HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-08-09, Page 4PAGE FOUR CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY, AUGUST s, 1951 EPPERR SONALS Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hart are vacationing on the Manitoulin sland, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Zapfe are spending a two weeks' holiday at Southampton, Miss Leona Vance and Irwin Vance called on Mr. and Mrs. J, 3, Zapfe last week. George and John Ross, Orillie, were the,weekend guests of their sister, Mrs. Murray IVIclnvan. Mrs, Bernard Price, Creston, B.C., is visiting her sister, Mrs. C. B. Hale, for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. J. Musgrove, Erin, spent the holiday weekend with Mr. and Mrs. A, J. McMurray. Mr. and Mrs. A. Robinson, To- ronto, were visitors last week with Mr. and Mrs. F. Townsend. Fred H, Elliott is spending a fortnight's vacation with his per; ants, Mr. and Mrs. William El- liott. Rev. and Mrs. T. C. Agnew, London, were callers with Mr. and Mrs. James Livermore on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ball have returned home after vacationing at Burk's Falls, Parry Sound District. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Hartley were in St. Catharines and Niag- ara Falls, N. Y., for the holiday weekend, Mr. and Mrs. James Houston and sons, Brantford, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Wallis over the weekend. Mr. end Mrs. Herb Wallis and daughter Jean, D'Arcy, Sask., vis- ited this week with Mr. and Mrs, Wilmer Wallis. Miss Rosalie Dick, Toronto, vis- ited her cousin ,Mrs. Mabel Nick- erson, Rattenbury St., for the Civic Holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Merrill and son Gordon left on Sunday for a few days' vacation at Tobermory and points north. Mr. and Mrs. James A. McGill and guests attended the Nethery Family Reunion held in Goderich, Saturday, August 4. Mr. and Mrs, Ken Roberton and Sandra, Aylmer, visited the • for- mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Roberton, over the holiday. Mrs. Nelson Reid, Varna, and Mrs. Robert Webster, Clinton, spent the weekend at Port Elgin, with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Epps. Mr. and Mrs. James E. John- ston, Ontario St., spent last week holidaying at Tobermory and also spent a day on Manitoulin Island, Dr. John McIntyre, interne at Toronto Western Hospital, was a holiday weekend visitor with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. II. A. Mc- Intyre. William Cooper returned to his home in Flint, Mich., today after spending the 'past week with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. James Livermore spent the weekend on a holiday with their son, E. S. Livermore, ICC, and Mrs. Livermore, In London. Ralph Bouskill, Winnipeg; arid son, Charles, who is attending Royal Military College, Kingston, spent the weekend with Mr.,and Mrs. Wilmer Wallis, Mr. and Mrs. William Gaines and two sans, Flint, Mich., spent last week With . Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Cooper and other rela- tives in this district. Miss E,louise Andrews and Rus- sell Aronhalt, Coshocton, Ohio, visited relatives, F. W. Andrews, Miss Amy Andrews and Mrs. Fergus Van Egmond. Mrs. Peter Schulha and Dale have returned to Edmonton af- ter a month's visit at the home of the ;lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McCartney. Guests for the holiday with Mr. SPECIALS for AUGUST 9-10-11 AYLMER CATSUP bottle 19c COUNTRY KIST PEAS -15 oz. (1 c/s 24 tins -2.95. COUNTRY KIST PEAS 2 tins 27c Extra Special: DOWNY -FLAKE CAKE MIX 2 pkgs. 49c FANCY SOCKEYE SALMON -1/2's tin 45c RED BIRD MATCHES 7 CARNATION MILK GREEN GIANT PEAS -15 oz LYNN VALLEY CRM. CORN -15 oz. tin .. 2 for 19c HEAD LETTUCE 3 for 25c TURNIPS, New , lb. 5c COOKING ONIONS '10 lb. bag 39c 3 boxes 25c Ige. tin 16c 2 tins 37c Thompson's Food Market Phone 40 We Deliver ••.,-••H+K+-. T CLEAN QUICK QUIET Here's the first really new im- provement in washing action in nearly twenty years .. , the amazing new Easy "SpiraIator." Proved in thousands of actual washings, Easy "Spiralator" provides the fastest, safest, and most thorough washing ever. Every article in the tub receives the same efficient, three-way action ... no dirt or soil can escape the swirling, spiralling suds. Yet there's ao wear and tear on the clothes. And you can wash wore clothes in less time. Come in and see this wonderful new way to wash. NEW AUTOMATIC SPIN - RINSE Washes ... rin`etonehoura la your lawny an Easy and save $10ko $loo. $299.50 BALL & MUTCH D. G. BALL Phone 361-W W. J. MUTCH Phone 361-3 Hardware and Furniture — Funeral Directors PHONE 195 — CLINTON Engagements Announced Mrs. Marion I. Laramie, Clif- ford, announces the engagement of her only daughter, Elizabeth Agnes,- to Michael Paul Mote, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs, Michael Matz, Bridgeport; the wedding to take place at the home of the bride's grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Alex M. Mc- Ewen, Stanley Township, Satur- day, August the twenty-fifth. 