern Daylight Saving Time) St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church REV. D. J. LANE, B.A., Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, September 13 10.00 a.m.-+Sunday School . .. 11.00 am. -Rev. 'Robert Bruce, Wallaceltown, wild ;conduct the service. 2.30 p.m. -Hayfield Service Please note the hour! All Presbyterians rally to Church Ontario St. United Church REV. A. GLEN EAGLE, BA„B.D. Minister Mrs. E. Wendorf, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, September 13 11.00 a.m.-Special Rally Day Service. A splendid service is expected. All children are asked to come earlier. Rev. A. G. Eagle will give a spec- ial Rally Day address. 7.00 p.m. -Evening service with- drawn in favour of St. Paul's Harvest Thanksgiving Ser- vice. Pentecostal Church Matilda St., South of CNR K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor Sunday, September 13 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship 7.30 p.m. -Gospel Service Friday, 8,00 p.m. -Young People's Service. Tuesday, .8 p.m. -Bible Study and Prayer. ALL WELCOME Wesley -Willis United Church Minister: Rev. HUGH C. WILSON Organist: MRS. M. R. RENNIE • Choir Director: MR. M. R. RENNIE Sunday, September 13 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship The Sacrament of Baptism; Sermon subject: "A Day with Jesus." 12.15 -Church School. Evening Service withdrawn for Harvest Thanksgiving in St. Paul's Anglican' Church. NOTE: Anniversary Services are planned for Sunday, Oct. 7. Come to the House of Prayer. St. Paul's Anglican Church REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader Sunday, September 13 HARVEST THANKSGIVING 8.30 a.m.-,Holy Communion 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 h.m: Morning ,Prayer and Primary Sunday School. 7.00 p.m. -Evening Service, Rev. B. S. E. Webb, The WA will meet at the home of lfrs Wii4tam Jackson, Hayfield Road, Tuesday, at 2.45 p.m. Baptist Church REV. CLAIR CLARK, B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs. W. Aikenhead, Organist Sunday, September 13 11.00 a.m.-"The Place of Do's and Don't's in Christianity." 12.00 a.m..-Sunday School. You' Are Cordially Invited• to attend GOSPEL MEETINGS' in the COUNCIL CHAMBER, Clinton Town Hall EVERY SUNDAY 8 p.m. Evangelist John M. Martin, HAWKESVILLE, Speaker who will be speaking tram a large chart on the Prophecy of Daniel. Come end hear what God has to say in' ills word concerning. • the end of time. 26ttb m.� THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1951 SPECIALS For SEPT., 13 14 15 GRAN. SUGAR (Extra Special) 100 lb. bag .... 11.50 SUNBRITE MARGARINE, 1 lb. pkg. 38c SOCKEYE SALMON, Gold Seal, %2 lb. tin 45c CARNATION MILK, tall tins 16c "AYLMER TOMATO CATSUP, 11 oz, btl, .,,. 2 for 39c GREEN GIANT NIBLETS CORN 2 tins 33c CROWN' JARS -Medium doz. 1.65 -Small doz. " 1.45 ORANGES -Blue Goose size 220's, doz. 45c size 288's, doz. 33c LEMONS -Size 300's 4 for 15c- COOKING ONIONS -•No. 1 small ' 10 lb. bag 35c Thompson's Food Market Phone 40 We Deliver a+-s-r-t��•s-e�ae Here are our Saturday Specials PETIT FOURS ROYAL FUDGE CUP CAKES BARTLIFF BROS. Bakers and Confectioners PHONE 1 CLINTON PRICES REDUCED on PURE WOOL MOTOR RUGS. (Welt Known Brand - Genuine Tartans) BUY NOW ! Save up to $3.00 Reg. 10.50 8.75 13.50 10.95 14.95 .. 11.95 AI rY„EN'S LUGGAGE and WORK CLOTHING This bumper to bumper display with four cars . at top speed takes steel -nerved precision drivers and well made cars to stand this sort of performance. The Hollywood Dare Devils will be seen at Goderich Race Track for one Show only on Sept. 17, at 8.30 pan. `Literally balanced on two wheels is Tex Saxon, famous stunt driver, es he puts tlhis.Ford eoneertiible over the ramp ' at the Hollywood Dare Devils' show to be seen at Goderich Racetrack for one show only en September 17, 8.30 pm. Will he make it? This death -defying leap of 80 feet through' the air is one of the 25 thrilling, mots to be seen at Goderich Race Trrack, Septeslber 17, at 8.30 p.m., when the Hollywood Dare Devils perform,