HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-07-26, Page 5ESDAY, JULY 23, 1951 CLINTON NEVS-RECORD PAGE FIVE eves -Record Classified Ad ets -Bring Quick Results SR RATE—(H paid by Wed- day following date of Meer- n)—One cent a word first in- ion (minimum 35 cents); sub- uent insertions one cent a word imimum 25 cents); 15 cents ex - for box number or for ddree- to NEWS -RECORD Office. CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE -6 p.m. Wednesday. ACCOMMODATION WANTED O OR THREE ROOMS, pre- bly furnished, for two ladies. one 98. • 30-p USE OR FOUR- OR FIVE- med self-contained apartment Clinton. Phone between five six o'cock. Goderich 384-R act, 30-b LF -CONTAINED Four -roomed rtmen:t • wanted • in exchange five -roomed house in Clinton, Force preferred, Phone 773W. 29-30-p ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT TTER'S BEACH--Pour-'room- cottage, spring -filled mattres- screened porch, hydro. Mrs. rrance Hunter, R.R. 3, Gode- h. Phone Dungannon 19r6. 30-1-2-b TTAGE FOR RENT "Elliott's eve", lest two weeks August. nr time in September. Apply W. Hanna, Belgrave. Phone nghem 622w3 or Brussels 14r9. 30-b YFIELD—Housekeeping cab - on the lake. Everything fur - ed. New spring mattresses. o, good Beach, lots of shade. couple weekly. Dining room. Re G. Hazelwood, R. R. 1. yfield. 26-35-b YFIELD — LOVELY SHADY three bedroom housekeep- cottages, for rent by week month, good beach, hydro, d water, inside toilets, and ing-filled mattresses. Write non's Deer Lodge, Hayfield.. one Clinton 909r42 between end ten a.m, • 30-1-b UTOMOBILES FOR SALE 8 CHEVROLET, four -door, es in fair condition, good mot - James N. Aikenhead, Bruce - 1d. Phone Hensall 686r4. 30-p ILDING LOTS FOR SALE E YOU THINKING of build - e home. A number of fine for sale. Leonard G. Winter, al Estate, phones; business , residence 599J. 7-btfb BUILDING SUPPLIES SCAN CEMENT for sale. one Harold Emerson, phone 30-b FARMS FOR SALE GM 50 TO 117 ACRE FARMS. dential information. Leon - G. Winter, Real Estate, nes: business 448, residence J. 5-btfb ACRES—Ten acres bush. Good Idings. Land in good state of ivation. Drilled well. Sit- ed 12th Mullett. Lot west half 29. Apply Murdie Young. ne Blyth 20r6, 30-1-p SS FARM, 100 ACRES, lot concession 5, Hulletit. Thomas bert, R.R. 1, Clinton, phone nton 801r21, or James Phelan, 2, Blyth, phone Blyth 31r9. 13-15-ptbf RM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE -FOOT INTERNATIONAL me with pickup. Gladwin stieke. Phone Hayfield 60r12. 30-31-b WEB BINDER, McCormick - ring, ten -foot cut. Perfect dition, Hugh Ball, phone ton 617r12. 30-p E I.H.C. CORN HARVESTER, only one year; one A.C. del "B" tractor, recently over - led. George Beatty, Varna. '29-3o.b B CARLSON POWER DRIVE worts ground drive mowers binders into practical power - .e -off driven machines alt small . Mailable for ell makes of dens and Deering and John ere mowers. Sold by Robert Cole, phone Clinton "906r24. '27-8.:9-b FRUIT FOR SALE TRAM RASPBERRIES. Mrs, oyd Scotchuner, phone Bayfield 30-b FURNITURE FOR'SALE F -BOX IN GOOD condition.' n be seen at Mel Crich's home. Lone 693-j. - '30-p )NITOR WASHER, slightly us- , good condition. Half price. >rrill Radio and Electric. 30-b 'ECIAL White, 'black trim then set. China cabinet, real ad couch, small mahogany de. Bent Langford, second- nd shop. 30-p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE - PIGS, SIX WEEKS OLD, Roy Melon, phone 620f21. '30-x NE PIGS, SIX WEEKS 013). nn Hoggart, phone 805r22. 30-p ;N LITTLE PIGS, ready to pan. Jack McGiiire, phone 1r5. 3a b LITTLE PIGS, SIX ' WEEKS I Calf suitable for raising. me Tyndall, phone 9041'4. '30-p lEEFORD BULL FOR 'SALE. ruld take young stook In ex- rnge. W. H. Middleton, B'S.. 3, ,Mon, phone 906r15. 