HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-08-30, Page 5IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII181i11111 THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1951 CLINTON si wE-rnsc g, I) 'News -Record Ciassifli HELP WANTED --Male PAGE IIV3J NEW RATES CARETAKER—PART-TIME, Job, BIRTHS (Effective September 1, 1951) morning and evening d5xties. Ap- BROWNLEE—In Clinton public Hospital, on Mayday, August CASH RATE __(If paid try ply in person, Bank of Montreal, Clinton. 33-tfb 27, 1951, to Mr, and Mrs. Char- ' Wednesday following date of in les Brownlee, RR. 1, Bl sertion)--Two cents a word firstyam', a insertion (minimum 50 cents); son.GRAINGER—In Clinton Public subsequent insertions one cent a Hospital, on Friday, Apgust 24, word (minimum 35 cents); 15 tont ' September. 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Russell cents extra for box number or Grainger, Zurich, a son. for l direction to NEWS -RECORD d Apply t Gd g McGUIRE — In Clinton Public • IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. 3 Hospital, on Wednesday, Am - DEADLINE -6 p,.m. Wednesday. Jst 15, VL1G51, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph NLeC�ui!re, RCAF' Sta- tion, Clinton, a son. McKELLAR — In the General Hospital, Simcoe, on Monday, Aug. 27, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl McKellar, Simcoe (nee Helen Noakes, Hensall), a daughter (Susan Lynn). SCHILBE — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, Au- gust 29, 1951, to Mr. and. Mrs. Herbert Schilbe, Zurich, a son. TAYLOR — In Cliiiten Public EXTRA PREMIUMS given for a Hospital, on Wednesday, Au - demonstration party in your gust 29, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. home in the next two weeks. Jack Taylor. Brumfield, a son, Contact L. Clartwright, Rorke WILKINS in Clinton Public Apt., corner of Mary and Orangg Hospital, on Saturday, August Sts. 35-p 25, 1951. to Mr. and ?M s, Alex Wilkins, Londesboro, a dau- ghter. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE REGISTERED HOLSTEIN COW, Louryears oldin Has milked four months, Artificially bred. t o ore or Bill Cowan, Blyth, phone 18r26. 3-35-b ACCOMMODATION WANTED 'ONE OR TWO LIGHT House - 'keeping rooms or small partly - furnished apartment for year and a half. Apply Box "S" NEWS_ 'RECORD. 35-p ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT "BED SITTING ROOM and Kit- chenette. All modern conven- ' iences. Apply Box "L", NEWS- ' RECORD. 35-p ' TWO -ROOMED CABIN, winter- ized, partly furnished, water and electricity; also overnight cabins by day or week. William Coni - :'mender., phone Clinton 806r2. 35-p "HAYFIELD—Housekeeping cab- ins on the lake. Everything fur- nished. New spring mattresses. •Rydro, good beach, lots of shade: .'$18 couple 'weekly. Dining room. 'Write G. Hazelwood, R. R. 1. Bayfield. 26-35-b ...BAYFIELD — LOVELY SHADY 'spot, three bedroom housekeep- .ing cottages, for rent 'by week r or month, good 'beach, hydro, igood water, inside toilets, and spring -filled mattresses. 'Write Johnson's Deer Lodge, Bayfield'. ;"Phone Clinton 909r42 'between eight and ten a.m. 324-4-b • ARTICLES FOR SALE "'A 60 CYCLE ADMIRAL Refrig- erator, 9 cu. ft. size. Used only -4 months. $360. Apply 75 Cor - :Iona St., Stratford. Plibne 347M. 35-p ONE GENDRON Baby Carriage and stroller combination. Apply Col. Harvey, above Simpsons, "King St. 35-p NEW 'WINDOWS, all glazed; six 'windows, 36"x28"; two windows, :36"x34". William Commander, ',phone Clinton 806r2. 35-p ARTICLES WANTED .MEDIUM OIL BURNER, approx- imately ,.5,500 cu. feet capacity. :Phone F/S Austin, 382 local 64. 35-h BICYCLES FOR SALE ' ONE BRANDNEW BICYCLE, to be Sold at a reasonable price. Ap- ply Robert Rothwell, phone Clin- t,on 906x16, 35-p TWO GIRLS' BICYCLES in geed shape. Priced right for quick sale. Apply ABC Ranch. Phone 559. 35-b BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE ARE YOU THINKING of build- ing a home, A number of fine 'lots for sale. Leonard G. Winter, Real Estate, phones: business -448, residence 599J. 7-btfb FARMS WANTED LEVEL 100 ACRES free of stones, good buildings, reasonably pric- ed. Cash buyer. Please write description, price. William Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 33-35-p FARMS FOR SALE FROM 50 TO 117 ACRE FARMS. 