HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1951-06-28, Page 9THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1951 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE NINE ItCAP.Sitotion. and Adastral Park. News RCAF School Pupils Enjoy Big Sports Day Enthusiasm reigned at a high tempo as the pupils of AVM Hugh Campbell Public School, RCAF Sta'ttion, competed in a spm o th AF dayC Spdorts Fr iir b enefit. RI Field Wed- nesday afternoon last. F/L J. H. Lynch was in charge, assisted by the staff of the School and other RCAF personnel. Results of the various `keen contests were as follows: Boys and girls, age 3-5 — J. Dunn, Harvey Christie, Jean Campbell; boys and girls, 5-7— 'Cynthia Bury, Wendy Carpenter, Ann. Garton; girls, 7-9 — Merle 'Knoblaudh, Maxine Munro, Karen Campbell; boys, 7 -9 -Billy Carp- enter, Brent Barkley, Gerald Hach; girlg. 10-11—Dianne Miller, Pay Foster, Gloria Nurnan; boys, 10-11 David Lamb, Jimmy "Powell, John Barkley; girls, 12- 14 --Judy Ogston, Gloria Lamb, Marie Refausse; boys, 12-14 Bobby Cameron, Gordie Chamb- ers, Don Craig; Three-legged, girls, 8 and under —Kathleen Norris and Wendy Carpenter, Sandra Maclean and -Karen Campbell; three-legged, boys and girls, 9 and over—Judy Ogston and Janet Mills, Bobbie 'Cameron and Gordle Chembers; "wheelbarrow, boys and girls, 8 and under — Bobbie Carey and Duncan Craig, Karen Campbell end Sandra Maclean; wheelbar- row, 9 and over—Freddie Lynch and Sammy Jenkins, Don Craig and Jimmy Powell; ladies' run- ning rake --MTs. Carey, Mrs, Turn- bull, Mrs. •Chambers. 0 AI'RMEN'S WIVES BAZAAR IS GREAT SUCCESS Clinton Council Chamber was the scene of a most suocessfel bazaar, sponsored by the Air- men's Wives' Auxiliary, RCAF Station, Saturday afternoon. Many prettily -decorated and wellear- ranged tablesattracted many buyers. In charge of the tables were; Mrs. Clarke, Mrs. W. Cal'well, serving table; Mrs. G. Dawson, apron table; Mrs. W. Averill, Mrs. A. Carter. baking table; Mrs. 1VLichaud, Mrs. L, Dell, knitting table; Mrs. B. Johnston, Mrs. Robitelle, candy table; Mrs, D. Adams, rummage table. During the afternoon a draw was made for a quilt by Chief of Police Joseph Ferrand, This was won by Mrs. Zeto. Mrs. J. Clarke is president of the active group. Perfect tea is so easy to make with "SALM" TEA BAGS Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND Dancing Nightly SATURDAY, JUNE 23 to LABOR DAY OBBY DOWNS and his ORCHESTRA MIDNIGHT DANCE July 2nd -- 012.05 a.m. Remember! Dancing Every Night! 25-26-b 4 W First thing to do in Detroit is check in at Hotel Tuller! You'll enjoy every. minute:Newly Beautifully decorated. Within walking distance of all downtown stores,theatres and business activ- ities ... yet, you enjoy the ever- green atmosphere of Grand Circus Park ... The Tuller Coffee Shop or Cafeteria for excellent foal modestly priced. COCKTAIL LOUNGE ONE OF DETROIT'S FINEST 800 ROOMS $3 WITH BATH FROM Rvtef ?eller Marry E. Paulsen, Geri! Mgr DETROIT'S "H RST" IN CONVENIENCE • COMFORT QUALITY TRAPSHOOTING PROVES POPULAR WITH AIRMEN (By LAC_ Lionel Gunn) Members of the RCAF Fish and Game Club attended a trapshoot at Goderich during the evening of Wednesday, June 20, at the range of the Goderich Trap - Shooting Club. Many other clubs were there including those from Kipper) and Sarnia. A high wind was blowing over the bluffs and causing the 'birds to have a very erratic flight. it was one of those days when the really experienced shooters held the field and I am glad to say that Cpl. Des, Webber was in this class, Des came home with a lovely beer stein and two cigarette light- ers — a sign of his excellent marksmanship. All members pres- ent