HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-08-02, Page 8PAGE EIGHT CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY, AUGUST ` 2, 1951 News Of Hensall Margaret Elgie, Kippen, spent the weekend with Mrs. ,Laramie and Greta. Dr. and Mrs. B. Campbell, To- ronto, are vacationing at their summer home here. Mrs, M, Brothers, Strathroy, is visiting with Mrs. Launmie and Greta. Casey Hudson, Goderich, has returned after visiting with his mother for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Love, To- ronto, spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Love. Miss Eleanor Cook, nurse -in - training at Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, visited at her home over the weekend. Miss Bernice Jinks, nurse -in - training at Victoria Hospital, London, is vacationing for three weeks at her home. Mrs. Reta Charles, who h a s been vacationing with her aunt, Mrs. Anna Walker, returned to London on Sunday. Mrs. C. Ballantyne, Mrs. P. Graham, Miss K. Scott, end Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Bellantyne and family, Detroit, are spending three weeks vacationing at Turnbull's Grove. LAC Cecil Hammond, RCAF Centralia, has been posted to Winnipeg and expects to leave with his wife and family and father about the middle of Au- gust. Mr. and Mrs. Hammond and family were living in an apartment in the home of'Mr. end Mrs. J. E. McEwan. Home From Hospital Miss Elizabeth Slavin, who has been in Clinton Public Hospital for the past number of weeks, suffering a fractured hip, has been removed to .Mrs. Hodgert's Nurs- ing Home, Exeter, Suffers Hemorrhage Mrs. C. Hoist, Zurich, while driving to her home in Zurich with her husband, suffered a cerebral hemorrhage in Hensall and was taken to the office of Dr. J. F. Milner, Exeter, who had her removed to Victoria Hiospital, London. At date of writing Mrs. Hoist was still un- conscious. Mrs. J. Drysdale, Reg. N., accompanied her to the hos- pital. Pupils of Miss Greta Laramie presented a program of piano, vikblin and guitar selections on the Kiddies Studio Party on CKNX Saturday morning, July 28. The program lasted half an hour and the numbers were well given. Program was as follows: Chorus, School Days; piano trio, The Circus Day, Doug Briritnell, Wayne end Terry Forrest; song, On Top of Old Smbk'ey, Dwayne Tinney; piano solo, Rustic Song, Gwen Spencer; recitation, Th e Neat Little Clock, Arleen Loile; piano solo, The Happy Farmer, Marylou McLelland; guitar trio, Beautiful Isle of Somewhere, the Varna trio composed of Marjory and Billy Dowson and Bobby Mc- Clymont; piano solo, The Jolly Roger, Jane Horton; song, Spar- row in the Tree -top, Eileen Mc- Lean, Carol Faber, Marlene Mc- Laughlin and Margaret Reid; piano solo, All Through the Night, Arleen Love; piano solo, March- ing Trumpets, June Munn; violin solo, Love's Odd Sweet Song, George Ross; piano solo, From Away Down South, Dwayne Tin- ney; chorus, Mockin' Bird Hill, (Intended for last week) Miss Irma Kipfer, Toronto, is vacationing at her home. Miss Edna Walsh spent the first part of the week at her home in Blyth. Mrs. H. ugly e Bolgerand daughter, r g d , London, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Love. Mrs. N. Blatchford is visiting with her niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hudson, St. Marys. Miss Audrey Walsh recently spent a week at the United Church Summer Camp near God- erich. Kathy McCloy, Toronto, is spending two weeks with her grandparents, Mr, end Mrs. Geo- rge Hess. Mr. end Mrs. J. L. McCloy, To- ronto, are vacationing for two weeks at the Hessheven cottage in. the Pinery. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Geiger and daughter, Whitby, are visiting with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Geiger. Mrs. Inez MoEwatr, Mrs. M. Moir, Mrs. Elsie Case, left Tues - da ymorning for a motor trip through Northern Ontario. J. L. Scott, Guelph, accomp- anied by his sisters, Mrs. Ballan- tyne, Mrs. Graham and Miss K. Scott, visited in Palmerston. Mrs. Grace Harpole, who has been visiting with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Jarvis Horton, returned to Lon- don. Mrs. Anna Walker and her SAVEMONEY • Marathon . z : a guar- anteed Goodyear tire with the with center -traction dia- mondIMPROVED tread ::: a tire better built for greater NEW, mileage than its prede- cessor. Gives thrift -wise buyers more for their money: It runs ::: and Runs s e r and RUNS: AND ::: there's a low - price Marathon truck tire, too! See us for Marathon and save! LOW PRICE GOODVEIUt MARATHON LEONARD COLE 6.00-16 Biot ONLY $23.20 Other sizes at equally low prieett PHONE: 463 M SHELL SERVICE Bank of Montreal Changes (P. H. HOWARTH) (JOHN FOSS), Percy H. Howarth (left). superintendent of the Bank of Montreal's Ontario district for the past five years, has been promoted to the managership of