HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-08-02, Page 4PAGE FOUR CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1951 PERSONA Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Foster and Emily are vacationing in Mus - Ace. Mr. and Mrs. William Hook, erndale, Mich., called on the ;isses Davis last Friday. Rev. and Mns, H. 0. Wilson ;turned this week after a .anth's vacation at Tobermory. Miss A. J. Pickett, Detroit, has sen visiting with relatives' and lends for the past two 'weeks. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Jesson, Sivas- vrd, spent the weekend es guests ' LAC and Mrs. Lionel Gunn, lbert St.• Mr. and Mrs. George Camp sll and daughter Dianne, are rending the week with relatives, v ; Kirkland Lake. Robert M. Elliott leaves Friday i spend two weeks at Ontario thletic Commission Training amp near Washago. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas McKim, ryden, visited with the former's LS l grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. 0 1W. Potter, last week. Dr. and Mrs. Harvey Potter, Brooklyn, N.Y., visited last week with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. 0. W. Potter. Rev. and Mrs. R. M. P. Bulteel � M hove returned to town after spending a vacation at Iron Springs, Lake Huron. 1 Di'. and Mrs. D. B. Palmer had as their guests this week the let - i ter's parents, Dr. and Mrs. R. E, Dinniwell, Bowmanville. Mr. end Mrs. Perry M. Brown and two Children, Susan and Sharon, are spending :a vacation at Port Ryerse, Lake Erie. Mr: and Mrs. Jack Stein and I children, Dianne and Carol, Lon- don, were weekend guests •of Md.. and Mrs. Donald W. Palmer, 1 W. H. Davis, Toronto, is re - having Sub -Collector of Customs !at Clinton during the absence on vacation of M. J. Schoenhals. Residents of ,Clinton and district help- ed us celebrate the adoption of our new name last Sunday, so we have decided to offer again, a SPECIAL CHICKEN DINNER Sunday, Aug. 5 from 11.30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Full Course Chicken Dinner .... $1.00 Chicken Leg and Chips .75 Beverage Extra .Commercial Hotel (Formerly Clinton Grill) Ceriel Van Demme, Proprietor • VICTORIA ST. PHONE 297 BEFORE YOU BUY MeClary!SEE THE MODEL No. 24-150 STANDARD This standard model, specially designed to fit in limited, space, is extremely popular and is particularly suitable far the modern Kitchen unit. It is equipped with 1 large and 3 standard McClary Tubular Elements, Oven 16"x20"x124,u", porcelain enameled Broiler Pan with smokeless Grid, Stor- age Drawer, automatic Oven Heat Control, balanced Oven Door, five heat switches with Pilot Light, Appliance Outlet, one-piece Top and Backguard, gleaming white Titanium por- celain enameled finish. Floor space 22" wide by 231/2" deep. Complete with Minute Minder $285.50 PRODUCT OF GENERAL STEEL WARES LIMITED FOR OVER 100 YEARS .. , Pioneers and Leaders IN STYLE, ECONOMY AND DEPENDABILITY ALL & MUTCH D. G. BALL W. J. MUTCH Phone 361-W Phone 361-J Hardware and Furniture Funeral Directors PHONE 195 — CLINTON Engagements Announced Mr. and Mrs. "George Castle, Goderich, wish to announce the engagement of their younger daughter, Aileen Winnifred, to William Stalker Craig, son of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Craig, of Auburn; the marriage to take place in St. Andrew's United 'Church, Bayfield, at 2.30 pm., August 18th, 31-p 0 False Alarm Fire sirens and whistles blew loudly and for some time at RCAF Station, Clinton, about nine o'- clock last evening, but it proved a false alarm in the Adastrai Park area Mrs. Jack Foster, .Mona Vale, Australia, is visiting this week with 'her cousin, Mrs. Harry Weymouth and Mr. Waymouth. Miss Eizabeth Brickenden is in London on an extended visit at the home of her nephew and niece Mr. and Mrs, Frank Dale, Mr, and Mrs. Donald J. Smith and children, Susan and Const once, are spending the week in a cottage sit Drysdale, • Lake Huron, D. John Wilson, Shallow Lake, returned Tuesday morning after spending the weekend with gis parents, Mr. and Mrs.