HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-08-30, Page 7CHIJBSDAS'; • AUGUST '30, 1951 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE SEVEN Stal ions and �d�stral Park New: P/o C. H. LOCUREAD' 1, lf• 42 '$-4-$+4--$-o-e4•4-e 4-4'+4.4-o-+-4• RCAF Personalities (By F. T. Thorndike) In the forthcoming issues of The NEWS RECORD, we will endeavour to introduce to you some of the key, personnel who keep the wheels of progress turn- ing urning at RCAF Station, Clinton, - Almost 'daily, we hear of some of our people leaving us for other appointanents and stations. Some of these men have been at Clin- ton for as long es six years. With the addition of many new buildings end a step-up in the RCAF aecruiting'programme, we are .bound to. see many changes here at Clinton and many ad- ditions, First WD's Arrive The first move in the new RCAF lirogramnie took place on Friday when the first 'partyof RCAF WD's arrived to commence training. In the weeks to follow many more will be arriving. S/L Norris Leaves The man who possibly was. the best known to residents of Clin- ton and vicinity was S/L H. it. (Howie) Norris, In his role. of Chief Administrative Officer of RCAF Station, Clinton, Mr. Nor- ris became acquainted with many people in various phases of work. Also, as a star on the RCAF hockey team, he was well known to district teams. For several years prior to moving to Mast ral Park, Mr. and Mrs. Norris and family resided in Clinton.' S/L Norris bid faietrell to Station Clinton on Friday, Au- gust 17, as he left to attend RCAF Staff College, Toronto, S/L Duff Here From Watson Lake, Y.'„ comes our new Chief Administrative Officer in the person of S/L T. R.,,N. Duff, DFC. Mr. Duff was Commanding Officer of the RCAF detachment at the Yukon outpost, J"oining the -RCAF in 1940, S/L Duff served overseas, doing two tours'. of duty. I -u s first series of missions were with No, 99 RAF Squadron, while his second tour of duty was with Canada's famed 405 Pathfinder Squadron. It was while with this unit that he wes cited for bravery and awarded the DEC.` , From Prince Albert S/L Duff is a native, of Prince Albert, Sask. He is married and has two children: Gail, six years and Thomas 21/4 years. Mr. and Mrs. Duff and family have mov- ed into accommodation at Adast- ral Park... Iu his very important jab at Clinton, S/L Duff is to be assist- ed by the first WE officer to be posted to Clinton in peacetime, P/0 Elizabeth A.- Kievill, Lon- don. A graduate of UWO, P/O Kievill served in the CWAC and recently hes completed. a course' at RMC, Kingston With two officers of this cal- ibre and experience, we feel cer- tain that the administration of Station Clinton is in the best possible hands. In the weeks to come other leaders in various fields at RCAP Clinton will be introduced to you. Vt tom. �---mss A meal in one of Canadian National's attractive modern dining cars is among the relaxing, pleasant interludes you'll experience when you travel our line. 'You'll enjoy also the comfort of our latest • coaches with wide picture windows and "Sleepy lit flow" seats; the bedroom lounge and duplex roomette cars which are as inviting as your own living room. You'll be pleased with the courteoug service you receive. ast! or West, North or South, go Canadian National and travel in comfort. You'll enjoy, too, staying at Canadian National hotels — they're conveniently located in tett cities from Coast to Coast. For reservations and information regarding your business and pleasure travel needs, . see, write or phone your local Canadian National Passenger Agent, hummer Courses Graduate Friday,, August 24 marked the graduation of two summer train- ing courses -at RCAF Station, Clinton, for ' University under- graduates, Courses number three of Radio Officers (Air), University Air Training, graduated after three summers of intensive aircrew end enicer development training, They now wear the coveted radio officer wings and become Pilot Officers,in the RCAF (Reserve), Reserve University ' Flight, Telecommuniications ' Br a nee h Course number one also graduat- ed. These cadets have had Iwo summers of highly technical training lin Telecommuirlcations end one summer of field exper- ience. The first graduates of such a course, the cadets -received their scrolls prior to becoming Pilot Officers in the RCAF (Reserve)• Group Captain D. M. Edwards, APC, Director of Mr Training at Air Force Headquarters was the distinguished Reviewing Officer who presented the sorosis and wings to the