'Confidential information. Leon- ard G. Winter, Read Estate, .phones: business 448, residence 599J. 5-btfb 'GRASS FARM, 100 ACRES, Iot 15, concession 5, Hullett. Thomas 'Carbert, R.R. 1, Clinton, phone Clinton 801r21, or James Phelan, H.R. 2, Blyth, phone Blyth 31r9. 13-15•-ptbf HELP WANTED—Female 'HOUSEKEEPER for elderly couple, In modern home, own room, no cleaning or washing, evenings and Sundays off. Ger- don Elliott, Blyth. 33-5-,b WAITRESS, full or part time employment. Bartliff Bras. 35-b FULL TIME SALESLADY. Ex- perience preferred, but not neces- sary. Apply in person at Mart- in's Dept. Store. 35-b WAITRESS WANTED. Apply "Brown Derby Snack Bar. 35-b HOUSES FOR SALE ".SEVEN -ROOMED BRICK dwel- ling, bathroom, full basement, stoker, two lots with good barn. 'Leonard G. Winter, real estate, phones: business 448, residence 5993. 24btfb SIX -ROOMED FRAME HOUSE and barn, lots 211 and 212 in iiensall. Apply Albert Walff, Box 666, Goderich. 2-btfb HOUSE 0 NJAMES ST., one and a half storey, stucco; with three- piece bath, hot and cold water; nearly new garage. M. McLeod, Clinton, ,,McLeod, A WELL CONSTRUCTED, fully insulated one floor home. Large living room, dining room, three bedrooms with closets, all hard - 'Wood floors, modern kitchen, den, four -piece bath with rubber tile floors. Air conditioned heating. Full basement. Garage attached to house. Close to schools: Phone Ulloyd Batkin, 633r12. 35-p IN HENSALL, two good frame houses each with furnace, hydro, garage, garden. One good brick house, hot water., furnace, hydro, full bath, extra land, -Meats In Exr and Crediton. Also stores, restkugants, garage, farms. Wil- liam Pearce,. Realtor, Exeter, Earl Parsons, salesman; Exeter. 33-35-p TWO GOOD HOLSTEIN heaters, due in September.. T.B. tested', vaccinated and artificiia'lly bred. Apply Edgar Rathweli, phone 909r4 Clinton. 35-p NINETEEN LITTLE PIGS, six weeks old. Mrs. David Camp- bell, Bayfield Line, phone Clin- ton 909r31. 35-p MISCELLANEOUS SAWS, ALL KINDS, FILED at C. Hoare's orchard, mile north of town. Will work odd days har- vesting, etc. Call evenings at house, if possible. 32-40-p FOR TUPPERWARE, - vacuum - sealed dishes, and beautiful six gauge plastic table cloths, please call Mrs. Fred' L. Miller, Rotten - bury St., Clinton. Phone 334W. 30-35-b ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices. If not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead, phone at once. Phone collect, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Code - rich. 2btfb NOTICES WHITEWASHING end Cleaning. Victor Hargreaves, Brumfield, phone Clinton 625r23. 28-37-p SEWAGE DISPOSAL, pumping out septic . tanks end disposing. Have up-to-date power pump and tank. Prepared to clean out schools and public buildings. Irvin Coxon, phone Milverton 75r4, 28-39-p M POULTRY FOR SALE 40 PULLETS, Sussex, six and half months. $2.75 each, Phone C. Buruma, 807r21. 35-p 200 PULLETS, laying, Sussex x Red. Wilbur Nott, phone Clin- ton 619r31. • 35-h A NUMBER OF Laying Pullets, New Hampshire x W. Whyandot- tes; Fisher bred, I. M, Willis, phone 180W. 35-p 75 PULLETS, Red x Rock, six months old, laying. North Star and Wolf Rivers apples; also some egg plums. Harry Plum - steel, phone 631r4, 35-p PIANO' TUNING YOUR PIANO carefully tuned. Just call G. W. Cox et Clinton 55DR. 43tfb 25 YEARS' EXPERIENCE with Sherlock -Manning Pianos Limit- ed; tuning and repairing; all work guaranteed. E.. C. Nickle, phone Clinton 3393. 20-21-ptfh STRAW FOR SALE A QUANTITY OF GOOD CLEAN white straw, bailed ready to load. Also some oat straw. William Fotheringham, phone 628r11. 35 -ib TRICYCLES FOR SALE CHILD'S TRICYCLE, twenty inch front wheel, in good condition. Phone 445. 33-35-b TRUCKS FOR SALE 1940 ONE-HALF TON Interns tional panel truck. Good con- dition. }Igoe no ;further use for it. Will sell very reasonably. Apply to George or Bill Cowan, Blyth, phone 18r26. 