32-p and Mrs. James McGill were A. H. Nethery, Sarnia; G. A. Nethery, Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Mc- Gill and children, Toronto. Miss Florence Rorke, Toronto, spent the Civic Holiday • weekend with her sister, Mrs. H. W, Amb- ler and parents, Mr. and Mrs. H, E. Rorke, at their lakeside sum- mer home. Guests at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth A. Kennedy, Ontario St.. an Sunday, were Mr. and Mrs. George Drony Mr. and Mrs. Enos Colgtzhoun and Mrs. Ada Herbert, all of Maorfield. Mrs. John W. Cartwright and daughter, Lilian, former residents of Clinton, have returned and are taking up residence in the Rorke Apartment, corner of Orange and Mary Streets. Miss Daphne Staib, Woodstock, Miss Helen McLeod, Eanbro, Miss Lucile Boyce, Cromarty, Harvey end Miss Hazel Sperling, Elim- ville, and Benson Sutter, Clin- ton, spent the weekend at Camp Wakonda, near Echo Bay. Mrs, Fred Gillies, Willowdale, has returned home after spend- ing a couple of weeks with her sister, Mrs. Fergus Van Egmond. Over the weekend, J. R. And- rews, Toronto, also visited with his sister, Mrs. Van Egm;ond. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Holt, Mid- land, visited the latter's parents, Constable and Mrs. James Thompson, over the holiday weekend. Elizabeth returned with her parents, Allen remaining for a visit with his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. James F. Lock- wood and family are visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Lockwood, prior to tak- ing up residence in Windsor. Mr. Lockwood has sold his barbering business in Blyth to Clayton Ladd, Auburn. Rev. E. C. Rorke, Olean, N.Y., was with his parents and sisters far the Civic Holiday weekend, Returning to Olean on Monday he was accompanied by his sister, Mrs. Ambler, his niece, Miss Margaret Ambler and his ' par- ents, for a visit at his home there, Mrs. Stewart Vogan, and dau- ghter, Miss Valerie, who have been on an extended motor trip to Eastern Canada, en route to their home in Winnipeg, Man„ are 'spending a few days with the former's mother and aunt, Mrs, A. D. Martinson and Mrs. H. B. Combe. Dr. Thomas E. Hull, Queen's University, 'and little • daughter, Diane Elizabeth, visited with the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Cunninghame, last weekend, while Mrs. Hull and her sister, Mrs. Arthur E. Saunders, Toronto, flew to New York for the Iong weekend. ' Other weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cunninghame's were John E. Cunninghame, Owen Sound, and Mrs. Katharine John- ston and little daughter, Kip, Goderich, "RV-wr•-w�^+� CLEARING Boys' Shirts Chambray Check Cowboy Patterns Reg. to 2.35 Special 1.55 A Group BOYS' DENIM JEANS Some with Leather Trim (Not all sizes) 1.98 Aiken's Luggage and Shoes 010111111111101011000101111 110110111011 ifll II mil Till 'l II'111i ion ill I ill III IIII I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111111111111111111III1111111111111111111111111 I II I1 111;1 111111111111011 New Snack Bar Opens! Drop in and be convinced Complete Lubrication Service CAR WASHING — — — TIRE and BATTERY SERVICE Dominion Royal Tires .Prest-o-lite Batteries SUPERTEST PRODUCTS SOLE'S SERVICESTATION OPEN DAILY -8 a.m. to Midnight SUNDAY -9 a.m, to Midnight Ontario St. opposite Bank of Montreal PHONE 438-W F. E. SOLE, Proprietor 1111111111 11111111111 ! i111111IIIII11111111111111111111111111111111111IIIII11111i111111111ih111111111111111111111111III1111111111111111111illllll111111111IIi11111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111 I I I I1111111111111I 111111111111111111111111111111111111 Summer Weddings TYNDALL—JOHNSTON A, pi'•etty wedding took place at the home of the bride's par- ents, Saturday, August 4, when Mildred Pauline Johnston, daugh-• ter of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon John- ston, Goderich, was united in marriage to John Oliver Tyndall, Clinton, son of Mr. and Mas. Roy Tyndall, 'Clinton, by Rev. D., W. Williams, minister of Victoria St. United Church, Goderich. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a floor length gown of white satin, with yoke of Chantilly lace and seed pearls. The floor length veil was of white silk French net with silk embroidery and head dress of seed pearls. She carried a bouquet of Rubrum lillies and stephanotis. Miss ,Doreen Web- ster, Goderich, acted as brides- maid. She was gowned in floor length blue taffeta, with head- dress to match and carried a cas- cade bouquet of pink roses, A reception followed at Victoria United Church, where Mrs. John- ston, wearing a gown of rose- wood crepe with navy accessories and a corsage of pink carnations, assisted by the groom's , mother, gowned in powder blue lace with navy accessories, and wearing a corsage of pink carnations, receiv- ed, The tables and basement of the church were beautifully de- corated with pink and white streamers and summer Blowers. A lovely supper was served by the WA of the church to about 50 guests, For travelling to Northern On- tario, the bride chose a dress of blue nylon marquisette, with white accessories. The couple will reside in Clinton. A week prior to the wedding, a miscellaneous shower was held at the home of Mrs. J. McGratten, (grandmother of the bride) at which the bride received many beautiful gifts. HIUSSER—STIRLING St. Andrew's United Church, Bayfield, tastefully decorated with white gladioli and purple phlox was the scene of a pretty wedding on Saturday, July 28, 1951, at two o'clock when Ann Marie Stirling, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Stirling, Goderich Town- ship, became the bride of Francis JohnHiusser, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Hiusser, Seaforth, the ceremony being performed by the pastor, Rev. Peter Renner, The attractive bride entered the church on the arm of her father, who gave her in marriage, to the strains of the Wedding March from Lohengrin played by Mrs, Robert Sootchmer, Her gown was of white satin fashioned with full nylon net overskirt and import- ed lace peplum, white satin bol- ero with long lily pointed sleeves and matching lace trim on the neckline. She wore a finger tip veil and carried a bridal bouquet of pink roses. • Miss Edna Hiusser, sister of the groom, wore a gown of yellow nylon net and carried a nosegay of Talisman roses. The brides- maids, Mrs. Evelyn Beaton and Miss Margaret Stirling, sister of the bride, were similarly attired in long full gowns of pink nylon net and car -led nosegays of yel- low roses and white carnations, All three attendants wore match- ing fingertip veils and gloves. The groomsman was Bruce Freedy of Kitchener, and Donald Eaton and John W. Bell, Seaforth, were ushers, During the ceremony Mrs. E. J. Sturgeon sang two pleasing solos, "I Love You Truly" and "I'll Walk Beside You." Following the ceremony, Mrs. Leslie Stirling received the guests, numbering over forty, at The Little Inn. She wore a navy dress with beige accessories and cor- sage of pink and white cern. tions. She was assisted by the groom's mother, Mrs. F. Hiusser, who chose a green frock with which she wore beige accessories and a corsage of yellow roses. Th brides' table was centred by the wedding cake, flanked by pink tapers and floral decora- tions were carried out in pink and white. For a wedding trip to the Mus- koka District, the bride donned a powder blue dress with which she wore white and navy acces- sories and a corsage of white and pink . She threw her bridal bouquet sin the traditional manner front the stairway of The Little Inn, It was caught by the maid of honour. The groom is a graduate of Stratford Normal School and. since her graduation from Clin- ton Collegiate Institute the bride has been in the office of F. C. Kelbfleisoh .and Sons Limited, Zurich. On their return, they will reside in Seaforth. We join in congratulations and .best wish- es .to the popular young couple. • S 5 I S ...� ow -.