the bank's important main Toronto office to succeed Charles O. Moon, who is retiring on pension at the end of July. Mr. Howarth's successor is John Foss (right), superintendent of B of M branches in the Mont- real district since May, 1948, niece, Mrs. Rota Charles, Lon- don, spending few days this p g a Y week with relatives in Solus N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pettigrew and sons Bruce and Leonard, Lin- coln Park, Mich., were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Hess. Mrs. John Pfaff, who has been spending the past two weeks with members of her family in Lon- don, returned home on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and family have returned home after a pleasant two weeks' vacation spent at Rondeau Government Park, Lake Erie. Mr. and Mrs. Harry, Hooper, Swan River, Men., returned to their home Monday, after spend- ing a week visiting with Mr. and. Mrs. John Henderson and family. G. M. Chellew, Los Angeles, Cal., and Brian Bell -Irving, Van- couver, B.C., who have been vis- iting with -Mr. and Mrs. C. Cook, returned home on Monday of this week. LAC John Atkinson and Mrs. Atkinson deft by motor Monday morning for Amherst, N.S., to spend a month's vacation with the former's mother, travelling through the United States. The distance is 1,500 miles. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart MacClem- ants, Lynn, Mass., and grand- daughter Cathleen Reagan, Dan- vers, Mass., visited over the weekend with Mrs. C. Redden and Herb. Mrs. MacClements is a daughter-in-law of Mrs. Red- den, and Cathleen is her great- granddaughter. Hensall Library will be closed first two weeks In August, closing Saturday, August 4, and reopen- ing Saturday', August 211 All books are due August 4, At Girl Guide Camp Margaret Reid, Jean Lavender, Jean Soldan, Judy Sh!eddick, Car- ol Richardson, members of the Girl Guides, left Tuesday to spend ten days camping at Kee- waydin Camp. Congratulations! Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. George Hess ^who on July 25 celebrated their'2Stir wedding an- niversary. The event was spent at the Hesshaven cottage in the Pinery, a family dinner marking the occasion. Pupil Successful At the recent examination of O CSC` 0 •0001.0 SINN 0s1es TEMPORARY HOLIDAY SUSPENSION OF FREQUENCY CHANGEOVER OPERATIONS There will be no changeover of Hydro customers' premises from 25 to 60 cycles from August 6th to 13th inclusive. This procedure has been adopted in order to allow Hydro and Canadian • Comstock personnel engaged in frequency changeover work to enjoy a vacation during the holi- day season with a minimum of disruption to working schedules. A small office and field staff will be maintained to provide emergency service during the above period. nu NYDRO-ILICTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO PRIQUINGY STANDARDIZATION DIVISION Sister Dies in West Word has been received in Hen - sell of the death of Mrs. Grant Little, Biggar, Sask., who passed away on Saturday, July 21, for - lowing a lengthy Illness. T h e former Claire Elizabeth Petti- grew, she was born et Verney, near Durham, going West with her parents when eight years of age,. Surviving are her mother, Mrs. Pettigrew, 83, Victoria, BC.; her husband; three sons; two daugh- ters; five brothers end six' sist- ers, including Mrs. George Hess (Alma), Hensall. the Royal Conservatory of Music held ed at Stratford,Rod Ferguson u on was successful inobtaining '78 marks with honors grade II piano, Rod who recently moved with his parents to Montreal was a pupil of Miss Greta Laramie, Pass Music Exams At the recent examinations of thte Royal Conservatory of Mus- ic of Toronto, the following pup- ils of John L. Nicol, ACCO, were all successful: Sharon. Smillie, grade I piano (honors); Gwen Chapman, grade I piano (honors); Carol Brown, grade II piano (hon- ors); Margaret Smillie, grade II piano (honors); Catherine Talbot, grade II theory (1st class honors). WMS Meets Mrs. W. B. Cross was in the chair for the July meeting of the WMS held in the Schoolroom. Mrs. E. Geiger conducted the de- votional period, Mrs. Coates gave notes on Foreign Missions, Mrs. F. J. Appleby gave temperance notes, Mrs. T. C. Coates sang, ac- companied by Mrs. Appleby, Miss Consitt end Miss Ellis presented the study "Mission Work in Trinidad," illustrated with pic- tures by Miss Ellis. Many items of business were discussed. Here From Quebec At the union service in the United Church on Sunday morn- ing, July 22, Rev. W. J. Rogers introduced the guest speaker, Rev. Mr. McLeod, of Lennoxville, Que., who spoke on the Object "The Authority of Jesus," Rev. McLeod Is holidaying In Owen Sound. Adorning the communion table were beautiful floral bouquets placed by the widows and fam- ilies of the late Melvin Moir and the late Carl Passmore, in lov- ing memory of the deceased. A