•David Wil- son, Ontario St. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Brown and Master Steven and Mrs. William Ross attended the Arthur Dale Family Reunion picnic at Spring - bank, Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McMurray, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. George Dufresne, Ferndale, Mich„ spent the past week at Cameo Beach, Fenelon Falls. Mrs. Benson Sutter end Miss Shirley Sutter went to Wilcox Lake, Tuesday. Mrs. R, P. Bob- bins and son Ronnie returned with them for a few days' visit. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Hunt, Marny and Garry, Ottawa, John and Marry Motyer, Toronto, were spending their holidays with Mrs. W. Jackson and Mrs. M. Mac- Kinnon. Recent visitors with Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Evans were Mr. end Mrs. William Helm and family, Lucknow, Miss Carol Evans, Stratford, F. O. McInnes, Strat- ford, and George Evans, Toronto. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Farquhar and Mrs. Margaret Johnston, were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Young, De- troit; Randall Marriott and Marj- ory, end Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Cook, Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Larsen, Harry W. Ambler and Hugh R. Ambler, Pontiac, Mich,, spent the weekend with Mrs. Ambler and Miss Margaret and Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Rorke at the lattens' lake- side summer home. Peter Cook, Brandon, Man.and formerly of Goderich Town,ship, has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Cantelon and other former friends. He left Monday last to take a boat trip to Ireland, the land of his birth. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Symons and 'daughter Shirley and Ken Symons, Port Hope, and Miss Phyllis Parker, Norwood, were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Symons. Mrs. Sym- ons remained for an extended visit. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Plumsteel and Miss Eleanor Plumsteel, ac- companied by Mrs. Plusnsteel's brother, S. B. Hill, Edmonton, Alta:, left yesterday for a vaca- tion visit with Rev. and Mrs. H. J. Snell, near Burk's Falls, Parry Sound District. Mrs. E. J. Mattews (nee Ruth E. Dale) and Miss Catherine, San Francisco, California, have re- turned home after spending two weeks vacation visiting the for- mer's father, Arthur Dale and aunt, Miss E. Brickenden, and other members of the faintly and friends. Murray Dale, Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Dale, Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dale and Master Ian, Miss Edith Dale, London, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Dale, Miss Jean Dale, Clinton, Mrs. Murdock, Glasgow, Scotland, attended the Arthur Dale Family Reunion picnic held at Springbank, Friday last. Mr, and Mrs. M. T. Corless spent the weekend among rela- tives and friends in Burgessville and Norwich. They attended spec- ial services Sunday in Beacons- field Church which celebrated the '75th anniversary. This church is situated near Mr. Corless' boyhood home and where he first attended Sunday School and church. Mrs. W. Hutson, Miss Willa Hutson, Detroit, Mich., were weekend visitors with Mrs. H. W. Ambler and Mrs. H. E. Rorke at the Rorke summer home. Miss Hutson is organist at Grace Epis- copal. Church, Pontiac, where Mr. and Mrs. Larsen and Mr. and Mrs. Ambler are choir members. They all attended the Sunday morning service July 29, at St. George'§ Anglican Church, Gode- rich. 111111111 I1111E11 Il i 11111111111111 H I IIIHHHIHHHHHHHIHHIII HI1111111111111111111111 iIH1 uIIIiIIHiIII01111IIIUIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIHIIIHHIIIIUIIIIIIIHI HIIIIiIIIIII 11111111111111111111111 •iI 1111111111A1 1111 S -E -R -V -I -C -E at its Best! DAILY -8 a.m. to Midnight SUNDAY -9 a.m. to Midnight Complete Lubrication Service AR WASHING — — — — TIRE and BATTERY SERVICE Dominion Royal Tires Prest-o-lite Batteries SUPERTEST PRODUCTS. 