spent a very enjoyable even- ing and are very much impressed with ,the friendliness and help that always greets us when we come in contact with another club. Our thanks go to the Goderich club for the use of their trap- range and for their very kind of- fer for its future use. Negotiations are at present un- derway for the printing of mem- bership cards and it it hoped that these will be ready for distribu- tion at the general meeting on July 10. At this meeting we also hope to decide upon a design for a club crest and if any member has ideas on this subject I would like him to sketch them on a sheer; of paper and give them to me or bring them to the meet- ing. If you have any ideas but cannot put them on paper, just call on me in the Drawing Office and perhaps I can give you a hand with the sketching. 0 RCAF FLYERS LOSE DECISION BY ONLY 1-0 Dashwood edged Clinton RCAF Flyers 1-0 in a well -played Hur- on -Perth Intermediate "C" base- ball fixture at Dashwood Monday night. The victory gave Dash- wood its sixth win in seven games having tied their other contest. J. Hayiter with two hits paced the Dashwood batters, while Wingfield, with a pair of safeties, was best for the airmen. Clinton RCAF 000 000 000-0 6 4 Dashwood 000 100 00x—'1 5 2 Ireland and Adams; Robertson and Kleinstiver, For Summer Homes and Cottages— draws cold th our of loom -,ends hoc .1'' Disc it instead of hating outside -circulates %It - fuel -no mom cold eveenings a conga TWEED STEEL WORKS Limited Dept. 27F TWEED, Ont. ADASTRAL PARK... Social and Personal Visiting with F/S and Mrs, M. was unable to say anything when Mackenzie, 5 Toronto Blvd., is presented with a smell token of the former's smother, Mrs. Mac- friendship. A delicious lunch kenzie, Toronto. was served. Spending a few days with F/S Third Birthday and Mrs. S. Jenkins are the let- Tuesday afternoon, Scott Mae- ter's father and mother, Mr. and kenzie celebrated his third birth - Mrs. S. Clements, Picton, and her day with a party, inviting his sister, Mrs. A. Anderson, Handl- small friends to help him cele ton, boat°. It was in a way of fare - Glimpse Into Future well to his playmates for now. Friends gathered at the home In the air force you always meet of Mrs. A. Maines, Quebec Rd„ friends again. Wednesday. ` June 20, to have Preparing to Move their fortunes told to find out Home for the week in prepare- what the future may have in store tion for moving is F/S M. Mac - for them, kenzie. Saturday is departing Celebrates Third day for Trenton where Morley Celebrating her third birthday already has taken up his duties. Friday, June 22, Michele Ed- Goodbye and good luck to Morley. wards, 2 Toronto Blvd., invited and Norma: May we meet again, 'many small friends to a lovely Goodbye. and Good Luck! birthday party. Everyone had a Miss Irene Maloney, teacher at wonderful time. AVM Hugh Campbell School, Farewell leaves Thursday for Halifax, to Friends and neighbors gathered spend the summer at -home. With Monday evening, June 25, at the the opening of school in the fall, home of Mrs. G. Craig, Regina Miss Maloney will assume her Rd., to say goodbye to Mrs. M. teaching duties at RCAF School, Mackenzie who is leaving Satur- Goose. Bay. Goodbye and good day. Completely surprised, Norma luck! o,.+s++-H-+-+ Goderich Township -44-•-•-•-4-4-4-•-•-•-•4-•-. 4 -•-•-• 4-0-* H Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wise have returned from a trip to Kincaid, Sask. They journeyed each way by plane and found it most en - j oyable. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Leslie, Sara- toga, Calif., who have been visit- ing the McNaughton's in London, are now spending several weeks with MT. and Mrs. Fred Middle- ton and Mrs. James Johnston. Mr. John and Miss Kathleen McNaughton, and Mr. and Mrs. Ritchie McNaughton, all of Lon- don, and D . Il(. .McNaugihton, Brucefield, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Middleton. Congratulations! Ex -Reeve and Mrs. James R. Stirling, who are celebrating that- 49th heir49th ,wedding anniversary on Tuesday, are spending a few days with friends in Bruce County, Children Feted Dale Burgy, who has been teaching at S.S. No. 5, Porter's Hill, for a number of years, and is leaving at the end of the term, gave the children a rare treat on Friday. He chartered Mr. Mur- phy's bus and took them to Niag- ara Falls, accompanied by some of the parents. All reported a most enjoyable trip. Needlecraft News by Pau i e Roy BEACH ACCESSORIES are particularly attractive this summer — and very useful, too. If you're trying to cut corners on your budget you plight try making some of those articles yourself. You will probably be happily surprised by the results. One of the latest trends in beach- wear is the stoic -towel. One side of the stole can be made of a gaily printed cotton with the other side lined with terry cloth, In this way you can stretch out on the terry cloth or drape it around you to ward off the blistering sun from tender shoulders and arms. A matching draw -string beach bag can be made of the scone printed cotton and lined with either terry cloth or plastic. A plastic fabric is particularly good for lining because you can carry your wet swim suit or towel with no fear of moisture coming through. White or pastel colored terry cloth will he seen at the shore this year in beach coats and capes: These styles range from short elbow -length capes to wrist -length jackets and dress- length dusters. You can choose your length according to the degree that you burn or tan. The various pattern companies have many styles in their catalogues from whish you may choose. Beach bags usually carry all sorts of paraphernalia—sun glasses, sun tan lotion, make up, comb, facial tissues, towel, money purse and even lunch. With such a mixture things are liable to become mixed up. 13u not with the new style bag. On the outside it sports a deep roomy pocket in which you can keep articles within easy reach that you will need most often, While you're making your own . beach accessories this year include an extra bathing suit in your plans..The green and white peppermint -striped bathing suit shown above is an ex- ample of what can be sewn at home and makes a perfect addition to your • vacation wardrobe. You will require just one and seven -eighths yards of material altogether — one and a half yards of the striped material and three-eighths of a yard of the plain fabric, for the band and the straps. This suit caries in double-quick time which is another advantage. It's a nice little suit for sunning in your own hack yard too, If you would like to have a direction leaflet for making this BATHING SUIT just send a stamped, self-addressed envelope to thus paper. Ask for Leaflet No. E-2165. TUCKER•SMITH ,. Couple Honoured Prior to her marriage to Murray Camern Culver. on June 23, Miss i Eileen Walters, Tuckersmith Township, was guest of honour at a shower given at the home of Mrs. Greg McGregor, Tucker - smith, where friends and neigh- bours gathered to present her with a large number of miscel- laneous gifts. She was seated in a pink and white chair, and little Barbara' Falconer, dressed' in a pink taffeta dress, brought in a decorated wagon, piled high with gifts, which the bride opened. thanking everyone for their kind- ness. The programme for the even- ing consisted of readings by Mrs. G. McGregor, Mrs. Bert