24-bdfib WANTED RUBBER TIRED BUGGY in nIncondition wanted. Apply to rt Murphy, R. R. '5, Clinton. one 620r22, 30.p HOUSES FOR SALE SEVEN -ROOMED BRICK dwel- ling, bathroom, full basement, stoker, two lets with good barn. Leonard G. Winter; real estate, phones: business 448, residence 599J. 2 4-+bitfib SIX -ROOMED FRAME HOUSE and • barn, lots 211 and 212 in Hensall. Apply Albert Walff, Box 666, Goderich. 2-btfb BRICK HOUSE, furnished, for sale or rent in Bayfield; three- piece bath, Possession August 1. Phone Bayfield 53r2. 29btdb SIX -ROOMED COTTAGE, one- piece bathroom, sunporch, gar- age, instil brick siding. Reason- able price. Leonard G. Winter, Real Estate, phones; business 448, residence 599J. 21-btfb ASPHALT SIDING SUMMER cottage, furnished, hydro, good water supply, wonderful beach, 10 miles from Clinton. Leonard G. Winter, real estate, phones: business 448, residence 5991. 24-bttb THREE -ROOMED and modern bathroom, 1e storey dwelling, full basement, 1/2 storey second floor to be completed, one acre lot. Clinton suburbs. Leonard G. Winter, real estate, phones: business 448, residence 5991. 24-btfb. HOUSE in the Town of Goderich. Centrally located, not too large, not too small just right, in good condition. Frame construction, covered with Insulbric siding. Apply to Graham Inglis, Goderich. 30-31-b LOST AND FOUND FOUND — On No. 8 Highway, four miles west of Clinton, a spare wheel and tire of transport or gravel truck. Owner may have seine by identifying end paying expenses. K. C. Cooke, phone 66w. 30-b MISCELLANEOUS SAWS, ALL KINDS, FIT.>:'D at C. Hoare's orotund, mile north of town. Will work odd days har- vesting, etc. Call evenings at house, if possible. 24-31-p FOR TUPPERWARE, vacuum - sealed diehes and beautiful six gauge plartic table cloths, please call Mrs. Fred L. Miller, Rattan - bury St., Clinton. Phone 334W. 30-35-b ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices. If not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead, phone at once. Phone collect, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Gode- rich. 2btfb STOP, LOOK, LISTEN. Just received' word that prices are slashed in half. Wonderful bar- gains beginning now. In Du Jour Men's, Women's, children's and baby wear. Buy Kendex ny- lons guaranteed for a period of three months or money refunded. School days will soon roll around again. ' Why not outfit children at half the price and save. I also have lovely wrapping paper and beautiful every day cards to suit your need's. Why not drop around and see for yourself or phone 6891 and I will call and see you. Mrs. Roy Mann. 30 -3i -b NOTICES SEWAGE DISPOSAL, pumping out septic tanks and disposing, Have up-to-date power pump and tank. Prepared to clean out schools and public buildings. Irvin Conon, phone Milverton 75r4. ° 28-39-p WHITEWASHING end Cleaning. Victor Hargreaves, Brucefield, phone Clinton 625r23. 28-37-p ANYONE FOUND TRESPASSING on Part Lots No. 41 and 51, both sides of the River, Tuckersmith Township, at any time hereafter, will be prosecuted. By order of owner, A. E. Parry, May 3rd, 1951. 27-31-p PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO carefully tuned. Just call G. W. Cox et Clinton 550R. 43tfb 25 YEARS' EXPERIENCE with Sherlock -Manning Pianos Limit- ed; tuning .and repairing; all 'work guaranteed. E. C, Nickle, phone Clinton 339J. 20-21-pffb POULTRY FOR SALE 325 PULLETS, ready to lay. Douglas Farquhar, phone Clinton 805-5. 29-30-h MIXED CHICKS, dayoids, end pullets. Also started pullets. From Bray Hatchery. Ask for July prices. Immediate delivery on these, Agent—Mrs. Alex Pater- son, Brucefield. TRAILERS FOR SALE 1942 CANADIAN HAYES. 