graduates, 0/C Edwards was born in Ottawa and studied at the Royal- Military College at Kingston, He joined the RCAF ;'in 1930 and sub- sequently qualified as a pilot, In 1940 he became the first Com- manding Officer of the Central Flying School at Trenton under the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan. After a brief period at Air Force Headquarters, he served sa Commanding Officer of RCAF Station. Camp Borden, until -his posting overseas in 1943. While in England, GM Edwards commanded Lincoln and Craft stations in Canada's No. 6 Group of Bomber Commend. He was appointed Liaison Offic- er to the Ninth 'Milted States Army Air Force on the contin- ent in 1944. On cessation of hostilities, he . served as the RCAF Air Attache in the Can- adian Embassy at Paris, France: He held this post until his re- turn to Canada in October of 1940 to attend the National De- fence College, whore he retaliate - ed until taking over his present post. With the exception of one uni- versify graduate, all the eadc*ts are undergraduates at Canadian Universitie • or Royal Military College. They will soon return to their respective schools for the completion of their 'studies. Graduates of the Radio Officer C'ol.u•ee, University Air Training No. 3 were: F/C R. G. Stennett, Reclgetown, who echieved the highest standing in the icourso and was' awarded the honour diploma; F/C R. R. Oct, Welland; F/C P. J. Sheasby, Unity, Sask.; F/C H. S. Killam, Yarmouth, N,S.; F/C G. Rogers, St. John, N.B.; PIC T. A. Jory, Cornwall, Englandt F/C R. K. Watson, Winnipeg and F/C J. 'A, Laund- enbech, Seaforth, a graduate of Royal Roads Service College, Viotorla, B.C., and presently com- pleting his service training in engineering at Royal Military College, Kingston. Reserve University Flight Telecommunications B r an o h Course No. 1 graduates were F/C K. Ayukawa, Vancouver and Winnipeg; F/C W. P. Bennett, Winnipeg and West Vancouver; F/C R. L, Cower, Saskatoon; FTC B. E. Davies, Peterborough and Toronto; F/C J. G. Ford, Win- nipeg; F/C 1M, A. • Harrison, Scerboro; E/C I. H. Herron, Winnipeg; F/C A. N. McDiermld, Mertintown; F/C B. A. McIntosh, 4tiarton; F/C A, Tome, Willing - don, Alta.; and P/C F. J. C. Wilder, Seven Oakes, Kent, Eng- land, a Royal Navy veteran. The Reviewing Officer con- gratulated the graduates on their achievements and asked them to keep in touch with the Air Farce on their return to University, "The A;ir Faroe- offers a fine career" he said, "and with our contribution of eleven squadrons for Western Europe thecae is op- portunity for service both at' home and abroad." 0/C Edwards congratulated the Commanding .Officer, G/ -C E. A, D. Hutton and his staff on the excellent training program- me being carried out at RCAF' Station, Clinton. CANADA.yr 'ATIONAL THE ONLY RAILWAY SERVING ALL TEN PROVINt:ES- Graduates :Get Whigs and Scrolls 'TWENTY-ONE GRADUATES` of No. 1 Air Radio Officer School and .No, 1 Radar and Communications School, RCAF Station, Clinton, received wings and scrolls Friday from G/C D. M. Edwards, AFC. „ Ten Radio Officers (Air) graduated. They are all undergraduates in trniveesities -across Canada and in Royal Military College, Kignston. After a tour of flying they will return to universities to complete their studies. WOW' Firs S "Wow" The Boys! t Contingent Arrives RCAF Station Clinton, has After her discharge in 1946 she was employed as a dental nurse. She re-enlisted in June 1951 and now assumes her duties as a dental assistant at the unit den- tal clinic. been invaded by the first con- tingent of Airwomen. The WOW's (Women on Wings) arrived last Friday from St. John's, Quebec, after en eight weeks basic train- ing course. The girls come to RCAF Sta- tion for training in various courses. The present intake in- cludes seventeen slated for Fight- er Control Operators and twelve Communications Operators. The only NCO to arrive was Corporal C, Dickie, Stewiacke, N.S. Corporal Dickie served for three years and ten months as a Sergeant in CWAC Dental Corps. The WOW's are a pleasant ad- dition to the station and from all reports they are happy in their new duties. They are fil- ling important positions in the RCAF and are valuable members of Canada's defensive forces. It is hoped that they will have long and successful careers in the Air Force and that their stay at RCAF Station, Clinton, will be enjoyable. •°"-.E.5 ^•=fX,K.1114 2: _.. ssa axsrC r-..4517. �- utf.