Garrett and Mrs. Ed Layton, also a dial- ogue by Ms. G. R. Fear, Clinton, and Mrs. Howard Johns. There was a parade of wedding gowns of the past. The highlight of the evening was the entering of three bridal couples: Mrs. Elmer Town- send, groom, Mrs. Christie Brown, bride; Mrs, Alden Crich, groom. Miss Jean Brown, bride; Mrs. Warren Whitmore, groom, Miss Ruth Brown, bride; which brought forth a great deal of laughter. The hostess and her helpers serv- ed a dainty lunch. A miscellaneous shower was given the bride end groom -to -be at the Community Centre, Brant- ford, by relatives and frlends. Cards and dancing were enjoyed by all. The manager and assistants of the Brantford Coach and Body Company, of which Miss Walters and Mr. Culver are employees, presented them with a table lamp. Also, the office staff, consisting of 25 girls, presented Eileen with a blonde coloured cocktail table. BLYTH +-e-4-4-+4 4-+ Blyth Community Centre Board has raised the rental of the grounds from ten per cent of the gate receipts to a flat rate of $25 plus $5 for use of floodlights. Action was taken after R. D. Philp, treasurer, read the financial report which showed receipts were insufficient to meet maint- enance costs. Rates for ball games will remain as previously set at ten per cent of gate receipts plus $5 for floodlights, Skinny men, women gain 5,10,15 lbs. Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor What a thrill! Bony limbs 1111 out; ugly hol- totvs mn up; nook no longer scrawny; body loses half-starved, sickly bean -polo" look. Thou- sands of girls, woman, men, who nova could gain be. fora, aro' now proud of Ehapoly, healthy -looking bodies. Ti1oy thank the soh - clot vigor -building, gash - building took, Ostant. Ito tonics, stimulants,Invlgora- tArs. iron, vitamin nil cal- cium, enrich blood, improve appetite and digestion so and nourishment! pmoro at flash on bare bones. Get Lovely Curves Don't fear getting TOO fat, sten when you've gained tho 5, 10, 15 or 20 lbs, you need for normal weight. Oasts relic. Noly "got naou¢Inted" silo only tee. Toy famous Ostroxonic Tlets for new vigor and addedibounds, tide very day. At all druggists. 44,4e+*4-4,41.4 Editor: Sgt. J. E. MiLL'E10 Assistant Station PRO. No. 34 In The Air . Force "COMRADES IN prepared by the Directorate Situated half way up the bleak coast of Labrador is one of the most unusual radio stations in Canada. For sixteen hours of every day it is on the air with popular programs as Fibber Mc- Gee and Molly, Twenty Questions end the Bob Hope' show . but not one commercial is heard. Listeners to the station eeceifre no plaintive queries into the con- dition of their liver, complexion or smoking hack, They get their disc -jockey shows uninterrupted by singing commercials, The radio station is CFGB, the Voice of Labrador at Goose Bay airport and there is good reason for the absence of commercials. ARMS" of Public Relations OFGB is in the heart of the large RCAF base at Goose Bay and its only listeners are Canadian and American servicemen, Department of Transport officials, Trans- Canada airlines handling person- nel and a few 'hundred mission- aries, Eskimos, ,Indians and Lab- rador natives, in the vicinity. Owned and operated by the Air Force, the station is staffed by volunteer announcers, technicians end disc jockeys. Many records are provided by the Armed Forces Information Service of the United States. These are recordings of regular programs but with the commer- cials deleted, BRUCEFIELD Roy Leppington has purchased George Swan's house. Mr. and Mrs, Ben Kaiser, De- troit. spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. H. Zapfe, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Scott