20 -ft. trailer, excellent condition, ac- com,panying lot available; oil heating; electric brakes for trav- el; ' reasenalble price. Must 'sell immediately. Somers, % A B C Ranch, Clinton. Call after five during week, 30-b Mrs. J. W. Shobbrook Heads Keen Family The Keen family annual pic- nic was held at High Park, To- ronto, on July 15. The reunion was graced by the presence of Mrs. A. Hanna, Greensville, Pa.; Mrs. Fred Mac- Bride, Port Hope, Ontario; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Shobbrook, Clin- ton; Mr. and Mrs. William Wil- lard, Buffalo, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Keen, Barrie; and hosts of" other relatives from New York, Toronto, Lakeview, Part Hope, Cobourg, and Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Keen, Barrie, received many congrat- ulations from relatives on the event of their golden wedding, anniversary. Mrs. J. W. Shobbroak, Clinton, was president of the group with Norman Keen, Lakeview, as secretary. BIRTHS DOCKING—In Stratford General Hospital on Monday, July 23, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Docking, Staffa, a daughter. LARIN--In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Tuesday, July 24, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Larin, R!CIAF Station, Clinton, a dau- ghter. MERR3LL' — Sn. Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, July 21, 1951,.to Mr. and Mrs. Jack' Memnili, R. R. 2, Clinton, a daughter. REGIER.--In Clinton Public Hos- vital, on Tuesday, July 24, 1951, to Mr. and Mag. Gerald Region, Zurich. a son. REID-In Clinton Public Hospital,.. on Tuesday, July 24, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reid, Hensall, a son. REMPEL-In St. Catharines Hos- pital, on Tuesday, July 24, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rempel (nee Joan Fines) a son. .RIEHrL—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Monday, July 23, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. William Riehl, Blyth, a son. MARRIAGES CLARK-MaMLLLAN — In James Si. United Church Manse, Exe- ter, by Rev. H. J, Snell, on Saturday afternoon, July 21, 1951, Annie 'Mamie 1VRAVIi lan to James Alfred Clark, both of Hensall. LOVE-GREEN—In St. George's United Chun& Ohape8;, Lon den, by Rev. George E, Trimble, Margaret Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Percival Green. Toronto, to Howard Pollock Love, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mil- ton Love, Hensall. DEATHS ARGENT—At his late residence, Blyth, on Thursday, July 19, 1951, Frederick Argent, in his 83rd year. Funeral from Task- er Funeral Home, Blyth, to (Clinton Cemetery Saturday af- ternoon, July 21. LEWIS—•Suddenly, at Toronto, on Monday, July 23, 1951, Margaret (Dell) Lauder, Toron- to, beloved wife of the late Dr. E. P. Lewis, in her 57th year. Funeral from the Morley S. Bedford Chapel, Toronto, to Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Wed- nesday afternoon, July 25. W -W SS PICNIC Wesley -Willis United Church Sunday School picnic will be held Wednesday, August 1, cars to meet at church at 1.30 p.m. EXECUTORS' SALE of HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS of the Estate of Mrs. Annie M. Fothergill, on No, 4 Highway, in the Village of Londesboro, on Saturday, August 4 at 2 p.m., the following: Nine -piece walnut parlor suite of chairs, platform rocker and settee; 2 bedroom suites, inner spring mattress, single bed, inner spring mattress; cherry drop-leaf table; kitchen extension table and six chairs; kitchen cupboard; kitchen table; small tables; bar- room chair; music