HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-07-26, Page 7DAY, JULY 26, 1951 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE SEVEN CAF Stalion and Adastral Park NewsEditor: P/O C. H. LOCHiiGAD No. Station PRO 38 - r Phone 382 Local 69 ighteen to Graduate n RO 23 Tomorrow (By F/O T. J. Bangs) CAP Station, Clinton, will be scene of another graduation emlony on Friday, July 27, at tn., when 18 Radio Officers of rse No. 23 will be graduated ci 1 Air Radio Officers School. ersonnel of the Station will be sed to welcome aback the re - wing Officer, G/C E. S. Carp- er, APC, Senior Air Staff Of• - r, Training Command Head- tens, Trenton, who officiated the graduation ceremony of io Officer Course No. 20 in ruery last, and who is expect - to be present in the same city tomorrow. /V Carpenter has had a dis- guied service career. Born Toronto, he attended primary ools these. He was graduat- from Royal Military College Kingston in September 1936 was commissioned a 2nd tenant in the Royal Caned - Horse Artillery. In July 1937, enlisted in the RCAF, grad - ting as a pilot in May 1938. oe then G/C Carpenter served h distinction on Coastal Corn- ed . Squadrons on both coasts, which he was awarded the r Force Cross in 1943. He was aged in Atlantic Ferry duties in Bermuda to England; serv- in various staff ,officer capac- s ah AFHQ and was a member the Canadian Air Laison Mis- n to South East Asia in 1944. rim to his present post, G/C spencer was Senior Personnel f Officer at Northwest Air mmand Headquarters, Edmon- Alta. Newfoundlander First assing first in his class with t and who has the distinc- n of being the honour graduate F/C J. F. Powers, St. John's, eundland. F/C Power was employed in the Communications Branch of the Department of Transport at Gander, Nfld., before joining the RCAF in 1950. Second in class standing is F/C D. Haire of Toronto and third i5. F/C G. McDonald, Toronto and Barrie, both achieving a pass with credit, • Other graduates are: F/C E. F. Muir, Sudbury; F/C R. J. La- mont, Montreal; F/C' C, F. a. Grist, Vancouver; F/C J. L. Car- ruthers, New Glasgow, NS.; F/L J. P. Foltz, Kingsville, Ont.; F/C W. Maynard, Nowerrscove, NYId; F/C C. M. Williams, Lialgary,; F/C K. R. Weaver, Milton, N.S.; F/C T. J. Lindberg, Coronation, Alta.; F/C J. L. Merrifield, Ot- tawa; F/C E. L. Gilbert, North Port, N.S.; F/C E. L. McPherson, Calgary, Alta.; P/C: N. H. Robin- son, Regina, Sask.; F/C K. G. Walsh, Montreal; and F/C H. A. Murray, Campbellton, •N,B, Following the wings parade, a reception for G/C Carpenter and the graduating class will be held in the Officers' Mess. All friends and guests of the graduating class are invited to attend. Mrs. R. RobitailIe Wins $25 Jackpot (By Sgt. F. W. Barkley) The semi-monthly bingo was held July 16 at Roundel Terrace, RCAF Station, Clinton. Many people from (Clinton and the sur- rounding district were in at- tendance. Numerous cash prizes were wont and Mrs. R. Robitailie, 30 Quebec Road, Adastral Park, won the $25 jackpot. Due to the popularity, these Bingos have attained, it has been decided to carry them on through the summer months. The next bingo will take place at Roundel Terrace, 8.30 p.m., Monday, July 30. S/L MUSSELMAN. RETURNS I-I1RE FOR A PERIOD (By P/O C. N. Lochhead) We wish ,'t welcome back to the RCAF and No. 1 R & C$, S/L A. L. M•usselmlan, Elmira, who spent several weeks at this sohool in 1941-42. S/L Musselman has an impressive wartime re- cord. He enlisted in. the RCAF in April 1941 and served initially as a Radar Officer 'Evirth Coastal Command. In July 1942 S/L, Musselman assumed a responsible position with RAF Bomber Command Headquarters In England. Radar development was so rapid during the war years that the task of keeping operational personnel. fully .. trained on all the latest airborne equipment became dif- ficult. This responsibility rested with S/L Musselman. Officers and Senior NCO's who had been trained in the funda- mentals of radar received their advanced training under S/L Musselman and his staff on all the newest airborne radar equip- ment as soon as it was released from the Telecommunications Research establishments, The ef- ficient manner in which this training was accomplished is borne out by the fact that S/tL Mu'sselmlan was twice mentioned in despatches. • Atter his release from the RCAF, S/L Mussehnan was ac- tive in the Canadian Veterans' Training programme in Fort William. In September, 1947, he became head of the mathemaltics, and science department of the Fort William :High School. S/L Musselman recently has been re -appointed in the RCAF and is with us for a period of familiarization .in the technical and administrative functions of our present Communications sec- tion prior to 'the anticipated post- ing of F/L N. S. Greig. All -Canadian talent comprised of forty-eight dancers and forty. singers will perform at