33-5-b CABINETMAKER 'Machinist and 4th Class Engineer We are expanding. :Pleasant working conditions, top wages, group insurance, definit- ely steady employment, five-day 48-hour week. See or write James Cole Furniture Company, Ingersoll 33 and 35-b Solid Flowers' Worldwide K. C. COOKE FLORIST Phones: Greenhouse 66J • Residence 66W fNn DF Mnpn pFG. NO MUSS NO BOTHER MARRIAGES MOTZ-LARAMIE—At the home of the brides' grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Alexeder .t2. McEwen; R.R. 5, Clinton, on Saturday, August 25, 1951, by Rev. D. 3. Lane, Elizabeth Agnes Laramie, Only daughter of Mrs. Marion T. Laramie, Clifford, to Mich- ael Paul Motz, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Motz, Bridgeport. DEATHS RIEHL—At his home on Mon- day, Chars R.ie'hl, ABlyth27be1 vel husband of Lydia Thari, in his 80th year. Funeral from Tacker Memorial Chapel, Blyth, to Union Cemetery, Myth, Wed- nesday afternoon, Aug. 29. SEDLEY.---Sucid,+3nly, in London Township, on Saturday, Aug. Advt, 11, 1951, Francis Charles Clinton in his 47thformerly- y arilFun- In theTlEstateE OCREDITORS off MARGARET eral from Murdy Funeral Home, JANE JAMIESON, late of the. Lucan, to Mount Pleasant Village of Brucefield, in the Cemetery, Monday, Aug. 13 County of Huron, Widow, de- WARD—In London, on Saturday, ceased, August 25, 1951, Emmanuel NOTICE is hereby given that Ward, Clinton, in his 74th year. all Creditors having claims a - Funeral from the Ball and' gainst the Estate of Margaret Match Funeral Home, to Clin- Jane Jamieson, late of the Village ton Cemetery, Tuesday after- of Brumfield, in the County of noon, August 28, Huron, Widow, deceased, who died on or about -the 5th day of April, 1951, are required to send on or of COLEMAN—In loving memory September,beforeA D.t1951, toy the of a dear husband and father, undersigned Solicitor, full par - Lorne W. Coleman, who passed titulars of their Chaim and nature away one year ago, Sept, 1, 1950. of the security, if any, held by "It's Ionesome here without you them. There is such a vacant space, AND TAKE NOTICE that after For we never hear your foot- the said date the Estate will be steps distributed among the persons Or see your smiling face. entitled thereto having regard As we loved you, so we miss you only to the Claims far which No - In memory you are near. lice shall have been received. Loved, remembered, longed for DATED at Clinton, Ontario, always this 21st day of August, A.D. 1951 Bringing many a silent tear. F. Fingland, —Sadly missed and ever remem- Clinton, Ontario, bared 'by his wife and family. Solicitor for the Executrix, 35-p 33-35-36b Weekend Magazine A new step forward in the his- tory of Canadian publishing will be marked Saturday, September 8, when The London Free Press will include as part of its regular Sat- urday editions a sparkling new feature, WEEKEND Picture Mag- azine. The inclusion of this smart, new rotogravure and color tabloid supa- plement, brings to readers of the London paper a wealth of week- end reading entertainment, features on all topics, special articles and pictures and photonews stories of the Canadian as well' as world-wide scene. Advance information concerning the new supplement indicates that' its reportorial staff is second to none with such top names as Kate Aitken, Helen Gougeon, Jock Car - roil, Andy O'Brien, Greg Clark and a host of others handling the writ- ing assignments, A staff of skilled cameramen, such as Louis Jacques who recently trained his lenses on Princess Eliz- abeth and the Duke of Edinburgh and their charming children, will capture news and feature pictures throughout Canada and the rest of the world. Short stories and other action pieces, plus cartoons, Illustrated in color, will spark the new supple- ment. And for the best in appear - mice and readability and color and rotogravure reproduction, the new tabloid will be printed In Can- ada's largest and most modern color printing plant. In addition to the inclusion of WEEKEND Picture Magazine with all regular Saturday editions, The Free Press has announced the expanding of its full-color comic section to 16 pages to make the most complete package of week- end reading entertainment Imagin- able. IN MEMORIAM WHY WAIT? Come NOW, and Iet us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow: though they be red like crim- son, they shall be as wool." Isaiah 1-18 REPENT ye therefore and be CONVERTED that your sins may be blotted out. Acts 3. 