cabinet; vict- rola; coal oil heater; 3 trunks; baby's cradle; toilet set; pictures; dishes including antiques, sealers; cooking utensils; step Sadder; gar- den tools; and other tools, wheel barrow, warm jack, quantity of lumber, and numerous other am bieles. TERMS—CASH Mrs. Margaret Crich, Executrix Edwin Fothergill, Executor EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer 30-31-,b CEMENT CHIMNEY BLOCKS Build or Repair Chimneys GUY IVES Phone Carlow 1612 14 -150th 44-4-4 otcounreota 1... e.seavtcc Get There Safely! CALL 1.10 ASHTON'S TAXI K. C. COOKE FLORIST Phones: Greenhouse 663 Residence 66W Hensall Bowling Club Progessing A. Kerslake or W. O. Goodwin. The members of Hensall Bowl- ing Club met in the Town Hall Monday evening, July 23, to make further arrangements for bowling, with the president, A. L. Case, in the chair. The minutes of the first meet- ing were read and adopted after Ed Fink's donation of installing the waterworks free had been included. ' The report by the secretary -treasurer, R. E. Shad dick, showeda nice balance on hand. The various committees presented their reports and par- ticular credit was given to Dr. Doxcy and his committee for the splendid work they had done in preparing the lawn which it is anticipated will be ready to bowl in August. Up to the present time about 24 members have joined. There is still room for more and all those wishing to join may contact G. M. Drysdale, L. Luker, Reeve Bride -elect Feted Prior to Marriage Complimenting Miss J u e n Brandon, Bayfield, popular bride - elect of this month, Mrs. Cecil Kipfer, Hensall, was hostess for a presentation in her honor. Mem- bers of the Tuesday Evening Club and old neighbours were present for the occasion. The presenta- tion of a lovely well mirror was made to Miss Brandon by ,the Club, while neighbours present- ed her with an end table. Mrs. Kipfer read the address, and the presentations were made by Mrs. Mervyn Hayter, Varna; and Mrs. Ross Anderson, Beigrave. She was also the recipient of many other gifts. A recreational per- iod was enjoyed including a con- test, "Dressing the Bride." Mrs. George Hess and her group were the winners. Luncheon was serv- ed. Miss Brandon was formerly on the teaching staff of I ensall Public School. CARD OF THANKS '., Mrs: W. G. Stinson and family Wish to express their sincere ap- preoiation to the nurses of the Clinton Public Hospital for their many kindnesses shown during the illness of the late Mrs. David Prentice. . Also, they would like to express their appreciation to all their friends for their many kindnesses' and sympathy during their recent bereavement. 30p IN MEMORIAM SWITZER--In loving memory of a dear son and brother, Franklin Donald Switzer, who passed away one years ago, July 27, 1950. "It's lonesome at home .without you Frankie And sadis the weary way For life is not the same to us Since you werecared, away. If we had all the world to give We'd give it, yes, and more, To hear your voice, and see your smile And greet you at the door. So you who have a son, Cherish him, with care, You'll never know the heartache Till you see the vacant chair." —Sadly missed by Mommie, Dad, Sandra, Linda and Chuckle. IN MEMORIAM SWITZER—In loving memory of Frankie Switzer, who passed awes,one year ago, July 27, 1950. "We do not forget him We loved him too dearly For his memory to fade From our lives like a dream Our lips need not speak. When our hearts mourn sincerely For grief often dwells Where it seldom is seen" —Ever remembered by Grandma and Grandpa ,Switzer and Berva. IN MEMORIAM SWITZER Im loving memory of our dear little grandson and nephew, Frankie, who passed away one