1 OLE'S SERVICE STATION F. E. SOLE, Proprietor Ontario St. opposite Bank of Montreal PHONE 438-W IIIIH I IHIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111IIIIII111111II1111111111IIIIII1111111111111H111111Il1111111IIII Oil Hula E1111IIIII IIIIHIIIII IIIIIHIIHHIIIH I 11111101111111 111111 HEARD—BRANDON A beautiful lawn wedding took' place on Saturday afternoon, July 28', 1951, at, three o'clock when Juen Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Harold N. Brandon and the late Mrs. Brandon became the bride of Gordon E. Heard, elder son of Mr. and Mrs, Emerson Heard, Bayfield. The lovely bride Who was giv- en in marriage by her father, and her' attendants pooeeded from the side entrance and took her place beside the bridegroom be- neath an arch of evergreen ar- tistically entwined with pink and red Dorothy Perkins roses and flanked by baskets of gladioli and summer flowers, in front of the family residence. The double ring ceremony was performed by Rev. Gordon A. Peddle, Knollwood Presbyterian Church, London, who stood on the lower step of the verandah bank- ed with flowers. The bride's ' dress was floor - length, fashioned with a white ny- Ion marquisette skirt over satin, White lace bodice with round neckline and puff sleeves. Her finger-tip veil was held with a lace halo and she carried a cas- cade bouquet of American Beauty roses, Miss Audrey Brandon, in yellow taffeta, was her sister's maid of honour, and her two younger sisters, Barbara in geen and Shir- ley in mauve taffeta were brides- maids. All three gowns were de- signed alike with full three -tier- ed long skirts, bodice with round neckline and brief cap sleeves. They wore matching halo head- dresses and carried arm bouquets of Shasta Daisies and Ivy leaves. George Heard was his brother's best man. Mrs. Jack Barron, London, played traditional wedding mus- ic and Mrs. pecil Kipfer, Hen - sail, sang "I Love You Truly" and "Through the Years," during the ceremony. For the reception which fol- lowed at The New Ritz Hotel, Mrs. R. Blair, grandmother of the bride, wore a grey flowered frock with matching accessories and corsage of pink end white carna- tion and fern; and Mrs. E. Heard wore a navy petit point dress with matching accessories and corsage of pink and white car- nations and fern. The bride's two brothers, Kenneth and Glenn, ushered the guests numibering 70, to their places for the wedding feast. The bride's table was centered with the wedding cake flanked by yellow tapers in silver hold- ers and floral decorations were carried out with sweet peas. Out-of-town guests were pres- ent from St. Thomas, London, Kitchener end Waterloo. The young couple left later 'amid showers of confetti and good wishes on a wedding trip to Northern Ontario and Michi- gan. For travelling the bride wore a brown pie and plc suit, yellow .blouse end hat, brown ac- cessories and a corsage of white carnations and yellow gladiolus. On their return they will reside in London, The bride who has been on the teaching staff of the London Public Schools for two years, formerly taught in Hensell for five years and at 'S. S. No. 5, Stanley, for two years. Her hus- band, who served Over,Seas with the Canadian Armed Forces, is with the Ontario Department of Highways. We join with their many friends in congratulations and best wishes. Church Directory (All services Eastern Daylight Saving Time) THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA During August the Congregation of the Ontario St. United Church will worship in the Wesley -Willis United. Church Rev. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister Mrs, M. R. Rennie, Organist Mr. M. R. Rennie, Choir Director Sunday, August 5 9.45 am.—Turner's Church 51,00 a.m.