19 CHAS. FULLER, Box 123, 'Los Angeles, 53—ABC Network Sundays 4.00 p.m. EST FOR SALE BY TENDER House and lot on 14. acre of land at Constance, On- tario; also % acre of land close to house. Howe and barn in good repair. Possession at once. This property is 3i:I miles from the Goderich Highway. Tender doses Sept. 15, 1951, Send to MRS. MARY NICHOLSON, 112 "Wellington St., Stratford, Ont. 35-36-b When It Comes To That Dressy Look There's Nothing That Measures Up To Our SUITS CHOOSE YOURS NOW! Yes! Now is the time to order your NEW FALL SUIT. New samples are now in with the newest and smartest fabrics obtainable, Have your next suit tailored by WARREN K. COOK JAMES BROS. TIP TOP TAILORS PICKETT # CAMPBELL ,PHONE 25 Arrow Shirts — Stetson Hats (opposite the theatre) CLINTON SCAFFOLD FALLS WITH TWO MEN INJURING BOY (By our Auburn correspondent) An unfortunate accident oc- curred on Wednesday to Bill Dobie, 11 -year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dobie, while assist- ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Phillips. The Phillips home is being shingled with insul brick siding. The scaffold in use gave way bringing to the ground its oc- cupants, Arthur Yungblut and George Lawlor. In the accident, Bill, who was below, was struck by the falling lumber. He was ruphed to Alexandra Hospital, Goderich where X-rays showed the left leg had been fractured in three places between the ankle and knee, He is still confined to the hospital but is resting comfortably. Mr. Lawlor also was a victim of the misfortune, suffering a sprained foot. 0 KINSMEN ELECT GODERICH—Goderich Kins- men Club elected Kenneth Pen- nington as president. Other of- ficers are: Immediate past presi- dent, Jack Firth; first vice-presi- dent,Carl Banks; second vice- president, Cy Robinson; treasurer, Lloyd Reiner; secretary, Max Mitt; assistant secretary and reg- istrar, William Wilson; directors, William Hill, Eric Johnston, Dr. Bert Such. Clearing AUCTION SALE of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and other effect from the home of Mrs. W. It. Jowett, Bayield, on Saturday, Sept. 1 at 1 p.m. sharp. Nine -piece solid walnut dining - room suite; small tables; cabinet radio; antique wall dock; 3 -piece chesterfield 'suite (walnut trim); rocker; 2 library tables; piano; floor lamp; bedroom suite; tub- ular bed, springs, and innerspring mattress; drop -head sewing ma- chine, kitchen table and chairs, sideboard' electric range and annex; Caldwell Frigidaire (9 cu, ft. capacity); electric washing machine; pressure cooker and other cooking utensils; china and silverware; carpenter tools; 240 lb. scale; quantity of feed bags; block and tackle; large jacks; 20 ft. extension ladder and other ladders; grindstone; saws; rakes; garden cultivator; lawn mower; other farm and garden tools; log- ging equipment; and numerous other articles. TERMS—CASH MRS. W. R. JOWETT, Proprietress EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K. W. Colquhoun, Clerk 33-35-b CEMENT CHIMNEY BLOCKS Build or Repair Chimneys GUY IVES Phone Carlow 1.612 36-ptfb NINNY 'COURT Of S -�� ' $EIRV�E Get There Safely! rP CALL 1 1 0 ASHTON'S TAXI ROXY THEATRE REGENT THEATRE CLZNQN S E A F O R T H Now (Aug. 303 "CRY OF THE Now Playing: "TO PLEASE A CITY"; (Aug, 31 and Sept, 1) •LADY" -.