+44 -4F4 -s-•-0-•-1•• ARGYLE—COLE A quiet wedding was solemn- ized at St. James Church, Mid- dieton, on Saturday, July 28, when Margaret Thelma Cole, daughter of Mr: and Mrs, Oliver Cole, R,R. 3, Clinton, became the bride of Samuel George Argyle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Argyle, Sir,, Goderich, Rev'. H. J. E. Webb performed the ceremony. The pride was lovely in a gown of white lace over satin, fash- ioned with a fitted bodice and full skirt ending in a slight train. Her finger tip veil was 'held in place with orange blossoms and lily of the valley, and she car- ried a bouquet of red roses. Miss Doris .Cale, Grand Bend, as her sister's* only attendant, chose a gown of yellow taffeta styled similarly to that of the bride's and she carried a bouquet of talisman' roses, GGordan. Argyle, Windsor, broth- er of the groom, was best man. After the •ceremony, a recep- tion was held at the home of the bride's parents, Goderich Town- ship, The brides' mother receiv- ed in a dress of pink flowered silk and corsage of sweet peas and the groom's mother in a figured white jersey with cor- sage of eweet peas. For motor trip to the United States the bride donned a mauve figured nylon dress with white accessories. Mr. and Mrs. Argyle will re- side in London. Prior to her marriage, Marg- aret was entertained at a shower at the home of Mrs. Harold Tyn- dall. Yvonne Hendricks read an address and the gifts were pre- sented by Janet Tyndall 'and Kathleen Rathwell, Margaret opened the gifts and thanked them all, A delightful lunch was served. Church Directory (All services Eastern Daylight Saving Time) THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA During' August the Congregation of the Ontario St. United Church will worship in the Wesley -Willis United. Church Rev, HUGH C. WILSON, Minister Mrs, M. R. Rennie, Organist Mr. M. R. Rennie, Choir Director Sunday, August 12 9.45 am,—Turner's Church 11.00 a.m,—Morning Worship "The Lost Sheep" The Seaforth Male Quartet, 12,15—Church School Come to the House of Prayer. St. Paul's Anglican Church REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader Sunday, August 12 10.00 am—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Primary Sunday School, Duet "Calm is the Night" by Karl Gotze Mr, and Mrs. Ray Gibbon Welcome to our Presbyterian 'friends, Baptist Church REV. CLAIR CLARK, B,A., Minister Mrs. W. Aikenhead, Organist Sunday, August 12 11.00 a,m.—Worship Service Mr. Frank Raithby, Auburn. 12.00 a,m.--Sunday School Pentecostal Church Matilda St., South of CNR K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor Sunday, August 12 10,00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship 7.30 pan—Gospel Service Friday, 8.00 p.m—Young People's Service, Tuesday, 8 p.m,—Bible Study and Prayer. ALL WELCOME Your Are Cordially Invited to attend GOSPEL MEETINGS in the COUNCIL CHAMBER, Clinton Town Hall EVERY SUNDAY 8 p.m. Evangelist John M. Martin, HAWKESVILLE, Speaker who }will be speaking from a arge chart on the Prophecy of Daniel. Come and hear 'what God has to say in His word concerning the end of time. 26t13b Footwear Sale August 8 to 20 Great Reduction on Summer Lines See Our Assortment at $1 per pair MANY BROKEN LINES SELLING BELOW COST Your Size May Be There Loafers, Pomps, Sandals, Ballerinas and Ties A Sale at Our Store Always Means Great Values tb the Buyer Clifford Lobb 32-p Coats - Dresses - 'Sun Dresses Blouses The complete balance of better summer merchandise is being cleared out at a sacrifice for us and at a saving to you. BE ON HAND THIS WEEKEND TO SAVE YOURSELF MONEY AT OUR EXPENSE HAMPTON SUNN1VALE DRESSES— Regular 6.50 Special this weekend 34,98 There are still a number of DRESSES on our 2,98 rack— Values to 8.50—Special 24098 CHILDREN'S SUN SUITS and SUN DRESSES WOMEN'S T-SHIRTS and HALTERS I/3 off are all being ,offered at a SPECIAL SALE OF DRESS LENGTH REMNANTS— See our Special Table of Dress Lengths— Silks - Rayons - Cottons and Spuns All reduced .... and 1/4 off Regular Prices PILLOW SLIPS.--Tex-Made, 42" fine quality; hemstitched, plain and colored borders. Values to 2.39 Special I'59 TEA TOWELS— "Coloured Cotton" and "Checked Linen Weft" Tea Towels—Values to .75, Special •39 IRWIN'S TENDERS Tenders will be received up to August 14, 1951, for painting :outside of Public Utilities Commission Building. Contact A. E. RUMBALL, Superintendent, Public Utilities Commission, Clinton L.Mr y+•... 3'2 b .MrPNIV•lfpM•pPl..y.,,..ly,I.) i °.e`°'~ •�-�-r+e-ae-sae+H-►-�-��•c-t-o•�r•s-�•+•+-oe-�+ LOOK CANADA'S FINEST "COOK" The NEW Addison Norge Automatic Electric Range 7 cooking speeds per unit 1-8" double HI -LO Burner 4 position broiler, large pan 12x14 Reversible smokeless broiler grid, Outlet surface unit, signal light, Oven size 16"x151"x20". SEE IT AT Groves Electric HURON ST. PHONE 666-1 Treats For your Table! Come in and see our display of Delicious Baked Goods Saturday Special Lemon velvet Cake } BARTLIFF BROS. Bakers and Confectioners PHONE 1 CLINTON Silverwood's Ice Cream