�1.9y -CHAPMAN'S BTAUJ Y SPECIALTY LADIES WEAR Latest F 21 Dr <"'s SKIRTS, ETC. Li ell Gay Lure Slips, Gowns, Pyjamas, etc.. is LOVABLE GOTHIC EXQUISITE FORM BRAS. (GIRDLES) ytio se SI -LEER 111A.GIC—.66 gauge ti SHEER TAX EVENING SNEERS 1.95 CINDERELLA SHEERS -- 1.59 Clinton Monument Shop Open Every Friday and by appointment For further information contact 1• i..Zapfe, corner Gibbings St. and Rattenbury Si. E., PHONE 103 Memorials and Cemetery Work of Every Description T. PRYDE and SON Clinton --- Exeter — Sea forth Station PRO Phone 382 Local 69, ADASTRAL PARK,.. Socia!, and Pro..1. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Joe IIlcGuire on the recent birth -of a son, a brother for Kathy. F/S and Mrs. V. Boys, 33 Re- gina Rel., had as guests over the weekend W01. and Mrs. Blundell, Ottawa. - W02 and Mrs. H. Bennett had as !their guests Mrs. Bennett's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jennings,' Victoria, B.C. F/S -and Mrs. Turton, Que. Rel., 'motored to Trenton,' Toron- to and North Bay, visiting 'friends and relatives. Donald and Duncan Craig, sons of,F/S ancl5Mrs G. Craig, spent their vacation at Little Buckaroo Ranch, Oshawa. Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Chapman, Fergus, spent the past few days with their son-in-law and dau- ghter, F/I, and Mrs. R. W. Pfaff. Congratulations! Sgt. and Mrs. D. King visited friends and relatives in Hamp- ton and Norton, N.B. ci COS@ c Dri@@p o deed HERE ANI-' THERE (By Sgt. 3'. B. Miller) HERE I am again. Same day I'm going to settle down long enough things I tshould ableo be dand , tto hattl is to keep the public in the picture of what is happeningon the unit, But then again who . wants to settle: down, - (It's too boring). .d at '5 . LET'S see now what's new, :: Fir' t of all the station has ehang- (Continued on Next Page) Ai1XILIAR3C MEETING The Airmen's end. Corporals' Wives Auxiliary will hold its first meeting of the -fall season on Wednesday evening, Septern- ber 5, at 8.30 o'clock in the up- stairs of the Corporals' Club. All Airmen's and Corporal's wives on the Station or in town are invited to attend this meeting. Let's have a good turnout! RANDY son of Mr. end Mrs: Alvin Kerr, R.R. 6, Goderich OUR CLINTON STUDIO is open TUESDAYS and THURSDAYS arid Saturday Evenings (other times by appointment) 1.00 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. Telephone us-401—Clinton or Goderich . (Collect) (same number both places) o ac Laren s Stu io ho nil Six days of wonderful entertainment for every mem- ber of the family . , . horticultural, agricultural and industrial displays . the largest livestock show in the history of the Fair Conklin famous midway and many other wonderful and exciting attractions. Grandstand Performance Each afternoon and night. Reserve seat tickets now on sale. Mail orders to Western Fair Office, London, Ont, Prices $1.50, $1.25 and $1.00. Harness Horse Races Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons. Horse Show Each night starting Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. and Saturday afternoon at 1;30 p.m, in the Ontario Arena. Advance Sale Tickets Now available throughout Western Ontario — THREE for ONE DOLLAR. Entitles holders to parti- cipate in draws for prizes valued at over $7000.00. Western Fair Association London, Ont. W. D, Jackson, Mgr. O . 3.51 By Roe Farms Service Dept. SO ‘ H DEAR,!WAS 50 PROUD OF MY BEAUTIFUL EGG; DON'T. WORRY, a`; YOU'RE SO YoUN6,1 THERE'LL BE \ EE UP 'BIDDY "=THIS - MASH REALLY y'SHELLS OUT EGGS ROE VITALAY\^� GOSH,ROEVITAiAY IS EGG MASH HAS WONDERFUL.MY BOSS GIVEN HERA NEW SAYS I'M BECOMING LEASE ON LIFE.SHE THE BEST LAYER IN LAYS SO MANY SHE' THE. FLOCK. . HAS FORGOTTEN ALL ABOUT HER FIRST EGG. -.•-•.-7":„. � SAD, ISN'T IT? IT'S' HER FIRST-=-- AND HE WALKED PLENTY MORE, OFF WITH IT. JUST WAIT AND SEE, �. ®_e' r I • EATING...MY LOST I'LL ® r •DONT EEL LIKE I� POOR EGG? W-E-L:L BUST TASTE SOME, ... \ ��� `� ". \ , 44 ,.4 EGG. I FELT JUST ` _�� �. 4 i N THE. SAMEWITH `�-*.t: '� � , . � t t{(ed'►�. . \\\..'F .i.--- \ _, 46_\-....- ___. � ^ ' ,--�, i � e — -...-_-_, 4,, Oo 4r..Ptl�A _ o c M1;0%4r'u�► m< \' ►,d■•�■tNr' \ ,Imaw. " i ` ' 1y r. 1. Creijle, ILL lik !kW!' . i MY FIRST, I MUSTTELLHER THE FACTS OF ' ; 9,, :-- , a . �: �% � 1 hili ivistirey LIFE. �' tea% fi `r:f' a� _ c ,,,._,..,,,,,....,..,,<„,,,..„..r.,....,,,,;...„:116.„ ___=-----; -----,-.------, `.............�'.„ ....,......,..._ ______. ,.. TOP EGG PRODUCT/ON TOP PROFITS AIRE YOURS ROE Vita -Ay EGG MASH IN MASH OR .PELLET POkM vL H. Charleswort CLINTON A. J. MUSTAR BRUCEFIELD