and Ruth are on a holiday trip to Buffalo and other points. Miss Marg Aikenhead, London, visited .during the weekend with her mother, Mrs. H. Aikenhead, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Boyes attend ed the wedding of their grand- daughter, Miss Mona Reid, whose marriage to Ralph Stephenson took place in St. John's Anglican Church, Varna.vlast Saturday. Indurction Friday Induction services for Rev. William Maines will be 'held Fri- day evening, June 29, at 8.30. A social hour and reception will follow the service. ♦+t -a+1•4- HOLMESVILLE The piano pupils of Miss Eileen Glidden will present their annual recital in the Church Auditorium on Wednesday evening, July 4. at 8.30. Recent guests with Mrs. W. H. Johnston were LAC and Mrs. Merrell, Fort Nelson; Mr. and Mrs, William Westleke, Blue - water; Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Fuller, 6th concession, Goderich Town- ship. - ADDITIONS TO PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Too Late To Classify Me1VIASTER PAINTERS Matilda St., Clinton Spray and Brush, Steeplejacking, Commercial Buildings Roofs end Houses JAMES S.'CULP 52 Elgin Ave. Phone 512 Goderich Representative of State -Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co. for Clinton, Bay,lield and ' Goderich areas, Watch This Space for opening date of our Studio in CLINTON! MacLaren's Studio Phone 401 GODERICH 92 St. David St. 23.obt le isasee 1►1t4-4-04++ .4 44.4 4-asse'++hseee` eeesaa. I Kee p This Night Free! Wednesday, July 11 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. ROUNDEL TERRACE RCAF STATION for THE MADHATTERS TORONTO starring 'Benny Silverton and Frank Palmer, baritone, star of Stage, Screen and Radio ADMISSION: Gents $1; Ladies Free 26-27-b 'lit@ ` gni cf t ►w@ 4e j r@edigir By Roe Farms Service Dept r• •0 i y�TO /// ���"' ._...--• - ^- WELL, JOE, JUST AS JET PLANES SPEED UP FLYING, SO THE NEW ROE RANGE YOU BET, JOE,YOU DON'T HAVE FEED ROE RANGE PELLES,J,O ROE RANGE CONCENTRATE PELLETS BOTHER GETTING YOUR GRAIN GROUND AND MIXED WITH A R, ACCORDING•TOTHEAGEOFYOURBi,RDSATGTO 8 WEEKS OLD ON THE RANGE GIVE THEM1 PART —�•—'' 7- CONCENTRATE.JUST FEEDYOUR JET FEEDING, WHOLE GRAIN AND ROE RANGE EH, DOC'' CONCENTRATE PELLETS.YOU CAN EVEN FORGET HOPPERS PELLETS TO 2 PARTS OF GRAIN:THIS CAN BE INCREASED AS THE PULLETS GROW OLDER UNTIL THEY GET ALMOST 4 PARTS OF GRAIN TO IOF ROE CONCENTRATE PELLETS AT 3 AND 4 MONTHS OLD. BUT REMEMBER THIS, M xisd, SPEED` O'EEp1 NG' Op T1jyEa SAy %/4/ t WItrffr �" �� DOC, JUST LOOK YEP—THEY'RE - PRETTYPFEY' JOE. AT THOSE JET , PLANES TRAVEL 1 ' TALKING ABOUT (... SPE E D,TH000H AND THROW THEFEED /i, `,rl► - ONTHE GROUND. /,/ �' 30E, NEVER LET YOUR BIRDS BE OUTOFWATER.. FILL UP THE VESSELS AGAIN LATE IN THE DAY THEY HAVE ENOUGH lA PM�Nr AQN N/ASr� 0 / , , WHAT ABOUT PELLETS SPEED UP SPEED, DOC ? FEEDING ONTHE RANGE. / TO MAKE SURE r NES pNCPaLE S 4';!/. �' f• l i / �. r 7".---.7.-..--.----.Aur-vi- Al QRS GRA lEf i GC ,� gb " !(\ _ � .> N \ �. / �,% i f e 1 ���,. I � r'` `` . /Q®� , lir !� > , V' Cf�' �(/,/ F iti .45.....--'7.,:...1ir i , %i � �, ,� `� ; :: '��:•le °f _• f ., �a4 I!�`i-� *Intl !C,,� \C\1 ' it h �`,,� l's* ':'4'4" �'iii 3 t r. _� c R Amax: ;1:'-11:'' �•.. *% i''' p, e Vim;* '��',f111111ft 1"�`��. �, d , tris s 1 i .. , s\ n I I s • � � 1NNAAfp^/y�R�M• .` a a a l k _ F4 "-- � , I` �•. ant Fitt IS q , �;� � , ,� 4411 , ` �'� �---. ;A, •.. (� ,-�` IIBII!il. 811�Iildl 41". ') .- is H. Charlesworth ,. 1r ' l ,- ` ��► iA liw"yc=1� ,."'a"• ,,�, '' --.. '' s►a (1�1 " II ,y, ,, l iii1 , /( rl� if ,1 w„o :. +f, ` _ �.y. lU/ T �''�=-•---- ! "l..--, '. CLINTON A. J. MUSTARD BRUCEFIELD