—Morning Worship The Claims of Religion 12.15—Church School Come, to the House of Prayer. St. Paul's Anglican Church REV, R. M. P, BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader Sunday, August 5 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Primary Sunday School. Welcome to our Presbyterian friends. Baptist Church REV. CLAIR CLARK, BA., Minister Mrs. W. Aikenhead, Organist Sunday, August 5 11.00 a,m.—Worship Service Mr. George Raithby, Auburn. 12,00 a.m.—Sunday School Pentecostal Church Matilda St, South of CNR K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor Sunday, August 5 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 am,—Morning Worship 7.30 p.m.—Gospel Service Friday, 8.00 p.m. Young People's Service. Tuesday, 8 p.m.—Bible Study and Prayer. ALL WELCOME Your Are Cordially Invited to attend GOSPEL MEETINGS in the COUNCIL CHAMBER, Clinton Town Hall EVERY SUNDAY 8 p.m. Evangelist John M. Martin, HAWKESVILLE, Speaker who Will be speaking from a large chart on the Prophecy of Daniel. Come and hear what God has to say in His word concerning the end of time, 26tfb ��e-►•rte+-.-�w+o.�-. SPECIALS FOR AUGUST 2 - 3 - 4 IGA DELUXE COFFEE—i lb. tin 1.08 DEL MAIZ CREAM CORN -15 oz. tin 2 for 29c AYLMER CHOICE PEACHES, HALVES -20 oz. tin, 25c EAGLE BRAND CONDENSED MILK tin 24c WESTON'S CARMEL RUFFLES Ib. 43c AUSTRALIAN PINEAPPLE TID-BITS-20 oztin, 31c POST'S SUGAR CRISPS 2 pkgs. 35c MONARCH MARGARINE 1 lb. 37c OLD SOUTH JUICE, Orange, Blended, and Grapefruit -48 oz. tin 29c TOMATOES—No. 1 3 lbs. 25c CUCUMBERS—No. 1 4 for 25c SUNKIST ORANGES—size 220's doz. 39c Thompson's Food Market Phone 40 We Deliver LOOK CANADA'S FINEST "COOK" The NEW Addison Norge Automatic Electric Range 7 cooking speeds per unit 1-8" double HI -LO Burner 4 position broiler, large pan 12x14 Reversible smokeless broiler grid, Outlet surface unit„ signal light, Oven size 16"x151/2"x20". See it at GROVES ELECTRIC SPECIALS 1 Gasoline. Beatty Washer I Electric Washer $75.00 1000 1 Hand Washer, steel tub 15.00 Groves Electric 'HURON ST. PHONE 6881 i Mid Summer Sale Continues Dresses Dresses Dresses They arc going: And going last. They are bound to at these low prices. There is something here for you—and at a price you can't afford to miss. ---0 All Dresses and Sun Dresses One -Third Off SPECIAL - A rack of Dresses - values to6.50— NOW 2.98 BL p� OUSES A. real selection -- values to 4.50 - Now Only ,2.29 0 Children's Sun Suits — Sun Dresses All One -Third Off O Women's T -Shirts — regular 1.89 Special 1.35 BATHING SUITS ----Children's and Women's — All 20% off. Children's Sun Hats reduced 20% WOMEN'S COATS — A choice selection Now HALF Price DRESS LENGTH REMNANTS A full table of various dress lengths. Suitable for Women and Children. Lengths up to 5 yards. All prices. COME IN TODAY 0 IRWIN'S EXAMINATION RESULTS of the 1 Goderich Business College iSchools Association and we are pleased to report that a have been received recently from the Canadian Business t large pereentage of the students were successful, The As- sociation examining body sets all final papers and marks them for members schools across Canada, t Graduates have obtained positions in Goderich vicinity and in various cities. However, enquiries at the school for office workers greatly exceeded the number of Graduates. Students wishing to enroll for the Fall Term, please I call 1272 and make reservation on or before August 25. Bus t service has been arranged at a cost to the student of $5 per month. 31-b wy+r Work Shirts for the warm weather • Checks or Plain from 1.90 • Sanforized Coverts or Chambrays from • 2.50 WORK PANTS • Denim or Cottonade from 3.65 AIKEN'S LUGGAGE and SHOES Phone 2 A Soda! A Cone! A Sundae! No matter how family loves ice it comes, everyone in your cream. It's delicious! It's cooling! BEST OF ALL, IT'S SILVERWOOD'S! During the heat, take home Ice Cream this Civic Holiday weekend BARTLIFF BROS. Bakers and Confectioners PHONE 1 CLINTON Silverwood's. Ice Cream