-, Clark Gable, Barbara - "WHEN THE REDSKINS RODE" Staiiwyeit and Adolphe Menjou. with Jon Hall MON., TUES., WED. MON., TUES., WED. (Sept. 3-5) Matinee, Mon., Sept. 3, 3,30 p.m., "Father's Little , "Lightning Strikes Dividend" Twice" You'll howl with glee when baby with Ruth Roman, Richard Todd, makes three in 'this comedy at- Rhys Williams — He was a man traction —Spencer Tracy, Eliza- without, friends — bitter a n d beth Taylor and Joan Bennett brooding over a great injustice TIIUR.,. FRI., SAT. (Sept, 6-8) in this compelling drama of yen - James Cagney, Virginia Mayo geance and suspense. and Doris Day THURRS., FRI., SAT. The great US. Military Academy "Al is the background. for one of the Jennings of finest musieal comedies of the. Oklahoma?' with Dan "The West Point Dick Foram The— eal. true to Gale toma Story" life story of the last of the great y outlaws as told by Al Jennings Coming: "KING SOLOMON'S himself, MINES" In Technicolor, with • Coming: "KING SOLOMON'S Stewart Granger MINES With. Stewart Granger ViagaiwygmaillIMISIBINIMMIMmirala A Movie You MUST SEE! and Deborah Kerr PARK THEATRE CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH -- Phone 47 GODERICH phone 1150 Now: "MONTANA" In Techni- Now: "ALONG THE GREAT color with Alexis Smith and. DIVIDE" with Kirk Douglas Errol Flynn and Virginia Mayo MON„ TUES., WED. Red Skelton - Sally Forrest and MacDonald Carey You'll be laughing on all cyl- inders when Red becomes the fiery young inventor of the first homeless carriage and wins the livery -mans daughter. "Excuse My Dust" THURS., FRI., SAT. Timmy Durante - Piper Laurie and 'Donald O'Connor Straight from his job of em- ceeing the CNE old Schnozoda takes anudder role as knight of the milkwagon and believe me folks it's Prepostrous!!! "The Milkman" Coming: Ethel Barrymore and Maurice Evans in "KIND LADY" sir IVION., OTT & LouBudCOSTELLO Two high -Hying aces of corn, edy take to the air -force for a jet-propelled adventure that will have you in stitches. "Keep 'Em Flying" 7HURS., FRI., SAT. Dennis' Morgan - Patricia' Neal and Steve Cochran 'Kay down in Newe M xrco the owner of an immense cattle spread finds dramatic trouble with his ranching and with his romance, "Raton Pass" Coming: "NO QUESTIONS ASK- ED" with Arlene Dahl and George Murphy Hensall Appoints Police, Utility Man (By our Hensall correspondent) At a special meeting of Coun- cil lest Thursday, August 23, Warren Stevenson, Mount Forest, received the appointment of policeman and general utility man for the Village at a salary of $1,800 per year, duties to com- mence as soon as possible. Mr. Stevenson is 26 years of age, married; and has several years' experience in public work. Applications 'were received from Stratford, Kincardine, Simeoe, and Mount Forest. Mr. Stevenson will replace Charles Leonhardt who recently tendered his resignation. See The New Addison Norge Refrigerator 60 cycles, now on display ADDISON-NORGE MODEL SD85 The sensational 'Night Watch- man" defrosts for you automat- ically. No more .worry about defrosting periods or too much ice accumulation. Supplies over 8 eu, ft. of space with 6 types of cold, ranging from deep, deep cold in lute super -size freezer to damp cold in the Hydrovoir- vegetable crisper. Has extra large bottle shelf; extra storage space; Tiltabin far staple foods. Height 58-9/16". Depth 27-7/16". Width 39%", ?<x SP85 $450.00 See the new— RA66 $350.00 Fess Space Heaters as low as $89.50 With the new Pilot Light burns 42 hrs. on 1 gallon of oil; ALSO get a new AUTOMATIC FLAME MODULATOR that keeps your temperature at any degree in your home auto- matically.. Fits any space heater. BUY NOW AND SAVE Graves Electric HURON ST. PHONE 688-j 1!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111IIIIl11111811f II111111111II11I1811(IIIIIIIIIII111111IIIIII111111IIIIIIIIII((IIIIIIII(II(111I11111111111111111111111(IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III11111111!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII81111IIIIIIIIII11811111111IIIIIIIIIIilll11111111111111111(@II(IIIIIIIB I AN EXPERT MOTOR TUNE-UP Will Save You Time And Money WIZEN IT IS EXECUTED BY THE ORIGINAL TUNE-UP SPECIALISTS IN CLINTON CORRECTIVE WORK IN Carburetion Ignition — Valves WE HAVE ONLY THE LATEST AND MOST MODERN POWER -PROVING EQUIPMENT Wells Auto Electric BLUE SUNOCO • GASOLINE, OILS AND GREASE Note the new phone number 762-j 11111111111i111114111111111111I111111111111i111111111111111111111111i11111111111111111!1111111111111i111111111111111111Gi111111111111111111111111i111111111111ii11111101111IIl11;81111111111111(1111)111111111(1I111111111(111(llliillgi!!!