pleasing duet "How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds" was sung by Mrs. R. Broderick and Mrs, H. McEwen; Miss Greta Laramie accompanied at the console. The service will be held as usual next Sunday morning—Rev. Rogers ers in charge. Sunday School Picnic The annual congregational and Sunday School picnic of Hensall United Church was held at Turn - bull's Grove, with a good at- tendance. A full line of sports was enjoyed, including bathing, ball games, and other sports. A delicious supper was enjoyed. Following are prize winners: race under five, Margaret Ann Mackie, Nancy Kyle, Joyce Flynn; under eight, Steve ,Kyle, Bob Mickle; boys 12 and under, Bill Sohoeder, Jim Hyde; girls 12 and under, Connie Corbett, Patsy Jones; girls 15 end under, Ruth Soldan, .Eudora Hyde; boys 15 and under, Murney Twitchell, Murray Harburn; married men, Rev. W. J. Rogers, Jack Corbett, Laird Mickle; horse shoe game, Rev. W. J. Rogers, Joe Flynn; kick the slipper, Shirley Cole- man, wheelbarrow race, Murray Harburn and Steve Kyle; car contest, Mrs. J. Flynn's side; _seek race, Murray Harburn, Bob Mick - le; sack race, Ruth Soldan, Aud- rey Walsh; dodge ball, Dave Kyle won by four minutes. • HOLMESVILLE Miss Marie Wildfong, Exeter, spent last week es the guest of Mrs. W. H, Johnston. Miss Val- erie Day, Varna, is visiting with her this week. Family Gathering Held A family gathering was held at Mrs. Johnston's home on Sunday, prior to her departure this week for her new house in Goderich, Guests included Mr. and Mrs. James Grassick, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Marshall, Mr. Northcott, and Mr. end Mrs. Frank Wildfong and family, Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. Ad- am Johnston and Gordon, Luck - now; Mr. and Mrs.Robert Bare, Dungannon; Mrs. Mabel Cox, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. D. Moyer, and Miss Verelie Day, Varna. KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elgie, Kippen, spent the weekend at Caistorville, attending e reception Saturday for Mr. and Mrs. Mil- ford McBride, a recent bridal coupde. Mrs. McBride is the for- mer Margaret Elizabeth Upshall (Intended for last week) Wins Wrist Watch Mrs. A, E Hinton, Kippen, was winner of a wrist watch on "Who Am I" contest, Friday, July 20 for guessing right answer to the mystery prize of that week who was `Dinah Shore." Congratulations!! A happy party was enjoyed on Saturday night when Mr. and Mrs, .Oliver Pocock entertained about 40 guests in honour of their silver wedding anniversary. In- cluded were relatives and friends from Fordwieh, Hamilton, Sea - forth and Goderich Township. The party,sat down at 6.30 to a bount- eous dinner of goose and chicken, with the 'three -tiered wedding cake occupying the place of hon- our, Afterwards, a few hours wree spent palying cards before the party ended. The community joins in congratulations at this time. 0 GETS BIG ONE •GODER.ICH-Mr. W. Ross, of Vanderbilt, Mich., has been fish- ing in the !Maitland River each year for a good many seasons, dur- ing the bass >oeason. He was finally rewarded by catching a big one, Bill caught a 32/4-1b. 191/2 -inch bass which Is consid- ered a good ,size to be caught at Goderich. 0 Commercially speaking, t h e Douglas fir is more valuable than any other tree. DR/1V/C rr i 1V� ICE COLD 7' Clinton Monument Shop Open Every Friday and by appointment For further information contact J. J. Zapfe, corner Gibbings St. and Rattenbury St. E., PHONE 103 Memorials and Cemetery Work of Every Description T. PRYDE and SON Clinton — Exeter — Seaforth Huron & Erie Debentures "A Time -Tested Trustee Investment" 2Z year emu } • Interest payable Half -yearly. • $100 or more accepted, , • Comparable rates for shorter tennis, HiXron & Eri HORT GAGEISAR F DRAT Elay District Representative—H. C -Lawson, Clinton, Ontario The Huron & Erie Mortgage Corporation, London, Ontario GOVERNMENT OF CANAbA If you are 70 this year apply NOW for your OLD AGE PENSION All men and women who will be 70 or over on January 1, 1952, and who are not at present receiving old age pensions, should apply now for pensions payable by the Govern- ment of Canada under the Old Age Security Act, 1951.., If you are already receiving an old age pension, do NOT apply. Your name and address will be taken from present old age pension lists, and you will receive your pension at the end of January. 1952, without further action on your part. It you are not receiving an old age pension, you should apply now. Do not delay. How to apply. An application form is wait- ing for you at your nearest post office. If you can't come yourself, send someone for it. Fill it in at home and mail it as soon as possible. To avoid delay in receiving your pension, apply now! Issued by the authority of Hon. Paul Martin. Minister of •National Health and Welfare. OTTAWA, CANADA