year ago, July 27, 1950. "How much of light, how much of joy Is buried with our little boy." -Ever remembered by Grandma and Grandpa Falconer, and aunt and uncles. Our Weekend Special... Oatmeal Date Squares IT'S A REAL TREAT IF YOU BUY IT AT Schroeder's Bakery (Successor to Dixon's Pastry Shop) PHONE 364 RATTENBURY ST. E. CLINTON ROXY THEATRE CLINTON REGENT THEATRE S E A F O R T H Now Playing—AU Week: "MA AND PA KETTLE BACK ON THE FARM" Now: "OPERATION PACIFIC" John Wayne & Patricia Neal Mon. Tues. Wed. (July 30 -Aug. 1) �� L O U The funniest fainly comedy that has come oust of Holl ,wood 5n- a long time. It's a riots Ronald Reagan, Charles Coburn, Ruth Hussey & Edmund Gwenn — ALL WEEK — ;July 30th. to August 4th MARJORIE MAIN and nERCY KiLBRirn Return again in their newest and most hilarious fun -show "MA AND PA '. KETTLE BACK ON THE FARM" The whole family is back, complete with the kids, the Indians and a brand-new grand - son for Ma. and Pa to raise. Its a full week of riotous laughter!! Thurs., Fri., sat. (Aug. 2-4) Gary Cooper, Ruth Roman and Steve Cochran See Gary at his all-time best as a rugged rebel on the far iron- tier. This is a story that ranks with the mightiest. " D ALL As,' A superwestern in Technicolor Coming: "ADAM'S RIS" starring Spencer Tracy • NallIMMIC I. Coming: "THE FULLER BRUSH GIRL" starring Lucille Ball 11111•01111111114PAINIMINOMMILMINIV CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH—Phone 1,150 MI, PARK THEATRE GODERICH -- Phone 47 Now: "The Story of Seabiscuit" In Technicolor with Shirley Temple Now: `BADMEN OF TOMB - STONE" Barry Sullivan and Marjorie Reynolds MON., TUES.,, WED. Jean Simmons — Trevor Howard and Sonia Dresdel Britain's sensational young star in her latest and greatest dramatic characterization 'The Clouded Yellow' MON., TUES., WED. George Montgomery, Gale Storm and Noah Beery, Jr. Cineoolor adds to the scenic background 'of a fast-moving ad - venture with the notorious Sam Bass and his nemesis. "The Texas Rangers" THURS., FRI., SAT. Van Johnson & Warner Anderson The truly great war story of this year. Depicting the exploits of a regimental combat team that won fame in the Italian campaign. "GO FOR BROKE" THURS., FRI„ SAT. Penny Singleton—Arthur Lake Larry Simms Dagwood becomes involved with blackmailers in this latestnatri- adventure of the Bumstead family. "Beware of Blondie" Coming: "Goodbye My Fancy" with Joan Crawford and Eve Arden Coming: "SHOW BOAT" with Kathryn Grayson—Technicolor WHY WAIT? Come NOW, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow: though they be red like crim- son, they shall be as wool." Isaiah 1-18 REPENT ye therefore and be CONVERTED that your sins may be blotted out. Acts 3, 19 CHAS. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles, 53—ABC Network Sundays 4.00 p.m. EST i at PICKETT and CAMPBELL Phone 25 (Opposite the Theatre) CLINTON Sport Shirts ASSORTED SIZES AND SHADES Reg. Price to $5.95 SPECIAL at 31195 & 2.95 Join the parade to our store during this big Mid -Summer Sale. • Nine days of specials that will please you as well as your purse. Shown here are only a few of the many articles offered on this sale. a Drop in and browse around . , SPORT COATS .... $18.95 ea. MEN'S SUITS , $49.50 $39.50 BOYS' SUITS ..... $10.95 ea. T-SHIRTS $1.98 ea. .98 ea. DRESS SHIRTS $2.95 ea. TIES_ .. ,. 95c ea.; 2 for $1.75 SOCKS 89c pr. SWIM SUITS $2.95' KIDDIES SHOES,.. $2.50 & $3.50 BOYS' SHOES ..... , ., $2:95 MEN'S SHOES . $3.95 up i DUNGAREES 7, OZ. SANFORIZED DENIM ALL SIZES Reg. $3.95 Special at $3.35 OVERALLS 8 OZ. SANFORIZED DENIM ALL SIZES Reg. $5.50 Special at $4.25 -r�+s.a ANNUAL MID-SUMMER,SALE, July 26 to Aug. 4