the 1951 Canadian National Exhibition Grandstand extravaganza, starring Jimmy Durante, AROS TAKES PART IN AIR" DEFENCE "DO" (By F/O T. J. Bangs) Three Dakota aircraft from No. AROS Detachment, Centralia, participated in the Air Defence Command exercise in the, Mont- real area last weekend. Air Defence Command Head- quarters, which, is• located at St. Hubert, PQ, was testing the ground -controlled interception or- ganization for the air defence of the vital Montreal area. All re- ports indicate the operation was successful. In all, thirteen{ persairne7 from No. 1 ABIOS at 'Clinton accomp- anied the aircraft including F/0 R. R. O. 3, Carey, P/0 ,T. Crawford and •P/O H. J. Tarnowski, who handled the communications on. their respective aircraft. SCOUT CHARTER IS PRESENTED TO W/C MILLER The First RCAF Station Olin- ton Cub Pack, under the leader- ship of Cub Master LAC Bishop, assembled on the parade square in front of, AROS, on Tuesday at 7 p.m., to present to W/C R. F. Miller, AFC, commanding of- ficer, the Scout Charter, which has been recently received from the Boy Scout Association. Upon the arrival of the Com- manding Officer, the Cubs, led by Cub Master Bishop and Cub Randall as colour bearer, did a impressive march past with W/C Miller taking the salute. F/L J. IT. Lynch briefly outlined the purpose of the ceremony and called upon Cub Dennis Westwell to present the Charter to the Commanding Officer. The Com- manding Officer thanked the Cubs and gave them a few well chosen words of advice on the many benefits to be derived from Scouting. The ceremony concluded by Cub Master Bishop having • the Cubs form a circle and give the Commanding Officer the familiar Cull cry. BUILT F T E TO�1ST JOBS Here. and, There °, ADASTRAL PARK (By Sgt. .4. D. Miller Electronics) I WELL HOW DO YOU DO? One again (through no fault of th newspaper) here I am with news and views, mostly my own of course . . I had a very pleasant vacation and on a day like this I With I was still on it (only somewhere else of course) . , I seem to be here in spirit but, be- lieve me, my heart is somewhere around London, or maybe it's my body I haven't settled down yet to find out. By sitting here and looking out my favorite win- dow I can see many changes a- round "Ye Oldie Camp" , , . Marry faces have changed; some have graduated; mast of the instructora are burning grey; an of the stud- ents are still shaking, and some of for)the boys have found enough am- bition to march up and down the Parade Square with rifles over their shoulders . . (I won- der what that S,P. stands there 0' * :e THE NISSEN HUTS are well on the road to completion and the interior of a few have been paint- ed that beautiful Air Force green (That's a new color in the RCAF, never saw it before) . . The landscaping has been completed around the married quarters so now we have a pretty fair idea of where all the lawn mowers are gradually disappearing to ... * 0' ,< THE THREE NEW MESSES are under construction; I should know —I tripped over the foundation of one of them last night . . The air, or should I say atmosphere, is •blue around the vicinity of PMQ . . . The hydro people are very busy making the long an- ticipated and talked about con- version to 60 -cycle and for the first time some of the refrigerat- ors are getting a defrosting .. Little red trucks keep buzzing up and down and the drivers are losing their records; they haven't hit one person as yet . . (Ex- cept me of course—and what dif- ference does that make?) , , . Congratulations, boys! , , * * *. THE LAWNS are a lovely green and are being well cared for within, the Compound . . Build- ings 22, 23, 24 have new hanging signs of a various designs . For those who can't read, just ask the nearest airman and he will tell you what building is where (but make sure he wasn't going. to ask you the same question)" . Their white picket fences certainly make a marked im- provement over the dandelions that once marked the sidewalk (now we have something else to keep 'clean) I AM TOLD that the PMQ have a paper drive every Monday night and that so far it hes been going over very well . All of you kind people who live up That -a- way, put your papers out, neatly tied, every Monday and the com- mittee will make sure they are removed post-haste , , , * * * THAT'S JUST ABOUT IT for this time but I'll be back again I still want to ask you to submit any, material you may have (printable) and to get It to me before next Monday . Well I'll run -along and try to find my Pidgeon and feed it . , , Bye • e f social and Personal MADJIATTERS RETURN (By F/C E. C. Papas) By popular request after their sensational visit to the Station, the Madhatters return for your pleasure on Friday evening, Au- gust 17. The Madhatters are de- finitely Canada's greatest novelty and dance Band featuring Ben Silverton, Frank Palmer, Pady Sprat and Penny Stevens, a group of recta artists. More news of this in next week's edition. l% 0 Skinny men, women gain 5,10,15 lbs. Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor What o thrill! Bony limbs On out; ugly hollows NI apt beak so tooter scrawny; bOdy loses bell - starved, sickly 'beau -polo' loot,, Thousands of i01aelealoggigI0.re now p oud otpy, Otter before. They thank Ohc 005101 vleoe-bulldlog, nein-kuudmg tonic. Ogren. its tonics, stimulants Invigorators. Iron, vitamin Bt, calcium, enrich sblood, improve appetite and nourrtohm nn t pit (tendon taro bones Don't fear getting too fat, Stop when you've gained the a, Is. ii or it Ii,, you need for normal weight. Costs little, Nero "get gent/diked. alta only 110a.• Try famous Oatret Tonle Tablets for now Vigor and 00,111,1 eonnds, this very day. At all ,irugglats. They're Canada's overwhelming favourite for every kind of operation and why nor .. NEW SAFETY — with the new twin -action self -energizing hydraulic brakes. NEW COMFORT — with the new No -Draft Ventipanesaplus improved driver seat con- struction with "tilt -back" action. NEW ECONOMY—Chevrolet's famous valve -in -head engines that breathe more • easily through improved carburetion, maul - folding and exhaust system. They're the smartest looking trucks on the road — feature for feature you can't beat the leader — Chevrolet Trucks, CT -5510 A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Mrs. J. Catton, Toronto Blvd., is visiting her parents in Mont- real. Mrs. Woodbury, mother of Mrs. Jackson, is visiting F/S and Mrs. Gordon Jackson, Toronto Blvd. S/L George Bury, Mrs. Bury and., family have returned from leave spent at Newport, N,H., USA. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Keith, Hamilton, paid a brief visit to F/L and Mrs. J. H. Lynch, Hali- fax Rd. F/O A. Sturgess, Mrs. Sturgess and family, Winnipeg Rd., spent the weekend visiting friends in Camp Borden, Miss Shirley. Lynch, Guelph, niece of F/S Aubrey Haines, is visiting with F/S and MTS, Haines, Quebec Rd. 5/L and Mrs. V. D. Munro paid a brief visit to Ottawa to locate living accommodation prior to S/L ltunro's reporting to AFHQ. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Osborne, To- ronto, spent the weekend with their son and daughter-in-law, F/O D. 'C. Osborne, and Mrs. Osborn, S/L W. 3, Bracken, Mrs. Brac- ken and family, Victoria Blvd,, have returned from leave spent in Summerside, PEI. Miss Jean Nicholson, sister of Mrs. Bracken; returned with them for a visit. RCAF Sergeant Wins - Centralia Mayoralty An RCAF sergeant defeated three commissioned officers in municipal elections at RCAF Sta- tion, Centralia, to become the first "mayor" of a growing, but still unnamed Air Force town. Sot, J, B, Roy, running an a ticket of civic improvement in the air force subdivision, polled 140 votes to win the first magist- rate's chair by a wide margin. Mayor Roy and his council will run civic 'affairs of this modern community which soon will be given a permanent name. Because it is on an air force station, the town never will be incorporated, but will operate as close to gen- eral municipal regulations as pos- sible. The hither mayoralty candidates were F/L Harry Pickard who re- ceived 94 votes; Al Paxton, 68 votes, and Jim Wicken, 27 votes, Mayor Roy will halve a council, of seven assisting him in: admin- istering civil matters not directly effecting the military function of the station. Candidates who ran second will be stand-in council, lors in case incumbents are post- ed. The council is 'composed of; Ward One, Sgt. Donald O'Hearne, With Cpl. William iClussons run- tier-up; unher-up; Ward Two, • F/S Fred Prudence (Sgt. William Peck- ham) Ward Three, F/O Bab Wlggett (F/L Jim McGibbon); Ward Four, Cpl. P. E. Warren- tin Cpl, J. T. Miller); Ward Five, Cpl. H. Austin (LAC R. J. Sasso) ; Ward Six, H E. Bowen (Cpl. Clifford Maitland); Ward Seven, vacant; Ward Eight, Cpl, R. H, Cooper (Cpl, A. C. Jahn- ston). Clinton Monument Shop Open Every Friday and by appointment For further information contact J. J. Zapfe, corner Gibbings St. and Rattenbury St. E., PHONE 103 Memorials and Cemetery Work of Every Description T. PRYDE and SON Clinton -- Exeter — Seaforth i 'Ws IP. How 'is it last year's hats are always out of style? Scott— Six-Month-Old Son of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Macaulay Clinton Our Clinton Studio is now open WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS All Day (Or by Appointment) Telephone use'— 401 Clinton or Goderich (Collect) MacLaren's Studio Goderich and Clinton Delicious with food LORNE BROWN .MOTORS LIMITED BEST. FOR ANY RUN IN Bottle Carton including Fedora) Saks and Encina Tiaoi P/a,, deposit 2¢ per botte Authorized 11 filer of Coos -Cots under central Wail Ouu.iwOC tial. STRATFORD BOTTLING CO. 658 Erie St.," Stratford, Ont., Phone: 78 "Cake" is a registered trade -)nark